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The After Show: Because You Can't Get Enough

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Yeah when these people sign up for any reality shows, the fact that they think that not only will they be filmed, audio from any scene is going to be sliced and throw into something else, probably. I remember a situation on The Hills and Lauren Conrad said she felt kind of silly running into the bathroom to talk about a fight and said, 'I don' t know why I did that; they can still use the audio from what I was talking about'. So. All the same, I wish there had been no aftershow was this episode. It was just uncomfortable in the worst way. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl

Overall, though, I think the burden of inappropriateness is on BMP/MTV. They knew what was in this episode that they were going to have them watch. They should have offered support (beyond armed security). Someone, at whatever level, should whisper in Cara Maria's ear to see if she's serious about leaving, and if so, help her discretely. At the very least, they should have invited Jamie to the Aftershow to be there for her. I think this was really poorly done on their part.

THIS times a million. I've read a bunch of stories over the years about the behind-the-scenes machinations of reality tv, plus docs and even tv shows like UnReal that expose the game, and it was all pretty much all manifested in this one episode and Aftershow. The producers not only created the drama by bringing in Abram mid-season after watching Cara Maria flirt and make out with Thomas, but then they kept lighting match after match, especially during the Aftershow (and filming backstage) - all for good tv. When they're competing on the show, I might have my favorites, but I don't really care about them - they're really just cast members on a pretty silly tv show. But off the show, they're real people with real lives and real relationships, and MTV set it up to humiliate Abram and Cara Maria, and exploit their co-dependent, abusive relationship. Cara Maria needs counseling to help her break away from Abram and learn how to develop self-respect, and Abram needs anger management and counseling as well. But of course MYV's objective is different - juicy drama, entertaining tv. I love the fun and exciting episodes as much as anyone, but not when it's manufactured like this.

  • Love 9

I'm so confused about the timeline.  How much time was there between the time the regular show filming ended and the filming of this After Show?  Did Abram not know about the cheating all throughout the regular show (except for the part she confessed, just "massages and egg sandwiches")?  And then they went home and they lived together after being done w/ the challenge, with him still not knowing?  And only when they did this After Show did he find out the real truth?  


What about watching the first episodes where Cara and Thomas were whispering about meeting in the bathroom?  Was this After Show filmed before even those first episodes aired?  So he didn't have a chance to see them yet, as of the time of this After Show filming?    


Anyway, I'm usually all about businesses doing whatever to make money, which is the whole point of being businesses.  But this was disgusting on the part of MTV.  Bringing Abram in as the replacement when there were probably 30+ other Challengers that would've been happy to come in as the replacement?  Come on.  That was for one reason and one reason only.  Gross.  They're lucky he didn't commit suicide during filming or kill Cara and Thomas in the Challenge house.  

Edited by bren70
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I don't know if I'm really surprised at MTVs decision to do this whole thing. Considering what they have aired in previous seasons-remember the Duel everyone? and let's not forget Tonya on the ruins. This is what they do. Granted, I don't agree with it but sitting around and thinking about it, it's not like they haven't done things like this before. 

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What about watching the first episodes where Cara and Thomas were whispering about meeting in the bathroom?  Was this After Show filmed before even those first episodes aired?  So he didn't have a chance to see them yet, as of the time of this After Show filming?

The after shows are usually filmed in a one or two day period before the season airs.

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I agree that there should be no expectation of privacy, but I feel for her because she was emotionally overwhelmed and confused and she confided in her cousin, looking for support and guidance. And she clearly didn't think she was being taped. I also noticed that in the Nany/Johnny confrontation episode, Johnny didn't seem to think he was being taped when he spoke to Nany about Hannah. It was just not the kind of conversation Johnny has when he thinks it's being filmed, and he especially wouldn't have said that if he thought Hannah might eventually see it! And sure enough, when the actual cameras came, he ran. I think something different must have been done this time around that two challenge veterans, at different points, clearly believed themselves to be off-camera when they weren't.

I agree. Johnny doesn't get caught slipping like that. Something was odd that he spoke that freely until cams came. He is fully aware of cams, mics, etc all the time. That's why all of his hookups are rumors without any bmp footage. There was done expectation of privacy, imo.


Btw, what is the thing with feathers in the hair, the constant dye jobs? Is that suppose to be some specific form of style or modeled after a musical artist?

the feathers are a trend from a few years ago. I don't know why she brought them back. I am just happy that she is over the Captain Jack Sparrow dreads and beads look.
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So uncomfortable!  And that host has no sense.  I still don't even know who she is or why she's hosting. I'm also trying to figure out why Johnny and Vinny were there.  It would have made more sense to have Thomas's twin since he was directly impacted by the whole dramas.  Plus Johnny and  his cousin are douches more than normal for trying to convince us there was any nobility in what they did.  As Thomas pointed out, if they really cared about Abe and integrity, they would have mentioned something when Abe first showed up, not days later.


I really want to know more about this producer, Boon/Booth, and the way he was able to immediately get Abe to calm the fuck down.  Did he have catnip in his pocket or something?  Abe went from yelling and aggressive and chest thumping to soft spoken and calm in 2 seconds once this dude spoke. 


Cara Maria was definitely checked out during that awful interview. 

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I really want to know more about this producer, Boon/Booth, and the way he was able to immediately get Abe to calm the fuck down.  Did he have catnip in his pocket or something?  Abe went from yelling and aggressive and chest thumping to soft spoken and calm in 2 seconds once this dude spoke. 


I think I read somewhere that Justin Booth was in the military before he became a producer.  Abram always responds to that kind of authority.  Remember the first challenge of Inferno II?

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I really wonder if things would have been so bad if Cara Maria had been upfront with Abe as soon as he arrived (well, as soon as they were alone together after he arrived).  


From their very first season together, I've always had the impression it was an abusive relationship.  Crazy-menacing Abe during a challenge or an argument with another guy always comes across as somewhere between manic and an act, but quiet-menacing Abe talking to CM one on one has always struck me as completely genuine and deliberate.  There would never have been a better time to tell him, because she lives with him, and she knows he can lose it faster than security can get to him.


Win or lose, I suspect she still would've gone home and stayed because it was less scary than trying to leave.  As horribly handled as this whole situation was on production's part, it may have actually done her a favor in the long run.  With it all out in the open, hopefully this will be enough for someone actually in her life to support her to leave and stay gone.


As for Johnny, I've never liked him, but I was still disappointed in him on the AS.  Nevermind the robot in the hosting chair not being able to read the room, he should've at least pretended that he didn't consider the potential consequences of what he was doing.  I have no doubt what he really wanted was for Abe to go after Thomas and get kicked off the show, then swoop in and pretend to be Thomas' friend there to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.  He's been screwing people over so long, he can't even remember to stick to his own script anymore, the one where he pretends the game is the game and outside is real life and real friendships.

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I think less of Cara Maria for all of this, not Abe. She's been in a relationship for years and knows him and how he would feel and react in this situation. There was no reason to string him along if she was going to act single on the show and dump him later. Their relationship was clearly toxic and they have a history of doing shitty things to each other. Cara loses all credibility in the thought that she was "trying to escape" her relationship because when Abe got to the challenge this time he mentioned they had not seen each other in a month. He didn't give a reason as to why but surely she had the opportunity to end the relationship during these weeks apart?! I don't think she is truly afraid of him and I don't think he would prevent her from leaving the relationship, as some think. I don't see him being physically abusive and I think they were abusive to each other in different ways. This Aftershow was just sick on MTV's part and I'm glad to hear Abram and Cara Maria are broken up. He needs a woman more like Coral (remember, they dated for years too) who can hold her own and will tell him what's up instead of being a lying, cheating "victim". I actually liked Cara a lot but how she handled this has made her go way down in my opinion. Cheating is never the answer.

EDIT: I just read on vevmo that Cara recently said on a podcast that she still wants to work things out with Abe. So there you go... Crazy.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 4

I meant to post this last week, but forgot. I think Zuri Hall is either a very inexperienced host and/or just too unskilled to have handled this aftershow better. She really seemed to be ignoring the tension and just trying to breeze through by following the script, if there was script. She just wasn't/isn't equipped to handle anything veers off from what she's been instructed to do. There's nothing spontaneous about her.


Which reminds me, I wish they'd bring back Maria Menuedos (sp?). She was a really good host for this show.

Edited by kat165
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I wish they'd have a former cast member be the host, I think they'd be uniquely qualified. I liked it when Blair from RR did the after show years ago.

Cara Maria tweeted that she has never been physically abused. Not that people in that situation don't lie but I definitely believe her. https://mobile.twitter.com/CaraMariaMTV/status/685483535591866368

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I don't know which amused me more: Zuri's continued failure at being an engaging host, or CM's dead-eye, deer in headlights look. I was LOLing (at Zuri's expense) when the cast refused to entertain her idiotic questions, questions like "what did you mean by saying Aneesa was on a pole". HA.

I was rather surprised to see CM back after the last shit show, especially when she looked so pained to be there. She's hurting for what went down with Abe, and it seems like she's trying to crawl back to him. Bad move, CM. Time to move on with your life. She has serious co-dependency issues and could benefit from some professional help.

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I think at Cara Maria's core, she is, more than anything else, loving, caring and kind.  Her guilt over hurting Abram, and in such big, publicly humiliating ways, is probably what makes her think what she wants is to be back with him.  The need and urge to make it better, to gain forgiveness and end his pain, is presenting in her mind as desperate love, and while I know she does love him and probably always will, it's not the right kind of love to build a life together.  I also wonder how these aftershows are filmed...if they are done back to back, which would make the most sense from a cost standpoint, and the participants change clothes if they appear in more than one of them, then she would still be really upset because the whole thing with Abram on that stage had just happened.  Hopefully once some time passed, if they didn't get back together, she got stronger and accepted that they just aren't a healthy match for each other.  She's incredibly strong physically, but inside is so soft.  I can't hate on her for that, I am the same way, except that I am also soft on the outside.


The thing that concerned me watching tonight was how totally miserable she seemed, in a way that I was reading as possibly more than "just" what had happened with Abram, and maybe that she lost the final and wasn't able to wear a poker face about it.  At the very end, when the host was talking about the final, they showed everyone else's face except hers, and on the pan-out, she was looking down and seemed broken.  I hope I'm wrong, I would like for her to win this.  Having money would help her feel more secure looking at a future on her own two feet.

  • Love 5

Irritable, I thought the same thing. Cara looked very sad. I'm not sure I bought her apology to

Abram. Some of it she seemed to mean but she had a odd expression on her face. I think

she would like to make amends with him, but not necessarily get back together with him.

I think this is because of what you say in the rest of your post about her being kind hearted.

Edited by kat165
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Yea, Corey sure seemed happy and confident on the Aftershow, esp. when they previewed the final. It could mean nothing, of course, but it feels kind of unfair to have a 2-man team competing against a female/female team and a female/man team. Strength and endurance usually play a big part in the final challenges.

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Cara Maria said this aftershow was filmed the next day after the Abe and Thomas one and she hadn't slept because she was up all night trying to deal with Abe.

This explains SO much.  Poor CM.  Abe was probably guilt tripping her and had her crying all night long.  How torturous to have to attend another After Show directly after that mess, especially with Aneesa there.  CM walked into that knowing more confrontation was about to go down, and for a non-confrontational introvert, that would be hell.  As bad as I felt for Abe and don't condone what CM did, I can empathize.  Terrible situation all around.  It's sickening how Bunim/Murray exploited her and Abe so much.  I really hope CM walks away from these Challenges after all of this.

  • Love 3

The thing that concerned me watching tonight was how totally miserable she seemed, in a way that I was reading as possibly more than "just" what had happened with Abram, and maybe that she lost the final and wasn't able to wear a poker face about it.  At the very end, when the host was talking about the final, they showed everyone else's face except hers, and on the pan-out, she was looking down and seemed broken.  I hope I'm wrong, I would like for her to win this.  Having money would help her feel more secure looking at a future on her own two feet.



And Cory looked WAY too happy for my liking...


CM having to do these shows back to back explains how she looked, but again, Cory seemed pretty damn chipper for someone whose ego can't take someone even mentioning they beat him. So sadly, I think Cory won.


And I used to like Aneesa, but she really is the type that feels it is her job to point out "what everyone is thinking". Guess what, people try to hide their accents and they DO come out when they are angry. I am a great example of that. I grew up with a slight southern accent and worked on removing it through my teens. But even now at my age, it DOES come out when I get pissed off.


I think Aneesa just hates seeing a female who works her ass off to be at these challenges. Aneesa even mentioned she liked the days when the challenges were just one big party. And seriously Aneesa, MORALLY deserving of a final? REALLY?


Yes, I DO think CM DESERVES to be in a final. She works her ass off to be there. She doesn't just come in, out of shape thinking her friends will let her coast to the end like most of the people on the show.


As much as I dislike Cory, if he does win, he probably deserves it. He said the only people that worked out harder on a daily basis were CM and her cousin. I just wish he would lose the damn ego...we don't need another John to replace the current one when he retires (IF that ever happens).

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I was rather surprised to see CM back after the last shit show, especially when she looked so pained to be there. She's hurting for what went down with Abe, and it seems like she's trying to crawl back to him. Bad move, CM. Time to move on with your life. She has serious co-dependency issues and could benefit from some professional help.

I bet they're contracturally obligated to do the after shows.

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Aneesa rubbed me the wrong way with the whole "morally deserving of the final." First of all, I didn't know having good morals was a requirement to get to the final of the Challenge and second of all, who's Aneesa to determine who does and doesn't morally deserve to be in the final?

What Cara Maria did to Abram was wrong, but she's owned up to it and she's apologized. I feel like she's being constantly judged by some other cast members when it's none of their business. Worse things have happened on this show.

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Seriously, if there's one thing The Challenge isn't, it's a show that rewards morality.  I always get so annoyed by that "deserves to be here" stuff.  If someone manages to perform well, either in the tasks/eliminations themselves or at the social aspect of the game, and they manage to continue to avoid being eliminated, then, under the rules of the game, they "deserve" to be there.  You guys aren't electing the next Pope, Aneesa. 

  • Love 8

Seriously, if there's one thing The Challenge isn't, it's a show that rewards morality.  I always get so annoyed by that "deserves to be here" stuff.  If someone manages to perform well, either in the tasks/eliminations themselves or at the social aspect of the game, and they manage to continue to avoid being eliminated, then, under the rules of the game, they "deserve" to be there.  You guys aren't electing the next Pope, Aneesa. 


How could it be a game of morality, when the concept is so fluid?


Observe what happens at least once a season:


(Person A votes Person B in the elimination game, Person B is pissed)- Person A: OMG, it's just a game, it's nothing personal, we're all here to win money, there's no reason Person B should be so pissed


Two missions later:


(Person C votes Person A into the elimination)- Person A:  I deserve to be here. Person C is a horrible person who has no moral code or integrity who has specifically targeted me because they are a jealous, spiteful, evil being.


So basically, morals are good when it's convenient to each participant and they benefit from someone else's good morals. When it comes time for that same person to sacrifice something, all the sudden it's solely a money making endeavor and "they didn't come here to make friends".

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 7

The more I see it, the less I understand Aneesa's obsession with Cory. It makes absolutely no sense, but maybe she's not as dumb as I pegged her for. What if Cory is her insurance policy for the next Battle of the Exes. She's aging out fast and she needs a slam dunk if she's ever going to win this thing. Cory's fit and if she is milking that relationship. Of course, that's assuming she's bright enough to think that far ahead...

  • Love 3

The more I see it, the less I understand Aneesa's obsession with Cory. It makes absolutely no sense, but maybe she's not as dumb as I pegged her for. What if Cory is her insurance policy for the next Battle of the Exes. She's aging out fast and she needs a slam dunk if she's ever going to win this thing. Cory's fit and if she is milking that relationship. Of course, that's assuming she's bright enough to think that far ahead...


That wouldn't surprise me.  Honestly, at this point, I assume most hook ups and fights on this show are to secure a spot on a future Exes or Rivals season.  


On a related note, I will be surprised if we don't get an Abe/CM Exes team soon.  Whether their drama was manufactured for that reason or real, the only way it won't happen is if Abe refuses to do it.  They'd be a pretty kickass team, too.  

  • Love 2

On a related note, I will be surprised if we don't get an Abe/CM Exes team soon.  Whether their drama was manufactured for that reason or real, the only way it won't happen is if Abe refuses to do it.  They'd be a pretty kickass team, too.  


Abe and CM were a team on the first Battle of the Exes (2011, maybe?).  They went home early in the game.  They were clearly going through some issues; and while Cara seemed to be in the game, Abe did not - he seemed to be more concerned with their relationship.  I distinctly remember CM saying something to the effect of "he's so intense, sometimes I just need to run away from him" on that season. They were bickering about moving in together (Abe wanted to, CM did not - If I recall).  It would appear the problems we've recently witnessed have been issues for them since the beginning. 

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I would flat out never watch an Exes season with CM and Abe as a pairing. Ugh. They're so uncomfortable to watch and I never usually get "second hand embarrassment" or whatever you want to call it. I like them both individually but together? Hell no. I honestly doubt Abe would ever be back. He said at one point he wouldn't do a Challenge CM was on and I wish he would've stuck with that. I'd like it if he came on a season without her but based on how MTV basically set him up for emotional turmoil I just can't see him returning EVER. I would bet that CM will be back. She's way into being on TV and having "fans" and stuff whereas I don't think Abe gives much of a shit about that at all.

Edited by Rebecca
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What a useless waste of tv time (& a 1/2 hr of my life). Didn't we just see an hours worth of arguments about inane petty bs on the Challenge (what a misnomer!) itself? Only to rehash it on the aftershow. I do have to say that tonight's host is a huge improvement on Zuri Hall. This host knows how to handle herself and anything that gets out of hand.  I loathe that Amanda chick and hope she is gone soon. I just can't with the white girl going feisty black woman.

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I'm never team Camilla, but I can understand her point of view completely. Nani and her cousin took something and completely ran with it. Nani tried to apologize, but it was that kind of defensive apology where she didn't take responsibility for what she did. She was blaming everyone, but herself. Nani's cousin...I really can't. I have no words. On the after show, it seemed like Nany agreed with what Camilla was saying, but didn't say anything because she didn't want to go against family. The sooner Amanda is off my screen, the better. I didn't mind her in the last episode, because I think she had a point about the cast's sincerity. This episode and after show, she was a complete mess. I think Camilla's tears were not of hurt feelings, but of frustration. This Amanda girl is so GD defensive that nothing will ever get through to her. And yes, attacking someone for their age is the same as attacking them for their appearance. It's making fun of something they can't change and it's completely irrelevant to the conversation, if you can call it that. Amanda is going to lead a miserable live if she thinks this is the way to act. Always assuming people are out to get you is no way to live. That was an exhausting after show, because they literally didn't resolve anything.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 3
17 hours ago, kat165 said:

I do have to say that tonight's host is a huge improvement on Zuri Hall. This host knows how to handle herself and anything that gets out of hand.  I loathe that Amanda chick and hope she is gone soon.

There's a new host?  How exciting.  Maybe I can start watching again.  That Zuri chick was awful and made me abandon the show.


I like the new host Nessa too. She's much better than Zuri Hall who I felt handled the whole Cara Maria and Abram situation horribly last season.

Amanda is just awful. I feel bad for her because of everything that has happened to her in life, but she is just so defensive about everything and hasn't hesitated to fight with other cast members since her first night in the house. Being 23 doesn't give you an excuse to act that way.

Edited by Steph619
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50 minutes ago, kat165 said:

Poor Cuz. That was shitty & brutal. Maybe that family should boycott this show.

Right?? That was so mean. I don't think they should've shown him that. Based on his reaction I'm guessing Jamie defends Ashley later in the season and that just confirmed that she really had no interest in him at all. I don't understand how she kept saying "you know I don't feel that way!!" Huh?? They literally just showed footage of her saying he was disgusting. That made me dislike her as much as Simone.

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What is up with MTV and showing these type of things? They made Abe watch CM basically admit to cheating and not wanting him on the show on the Aftershow last season and now they show a video of Ashley calling Jamie awful things. I mean, look, I get it, these people signed up for this show, but at the end of the day, these people didn't sign up to hear these things. MTV is really pushing the limits for ratings, I guess. It's gross. These challengers should really start boycotting the aftershows. 

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Jelly, yes! So shitty. I felt bad & then glad when they returned from break and Cuz was gone and Thomas (?) took his place. I've not liked Ashley from the beginning. So her remarks did not surprise me. What surprised me that they were shown in a very mean way. She's a very rough, tired looking 20. And what could she say, really, after they showed that clip? Cuz looked really hurt.

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Wow, that WAS brutal. You could tell he was really hurt. I don't often feel bad for these contestants, but I did for him. He does genuinely seem like a nice guy.

And no shit on Ashley saying someone is gross? She is NOT going to age well. She will be one of those women who looks 50 in her mid to late 30s. Couldn't stand her on her season (especially with the whole "my family can buy your family" shit) and can't stand her now. She is right up there with John as far as hate for me.

It takes a special kind of person to threaten your partner that you will leave if they don't vote in their best friend. It says a TON about her character.

And what does it say about someone who would have sex with another person within a day of meeting them and they DON'T find them attractive?!

Jerry Springer was brought up during the actual show (not the after show) and that is how I feel watching this shit, like I am watching Jerry Springer...just sleazy...

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Jenkins, yeah, that's what it feels like we're watching, Jerry Springer. If I wanted to watch those sort of antics I'd watch Springer which I don't. This show is losing my interest rapidly in just one 1/2 season. What a let down. I always looked forward to the actual challenges, Teej and some of the funnier stuff these drunken idiots get up to. All it's been this season has been cat fights with a brief smattering of challenges. That don't count.

I also think Bunim Murray is antagonizing the vets by airing the CaraMaria/Abe crap last season and the mean Cuz bashing this season. I don't blame any of them for not wanting to come back.

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