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S06.E05: Street Rats

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In a flashback to Agrabah, Princess Jasmine recruits Aladdin to help her recover a secret weapon capable of breaking Jafar’s hold on the Sultan and saving the city from ruin. Their quest takes them to the Cave of Wonders where Aladdin’s fate is revealed. In Storybrooke, the Evil Queen tricks Hook and the Charmings and forces Emma to reveal her secret in an effort to divide the family. While the Evil Queen pampers Zelena, elsewhere in town, Regina and our heroes scramble to learn what became of Aladdin


A few random thoughts and questions:


I really enjoyed seeing Archie again, and I’m glad Raphael had so much more to do in this episode.  Sorry to see him imprisoned but hopefully the heroes will rescue him soon.


I guess we know the writers like the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.  I’m sure I wasn’t the only one getting Raiders vibes during the Cave of Wonders scene.


It’s not difficult to predict this will be proven wrong in a few episodes from now:  When Snow said that she and Charming don’t keep secrets from each other.


Was that Sneezy getting a manicure at The Three Bears Spa?  And where the heck did Aladdin get apples in the middle of the desert? 

  • Love 4

The reasons these writers annoy the crap out of me

1. The reaction to Emma is having death visions is loud voices in the background while the EQ smirks over her stupid plan.  For more on stupid plan see number 3.

2. Once we cut back to the people that “care” about Emma, all we get is Regina bouncing between what do you mean I’m not there, am I dead, and do you think I’m under the hood.  Emma then has to reassure Regina that her death visions aren’t a slap at her belief that Regina has changed.  I acknowledge that Regina ended on wanting to help Emma.  But damn, self-absorbed much.

3. EQ’s plan shouldn’t have worked.  It should have revealed that EQ couldn’t contemplate that this would draw the family closer.  But, no.  Hook is angry.  Snow is laying on the guilt and superiority complex real thick.  We’ll forgive you your horrible lies Emma, because we are your parents but Hook… I just don’t know.  Your father and I never lie to each other (which is total BS, btw).

I liked the preview at least.  The rest is going to have to wait.  I’m off to be annoyed by an entirely different set of writers for the next 66 minutes.

Ugh. Did Emma and her entire family fall for that.  Can someone please come up with a magical charm to tell if someone is really that person- like an identity mood ring?!?!

Having said that- this is why the whole group should just be honest right away all the time.

Why are the Saviors listening to the villains at all? Why not do some independent research on the whole issue?  And everyone is making a whole lot of assumptions all over this episode.

Ghaaa! It just seems like nothing is happening at all.  Next week looks interesting.

  • Love 4
Just now, Worsel said:

Was that Sneezy getting a manicure at The Three Bears Spa?  And where the heck did Aladdin get apples in the middle of the desert? 

He was in the market place when Jasmine found him, and he said he stole them from one of the merchants.


So, did anyone else just want Emma's family to shut up during the confrontation scene? 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Worsel said:

But Agrabah is in the middle of the desert - no apple trees in that sort of climate.

Eric mentioned travelling to Agrbah. They probably get merchants from the EF. Maybe Regina could have been a very successful apple producer if she hadn't turned evil.

The fallout from Emma's secret was laughably anticlimactic. 

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This show gets by on the acting talent alone. Aladdin and Jasmine had great chem, and I enjoyed watching them together.

The story in present day was annoying. The writers once again squandered any momentum by having the EQ blurt out Emma's secret. I don't buy Hook's reaction, and I don't want him to be pouting/angsty with Emma for the next several episodes. Snow's advice was blink and miss. The last two minutes of the ep were slightly intriguing, but this one was very meh overall.

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Ew. There was lot of stupidity in this episode. It had its moments, but blah.

* I freaking love the Evil Queen. She knew Team Hero was going to be dumb enough to hound Emma over the secret. EQ is all about brutal honesty, and it's awesome. I want to keep her forever.
* EQ and Zelena at the Three Bears Spa wasn't half bad. I want to see fairy tale villains just taking a day off.
* Regina actually asked, "How are you?" That felt major for her for some reason.
* EQ has a point about accepting Zelena for who she is. She may be just manipulating, but Regina has been very conditional about her sister. 
* I liked the Three Fates reference. I thought that was missing in the Underworld arc.
* Jasmine was pretty great. I wouldn't mind seeing more of her.
* "I can show you the world." Smooth, A&E.
* I actually was fine with the scissors dilemma - Should Emma forgo her Savior powers to live? When does all the madness end?
* There was a nice parallel between Excalibur and the scissors. Emma trusts Hook now.
* The Agrabah visuals were not high quality, but I still enjoyed the fantasy setting.

* This episode was mostly comprised of one-on-one conversations. I know we complain a lot that there aren't enough scenes like that on the show, but in this case they were mostly boring and didn't necessarily further any character development. There was a lot of fat chewing.
* "Defeat Jafar" was clumsy dialogue. "Take down" or "stop" would have been more appropriate. "Defeat" feels too trite.
* Screw Emma's family. They just jumped on her like she was fresh meat. Just... ugh.
* Aladdin having magic was pretty random. I get he's supposed to be the Savior, but still... funny he learned it so quickly.
* Henry mentions his Xbox like Jasmine is going to know what that is. He's really tone deaf when it comes to dealing with people from other realms.
* Shut up, Snow. "We don't keep secrets"... guess what. Your husband is keeping one from you right now.
* An hourglass? Really, Jafar? Are you going to be one of those cartoon villains with contraptions that give the heroes additional time to act?
* Aladdin was a bit... arrogant. He didn't have much chemistry with Jasmine. His Australian accent was distracting.
* Was the scarab really enough evidence to assume Aladdin was dead? Wasn't that a bit too obvious?
* I hated how Emma and Hook didn't talk to each other until the very end. They just walked around brooding instead of facing their problem together. Hook had every right to be angry with Emma, but pouting?
* Could Henry stop regretting taking Emma to Storybrooke? It's very selfish. He would leave an entire realm in a cursed state just so his mothers could live ok-ish lives. He just doesn't think anything through.
* The scissors were basically a magical solution to a real problem that could backfire very easily. (Much like the EQ split.) 
* STOP LYING, PEOPLE! Now Hook is getting in on it! They need to STOP.

That was such a long post. I had a lot to think about in this episode, especially from how problematic it was. The Aladdin stuff was just meh - not offensive but not noteworthy either. The Savior stuff with Emma was extremely craptastic and I hated every minute of it. The only aspect of the episode I really enjoyed the whole way was EQ just being EQ.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 10

So, Regina used a magic locator spell using Emma's magic to find Alladin's...and they found him, so...Alladin still has his Savior magic!

Why did no one notice the spell linking their magic worked?  Instead we get the sissor nonsense. 

I also find Hook's reaction ridiculous.  The guy has defeated death, why would he really think Emma's actually in trouble.  He's also know she's hiding something since the premiere.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I actually really disliked the episode.

I thought there was too much flashbacks and the Charmings are true to themselves, fixing problems with one sentence, a hug, or whatever. A&E never ever fail to disappoint. Their episodes are so bad.

Also, discussing if the sisters have banged Rumple? Not cool!

That was so icky. BARF.

This episode was so meh for me. A lot went on, but I was so bored. 

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I assume we got to see Zelena's parenting "skills" this episode to make Snow look better.  But guess what show?  I can - and d0 - think they both are horrible mothers.  I cannot believe Emma had to apologize to Snow - I could have lived with David - but Snow?  No.

Dear Show: 

I sincerely apologize for ever wanting Snow and Emma scenes.  I have learned my lesson and will never ask for anything like this again.  Promise.  Now please make it stop.  Please. Make. It. Stop. 

Sincerely, Me

It would have been nice if Hook had been given five seconds of point of view before he took the lying ball from Emma.  But I guess that would have cut into Regina's "what about me" time upon finding out Emma is having visions of her own death.  Can we now stop pretending Emma and Regina are friends? 

Here is a sentence I never thought I would type:  Henry was the best thing about the show.  But credit where credit is due - his scenes with Jasmine and Emma were good and his concern for Emma felt sincere and real.   

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I thought it was funny that EQ actually regrets gaslighting Henry. It made sense.


And, what's the difference--to the show--between "evil" and "wicked"?

Well, one is just killing people for no reason. The other prefers turning them into things, like flying monkeys or crickets.


I assume we got to see Zelena's parenting "skills" this episode to make Snow look better.  But guess what show?  I can - and d0 - think they both are horrible mothers.  I cannot believe Emma had to apologize to Snow - I could have lived with David - but Snow?  No.

At least Zelena seems to spend time with her baby. Snow is off teaching just because she wants to. I'm still thinking that she's pretending to be "wicked" for EQ.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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20 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

Shut up, Snow. "We don't keep secrets"... guess what. Your husband is keeping one from you right now.

And that aside, he kept a similar secret from her back in Neverland!  WTF is Snow even on?  I can't with how ruined this character has become....


Well, one is just killing people for no reason. The other prefers turning them into things, like flying monkeys or crickets.

Yeah, with Zelena, murder has never been her first option in dealing with problems.  Back in 3x19 she even said "I might actually have to start killing people".  Other kills we've seen her do were accidental (a guard hit when she was aiming for Dorothy) or not just done at random (she attempted to interrogate Boq the munchkin before killing him).  Regina, on the other hand, just slaughters people with extreme prejudice without rhyme or reason.


STOP LYING, PEOPLE! Now Hook is getting in on it! They need to STOP.

And in this episode alone we also got Jasmine lying to Aladdin and later Aladdin lying to Jasmine. 

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 6

And that aside, he kept an extremely similar secret from her back in Neverland!  WTF is Snow even on?  I can't with how ruined this character has become....

Yeah, I was thinking about that too. I don't see how she can berate Emma about secrets (though, to be fair, it was more tame this episode) after the Eggnapping incident.

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Overall, I enjoyed the episode. I also liked Henry's scenes with Jasmine and Emma.

Really Snow....do you not remember Neverland when David 1)kept the fact that he was dying from you and then 2) neglected to tell you he'd taken a cure that meant he couldn't leave Neverland? You and David are no different.  Take a seat.

I liked Jasmine and Aladdin, but I thought Aladdin's accent seemed odd for the character.  The Cave of Wonders reminded me of the giant's cave in "Tallahassee."  I'm looking forward to seeing more of Karen David.

I really do want to start seeing Emma and Hook working together as a true team rather than two people with their own agendas.

Looking forward to next week!!

  • Love 6
12 minutes ago, Tiger said:

No Genie, no Abu, no Rajah, Aladdin has a totally different personality, defeata Jafar with one magic bolt, and then turns out to he a coward?

Fuck off, A&E!

Karen David's Jasmine and Oded Fehr's Jafar were the only highlights, IMO.  Aladdin's actor was miscast (I'm fine with him having a British accent, but the Aussie actor they chose trying to do one made him sound like Will Scarlet which was distracting), and the sultan was completely forgettable. 

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I am in the minority in this group when it comes to a lot of things on this show.  I think the show's biggest sins happen when it is boring.  I can forgive a lot.  Snow telling Emma Charming and her don't lie to each other is essentially true.  Maybe they don't tell each other everything the moment it happens but they are honest when it matters.  I think the closest they came to lying was in Neverland when Charming didn't tell Snow he was dying and Snow didn't tell him she wanted another kid. 

Like I said I think the biggest sin on the show is when it is boring and I think the Alafon storyline was boring.   I would have prefered a an hour therapy session between The Wikedc Witch,. The Evil Queen and Archie,

Also kinda annoying that Hook kept the Faye cutting sissors after Emma told him to get rid of them.  

  • Love 2

This was an okay episode. Jasmine and Oded Fehr were awesome, but they were in a much superior show than the rest of the cast in the flashback. The Aladdin actor was not too bad, but his accent was confusing. I guess/hope we get another episode of Aladdin and Jasmine where it is explained how Aladdin ended up like the season opener scene.

I felt bad for Emma in the way the secret was revealed and Snow acted. She and David have kept a lot of secrets from each other over the years. Emma kept a secret for three days. Also, I don't blame Hook for keeping the shears. After all, he would think that Emma's life is more important than being the savior. 

I liked the Swan Believer scenes between Henry and Emma. It was very sweet.

I liked seeing Zelena. The EQ seemed to be suggesting a threesome with her and Zelena and Gold, which made me want to vomit. They have to be going somewhere with the constant repetitions of EQ!'s attraction to Gold. Maybe she'll try to kill Belle or something.

Poor Jimny. I hope he doesn't remain imprisoned for long. 

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 4

Ugh, why must Hook now keep a secret too? Also, can we see some domestic CS fluff? K thanks. Hopefully since next week is his centric he'll tell the truth. Like the Neal secret that he didn't keep. Although he did keep the lips secret, which were also about Emma's safety. 

Aladdin and Jasmine were cute. But how about a kiss before you ask him to save Agrabah again? Just kiss! I was glad to see another realm though. 

EQ and Zelena were boring. It's sad how Regina is manipulating Zelena with her loneliness. 

And Snow, maybe if you spent time with Emma instead of Regina she'd be comfortable enough to tell you things. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Aladdin reminded me of Will Scarlett. 

Is Jafar's staff 

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or something else? I'm so confused about the Wonderland connection.

These episodes almost feel like they are heading towards a series finale. 

I don't think there is a Wonderland connection anymore.  I could get over them recasting the role of Jafar (a role that rightfully belongs to Naveen Andrews's hair) but they changed his entire back story in the process. Jafar 1.0 didn't give a shit about Aladdin and I'm pretty sure the Sultan was actually his father who was in the bird cage with Cyrus.  It wouldn't be so annoying if it weren't for the fact that TPTB were responsible for writing Jafar's story line in Wonderland and they should probably know what it was.

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At least Emma's secret is already out in the open.  Too bad it was handle in a clumsy fashion.  Mainly because she was simply tricked/kind of forced by The Evil Queen pretending to be Archie, and then they cut away from most of the reveal, to just focus on EQ's gloating smirk.  Sure, why bother focusing on how the rest of the characters feel about this revelation, when I can just watch her gloat.... again.  Sigh.  So, anyway, basically it ends with Hook being mopey, Henry scared, Snow upset and kind of out of her mind (she and Charming never kept secrets from each other?!  Really?!!!), and Charming.... well, I got nothing.  He seemed to be barely involved in it.  Poor underused Charming!

At least the flashback was kind of fun.  Not familiar with the actor playing Aladdin, but he seemed charming enough in the role.  Karen David continues to be the highlight.  She is a perfect Jasmine!  I hope they keep a way to have her be featured throughout the majority of the season.  Still not enough of Oded Fehr though, so I hope they rectify that soon, but he is more then capable of being an awesome villain.  But it certainly wouldn't be the first time this show squandered a good actor.

Archie forced to being Robin's babysitter was kind of fun.  Too bad he's a cricket now, but that's better then death I guess, so yay?

No Rumple, but he still managed to get named drop, thanks to Zelena and EQ talking about the times they tried to hit on him and how hot they think he is with his new haircut.  OK, then.  If I didn't know any better, I would have thought Robert Carlyle snuck into the writers' room and secretly wrote all that in the script for fun, only for no one to actually proofread it and it manages to get filmed.

So, now they have now tossed some magic shears into the mix, that can take away The Savior's powers, but this means they won't be doomed to an early death.  Emma bravely says no and asks Hooks to get rid of it and he.... doesn't.  Oh, boy.  More lies and secrets.  And watch it backfire, and somehow him holding on to it is the reason Emma is in peril in the visions.

Henry actually was pretty good in this one.  He can have his moments, after-all!

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 5

I really liked Jasmine and Aladdin -- might be biased because Aladdin was the first movie I remember seeing in a theater.  Also, I wasn't paying very close attention to the last 20 minutes or so because I was talking to my mom; gotta rewatch it later.  Obviously, it doesn't compare to the movie, but for this show, I thought they didn't do a bad job.  Aladdin's accent was a little weird, though.  (It almost sounded like he was trying to imitate Rumpel at times.)

I literally lol'd at the scene of Archie playing babysitter.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, rachel1496 said:

Jafar 1.0 didn't give a shit about Aladdin and I'm pretty sure the Sultan was actually his father who was in the bird cage with Cyrus.  It wouldn't be so annoying if it weren't for the fact that TPTB were responsible for writing Jafar's story line in Wonderland and they should probably know what it was.

I've always just assumed all the stuff happened with Aladdin in between the time Jafar got his powers (and yes, I believe the serpent staff is Amara) and when he went to Wonderland. I am not sure where the different sultans fit in but there could still be some explanation. 

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

So, Regina used a magic locator spell using Emma's magic to find Alladin's...and they found him, so...Alladin still has his Savior magic!

Why did no one notice the spell linking their magic worked?  Instead we get the sissor nonsense. 

That's a very good point. I hope it's the characters being dense and not thinking of that and not the writers not thinking that through.

3 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Also kinda annoying that Hook kept the Faye cutting sissors after Emma told him to get rid of them.

I'm actually glad he kept them. It's smart. Throwing them out seemed like a bad idea. It's the kind of thing where at some point someone would realize they need them. At the very least, what about the next Savior?

Though I have to say, it was driving me nuts how they kept saying that Saviors are doomed to die. Well, everyone is. Maybe they should have clarified it by saying they die young, or getting into more specifics about the Saviors' fate, whether they tend to die because of villains coming after them or there's a physical breakdown. As it was, I kept snarking, "Yeah, everyone dies. Saviors aren't special."

I hope this isn't the end of Aladdin's story because they didn't actually tell us anything about what makes a Savior a Savior or show what happened after that confrontation with Jafar in the premiere, and then there's that issue with whether or not it means anything that following Emma's magic led them to him.

The whole secret thing was rather klunky, just because Archie was the wrong person for her to be confiding in about it and that was the wrong issue to deal with by seeing a therapist, and then there's the part where when Snow noticed something wrong, she sent Archie rather than actually talking to her, so how can she gripe about Emma talking to Archie and not to her?

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Hook's reactions to everything this episode was so OOC. I was especially annoyed when they were all sitting together at the end, and we was pouting like a hormonal 15 year old. Then the dock scene came, and I thought, yay, finally a nice CS scene that will right this ship. But no, now we have Hook lying to Emma. I am really staring to hate the writing on this show.

Why would Emma give the shears to Hook to begin with, if she was just going to have him drop them into the ocean? I thought it was suppose to be an act of trust to give them to him to protect. It would have dumb to get rid of them, I just hate that he's having to lie.

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Also, can we see some domestic CS fluff? 

CS are always talking about domestic fluff like ordering Chinese or watching Netflix. I want to see them actually do it.


The EQ seemed to be suggesting a threesome with her and Zelena and Gold, which made me want to vomit. They have to be going somewhere with the constant repetitions of EQ!'s attraction to Gold. Maybe she'll try to kill Belle or something.

It's pretty obvious foreshadowing. If we saw some romantic tension between Regina and Rumple before this season, it wouldn't be as contrived. Yet, as it stands, it's only there to service whatever the writers have up their sleeves. It's more setup than with the gauntlet, but still.


Why would Emma give the shears to Hook to begin with, if she was just going to have him drop them into the ocean? I thought it was suppose to be an act of trust to give them to him to protect. It would have dumb to get rid of them, I just hate that he's having to lie.

Emma knows so little about the Savior mythology and the circumstances surrounding her supposed future death. Making a snap decision to throw the scissors away was not smart. If Hook didn't believe that was the right thing to do, he should have told her as much. She trusted him with the scissors and he should make the decision whether or not it's wise to dispose of them. I don't understand why everyone is so dysfunctional that they have to constantly lie to each other.

Every single episode this season has contained someone getting murdered, whether successfully or not. Jafar killed the messenger (literally) in 6x01, Regina and EQ killed Monte Cristo and Charlotte in 6x02, Lady Tremaine attempted to murder Cinderella in 6x03, Hyde/Jekyll got killed after attempting to murder Belle in 6x04, and now in 6x05, the Oracle is dead and Jafar tried to kill Jasmine. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, MaiLuna said:

Aladdin and Jasmine were cute. But how about a kiss before you ask him to save Agrabah again? Just kiss! I was glad to see another realm though. 

Yeah--I felt bad for Aladdin in that moment. She seemed less concerned about seeing him alive than about getting him to be the savior again.

7 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

At least Emma's secret is already out in the open.  Too bad it was handle in a clumsy fashion.  Mainly because she was simply tricked/kind of forced by The Evil Queen pretending to be Archie, and then they cut away from most of the reveal, to just focus on EQ's gloating smirk.  Sure, why bother focusing on how the rest of the characters feel about this revelation, when I can just watch her gloat.... again.  

I was sooooo annoyed when they cut away to EQ!'s smirk. 

2 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

I'm actually glad he kept them. It's smart. Throwing them out seemed like a bad idea. It's the kind of thing where at some point someone would realize they need them. 

Trying to get rid of it by rowing a boat a little ways from the shore was a dumb idea. And why wasn't Emma in the boat with Hook? I'm sure Hook could have managed with sleight of hand to drop something else into the water at the last minute instead of the shears. 

So, who killed the poor Oracle??

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

It's pretty obvious foreshadowing. If we saw some romantic tension between Regina and Rumple before this season, it wouldn't be as contrived.

I hate to say it, because I am not interested in this couple at all, but Regina's actions with regard to Belle in Skin Deep could be read as her being interested in Rumple. There was also the murder (her first murder I believe) of Rumple's replacement student. She also was noticeably affected by his death in Season 3, which at the time I took as respect for her fallen mentor, but it could have also been some sort of regret for the fun the EQ apparently feels they could have had together.

Again, I totally don't like the idea, but if I squint I can kind of see some evidence of a one-sided desire for Rumple's attention on Regina's part, be it for sex or simply power. For Regina, those things always seem to go together.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, InsertWordHere said:

I hate to say it, because I am not interested in this couple at all, but Regina's actions with regard to Belle in Skin Deep could be read as her being interested in Rumple. There was also the murder (her first murder I believe) of Rumple's replacement student. She also was noticeably affected by his death in Season 3, which at the time I took as respect for her fallen mentor, but it could have also been some sort of regret for the fun the EQ apparently feels they could have had together.

I think they could retcon a one-sided attraction to Rumple from a younger Regina. But later Regina (in Storybrooke, for instance) didn't seem interested romantically, even when Rumple jokingly asks her a couple of times if she was. She's always cared for him though, twisted though their relationship has been. After killing off her soulmate, this is the romantic plot the writers came up with for Regina? lol

  • Love 1
Just now, Mari said:

Maybe Agrabah simply has more than one sultan, just like the Enchanted Forest has multiple kings and queens?

Yeah, and Jasmine's father is the "capital" Sultan. Speaking of, they really couldn't give the capital a name? Who goes around just calling a place the Capital unless they're in Panem (and even they called it the Capitol)?

Overall Loved the episode mostly the Aladdin and Jasmine part and the scene between Emma and Henry.

I am tired of the secret stuff because it becoming so repetitive. Now, where suppose to be all angsty because Killian now have his own secret with the scissors things but it is too much to soon after all the dark swan and underworld stuff just having CS have domestic scene will have been enough for a little while.

Now. I will reserve my judgement on the all Emma should have spoken to him after next episode and how it goe

The parallel between Aladdin Jasmine and CS where obvious. I really thought of thallasse and I missed this kind of episode for CS.

EQ sound like a horny aunt I know, just ick!! I don't remember she was so sexual before and I don't understand why she just wait and laugh while the hero fight she should be Eviler.

A middle episode and my perception of it depends on the following episode.

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