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The Challenge in the Media: "The road to [fame] is straight and narrow."

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Just saw the news. So sad and senseless.... I remember during the New Orleans season he talked about his prescription pills addiction and how he'd been sober for a few months or so but I long figured, after seeing him on some of the Challenges that he was likely dabbling in stuff again. A lot of his New Orleans cast-mates have commented on social media and Jemmye understandably sounds very upset. I think Knight was also on the upcoming challenge so now I'm really thinking MTV is just going to not air it, what with Diem and Knight both dead. Crazy man...


I feel like they SHOULD air it. They should both be given really good edits, and then the episodes should be dedicated to them. Just a thought. 

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Maybe they should, not saying one way or the other, but I just keep thinking about that show Buckwild, where the guy Shane who was on it, died from carbon monoxide poisoning and they simply cancelled the show altogether and immediately stopped production. And Shane didn't even die while filming the show. As someone else noted, if the early reports of how Knight died is accurate, they may be wary of showing the Challenge where true to Challenge fashion he may have been partying and drinking a lot. Again, I'm not saying they will or that they even should not air it, just that I would not be surprised if they don't. 


Maybe they should, not saying one way or the other, but I just keep thinking about that show Buckwild, where the guy Shane who was on it, died from carbon monoxide poisoning and they simply cancelled the show altogether and immediately stopped production. And Shane didn't even die while filming the show. As someone else noted, if the early reports of how Knight died is accurate, they may be wary of showing the Challenge where true to Challenge fashion he may have been partying and drinking a lot. Again, I'm not saying they will or that they even should not air it, just that I would not be surprised if they don't.

They were in the middle of filming the second season the weekend he died they had off. Also, MTV was criticized because one of the cast members was arrested for dealing painkillers and narcotics. I also remember a whole thing were people wanted MTV to pay for his funeral which they ended up doing. MTV didn't tell the cast most of them learned from TMZ so I wouldn't believe anything that comes from any cast members just what MTV ends up saying.


I thought it was MTv that found Shane? They were filming for Gandy Candy and he didn't show. I'm probably totally wrong.....

I read an article that said they had off that weekend for Easter. It was sort of like The Hills were they had "filming days". I believe Joey who was on the show was the one who found him.

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I can't picture MTV not airing The Challenge.  They will probably take the route that The Bachelorette did when one of the guys died after he was sent home.  When his last episode aired they didn't air the rose ceremony and instead had the host guy and whoever the bachelorette was sit down and talk about him for a few minutes.  I'm not spoilered, but I assume Knight didn't make the finals.  Whenever he's sent home they could show a highlight reel or extra interviews or something.  


I'm sad for Knight, and I'm sad that because of the timing (holiday weekend) this probably isn't going to get much attention.  

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I'm sad for Knight, and I'm sad that because of the timing (holiday weekend) this probably isn't going to get much attention.

That's probably a blessing for his family, though. I hope they can mourn his passing as quietly as possible. I say that after reading a few details and knowing what it's like to lose someone that way. I can't imagine what it feels like to have it blow up in public.

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I can't see MTV missing out on the opportunity of showing Diem's last season.  Now that two cast members have died, I would be shocked if they chose not to show it.  A cast member's husband of Bravo's, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,  hanged himself.  The show not only didn't cancel the season or cut the man out of it, they actually reshot and included a scene in which the rest of the cast solemnly gathers to talk about it.  The man's family threatened to sue, and a lot of the public was disapproving, but money is money.

I'm not a rabid fan, so it wouldn't make much of an impact in my life if it didn't air. However, I would consider it more of a way to honor their lives to air it than to not air it.  It was something they both wanted to participate in, and I think they'd be disappointed (if they could know) to find that the last thing they did was never seen by anyone. 

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How sad. Addiction is a horrible disease. Following serious injuries and multiple surgeries with more still to come, I'm on 2 different types of very strong pain medicine.

I was so terrified of becoming addicted that I went to NA and got a sponsor. I'm not an addict and have only been addicted to nicotine but the sponsor is helping to make sure that I keep on the right side of this medication.

We have also put into works through NA a program that we're going to start that will help people like me who need the medicine but are afraid of becoming addicted. The program is also for addicts in recovery who will temporarilytemporarily need pain medicine. It will help them stay on the straight and narrow and not relapse on them.

Since I'm incapacitated, my job right now is to do mailers and come up with the name.

I have nothing for a name.

I'm sorry for making this all about me, but it's people like Knight who I think about when I think of these programs.

I always liked Knight, he could be a jerk at times but he had a great sense of humor. Its so damn sad how these pills meant to relieve pain and help people end up destroying so many.

I hope you find your peace Knight.

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Peace without Pain?

I would be surprised if this season isn't aired. They still air Buckwild and I still have old Real World episodes on my DVR. Let's not forget Teen Mom and Jersey Shore. All of these shows have had real life situations happen and aired. Diem battled a very real illness and so did Knight. They chose to participate in tv, as well.

  • Love 2

I can't see MTV missing out on the opportunity of showing Diem's last season.  Now that two cast members have died, I would be shocked if they chose not to show it.  A cast member's husband of Bravo's, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,  hanged himself.  The show not only didn't cancel the season or cut the man out of it, they actually reshot and included a scene in which the rest of the cast solemnly gathers to talk about it.

Russell was the husband of one of the 'Housewives,' not a main character, but even then, they scrapped scenes with him in it. (And of course Taylor's scenes were re-shot as well). Maybe there were some flashback scenes, but they were handled delicately. Diem and Knight were both cast members, and active in the competition. I don't see how they can edit around this. But I also don't think they should not air it, because I'm not sure how that would be insensitive to their memory (well, unless they went out in a blaze of idiocy or profanity or something like that).

Russell was the husband of one of the 'Housewives,' not a main character, but even then, they scrapped scenes with him in it. (And of course Taylor's scenes were re-shot as well). Maybe there were some flashback scenes, but they were handled delicately. Diem and Knight were both cast members, and active in the competition. I don't see how they can edit around this. But I also don't think they should not air it, because I'm not sure how that would be insensitive to their memory (well, unless they went out in a blaze of idiocy or profanity or something like that).


I agree about not scrapping a season.  I think it may border on insensitivity.  This group of people have chosen to live their lives on camera,  have competed multiple times, and know what they're getting into.  Diem has never been secretive about her cancer struggle, and although she preferred a message of hope, I think the way her friends and family rallied around her was inspirational.  Although I didn't know her, I feel like she would want her part shown.  Maybe not the actual collapsing - I think that would be too heartbreaking, but a basic "what happened" and the reaction of the rest of the cast.


Knight is more difficult.  His struggle with drugs was well-known, and I believe he was using on several challenges.  There's a way to portray his struggle in a compassionate way that is also very educational.  I do think it would be disrespectful if they showed only scenes of him falling down wasted, screaming at people, and making insensitive and bigoted comments.

I agree about not scrapping a season. I think it may border on insensitivity. This group of people have chosen to live their lives on camera, have competed multiple times, and know what they're getting into. Diem has never been secretive about her cancer struggle, and although she preferred a message of hope, I think the way her friends and family rallied around her was inspirational. Although I didn't know her, I feel like she would want her part shown. Maybe not the actual collapsing - I think that would be too heartbreaking, but a basic "what happened" and the reaction of the rest of the cast.

Knight is more difficult. His struggle with drugs was well-known, and I believe he was using on several challenges. There's a way to portray his struggle in a compassionate way that is also very educational. I do think it would be disrespectful if they showed only scenes of him falling down wasted, screaming at people, and making insensitive and bigoted comments.

ITA with your post. Re: Diem, I don't think showing her participation is disrespectful at all, although I think showing her collapse would be in definite poor taste, if it was indeed captured on film. I also agree that it's a harder call re: Knight. In fact, when I wrote that airing the season wouldn't be insensitive to their memory unless they were absolute jerks, I guess I was thinking of Diem, cuz, well, Knight.... In some ways, he was who he was, and he signed up for the TV gig, so why hide it? But I can see some people feeling that might be exploitive.

MTV is weird about drug use. On Teen Mom, one of the mothers is being sued for primary custody of their kids by the dad because - rumor has it - the mom is a heavy drug user. But you wouldn't know it from watching the show. Instead they make it out that the issue is lazy, inattentive parenting. It's weird because they take such a strong and vocal position on teen pregnancy education - a topic that's so important and a prevalent problem to their audience, but then drop the ball on discussing the dangers of drugs. IDK, maybe they're afraid of false accusations or liability issues. But I think they're letting a really important anti-drug educational opportunity pass them by.

Edited by LotusFlower
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I keep thinking back to when Knight slapped Frank. Jemmye wrote on Twitter after it happened and tweeted along the lines don't do drugs I can't deal with how some people acted. I hope she is doing okay. It was pretty obvious from The Challenges and all the interviews Knight did that he really cared for her and felt bad for cheating on her because it her so bad and understandably so.

ITA with your post. Re: Diem, I don't think showing her participation is disrespectful at all, although I think showing her collapse would be in definite poor taste, if it was indeed captured on film.



I agree about not showing her collapse.  I think they should skip showing anything leading up to it and just maybe show TJ announcing to the rest of the group that Diem and CT had to leave due to health issues.  Then maybe they can insert some talking heads from a few cast members expressing their concern and love.  


I know they're airing the special about Diem in early December, but they might want to consider doing something like starting an episode off with TJ announcing their departure and then essentially rerun that Diem tribute for the rest of the show. That way anyone who didn't see the special but watches the Challenge will see it.  


For Knight, since they were done taping before his death, maybe run a special After Show after his last episode?  

I don't really know what the best course of action would be. With Diem's cancer returning, I was hoping that they wouldn't exploit her cancer battle by showing her getting sick. Then after she passed, I thought surely they wouldn't exploit her like that. I figured that they wouldn't really show any of it on the new season. Now with Knight dying due to what looks like drugs, I'm not sure what they should do. I can't imagine that he isn't acting like a belligerent fool in the footage that they have of him, as always. I don't know how they will address his death because I think it will be very obvious that he is doing drugs. In almost everything that I have seen of him on the Challenge (I didn't watch him on TRW), he looks to be under the influence- whether it is just alcohol or drugs and alcohol, I'm not sure, but he always seems to be not quite there. I'm really wondering what they will do with this season, and also if Knight's death will have implications on whether there will be any more seasons. Most of these "kids" are out of control. (I say "kids" because they act that way, even though some are older than I am.) Honestly, I'm surprised that nothing like this Knight situation has happened before to the Challenge.

I'm really wondering what they will do with this season, and also if Knight's death will have implications on whether there will be any more seasons. Most of these "kids" are out of control. (I say "kids" because they act that way, even though some are older than I am.) Honestly, I'm surprised that nothing like this Knight situation has happened before to the Challenge.



I don't know what MTV or BMP's stance on this will be, but I don't think that Knight's death should affect the future of the show.  He didn't die during the show or from anything related to the show.  By his own account, Knight had substance abuse issues before he was ever cast on TRW.  Yes, the cast does tend to party a lot, but plenty of the cast members seem to do so without getting falling down drunk.  (Diem would be a good example here, she seemed to let loose and obviously loved to dance when they went out, but she never seemed to be tossing back a crap-ton of booze or doing any drugs to party.)  Maybe this should encourage production to do a better job of creating an environment where getting trashed doesn't seem to be your sole option for "fun."   Throw a nice TV and blu-ray collection into the house.  A shelf full of books, maybe?  The house doesn't have to be dry, by any means, but don't make it so that it's the main source of entertainment.  Obviously you're not going to get a ton of usable footage out of them sitting around reading, but give them some options for their down time.  And if you let them have, say a poker tournament or a Scrabble tournament, you'd likely get some usable footage out of that, because these people are all generally hyper-competitive.  


I don't know what MTV or BMP's stance on this will be, but I don't think that Knight's death should affect the future of the show.  He didn't die during the show or from anything related to the show.  By his own account, Knight had substance abuse issues before he was ever cast on TRW.  Yes, the cast does tend to party a lot, but plenty of the cast members seem to do so without getting falling down drunk.  (Diem would be a good example here, she seemed to let loose and obviously loved to dance when they went out, but she never seemed to be tossing back a crap-ton of booze or doing any drugs to party.)  Maybe this should encourage production to do a better job of creating an environment where getting trashed doesn't seem to be your sole option for "fun."   Throw a nice TV and blu-ray collection into the house.  A shelf full of books, maybe?  The house doesn't have to be dry, by any means, but don't make it so that it's the main source of entertainment.  Obviously you're not going to get a ton of usable footage out of them sitting around reading, but give them some options for their down time.  And if you let them have, say a poker tournament or a Scrabble tournament, you'd likely get some usable footage out of that, because these people are all generally hyper-competitive.

From interviews with older cast members it seems like The Challenges use to be more of a vacation. They were allowed to bring what they want/do what they want. I remember a few of them bringing laptops. There was scene with CT on his laptop during The Duel and I remember Frank/Jillian watching a movie on a laptop during The Gauntlet 3.  It seems like around the time of The Ruins they decided to be strict on what the cast could do. I remember from the interviews about Rivals 2 it sounded miserable. No A/C in Costa Rica heat sounds awful IMO. I remember reading an article with Ayanna years ago who said she wouldn't go back because of drug use during Battle of the Sexes 2.

Edited by choclatechip45

I agree with the thought that Knight's death won't change how anything is run.  Joey Kovar's trip to rehab during his season didn't prevent Knight or the guy from the St Thomas season from being cast.  Joey's death was barely a blip on the Bunim/Murray radar.  (I would guess that few alumni besides his cast mates really knew him.)  And, yeah, I was always kind of amazed that for the longest time the only alumni deaths were those who had illnesses prior to their seasons and one fatal car accident.  Even now the two substance deaths (not knowing Knight's cause for certain) were from people with issues prior to their seasons.  It gives me a little faith that maybe these people go home and act like civilized adults.  

First official trailer for the upcoming Challenge. Looks like Diem did make it through at least the first competition. The first reports was that the competition hadn't even really started when she fainted and was airlifted out of Panama to New York. 



Is that EW article correct in saying that couples from Are You The One? are going to be appearing on this season of The Challenge? Say what?


What the heck is up with that?


Now I did not watch the last Real World season (I tried but after watching the first episode, I realized that it was not something I could sit through.  It came across as being a poor man's Big Brother. The last one I watched in full was Portland) but at least they were on an actual Real World season.  Heck even people that came off the Fresh Meat seasons might have not been on an actual RW/RR season but they were on an actual Challenge so I was cool with that.  But now they are putting people from an entirely different show on here that has no actual ties to the Real World or Road Rules (Well RR has been gone for such a long time now but you get what I am saying), I just don't get it.


Hell I have no idea what the heck Are You The One? is.   Is that even produced by Bunim/Murray? 


If they are looking for people from other Bunim/Murray shows, why not cast some of the chicks from The Bad Girls Club?   


Edited by BK1978

I don't have cable/satellite, (and so, don't care about the non-Real Worlder's,) and I just want to vent about MTV's inane site design.  Thanks to the stills and titles of the other assorted clips, including and most especially the ex-isle competition ones, I always know who will be eliminated this episode.  Heck, I know who will win the ex-isle competition.  On the other hand, I watch the competitions for the insanity of their design, and hate-watch the rest of the show for the insanity of the contestants, so...


It's just irritating, that's all.

Remember the "sneak peek" episode of Kroll Show in December, when CT inexplicably showed up? It's going to air tomorrow night at 10:30 p.m. on Comedy Central, in case you want to ditch out of Skeletons early.


Also: there's no After Show slated for tomorrow night following BOTE2, but there is something on the EX-iles. I'm thinking they're going to show the playoffs as they happened, leading to Johnny & Nany coming back into the game. Okay, I'm speculating on that part, but I'm glass-half-empty when it comes to that asshole.

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