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S01.E08: Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers

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Marcus, Tomas and Mother Bernadette race against the clock to stop the demon, and the Rance family is pulled into the conflict; the church's enemies become more aggressive as the pope's visit nears; Angela faces someone from her past.

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Wow, that end was a shocker! I really thought they had vanquished the demon, but it must be super strong. I feel really bad for Angela. The demon screwed up her childhood, and now she'll have to live with killing her mother, assuming she survies the demon. I thought the end was going to turn out to be a dream sequence, and I suppose it could still be, but I doubt it is.

Marcus and Tomas saying the prayers together while being all passionate and intense was bad ass! And kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie. :) I liked the scene of them in the bar, too. I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of them working together. Does anyone know what Marcus said in Latin? Something about Tomas being a brother?

Poor Father Bennet! I just knew that Cardinal, or whatever he was, was a baddie. I wonder if he's possessed too?

Edited by pezgirl7
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Wait, no new episodes until Dec 9? Do they just want this show to fail?

I figured Angela was going to get repossessed but it was nicely done just the same. I also liked the way Tomas stepped up his game, and the hints that Marcus could be a wee bit gay.

I was sad for Black Priest Whose Name I Don't Recall but his murder in the car (maybe murder?) was scary and I liked how he played realizing what was really up.

I'm not Catholic so I am asking for clarification. Is it really that awful if Tomas's boss finds out that he had sex with a consenting adult female? I mean, in contrast to the other priests?

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I feel like the church wouldn't think it was a huge deal that Tomas had an affair, considering they've let child molesters continue practising. But I suppose he could lose his parish and be forced to go to that creepy retreat place. Also, it would be pretty embarrassing.

Here's a nice photo from Ben Daniels' twitter.


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This was an explosive episode! I'm surprised Casey is still alive after the demon was making her head smash up and down. Didn't the nunnery have a back door they could have had the ambulance go to?

I'm sad Father Bennett is probably dead. That bishop, or whatever he was, did look shifty. The Pope is walking into a hornets nest.

I liked the throw back scene of Angela when she was girl and how she first met the demon and the start of her possession. I was surprised by the ending, he got her again. I'll miss her mother, she was a good character. Poor Cat and Angela's husband. I hope Father Tomas and Marcus can see right away that the demon isn't done yet.

Edited by Straycat80
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On 11/18/2016 at 11:06 PM, pezgirl7 said:

.Does anyone know what Marcus said in Latin? Something about Tomas being a brother?

He said, "Until the next time, my brother."


OK - I knew that it couldn't just be over, just like that. I did not see that ending coming, though! How is "Angela" going to explain the condition of her mother's body? 

And poor Father Bennett! R.I.P.

The acting is so good on this show. The guy who plays the demon is truly frightening. 

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Uh oh. Does this mean that Angela is now perfectly possessed? Integrated? I hope this show gets renewed because watching Geena Davis play possessed and anticipating her eventual exorcism scene is everything I never knew I wanted.

I truly hope Father Bennett survives even though I don't see how he could unless he's basically a ninja. I like his character so very much.

II also wonder about the dad's spiritual status. He's suddenly been getting sharper? That could be either really good news or really bad - we have already seen how he can be taken over - spoken through, directed to walk/look for things, etc. 

RIP Chris MacNeal. She is going to be missed. That will be a death that will be pretty impossible to run away from. 

Was the demon referencing Angela having an abortion at some point in her past? Or was he talking about her getting rid of the demon? 

The demon voice really didn't impress me but, to be fair, the sound design from the movie is a hard act to follow.

Overall that was a fantastic episode! I don't know what to believe or what to think. I just want more - right now! Why the mini hiatus? 

Edited by Door
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Her midair convulsions were creepy as hell.

Poor Father Bennett.

I hope that's the last we've seen of the wife. Spineless twit.

I'm guessing that one cop is in on it, too. The one who wanted to search the convent.

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5 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Wait, no new episodes until Dec 9? Do they just want this show to fail?


3 hours ago, Door said:

Why the mini hiatus? 

College football will bring up the ratings for the end of Nov. sweeps.

3 hours ago, Door said:

I hope this show gets renewed because watching Geena Davis play possessed and anticipating her eventual exorcism scene is everything I never knew I wanted.

So true. I never really liked GD very much until I realized there were terrible actresses out there getting roles she could play much better and she grew on me. I'm really appreciating her in this and I think she's the best part of the show. I love the fun little twists they come up with for her and how she plays them so well!

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Great episode. Faked me out. It seemed like they were buttoning everything up and this was the end of the series, I've heard the ratings haven't been great. 

I must have missed something, maybe someone knows and can help me out. There was a guy who seemed to be ready to connect with Marcus in the bar after Tomas left. Was this someone we know or just a random guy? TIA

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Casey is demon possessed, yes, and tethered to the bed. How about someone washing her hair and face? Because obviously that hasn't been done since she's been eating lake swan and living in the homeless rat tunnel. I also don't know why everyone has to listen to the demon and get all upset. They need some streetwise person who can talk smack back to the demon. I know I was doing that from my couch. Not that I'm volunteering. And Geena Davis saves Casey's neck from twisting off, then she does it to her mom. Ouch.

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15 hours ago, mertensia said:

I'm guessing that one cop is in on it, too. The one who wanted to search the convent.

See, I'm thinking it's the opposite. I think he might be the one person in power who hasn't been compromised and will be able to help the good guys, but the show is trying to trick us.

7 hours ago, SoSueMe said:

I must have missed something, maybe someone knows and can help me out. There was a guy who seemed to be ready to connect with Marcus in the bar after Tomas left. Was this someone we know or just a random guy? TIA

I think he was just a random guy, and that scene was just thrown in there to confirm what they had already hinted at; that Marcus is gay.

16 hours ago, Door said:

Was the demon referencing Angela having an abortion at some point in her past? Or was he talking about her getting rid of the demon? 

I think the demon was saying Angela aborted her first child, because she couldn't stand the thought that it would be messed up like her.

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I watch too many horror movies because I knew for sure that it was way too easy that the demon left Casey just like that. Angela either allowed it in or she cracked and the demon took hold. 

Marcus should've known better. All that head banging and floating gyrations were just for show. He's been around the block but his pride in having 'God in his hands' made him oblivious to the fact that the demon was playing them. Before anyone left that room Marcus should've doused them in holy water and done whatever other tests to ensure that the demon had not jumped from Casey into anyone else.

Poor Angela. That flashback scene of her watching her young self under the thrall of Captain Howdy was so gross and vicious. It was akin to a rapist telling a rape victim that she wanted it and enjoyed what happened.

And the demon confirmed that it had systematically targeted everyone in that family to break them down to get back at Angela. That guilt plus the guilt of seeing Casey so far gone also had to have played a role.

Not sure if the demon has fully integrated but it's darn close. I'd hate for Angela to die merged as one with the demon, but after killing Chris, her fate seems pretty dark/sealed. 

Do we know if this demon is part of the larger conspiracy or if it used the opportunity of the Satan worshippers gunning for the pope to gain power and make its escape topside and go rogue and get revenge on Angela?

As miffed as I am at Marcus for missing the obvious I was still happy for him finding such a stud in that bar and felt bad for him when duty called and he had to bail.

Tomas's girlfriend and her husband annoyed me. You come to taunt Tomas but don't want to throw down but will let him know that you're going to expose him to the church? And she just stood there watching this happen and then left with the jerk. So she went back to him? She couldve called or texted Tomas a warning. She could've told her husband where to go and throw his affair in his face. Instead she just stood there.

The penny dropped a little too late for Father Bennett that the Cardinal had been corrupted as well. Once you saw him positioned between those two goons in the limo, you knew it was over for him.

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Tomas' girlfriend's husband may very well be abusive and controlling. It takes a lot of guts and a spine to leave.

I'd expect Tomas to be moved to a more rural church or be re-assigned if his affair comes out. Given the Catholic Church's history of priests and abuse, he is a small fish to fry.

Felt sorry for Father Bennett. Yep, the Cardinal has been corrupted.

The Captain Howdy flashback was creepy. The licking of the face was just a 'no'.

Father Marcus is experienced enough to know that the 'show' was just that. The demon isn't gone yet.  The family should not have been let in to the room. Of course, it would try to make a return visit to Angela. Not that difficult, probably.  Killing her mother?

Show is still well-written and acted.

Once US Thanksgiving is over (no one will watch much on Black Friday except holiday specials) it'll be back.

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I love this show and this episode was no exception. It's so riveting and well acted and I'm sad it's not doing better in the ratings. When I didn't see it on my PVR for next week I was worried this was the final episode but I'm happy to know it will be back.

I'm very sad about Father Bennett and I wonder how long it'll take Angela's family to realize that Angela has been repossessed? I'm also sad she killed her mother, because I liked having her on the show these last couple of episodes.

I'm going to be so sad when this show is ultimately done.

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I loved the episode, but did NOT need to know that the demon "ruined" 12 y/o Regan for other men.  At least TV young-Regan looked like a teenager.  Regan of the book and movie was smart, but very child-like.

I don't think Angela is integrated already.  If she was able to fight it off as a vulnerable child, and keep it away for forty years, I think she will be exorcised.  She was just worn down physically, in fear for her child, and had just witnessed her young self being seduced by the demon.  I think they escalated the whole process for dramatic effect.  Plus, we've just watched the slow possession process in Casey, so it would be repetitive. 

It was another character assassination of Chris.  I didn't really care for book Chris, but when she wasn't working, she was with Regan.  And when Chris was working, Regan was always surrounded by the married couple who worked for the family, or Chris's assistant, who was like family.  They made Chris look like a boozy, flighty mother.  Calling her daughter a stinkpot, and drunkenly asking for Regan's advice on taking her first directorial role.  Book Chris gave up that job, BTW, to spend time with possessed Regan.  She was devoted to that child.

I haven't completely placed the title yet.  Typically, the titles are biblically related versus literal and on the nose.  The closest I can find is a quote from Galatians about Burden Bearers.  I'm not sure if that's the title reference, but it works within the context of the show.  Here it is:


 Burden bearers come to know Jesus better than those who do not respond to that call. The more we bear the burden of others, the more we feel the weight and horror of sin, and thus the more we sense the price our Lord pays for our continued existence. Until we begin to experience suffering for others, we cannot fully appreciate His eternal gift of redemptive suffering for us.


On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:06 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Wow, that end was a shocker! I really thought they had vanquished the demon, but it must be super strong. I feel really bad for Angela. The demon screwed up her childhood, and now she'll have to live with killing her mother, assuming she survies the demon. I thought the end was going to turn out to be a dream sequence, and I suppose it could still be, but I doubt it is.

Marcus and Tomas saying the prayers together while being all passionate and intense was bad ass! And kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie. :) I liked the scene of them in the bar, too. I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of them working together. Does anyone know what Marcus said in Latin? Something about Tomas being a brother?

Poor Father Bennet! I just knew that Cardinal, or whatever he was, was a baddie. I wonder if he's possessed too?

I'm 100% unspoiled, but I'm thinking "Angela" will go on the run.  That will allow her to shed her family so Tomas and Marcus can focus on her solely, and possibly lead the police to think an intruder killed Chris and took Angela, due to the notoriety.  It would also draw them out of Chicago and take the heat off of the Demon summoners, which would be a calculated move by the demon.  At least that's how I'd write it.

And yes to Marcus in the bar.  Wow.  I don't care that he bats for the other side.  When he locks eyes on the other man and smiles while his eyes light up - uh, I re-wound that at least once.  Why have I never seen this actor in anything before?  I will be following this man to whatever projects he's in after this show.

On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:54 PM, Straycat80 said:

I'm sad Father Bennett is probably dead. That bishop, or whatever he was, did look shifty. The Pope is walking into a hornets nest.

I'm sad, too, but I suspected Bennett wasn't long for this world.  No way were all three priests going to survive.  (I'm still worried about Marcus.)  I was surprised that it took so long for Bennett to figure things out.  The bishop could not have been creepier.  He wasn't even attempting to hide who and what he was.  After Bennett pointed out the church had been compromised, the bishop slyly responded, "all that hard work for nothing".  My heart did a little jump, but Bennett acted like all was well.  And that was well before they were in the car.  Bad instincts.

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One thing that demons do is mix lies with the truth.  So, although the demon through Casey told of how Angela "scraped" her first born, i.e., she'd had an abortion, this may or may not be true.  Likewise the comment about the demon ruining it for Angela for other men.  This doesn't necessarily mean Angela has intimacy problems, it could mean that the demon thinks he's so great that when he forced her to masturbate with the crucifix in the book/movie, he had ruined her expectations of how great other men would be.  This, of course, is boasting.  Angela and Hank have two children, so unless she gritted her teeth throughout the conceptions of those two, I don't see it.  That also belies the kiss Angela gave Hank on the way out of the convent in this episode.  It was a very loving, but not too much PDA, kiss.


I'm thinking that Angela will be shown to come home, see her mother on the stairs and find her dead (drats, I loved Sharon Gless in this show!) and not realize (at least not then) that she killed her whilst possessed by Captain Howdy, the demon.  Everyone will think it was just a tragic accident that Chris fell, and broke her neck in the fall, since no one will have been known to be at home at the time of the fall.

I'm not completely sure that Father Bennett is dead; the actor is listed as being in Episodes 9 and 10.

I really don't get why the priests included the family in the exorcism.  This would not happen in real life, as far as I know, but then again, I'm not an expert.  The exorcism needs to be conducted by the professionals, and anyone else needs to be out of harm's way.

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1 hour ago, CelticBlackCat said:

One thing that demons do is mix lies with the truth.  So, although the demon through Casey told of how Angela "scraped" her first born, i.e., she'd had an abortion, this may or may not be true.  Likewise the comment about the demon ruining it for Angela for other men.  This doesn't necessarily mean Angela has intimacy problems, it could mean that the demon thinks he's so great that when he forced her to masturbate with the crucifix in the book/movie, he had ruined her expectations of how great other men would be.  This, of course, is boasting.  Angela and Hank have two children, so unless she gritted her teeth throughout the conceptions of those two, I don't see it.  That also belies the kiss Angela gave Hank on the way out of the convent in this episode.  It was a very loving, but not too much PDA, kiss.

I'm not sure why the demon would bring up an abortion if it never happened, because it would just ruin its credibility. Watching Angela's reaction, I think it was probably true. I think the demon was totally boasting about ruining other men for Angela, including Henry who apparently was very verile. The demon was probably over exaggerating, and since Angela didn't even remember being possessed, I have my doubts to the demon's claims. I don't understand why Angela would have to grit her teeth with Henry though, in order for his statements to be true. The idea is not that she wasn't enjoying it, but that it wasn't as enjoyable as how the demon made her feel. Ick, why I am talking about this? LOL

2 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

I really don't get why the priests included the family in the exorcism.  This would not happen in real life, as far as I know, but then again, I'm not an expert.  The exorcism needs to be conducted by the professionals, and anyone else needs to be out of harm's way.

Tomas brought the family because he thought Casey was going to die. Angela was the only one involved, after much protesting from Marcus. But I think he allowed it because they were out of options. I also think since Angela had been possessed by the same demon, these were special circumstances. But looking back, it was probably a bad idea!

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39 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

I'm not sure why the demon would bring up an abortion if it never happened, because it would just ruin its credibility. Watching Angela's reaction, I think it was probably true. I think the demon was totally boasting about ruining other men for Angela, including Henry who apparently was very verile. The demon was probably over exaggerating, and since Angela didn't even remember being possessed, I have my doubts to the demon's claims. I don't understand why Angela would have to grit her teeth with Henry though, in order for his statements to be true. The idea is not that she wasn't enjoying it, but that it wasn't as enjoyable as how the demon made her feel. Ick, why I am talking about this? LOL

Tomas brought the family because he thought Casey was going to die. Angela was the only one involved, after much protesting from Marcus. But I think he allowed it because they were out of options. I also think since Angela had been possessed by the same demon, these were special circumstances. But looking back, it was probably a bad idea!

Tomas' judgment is not good, so anything he decides is suspect, and Marcus is The Exorcist, not Tomas.  He was just supposed to be helping Marcus, whom he sought out to help Casey.  Did you miss the scene where Angela, Hank and Kat were in the room with Casey?  Without Mother Bernadette there, Marcus probably wouldn't have felt so pressured.  She wanted them to kill Casey to end her suffering.  Angela being possessed by the same demon was exactly why she should have never been let in that room.

With God and Jesus, you are never out of options.  The demon(s) do and say all sorts of things designed to wear the exorcist out.

Also, the demon is not trying to prove credibility, just confuse and destroy.

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4 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

Tomas' judgment is not good, so anything he decides is suspect, and Marcus is The Exorcist, not Tomas.  He was just supposed to be helping Marcus, whom he sought out to help Casey.  Did you miss the scene where Angela, Hank and Kat were in the room with Casey?

You asked why the priests included the family, and I was just trying to give an answer. The whole family was in the room for all of two minutes, while no prayers were being said. The priests promptly ushered the family out as soon as the demon starting throwing people around, and they were forced to sit outside in the hallway. Then the family went home, and only Angela was allowed to be there while they were actually trying to exorcize the demon. I can't argue what would happen in real life since I know nothing about exorcisms except what I've seen in movies, and for me, the whole show is based in fiction since I don't believe in demons. I'm just trying to explain the characters based on the story the show is telling.

If Angela hadn't been allowed into the room, and Casey had died, what would have happened to the demon? Would it have had to possess another person to stay on earth?

Edited by pezgirl7
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I think it was really a Catch 22; Marcus was absolutely right that Angela being in the room was dangerous because she had been possessed before by this demon so it would know how to manipulate her and this demon was angling to break her and reclaim her since she was the one who got away.

Yet without Angela's arrival, the demon was retreating into Casey and could not be drawn out. Rather it was biding it's time by wearing Casey out from within to the point that Casey was giving up. Her saying 'No More' could be interpreted as please put me out of my misery or if the demon was talking that there was no more of Casey left and she was becoming integrated. Marcus couldn't exorcise the demon if it wasn't going to come out and play and Casey was fading. The demon roused when Angela arrived. As someone pointed out Bernadette was ready to euthanize Casey so Marcus had the choice of losing Casey completely or take the chance that Angela could hold the demon out but play the bait to lure the demon out so that he and Tomas could do their thing. And we saw what happened when he tried to wait it out with his failed exorcism from the first episode - the demon showed him exactly who was in charge and broke the boy's neck. 

So Marcus was boxed in and played the hand he was dealt and unfortunately not only lost, but lost in one of the ways he expected/warned everyone about and doesn't know it yet. Pride goeth and all that.

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12 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:


I really don't get why the priests included the family in the exorcism.  This would not happen in real life, as far as I know, but then again, I'm not an expert.  The exorcism needs to be conducted by the professionals, and anyone else needs to be out of harm's way.

Yes, but the Winchester brothers are kinda busy on another show at the moment.

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17 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

I'm not completely sure that Father Bennett is dead; the actor is listed as being in Episodes 9 and 10.

He's not dead, the creepy bishop or cardinal (or whatever the fuck he was) wanted names.  I'm sure the two muscleheads in the car suffocated Fr Bennet to the point of unconsciousness only.  I'm predicting some medival type of torture to get the names.

Why didn't Fr Bennet's spidey sense kick in when he was in the car between two thugs?

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I have a feeling the season is going to end on a big cliff-hanger. What's the deal with the extra lens/pupil in the eyeball whenever someone gets possessed? I mean, I get that it looks scary as hell but I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean.

I know this show isn't a comedy, but it seems to me there's a more practical way to exorcise a demon: bore him to death. Strap Casey down and make her watch an endless marathon of Brady Bunch reruns,  and pipe in Disney sing-along songs overnight. The demon seems to get off on the torture and the latin but you could probably bore it into leaving of its own accord.

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The ending was a shocker :o

I would think too that Regan will say to Henry and Kat that she found Chris dead because she fell off the stairs.

And when I saw Fr. Bennet between those 2 thugs, like you guys thought, something bad will happen to him :( 

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On 11/18/2016 at 10:06 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Marcus and Tomas saying the prayers together while being all passionate and intense was bad ass! And kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie. :) I liked the scene of them in the bar, too. I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of them working together. Does anyone know what Marcus said in Latin? Something about Tomas being a brother?

It was Spanish, I think :) "A la proxima, hermano."


I think the demon was totally boasting about ruining other men for Angela, including Henry who apparently was very verile.

I thought the demon was mocking Henry, like "Wow, you sure picked a real manly man."


What's the deal with the extra lens/pupil in the eyeball whenever someone gets possessed? I mean, I get that it looks scary as hell but I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean.

I love the effect and think it looks awesome. In terms of meaning, I'd guess maybe it's like an "evil eye" type thing. It's the demon seeing through the person's eye(s), perhaps.

Edited by rubinia
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Seems like the devil is having it all his own way.  When is Good going to step up and lend a hand. What I would really like to see some concrete action from the Other Side. For example, if demons can possess people, why not angels?

Personally, I would love to see someone (Marcus!) possessed by the Archangel Michael (traditionally the Warrior Angel and the one who threw Satan from Heaven). Wouldn't that be cool? Especially if he faces down the demon that the conspirators conjured up.  "Guess who, asshat?  That's right.  It's me, Michael.  Here to send your sorry butt back to hell, just like before.  Good times."  And then the heavenly excrement hits the divine fan. 

Probably won't happen, but I can always hope.  :P

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On 2016-11-18 at 11:06 PM, pezgirl7 said:

Wow, that end was a shocker! I really thought they had vanquished the demon, but it must be super strong. I feel really bad for Angela. The demon screwed up her childhood, and now she'll have to live with killing her mother, assuming she survies the demon. I thought the end was going to turn out to be a dream sequence, and I suppose it could still be, but I doubt it is.

Marcus and Tomas saying the prayers together while being all passionate and intense was bad ass! And kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie. :) I liked the scene of them in the bar, too. I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of them working together. Does anyone know what Marcus said in Latin? Something about Tomas being a brother?

Poor Father Bennet! I just knew that Cardinal, or whatever he was, was a baddie. I wonder if he's possessed too?

I was so very happy to see how Father Bennet was being given a very large chunk of the acting in this show. I began to take his participation for granted and then ... all of a sudden ... KA-BAM! the door was slammed right in my face!

I don't know whether I should feel angry by this development or whether I should feel proud of the people who produce this show for stepping out on a limb in the way they did. I suppose, when it comes to Father Bennet's death, I am just left feeling disappointed and confused. I surely do hope that the producers of this show will attempt to reconcile North American TV with the current state of race relations. In the meantime my guess is that we will just be left to fend for ourselves. I don't know whether to cry or to be happy about that. So sad, so very sad. Is there anything that we can do to help the producers make the transition in a smoother way? (Isn't it interesting how close the spelling of "smother" is to "smoother"?)  Is there anyone we can write?  Is there anyone to whom we can protest? I must admit that Father Bennet's death truly did snatch the wind right out of my sails. Holy Shit!

Edited by AliShibaz
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You may be correct - of course.

But, I just can't imagine they would think they could successfully "scare" him or "force" him into succumbing to their will. Then again,  perhaps they might let Father Bennet live and then try to convince him that God had abandoned him (or there is no God) and then offer him the opportunity to join forces with them to give God some payback.  I suppose that might be a possibility. But I would bet that Father Bennet would just be too smart to fall for that foolish ruse.

If I was Father Bennet (fat chance, huh?), I would think these people were trying to take advantage of me and use me to give God some nasty retribution and I would hope that I wouldn't fall for that. But, who knows? I'm just speculating about an imaginary scenario. Father Bennet would be living in a real (well, as real as TV can get) extortion scenario. More than anything, my heart goes out to Father Bennet and I would hope he would make a choice that would please God. But who can speculate on what might please God in any given situation. After all, ours is not to reason why. Ours is just to honor and obey the word of God. (I hope).

Edited by AliShibaz
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Please stop posting about the "real life" Catholic church, especially in episode topics. Keep your discussion to things that actually happened in the episode/on the show. Discussion of actual happenings in the Catholic church don't belong here. Thanks. 

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I was just re-watching this episode and found something fun. If you've watched The Walking Dead and remember the character "Jim" from season one (I really liked that character), the same actor - Andrew Rothenberg - shows up here as Jessica's husband, also named Jim :)

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