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S13.E09: You Haven't Done Nothin'

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The best part of this episode was when Alex told Meredith that she'll be fine without him and she said, "I KNOW. But this isn't about me. It's about YOU." As self-involved and me-me-me as Meredith can be, she did right by Alex this week and for the right (aka unselfish) reasons. Even later when she called him and brought up MAGIC, I don't think being the last one left was her actual concern. I think that she knew he was determined to sacrifice his medical career to protect Jo and she was desperate enough to try to save him from himself that she was throwing out anything she thought might change his mind.

that's what i loved too.  it wasn't about her, and the utter disgust in her voice/face when she said "It's not about me" sold it. this was 100 percent her being team Alex, not Team "How does this impact me" But i think basically since they came back from her tampering with the Alzheimer's trial, she's always been team Alex. (actually before that too). there were some shaky bits and times when she pulled back because that was Izzie's role, but she always had Alex's back.

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If "Jo" didn't legally change her name, how did she ever take the MCATs? I don't know if the protocols are the same, but when I took the LSATs a million years ago, to get into law school, I had to be fingerprinted the day of the exam, and of course, had to show ID. And of course, her 'new' name wouldn't then match her Social Security information. So who knows...I guess we just have to pretend that she somehow changed her name in such a way that enabled her to evade her abusive husband but still function within society (e.g., opening a bank account, obtaining employment, getting paid, etc.).

I now strenuously dislike Minnick. Ugh. By all means, Arizona deserves a love life and a new romantic partner, but...I'm dismayed that Minnick is it. Her personality is horrible. If she stays, I hope no one warms up to her. I hate, hate, hate her cockiness - I found it extremely patronizing (matronizing?). As if Arizona has no choice but to be spellbound by this magical creature! Um, no - Arizona can make up her own mind about who she's attracted to and who she finds interesting, sexy, compelling, charming, etc. Telling someone, "You WILL be attracted to me!" is the quickest way to make them resist - no one likes to be told how to feel.

Definitely a major relief to NOT have any love triangle nonsense. I wonder if that storyline is on ice, especially if they are going to resurrect Megan. But wait...then we might have a Nathan/Megan/Merdith/Maggie quadrangle!! Oy vey! I did enjoy the scenes between Hunt and Nathan, I though they were well done. It was nice to see/hear two characters actually talk rationally to each other, in complete sentences, and without raised voices and interruptions and misinterpretations! Much like Jo and Alex in the elevator - hallelujah - Jo was able to fully explain everything to Alex and he actually heard and understood all that she said. No crossed wires, no leaping to (incorrect) conclusions. What a shocking concept!! /sarcasm/ 

Bye for now, Amelia. Good device to take the actress' maternity leave into account.

Bailey f*cked up. I don't feel bad for her - she deserves whatever backlash she gets.

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Considering all of the horrible scenarios that have been rolling around in my head, I was pleasantly surprised by this episode, even though much of it was kind of anti-climactic.  I liked the old-school feel to it, including most of the scenes between Alex, Meredith, Bailey and Richard.  The call-back to the photos and the ferry crash was nice and it was interesting that DeLuca was in the Alex role here with the photos, I wonder if that is foreshadowing a mentor/mentee relationship between them in any way.  Also, The Song Beneath the Song is one of my favorite Grey’s songs so I appreciated it in the scene between Alex and Meredith.

The Alex and Jo scenes were well acted and I am SO glad that it is finally out in the open and that Alex found out from Jo and not some dumb soapy way.  But it seemed very subdued and kind of anti-climactic to me as well.  Alex handled it much better than I thought he would, like almost unbelievably well, but maybe he is just so resigned to going to jail that he figures it doesn’t matter.  I don’t know where that leaves them as a couple.  Both for their scenes seemed so final to me, and Jo just seems kind of done with him, but again, maybe she is just so consumed with fear that resuming the relationship is the furthest thing from her mind.  She did seem more optimistic and even happy at the end with DeLuca (who got sulky again.  Ugh).

Amelia leaving was just so stupid.  If I were Owen, I wouldn’t even take her back.  I know that it is being done just because of Caterina’s maternity leave, but if you can’t keep it together for even a month or so after being married, then get the damn thing annulled and call it a day.  I have no idea what the point of any of that is.

Speaking of which, is the Triangle of Doom just done now?  After all of that stupidity?  I don’t even think that Meredith and Nathan have had a scene together in the last 3-4 episodes?  Once again, the pacing and storyline continuity on this show has gone way, way, way downhill.  Its nonsensical to me. I loved everyone standing up for the Chief.  Yes, was at the helm of the hospital when a lot of bad stuff went down, but I just can't take the self-righteousness or hypocrisy of any person in that hospital saying one word about unprofessionalism or getting too close to staff/patients/nurses/ghosts seriously.  Not one of them has a right to say anything, so that kind of ruins this storyline for me a bit.

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7 hours ago, pennben said:

I know we are just commenting on a show, and playing around with characters here, but honest to god we need a system in the real world such that we don't fall back to questioning why a victim didn't do more to protect herself as opposed to questioning why we don't have a damn system that protects them more from the crazy abuser stalking them.  The victim doesn't need to do better, the damn system does.  We all do.

And to be fair to Jo, we don't know a whole lot about her situation.  It only comes out in tiny bits.  But apparently the guy is powerful, so maybe he is in law enforcement or somehow has access to information that other people don’t.  I wish that they were doing a better job with this storyline for many reasons. Shonda and Greys love to tackle different issues and this is a pretty important one, but they have handled it in such a way that Jo does get a LOT of the blame and gets put in a position where she needs to justify every single action that she takes, and even then its not enough.  In some ways I guess she wasn’t the best character for them to hang such an important issue on, but at the same time, there is a lot of potential for it as her story rather than someone else's.  Not only because of the parallels with Alex, but because of her time in foster care and on the streets.

Finally, I don’t really want Alex or DeLuca to come to her rescue.  I don’t want Alex to take the plea for her and I don’t want DeLuca to drop any charges for her either.  If they end up doing it on their own, for other reasons, then fine, but I don’t want Jo to be in the middle of it anymore than she already is.  Let her be the survivor the show keeps hinting that she is rather than the constant victim.

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I don't know if I see them as final Deanie or st least I hope not. It seemed too angsty to be final although who knows as all episodes before this pointed to them not ever interacting again.

I think with everything we've already seen with them this season for him to get angry would be just overkill. I think they're both exhausted and done fighting at this point. The scene seemed more like sad resignation at the situation they were in rather then them being final and done.

At least I hope so anyway.. 

Yeah, what's up the The Triangle? Not that I miss it in any shape or form and I'd gladly take it if the show started acting like none of it ever happened, but knowing them, they will at some point randomly resume where they left off and Nathan will flirt with Meredith out of blue again and Maggie will act all awkward around him etc.

And actually, of all the stupid crap the show has pulled off over the last few years, I think the Owen/Amelia stuff might be the absolute worst. Just nothing about that entire storyline makes any sense. Nothing.

Edited by Joana
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I thought this episode was one of the better episodes of S13, but...that is kinda the problem.  I agree with everyone here who is saying they really need to move the stories along.  I will keep watching because after watching a show for 13 seasons I will see it to the end, but it is frustrating right now.

I am so glad Jo finally told Alex the truth, and there was an inch of movement in that story, but that should have happened five episodes ago.  I also agree with those who are saying Deluca will probably drop the charges.  It's not realistic, but Grey's does not deal in realism.  Shonda said in her recent Facebook Q&A for her book that Alex Karev is not going anywhere, so there is no suspense here.  The actual trial or Jo's husband showing up would have been more interesting to watch.  

Amelia leaving was predictable because of Caterina having her baby, but I don't love the storyline.  I literally don't think anyone is interested in Owen being married to a woman who does not want children again.  I think exploring Amelia's loss of her son could be great, but we probably won't see any of that, and if we do, it will be eight episodes from now.  

I like Arizona having a love interest, but I am completely team Webber here.  I also really liked the scene where Webber found out Maggie, Jackson, April, and Arizona are willing to fight for him.  I want to see more of this, but again, it will probably be dragged out.  I would like to see them explore Jackson going up against Catherine (since she started this whole thing and then ghosted).  

I guess the awkward triangle is being ignored for now?  They spent so much time on it, and now they are acting as if it never happened.  I doubt it is finished, and the writers will suddenly remember it in the second half of the season when they need some drama, but again, why drag it out?  I mean, I'm not saying I love the story, but I would love some resolution.  

Jackson and April are living together, which I am all for, but they are talented enough to be given more.  Let's just put them back together already and then give them a good hospital related story (see above suggestion with Catherine).  

Actually, I am curious about the use of the couples in general this season.  We all know that Ben and Miranda and Webber and Catherine are not the couples people are tuning in for.  And the only other actual couple, Owen and Amelia, has been rushed into fighting and little else.  Has there even been a love scene this season??  I can't remember one.  Not that they have to put them in, but Grey's has always done hot scenes with their characters that got the audience talking, and that has been lacking this season.  The on-call rooms are actually being used for sleep, and well...no one wants that.  

As everyone has mentioned, why is Leah here?  Besides to kick off the Minnick story?  Which easily could have been created from Ben's situation last season.  

Basically to echo everyone else, I need them to do something and move the stories along.

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44 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

 Speaking of which, is the Triangle of Doom just done now?  After all of that stupidity?  I don’t even think that Meredith and Nathan have had a scene together in the last 3-4 episodes? 

Thank goodness for small miracles. While  I'm sure it will rear it's ugly head again later in the season, for now I will enjoy not missing their forced love connection and the sheer nonsense of it all.

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This episode was a sh*t show.

In general this season has been not so hot...but I cannot believe this mess was a mid-season finale.

First Alex and Jo...first I am calling BS that this is there first conversation since that night.  I am also calling BS that after everything that happened that night Jo just now told him before his trial this garbage.  I am not a fan of Jo but seriously she is an idiot.  I know there are going to be a bunch of people that say...well she is victim etc. BUT she needs to get it together, tell the hospital about her husband and meet with local law enforcement to do everything she can to feel safe.  But this keeping it a secret crap is BS.

I won't blame her for Alex's decision...that is his own issues.  First Alex, if you care about Jo then help her make better decisions...the best way to do that is not for you to make dumb decisions too.  I realize this is all a plot device but it's poorly written.

WOW Meredith has been moved to back burner which I wouldn't mind but...what is this mess?

Amelia-don't care

and the rest don't care

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Also remind me never to trust Alex with my huge, possibility life threatening secret!  What was Jo scared of? Oh, I don't know maybe Alex running to tell his BFF almost immediately afterward, in a not private place and in front of various and sundry scrub nurses. Thank goodness he wasn't allowed to operate, otherwise he may have spilled the beans over an open body cavity, in front of God and Bokhee!  I'm wondering now if he told Bailey as well.

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I was under the impression that he had told Bailey. 

I just don't understand why they're doing this. Everyone knows Alex isn't going anywhere. Shonda confirmed it herself. Obviously there's not going to be a sub-plot about him serving time in prison. So, what's the point? The whole premise of a cliffhanger is that it should bring some suspense. When Michael got shot in the last season's finale of Jane the Virgin, there was a very legit possibility that he had died. A lot of people thought so. It made sense. And here, who actually thinks Alex might be going to jail? Why drag it out so much? 

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22 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Ben didn't know that Winnie's Mom was Winnie's Mom. She identified herself as Superintendent's Wife. (this is why the photo system does have its flaws).

Ok, I missed that part of the conversation where she told him she was the super's wife.  Sometimes the sound is so bad, or the characters are mumbling, so I can't even understand what's being said.  

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7 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, I missed that part of the conversation where she told him she was the super's wife.  Sometimes the sound is so bad, or the characters are mumbling, so I can't even understand what's being said.  

No worries! :)
Yeah what they were doing was Winnie's Dad was all HE NEEDS TO PAY!

then it was inter cut with Winnie's Mom going "Hey I'm looking for my husband." (shows picture of superintendent)

Then things went down how it did. 

Edited by Daisy
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Yes, it is confounding as to why they are treating Alex's story as a big cliff hanger. The actor is not leaving the show, as far as we know at this point. So I guess the only thing to resolve is how it happens that he ends up back at the hospital, back to being a surgeon, as if nothing happened. Oh, and whether Jo's abusive husband shows up, and/or Jo leaving (albeit temporarily, since that would merely be a device to cover the actress' maternity leave).

Same with Richard - unless the actor is leaving the show, I can't imagine that the character will be written out or greatly diminished. The Minnick character is clearly there to be Arizona's next love interest, so the fact that she was hired to actually replace Richard seems flimsy. So not much of a cliff hanger there, either.

Also not a cliff hanger that Amelia has up and left - we know the actress is going out on maternity leave. So the only thing left up in the air is whether she and Owen remain married when she does finally return.

Owen's sister Megan: seems likely she'll show up, so sort of a cliff hanger? Maybe a little, since she's presumed dead?

Maggie/Meredith/Nathan triangle: no real cliff hanger there, since this story angle has sort of faded away.

As usual, Meredith was working my every last nerve.

I don't get what she thinks is going to happen if Alex goes to trial, versus taking a plea.  He's not going to be found not guilty, because evidence, and because he's admitted to a thousand different people that he did it.  He's guilty.  Loving kids doesn't change that, and wouldn't be a factor at trial (only at sentencing).  And if he makes them go through a trial, he's not going to get off with zero jail time.  (I love Alex, and I know he won't go to prison, but in-universe it's the most likely outcome to a trial.)

It just always annoys me when people try to tell someone what they should do about a plea.  I get that she's trying to keep his spirits up, etc., but in the end, it's Alex's life, and she needs to respect his decision.  He's the one who will lose his license.  He's the one that will have to suffer the indignities and the dangers of prison.  He's the one who will lose a good chunk of his relative youth.  He's the one who will forever be branded an ex-con.  I know Mere cares for him, but she'll go to work and home to her kids regardless of the outcome.

Also, this exchange...
Mere, to Alex: "It's not about me!  It's about you!"
Mere, to Alex, five minutes later on the phone: "You can't leave me!  I can't be the only one left!"

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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Something just doesn't add up about Jo's story. If she legally changed her name to Jo Wilson, wouldn't the public record of her testimony be in her current legal name as well? And if the guy she's married to is such a monster, why doesn't she have a restraining order against him? Take self-defense classes, install a security system at home, carry pepper spray, learn how to use a gun? Is she just going to live in fear for the rest of her life and run away and change her identity every time she thinks he's going to find her? I understand she's not supposed to be complete rational about this, but after so many years she should have started thinking about a more permanent solution.

Maybe Jo is waiting for her husband to come to the hospital where she can cut his LVAD wires, or Ben can operate on him in a hallway, or Minnick can sever his carotid and wait for an intern to not-fix it.

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Just now, kungpaopanda said:

What if Jo's entire orphan backstory is just a made up part of the Jo Wilson persona? Like maybe she has a loving family somewhere that is wondering what happened to her.

That's something that crossed my mind when she was discussing with Arizona whether a family would forgive each other no matter what a few episodes ago. Not that they would necessarily be loving, but that she's not really an orphan after all. 

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47 minutes ago, Joana said:

I was under the impression that he had told Bailey. 

You think he told Bailey about Jo's husband?  I realize she didn't tell him not to say anything, but that would be kind of shitty of him, especially knowing how scared she is of the possible consequences.

While I wouldn't put anything past the writers, Jo lying about having a family seems like overkill on top of overkill. Not to mention, it would contradict quite a few of her past scenes. In her conversation with AZ, I assumed she was talking about forgiving her mother for abandoning her or even about possibly not being able to forgive Alex, who has really been the only family she has known.

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2 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I don't know if I see them as final Deanie or st least I hope not. It seemed too angsty to be final although who knows as all episodes before this pointed to them not ever interacting again.

I think with everything we've already seen with them this season for him to get angry would be just overkill. I think they're both exhausted and done fighting at this point. The scene seemed more like sad resignation at the situation they were in rather then them being final and done.

At least I hope so anyway.. 

I agree, it would have been overkill and that's why they had Alex react all... zen and understanding. Alex said horrible things to Jo at the beginning of the season and I think by playing it like that they took away Alex's chance to be (rightfully) angry at Jo. If he'd exploded at her again or even just been overly sad and disappointed and backed away from Jo again, we'd be exactly where we were in the last 8 episodes. But I agree the reveal was kind of anti-climactic because they played it like  the secret wasn't such a big deal.

Which is one of the main reasons why I wish they'd taken a different approach to this storyline from the start, but... whatever. It is what it is. At least Alex and Jo got two good scenes and are on good terms again. I do hope this is not the end of their relationship and I didn't get the impression from their scenes, but with these writers you just never know. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time we see Alex and Jo interact again will be 8 episodes later lol.

Also agree that it was careless and stupid of Alex to blab Jo's secret to Meredith. But I'm clinging to the two Jolex scenes we got, which were good and try not to think too much about the rest.

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1 hour ago, Joana said:

 Everyone knows Alex isn't going anywhere. Shonda confirmed it herself. Obviously there's not going to be a sub-plot about him serving time in prison.

I did NOT know this, since I don't follow spoilers or social media.

So I was speculating about yet another Shonda spinoff, featuring Alex Karev, Jailhouse Doc.

Another dream crushed.  Thanks, "spoiler free" episode thread.  ;-)

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15 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

I'm glad Maggie stood up for Richard and told him not to take that bullshit. Because that's exactly what this is. Bailey and Catherine were wrong as hell for what they did to him. Out of the hundreds of surgeons he trained, they focus on a few outliers, and they don't even have the decency to let him know that they're bringing someone else in. That should be grounds for a lawsuit.

The teaching system at Seattle Grace Mercy Death is broken, and has been for a long time (heck, it was back when the original five started), and changes do need to be made.  Some of what was being discussed came from discussions with the current crop of interns and young residents, and also is based on disciplinary records of doctors going back to the beginning of the show.  But the way Catherine and Bailey are going about it is wrong.

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41 minutes ago, kungpaopanda said:

What if Jo's entire orphan backstory is just a made up part of the Jo Wilson persona? Like maybe she has a loving family somewhere that is wondering what happened to her.

That would be an interesting story; unless there was a huge family secret, I don't think Alex would forgive that based on his own background. I'm just glad that she told Alex something instead of keeping everything to herself. I'm guessing word will travel fast since I'm assuming both Bailey and Meredith know the truth. Was that Ben going into the courthouse at the end?

Ad for Amelia, I'm hopeful that she told Owen the entire truth in her letter. I could see her thinking it would be easier to write it all down in a letter instead of telling him in person. 

I liked Owen and Nathan together. They seem to be the new Derek/Mark with their background. There was a part of me that wanted to see the train wreck with the patient's wife and girlfriend. 

14 hours ago, TVAddict said:

In my state, to change my name, all I'm required to do is start being known by that name.  I have to notify institutions like banks, credit agencies, employers, etc. that I have changed my name and start using it for all ID, but no legal action is required.  

My state requires filing a legal petition, posting notice in the local paper and having a hearing which is usually short unless someone files an objection.  There are exceptions for cases of domestic violence or other situations where the petitioner is in physical danger, in which the notice posting is waived and the records are sealed, but that requires proof, and there is still a hearing.  Otherwise it's all a matter of public records.

But this is Grey's Anatomy, where they can't even get hospital procedure correct, so I don't expect them to get even close on the legal stuff.


Forgot one more thing I loved---the callback to using the polaroid snapshots to ID patients.  Wasn't that Alex's idea after a plane crash?

Season 3 - the ferry accident episodes.

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Bailey and Catherine were wrong as hell for what they did to him. Out of the hundreds of surgeons he trained, they focus on a few outliers, and they don't even have the decency to let him know that they're bringing someone else in. That should be grounds for a lawsuit.

Well it's certainly grounds for divorce. I honestly don't know what either Catherine or Bailey were thinking, trying to pull this off behind Richard's back. How did they think that was going to go down once he found out? It's one thing to treat an employee this way, but a friend and mentor? Your husband? Honestly, this was just dumb. It's not that it's too far-fetched to take a closer look at how the residents are being trained, but they should have started by talking to Richard and telling him they wanted to bring in a consultant.


Not feeling Arizona with the Prettier Callie. 

Talk about coming out of left field. This is just happening way too fast. It's as though what's her face showed up and made a beeline towards Arizona, like she's been stalking her for years. How does she even know Arizona is a lesbian? Is she wearing a sign? It all feels way too rushed and way too forced. I don't even know the damn character's name yet.

I thought the music montage over the child dying on the operating table was a poor choice.

Lastly, poor Owen. A gorgeous doctor who wants kids but can't find a woman who wants kids with him? Only on TV, folks.

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If somebody called me "trash," that's something that I wouldn't/couldn't forgive or forget.  So Alex telling Jo that he's basically changed his mind and she isn't trash--is bullshit.  All it would take is for them to have a blowout in the future, and he'll likely call her trash again.  

But frankly, I'm sick of both of them.

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A lot happened in that episode, but the only thing I took away from it is how much I hate Minnick.  I don't like the actress (I'm sure she's a nice person, but I found her acting to be weak) and I don't like how they've created the character.  And, I'm a little perplexed how she can just jump in and "volunteer" at a hospital where she doesn't yet work.   I would think that the potential for some nasty insurance issues would be in play (and I'm thinking that putting on your scrubs, walking around looking at people's charts, and doing whatever else probably isn't included in the Good Sam laws).  Also, I found it odd that Arizona would be in this weird flirtation, ultimately agreeing to a drink with Minnick, only to be seen a few scenes later firmly on Richard's side of things.

Let's just say I'm hoping that Minnick's stay is a short one.

I also realized what it is about Jo that doesn't sit well with me.  Her back story is just a bit *too much.*  I could get behind a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school.  I could get behind her being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name. However, her being a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school AND being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name is just too much for me.  Also, when exactly did she run off? Was she married as a teenager and then ran off and changed her name BEFORE working her way through medical school?  Because, honestly, that's the only way I can figure out how that story works.  She would have had to have been in school continuously for several years before coming to GSMH and I'm not sure how she could have done her running away bit and all while an undergrad or medical school.

Oh, one more thing.  I wish they had dropped the bit about the guy with the wife and the girlfriend.  The introduced it and then didn't do anything with it--it was only there for Owen and Nathan to have bro time, which could have happened in any episode.  This episode had enough going on--it didn't need that, too.

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15 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

I also realized what it is about Jo that doesn't sit well with me.  Her back story is just a bit *too much.*  I could get behind a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school.  I could get behind her being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name. However, her being a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school AND being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name is just too much for me.  Also, when exactly did she run off? Was she married as a teenager and then ran off and changed her name BEFORE working her way through medical school?  Because, honestly, that's the only way I can figure out how that story works.  She would have had to have been in school continuously for several years before coming to GSMH and I'm not sure how she could have done her running away bit and all while an undergrad or medical school.

Totally agree that Jo's story is too much, and makes absolutely NO logical sense at all.  None.  She was a homeless teen who managed to go to college (since they don't let you into med school otherwise!) and get married and then ran off and changed her name?  So is her college degree in her old name and she magically got into med school under her new name despite not having a college degree in her new name?  Or did she marry abusive husband as a teenager and ran away and then changed her name and went to college without having a high school degree or any records in her new name? 

BAD, BAD writing.

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"Of course I'll be fine! I'm always fine!"-Best line of the night!

Do you think that the couple bringing their daughter to the hospital in their car instead of waiting for an ambulance was perhaps not the best thing to do?

My money is that Alex and Jo find their way back to each other and hubby shows up in the season finale.

Owen and Amy? Talk to each other!

6 minutes ago, tapplum said:

Except she already did testify, during Callie's malpractice trail in 10:9... Just another way in which this potentially interesting and gripping storyline is poorly written and makes no sense.

Not necessarily.  In that case, she was testifying about Callie's work and her (Jo's) background would never have come up.  So, yes, "Jo Wilson" would be in the public record, but the ex probably would not pick up on just that.  Now, in Alex's case, there is a very good chance that she would have to testify that she was married before and that she had changed her name (and possibly what her name had been?). That might be enough for the ex to find her.

But, despite that, I do agree that this all makes no sense.

Just now, OtterMommy said:

Not necessarily.  In that case, she was testifying about Callie's work and her (Jo's) background would never have come up.  So, yes, "Jo Wilson" would be in the public record, but the ex probably would not pick up on just that.  Now, in Alex's case, there is a very good chance that she would have to testify that she was married before and that she had changed her name (and possibly what her name had been?). That might be enough for the ex to find her.

Ah, sorry, I should have been clearer. I meant that the idea of Jo being relcutant to testify in Alexs trial because merely stating her name would amount to lying under oat makes no sense, because that she already did do in Callie's trial.

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2 minutes ago, tapplum said:

Ah, sorry, I should have been clearer. I meant that the idea of Jo being relcutant to testify in Alexs trial because merely stating her name would amount to lying under oat makes no sense, because that she already did do in Callie's trial.

Okay, I see what you are saying.  It doesn't make sense (not you...the show), because, if she legally changed her name, saying "Jo Wilson" in court would not be lying under oath.

AND...if she didn't "legally" change her name, I'm not sure how she could have earned a medical degree and got a job.  Just sayin'

Edited by OtterMommy
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1 minute ago, OtterMommy said:

Okay, I see what you are saying.  It doesn't make sense (not you...the show), because, if she legally changed her name, saying "Jo Wilson" in court would not be lying under oath.

Agreed. I .... don't understand if she has legally changed her name or not. Neiter option really fits with what we're being told.

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I'm also unclear on when she changed her name. Maybe the abusive husband helped her through medical school and then she left? Like she lived in her car before and after that?

The Minnick actress is awful. 

I wonder what Alex told Bailey. Just that he was taking a plea deal?

He did tell Mere Jo was married but he didn't expand on it. He said there's more to it but didn't explain in their final scene about the abuse.

1 minute ago, Court said:

I'm also unclear on when she changed her name. Maybe the abusive husband helped her through medical school and then she left? Like she lived in her car before and after that?

That's what I'm assuming, but I really shouldn't have to assume. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I do not understand their storytelling choices here. Like, at all.

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I was just really bored. I don't know. Everything did feel forced. 

The Jo retcon just bugs the hell out of me so I don't even care. And I wish I did, maybe I would really like their elevator scene. 

I don't know. Like most I've been here though 13 seasons already so I'm obviously not going anywhere until it ends (also I'm always reminded of how long I've been watching this show.. I watched this show since high-school! Wow). But most of the time I find myself thinking, "I hope real doctors aren't like this" because as much as Mers voice over to Alex was nice, I laughed when the nurse came in and was like "doctor Grey we're ready" and Meredith was like "I need a minute!" And I was like "there's a person who needs to be operated on but whatever". 

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2 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I laughed when the nurse came in and was like "doctor Grey we're ready" and Meredith was like "I need a minute!" And I was like "there's a person who needs to be operated on but whatever". 

I don't know if that was a nurse or an intern or what, but she seemed to be the most level-headed person in the hospital.

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4 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

I also realized what it is about Jo that doesn't sit well with me.  Her back story is just a bit *too much.*  I could get behind a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school.  I could get behind her being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name. However, her being a homeless girl living in her car and working her way through medical school AND being in an abusive marriage and running off and changing her name is just too much for me.  Also, when exactly did she run off? Was she married as a teenager and then ran off and changed her name BEFORE working her way through medical school?  Because, honestly, that's the only way I can figure out how that story works.  She would have had to have been in school continuously for several years before coming to GSMH and I'm not sure how she could have done her running away bit and all while an undergrad or medical school.

Thank you! the foster care, the homelessness, the stealing cars, being in jail... but wait... valedictorian at Princeton and then Harvard Medical school.  And now wife of a rich and powerful abuser.  Yup, too much is the perfect description.  I was always turned off of her and this is partly why.

But can someone please tell me what I am missing about her real name?  If Jo WIlson is not her real name, then what name is on her license?  If her real name is on her license then testifying under her real name doesn't put her license in jeopardy.  If Jo Wilson is the name on her license that would mean her license is invalid already.  And she's already in a heap of trouble if she is practicing under an assumed name anyway.  If Jo Wilson is her *legal name* but not her birth name, that does makes it her *real* name and she can testify under it with no legal penalties.  So her argument about not testifying makes no sense.

Honestly, as much as I was looking forward to Alex finding out about Jo's past, I found their scenes to be the least interesting parts of the episode.  I liked the medical stuff and the Richard stuff the most.  Everytime it cut to Jo talking about testifying I was impatient to get back to other stuff. 

Still enjoying the hiatus from the couples -- April/Alex, Owen/Amelia and the Bermuda Triangle.  As much as I am not really connecting with the Minnick character I do like the Richard storyline.  And I like how Maggie and Jackson stepped in and have become part of the story.  I wish the character storylines would move more toward multi-character arcs like this rather than the merry-go-round of romances where things get stale and the only recourse is to break them up.

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3 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I find myself thinking, "I hope real doctors aren't like this" because as much as Mers voice over to Alex was nice, I laughed when the nurse came in and was like "doctor Grey we're ready" and Meredith was like "I need a minute!" And I was like "there's a person who needs to be operated on but whatever". 

I was totally distracted at the start of the show when Jo was talking to DeLucca in the ER after all the patients arrived.  He was taking pictures of the patients, and Jo was supposed to be attaching numbered stickers to the pictures that corresponded with their charts.  She just kept talking and talking and barely looked at the charts and seemed to not be paying any attention at all when she stuck the stickers on.  I was convinced that would result in a traumatic mix-up and some family member would be mistakenly told their person had died or something.

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So did whatserface get the role as Minnick just because she's Scott Foley's wife and Shonda Rhimes is fond of Scott Foley? Because literally nothing else makes sense. She's not a good actress. Not gonna lie though, that scene with her and Arizona was kind of cute.

Also, when Bailey started crying in the scene outside with Richard (hey, is that rain in Seattle?!) I almost strained something rolling my eyes. My greatest hope for the remainder of this season is that we see a proper Chief of Surgery installed. Hell, put Richard back in the role. When Richard and Owen were CoS they were always at the forefront of a catastrophe, directing everyone's actions and coordinating. An angry mob at the doors to the ICU never would have happened under either of them. Meanwhile, Bailey was in surgery all day and had no idea what had happened. She's a surgeon, not an administrator.

Edited by h8omb
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