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13 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Can someone tell me if it's really that easy for bad guys to sneak into other people's cars like that, without using the keys or breaking the windows? It's always looked silly to me as an urban legend, yet it's such an abused trope in TV shows.

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14 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

"Resting murder face" was awesome! 

I actually LOL at that line, and I rarely laugh at anything.

I don't understand Zoila, who is normally hands-down the most level-headed of the maids, allowing herself to get sucked into this web of lies that we know, just know, is eventually going to be revealed to all.  I know they tried to lampshade it through her conversation with Carmen, but it is still going to end badly.

If Evelyn was blocked from re-entering her house, how did she load 17 Louis Vuitton suitcases?

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She must have taken the Louis Vuitton luggage with her to the hotel she was staying at, before she got kicked out.


I am so tired of any Rosie or Carmen story.  Rosie is consistently the weakest part of the show.

Maybe there's more to it but haven't they already revealed the "mystery" of who killed Peri? Obviously Peri walked in on her sister and Ben, and one or both killed her and framed Spence. This is an even lamer mystery than Season 1 when we all knew Phillippe killed Flora about halfway through. 

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Speaking of Rosie, does she still work for Genevieve or has Miguel taken over housekeeper duties?

Yeah, I did think it was odd that Rosie seemed to essentially be volunteering to take on a nanny job for Spence's kid when she already has what would be a full time job, along with the fact that she still has her own kid, who conveniently vanishes while his mother is out sleuthing or with Mister Spence. 


I don't understand Zoila, who is normally hands-down the most level-headed of the maids, allowing herself to get sucked into this web of lies that we know, just know, is eventually going to be revealed to all.  I know they tried to lampshade it through her conversation with Carmen, but it is still going to end badly.

I think the storyline is kind of weak too.  I can kind of guess she's using the lie to escape the depression that is her real life, but it really isn't clear to me how she expects this to end well for anyone. 

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I am just so happy that this show is back, I will take it all, the cheesy plots and the wild illogic and Rosie's revolting hair and even Carmen's horrible daughter! I am delighted that it has gone full-on soap this season.

It also seems that it's much funnier this season, almost as if they have a whole new writing crew that's decided to focus on the humor. I've been laughing out loud at every episode.

Also cannot stand Carmen's niece/daughter, although I know I'm one of the few people who actually likes Carmen.  It seems they brought her on the show and then didn't know what to do with her, much like her unlamented predecessor Valentina, and now perhaps Josephina is coming to haul her away.

Marisol can go away too, unless there's some plot involving her comeuppance.


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You're not alone, Marsupial. I like Carmen too. In fact, I like all the characters except Peri (and hopefully she's gone for good). I think everyone brings something different to the show. And of course, my favorites are the Powells.

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On 22/6/2016 at 7:01 PM, iMonrey said:

She must have taken the Louis Vuitton luggage with her to the hotel she was staying at, before she got kicked out.

Maybe there's more to it but haven't they already revealed the "mystery" of who killed Peri? Obviously Peri walked in on her sister and Ben, and one or both killed her and framed Spence. This is an even lamer mystery than Season 1 when we all knew Phillippe killed Flora about halfway through. 

Who would care if her sister was banging that guy? Shannon wasn't dating Spence, nor Ben was dating Peri, so there was no cheating involved on either part (that we know of). So who would want her dead over something this mundane? I really hope you're wrong!

And I like Carmen, too: I find her coming timing hilarious, much like Gaby on DH ("You hit a tree: trees don't come out of nowhere!" or "And, since you're twice as rich, maybe you can pay me twice as much!"). Now, as for Genevieve's plot, Rosie's plot (very similar to the whole "Susan tries to get Mike out of jail" in the third season of DH" storyline) and Marisol's plot (where evidently Peter has to be implied in the mystery in some capacity, because a male love interest always has been on this show), I don't care for any of them.

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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8 hours ago, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

Who would care if her sister was banging that guy? Shannon wasn't dating Spence, nor Ben was dating Peri, so there was no cheating involved on either part (that we know of). So who would want her dead over something this mundane? I really hope you're wrong!

I do think the show implied that there was something up with Peri and Ben so they could have been dating 

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Marisol deals with a new roommate. Daniela and Carmen’s relationship takes a turn when an unexpected visitor arrives. Zoila gets setup on a blind date, as Genevieve also makes a new friend. Rosie’s suspicions of foul play grow stronger.

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Could someone explain to me why women NEVER remove their bras while having sex? I've seen it a bunch of time in this episode alone, and of course on every other show I've watched as well! So unrealistic and annoying!

Not to mention it was unrealistic enough for Adrian not to remember Zoila (not even because of her weird name, that I've never heard anyone else carrying), but to not realize she was staying in Adrian and Taylor's house when she walked her to her front door? Also, wasn't he trying to win Evelyn back? What is he doing romancing other women?

The only interesting lead was "the circle", which makes me hopeful there could be more to Peri's murder than just a bunch of couples screwing around and cheating on each other. And now Genvieve, who was in dare need of a storyline, is getting involved, too!

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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3 hours ago, emcmac87 said:

Did anyone else think if The Nanny when the band Cece Sheffield was mentioned?

Band?  That is a character's name, the woman whose business Marisol wanted.

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This episode was much better than last week.

So is the "circle", etc supposed to be the fake scientology? I hope so...that would be brillant.

Rosie's hair wasn't driving me mad. Her reaction to Kill Face was funny. 

Adrian not remembering Zoila was pretty stupid, unless he's faking that too. 

Daniella needs to go.  I don't know if it's the actress or that the character is such a slut or what,  but I don't like her. 

Susan Lucci has the BEST lines!  

I didn't realize you needed a salesperson to sell you a maid, etc in Beverly Hills.  I thought EVERYONE had one. 

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9 hours ago, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

Could someone explain to me why women NEVER remove their bras while having sex? I've seen it a bunch of time in this episode alone, and of course on every other show I've watched as well! So unrealistic and annoying!

I'm sure it's just the logistics of filming a scene like that and making it easy to keep everything covered.  It doesn't bother me.  The actress/character does though.   I would be happy to have her go back home.

I thought this was another funny episode.  Susan Lucci was delightful, as always.  I too hope The Circle is a Scientology type thing responsible for Peri's murder.  And it probably goes without saying by now, but Evelyn is the best!   So hilarious at the maids meeting, the store, and the police station - "Stay strong Coco!"  :D

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I just wish they didn't spoil all of Evelyn's best lines in the promos. Still - my loudest LOL moment came when Zoila called the waiter by the wrong name after ripping Adrian a new one for the doing the same thing. Then both waiters turn around and they're identical. OMG I lost it.

I don't know if that was the real voice of the actress playing Daniela or if it was dubbed but whoever did the singing has a beautiful voice, I have to admit. And for once I actually cared (a little bit) about Carmen. The way she reacted to seeing her daughter sing was actually kind of touching.

LOL at Spence for calling himself the "Megan Fox of this prison!" The whole bit with Kill Face was pretty funny.

I'm dying to find out what's up with ex-Captain Awesome a.k.a. Zoila's next door neighbor. 

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Yeah she's not too bad when she's not whining (TM Genevieve). I also chuckled when she asked Spence why he's called Kill Face. "Because he has KILL tattooed across his face!" "That sound very painful."

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I just wish they didn't spoil all of Evelyn's best lines in the promos. Still - my loudest LOL moment came when Zoila called the waiter by the wrong name after ripping Adrian a new one for the doing the same thing. Then both waiters turn around and they're identical. OMG I lost it.

Haha!  I forgot about that.  That was great!

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Evelyn once again steals the show with the best lines, though I did like marisol's "I don't have an omelette man." I  have to admit I LOL'd at that one. Marisol and Evelyn working together could be kind of awesome.

Zoila and Adrian are... unexpected. It's both believable that he wouldn't pay close attention to the help (when it's not a PYT, that is) and totally unbelievable that he wouldn't recognize Zoila after three years of the various hijinks they've all been tangled up in. Whatever, it gave us good snark from both of them, so that's all that really matters.

Agree that Carmen's reaction to seeing Dani sing was rather touching. Moments like that are when I really like Carmen.

Genevieve joins a cult? Could be interesting. Seriously though, how is Rosie working as both Genevieve's maid and Tucker's nanny? It bugs. Rosie did get some good lines in tonight, though.

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On 6/28/2016 at 4:20 AM, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

Could someone explain to me why women NEVER remove their bras while having sex? I've seen it a bunch of time in this episode alone, and of course on every other show I've watched as well! So unrealistic and annoying!

Because it's basic cable and not HBO.

23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I just wish they didn't spoil all of Evelyn's best lines in the promos. Still - my loudest LOL moment came when Zoila called the waiter by the wrong name after ripping Adrian a new one for the doing the same thing. Then both waiters turn around and they're identical. OMG I lost it.

I don't know if that was the real voice of the actress playing Daniela or if it was dubbed but whoever did the singing has a beautiful voice, I have to admit. And for once I actually cared (a little bit) about Carmen. The way she reacted to seeing her daughter sing was actually kind of touching.

I so much wanted the cousin to take the daughter back to PR, but I knew it wouldn't happen.  I swear Valentina was less annoying and she was horribly annoying. 

Thought it was a total dub job, and while the singing was fine, the lip syncing was not.  Carmen needs a better storyline than the obnoxious daughter she gave away. 

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On 28/6/2016 at 7:31 PM, AnnaRose said:

I'm sure it's just the logistics of filming a scene like that and making it easy to keep everything covered.  It doesn't bother me.  The actress/character does though.   I would be happy to have her go back home.

She reminds me of Geri Halliwell so much it's actually distracting, and I also hate how she CONSTANTLY whispers whatever comes out of her mouth, whenever she talks, ALWAYS! I feel as though she's overacting and it drives me up the wall!

I FLOVED it when Genevieve hung up on Rosie and the camera panned to show the dining table filled with stereotypical Mexican dishes and the pinata, plus the Mariachi band on the side! Classic Genevieve! XD I also really liked Ana Ortiz' acting in this episode, especially when she ripped Adrian a new one saying "Instead of punishing her, you should be wondering why she left you in the first place!"... I loved how assertive she was while saying that!

I'm so happy about this "Community of the Phoenix from Ugly Betty" kinda storyline, because it makes me hopeful there's more to Peri's death than good ol' cheating!

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Am I the only Orange is the New Black watcher here? Carmen's cousin is played by one of the actresses (she's Aleida on OITNB), and it really amused me for some reason, since they're such very different shows. However, both characters are pretty bitchy :)

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Genevieve and Evelyn are a delight. I look forward to both their scenes every episode.

Evelyn is so well put together all the time.  Her line delivery just slays me.

No on Carmen's daughter across the board for me.

Rosie's voice and that insane sideways hairdo make me feel stabby.

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It's the hair I find so mesmerizing if we're strictly talking about looks.

This episode had a lot of good laughs in it. I loved when Adrian realized Evelyn was staying with Marisol and asked gleefully "is she sleeping on a fold-out bed? A cot?" Marisol: "Why does everyone think my place is so crappy?"

Also, the leader of the Mariachi band asking Genevieve "Who would stand up such a beautiful woman?" Genevieve: "I know, it's shocking."

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Not a bad episode. And, yes this show gets better in the last few episodes,  but so far this season is boring, and the combination of characters a tad bit odd. And, I hate the Carmen's long lost daughter plot, because the actress was so badly cast - it ruined the storyline.

Marisol and Genevieve fighting over a guy? Yeah right! But, it looks like G will be joining a cult this season. So, who will come to her rescue - Zoila (her one true love or Marisol?

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 1:20 PM, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

Anyway, I HATE HATE HATE Daniel(l)a (she couldn't be more of a walking TexMex stereotype if she actively tried!) and she reminds me way too much (when it comes to both her looks and mannerism) of annoying Valentina. So Carmen's storlyine keeps being one of the weakest ones.


Agreed. That was such bad casting for a character who literally just crossed the ocean from the Caribbean. I absolutely hate her.

Overall, it was a boring premiere and with episodes 2-4 I've already predicted the season.

I'm just waiting for Zoila and Genevieve, the one true couple to be reunited, and I hope they bring Deion back

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Rosie’s efforts to prove Spence’s innocence put her at great risk. Danni seeks comfort from Jesse in hopes to avoid Carmen. Marisolneeds Evelyn’s help when Peter invites her to an important gala. Zoila goes to great lengths to make Kyle jealous. Genevieve and Fabian’s relationship takes an unexpected turn.

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I liked it!

Genevieve is hilarious. 

I literally gasped at the end.

Still don't care about Carmen's plot.

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Evelyn is just the best. LOVED her utter joy at revealing Zoila's identity and puncturing Adrian's spirits. Her hair looked beautiful at the gala, too (though when doesn't it, honestly?)

Always nice to see Carmen acting relatively mature, though I won't mind if Dani stays gone for awhile. I got a laugh out of the double reveal (Carmen being a mother and Zoila pretending to be rich) at lunch, and especially Rosie's comment about being surprised they could keep a secret going this long. Also liked Jesse turning tail and running from three angry Puerto Rican women.

Poor Spence, the perpetual damsel in distress. Still glad to see Rosie taking action by investigating, though I can't say it's my favorite storyline. Though tying everything (and everyone) into the cult could be very interesting. I do love a good umbrella storyline.

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I don't know whether or not I should feel dumb or give props to Devious Maids for being subtly smart when it comes to "The Circle."  The creepy factor has been high with Zoila's love interest and his mother and yet I didn't even think of them when "The Circle" was introduced.  But it make so much sense.  His mother is "THE mother." 

I also love how the show played the "recruitment" of Genevieve where she just couldn't get into the book and when she paid closer attention, realized it was a cult.  I hate seeing people be seduced into cult relationships so it's refreshing that, so far, it's about those already in the cult vs. those recognizing it's a cult.

I'm liking the mature vibe Zoila and Adrian are creating.  I don't want them to fall in love but I think it's a friendship that could be beneficial.

Overall, the only story I'm not really into is Carmen's offspring but in general, I think this season is starting out strong. If nothing else, it should be commended for managing to get its characters into new, unfamiliar situations and seeing how they navigate  it.  While I miss Zoila and Genevieve, watching her get the chance to be "be rich" is worth watching for me.  And the reasons she's choosing to distance herself make sense. Plus, the show didn't have her marry rich or win the lottery to put her in this showcase. The same applies to Evelyn who didn't lose a bunch in the stock market.  She just has a spouse who is currently outmaneuvering her.  I've also liked watching Rosie and Genevieve navigate one another. It looks like she's going to help expose the cult and clear Spence.

Doing that kind of plot chess and making it work isn't easy.  And for the most part, I think it's working.

Edited by Irlandesa
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I want Evelyn's hair!!  She looked stunning at the gala before she had to change. 

I wasn't loving this episode too much. It seemed like a lot of filler. I'm glad Daniela is gone and I hope she stays gone. 

I was really hoping Genevieve was going to join the cult, at least temporarily. I guess she is next week, but not in the way I was hoping.

So Captain Awesome's mom is the L. Ron of the cult? And Ben is his brother? Umm,  ok.

Who's taking care of Miguel and Tucker since Rosie is always at the jail, the hospital or out with her friends? 

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33 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I don't know whether or not I should feel dumb or give props to Devious Maids for being subtly smart when it comes to "The Circle."  The creepy factor has been high with Zoila's love interest and his mother and yet I didn't even think of them when "The Circle" was introduced.  But it make so much sense.  His mother is "THE mother." I also love how the show played the "recruitment" of Genevieve where she just couldn't get into the book and when she paid closer attention, realized it was a cult.  I hate seeing people be seduced into cult relationships so it's refreshing that, so far, it's about those already in the cult vs. those recognizing it's a cult.

I give them props, Irlandesa.  I didn't see it coming it coming either, and the whole thing is very creepy.  I loved that Genevieve didn't get sucked in, and also like that she may potentially be more involved in the mystery this year.  Love her!


I'm liking the mature vibe Zoila and Adrian are creating.  I don't want them to fall in love but I think it's a friendship that could be beneficial.

... I think this season is starting out strong. If nothing else, it should be commended for managing to get its characters into new, unfamiliar situations and seeing how they navigate  it.  While I miss Zoila and Genevieve, watching her get the chance to be "be rich" is worth watching for me.  And the reasons she's choosing to distance herself make sense. Plus, the show didn't have her marry rich or win the lottery to put her in this showcase. The same applies to Evelyn who didn't lose a bunch in the stock market.  She just has a spouse who is currently outmaneuvering her.  I've also liked watching Rosie and Genevieve navigate one another. It looks like she's going to help expose the cult and clear Spence.

Doing that kind of plot chess and making it work isn't easy.  And for the most part, I think it's working.

I agree with you here also.  I too am enjoying these new pairings and this season as a whole has been very entertaining.   I almost stopped watching it, but now I'm glad I stuck around.  

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Am I the only one who had been speculating Kyle and her mom were part of "the Circle" since their very first appearance? I thought it was painfully obvious when the latter came out and said "She's not goor for what I plan for you, Kyle" (or something along those lines) and from their shady behaviour, so I WAS NOT shocked at all at the ending. 

Overall, this was kind of a filler... and I still have no idea why Fabian tried to seduce Genevieve and where that plot point was supposed to lead!

Oh, and "I hope you're happy: my skin has now touched polyester... and a piece of my soul has died!". LOL!

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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I am an avid mystery reader, and while I figured that Kyle and his mother tied into the "Circle" story somehow, I did not see the twist of Kyle's mother being the ring leader coming.  I love how this show constantly changes the relationship dynamics by pairing up different characters as well as changing the mystery each season.  Zoila and Adrian as well as Rosie and Genevieve are pairings I would never have thought to put together but I'm enjoying both relationships enormously.  As for Danni, there is a lot of disliking the young female characters on this show.  Valentina got so much grief from this board. Valentina's accent bugged me as it didn't match up with Zoila having a different accent, but overall her character and her plot didn't bother me.  I feel the same about Danni.  The show has always given Carmen a weak plot line, and I think having her explore the relationship with her daughter is a bit deeper than she usually gets.  I hope Danni is back soon.

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Am I the only one who had been speculating Kyle and his mom were part of "the Circle" since their very first appearance? 

How could you have? They didn't even mention the Circle until just last week. But if you meant they might have had something to do with Peri's murder, then yeah - I was kind of expecting that to tie in somehow.

This is the smartest Rosie has ever been (granted, that's not saying much). It's nice seeing her be proactive this season. At this point, Spence doesn't even seem worth it anymore.

So, OF COURSE Zoila's boyfriend is the ringleader of some murderous cult because these maids just can't have nice things. Seriously - how many murderers have they gotten involved with already? Carmen and her realtor boyfriend, a murderer. Marisol and Nicholas, a hit-and-run murderer. Rosie and Spence, an accused murderer. Flora and Phillippe, who murdered her. Who am I forgetting? Oh yeah, Spence's nephew who had a crush on Carmen, also a murderer. 

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8 hours ago, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

this was kind of a filler... and I still have no idea why Fabian tried to seduce Genevieve and where that plot point was supposed to lead!

Seems pretty clear that he was trying to get Genevieve into the cult, doesn't it?

I'm guessing she will go "undercover" (as much as Genevieve can go "undercover" that is) to get information.

I wouldn't have called this episode "filler", I actually thought quite a few plot points were advanced this week.

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It hit me by surprise that the neighbors of Zoila were the Circle

i also agree Geniveve will go undercover to find out about it

it bothered me when Carmen just dismissed Daniella because she can't be a mom. 

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19 hours ago, Giuliano Lanzilli said:

 I still have no idea why Fabian tried to seduce Genevieve and where that plot point was supposed to lead.

I think he was trying to recruit her because she's wealthy.  But I also suspect it's a play on the John Travoltas of the world.  I believe Scientology (which the Circle seems to be parodying) sees homosexuality as something that can be overcome. Fabian could have been recruiting her but also trying to assert his heterosexuality thinking that an older woman would be easier to fool.

11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

So, OF COURSE Zoila's boyfriend is the ringleader of some murderous cult because these maids just can't have nice things. Seriously - how many murderers have they gotten involved with already? 

He was bad news even before the Circle reveal. In fact, after she dumped him, I was surprised to see her take him back.

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29 minutes ago, missbonnie said:

Seriously, I am only here for Evelyn and Genevieve this year. Everything else is boring me to tears. 

Well, you can never go wrong with Evelyn. Love her!! (& her HAIR! OMG!!)

Always liked Susan Lucci ever since her first day on AMC. So glad she found life after ABC canceled it. ;-)

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it bothered me when Carmen just dismissed Daniella because she can't be a mom. 

But that was actually very unselfish of Carmen. She knows Josephina is Daniella's "real" mother and wanted to make sure Daniella knew it too. She made sure Daniella couldn't just dump her mother and expect Carmen to take her place. 


 I believe Scientology (which the Circle seems to be parodying)

Seems to be? I love how blatantly obvious it is. "Joynetics" is an obvious parody of Dianetics. I hope they show who the author is and it's some obvious alliteration to L. Ron Hubbard.

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Yes, I am enjoying the whole Circle plot and the obvious jab at Scientology, although I hope the writers of the show have a really good security detail, those Scientologists are not people you want to cross, LOL. Fabian's reaction when Genevieve told him the book was boring was classic cult-member rage, going from sweetness and light to "well, that's because it's new and you're old." Absolutely typical!

Evelyn and Genevieve continue to win every scene they're in ("I'm so beautiful I made him straight" or whatever she said, with that utterly straight face, hilarious).

And I am definitely looking forward to the machinations that the two twisted minds of Zoila and Adrian will concoct. It's especially funny because Zoila hasn't revealed this kind of dark side before; clearly Adrian brings it out in her and it's a lot of fun to watch. I predict they'll come up with a scheme to win Evelyn back and expose the Circle.


Evelyn is just the best. LOVED her utter joy at revealing Zoila's identity and puncturing Adrian's spirits

Another great moment.

I have curly hair and if I could ever get it to look half as good as Evelyn's I'd throw my flat irons away.

I hope Dani stays away and I wish she had taken Marisol with her. That said, I love the way Marisol dresses and styles herself. For a woman who's not naturally beautiful she always looks great. I just can't stand the character.

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