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S11.E24: Live Semifinal (Top 8) Results

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Shit! I picked everyone except Josh. Really wanted Ali in there. Miley's mouth was wide open, I think she was expecting Ali to get through. Yeah, I feel bad for her too. Thought she had a real shot with Ali.  Darn those country votes!

When I heard Josh was doing that song, I knew everyone else was in trouble.

Edited by Valny
  • Love 1

While iTunes results haven't been perfect predictors, the overall season performances would lead one to believe the actual T3 - Billy, Sundance, We.

The last person I thought would be Christian after 2 consecutive T10s on iTunes, but I guess without a 2nd Blake contestant to vote for Blake's fanbase went with the generic country guy.

20 minutes ago, jjjmoss said:

While iTunes results haven't been perfect predictors, the overall season performances would lead one to believe the actual T3 - Billy, Sundance, We.

The last person I thought would be Christian after 2 consecutive T10s on iTunes, but I guess without a 2nd Blake contestant to vote for Blake's fanbase went with the generic country guy.

It always seems kind of insulting to assume that people get votes because of their coach's fanbase (and clearly her millions of Twitter followers didn't help Miley). Even more insulting to think that "Blake's fanbase" voted for a guy on Adam's team because their idol (blake) is a country music guy.  Seriously. How does that make any sense?

I could, however, see that people who like country music (or just like Josh) would vote for the only country music singer over the rest.  I like country music myself--and I like Blake (and would have liked to have heard him sing more of Sundance's song last night)--but if I voted for Sundance it would have been for him, as a singer of a genre of music I like, period.   If anything, I would think people voting purely as "Blake fans" (if there are any such people) would NOT vote for a country singer on Adam's team, just because of the Blake-Adam "rivalry" and how Adam has gone on and on about wanting to gloat if he wins with a country singer.

That said, I'm sorry to see Josh as F4. Other than Aaron, I think he was least deserving of going on.

  • Love 10

Just watched the instant save performances on Youtube.  I preferred Ali out of the three.  I never heard of that song before but I think she did a great job.  I don't like most country music so it's unlikely that I would ever pick the country singer as my favorite.  It seems like Josh did a decent job though.  Didn't care for Christian.  His performance and song choice felt pretty dated.  

I do think the coach can be a factor in voting.  Not saying that people blindly vote for contestants just based on the coach, but the coach is an endorsement of sorts.  If you find that your tastes align well with certain coaches, you might weigh their opinions more heavily or look upon their contestants more favorably than you normally would.  Nothing wrong with this.  It's a bias.  Same goes for genre or religious songs or whatever.  If you like country music and don't care for R&B music for example, then you are more likely to support a good country singer over a good R&B singer.  

I think there's a Team Adam advantage in the instant save.  Adam almost always comes away with a win there when his contestants land in the bottom.  The sole exception was Owen Danoff last season who landed in the bottom for the second week in the row and screwed up the lyrics.  As to why, I would guess it's a combination of voter age, the genre, and Adam himself.  Oh, and you can throw in performance order as well.  I think people have overstated this in the past (there are actually quite a few examples when the last person doesn't win and the twitter save period is really quite short), but it's probably a bit of a factor.  

Edited by Noreaster
38 minutes ago, windtrix said:

I thought exactly the same thing! I think the save vote is unfair because it only includes part of the country. I bet Ali would have won over Josh if everyone got a vote. As a west coaster, this makes me want to dump this show.

Yup, the Peter Gabriel song is the only "Sledgehammer" I know.

It's a good point about west coast votes not counting for the save. I know there are country fans everywhere, but I'm sure there's a higher concentration in the south, where the votes count, than the west coast, where they don't.

I'm in the "anybody but We" camp, as I will never forgive her for that "God Bless the Child" abomination. But as the only remaining singer in her genre, I think that unfortunately she's now the favorite.

  • Love 1

I knew Adam would lose one of his contestants immediately.  But I was very shocked that it was Brendan.  I thought it'd be Josh, for sure.  But this makes it ironic.  Weeks ago, either Adam or Blake said that the battle of the rockers would be between Aaron and Brendan for who'd last longer.  Instead, both got tossed at the same time!

I suspect that Aaron knew it was coming.  He seemed ready for the hammer to drop, honestly.  At least he took it well.

Congratulations, Alicia!  By getting Wé to the finale, she's now only the second new coach to get an artist to the finale on her very first attempt, the first being Usher, who got Michelle Chamuel to the finale of his first season, season four.  Was hoping she'd get Christian there, too, but . . . no beating that country vote, I guess.

And poor Miley!  She really did seem to think that Ali would make it, and she did the best job of the three, bar none.  Sucks for her that she's the only coach with no artist in the finale!  I felt so bad for her!:(

Josh is the blandest, most boring contestant left.  I can't believe the Twitter voters liked him enough to save him.  Idiots.  But if there's an upside, the person saved by Twitter in the semifinals almost always comes in last of the finalists, so here's hoping he comes in fourth next week.

I still don't see why anyone *cough*@TheGreenKnight*cough* would want Billy to win in what would be one of the biggest anticlimaxes ever.  I'm throwing everything behind Sundance and Wé next week!  Come on, you two!  DO IT!

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Valny said:

Miley's mouth was wide open, I think she was expecting Ali to get through. Yeah, I feel bad for her too. Thought she had a real shot with Ali.  Darn those country votes!

Alicia didn't look too happy that Josh made it, either.  Though it was probably more for Christian being eliminated than Miley losing her final artist.

7 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

I really don't know anything about contemporary music, I guess, because when Carson said Ali was singing "Sledgehammer," I thought, "Whose bright idea was for her to sing Peter Gabriel?!?" 

That's exactly what I thought!  And then, for a minute, I thought she was making Peter Gabriel's song "her own" because I couldn't follow the tune or the lyrics.  Obviously, I need to familiarize myself with other Sledgehammers.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, windtrix said:

I think the save vote is unfair because it only includes part of the country. I bet Ali would have won over Josh if everyone got a vote. As a west coaster, this makes me want to dump this show.


4 hours ago, bluepiano said:

It's a good point about west coast votes not counting for the save. I know there are country fans everywhere, but I'm sure there's a higher concentration in the south, where the votes count, than the west coast, where they don't.

This theory doesn't really work.  This is the first time a country artist has ever won the twitter save even though a few have landed in the bottom.  

There are just some people who like Josh.  He also had a great night on Monday and reached #3 on itunes, behind Billy and Sundance .

51 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

So we've had Cassaddee Pope, Alison Porter and now likely Billy Gilman as winners.  Since when did this become "second chance at a career" instead of the Voice?

Always.  You just listed Cassadee who was in season 3.  And the show was mainly marketed as a "second chance" show in the early seasons.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

I really don't know anything about contemporary music, I guess, because when Carson said Ali was singing "Sledgehammer," I thought, "Whose bright idea was for her to sing Peter Gabriel?!?" 

Me too!  And as an 80's music lover, I was so annoyed that they were making her sing one of my least favorite 80's songs of all time.  Like @MaryPatShelby said, it was so stripped down that it took me a minute to even realize it wasn't Peter Gabriel's lol.

2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

So we've had Cassaddee Pope, Alison Porter and now likely Billy Gilman as winners.  Since when did this become "second chance at a career" instead of the Voice?

I'm not familiar with Cassadee Pope (I only started watching in Season 7 or 8, I think), but I totally agree about Alison and Billy.  And I guess Sundance was on Idol and has a following from there?  I just think it sucks for the other contestants who have no built-in fanbase already waiting to vote for them.

I really wanted Ali to go through, not just because I liked her, but because I've grown to like Miley so much.  I'm bummed for her.  I think Billy has it in the bag (unfortunately), but I guess I'm Team Anybody But We at this point.

I just hate for the losers that they miss out on the $100,000.00 prize.  That's really how I view this.  All the platitudes about becoming the next super star......really? It's beyond embarrassing at this point.  Granted, Jordan has done pretty well.  I'm not sure if The Voice kicked into gear and helped him or something else boosted Jordan to his success since winning, but, I still tend to be skeptical and view it more of a gloried money prize contest. Of course, they have to all pretend that it's more.  AI could boast that.  Not The Voice.

Sundance is okay,. but, I do not believe that he will go places.  Still, .....he gets that money.  I do think that Billy could do more.  Ali too, but not the rest, even if talented.

  • Love 2

I feel a little odd and disoriented. :-) This is the first season of the Voice where I never got attached to a single one of the singers. I  walked out multiple times during the weekly performances, not because I actively didn't care to hear them, but because they were so uninteresting, I'd get easily distracted by things like wanting to unload the dishwasher, or needing to call a prescription refill into the pharmacy or wondering  if my library card had expired and getting my wallet to check. 

What a boring, bland and ultimately pointless season, imo. About the only strong opinion I can summon up is that I find Miley Cyrus' attention-seeking wardrobe choices ridiculous. Dial it back, child, you get enough attention as it is!

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Noreaster said:

This theory doesn't really work.  This is the first time a country artist has ever won the twitter save even though a few have landed in the bottom.  

There are just some people who like Josh.  He also had a great night on Monday and reached #3 on itunes, behind Billy and Sundance .

Always.  You just listed Cassadee who was in season 3.  And the show was mainly marketed as a "second chance" show in the early seasons.

I think it has more to do with the fact that he performed last. Rarely has the person who performed last lost the Twitter Save. That's why Aaron survived so long, and how Adam got two people into the finale.

And so true about The Voice always being a second chance show. They also had Frenchie Davis, Tony Lucca, Javier Colon, Christina Grimmie, Jordis Unga, Judith Hill, Paula DeAnda, etc.

I was also hoping that Ali would win the Twitter save.  I don't think she will win but I did want her in the finals.  Then there could have been one from each coach.  I think Miley did a great job this season even if she doesn't have any finalists.  Oh well, Jennifer Hudson was eliminated too early in AI and she's a success. 

If Adam thinks he's going to win with a country artist, he's wrong.  If a country artist is going to win, it should be Sundance.  I think Billy is going to win.

ETA - I agree with whoever said that if Ali wasn't going to win the save, I was hoping that it would be Christian.  I also thought that Sledgehammer was going to be the Peter Gabriel song and I thought that was an odd choice.

Edited by realdancemom
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I'm also sorry that Miley doesn't have anyone from her team in the finals, given her enthusiasm for being a coach, and how passionately she supported her singers. I think she made a real contribution to the show. (Not looking forward to Gwen's return).

Personally, I'm okay with contestants who have prior professional experience. When The Voice first launched they made a point of saying that they wanted to give a second chance to singers whose careers had not panned out. It was part of their branding.

I think the idea was to make this show different from American Idol, where the contestants were mostly really young, with dreams of stardom but little or no performing experience. Of course, that's a generalization. Over the years Idol has had contestants like Adam Lambert, who had been on Broadway, while The Voice has had its share of high school students, including winners like Sawyer Fredericks. (and maybe We this year).

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 5

I'm pretty sanguine about... everything, really, involving this show.  Like @Ketzel above, I just don't even care about who wins or loses, because none of them have actually wowed me for more than a few moments, and the show is pretty obviously just about fluffing up the mentors' egos, bank account, and own fame than it is about any of the contestants.  This show isn't about minting a new superstar or even a struggling musician winning a life-changing sum of money- honestly, $100,000 is insulting in this day and age, especially for a network show paying its mentors $10M+ per season.  I can only assume Dr. Evil was hired as a consultant for the prize pool of one HUNDRED thousand dollars (pinky to mouth).  I mean, when SYTYCD offers $250K, and a SyFy show like Face Off can offer $100K plus $25,000 of makeup plus a (compact) car, it's fucking embarrassing that NBC will only pony up the equivalent of the catering budget to the show's "winner".

Plus, no one really deserves it, and no one really has a "fan base" to rely on.  Until and unless they play original songs, these people are all glorified karaoke singers.  If they had any kind of "unfair" fan base, they wouldn't even need to be on the show- and besides a genuinely talented musician/singer will do fine regardless of their placing on this show (as we saw from Jennifer Hudson, for example).  In an age of youtube et al, you don't need this show to succeed/get your name out/become popular; it's almost pitiable if we're perfectly honest, especially when you get past reality show retreads showing up on The Voice and still trying to make the karaoke vote-along thing work as a career.  I thought a young Jordis Unga was a breath of fresh air when she opened the first show of Burnett's last cash grab in "Rockstar: INXS"; by the time she showed up on The Voice almost a decade later, it was like "Girl, you need an intervention...".

So in the end, I'm a little surprised Josh won the instant save, but I don't really care, or care that others didn't make it.  The show is to blame anyway; why do a huge cut of 8 to 4 now, one week from the finale, when it would have made more sense to do deeper cuts earlier?  Well, because this isn't a show about music, or music appreciation, or even genuine criticism and growth.  It's a chance for Blake and Adam to each pocket another $20M+ doing two runs of this show per calendar year while other popular but not A-list musicians tag along for that payday and spotlight.  All those people on stage don't matter, and aren't a concern of Mark Burnett or anyone else involved with this show.  In a few seasons, they'll just be replaced by animatronics, and you'll have Adam gushing about how "CountryBot 2.6 is the real deal, people!" and we'll all clap and cheer and post and tweet.

Still, it's not bad to watch when I'm bored and stoned.  So there's that; it's better than watching paint dry.

  • Love 4

Does anyone know what season of Idol Sundance was on and how far he got?  I like him now, but don't remember him at all.

ETA: Maybe I'm a horrible person, but if I wanted to be on the show and they wanted a backstory and I didn't have one, I'd make one up.  Nothing tragic, just different and interesting--some challenge overcome, something.  Sometimes a little exaggeration turns something into a more interesting story. Comedians do it all the time.

Edited by Padma
9 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yes, it's always been big on second chances.  Even season one's winner had prior recording success.  Season two was a successful back-up singer with a Grammy nom.  I think only 3 of the winners were true amateurs and two of them were like 17 years old, right?   

Yeah, that sounds right.  I think even younger than 17.  Danielle and Sawyer were more like 15 or 16, I think?  The other amateur is Jordan who was a college student.  If We won, she would fit into this amateur category.  

5 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I think it has more to do with the fact that he performed last. Rarely has the person who performed last lost the Twitter Save. That's why Aaron survived so long, and how Adam got two people into the finale.

Last season, only 2 out of the 5 instant saves went to the contestant performing last.  So that kind of goes against the performing last factor.  Overall though, as you said, it does happen pretty often over the seasons (21 out of 25 instant saves).   

However, there are other things besides performance order that correlate well with wins. Genre is a big one.  The coaches who benefit from performance order, Adam and Gwen, also tend to have more pop-oriented contestants and less of the country and R&B folks.  I also suspect their fanbases tend to be younger and match up better with the twitter voting demographic.  Adam's instant save win rate is 9 out of 10, and Gwen's is 6 out of 7.

Adam's sales pitches may be a factor as well.  Last week, he apparently made some comments supporting Aaron and with the vote so close between Aaron and Austin, that probably did make a difference.  This wasn't the first time Adam has done that.  I know he supported Jeffery Austin in a season 9 instant save and Jeffery ended up winning.  

Given the field we had to choose from this season, I agree with the final Top 3.  I totally don't get the Josh love, and thought for sure that Ali earned the twitter save last night.  If I had to pick a winner, I'd probably pick Billy.  I agree with the fan critiques about him being peculiarly soulless, but, imo, he's been the most technically consistent.  Next would be Sundance Head, third would be We, and Josh just needs to go home.

If they had  more contestants with professional backgrounds, I probably wouldn't have had the snot bored out of me this season.  I'm all for what conspiracy theorists like to call "ringers" because it usually raises the bar on the caliber of performances.  Honestly, this season of The Voice had so many singers who couldn't stay on pitch, and so many that didn't have a clue how to give a performance, that it was hard to watch. 

For me, it's frustrating how much The Voice has become too much like all the things I became bored with on American Idol.  In the earlier seasons I enjoyed the show precisely because of the differences:  older, more seasoned singers, the lovely Our Band: House from RockStar, 100% less of J-Lo getting her mug on camera during everyone else's performances, and, most of all, more contemporary songs instead of the 30-year-old, cheaper-to-license songs of American Idol.    Now it's become hard to tell the difference. 

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

For me, it's frustrating how much The Voice has become too much like all the things I became bored with on American Idol.  In the earlier seasons I enjoyed the show precisely because of the differences:  older, more seasoned singers, the lovely Our Band: House from RockStar, 100% less of J-Lo getting her mug on camera during everyone else's performances, and, most of all, more contemporary songs instead of the 30-year-old, cheaper-to-license songs of American Idol.    Now it's become hard to tell the difference. 

I agree that over the past few years The Voice has edged closer to Idol, with more young and unprepared singers (ie Darby this season) who say things like, "this show means everything to me" or even "this show is my last chance." (As if instant success is the only kind that counts.)

But though The Voice frustrates me at time, I think it's still far superior to Idol. The talent level has been consistently higher, thanks in large part to not having the ridiculously low upper age limit of Idol. And there's been much less of an emphasis on personal sob stories, a facet of Idol that sometimes made it unwatchable for me. Some seasons it was like watching "abused single mother" vs. "recovering drug addict" vs. "cancer survivor," and the actual singing was secondary.

Edited by bluepiano
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Ketzel said:

I feel a little odd and disoriented. :-) This is the first season of the Voice where I never got attached to a single one of the singers. I  walked out multiple times during the weekly performances, not because I actively didn't care to hear them, but because they were so uninteresting, I'd get easily distracted by things like wanting to unload the dishwasher, or needing to call a prescription refill into the pharmacy or wondering  if my library card had expired and getting my wallet to check. 

What a boring, bland and ultimately pointless season, imo. About the only strong opinion I can summon up is that I find Miley Cyrus' attention-seeking wardrobe choices ridiculous. Dial it back, child, you get enough attention as it is!

The show has turned into American Idol. The dated, overdone song choices done karaoke style.  Completely uninspiring. And mediocre white guys outlasting more talented women and minorities. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Ketzel said:

He was on Season 6 and was knocked out when the top 16 was cut to 12.

Thanks! That explains it. I never watched Idol until T12 so I guess I never saw him.

With all its faults, I still like this show so much more than Idol. It has more heart in the way it treats its contestants--so much more--and for me, that shows in the performances where singers do not seem so stressed and demoralized throughout the season. I'm one who believes most artist benefit more from encouragement and coaching than from harsh criticism. I know The Voice coaches are very mild on camera, but I think the criticism and coaching happens before they get on stage -- and afterwards -- from the celebrity coaches and from the behind the scenes people that work with them all a lot more. A critical point here or there wouldn't be amiss, but I don't miss having someone like Simon Cowell tearing them down.

Sundance also reminds me how much I like that this show has older artists. He's 37--would never have the opportunity on Idol at that age--but I'll bet he is a much better vocalist and performer now than when he was eliminated before T12.  Without the weekly "themes", the songs are less controlled every week than on Idol, but it doesn't bother me.  I like that the singers have more input into what they sing and how they perform.

I don't like that the West Coast can't vote for saves, but...oh well.  I'm not sure it would make a big difference. The F4 don't blow me away, but overall, I enjoyed the season--and the new judges worked out well.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, bluepiano said:


12 hours ago, Padma said:

ETA: Maybe I'm a horrible person, but if I wanted to be on the show and they wanted a backstory and I didn't have one, I'd make one up.  Nothing tragic, just different and interesting--some challenge overcome, something.  Sometimes a little exaggeration turns something into a more interesting story. 

Like Danielle's braces.  Ha.  It was Danielle, right, who had the "I wore braces" sob story?

I think part of the show's branding was also the guy or gal that has been scrambling for and playing gigs in bars for much of their adult life (like many of the contestants this year), and just need some help getting to the next level.

  • Love 2

I've watched a few We performance videos on YT from her high school (Harlem Arts), and she definitely does NOT have that high breathy speaking voice, but it is still a bit higher than her deep singing voice. If she went with the squeak to give them a "story," though, well, more power to her. IMO, she and Sundance are the two with the potential of making it, but she will have to really bust her ass to break through. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Sharpie66 said:

I've watched a few We performance videos on YT from her high school (Harlem Arts), and she definitely does NOT have that high breathy speaking voice, but it is still a bit higher than her deep singing voice. If she went with the squeak to give them a "story," though, well, more power to her. IMO, she and Sundance are the two with the potential of making it, but she will have to really bust her ass to break through. 

Hmm. I may have to excuse her for what seemed so fake to me then. If I believe in giving them a harmless gimmick, a fake high-pitched speaking voice would certainly fit the bill.

Sundance and Billy can probably make almost any song work pretty well for them, but for We and Josh song selection will be a big part of their chances next week.  We has a lot more potential as an artist, esp. if Josh and Sundance somehow split the country fan vote, but Josh is the most attractive of the group who's left. I'm not sure if that factors in at the end much or not.

  • Love 1

When talking about contestants with previous success, I found it interesting that Tim, Faith, and Garth met Billy before.  When they met, all three said something like nice to see you again.  I don't remember that with Alisan.  Although, Alisan was more an actress than a singer when she was younger.

Also, Alicia and Miley gave encouraging speeches to all three Twitter save contestants saying stuff like this isn't the end and you're already a success.  Adam gave his sales pitch by saying that Josh is different because he isn't a belter and doesn't need bells and whistles.  That's when Miley noticed and told Ali that she was a star.

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