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S05.E07: Vigilante

Tara Ariano
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1 hour ago, ladylaw99 said:

I hate the fact that Lyla didn't think to bring their son to see Diggle for the kids b-day but had WD organize it instead or did I get that wrong- I started to zone out a bit.

They needed something for WD to do besides be annoying.

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1 hour ago, way2interested said:

Mega annoyed that they're going to drag out the Vigilante mystery out even though everyone already knows it's Chase.

Okay, I know nothing about comics (I never have paid any attention to anything I did not already remember from the Justice League cartoons), and even though last week I thought Chase was Prometheus (I knew something was off, but didn't know what), the show made it so incredibly obvious tonight that Chase is actually Vigilante that even I was able to get it. And then they went the "mysterious getaway" route instead of outright revealing what they'd already telegraphed. Smh.

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SA wasn't doing the fight with Dolph Lundgren right? Because SA is a better fighter than that. That looked really bad. IMO

Also,  a member of THE MAYOR'S SECURITY DETAIL is not going to text a reporter as to the Mayor's whereabouts. And why would Oliver not fire said person on the spot?

Edited by catrox14
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2 hours ago, ladylaw99 said:

It's the same thing as Ray pinging Felicity's phone. For me it's desperate.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm gonna call her Rayporter.

I'm just slowly working my way through the episode. That hit that Vigilante delivered to Curtis' back? So, so bad. It looked so bad. 

Ooh!  Change Approved!!  I'm never typing Susan again!  

When Ray pinged Felicity's cellphone, it worked for me because he was this dude without boundaries and that was just another instance that he overstepped.  But with Rayporter, Oliver was supposed to be flattered that she was stalking him.  And he was.  Sigh.  

2 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

So assuming Evelyn is a dirty double crosser and this isn't some kind of double agent thing, how will this impact Oliver's trust issues?

Maybe he'll learn that teenagers shouldn't be vigilantes?  I mean, unless they are your sister.  

15 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

They needed something for WD to do besides be annoying.

But he's so good at it!

2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

SA wasn't doing the fight with Dolph Lundgren right? Because SA is a better fighter than that. That looked really bad. IMO

He was also supposed to be mentally and physically exhausted after a week of torture.  I'll let it pass.  

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

He was also supposed to be mentally and physically exhausted after a week of torture.  I'll let it pass.

Eh, you're being more kind than me. LOL Oliver has fought when he's waterlogged, near drowning and after being tortured before and he was in worse shape than this IMO.I just didn't think it was a good fight scene

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14 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Eh, you're being more kind than me. LOL Oliver has fought when he's waterlogged, near drowning and after being tortured before and he was in worse shape than this IMO.I just didn't think it was a good fight scene

I also think that it was supposed to make Kovar look good, not Oliver.  

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I also think that it was supposed to make Kovar look good, not Oliver.  

I get that.  I'm speaking more to the aesthetics of the fight, meaning I didn't think it was well choreographed.  Like Oliver has been beaten before , i.e. when he got his ass handed to him by Malcolm,twice ,and it just looked better.  IMO

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1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I get that.  I'm speaking more to the aesthetics of the fight, meaning I didn't think it was well choreographed.  Like Oliver has been beaten before , i.e. when he got his ass handed to him by Malcolm,twice ,and it just looked better.  IMO

Honestly, I wasn't impressed by any of the fights tonight.  So my baseline is already low.  

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44 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Also,  a member of THE MAYOR'S SECURITY DETAIL is not going to text a reporter as to the Mayor's whereabouts. And why would Oliver not fire said person on the spot?

This bugged me so much. I know Oliver ditches his security detail all the time, but still. Is everyone corrupt in some way on the show now? How is Oliver not concerned about this when 2 weeks ago, he hired someone to be him because there was a hit out on him? Why is his first thought, "great, I want to spend more time with this reporter" and not "huh, this isn't right. Maybe I should look into these guys"? 

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

This bugged me so much. I know Oliver ditches his security detail all the time, but still. Is everyone corrupt in some way on the show now? How is Oliver not concerned about this when 2 weeks ago, he hired someone to be him because there was a hit out on him? Why is his first thought, "great, I want to spend more time with this reporter" and not "huh, this isn't right. Maybe I should look into these guys"? 

Right? Like why is Oliver being an idiot again? Especially over a woman.  Does he have NO recollection of Isobel Rochev?

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Honestly the worst part is I'm not sure the writers will even fully address the storyline as how bone headed Mayor Oliver is being. I think we are suppose to find this all adorable they way we were suppose to find Ray all adorable when he acted like a stalker creep. 

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8 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Honestly the worst part is I'm not sure the writers will even fully address the storyline as how bone headed Mayor Oliver is being. I think we are suppose to find this all adorable they way we were suppose to find Ray all adorable when he acted like a stalker creep. 

He's supposed to be a little bone headed since Thea kept pointing it out in the prior episodes but we're supposed to forget that during this episode.  

When Oliver was talking about all the city's problems all I could think was that she's probably recording the whole conversation to include in her big expose' at the end of the month.  At the very least she'd just gotten off the phone with her Russian contact that is looking into what Oliver was doing his fifth year away.  

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The Evelyn reveal was genuinely suprising. I approve that there's a patsy on this poorly vetted new team and that it's a woman. I would prefer it if it was acted by a better actress, but that ship has sailed.

Will there ever again be a fun and engaging caper on this show ever again? They could have had one with the bank heist, but it was just flat. Also, somebody needs to give Curtis and Evelyn pointer on keeping look out.

4 hours ago, ladylaw99 said:


Oliver seems to be OK with being so open with imo a stranger especially someone he knows is not so trustworthy. I actually would love for her to pull a fast one on him.

My preferred scenario is for them both to be playing each other. I don't want an Isabel redux, but I wouldn't mind a fix it, wherein Oliver is hella suspicious about her and is actively trying to get the dirt on her.

2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

(But I do have to say, dressing Evelyn the way they did to lure the guy into the alley? Just no. I really wonder how anyone thought that was a good idea. Maybe they forgot she's 17 because they didn't care as long as they could write in that scene?) 

I don't think Sin was any older when she posed as a hooker in s2.

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The episode didn't royally piss me off, so I guess that's improvement. I agree that the Arrow cave stick training seemed less than well choreographed. I can attribute that to them trying show that they're still learning, but that's not really why. Of course, the flashback fistfight was even worse. At one point, "Ivan" made a right hook against Oliver in front of the bright windows. His fist was so far away from Oliver's face, it yanked me right out of the scene, and I had to rewind to see just just how bad it was. And yay for more sweaty shirtless Diggle.

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'I'm having doubts over my methods to save the city, so I will confide in a complete stranger and not in my actual friends that know my secret and my struggle. And then I'll spout her words back to my enemies, because I need validation and reassurance and a pat on the head for every single one of my actions'. Oliver Queen, the village's idiot.

I mean, Oliver having a female friend would be great. Oliver bonding with this chick - over vigilante related business -  as a preamble to them banging is dumb as hell. The scene with Isabel in the Russia episode made somewhat sense, this doesn't.

Also I agree, why the hell did Lyla need to be told  by Wild Dog of all people to bring the kid to the bunker? Come on.

Edited by looptab
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So this episode refused to show Felicity reacting to the news of Oliver meeting Susan in any way, and there was Curtis pointing out the undefined state of Felicity's relationship with Malone. Given the writers' love of gotcha moments, I'm almost serious about speccing that Oliver and Felicity have started hooking up.

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My ferevent hope was that Oliver and Felicity would have a Meredith Derek type break up sex while confused over their relationship scenario. But then we had Mayo and now hints of Susan. I'd be surprised if they made Oliver and Felicity cheaters. However once Mayo and Reporter are out of the picture? I'm not putting it past Oliver and Felicity having a sex lapse or two before officially reuniting. 


This seasons hard to read though because the writers haven't been clear in how they are writing Olicity. Like in season 2 it was obvious they were building up an attraction and hints of romance, season 3 it was clear despite the angst they were building up to a finale drive off into the sunset finish, season 4 by 4x08 it was clear they were building to a breakup but they hinted in other episodes how Oliver and Felicity were meant to be and that this was a speed bump along the journey.

Season 5 to use Wendy's word is ambiguous to me at least on how we are suppose to read Olicity because they seem to be sending mix messages. They throw Oliver and Felicity heart eyes on one hand and then have them plantonic friendly workmates with no invested interest in the other emotionally on the other; see no reaction shot on Felicity when mentioning Susan and Oliver or Oliver not being an active participant in Felicitys brief Haven Rock remorse.

So it's hard to spec whether there will be big Olicity storylines or no Olicity storylines coming up mainly because I feel like the way I'm reading Olicity this season is "let's keep options open". Not necessarily as in have new endgames but not write Olicity in a way where they are beholden to have them reunite romantically by any time frame. 

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1 hour ago, looptab said:


Oliver himself with the League and Lance with DD. It's been done. Time for a true traitor that needs to be taken down IMO. This is just what i would like to see, especially because it will get rid of atleast 1 mask.

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Despite many action sequences, this episode was... boring. Watching this hour of Arrow was just tedious. It was such a yawner - until the very end when we get - gasp - the game-changing shocker that Evelyn is a mole and has been working with Prometheus all along.

Team Arrow tries and fails to capture the Vigilante despite multiple attempts. The team also briefly debates who decides who can be a vigilante and who must be stopped (answer = Oliver). We learn that the Vigilante suffered a loss and doesn't think the Green Arrow has suffered any loss - so apparently he is at least one person in Star City who doesn't know that Oliver is the GA. (We also learn that Felicity doesn't really need glasses to work the computer, unless she was wearing contacts in the field.) The Vigilante's real identity is not revealed in this episode and he remains free to continue killing criminals, so that storyline went nowhere. However, there is a scene where Adrian Chase tells a suspect in the police interrogation room that he's been to Hell and that he's no one this suspect wants to mess with. Oh, and the way to distinguish between the Vigilante and Prometheus is that the Vigilante wears these big red goggles over his eyes.

Quentin confides in Thea about waking up with a wound and throwing star. However, he says that, even in a drunken blackout, he wouldn't become a psychopath. He recognizes that Prometheus is targeting him. He resigns his job at the mayor's office, and Thea persuades him to enter rehab (Laurel's name is invoked again - honestly, I wanted to mute the sound on my TV at this point. Both WH and PB are good actors, but they're just annoying at this point.) Later Thea tells Oliver about Quentin, and they both realize that Prometheus must know that Oliver is the Green Arrow.

Oliver has two dates with Susan, both instigated by her.  The first time, she offers to meet him at a bar and treat him to a drink as a "friend" and someone to talk to. He accepts and, for some reason, seeks her advice on some insecurities he has being a restrained mayor versus someone else who acts more extreme (we really know he's talking about his doubts as a vigilante versus the Vigilante, but whatever). Nothing romantic happens, except at one point she puts her hand over his hand and Oliver looks down at their hands. Later, she ambushes him at the end of his work day and wants him to treat her to a drink, and they go off together at the end of this episode (so we don't know what happens on that second "date"). Honestly, it strains credibility that Oliver needs to confide in this reporter who he barely knows and shouldn't trust (listen to Thea!), rather than talk to Diggle, Thea or even Felicity. Susan's motives are still suspect, but since she's a comics character, she'll probably turn out to be an ally. (Oh, and there was another reference to Felicity's cop boyfriend in this episode - just to reinforce that fact, so it's totes fine that Oliver is now apparently dating this reporter.)

Diggle is acting all angry and out of control in the field because he missed his son JJ's 2nd birthday. U.S. Marshals are watching his family, so he can't go near Lyla or JJ.  So Wild Dog of all people somehow manages to smuggle in Lyla and JJ to the Arrow Bunker so that Diggle can celebrate JJ's birthday together with his family. I guess we're supposed to believe that Wild Dog acts tough but has a heart of gold.  (Oh, and Wild Dog called Felicity "Blondie" twice in this episode, and no one blinked an eye.)

In flashbacks, Kovar's men have apparently been torturing Oliver for a week but he hasn't said anything other than to scream out Taiana's name and wanting to avenge her a few times (major eye roll). Kovar has Oliver brought in to share a meal with him. Kovar tells him that he has a deal with Bratva. The Bratva will stop hostilities against him in exchange for a percentage of Kovar's casino's profits. Oliver doesn't believe him and attempts to escape but fails. Gregor conveniently enters at this point and confirms that Bratva indeed is working with Kovar, its supposed enemy. We also meet Taiana's mother, Galina, who is apparently now working as Kovar's housekeeper horticulturist and has been for a year, ever since she approached Kovar about finding her missing children.

At the very end of this episode, we see Evelyn on a building rooftop. Prometheus appears. She then tells him: "Don't worry. Nobody followed me. They don't suspect a thing." Dun, dun, dun. (If she had a mustache, I'm sure she would've twirled it at this point.) So I'm wildly guessing that Evelyn and Prometheus are siblings, whose father was killed by Oliver in S1.

What a ridiculous episode. Arrow has just felt really surface-y lately. Lots of action, shallow character development, little emotional connection. There also seems to be more posing than acting going on with the cast. Each episode has a loudly telegraphed theme. In case you're wondering, variations of the same theme were said by various people at various times, including Kovar: "Who's the monster and who's the hero?" and "The truth is a matter of perspective."

ETA: Two moments when young women were used as sex objects in this episode:

  • Teenage Evelyn (who's supposed to be 15, 16 or 17 years old) dresses up in a short, tight dress and high heels to lure a criminal into an alleyway, so she and Ragman can interrogate him.
  • The Vigilante busts up a criminal transaction where sex traffickers are buying a drugged young woman. (I seem to recall an EP interview at one time where they said that they will never have storylines that exploit women, like sex trafficking or prostitution, but I can't find the quote - so if anyone has it, please post. However, more recently, WM did mention human trafficking in relation to S5.)
Edited by tv echo
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There are a few reasons why this esp did not work for me.  In the last four years the relationship between Oliver, Diggle and Felicity was built to be strong, they were a family.  So now I suppose to believe that Oliver would have that type of conversation with the reporter instead of Diggle or that Oliver and Felicity (should have been Lyla) would not organize a get together with Diggles kid or that Diggle couldn't have had the conversation about his family and why he was upset with Felicity or better yet not have Felicity talk to Thea regarding her feelings about anything.

I get that they want us to like the new kids but they are sacrificing the great relationship of OTA.  I really like Rory, he fits in well but the others just can't get me to care.  I am trying to like them.  WD had a moment with Diggle but it left me meh.  The reason why Blondie bothers me so much is because they are working together.  That would be like a co-worker calling me sweetheart or honey. No way would I allow that and the fact that Felicity's has said that's not her name just annoys me to no end.  If they were friends it might be a funny exchange between the two but the writers have not given me the impression that they are more the co-workers.

I just can't understand why Oliver has to be made to look so dumb.  

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I have to say they did a really good job replicating the look of the '80s Vigilante, a character notable only for the fact that Alan Moore wrote two issues of his comic. (And it was among the least interesting things Alan Moore ever wrote.)

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22 minutes ago, tv echo said:

What a ridiculous episode. Arrow has just felt really surface-y lately. Lots of action, shallow character development, little emotional connection. There also seems to be more posing than acting going on with the cast. Each episode has a loudly telegraphed theme. In case you're wondering, variations of the same theme were said by various people at various times, including Kovar: "Who's the monster and who's the hero?" and "The truth is a matter of perspective."

Yeah, I've been feeling this way as well. Even nice-ish moments have been kind of just going through the moments until we get to an actual moment that might matter (still don't know what it is or will be, since a lot of this is still playing by the books emotional and narrative-wise). I mean, I still like them, but they haven't caught me like some of the moments back in s1-s4. Maybe that's just nostalgia glasses kicking in, but the only thing that feels relatively emotionally satisfying are the Thea and Lance scenes, and even then narrative-wise they falter due to the fact that it's so disconnecting from the plot (although I did like Oliver and Felicity's scene in 502, Felicity with Rory in 504, and to a lesser extent Diggle with Deadshot in 503 as well). I've reached my new par, and shallow execution is what we're doing now, so I'm taking the shallow execution as such and recognizing it as such. There are snippets of how Arrow was and could be and I'll take those moments when they come, but it comes with a lot of sighs. 

It does kind of feel like the cast are kind of just going through the motions as well, not necessarily phoning it in necessarily but just a bit unconnected, which seems weird since they seemed *so excited* to get back to basics.

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I'm sorry, as much as I like the Thea - Quentin scenes, and the actors are good, when she told him he was like family I started laughing. I thought of when she told Oliver that Quentin took care of them after Moira died, haha.

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10 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

He's supposed to be a little bone headed since Thea kept pointing it out in the prior episodes but we're supposed to forget that during this episode.  

When Oliver was talking about all the city's problems all I could think was that she's probably recording the whole conversation to include in her big expose' at the end of the month.  At the very least she'd just gotten off the phone with her Russian contact that is looking into what Oliver was doing his fifth year away.  

The cast is far too large this season and used so inefficiently. Additionally, the team arrow trainees seem to have very little backstory motivating their desire to be vigilantes. They should have slowly introduced the newbies. It could have dovetailed with all of the new vigilantes that Laurel's death inspired. I feel like the first half of this season should be Oliver trying to keep the new vigilantes in check and trying to reach out to have them join him. How much more profound would Wild Dog's realization that he can't do it on his own when he ruined a police investigation and accidentally created a super powered gangster have been if he had been off heroing on his own. And with the proliferation of vigilantes, the city should feel like it's under seige. There would likely be collateral damage and at least one vigilante should have a very rigid view of what crimes deserve punishment.

Oliver needs an actual chief of staff with experience who is roughly his age. There could be some flirty back and forth assuming the chief of staff assuming it's a woman, but she's the one who puts a kibosh on the relationship because she's a professional. Thea should be Oliver's body man/scheduler, basically the person who shadows Oliver. She could be the person running interference as the chief of staff starts to wonder where Oliver is.

I'm fine with the reporter stringing Oliver along to get a story. It's kind of gross. The thing I have a problem with is that no one within Oliver's administration or in team arrow seems to realize what a colossally bad idea it is to have Oliver meeting with a reporter who has already burned them.

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Oliver has two dates with Susan, both instigated by her.  The first time, she offers to meet him at a bar and treat him to a drink as a "friend" and someone to talk to.

The timeline was really messy.  She says drinks tonight but unless Felicity has taken to multiple wardrobe changes a day, Oliver was 24 hours late and yet Susie Rayporter was right there waiting.


It does kind of feel like the cast are kind of just going through the motions as well, not necessarily phoning it in necessarily but just a bit unconnected, which seems weird since they seemed *so excited* to get back to basics.

Maybe if that ever happens they will get excited again.  I wonder if they feel misled that back to basics turned out to mean a huge crop of newbies and character regression/stagnation.

1 hour ago, tv echo said:


  • The Vigilante busts up a criminal transaction where sex traffickers are buying a drugged young woman.

That was a strange scene.  Playing loud rock music keeps the victims calm? Huh?

52 minutes ago, looptab said:

I'm sorry, as much as I like the Thea - Quentin scenes, and the actors are good, when she told him he was like family I started laughing. I thought of when she told Oliver that Quentin took care of them after Moira died, haha.

I'm taking it as Thea saw Laurel, who she'd gotten close to, as family so now by extension that included Quentin.  Plus Thea got hit in the head a lot.

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2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm fine with the reporter stringing Oliver along to get a story. It's kind of gross. The thing I have a problem with is that no one within Oliver's administration or in team arrow seems to realize what a colossally bad idea it is to have Oliver meeting with a reporter who has already burned them.

Well, Thea was too busy helping Lance. They didn't even want to show Felicity's reaction to Oliver meeting her for drinks. They apparently forgot that Oliver has a friend in Diggle to talk to over a drink. And the newbies cared more about telling Oliver he was going on a date. So that pretty much leaves no one to remind Oliver of what Susan was doing a couple episodes ago. (It's sort of why I hope that this all comes back to bite him. I expect better from Oliver. I don't think he should need someone to tell him not to talk to a reporter.) 

2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm taking it as Thea saw Laurel, who she'd gotten close to, as family so now by extension that included Quentin.  Plus Thea got hit in the head a lot.

This made me laugh. Plus, you know, maybe the two have been bonding over Oliver's stupidity in City Hall when Lance did manage to show up. 

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This ep reinforced for me the notion that Arrow has no idea what to do with Thea and Quentin. They seem to exist solely so Oliver can talk to somebody at the mayor's office, to remind the audience that Oliver does mayor things. Quentin's alcohol story line reminds me too much of Laurel's, and feels like something that was given to the character just so they have something. Maybe there's a payoff for this later but I find I really don't give a damn about either character anymore. 

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46 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I'm fine with the reporter stringing Oliver along to get a story. It's kind of gross. The thing I have a problem with is that no one within Oliver's administration or in team arrow seems to realize what a colossally bad idea it is to have Oliver meeting with a reporter who has already burned them.

Didn't Thea and Quentin tell him that in the last episode?

Anyway being the Major and a Vigilante and going out with a Reporter is just dumb as is being a Hacker and Vigilante and dating a Cop. But I guess the Writers just can't come up with better ideas.

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Quentin and Thea did tell Oliver to keep clear of the reporter last episode. 

And yes, the show has no clue what to do Quentin and Thea. Instead of being the deputy mayor, Quentin should be the mayor's liaison to the police and district attorney's office. This might still give him access to evidence. It would also make Prometheus framing him more plausible because Quentin with his connections could be figuring out who Prometheus is. Earlier in the season, they paid some lip service about how there is still a bunch of police corruption. The show could have Quentin working with the new DA to uncover police corruption. In the midst of that investigation, Quentin discovers who Prometheus is and winds up in his crosshairs.

I would much rather have Quentin doing legit work because it reinforces what Oliver is trying to do as mayor--improve the city in the light where everyone can see.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

That was a strange scene.  Playing loud rock music keeps the victims calm? Huh?

Yeah, I feel the song they were playing should have been "So Bizarre". WTF

1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm taking it as Thea saw Laurel, who she'd gotten close to, as family so now by extension that included Quentin.  Plus Thea got hit in the head a lot.

BOOM! Y'all got BURNED.

My impression of the episode:

Hey, tv watcher! Do you like Arrow?


Then you're gonna loooove NOOBS! Watch the NOOBS investigate, take charge, while the protagonist has his ego massaged! Watch as we imply that all criminals are rapists, and it's your fault anyway because you were skimpily dressed!

No, I-

Oh, andoneofthenoobsisevil - Watch Noobs, every Wednesday, 8/7 Central!


Hey, tv watcher! Do you like Arrow?


Then you're gonna looove Rehab Deputy Mayor! Watch our favourite ex-cop crawl into the bottle over and over, until he has to be dragged out over and over, while more interesting things happen elsewhere! Watch Rehab Deputy Mayor, every Wednesday, 8/7 Central!


Hey, tv watcher! Do you like Arrow?


Then you're gonna looooooove Sexy Reporter! Watch our protagonist spill his guts to someone whose JOB IT IS TO EXPOSE HIS SECRETS! Watch Sexy Reporter give our hero a pep talk, because he's doubting his mission again, while she's probably setting him up for another humiliating exposé ! Watch Sexy Reporter, every Wednesday, 8/7 Central!

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20 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Are the flashbacks integral to the present day story? I tend to fast forward through them after a while.

Often this season they've reinforced the present day story, but I wouldn't call them important.  They have been a lot better though.

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16 hours ago, mtlchick said:

The rage I have over no more Baby Sara has been somewhat tempered by JJ's lispy "You're sweaty."  

That was so adorable.  That couldn't have been scripted.  The kid wasn't thrilled to be picked up by David Ramsey.  LOL

16 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Ollie's relationship with the reporter is SOOOO going to come back and bite him in the ass.  Is Ollie unaware of the long con ?


Especially since she was texting (or did she say tweeting?) some Russian journalist.  Oliver, how can that not be a red flag for you?

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12 hours ago, bijoux said:

I don't think Sin was any older when she posed as a hooker in s2.


Whatever happen to her?  I  like her character and wished she'd come back.  She'd make and awesome hero.

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1 hour ago, ElleMo said:

Whatever happen to her?  I  like her character and wished she'd come back.  She'd make and awesome hero.

A couple of things I think. One, Bex Taylor-Klaus got cast on another show.  And secondly, once they killed Sara off they just never seemed to have a place for her anymore, other than her one appearance in season three to tell Lance that the woman in black wasn't Sara.

Edited by Starfish35
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