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Rumored Presidential Appointments

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I want Exxon Mobile CEO to be named SOS for two reasons.

First, there's nothing I'd like better than seeing spineless Mitt Romney get thrown under the bus.

#2 I'm looking forward to how the republicans are going to squirm over the Tillerson/Putin lovefest.

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This sound familiar guys?


Kleptocracy (from Greek: κλεπτοκρατία, klépto- thieves + -kratos rule, literally "rule by thieves")[1][2] is a government with corrupt rulers (kleptocrats) that use their power to exploit the people and natural resources of their own territory in order to extend their personal wealth and political power. Typically this system involves the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service.[3][4]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kleptocracy

Sounds an awful lot like what Drumpf, his cronies and the Republicans want to do.

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Here's The Guardian's take on a Tillerson appointment.


'Rex Tillerson: an appointment that would confirm Putin's US election win'

'The Wall Street Journal reported: “Friends and associates said few US citizens are closer to Mr Putin than Mr Tillerson.”'


'“Tillerson has a relationship with Putin and he opposed the sanctions imposed on Russia after the annexation of Crimea. This will alarm those worried about Russian intentions in Europe.”

Praising Tillerson in an interview with Fox News Sunday, Trump said: “To me a great advantage is that he knows many of the players in the world and he knows them well.”

Lest there be any doubt about which players the president-elect had in mind, Trump added: “He does massive deals in Russia not for himself, but for the company.”'


And that's supposed to be a good thing?

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The swamp is so slimy. 

Follow the money:  http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/11/investing/rex-tillerson-exxon-russia-putin/index.html



Tillerson's biggest deal in Russia was announced in 2011 with Rosneft. The companies were focused on drilling for oil in three key Russian regions: the Arctic, the deepwaters of the Black Sea, and Siberia.

In 2012, Igor Sechin, a close ally of Putin and chairman of Rosneft, hailed the partnership as a "giant leap forward" and argued it's "more ambitious than man's first walk in space or sending a man to the moon."

The Exxon deal meant a great deal to Russia. Sechin, who was also then the deputy prime minister of Russia, bragged that after the Exxon agreement was signed, the valuation of Rosneft soared by $7 billion in just five days.

The partnership also gave Rosneft the chance to get a stake in Exxon's North American projects, including ones in West Texas and in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Tillerson himself seemed hopeful that the Exxon deal could lead to even closer ties between the two countries. "It cannot be anything but helpful to broadening the relationship between the American people and the Russian people," Tillerson said at the time.



And here he tells us exactly how he feels about the US placing sanctions against Russia, and who would benefit from lifting them.



In 2014, Exxon was hit hard by a round of U.S. and European Union sanctions that targeted Russia for its intervention in Ukraine. Exxon said it could have lost up to $1 billion due to the sanctions, according to regulatory filings.

Exxon would likely stand to gain if sanctions are lifted on Russia by the new administration.

"We are very anxious to get back to work there," Tillerson told industry analysts in March when asked if Exxon would be interested in restarting its venture with Rosneft in Russia.

Tillerson noted that it would take time to resume operations, especially in the Arctic, because "we had to dismantle all of the capability and the infrastructure" due to sanctions.

Tillerson said he's "thankful" the Russians haven't done anything to "make the situation worse." To the contrary, Tillerson said Russia has "done things to help us hang on to the rights we have" in the wake of the sanctions.


Edited by izabella
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Yup, to me it reads (nobody's going to be hiring me as a translator even of tweets anytime soon) "The selection of Tillerson - a sensation. This is a businessman, by definition pragmatic, moreover with a lot of experience of work with Russia. Trump continues to surprise."

Sure does!

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Oh Geez. What in the hell is Carly doing at Trump Tower? Now she's out waxing poetic over the honor of meeting with the PE.

These people have no shame or pride, smh.

Edited by SoSueMe
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3 hours ago, stormy said:

Mitt Romney's niece to be named RNC chair.

Her reward for shutting down Jill Stein's recount.

Ronna Romney.  Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.  

Glad it gets her silly ass the hell out of Michigan politics.  Bye Felicia.

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1 hour ago, KIMBERLYANN11 said:

Ronna Romney.  Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.  

Glad it gets her silly ass the hell out of Michigan politics.  Bye Felicia.

Well it gets her into Washington/the nation's politics. Which isn't good either.

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For those of you who are Marvel fans, my husband, upon hearing about Tillerson's appointment, grunted in disgust and said, "Great. That schmuck just appointed Roxxon as our new Secretary of State."

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7 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Well it gets her into Washington/the nation's politics. Which isn't good either.

Michigan's got it's own problems.  Bill Schuette, the one in charge of squashing down our recount, announced he's planned to run for governor in two years.  He's an enemy to gay rights, women's rights and medical marijuana. Ronna Romney is a huge ally of his so getting her silly ass out of this state is a coup.  I just don't want to see Michigan turn into North Kentucky.  (No offense to Kentucky, but dang).

Autocorrect, I love you - but please chill
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On 12/11/2016 at 9:10 PM, Duke Silver said:

Trump & his Queen Troll are being direct about their intention to gut intel services:



Yes, and they will all have to pledge a blood oath to Comrade Putin beforehand.  There isn't enough make-up in the world that will hide Vlad's bite marks on the Crypt Mistress' neck.

The Kremlin on the Hudson has been brought to us by the non-voters, and folks voting for third parties (including gorillas) that didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.  How's that "protest vote" workin' for ya?

As LOD pointed out last night with his panel, we will have a "president" who is unqualified, an NSA appointee who is unqualified and a SOS who is also unqualified.  What the hell do we have to lose?

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50 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Dear god in heaven, Kanye just arrived TrumpTower.

Too uninterested for intelligence briefings, but OK with meeting with a dude just released from a 5150 hold in California? Huh. Sounds about right these days.

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10 hours ago, KIMBERLYANN11 said:

Michigan's got it's own problems.  Bill Schuette, the one in charge of squashing down our recount, announced he's planned to run for governor in two years.  He's an enemy to gay rights, women's rights and medical marijuana. Ronna Romney is a huge ally of his so getting her silly ass out of this state is a coup.  I just don't want to see Michigan turn into North Kentucky.  (No offense to Kentucky, but dang).

Oh I'm aware of it, my friend told me about what's going on there. Minus the Schuette thing. That's even worse. It's bad enough. I heard that it's one of the most racist states now from them. It's very concerning.


4 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

WTF O_O. I don't think I want to know. /facepalm

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56 minutes ago, SoSueMe said:


Katrina Pierson is making her pitch for Press Secretary now.

Shoot me now.

Holy shit I had to Google her. She's the nut job who wore the necklace of bullets.

Yep she seems right for the job.

Well and truly fucked.

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21 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

IIRC, didn't he forget the dept of energy existed way back when he ran for president? Holy mother of God,  why. He's dumber than a box of rocks. 

During a primary debate, Perry said he wanted to eliminate three departments, but could only remember two (Education and Commerce); he later said the one he forgot was Energy. 

I wish Molly Ivins was still alive on general principle, but especially to read what she'd have to say about Gov. Goodhair (as she called him).

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12 minutes ago, Bastet said:

During a primary debate, Perry said he wanted to eliminate three departments, but could only remember two (Education and Commerce); he later said the one he forgot was Energy. 

I wish Molly Ivins was still alive on general principle, but especially to read what she'd have to say about Gov. Goodhair (as she called him).

I remember that! My mom and I thought he might have been getting Alzheimer's.

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2 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

Apparently Rick Perry is on the board of the company building the Dakota access pipeline.........


2 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Oh boy... oil, oil and more oil.

Drill, baby, drill!!!

Edited by fastiller
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Well, Perry's going to have a pretty short stint being in charge of the Dept of Energy.  Remember in 2012 that was one of the departments he wanted to get rid of (although he fogot what it was during a debate).

So I guess he's going to walk in the door, fire everyone and go home?

Edited by stormy
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18 minutes ago, stormy said:

So I guess he's going to walk in the door, fire everyone and go home?

Oh hell no!  Fox in the henhouse.... he is going to use his position to make himself and his buddies rich on oil money, like allowing the Dakota pipeline to go forward.  At the expense of the environment and the residents and taxpayers.  More fracking in Oklahoma, until it collapses in on itself from earthquakes!  More coal!

Edited by izabella
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On 12/11/2016 at 3:30 PM, Bastet said:

Jim Hightower has been talking about "kleptocracy" and "kleptocrats" for at least a decade.  Thieves in High Places is a good read.

I absolutely adore Jim Hightower. I met him a few years ago at a book signing and he was a delight. I need to subscribe to his newsletter once again. 

8 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

McMullin has been getting a ton of hate from Trumpsters, white nationalists, otherwise disaffected rubes....but he is one conservative who is refusing to cave-in.  I hope to learn more about what McMullin stands for from a policy perspective, but I really like his big tent rhetoric.



I'm a big time liberal, but I have a lot of respect for this man. He's very brave.

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1 hour ago, Bookish Jen said:

I'm a big time liberal, but I have a lot of respect for this man. He's very brave.

He is. That party's become really cult like. Put one foot out of line and you're a RINO and this guy's just sticking to what he believes to be right--and in this case what he believes to be right is actually good for the world instead of some excuse to attack a minority group he doesn't like. 

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4 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

I absolutely adore Jim Hightower. I met him a few years ago at a book signing and he was a delight. I need to subscribe to his newsletter once again. 


I also really like Hightower.  He's the right combination of crotchety curmudgeon and affable & avuncular.  (I'm rolling out the SAT vocab here, right?!)

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Most of Trump's picks would never pass the lowest security clearance background check to be a carpet cleaner in the federal government, yet they will be running our country and security agencies.  Thanks, Putin, thanks a lot.  I guess Putin is having the BEST Christmas EVER!

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I hope Mr and Ms  "I'm so miserable with my life, that I would vote for and actually think a  gas-filled asshat will save the country from everything and everyone I hate" have a Merry Christmas too.

I still can't accept the fact that asshat in chief and his band of deplorables, that don't care about the air we breath, the water we drink or if kids will have public education, among other things, will be running the country.

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