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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

Hopefully these extra warm bodies do more than just keep tabs on Trump's tweets.  I hope we at least get some quality investigative journalism during the coming corrupt administration.



The Washington Post has done the best reporting on Trump all year. 60 more journalists? That is excellent! I suspect that many of these new hires will be willing and (very) able to do the kind of painstaking documentation of corruption that David Fahrenthold has done about Trump's foundation.  Without Fahrenthold and the WP, Trump's lies would have gotten a lot more traction in the press than they did.  (I also would guess they are preparing for some Watergate-style whistle-blowing in the months and years to come).

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40 minutes ago, Padma said:

The Washington Post has done the best reporting on Trump all year.

I have faith in the Washington Post.  The editor of the Post is Marty Baron - Baron was the editor of the Boston Globe, when the Globe exposed the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Boston.  If he was willing to go up against Cardinal Law and the Catholic Church - and win - I don't expect he will shy away from the Orange Menace.

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6 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Reading a racist tweet then checking and hoping it is from an alt-left idiot that no one on the left side takes seriously...check check check....nope, it is just another mainstream liberal journalist:

Well, you know it's not from an alt-left idiot because there's no alt-left!

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15 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Reading a racist tweet then checking and hoping it is from an alt-left idiot that no one on the left side takes seriously

Pretty sure no one from the left would take it seriously given the alt left doesn't exist.

On 12/26/2016 at 6:56 PM, stewedsquash said:

The Klan has already been given a platform - in Trump's administration. See - Steve Bannon.


On 12/26/2016 at 6:56 PM, stewedsquash said:

Side note (about the abuse towards Ivanka on the airplane by two other passengers): I read a few years ago, before the Trump for president was even a blip, that Ivanka is a frequent flyer on public airplanes. There is talk about why was she even on the plane is why I mention it. I don't wish those two ridiculously annoying men any harm, but I hope they don't ever have to be subjected to what they did to her. Those two men are pretty scary to me. 


What abuse? Criticism of her and her wretched father? Given those men are gay, I'm sure they've faced worse than the pampered princess ever has - from people like Mike Pence.

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2 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

I love what they said here in the article:


Food stamp fraud is at an all-time high, with cases this year including a state lawmaker and even a millionaire.

Irony is a bitch. Especially when the right tries to use the old 'Welfare Queen' excuse. So that line made me laugh. The rich as always. Trying to abuse the system. Sure there are some that aren't rich who do the same. But I'm betting it's not nearly as much as the other end that does.

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"Beloved television father Bill Cosby . . ."

Anybody get the latest Entertainment Weekly? Left and right-wingers recommended books to understand their sides. I forgot what Bill O'Reilly suggested. You know what Ann Coulter brought us? Her own fucking book. I hate these people. You probably know that. Anyway, to ease the pain slightly, here's an interpretation of Ann from The Boondocks ("The S-Word.") She comes off waaaaaaaaay better than the theory Huey Freeman (and creator Aaron MacGruder) had about her in the comic strip.

Also,, in case you didn't see it in the old thread, artists have comic characters weigh in on the election aftermath. If only bowel disruptors existed outside of Transmetropolitan. If only.

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4 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Note to self: subscribe to WaPo.

I've read posts on a number of different forums from people who have subscribed to WaPo these last few months because of their coverage of the election. Good for them. See media? Provide some objective real journalism and people will respond.

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15 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

I love what they said here in the article:

Irony is a bitch. Especially when the right tries to use the old 'Welfare Queen' excuse. So that line made me laugh. The rich as always. Trying to abuse the system. Sure there are some that aren't rich who do the same. But I'm betting it's not nearly as much as the other end that does.

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The "food stamp fraud!" furor reminds me of when Republicans scream about voter fraud.  The number of people fraudulently receiving food stamp benefits is negligible, while the number of eligible people improperly denied benefits is a real problem.  But they're on about the former, and don't give a shit about the latter.  It's the same idea as how the number of people casting fraudulent ballots is practically non-existent, yet voter suppression and disenfranchisement has a serious effect.  (And, of course, they lie about the former, and are the perpetrators of the latter.)

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21 minutes ago, Bastet said:

The "food stamp fraud!" furor reminds me of when Republicans scream about voter fraud.  The number of people fraudulently receiving food stamp benefits is negligible, while the number of eligible people improperly denied benefits is a real problem.  But they're on about the former, and don't give a shit about the latter.  It's the same idea as how the number of people casting fraudulent ballots is practically non-existent, yet voter suppression and disenfranchisement has a serious effect.  (And, of course, they lie about the former, and are the perpetrators of the latter.)

Yep. But they got to force those people to get a job some how. Yeeeup. Get up by yer bootstraps and find a job! 

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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

The "food stamp fraud!" furor reminds me of when Republicans scream about voter fraud.  The number of people fraudulently receiving food stamp benefits is negligible, while the number of eligible people improperly denied benefits is a real problem.  But they're on about the former, and don't give a shit about the latter.  It's the same idea as how the number of people casting fraudulent ballots is practically non-existent, yet voter suppression and disenfranchisement has a serious effect.  (And, of course, they lie about the former, and are the perpetrators of the latter.)

And apparently this new story about food stamp fraud isn't new at all. It's not even clear where people are getting this number. It's just Republican's usual anti-food stamp story that their fans like (despite often needing them). I think it's just an ongoing thing that can be whipped out whenever. Of course, if Trump decides to slash the program for his tax cuts people may be shocked to find out it's not just those "other people" who lose their benefits.

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38 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

And apparently this new story about food stamp fraud isn't new at all. It's not even clear where people are getting this number. It's just Republican's usual anti-food stamp story that their fans like (despite often needing them). I think it's just an ongoing thing that can be whipped out whenever. Of course, if Trump decides to slash the program for his tax cuts people may be shocked to find out it's not just those "other people" who lose their benefits.

Be careful what you wish for,  YOU just might get it.

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I am disappointed that George Soros is unhappy. Now I and millions of others have to worry about losing our monthly Soros checks. Will the Koch brothers step up and keep us in the lifestyle to which we've become accustomed? I think not. Lattes and wine tastings and hiring illegal immigrants to detail my Prius won't pay for themselves. Now I'll have to find meaningful employment, perhaps planting stories about President Obama and Secretary Clinton having a torrid affair in an ISIS training camp.*

*If I see this news nugget appear on twitchy or breitbart, I'll know one of you stole it! Make up your own fake news while waiting to go back on the Soros dole! 

Edited by NinjaPenguins
Words and stuff
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30 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I am disappointed that George Soros is unhappy. Now I and millions of others have to worry about losing our monthly Soros checks. Will the Koch brothers step up and keep us in the lifestyle to which we've become accustomed? I think not. Lattes and wine tastings and hiring illegal immigrants to detail my Prius won't pay for themselves. Now I'll have to find meaningful employment, perhaps planting stories about President Obama and Secretary Clinton having a torrid affair in an ISIS training camp.*

*If I see this news nugget appear on twitchy or breitbart, I'll know one of you stole it! Make up your own fake news while waiting to go back on the Soros dole! 

Is there a link you can send me where I can sign up for my Soros check?  Cause I want to go back to school and could really use the extra money. I keep hearing about all these paid Soros minions or protestors, but I've never figured out how to sign up!  It's so frustrating!!!

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32 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I am disappointed that George Soros is unhappy. Now I and millions of others have to worry about losing our monthly Soros checks. Will the Koch brothers step up and keep us in the lifestyle to which we've become accustomed? I think not. Lattes and wine tastings and hiring illegal immigrants to detail my Prius won't pay for themselves. Now I'll have to find meaningful employment, perhaps planting stories about President Obama and Secretary Clinton having a torrid affair in an ISIS training camp.*

*If I see this news nugget appear on twitchy or breitbart, I'll know one of you stole it! Make up your own fake news while waiting to go back on the Soros dole! 

And what about my abortion parties/gay wedding potlucks?

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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Now I'll have to find meaningful employment

Personally, I'm going to curl up in my new safe space on a freshly fracked land and wait for those great coal jobs to come back so I can live on coal coins and live in a real coal village and own nothing except black lung and a grisly, early death. MURRCA!!! Or maybe I'll be the first to sign up for the new reality tv show, "gonna grab me some librull by the pussy and smack the b*tch up" 

Chris Hayes had a good segment on his show comparing Nixon and Tubby. They're essentially both crooks and liars, but Nixon was klassy about it. He tried to hide what he did. Tubby don't play that. Tubby essentially takes massive shits in the American punchbowl and everyone says it's the new alt-poop that doesn't smell and isn't wittle Tubby Wubby a good boy for shaking things up? 

In today's bellwether media note: NYT is thrashing around with the alt-fair and balanced attempt and ran this odious crapload of an op/ed column. Dear NYT:  If you think you're going to survive by "balancing" your columnists like Charles Blow with David Kuhn - aka, bringing in a little bit of white male butt hurt to balance that uppity liberal POC columnist - yur doin' it wrongz. 

But what was interesting was that Blow's columns always have comments on. Kuhn's didn't. Chickenshit much? Don't want to give us paid Soros professional comment trolls a chance to vent their thoughts? 

That's OK, because your little Alex P. Keaton wannabe reporter Tweeted the article with a poorly rewritten headline and got dragged. Bigly. Not just by paid professional trolls, but other journalists/pundits. It was ALMOST enough to make me sign up for a twitter myself, feeling all wolverine-y. I've never actually read a full on Twitter drag and I gotta say, it was heartening to see so many people call this guy on his BS. 

NYT should just let this guy move over to Breitbart so he can make his living claiming racism isn't a real reason Clinton didn't get elected and is a made-up librull idea and it surely has no business at a political discussion table. Let's, instead, talk about "real reasons," like how fascinating Tubby and Bannon are and how librulls need to just get over it.

It is beyond vile that so-called journalists are trying to make career moves trying to tell the majority of American voters to ignore racism and sexism (which, of course, doesn't even merit a mention) and really focus on why she lost. Uh...so, our bellwether media is moving to the right because propaganda sez racism isn't a real reason and sexism isn't ever mentioned. It's not even a word. 

It's also annoying because I, at least, am still searching for a Washington insider who can actually write or discuss Tubby without resorting to MURRCA or bashing Democrats or Hillary. The resistance needs actual, objective centrist reporting to take this shit down. 

But, I guess this is not to be at the NYT. Have fun getting over your 1k+ twitter drag, Mr. Peters, as you add Dem bashing to your repertoire and present it proudly to Bannon and ask to be let in the club. Alt-smart is a really bad look on you, btw.


12-29-2016 9-37-10 AM.png

Edited by potatoradio
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33 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

The Soros Check Program will have an open enrollment table at the next meeting of The Left at Bohemian Grove. Check other threads for details. I can't say more. I think Alex Jones is on to me.

Gotcha!  ::slow wink as I lay my finger beside my nose and nod 3 times:::

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6 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Some democrat leaning articles, turning on Obama:

Why would you characterize the article as "turning on" Obama? It's just another analysis of the election that disagrees with what he said and thinks that type of thinking keeps Democrats from dealing with the reality.

Maybe this is hard to understand if you have this view of the Democratic party as worshiping the man, or think it's supposed to work like the current Republican party where everyone must line up to get their lumps from Trump ask for more and if they stand up for their own values--even if they're the values of actual conservatism or at least not in conflict with conservative values--they're labelled a RINO and need to be punished by the mob or whatever, but on the left articles where people criticize Democrats are perfectly normal. The party has never had to line up behind everything Obama did like disciples so they've always criticized whatever they felt like without "turning on him."

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Normally I like MSNBC's Chris Jansing. But today she was interviewing Trump surrogate Boris Epshteyn  and let him spew out some really bad talking points, unchallenged. Among them was that he was "the leader Americans chose and he is already the leader of our country, you can see he's already the one leading us."

I wanted her to speak up and say--"He lost the popular vote, remember? But thanks to the EC, yes, at noon on Jan 20th, he'll become president. And not a minute sooner!!!  Until then, we HAVE a president--and his name is OBAMA, not Trump."  Instead, she said nothing, letting him get out his talking point unquestioned.

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20 minutes ago, Padma said:

I wanted her to speak up and say--"He lost the popular vote, remember? But thanks to the EC, yes, at noon on Jan 20th, he'll become president. And not a minute sooner!!!  Until then, we HAVE a president--and his name is OBAMA, not Trump."  Instead, she said nothing, letting him get out his talking point unquestioned.

Also he's already "leading" the country the way he's been doing all year--by saying outrageous things that the media trots after like a dog going after a stick instead of fact-checking him. I mean, maybe when he says "He's already leading us" you could really going into what that means? Like that he's undermining the current presidency by working with whatever foreign leader flatters him--something that every president in history has considered wrong? That he's using the power given to him by the presidency to Tweet irresponsible stuff that we now have to pay attention to because he's like a baby playing with a handgun now? Stop letting him set the values for the country when the country doesn't share them. This claim by Boris is about the only thing Trump's ever about--Trump's personal ego. Like he wants attention-getting stunts chalked up to him having some sort of natural leadership quality instead of just being incompetently dangerous.

More and more I don't get why the press, unlike seemingly most actual Americans, keeps playing into this fiction that this is a reasonable Presidential candidate/President-Elect whose behavior and surrogates should be treated as if they're staying within the bounds of what we've seen before. Why not call the guy out on him pushing Trump the man and Trump the brand here?

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2 hours ago, potatoradio said:

Personally, I'm going to curl up in my new safe space on a freshly fracked land and wait for those great coal jobs to come back so I can live on coal coins and live in a real coal village and own nothing except black lung and a grisly, early death. MURRCA!!! Or maybe I'll be the first to sign up for the new reality tv show, "gonna grab me some librull by the pussy and smack the b*tch up" 

Chris Hayes had a good segment on his show comparing Nixon and Tubby. They're essentially both crooks and liars, but Nixon was klassy about it. He tried to hide what he did. Tubby don't play that. Tubby essentially takes massive shits in the American punchbowl and everyone says it's the new alt-poop that doesn't smell and isn't wittle Tubby Wubby a good boy for shaking things up? 

In today's bellwether media note: NYT is thrashing around with the alt-fair and balanced attempt and ran this odious crapload of an op/ed column. Dear NYT:  If you think you're going to survive by "balancing" your columnists like Charles Blow with David Kuhn - aka, bringing in a little bit of white male butt hurt to balance that uppity liberal POC columnist - yur doin' it wrongz. 

But what was interesting was that Blow's columns always have comments on. Kuhn's didn't. Chickenshit much? Don't want to give us paid Soros professional comment trolls a chance to vent their thoughts? 

That's OK, because your little Alex P. Keaton wannabe reporter Tweeted the article with a poorly rewritten headline and got dragged. Bigly. Not just by paid professional trolls, but other journalists/pundits. It was ALMOST enough to make me sign up for a twitter myself, feeling all wolverine-y. I've never actually read a full on Twitter drag and I gotta say, it was heartening to see so many people call this guy on his BS. 

NYT should just let this guy move over to Breitbart so he can make his living claiming racism isn't a real reason Clinton didn't get elected and is a made-up librull idea and it surely has no business at a political discussion table. Let's, instead, talk about "real reasons," like how fascinating Tubby and Bannon are and how librulls need to just get over it.

It is beyond vile that so-called journalists are trying to make career moves trying to tell the majority of American voters to ignore racism and sexism (which, of course, doesn't even merit a mention) and really focus on why she lost. Uh...so, our bellwether media is moving to the right because propaganda sez racism isn't a real reason and sexism isn't ever mentioned. It's not even a word. 

It's also annoying because I, at least, am still searching for a Washington insider who can actually write or discuss Tubby without resorting to MURRCA or bashing Democrats or Hillary. The resistance needs actual, objective centrist reporting to take this shit down. 

But, I guess this is not to be at the NYT. Have fun getting over your 1k+ twitter drag, Mr. Peters, as you add Dem bashing to your repertoire and present it proudly to Bannon and ask to be let in the club. Alt-smart is a really bad look on you, btw.


12-29-2016 9-37-10 AM.png

"...many voted for him despite that." 

That was kind of funny. Because he admits Trump was racist and sexist. If some voted for him "despite" that, other voted "because" of that. Also... if you see someone is racist and sexist and it doesn't bother you.... hmm.... could it mean you just might BE racist and sexist, too?  It's supposed to bother you, unless you find it okay.

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10 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Twitchy.com is not a news site.  Stop trying to pretend it is.

Twitchy sounds like some dudes nickname and that he started his own blog. But it's not  a nickname he chose, his friends gave it to him when he was younger.

Edited by callmebetty
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46 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

They can't believe a conservative gay activist who uses provocative means to push back to the left is being rewarded with, his words, a wheelbarrow full of money.

LOL. Standard euphemism for gay misogynist who stokes racism and misogyny and riles up hoards of same to attack. "Provocative." Makes me wonder why the fake approval of the "garbage" (if that was the word) KKK not being given a platform on A&E. Guess it was just the outfits that make them garbage. Cause it's obviously not the values they stand for.

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I'm starting a new media site called Ditchy.com. Hold on to your bloomers, because my news stories are about to swagger into your mind and grab your synapses by the p***y! It will be like a golden shower of knowledge on your heads. 

  • Celebrity medium Chachi contacts the spirit of Vince Foster. Will he dish the dirt on Hillary?
  • Find out why Ruth Bader Ginsburg terrorizes her conservative benchmates with a cattle prod! "White men get my dander up!"
  • The War on Easter is here. Are you prepared to be pelted by pastel colored eggs hurled by BLM vigilantes wearing bunny ears? 
  • Watch grainy video of Sasquatch burning a confederate flag at an alt-left commune.
  • Be the first to learn Obama's post-presidency plans, which include a comedy tour with John Boehner, learning Kenyan folk dances, and teaching young jihadists how to play basketball.
  • Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden finally have their double life exposed. Get the deets on their late night Robin Hoodesque raids on Wall Street as they pilfer loose change from brokers' desks to buy meals for the shiftless poor. Gnash your teeth in rage as a homeless child mooches a juice box he didn't earn through factory labor! 
  • Hillary's pantsuits: Breitbart psychologists reveal how they emasculate America's male population. On purpose!

Ditchy.com: We waterboard the truth just for you.

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18 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I'm starting a new media site called Ditchy.com. Hold on to your bloomers, because my news stories are about to swagger into your mind and grab your synapses by the p***y! It will be like a golden shower of knowledge on your heads. 

  • Celebrity medium Chachi contacts the spirit of Vince Foster. Will he dish the dirt on Hillary?
  • Find out why Ruth Bader Ginsburg terrorizes her conservative benchmates with a cattle prod! "White men get my dander up!"
  • The War on Easter is here. Are you prepared to be pelted by pastel colored eggs hurled by BLM vigilantes wearing bunny ears? 
  • Watch grainy video of Sasquatch burning a confederate flag at an alt-left commune.
  • Be the first to learn Obama's post-presidency plans, which include a comedy tour with John Boehner, learning Kenyan folk dances, and teaching young jihadists how to play basketball.
  • Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden finally have their double life exposed. Get the deets on their late night Robin Hoodesque raids on Wall Street as they pilfer loose change from brokers' desks to buy meals for the shiftless poor. Gnash your teeth in rage as a homeless child mooches a juice box he didn't earn through factory labor! 
  • Hillary's pantsuits: Breitbart psychologists reveal how they emasculate America's male population. On purpose!

Ditchy.com: We waterboard the truth just for you.

I think World News Daily has beat you to most of those stories. And my RWNJ FB friends post them on a regular basis. And we wonder how Trumplethinskin got elected. 

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57 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I'm starting a new media site called Ditchy.com. Hold on to your bloomers, because my news stories are about to swagger into your mind and grab your synapses by the p***y! It will be like a golden shower of knowledge on your heads. 


Ditchy.com: We waterboard the truth just for you.

Bwahvo NinjaP!!  *standing ovation*  *wild applause*  *chants of more, more, give us more*

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Have you ever gone out with a group of friends, and, like, a few of them are more like friends of friends? And there's one guy who can't really read a room and just sort of throws something into a conversation and then walks off to get a beer or something? Everyone's like, whoa, did you hear that? The guy comes back with his Milwaukee Best, and you all tell him what you thought of his statement, but he just laughs and moves onto a completely new thing? 

Guy: Fucking A, man, that new Bieber album is rocking my face off! Excuse me while I grab a beer. (He leaves. He returns)

Friends: Yeah, so, the reviews weren't that good. In fact, one of the songs was just Justin farting into a mic accompanied by an acoustic guitar. To each their own, we guess...

Guy: LOL! Lebron James sucks! Win a ring and get back to me, loser! 

Friends: Actually, dude, Lebron has won rings.

Guy: Hahaha. The sun rose in the west yesterday. Did you all see that shit?

Friends: (Deliver a detailed explanation of the sun-earth relationship, accompanied by cites from peer reviewed scientific journals)

Guy: Whoohoo. Read this copy of Weekly World News from 1995. BatBoy pimped Monica out to Bill Clinton. Excellent article.


Sometimes debating Orange supporters feels like that.

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I don't read right wing websites, but I know many people do just to see what piping hot talking points are coming off the grill. Do posters actually converse with one another? Do they just take turns posting whatever tickles their fancy at the moment without regard to what others are discussing? Is there a back and forth and ebb and flow? 

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23 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Have you ever gone out with a group of friends, and, like, a few of them are more like friends of friends? And there's one guy who can't really read a room and just sort of throws something into a conversation and then walks off to get a beer or something? Everyone's like, whoa, did you hear that? The guy comes back with his Milwaukee Best, and you all tell him what you thought of his statement, but he just laughs and moves onto a completely new thing? 

Guy: Fucking A, man, that new Bieber album is rocking my face off! Excuse me while I grab a beer. (He leaves. He returns)

Friends: Yeah, so, the reviews weren't that good. In fact, one of the songs was just Justin farting into a mic accompanied by an acoustic guitar. To each their own, we guess...

Guy: LOL! Lebron James sucks! Win a ring and get back to me, loser! 

Friends: Actually, dude, Lebron has won rings.

Guy: Hahaha. The sun rose in the west yesterday. Did you all see that shit?

Friends: (Deliver a detailed explanation of the sun-earth relationship, accompanied by cites from peer reviewed scientific journals)

Guy: Whoohoo. Read this copy of Weekly World News from 1995. BatBoy pimped Monica out to Bill Clinton. Excellent article.


Sometimes debating Orange supporters feels like that.

Lies!!!!!! Bat Boy would never do that!  He just introduced them.  Monica and him were both interns. 

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^^^ I used to frequent right wing websites, and also consumed quite a bit of Fox News.  That was mostly when I was a younger adult (I'm 30), and decidedly conservative--I mean that in a "traditional" way, not a crazy Tea Party/Trumpist-type.  Since then, I would read some things, and watch Fox News actually semi-regularly just to try & not get too deep into an information bubble.  Admittedly, since election day, I have avoided outlets like Fox News like the plague.  I just can't stomach it. 

I have also gone to extreme sites as well, Stormfront, for example, to see what trash dogma the hate mongers were spewing.  I read a thread this past summer posted by a user there who asked "Is Donald Trump the next Hitler?"  To be clear, that question was asked, not in trepidation, but in excitement.  It made my skin crawl reading that filth.  It might be a while before I can suck it up & do things like that again.

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