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The After Show: Because You Can't Get Enough

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I'm not that much more thrilled with Nany saying about a dozen times "I know things about you and you and everyone but I just don't say them."  To me that's still sort of saying them, just not with specifics.  And Johnny just casually throwing in "I call Theresa 'Theresa 10 and 2' because that's the position her legs were in"--ugh, yuck.  Averey's a mess and painful to watch--strangely, to me Wes came off the best in that whole show.  (And he used some of those words right, if not all...at least he's heard them before, unlike most of the Challengers).

Poor host trying to get the women around to admitting they shouldn't slut-shame each other because the men do enough of it.  That went over all of the women's heads, as far as I could tell.

  • Love 5

I thought Theresa and Bananas came off pretty awful. I thought it was nice that Nany apologized to Avery. I agree that Wes came off the best. The host is pretty good I liked her pointing out the whole slut shaming thing. So did Avery have a boyfriend during this Challenge? If she did I've lost sympathy for her and I feel bad for her boyfriend because she clearly isn't over Johnny. I thought it was funny Bananas was so up in arms with Avery's allege cheating since cast memebers have called him out in the past for cheating on his ex-gfs on the show.

Nany knows damn well that saying "I know stuff you did" is just as shady as the other girls calling her out for specific things.  If you don't want to get down in the muck, then don't get down in the muck.  Yes, it sucks that the other women are, but you're either above it or not. 


I hope that seeing herself on last night's After Show encourages Theresa to change her makeup routine.  Because that makeup, especially the eye shadow?  Honey, no. 


As for Johnny and Wes, you can tell that this is a game to them.  They laugh and joke back and forth, but it's not truly personal, and they probably get along fairly decently off camera (which they halfway admitted last night), they just know what makes for a good story line and gets them both camera time and invites to return.  The girls could take a lesson from them and stop being so personal.  

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Yeah I didn't think anybody besides Wes came off well. Like why did Nany act all high and mighty saying she doesn't air out people's dirty laundry when that is literally what she just did. And quite frankly, Theresa didn't air any of Nany's shit considering it's all on TV...

Plus they should've just ended it when Theresa apologized at the beginning. Because neither of them looked that good in the end. Theresa is pretty terrible at confrontation.

Agreed, love the host!

Edited by Craphole Island
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As for Johnny and Wes, you can tell that this is a game to them.  They laugh and joke back and forth, but it's not truly personal, and they probably get along fairly decently off camera (which they halfway admitted last night), they just know what makes for a good story line and gets them both camera time and invites to return.

I can believe that about Wes I don't think he has cared about winning since he won The Duel. I can't believe that about Johnny he takes it way too seriously whenever someone goes against him. 

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I can believe that about Wes I don't think he has cared about winning since he won The Duel. I can't believe that about Johnny he takes it way too seriously whenever someone goes against him. 


I think it pisses him off in the moment, but I think that once it's done, it's done.  He seemed totally relaxed and joke-y on the After Show.  

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wes doesnt care anymore, I think he understands that this show in the end its a reality tv show, I do think that johnny goes on real life claiming the 5 challenges he has won on the show, just the way he trains and prepares for this things, , while unlike wes who openly says that he doesn't train anymore or is just there as a vacation.

Edited by fredj
  • Love 2

Bananas takes it so damn serious all the time because this is his job. I hope he managed to save some of his $500k; I can't even believe he's been able to earn that much on these stupid shows. Wes made me chuckle with his "get a job" tirade; it made me think of the Asian wife on Avenue Q who would constantly yell it to her husband, sometime during song.

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I actually like Bananas and think he gets a bad rap.  I think he realizes this is a game and he conducts himself strategically within in, but outside of the show, he's actually a decent guy and a good friend.  Just the way he consoled Nany after she lost the challenge for them and the way he has never made fun of her for her unrequited feelings for him (as opposed to how Zach continues to treat Jonne) tells me a lot.  Plus, the way he has sided with [other] Johnny and supported him against Avery, whereas another player may have hit on Avery instead.  Also, way back in the way, in his original RW season, he demonstrated EXTREME patience with both Tyler and Paula Walnuts.


Yes, he takes these things seriously, but heck, why not?  This show provides quite a nice life for him.  And, he should be proud of the fact that he has won 5 times.  I don't even think he's had an in-challenge hook up with anyone since Casey from the Ruins.  I appreciate that he comes to play and I have to be honest, as much as I love Leroy, I was sad to see him go, especially since there was nothing he could have done about it.  That said, he handled it with a lot of grace.  There are a lot worse people on this show than Johnny Bananas.

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I don't mind Bananas I'm just tired of seeing him on my TV just like I was tired of seeing Veronica/Katie/Derrick show up on my TV when they use to do every challenge. I'm sure if he took a couple challenges off and came back I would be rooting for him.

Edited by choclatechip45
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I think everyone is a good person outside the show,I don't think zach goes outside the show and yells at girls or nia goes there and drinks people sweat,  The challenge environment puts a pressure on this people and can bring the best and the worst of them. with that said it was about time that johnny grew up, i always go with past challenges, yes now zach is the jerk that is treating jonna wrong, but on the past it was johnny, I think everyone goes through this stages on the challenges. Johnny is 32 now, it took almost 9 challenges for him to grow up and realized that yelling to girls its not right, it will happened to zach too if the challenge goes on. My point is: comparing behaviors now its not fair, because all the people that have change (wes, johnny, ct)  were like the newbies at some point, thats why i find laughable when bananas says how someone is a scumbag, or how someone is a cheater, no one has the right to judge anyone on the shows, its like been there done that.


I agree both (wes and bananas) know the role they play on the show,  johnny takes this things way too serious, and i understand because plenty of cast members have said that this is his job and even johnny admit it, so its his main income and I truly think that in his head he thinks the challenges are like the olympics, regardless if the challenge pulls some sport missions, in the end it's a reality tv show. While I don't see that with wes. 

I actually like Bananas and think he gets a bad rap.  I think he realizes this is a game and he conducts himself strategically within in, but outside of the show, he's actually a decent guy and a good friend.  Just the way he consoled Nany after she lost the challenge for them and the way he has never made fun of her for her unrequited feelings for him (as opposed to how Zach continues to treat Jonne) tells me a lot.  Plus, the way he has sided with [other] Johnny and supported him against Avery, whereas another player may have hit on Avery instead.  Also, way back in the way, in his original RW season, he demonstrated EXTREME patience with both Tyler and Paula Walnuts.


Yes, he takes these things seriously, but heck, why not?  This show provides quite a nice life for him.  And, he should be proud of the fact that he has won 5 times.  I don't even think he's had an in-challenge hook up with anyone since Casey from the Ruins.  I appreciate that he comes to play and I have to be honest, as much as I love Leroy, I was sad to see him go, especially since there was nothing he could have done about it.  That said, he handled it with a lot of grace.  There are a lot worse people on this show than Johnny Bananas.


bananas has had plenty of hook ups since the ruins, on the show and outside, Jonna said that him and camila used to hook up during rivals when he had a gf at the time and when cameras were off.

Edited by fredj

Seriously. What I really hated was that Theresa's whole justification for her hypocrasy was "at least I felt bad about hooking up with guys, but you don't feel bad at all!"


NO ONE should feel bad. They're all adults, single, on vacation, and have nothing else to do but drink and work out. Why the hell shouldn't they all be hooking up with one another?


And the fact that all of this anger is directed at Nany is so infuriating. Why no anger and nasty comments for Johnny Riley for being the one rubbing all over Nany a couple of weeks after breaking up with Avery? Why no anger for ANY of the guys who have slept around just as much as the women on these shows? Such bullshit.

  • Love 4

Seriously. What I really hated was that Theresa's whole justification for her hypocrasy was "at least I felt bad about hooking up with guys, but you don't feel bad at all!"


NO ONE should feel bad. They're all adults, single, on vacation, and have nothing else to do but drink and work out. Why the hell shouldn't they all be hooking up with one another?


And the fact that all of this anger is directed at Nany is so infuriating. Why no anger and nasty comments for Johnny Riley for being the one rubbing all over Nany a couple of weeks after breaking up with Avery? Why no anger for ANY of the guys who have slept around just as much as the women on these shows? Such bullshit.

Because there's a double standard and everyone, including the girls, know it.


They weren't complaining about the double standard so much as them all being trashy.


So they were slut-shaming each other, rather than refusing to reinforce the double standard.

I've always liked Averey for some reason. She seems like a "cool girl" (TM Gone Girl) and I fell for it. But she really lost me for a moment on the aftershow when she defended herself with, "even my boyfriend, who I was accused of cheating on Johnny with, will tell you that I didn't cheat on Johnny." Umm...maybe you should have kept that argument to yourself? Because it's not a strong one.

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I've always liked Averey for some reason. She seems like a "cool girl" (TM Gone Girl) and I fell for it. But she really lost me for a moment on the aftershow when she defended herself with, "even my boyfriend, who I was accused of cheating on Johnny with, will tell you that I didn't cheat on Johnny." Umm...maybe you should have kept that argument to yourself? Because it's not a strong one.

I agree she lost me during the After Show. If she had a boyfriend during the Challenge (which it sounds like they were together) she really has no right to bitch about the Johnny/Nany hookup. It's the same way I felt when Wes was bitching about Kenny/Johanna and Diem about CT/Shavoun. I do feel bad for her current boyfriend because she still seems to have feelings for Johnny.

I get that Avery has a boyfriend and shit, but I think she just feels what she feels. It may not be right and even though they were broken up when he hooked up with Nany, it was apparently only a couple of days later. I can see why she'd feel taken aback by that, right or wrong.


It's also hypocritical of Leroy to go about how wrong Avery was in that situation and that if he was the boyfriend back home, he'd be pissed. He has a girlfriend back home that should be worried about a whole lot, especially after that blow job he got from Jemmye. I don't know. It seems to be a recurring pattern with these people. They love to get on their high horse and act mightier than the rest. It's like "you slept with three people and I only slept with one!" At the end of the day, they are all universally terrible. 


I hope that whatever it is that Jenna is doing is an act. There's a lot to be worried about there. 

  • Love 2

I get that Avery has a boyfriend and shit, but I think she just feels what she feels. It may not be right and even though they were broken up when he hooked up with Nany, it was apparently only a couple of days later. I can see why she'd feel taken aback by that, right or wrong.


It's also hypocritical of Leroy to go about how wrong Avery was in that situation and that if he was the boyfriend back home, he'd be pissed. He has a girlfriend back home that should be worried about a whole lot, especially after that blow job he got from Jemmye. I don't know. It seems to be a recurring pattern with these people. They love to get on their high horse and act mightier than the rest. It's like "you slept with three people and I only slept with one!" At the end of the day, they are all universally terrible. 


I hope that whatever it is that Jenna is doing is an act. There's a lot to be worried about there. 

No one knows whether or not he got a blowjob. Much like the supposed blow job he got from Nia, no one actually saw anything. So, if he indeed didn't do anything in the back seat, than he can say what he wants.

I thought Avery came off really badly. I don't know if she cheated, but I think she put herself in bad situations like she did with Adam which would piss off any boyfriend. I'm not on Reilly's side either. I thought Leroy came off as a hypocrite with the whole Avery situation since he apologized to his girlfriend on twitter for cheating on her.  I was surprised how articulate Jay was explaining why he sent Leroy in. Him and Jenna seemed to have no interest to get involved with the whole Avery/Johnny situation which made my respect go up for both of them.

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I thought Avery came off really badly. I don't know if she cheated, but I think she put herself in bad situations like she did with Adam which would piss off any boyfriend.


I suspect with Averey, it's a situation where she's basically saying, yeah I did A and B, but I didn't do C and D, and Johnny thinks I did A-D and I must set the record straight, while the fact that she did A-B is enough for Johnny to not want to be with her and she's still insisting on clearing her name on C-D which is a moot point. Sometimes I like Averey but I think being around her all the time would just be exhausting. I'm sure that relationship would have ended eventually even without cheating allegations.

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He all but admitted to it by apologizing to his girlfriend on Twitter.

Well, my bad. I don't have time to be following people on twitter. I'm honestly not interested in what anyone says twitter so I wouldn't know. At the end if the day, i just think Leroy has taken sides. He sided with Reilly. He also called Jay a dirtbag for what he has done to Jenna so, whatever. Everyone is a hypocrite about something.

Edited by Racj82

Someone linked it in the episode thread the day after it aired. Regarding the hypocrisy, I suppose that's my point. I generally like Leroy, but combined with all the bullshit these other guys were spouting it was unbearable. Like Nany, generally has "promiscuous" behavior, but she really doesn't call out other girls or get gossipy. Leroy's hardly a saint so calling Jay a dirtbag and dealing with that Avery/Johnny stuff, it rubbed me the wrong way. He doesn't have too much room to talk. He's been one of the better ones on the challenges so I don't like seeing this side of him. 


I thought Avery came off really badly. I don't know if she cheated, but I think she put herself in bad situations like she did with Adam which would piss off any boyfriend. I'm not on Reilly's side either. I thought Leroy came off as a hypocrite with the whole Avery situation since he apologized to his girlfriend on twitter for cheating on her.  I was surprised how articulate Jay was explaining why he sent Leroy in. Him and Jenna seemed to have no interest to get involved with the whole Avery/Johnny situation which made my respect go up for both of them.



I think Avery needs to let it go no matter how she feels or if she's telling the truth. It's becoming a classic "he said she said." She can say nothing that will change Johnny's mind. He's completely over it.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 1

Fuck Johnny. Thank you, Sarah for bringing up the Island. Thank you to the producers for showing clips from the island and proving his hypocrisy. Enjoyed her dig at Johnny. "Graduating college. Getting a real career." Hahahah!


Leroy's really letting me down. He has to get his head out of Johnny's ass. Also, Nia is so insincere. Right, you didn't call Jordan gay as an insult. 

  • Love 7


Fuck Johnny. Thank you, Sarah for bringing up the Island. Thank you to the producers for showing clips from the island and proving his hypocrisy. Enjoyed her dig at Johnny. "Graduating college. Getting a real career." Hahahah!

Johnny  did graduate college, but I did enjoy the glare he gave her about the career part.

  • Love 2

Fuck you, Johnny. Fuck you, Nia. Fuck you, guy portraying Leroy for the episode. Wait . . . that was Leroy? That's disappointing. Oh, and fuck Jordan's facial hair, just because. He looks better without the Johnny Depp look. "Captain Jack," indeed.


The bits with the kids impersonating each other were funny. I can see how CT would be easy to imitate.


ETA: Anybody buy Nia's tears? I sure didn't.

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I'm glad that Sarah was able to remove herself from the emotions and manipulation of Johnny after she had some time to calm down and think about it after the show stopped filming. She stood strong on the after show and her points were all logical, while Johnny just looked like a sore, butt-hurt loser. I've waited years and years to see this!! I'm also glad that it was someone like Sarah that stood up to Johnny, rather than someone like Wes, who Johnny already viewed as a rival.


I loved Sarah asking how good of friends they really are. Johnny plays the "friends" card with as many people as he can, using initiation periods and then making them feel like they're part of the cool kids, so they don't ever want to be on the other side. Then he uses years to measure loyalty. Sorry, we might have been forced to live in a house together multiple times in the last 8 years and gotten along just fine, but it doesn't mean I'm handing you a ticket to another final. I loved Sarah's point there.


Johnny is ridiculous and compromises my enjoyment of this show. At the beginning of this season I was actually starting to lighten up on my negative feelings toward him because I thought he was maturing. Whoops. But the outcome certainly made these last few episodes enjoyable!

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Johnny doesn't bother me in the least. Unpopular opinion, I know. I can't even articulate why I don't loathe him. However, I was overjoyed to see/hear Sarah fight back. The whole thing is ridiculous. I hated the way they all ganged up on her, but I'm glad she kept her cool and continued to state her case. Leroy especially. I guess they all wanted her to throw in the 2 scrubs, whose names I can't even remember. Assholes. Sarah played a good game. I hope she wins. Even if it means Jordan wins too. I loathe Theresa and after Leroy's performance on the Aftershow I can't back his winning.

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I couldn't understand why Leroy was going in so hard on Sarah.  Did he not see the last episode where Johnny TOLD Sarah and Jordan to use Leroy as the sacrificial lamb???.

I'm guessing the aftershows are filmed before they see all the episodes. Not sure, though. Maybe he resents Sarah because he lost, and Sarah and Jordan won (not a spoiler - I have no idea - just trying to guess why he was so bitter towards her).

And gee thanks, Nia - I had no idea the f-word can be used in a non-pejorative way. Is the same true for the n-word? And I'm really glad the aftershow host got on her for the slur (which is the only reason she finally apologized, albeit insincerely), because everyone else, incl. Sarah, seemed to be giving her a pass.

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I haven't seen the whole episode yet but I've seen enough to be shaking my head at Leroy. Back up and take everything you said to and about Sarah back. You're better than this. Maybe it's peer pressure and he gives into it way to easily or he wants to be on Banana's good side for future challenges. Whatever it is I need him to knock it off.

I kind of feel like Tyra when she was going off at Tiffany during her elimination on ANTM. "I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!"

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I had to turn it off at one point.  Nia and her "reasons why" were completely insane.  I was screaming at the tv.  I want her to go to jail.  She needs live-in psychiatric care.  What I don't get is that Nia and Leroy put themselves in the elimination by Nia quitting AGAIN!  How are they even bothered by Johnny and Nany going in?  Nia should never be on another MTV show again.  What she did to Jordan was horrible.

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Man, I'd be so curious to know what the other cast members think of this nonsense...especially after watching Bananas do his thing for eleven (ELEVEN!) challenges. 


How could anyone think that Bananas is owed some kind of loyalty?  Okay, Bananas, right, you totally are the one who got Sarah and Jordan to the finals...OF A SEASON YOU WERE ELIMINATED FROM HALFWAY THROUGH.  Sure, slow claps to you, brah. 


This? This petulance and panic and sense of aggrieved wrong? This posturing as if Sarah is snatching the food from your children's mouths*?  This is what happens when you mistake The Challenge for a Career. It's great he made all that money--more power to him--but when you start depending on Challenge income as a way of life, THIS is what happens.  


Mad props to Jordan throughout this whole damn thing.  


*ETA:  Just riffing here, Bananas doesn't have kids (that I'm aware of)...he's just so OTT it's like Sarah starved his kids, then sexed them up, then killed them in cold blood and then fingerpainted with their blood in elementary art class. 

Edited by whirlingdervish
  • Love 7

Man, I'd be so curious to know what the other cast members think of this nonsense...especially after watching Bananas do his thing for eleven (ELEVEN!) challenges. 

How could anyone think that Bananas is owed some kind of loyalty?  Okay, Bananas, right, you totally are the one who got Sarah and Jordan to the finals...OF A SEASON YOU WERE ELIMINATED FROM HALFWAY THROUGH.  Sure, slow claps to you, brah. 


This? This petulance and panic and sense of aggrieved wrong? This posturing that Sarah is snatching the food from your children's mouths?  This is what happens when you mistake The Challenge for a Career. It's great he made all that money--more power to him--but when you start depending on Challenge income as a way of life, THIS is what happens.  


Mad props to Jordan throughout this whole damn thing.  


Bananas has kids?? Or was he just using hyperbole? Well, even if he adopted a bunch of impoverished, third world kids and was using his prize money to support them, I still wouldn't argue that Sarah's job is to play dead during these challenges so Bananas can win the money. Really, that's just such an irritating statement, that Bananas should be left alone to compete in the final because he needs the money. Newsflash Bananas- anyone who goes on this show needs the money. No one who was financially independent would even entertain the notion of subjecting themselves to a show where they have to live with a bunch of alcoholic drama queens in dorm style housing with limited food and do a bunch of ridiculous challenges.


I guess Bananas could try to claim he used his "influence" to protect Sarah and Jordan, but seeing as how his archrival had most frequently won the Power couple designation I don't think that theory holds a lot of water.


Hey Bananas, a guy that's missing his hand did better in the dome than you. Think about that.


ETA: because I'm a nerd, I looked it up. Bananas was eliminated on the 5th challenge. Of the four previous, he was power couple once, Sarah and Jordan were power couple once, Wes and Theresa were power couple once, and Zach and Jonna had the 4th. Wes and Theresa were power couple again on the 5th challenge and eliminated Bananas. There is literally nothing Bananas did that helped Sarah win the challenge.

Edited by Tatum
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Heh, I was kidding about Bananas acting as if Sarah was starving his kids....he was so OTT, I was trying to think of what could possibly justify this level of weeping and wailing and rending of robes.  


I've gone back and inserted a note to try to make that clearer. 


ITA though, that there really is no basis for Bananas claiming that he's the reason Sarah's in the final.  Sure, he didn't toss them in when he could have, but he had bigger fish to fry. It wasn't because he wanted to save his BFF Sarah, ffs.

Edited by whirlingdervish
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Paula on Twitter: Pisses me off that even now @MTVBananas won't admit his actions years ago were shitty. Now he knows what it feels like,years later #finally


Ok I was gonna keep my mouth shut until I read that article @MTVBananas...u didn't send me home but u sent me into a sinking ship


Giving me life. The second tweet is in regards to an interview Johnny did for MTV.com where he tried to justify what he did on The Island.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 13

I've never really cared for Jordan until this episode of the After Show. It was great to see that both he and Sarah held their own and didn't back down against Johnny, but Jordan, especially, was spot on in everything he said. He completely has Johnny's number - when you don't work and you rely entirely on one semi-annual reality show competition, you get frantic at the missing out on one cash-in because it's like losing half of your annual salary. To Sarah, who has a real life and a real job, this is all just a fun, cool vacation that she can laugh her way through. Even Jordan, who tends to take the Challenge pretty seriously, can let it all go when it's over. But even months later Johnny really is acting like someone took away his salary.


I can't even figure out what Leroy was going on about. What was shady about what Sarah did? Did Sarah actually promise Johnny/Nia she'd never vote them in? Why does Leroy even care? He made it to the final anyway.

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Thank goodness Sarah said she would never apologize, and I'm glad at least some of the audience agreed. LOVE that she said she never even considered Johnny a friend to begin with - I'd wondered why he thought that because it seemed like her loyalty back in the day was with Kenny but she could give a shit about the others in that posse.


I'm starting to see why Leroy and Nia hooked up. I think his image may have been protected by his friendship with Mike-Mike, but the longer ago that becomes, and the more he starts to hang out with the Challenge lifers, the more I can see that he's as big an egotistical POS as the majority of them. And let's see Leroy - so Sarah's a sociopath, the devil, fake, eats babies, is the worst human being since Hitler, and pretends to cry, but then five minutes later he sits there sad and quietly while Nia was attempting to work up some waterworks? Please. Unless this is all a ploy because he thinks a new Rivals is coming soon...

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Okay, so Johnny throws a (hopefully plastic, but at any rate, it was not something soft like a pillow) elephant, Jordan deflects it, it hits Sarah (or whizzes by her, I forget) then hits or almost hits the host, and when she admonishes Johnny he justifies throwing something on the set by saying he was throwing it at Jordan, not the host?


There are no words.


Jordan seems like he might be one of the few who can actually learn from his mistakes and grow more mature while on camera--or at least his behavior on this particular aftershow points that way.  Impressive how he can say just the right amount of words to make Nia believe he's telling her their relationship is okay, when he actually said nothing of the kind.


Edited by Jobiska
  • Love 3

The after show was just annoying. 

Johnny shut up, Sarah owes you nothing and you and Nany sucked ass " SUCKS TO SUCK RIGHT?" and got eliminated not ONCE, but TWICE
Sore loser is a baaaddd look. 


Im glad Sarah and Jordan held their ground and were class acts compared to Nia the psychopath ignorant asshole. Yeah sure you have gay friends so you can say the F word? REALLY NIA? MAYBE that argument makes sense if you were in fact gay, ( and even then in the LGBTA community atleast its been my experience that they don't use that word jokingly ( or at all)). So really NIa, if I ( white girl) walked up to you screaming at you calling you the N word among a ton of other insults it would be ok because I have black friends? I DONT THINK SO.


Pathetic. I really don't ever want to see her again and I think Sarah and Jordan just are now ignoring her because they don't want to engage with a psychopath or even try to explain to her why her behavior was so abhorrent. 

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