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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 3:01 PM, GreatKazu said:

There was an informal agreement drawn up when Maci pursued child support after Ryan missed some payments back in 2012 when the excuse he gave to her was that he was unemployed. Maci called the support enforcement agency and was told they needed to file a contempt order. When Maci visited with a mediator, she was upset because Ryan had asked for one extra day of visitation. This all happened during the time Maci lived with Kyle. 

If there is no visitation in place at all, I'd totally see your point. I am going by what I recall happened five years ago. I'd love if someone can produce that scene from that episode. I just know Maci was in an office and being upset at the idea of Ryan requesting one day more to his visitation which meant Maci would have to drive Bentley to Ryan's parents' home because she lived further away after moving. 



No one posted such a thing. 

I'm guessing that was a temporary agreement that never became finalized, otherwise the lawyer Ryan consulted with wouldn't have told him it was legal for Maci to deny him visitation now.  If an order was in place, he would've advised Ryan to file a contempt of court.

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7 hours ago, lezlers said:

I'm guessing that was a temporary agreement that never became finalized, otherwise the lawyer Ryan consulted with wouldn't have told him it was legal for Maci to deny him visitation now.  If an order was in place, he would've advised Ryan to file a contempt of court.

Oh I am pretty sure it was never finalized, but I don't think that mattered to Maci. I think that agreement was adhered to from that point by her with The Edwards. 

I honestly don't think Ryan even knows what transpired back then. His belief is that Maci never helped him when it came to Bentley. Not true at all. 

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11 hours ago, Emkat said:

His excuses for not getting tested are total bullshit.

Agreed. Why the need for a hair follicle test? I think that would only be relevant if they wanted to go back in time and see how long he'd been using for. The issue is whether he's clean NOW. Since heroin leaves the urine much quicker, a urine test would suffice. Ryan offering to do his own hair follicle test, but reminding everyone that it takes heroin forever to leave the hair, is covering for something. 

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16 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Oh I am pretty sure it was never finalized, but I don't think that mattered to Maci. I think that agreement was adhered to from that point by her with The Edwards. 

I honestly don't think Ryan even knows what transpired back then. His belief is that Maci never helped him when it came to Bentley. Not true at all. 

Right.  My point, however, is that Maci already has full physical and legal custody of Bentley, which is why going to court could be detrimental.

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5 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Right.  My point, however, is that Maci already has full physical and legal custody of Bentley, which is why going to court could be detrimental.

I totally get that. The thing about court though, and maybe this could be accomplished through mediation instead, is that it would be nice to have an unbiased 3rd party telling Ryan what's up. Ryan and his camp want to say Maci is being unreasonable because she's a bitch or because she's still in love with him or whatever- it would be nice if someone more official was like, damn straight you need to prove yourself drug free before you can be in charge of a minor, and not because your baby mama says so, but because everyone says so.

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On 12/16/2017 at 6:01 PM, GreatKazu said:

There was an informal agreement drawn up when Maci pursued child support after Ryan missed some payments back in 2012 when the excuse he gave to her was that he was unemployed. Maci called the support enforcement agency and was told they needed to file a contempt order. When Maci visited with a mediator, she was upset because Ryan had asked for one extra day of visitation. This all happened during the time Maci lived with Kyle. 

If there is no visitation in place at all, I'd totally see your point. I am going by what I recall happened five years ago. I'd love if someone can produce that scene from that episode. I just know Maci was in an office and being upset at the idea of Ryan requesting one day more to his visitation which meant Maci would have to drive Bentley to Ryan's parents' home because she lived further away after moving. 



No one posted such a thing. 

Is this the scene? 

Maci & Ryan Parenting Plan

Maci calls child support enforcement

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3 hours ago, druzy said:

YES!!!!! Thanks for finding that scene. I knew they went to mediation and had a set visitation schedule. 

Ryan clearly has no recollection of all that, and a lot of what transpired in his life since then. I bet he wakes up every morning and wonders who that girl is next to him in bed. 

Thanks Tatum. That has been precisely my point re court. Ryan would be held accountable by a third party, not Maci. Going by the timeline of the show, Maci could go to court and sever Ryan's visitation schedule (the Edwards schedule) and request he must be tested and show he is clean, in a program, and is making progress. Until then, no visits, no harassing texts or calls. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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14 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Wait, there's another wedding planned?

I guess Mackenzie wants a do-over and wants a better memory of her wedding day vs . remembering her husband being high as heck driving on the way to their ceremony.

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7 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Well, I guess they have come to a resolution because according to Bentley's Instagram(managed by his parents), school started August 11th and there are pics him with his grandparents, father and step-monster after that.


I've just assumed that this keeping Bentley away thing was something Maci was doing because she knew the viewers would think she should and it gives her some kind of upper hand. Probably the first time Maci needed a babysitter to go out or take a vacation (and her parents weren't available), Maci's stance on Bentley going to Mimi Jen & co.'s changed. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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17 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


I've just assumed that this keeping Bentley away thing was something Maci was doing because she knew the viewers would think she should and it gives her some kind of upper hand. Probably the first time Maci needed a babysitter to go out or take a vacation (and her parents weren't available), Maci's stance on Bentley going to Mimi Jen & co.'s changed. 

100 percent agree.

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3 hours ago, Lusterleaf said:

I guess Mackenzie wants a do-over and wants a better memory of her wedding day vs . remembering her husband being high as heck driving on the way to their ceremony.

Her reason for wanting a new dress was sooooo guilt-trippy. Ryan will cave to anything if she hints at his addiction as the cause - which it certain will legitimately be, fit some things. But why not just "I really want to get another dress" and leave it at that? She's a big girl with her own big girl MYV money now.

10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Agreed. Why the need for a hair follicle test? I think that would only be relevant if they wanted to go back in time and see how long he'd been using for. The issue is whether he's clean NOW. Since heroin leaves the urine much quicker, a urine test would suffice. Ryan offering to do his own hair follicle test, but reminding everyone that it takes heroin forever to leave the hair, is covering for something. 

Yeah, WTF, Ryan? Still in his system?? Hair maybe, but urine? No thanks unless he's been using while he says he's been sober...

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Let's be real - It's not like this is going to be Mackenzie's last wedding, either. She could have worn the old dress and just got the new one or one like it for her next wedding.  The girl has already had 3 weddings and she's not even 25 (and yeah, I know one of those was a for-show party because they had already married, but really....).

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9 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Let's be real - It's not like this is going to be Mackenzie's last wedding, either. She could have worn the old dress and just got the new one or one like it for her next wedding.  The girl has already had 3 weddings and she's not even 25 (and yeah, I know one of those was a for-show party because they had already married, but really....).

This always blows my mind.  Some of these girls already have multiple marriages under their belts and they're only in their early twenties! I guess if you're impulsive and marry every guy you're somewhat serious with it's possible, it just blows my mind.  Maybe it's because I live in an area where it's customary to wait at LEAST until your late twenties to get married, more likely your thirties.  I guess if you're young and don't really have much to your name when you're divorcing it's not as big of a deal/trauma? 

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On 12/18/2017 at 9:04 PM, Emkat said:

His excuses for not getting tested are total bullshit.

Yes to that for sure.  He's using.  Ryan's eyes give him away every single time.

MacKenzie seems angry all the time.  I never see that girl smile.  I don't think she is in a good place in her life with all of this but for some reason isn't leaving.  I'm thinking it's the MTV $$$ keeping her there.  She seemed sooo excited to be checking into the plush hotel with her friend to wedding dress shop.  Is it worth it Mac???  Really???

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Yes to that for sure.  He's using.  Ryan's eyes give him away every single time.

MacKenzie seems angry all the time.  I never see that girl smile.  I don't think she is in a good place in her life with all of this but for some reason isn't leaving.  I'm thinking it's the MTV $$$ keeping her there.  She seemed sooo excited to be checking into the plush hotel with her friend to wedding dress shop.  Is it worth it Mac???  Really???

Of course that is why she is there, for Teen Mom money. She was making sure she married Ryan, high or not.

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24 minutes ago, Lusterleaf said:

Of course that is why she is there, for Teen Mom money. She was making sure she married Ryan, high or not.

Yup. And it turns out she isn't seen as a martyr sacrificing herself to save the man she loves. She's a user and she knows that we know it, hence the permanent bitch face. 

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:16 AM, druzy said:

I am glad you found this clip. It verifies there was a visitation order set in place. It also verifies that not everything that Ryan says is the truth just because he said to his attorney there was no order in place. Ryan said in the most recent episode how he wanted his "weekends with Bentley" again. Which one is it, Ryan? You didn't have a set schedule or you had weekend visitation? He can't even keep his lies straight. He forgot he had an extra day with Bentley. Drugs will do that to you.

On 12/26/2017 at 3:30 PM, AirQuotes said:

Today Mackenzie posted on FB pics of her and Ryan with Bentley.

Did Maci make him take a piss test?

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On 12/16/2017 at 4:34 PM, GreatKazu said:


For argument's sake, if Maci was in the dark and clueless about Ryan's drug issue, why has she not raised hell to the Edwards? I know if the people who were watching my children on a regular basis, including the child of the addict, had withheld such information, I'd be furious. I'd be demanding answers and I'd be speaking about it to my spouse and my attorney.  Those people knew their son was an addict and didn't inform me, which I have a right to know so I can make an informed decision about the welfare of my son, the very child those people would take to that addict's home on a regular basis. 

I doubt that even rarely happens with an addicts family when kids are involved.  Most of the time the parents and family members are too in denial that their precious child is a complete mess. The shit addicts get away with in their own family is really ridiculous. 

On 12/16/2017 at 8:36 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Meanwhile she continues to text while driving . . .with Bentley in the car! Not a great protector.

I know many grown adults that can't comprehend how dangerous that is so it's not surprising one bit to me that Maci falls into that group that probably include a large majority of people her age and younger.  I work for an industry that is very vocal about no texting while driving - not even over blue tooth and it's astonishing how many people just don't get it. 

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On 12/26/2017 at 5:01 PM, Tatum said:

Huh. The majority of comments are very anti Maci. I wonder if that's really a reflection of the people who follow Jen and post comments or if she deletes comments she doesn't like just like Jenelle. There were no mean comments about Ryan. 

I will never ever understand why the Twitter/Instagram followers like who they like. The pattern is almost exactly the opposite of who gets the most frustration vs. sympathy here. Except for Mackenzie. LOL.

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4 minutes ago, citychic said:

This was just posted on another site.

A lady was robbed and posted pictures that look just like Ryan. Supposedly she lives about 40 minutes away from him.



Holy #%&!  The close up of the robber's face sure as hell looks like Ryan! 

Was this an actual robbery or a burglary? 

(I think this even looks more like Ryan than the Vegas robbery photos where the subject looked like Matt.)

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2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

(I think this even looks more like Ryan than the Vegas robbery photos where the subject looked like Matt.)

Agreed, and it's a bit of a coincidence that this took place 40 MINUTES from Ryan? Even though Matt LIVES in Vegas, I consider that situation less of a coincidence than this one. 

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This is like Matt being the robber at that Vegas casino. 

Was that Vegas suspect ever connected to Matt? 

@Snarky McSnarky It sure does look like Ryan's eyes. OMG

"Ryan's Eyes...their watching you..."

Watching to see if you are not home so he can burglarize you. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

This is like Matt being the robber at that Vegas casino. 

Was that Vegas suspect ever connected to Matt? 

@Snarky McSnarky It sure does look like Ryan's eyes. OMG

"Ryan's Eyes *clap*...they're watching you *clap clap*..."

Watching to see if you are not home so he can burglarize you. 

C'mon, @GreatKazu...you always have to include the *claps*!! 

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

They stole oars for a canoe. 


Are you for real? Cause if so that really convinces me. He's probably planning an escape from Mack via a Rubbermaid tub and those oars from behind his house.

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Just now, Emkat said:

Are you for real? Cause if so that really convinces me. He's probably planning an escape from Mack via a Rubbermaid tub and those oars from behind his house.

Or he plans on taking Mack out on a canoe ride in the hopes of returning home a widower. 

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6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

It still works. Ryan is one big STD. 

Dang, so judgy...the girls he has sit on his face outside Food City are pure! 


5 minutes ago, Emkat said:

Are you for real? Cause if so that really convinces me. He's probably planning an escape from Mack via a Rubbermaid tub and those oars from behind his house.

I'm now picturing Ryan & Mack as "Tom & Jerry" & it's giving me the lolz. 

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15 hours ago, AirQuotes said:



On this twitter thread people are posting pics of Ryan wearing clothes and boots that look the same as the robbery photos!

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to work Twitter. I didn't see any pics comparing his clothes to the robbery clothes. Is there any way you can post them?


I need someone to solve this, y'all! I feel like this has to be Rhiiine. He was high as fuck and figured he could use the oar to knock out Mackenzie AND make his getaway up the river. 

Edited by ghoulina
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7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to work Twitter. I didn't see any pics comparing his clothes to the robbery clothes. Is there any way you can post them?


I need someone to solve this, y'all! I feel like this has to be Rhiiine. He was high as fuck and figured he could use the oar to knock out Mackenzie AND make his getaway up the river. 

Thanks for asking. I didn't see photos either. I can't figure out Twitter like the pros here on this board. I feel so dumb. 

7 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

So, ya'll....like, that is Ryan, right? Right? 

I think it really is.  

It looks exactly like him AND I feel like oars are something our brain-trust Ryan would totally steal. 

I still cannot believe those two guys (one of whom is Ryan) stole oars! I mean, can he get decent money for selling those oars for his drug problem? 

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21 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Or he plans on taking Mack out on a canoe ride in the hopes of returning home a widower. 

Ahhh A Place In The Sun. Huge Montgomery Clift fan here!

21 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Dang, so judgy...the girls he has sit on his face outside Food City are pure! 


I'm now picturing Ryan & Mack as "Tom & Jerry" & it's giving me the lolz. 

I was thinking more like Roadrunner and Coyote

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