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S04.E05: The Lindquist Concern


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I love how James Spader can act without speaking, how expressive his face is. For example at the end when Lizzie is once again telling him she's done with him. He gives her this look that says "you are so goddamn dumb. Seriously, you are so fucking dumb." And he lets her walk away because he knows that in a week or so she's going to forget how to tie her shoes and she'll be coming back to him for advice as if he actually is her daddy.

Aram and Navabi are best friends now? I thought the situation was that he was pining for her, she didn't give a shit about him and never the twain shall meet. But now Aram's girlfriend is calling Navabi for dating advice? And Navabi actually gives it?

Props to Ressler for maintaining his mook-dom. "She's never going to want to kiss him with that garlic breath!"

Tom seems to have pulled up the floorboards to find a mysterious box underneath. And within that mystery box, his long-long testicles! Good to have you back, Tom and good to see you introduced the local Russian station chief to Bofa... Bofa Deez Nuts.

They should have known Kirk was one step ahead of them. He calls his doctor to set something up at the last minute but does so every seven days... and then says meet me on the other side of the world. Dude wants frequent flier miles on his traps.

Yeah to Aram and Navabi being besties now ... NOT. Up until now, he was all nerdishly pining for her while she couldn't give a care about him. So where did Aram's now live-in girlfriend come from? Did I miss the episode where they actually MET? Last week when I saw her for the first time, I sort of "assumed" she was a hooker. And how in blazes did she get Navabi's CELLPHONE number for pete's sake? And how did Lizzie get that DNA report on her dad? I guess I missed where Kirk sent his and her samples into Ancestry.com. At least Mr. Kaplan was mentioned if not seen.

So does that mean Agnes is in Russia now, too?


Last week when I saw her for the first time, I sort of "assumed" she was a hooker.

Just b/c she walked in and asked if he immediately wanted her naked, you came to that assumption? Actually, that's what I was thinking as well.


So does that mean Agnes is in Russia now, too?

She piloted the plane. The kid's a prodigy.

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Yeah to Aram and Navabi being besties now ... NOT. Up until now, he was all nerdishly pining for her while she couldn't give a care about him. So where did Aram's now live-in girlfriend come from? Did I miss the episode where they actually MET? Last week when I saw her for the first time, I sort of "assumed" she was a hooker. And how in blazes did she get Navabi's CELLPHONE number for pete's sake?

Agree!!!  Since this show began, Aram's been shown to be woefully inept socially. Heck, he can barely get his words out to his male co-workers. He's like one step above Raj on 'The Big Bang Theory' when Raj couldn't speak to women unless he was drunk. And then, after all this time, we see this gal in Aram's apartment stripping down and ready for action. I actually thought that perhaps some scenes had been edited out, because who is she? How did they meet? Does she have a name? Even if she is a hooker and Aram's decided to "save" her, hello, it would be nice to let us in on this! Really ridiculous! All I can say is, she better not be scamming Aram. I don't want him to come home one evening and find everything gone and his bank account empty.

I hate Liz so much that I'm practically hoping she never sees Agnes again. I don't want anything to happen to the baby, of course - but I don't want Liz to "win." She's just an idiot. I have lost any semblance of patience with her. How many times must we hear her yelling at Red about lying to her? How he hasn't slapped her by now is beyond me. I would like Kirk to surrender up Agnes but only on the condition that Tom be her parent and Liz never see her again. I'd be fine with that.

So what's up with Mr. Kaplan? I'm hoping that her absence from this episode indicates that the show's writers have thought better of imitating 'Misery' and have revised her captivity story line. I don't mind that the guy who found her is a nutjob, that sort of goes without saying. But 'Misery' can't be touched - it's like someone other than Nat King Cole trying to sing "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." (can't think of the actual name of that song). It's too iconic.

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Still don't believe that Kirk is Liz's father.  Everyone lies, why not a DNA test?  Does Liz really think those things can't be fabricated?  Maybe someone who is trying to kill Kirk created it so he would go looking for the one person who could save him, wasting precious time.  By the time he figures out that Liz and/or Agnes can't give him the transfusion/transplant/whatever he needs, it'll be too late to find someone else.

Now, who would be clever and diabolical enough to do something like that....?

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 I know this is supposed to be a case of not knowing what you've got until it's gone, but the whole Navabi and Aram bit is so far the dumbest thing ever. It's horribly disjointed and half the elements make no sense. Where did this girl come from? Is it some spy sent to prey on Aram's awkwardness as a means to get in with the rest of the task force and take them down? Are we going to suddenly learn that she works for Laurel Hitchen or something weird like that (welcome back Laurel, by the by)? While I understand that sometimes there's something weirdly safe in knowing that someone out there wants you even if it's not mutual, you don't get to be a jerk to them when they realize that maybe they need to move on with their own life. Navabi is being awful. 

15 hours ago, paigow said:

Red lied to Liz...again...she is surprised...after 4 years...is she finally done with him???

Done. Completely done. Totes McGotes done. This is her done face. Stick a fork in her and her done face, because she and her done face are so done. *runs out the door*

*whispers from just beyond the doorway* Doooooooooonnnnne...until next weeeeeeek....

Edited by Risky Librarian
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A principle that has been set by the show (and which BL producers and writers have stated in interviews and social media) is that Red does not tell Liz lies. He will, of course, withhold information or say things that are vague, but he does not give flat-out untruths to her. And frankly, in 4 seasons, every supposed "lie" that Liz accuses Red of has either proven not to be the case or not proven to indeed be a lie.

So if Red does not tell Liz lies, here is the info that we have...Liz asked Red in Season 1 if he was her father and he said "No." Red has said on several occasions that Liz's father is dead. Liz remembered that she shot and killed her father when she was a child and Red confirmed that this was unfortunately the case. Red has repeatedly said that Kirk only "believes" he is her father. Even with the DNA test, Red neither looks surprised (if he didn't know) or guilty/pained (if he lied).

Therefore, there are some fans who strongly believe that Liz's father is neither Red nor Kirk, but some third man, whose identity, if known, would be such a great danger that Red would rather let Liz accuse him of lying again than revealing the truth.

Even as a Red defender, I do agree that this whole "who is Liz's father?" thing is getting really old and most viewers either don't care at this point or are getting pissed off. The show needs to answer it and move on.

Edited by calipiano81
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First off, what about Dembe's mole?  I will not be happy if they allow him to get skin cancer.

I was actually cynically pleased to see Red get caught in a trap just for once.  Sucks to be the limo driver, though.  You know, wouldn't word get out among the trained assassin on call groups that certain employers have a terrible track record in retaining their henchpeople?  I mean, working for Kirk is not especially geared for the long haul.  From his point of view, I guess, he never has to pay anyone off.

I seem to remember a side plot involving some patent law malfeasance.  Oh, yeah, that's right, some guy was stealing inventions from ordinary inventors, and killing them in the process because somehow they were the root of all evil, and he was going to fix that by breaking into a high security room and uploading all the information to the world.  But the FBI, at the behest of the NSA, saved all that secret stuff, like how to make fresh water out of seawater and other possible lifesavers, because somehow it was critical to the security of the US that no one should know.  Or maybe I missed something.

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1 hour ago, calipiano81 said:

A principle that has been set by the show (and which BL producers and writers have stated in interviews and social media) is that Red does not tell Liz lies. He will, of course, withhold information or say things that are vague, but he does not give flat-out untruths to her. And frankly, in 4 seasons, every supposed "lie" that Liz accuses Red of has either proven not to be the case or not proven to indeed be a lie....

OK...Lies are in the eyes of the beholder...Liz thinks Red is lying, therefore he is....so she is probably done with him...Thanks for fact checking.

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8 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

Even as a Red defender, I do agree that this whole "who is Liz's father?" thing is getting really old and most viewers either don't care at this point or are getting pissed off. The show needs to answer it and move on.

Indeed. That part is feeling a bit too Lost-like for my tastes, and I gave up on that show in the FIRST season. 

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I just read there is going to be a new series starting in the winter of 2017, called The Blacklist: Redemption. It will star the Tom Keen character as the lead. Does this mean he's leaving this Blacklist show? And how will the stories intertwine from one series to the other? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. 

I'm also questioning, why a spinoff at this time? 

7 hours ago, 1kittykitty said:

I know several people who said they aren't even watching The Blacklist anymore because of the Lizzie drama "Where's my baby!  Who's my daddy?"  Don't they understand (or care) that they're driving away viewers?

This is where I'm at.  I check the board to see if the ep was worth watch, when I see the Lizzie drama, I move on.

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"Of course, Hitchin ends up with the catalog of inventions that Gouldsbury was trying to "open source," and she hands them over to Red, who plans to sell them to the Cabal."

I thought Red only kept one file and gave the rest back to her.

Yeah, I caught that too. Laurel even specifically mentioned it. And, unless I missed it, nothing was said about him selling it to the Cabal. I figure, since it's supposed to help get Agnes back, maybe it's something to cure Kirk's disease or leverage over him or something.

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I'll be really surprised if they throw a 'kirk's not her father' trick, honestly. I figure Red honestly thought he did die in the fire, and that this was just an imposter. Kirk has said before that he had thought she was Red's but had proved (somehow, the dna test, maybe) that she was actually his, and, considering his disease and the whole needing a family member thing, it would be pretty stupid of him to not make absolutely sure he's got it right. That being said, they need to get the baby back, have Red kill Kirk or something, (And maybe knock some sense into Lizzie while he's at it, if that's possible) and get on with it. Although, then they'd need another big bad, I guess. Oh, I know, they can forget the whole spin-off thing, since I can't see a whole show around Tom and the Phoenix (Seriously, that's all I can think when I see her. I think it's the dark eyes) being any good, and make him the big bad, so then Red has an excuse to shoot him, too. Everybody wins.

On 10/21/2016 at 3:04 PM, Demented Daisy said:

Still don't believe that Kirk is Liz's father.  Everyone lies, why not a DNA test?  Does Liz really think those things can't be fabricated?  Maybe someone who is trying to kill Kirk created it so he would go looking for the one person who could save him, wasting precious time.  

It's not even a DNA test the Lizzie or the FBI performed -- none of them considers that it might be fake.  How are these "supposed" professionals just taking the Russians at their word.  FFS !

On 10/21/2016 at 5:45 PM, 1kittykitty said:

Seems like Aram's new girlfriend is Kirk's "asset"/spy.

Of course she is.  Will she also be part of the spinoff ?

And the bullshit with Navabi just needs to get off the screen -- besides, I thought she put in for a transfer.  Just leave already.

On 10/21/2016 at 7:56 PM, mytmo said:

I don't care who is Lizzie's father.

The more they drag out this "mystery", it just increases the level of suck on this show.  Only seconded by the 'we failed to recover Agnes ... again' nonsense.  

On 10/22/2016 at 0:22 AM, 1kittykitty said:

I know several people who said they aren't even watching The Blacklist anymore because of the Lizzie drama "Where's my baby!  Who's my daddy?"  Don't they understand (or care) that they're driving away viewers?

Who's your daddy ... and what does he do ? Seems more appropriate because more and more it seems this show was meant to appeal to kindergarten students.

What was with Ressler eyeballing that garden gnome while chasing the Blacklister out of Emily's garage ?

So, let me get this straight -- the 'Lindquist Concern' was just one guy ?  Really ?  Where did the name 'Lindquist Concern' come from ?  How did anyone become aware of it if this guy has never open-sourced any info before ?

And what kind of idiot puts all of their eggs in one ZIP file -- but since only 90% was transferred, none of it is accessible on the Internet.  who knew that the Patent Office was still on dial-up Internet with AOL ?  Oh noeeeessssss, somebody stole my patent, let me get revenge on the guys that stole my patent by killing inventors.  Well done murdering ass-clown, because now you're dead and it was all for nothing.  Did he always plan to open-source these inventions -- if so, why was he killing off anyone else that knew of these inventions ?  That is just so stupid on so many levels.

How did Ressler and Navabi break into the meeting with Charles Gellner -- without first knowing what he looks like ?  Couldn't they pull up a driver's license photo or a passport photo ?  That was just bizarre.  Even if someone had stolen his identity, that information should not have changed that was on file with various governmental agencies.

Can they just kill off Lizzie already and get on with a much better show ?

Still no sign of Tom and Lizzie's dogs.  Just saying.

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Liz should be used to people lying to her. Because if anyone tells her she has great hair or is a good agent, lie, lie. 

Regarding Tom in the spin-off, maybe he will be searching for their dogs who have been M.I.A forever.

More Mr. Kaplan and Dembe please. The scene where he was praying for her and felt bad because he did nothing broke my heart.

Loved Ressler being snarky with Navabi about Aram. In regards to him she deserves that and more. Hope his new girl does not screw him over, he is too nice of a guy!

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7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

What was with Ressler eyeballing that garden gnome while chasing the Blacklister out of Emily's garage ?

He killed a gnome in a previous season...he has GTSD...preferable to GSTD...

5 hours ago, 1kittykitty said:

Could someone please invest in a good hair stylist for Lizzie? or good hair pieces?

Why not ask for something more realistic....like defeating ISIS????

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Whelp, another good actor (Adam Godley), wasted as another Blacklister, who barely factors into the equation, outside of Red needing some of the info he stole to track down Kirk.  I couldn't even understand his motivation.  He was killing wannabe inventors, so he can just load it all online for free, and not let corporations get the money?  I can understand hate for corporations, but kind of sucks for the inventors.  I mean, I guess he is a bad guy, but it still seemed like a reach.  And, again, while bad, I'm not sure if he qualifies to be on the worst of the worst list, but again, I never quite figured out how Red decided who gets to be on his blacklist.

So, after the big blowout last week, Aram and Samar are suddenly friendly, again?  Did I hallucinate him telling her off, last episode?  Anyway, now Samar is doing the old "plan Aram his perfect date, and give the info to his actual girlfriend", that pretty much a staple in every cliched rom-com known to mankind.  But she will probably end up being right that the girlfriend is up to something.  She's probably Kirk's mole or whatever.

This Kirk stuff just sucks.  It's making Lizzie stupid, Tom stupid, and even Red kind of dumb.  No one is coming out here looking good.  Except Dembe, who seems to be this close to always just sighing and shaking his head, anytime another character does something dumb.  I want to watch an episode of just him and Ressler, drinking, and complaining about their bosses and co-workers.

Christine Lahti shows up for a few seconds, at least!

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8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And I laughed at "She's probably Kirk's mole" given the concern here about Dembe's very real "mole.:

Yes! I kept thinking that's not the mole you have to worry about — a much deeper joke than this shows creators are capable of writing consciously! though I wouldn't be surprised if Spader ad-libbed the line and Dembe (don't know that actor's name) rolled with it on the freckle response.

18 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Whelp, another good actor (Adam Godley), wasted as another Blacklister, who barely factors into the equation, outside of Red needing some of the info he stole to track down Kirk.  I couldn't even understand his motivation.  He was killing wannabe inventors, so he can just load it all online for free, and not let corporations get the money?  I can understand hate for corporations, but kind of sucks for the inventors.  I mean, I guess he is a bad guy, but it still seemed like a reach.  And, again, while bad, I'm not sure if he qualifies to be on the worst of the worst list, but again, I never quite figured out how Red decided who gets to be on his blacklist.

I'm thinking Red's just bulls***ing the list, honestly. It's just whoever he happens to need tracked down or interfered with or whatever, and 'hey, they're on the list, go get them'.

Edited by Khat
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