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Devious Maids - General Discussion

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Did Ernesto's cohort say that he took care of Spence? I couldn't understand what he said but I thought it was about taking care of someone, so when Rosie made a big deal about Spence not returning his calls, I thought that was why. 

That's what he said.  And I thought it was kind of hilarious that Ernesto seemed outraged by it...but then strangled the henchman with his bare hands.


I also like Zoila and Genevieve's plot. I haven't liked Zoila this season, but she somewhat redeemed herself tonight.  She rescued the dog, so that counts for something.

And she convinced the neighbor to get another dog. 

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Why would Gail make more sense than whoever it is?  (Sebastian I presume?  I haven't seen the pics but the fact that Carmen is going to him brings him back into the thick of it.)


I don't think we've been given enough reason to believe it was anyone.

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With the sudden emergence of the baby Carmen gave away, I'm calling it right here:

Katy is Carmen's daughter.

Great idea, but Carmen is Puerto Rican, not Mexican, so that would strain credibility e en by this show's standards. :)

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Ok.. I am really dissapointed with the outcome of the killer. Last night I already saw the promotional photos for the season finale and they already spoiled who is the killer. I really wanted the killer to be Gail.. It would have made much more sense then the actual killer. Why are all the shows dissapointing me to the bone this year. Blegh.. I really have to learn not having any expectations in future seasons at all. 


You gotta understand that middle-aged women not belonging to the main cast are generally sidekick characters that are merely used as comic relief for a handful of episodes never to be heard from again.

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I have to laugh at this show, as much as I love it. Its cheesy, soap opera-esque writing and acting always keeps me tuned in.

I really hope they don't kill Adrian. I love his and Evelyn's interactions.

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If anyone would like to take a stab at answering these questions, I would gladly appreciate it:


- Taylor and Katy checking into that motel without showing any IDs. Yeah, right! -.-

- Michael's murder felt so unnecessary and it took me by surprise, but I guess somebody had to die (at least it was unexpected).

- Marisol bludgeoning Sebastian but NOT wrestling the gun away from him (in case he would come to his senses and shoot her too) was INCREDIBLY STUPID.

- I don't understand whether Adrian went back inside or never managed to get out. Did he want to commit suicide because of what Evelyn had told him?

- Why did Carmen start going through Sebastian's things in his apartment way before Marisol tried to get ahold of her to tell her he was dangerous? What was she hoping to find? You find out your fiancé is a cheater (seriously, who on this show isn't?) so you start snooping in his closet... to find WHAT, exactly?

- Who gets hired to catch someone in the act of having an affair and HIDES IN PLAIN VIEW IN THEIR LIVING ROOM??? What did Louie expect, for Sebastian to let him go with incriminating pictures, just like that? STUPID!

- Sebastian laying down on the floor like that FOREVER because of a stupid blow to the head was so convenient. Besides, who keeps their gas knobs behind their living room curtains??? 

It was kinda hit or miss for me, but overall it was not bad. 

Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Rebecca Wisocky looked beautiful in tonight's episode.

She did! I love her hair. She looks like she belongs in a painting from the Romantic period. I know that totally sounds weird, but she had this classic look to her.

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If anyone would like to take a stab at answering these questions, I would gladly appreciate it:

I answer what I can from what I understood:

- Taylor and Katy checking into that motel without showing any IDs. Yeah, right! -.- It's ludicrous; but who knows, maybe she had a fake made.  Taylor was on the verge most of the season for one reason or another.

- Michael's murder felt so unnecessary and it took me by surprise, but I guess somebody had to die (at least it was unexpected). 

- Marisol bludgeoning Sebastian but NOT wrestling the gun away from him (in case he would come to his senses and shoot her too) was INCREDIBLY STUPID. Agreed.

- I don't understand whether Adrian went back inside or never managed to get out. Did he want to commit suicide because of what Evelyn had told him? The implication from the dialog was that he went back in.  We didn't actually see it, but based on the dialog, it seemed he had been outside and then everyone was surprised he wasn't with them.

- Why did Carmen start going through Sebastian's things in his apartment way before Marisol tried to get ahold of her to tell her he was dangerous? What was she hoping to find? You find out your fiancé is a cheater (seriously, who on this show isn't?) so you start snooping in his closet... to find WHAT, exactly? She was looking for evidence of his cheating.  Marisol had given her the "If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you" speech and then the "yoga" instructor showed up looking like she was planning to meet with Sebastian for an... alternative form of workout.  Carman lost her shit and went ransacking the place for evidence of cheating, and instead found the evidence of his murder of Blanca.

- Who gets hired to catch someone in the act of having an affair and HIDES IN PLAIN VIEW IN THEIR LIVING ROOM??? What did Louie expect, for Sebastian to let him go with incriminating pictures, just like that? STUPID! Agree.  Louie was too dumb to live.... and then he died.

- Sebastian laying down on the floor like that FOREVER because of a stupid blow to the head was so convenient. Besides, who keeps their gas knobs behind their living room curtains??? Is that where they were?

Edited by RachelKM
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Surprised at Michael's death. Taylor and Katy on the run, meh. I loved Taylor's hair color though.

Marisol was boring to me, but damn she rocks her clothes!!


I guess they had Michael die as punishment for trying to keep Katy and Rosie apart earlier in the episode. Besides, had he survived, the two of them probably wouldn't have been able to start over without anyone running interference! So, on second thought, his death DID make sense after all.

I agree on Ana Ortiz: almost a decade has gone by since Ugly Betty ended and, maybe thanks to the more refined way they've been styling her and/or to her having been working out quite a bit, she looks hotter by leaps and bounds!!! She really is one sexy woman!


Edited by Giuliano Lanzilli
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Yes, I think Michael was killed off as a way to tie up the remaining loose end of that story, since I don't expect to see Taylor and Katie again anytime soon. Of course they could've just had him searching for them offscreen, but if Michael's dead then Taylor isn't technically keeping her from her father anymore, so she looks slightly less bad in her send off.


As for Adrian, I think we're supposed to believe he went back inside to get the picture of himself, Evelyn and Barrett that was on the table. I guess they don't have any other copies?


I enjoyed it for the most part, though I wish Louie's murder had been on purpose instead of an accident. Loved seeing Peri return, I like that this show brings major characters back just when you assume they've written them out.

Edited by colorbars
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And she convinced the neighbor to get another dog. 

Off-topic, but one of my rescues is a Chihuahua, like the second dog Zoila got for Gail's neighbor.


They don't need much incentive to be really loud. 


Like the screaming of eagles.



Edited by candall
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I really liked the episode and how it all turned out after all. And I LOOOOVE that Peri is back. She is my favorite character of them all and I hated her send off in the second season. What Edie was in Desperate Housewives, is Peri in Devious maids. Only Peri is pure evil and Edie was getting softer near the end. 


I am really scared for the renewal/cancelation news coming. I can't describe how sad I will be if it gets canceled. I don't mind season 4 being the last season, but I need an ending to the story. 

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Taylor doesn't know Michael is dead, does she? I got the impression that she had already bolted.  


I'm still formulating thoughts. But it definitely was a good episode to watch though I'm not sure I liked the way they wrapped everything up.

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Good finale and some satisfying cliffhangers. 


I hated Peri but I love that she came back.  I've wanted it for a while now.  Mostly because being with Rosie ended up costing Spence his son and it shouldn't have.  Now he gets a chance to get him back and Rosie can know what it feels like to be on the outside.


Adrian did indeed go in for the picture of the family. 


I don't know that Louie expected to be killed.  Surely a fight would break out but murder?  That's quite a stretch. 


I think the one thing that bothered me about the aftermath of bringing down Sebastien isn't the fact that they didn't take away the gun.  It isn't the fact that they didn't tie him up.  It's the fact that they didn't shut off the gas.  It was not on a long time before Marisol brought him down. Had they turned it off, they could have opened the windows and not worried about whether or not it'd blow up the house.

Edited by Irlandesa
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- Marisol bludgeoning Sebastian but NOT wrestling the gun away from him (in case he would come to his senses and shoot her too) was INCREDIBLY STUPID. Agreed.



At least she is consistently stupid.  She did something similarly idiotic last season with the confirmed murderer she had just confronted... wait here while I leave the gun on the counter and turn my back to phone the police to turn you in.   Her stupidity boggles my mind.


I thought the has knobs were for a gas fireplace in the living room (my parents have one).

Genevieve: flirting with the counselor, prying open the elevator doors, saying "I've been dieting my whole life for this!", wanting the baby named after her...awesome. Susan Lucci was incredible.

Spencer's amnesia and the return of Peri fels like just desserts for how Rosie acted all season.

Adrian and Evelyn's scenes were hands down the best. They have such chemistry together and play off each other so well. I hope he's still alive (if there's another season) just so they can continue antagonizing/loving one another.

Marisol was boring to me, but damn she rocks her clothes!!



Yes, yes, yes!   I especially love Susan Lucci.  She may be my favorite part of the show, although the Powells are a close second.   Zoila kind of annoyed me with her "I trusted you for 20 years" when she has been the untrustworthy one who betrayed Genvieve twice recently in major ways.  Without giving it a second thought.    I still love those two though.   Genvieve and Zoila forever!   Would the hospital really ask her friend to make the decision who to save?   I can't see that happening.  But I would definitely choose mom over baby, if I were Genvieve.  I can't really see her choosing the baby and writing Zoila out.  Plus, Zoila's daughter just recently lost her father unexpectedly, so that would be another vote for mom over baby.  


...Had they turned it off, they could have opened the windows and not worried about whether or not it'd blow up the house. 


I think the one thing that bothered me about the aftermath of bringing down Sebastien isn't the fact that they didn't take away the gun.  It isn't the fact that they didn't tie him up.  It's the fact that they didn't shut off the gas.  It was not on a long time before Marisol brought him down. 


I know.  That whole thing was ridiculous.  Especially leaving him lying right next to the gun.  I kept waiting for him to come to.  And they had that whole box full of handcuffs and things to restrain him. 


That was a gas fireplace knob he turned.  But yeah, why the hell didn't one of them think to turn it off and open a window, instead of risking that the whole mansion would be blown up.   Lets all just leave the killer lying on the floor unrestrained, hope he stays unconscious, leave the gas on and run outside instead.   Great plan.

Edited by AnnaRose
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I had no absolutely no sympathy for inconsiderate neighbor lady who left her dog out barking.  None.   They do make bark collars to teach problem dogs to not bark constantly.  But so many people just don't give a damn about anybody else.

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Taylor doesn't know Michael is dead, does she? I got the impression that she had already bolted.


No, I don't think she knows. I'm sure she'll see something on the news, though.


I don't know that Louie expected to be killed.  Surely a fight would break out but murder?  That's quite a stretch.


Not to mention it wasn't even done on purpose. But with a fight comes a huge risk his camera would get trashed and all of his evidence would be gone, so it was still really stupid, both being out in the open like that and announcing his presence.


Would the hospital really ask her friend to make the decision who to save?   I can't see that happening.  But I would definitely choose mom over baby, if I were Genvieve.  I can't really see her choosing the baby and writing Zoila out.  Plus, Zoila's daughter just recently lost her father unexpectedly, so that would be another vote for mom over baby.


Well, they're gonna need an answer really fast and she's the only one there to give one. I know the doctors didn't try themselves, but we know from Genvieve's call that Valentina is unreachable at the moment, and I wouldn't be surprised if Genvieve is Zoila's emergency contact. I'm sure she'll pick Zoila too, though it'll be set up for some guilt and tension if the baby can't be saved, because Zoila will obviously be devastated and wish Genvieve had picked differently.

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This goofy show is all over the map--from drug cartels and murder to amnesia victims and Anything Genevieve.


The couple who grieves for their deceased child gets their house blown up by a spark from the husband's testicle electrodes.


I mean, can we nitpick the lack of common sense for the gun situation in a show where someone calls you selfish because delivering your baby might spoil her manicure?



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That was . . . kind of awesome. The title of this episode should have been "KABOOM." The final scene with the house explosion was done really well for a show that doesn't have a huge budget. The slow motion effects of Carmen, Marisol and Evelyn getting knocked out by the blast was really good. I was very impressed.


I'm not so thrilled they ended this thing on a big cliff-hanger though because I'm guessing a fourth season is unlikely and I would have preferred more closure. It's funny though, because I've been thinking all season this should be its last but now I'd kind of like to have one more. They really redeemed themselves this season after a rather lackluster sophomore season.


Best line of the night once again goes to Genevieve: "I'm naturally adorable. If you have a problem with that, take it up with God." But this is one storyline I'd dread to see continued next season, because I can see Zoila blaming Genevieve for choosing her over the baby, if that's what happens.


The flashback exposition of What Happened That Night With Louis Decker was pretty hacky. Like Marisol would just calmly explain the whole story while they're all tied up and about to be killed, and Sebastian would actually take over the narrative halfway through. And yeah I couldn't figure out why Louis would be in the living room taunting them after capturing them on film, but after thinking about it, I fan-wanked that he might have wanted to try to blackmail them and see if he could get more money from them than Michael was offering, and just never got the chance before Sebastian came at him. But I'm probably giving it more thought than the writers did.


The really egregious thing was not turning off the gas before heading outside. I guess I could buy that they're all so hysterical and panicked to get the hell away they ran out of there without giving it a second thought other than to get away, but that's a stretch. I'm willing to gloss over it though because the blast effect was stupendous. 


I KNEW the minute Rosie started babbling at Spencer he was going to say "Who are you?" LOL, pure soap. Peri's return was the icing on the cake.

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I'm not so thrilled they ended this thing on a big cliff-hanger though because I'm guessing a fourth season is unlikely and I would have preferred more closure. It's funny though, because I've been thinking all season this should be its last but now I'd kind of like to have one more. They really redeemed themselves this season after a rather lackluster sophomore season.

Why is a season 4 unlikely?

The season finale had season high ratings, and Devious Maids has ratings twice so good as UnREAL, who has already been renewed. So the chance of renewal is actually more positive then you think. :)

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Well, I'll agree with you, up to a point.  I say just take care of the dog in the first place and the neighbors won't be bothered.   


Dogs get bored if they only get turned out into the backyard, so they bark.  If you don't want to go for walks, throw a ball or find a dogpark, then hire a dogwalker.  More exercise is the answer to about 90% of dog problems.


If anyone bumps into Gail's neighbor, her dog needs a good hike more than repeated jolts of electricity to his throat or puffs of citrus in his face.


And just to throw one more thought at this fictitious situation, the new chi would probably help with the barking, if the two dogs play and tire each other out.  A tired dog is a good dog and those little chi's are pocket rockets.  : )

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Why is a season 4 unlikely?

The season finale had season high ratings, and Devious Maids has ratings twice so good as UnREAL, who has already been renewed. So the chance of renewal is actually more positive then you think. :)


I was reading the TVLine interview with the EP about stuff and while they did mention it wasn't renewed yet, they didn't seem particularly worried about it at all and we talking about their plans for next season and stuff.

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I expect it to get a renewal.  Marc Cherry's a proven commodity and the ratings are okay, here in the arid wasteland of summer programming.


I don't even like most of the characters and still, I watch.



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Overall, that was a great finale! Sure there were some lapses in common sense, but as candall said above, cold reason and flawless logic aren't this show's strengths. The Powell's twisted snark and Genevieve's hilarious cluelessness are this show's strengths IMO.


Didn't really expect Sebastian to be the killer, so I thought they did a good job on that. Loved that the reveal of the murder brought so many characters together in one scene - I hate it when shows split their main characters off into separate, fragmented stories. What's not to enjoy about Adrian sarcastically apologizing to Marisol for the poor quality of his sex toys, and Carmen complaining about Marisol's hair while facing imminent death?


As soon as they started down the amnesia road with Spence I had a feeling Peri would be back, and I can't say I'm really interested. Didn't we see this exact triangle first season? And where was Peri and Spence's baby? (I've forgotten his name)


Kudos to the show for subverting the "giving birth in an elevator" cliche. LOVED Genevieve prying apart the elevator doors with her killer heels and climbing out. Her one-liners in that scene were some of my favorites of the entire series! "I've dieted my whole life for this!" and "your unwaxed lady parts" made me LOL. So glad she and Zoila made up - now I just hope they don't have Zoila blame Genevieve for the baby's seemingly inevitable death. (Though if this is the only thing they could come up with for the baby, why did they have Zoila get pregnant in the first place? It irks me when shows so are obviously lazy in their writing).


They can't kill off Adrian! That sick perverted bastard is strangely rootable, and the show would be less without him (and Evelyn, of course). And finally let me echo what others have said: Rebecca Wisocky is simply stunning. I think she gets more gorgeous every week. And I say this as a straight woman. When she was calling for Adrian post-explosion, it was heart-wrenching. Whether or not the Powells divorce next season (and there damn well better be one!) as long as they're still front and center I'm in.


Wish list for season 4:

- Bring back Odessa. She and Carmen had a great way of pushing each other's buttons and I'm sorry they dropped her last season.

- Carmen perhaps growing up a little as they delve into the child she gave away?

- Bring back Jesse. He made Marisol more likable, and why not have a male maid as a regular?

- Zoila not blaming Genevieve over the baby.

- Powells. And lots of them.

- What would you add?

Edited by Maelstrom
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Why is a season 4 unlikely?


One of the leads (Ana Ortiz, I think) gave an interview before this season started and said this was going to be the last season. I'm not sure what she was basing that on but apparently someone told her it would be. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing the leads had three year contracts which would have to be re-negotiated for a fourth season, and maybe they figured Lifetime wouldn't be interested in renewing them and giving them all raises for a show that's just so-so in the ratings department. it's hard to say what are "good" ratings for Lifetime though, so who knows. Personally, I hope it comes back, and I'm surprised to find myself feeling that way.


If it does come back I seriously doubt Adrian will be dead. They have to know he and Evelyn are just about the best things this show has going for it.


Kudos to whoever guessed Sebastian was the killer last week, even if the promo monkeys kind of spoiled it with some of the promo spots.

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I'm waiting for the plumber. . .I'll play!


Carmen vs. Odessa was my favorite cagematch of the whole series.   Didn't Odessa have some sort of terminal illness?  Let's see Odessa hire Carmen. 


Carmen could continue to prance about like a show pony and celebrate her bad housekeeping skills and still have lots of room to tug the dramatic heartstrings when Odessa starts to go downhill.



I don't think they can knock off another child.  Maybe Zoila can be outraged just by hearing that Genevieve picked mother over baby.


Besides, I really want to see Genevieve explain fresh manicures to that screaming baby with the loaded diaper.



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Well, they did surprise me. I was really not expecting it to be Sebastian. For once they did a good job of leading us away from all the other subjects but still having a killer who sort of made sense and was there all along.


I feel like they kind of made a play for a second season and also didn't. If the show went away, there's nothing that would nag at me. But bringing Peri back was a strong move. I just don't really care one way or the other about Adrian or Zoila.

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The flashback exposition of What Happened That Night With Louis Decker was pretty hacky. Like Marisol would just calmly explain the whole story while they're all tied up and about to be killed, and Sebastian would actually take over the narrative halfway through. And yeah I couldn't figure out why Louis would be in the living room taunting them after capturing them on film, but after thinking about it, I fan-wanked that he might have wanted to try to blackmail them and see if he could get more money from them than Michael was offering, and just never got the chance before Sebastian came at him. But I'm probably giving it more thought than the writers did.

The part that really pushed it for me was that Sebastian is secretly a sociopath. Yes, he's selfish and a cheater and charming but someone dies falling into a glass table and your immediate thought is let's hack the body apart? It also felt like kind of a weak excuse for ALL THAT BLOOD.

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I'm going to miss hearing Rosie say, "Sppppppeeeennnnncceeeee" in the way she does.....And, of course, Spence is going to have amnesia if he is still alive.... It'd be way too soon + easy for Rosie + Spence to live happily ever after right away.... Let's not forget what kinda show this is!


I hope Adrian isn't dead because you can't break apart the best couple of the series who actually managed to stay together through since the beginning! 


And, I don't even want to think about show getting cancelled.... My heart just got over getting healed from the demise of The Witches of East End.... Will I be able to deal with the cancellation of another beloved Lifetime soap? Will I?!

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I hated Peri but I love that she came back.  I've wanted it for a while now.  Mostly because being with Rosie ended up costing Spence his son and it shouldn't have.  Now he gets a chance to get him back and Rosie can know what it feels like to be on the outside.


Peri is not a favorite of mine.....And, the only way that leaving Peri for Rosie costed Spence his son was that maybe Peri was doing whatever it took to see that he never gets custody of any kind or what not.... I forgot if Peri ever let Spence see his son after the marriage ended.... It wasn't right for Spence to cheat on Peri with Rosie, but wait, let's not forget that Peri was cheating on him first!  But, Peri being a childish hypocrite would not shy away from making Spence suffering by keeping their son away from him....

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Why is a season 4 unlikely?

The season finale had season high ratings, and Devious Maids has ratings twice so good as UnREAL, who has already been renewed. So the chance of renewal is actually more positive then you think. :)

Before I get into my convoluted reasons why there may be reason to be nervous about a fourth season, let me just say that I do think that we will get a fourth season. 


Reasons to be nervous--the biggest one for me is that it took them so long to renew this show last year.  But that may have been related to Marc Cherry's change in involvement this season. 


UnREAL isn't necessarily a good barometer as to whether or not Devious Maids will get renewed.  Ratings didn't get UnREAL renewed.  Critical praise did.  I guess Lifetime hopes that the good reviews will lead to people checking it out on streaming sites and that it'll grow.  Devious Maids pretty much is what it is right now.


So glad she and Zoila made up - now I just hope they don't have Zoila blame Genevieve for the baby's seemingly inevitable death.


Wish list for season 4:

- Bring back Odessa. She and Carmen had a great way of pushing each other's buttons and I'm sorry they dropped her last season.

- Carmen perhaps growing up a little as they delve into the child she gave away?

I like the idea of Odessa coming back.  I'm less interested in Carmen's story related to her baby.


One of the leads (Ana Ortiz, I think) gave an interview before this season started and said this was going to be the last season. I'm not sure what she was basing that on but apparently someone told her it would be. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing the leads had three year contracts which would have to be re-negotiated for a fourth season, and maybe they figured Lifetime wouldn't be interested in renewing them and giving them all raises for a show that's just so-so in the ratings department. it's hard to say what are "good" ratings for Lifetime though, so who knows. Personally, I hope it comes back, and I'm surprised to find myself feeling that way

I would be shocked if the leads only had contracts of three years. Usually the contracts are for at least five years.  And lately?  It's closer to seven years since renegotiating around the 5 year mark grew to be expensive. Every once in a while a star can negotiate a shorter contract (like Josh Charles on the Good Wife) but I doubt every lead did on Devious Maids. 


I don't know what Ana said but having three different cliffhangers at the end of this season is not a sign of a show thinking it's coming to an end.  And Rebecca W did an interview recently where she expressed hope for a fourth season.


 But, Peri being a childish hypocrite would not shy away from making Spence suffering by keeping their son away from him....

Spence giving up on his son was never fully explained, and I never thought it made sense, but the implication was that Peri was being petty.  She had little interest in the child but she knew Spence cared about it.  She would keep the child away not because she wanted it or Spence but because he dared choose someone other than her.

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Spence giving up on his son was never fully explained, and I never thought it made sense, but the implication was that Peri was being petty.  She had little interest in the child but she knew Spence cared about it.  She would keep the child away not because she wanted it or Spence but because he dared choose someone other than her.


I thought her reappearance was a little silly.  Spence and Rosie are still married aren't they?  (I know she left Spence, but I don't think they really established the status of her second marriage, i.e. if it was annulled, divorced, never happened legally, etc.)  I mean, Peri can certainly pretend to Spence that Rosie is the maid and he and Peri are still married, but presuming some bit of reality exists, Spence would find out pretty quickly that she isn't his wife anymore.  


I also have to think they are pretty sure they are getting renewed since nearly every character was left with a cliffhanger.   

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I think the one thing that bothered me about the aftermath of bringing down Sebastien isn't the fact that they didn't take away the gun.  It isn't the fact that they didn't tie him up.  It's the fact that they didn't shut off the gas.  It was not on a long time before Marisol brought him down. Had they turned it off, they could have opened the windows and not worried about whether or not it'd blow up the house.



That was a gas fireplace knob he turned.  But yeah, why the hell didn't one of them think to turn it off and open a window, instead of risking that the whole mansion would be blown up.   Lets all just leave the killer lying on the floor unrestrained, hope he stays unconscious, leave the gas on and run outside instead.   Great plan.


I'll take this a step further - if the gas was pervasive enough to blow up the entire house the way it did (1st floor, 2nd floor, east wing, west wing - demolished like a nuclear bomb had been dropped), then he would have never woken up; he'd have been dead from inhalation.  


Can't have it both ways - either he wakes up and there isn't enough gas to ignite from a spark of electricity, or the house is Hiroshima and he never wakes up.  Of course, if he hadn't woked up, the house wouldn't have blowed up so (as they say about comedy, and it applies to silly television as well) you had to buy the premise to buy the bit. 

Edited by Lone Wolf
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My biggest question was why would Peri even want Spence back? I thought he was pretty much just a washed-up actor at this point, reduced to doing soft-core porn movies. I thought Peri was a user and I would think she'd rather be with someone who could help her career. And I thought her career was doing better than his.


When Genevieve went through that elevator shaft opening, for a minute I thought the doors would slam shut and kill her. But I guess this is a soap opera, not a horror movie!

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Spence and Rosie are still married aren't they?  (I know she left Spence, but I don't think they really established the status of her second marriage, i.e. if it was annulled, divorced, never happened legally, etc.)  I mean, Peri can certainly pretend to Spence that Rosie is the maid and he and Peri are still married, but presuming some bit of reality exists, Spence would find out pretty quickly that she isn't his wife anymore.


Since Ernesto was really alive then Rosie's marriage to Spence was invalid. Certainly the church considered her married to Ernesto which is one the main reasons she chose Ernesto over Spence. She still needs an annulment or divorce from Ernesto if she wants to marry Spence. Spence is certainly divorced from Peri though, otherwise he couldn't have married Rosie.


I'm unclear on what went on with custody of Spence and Peri's baby. At one point Peri actually dumped the baby off on Spence last season (remember, Carmen had to take him with her to an audition and tied him to the chair). I think Peri just basically took the kid with her when she went to Europe for a film or something. Spence hasn't really mentioned him much this season. Peri only ever wanted that baby for publicity anyway - Rosie did more mothering with it in the first season than Peri ever did.



But I guess this is a soap opera, not a horror movie!


Tell that to Louie Decker!

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My biggest question was why would Peri even want Spence back? I thought he was pretty much just a washed-up actor at this point, reduced to doing soft-core porn movies. I thought Peri was a user and I would think she'd rather be with someone who could help her career. And I thought her career was doing better than his.


I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually want Spence back, she just wants to stick it to the two of them and get some kind of revenge for them humilating her and cheating behind her back.

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And, I don't even want to think about show getting cancelled.... My heart just got over getting healed from the demise of The Witches of East End.... Will I be able to deal with the cancellation of another beloved Lifetime soap? Will I?!

I agree about hoping this gets picked up, but I'm far from being healed about WoEE's cancellation, especially since I just got done re-watching the show from beginning to end on Netflix. Now I'm flat out bitter about it, ha!

Overall, I'm satisfied with this season and I seriously covet Rebecca Wysocky's hair.

Edited by missbonnie
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I've been on vacation so,I just watched. But I died laughing when Genivieve opened the elevators doors,and said that they thought of looking at Zoilas unwaxed lady parts gave her super human strength.

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No one watched this tonight?? I SO knew that Mr. Powell was faking it! Hell hath no fury when Evelyn finds out. I thought it was hilarious that Peri ended up with her award stuck in her neck. Rosie still whines, at least they made it a point to acknowledge it this year. The girl that plays Carmen's daughter is a dead ringer for her. I have to applaud the writers for not saving both Zolia and her baby by some miracle. 

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I watched!  I am so relieved that Adrian is alive. Tom Irwin has been somewhat MIA in previews of this fourth season so I feared he died.  But I too knew that Adrian was faking it. 

I was surprised that they killed offf Peri.  I thought she'd be the villain for this season for at least a little longer

I find myself happy this show is back.  I didn't feel that way after the second season but I liked last season and now it's kind of comforting.  I only wish they switched this around with UnREAL because I prefer my light after my dark.

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