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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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It should be noted that only two Republicans voted not to let Sessions's nomination out of committee, it just took those two votes and a unanimous Democratic member vote to keep it from leaving the committee.  Although, it is true that the majority Republicans could have taken it out of committee if they wanted to.

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7 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

Let's make a game out of it. What horrendous individuals -- alive, dead or imaginary -- could Trump appoint to what cabinet position? Ready ... go!

Charles Manson Chief of Homeland Security


Edited by HumblePi
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7 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

Let's make a game out of it. What horrendous individuals -- alive, dead or imaginary -- could Trump appoint to what cabinet position? Ready ... go!

           Central Intelligence Agency                      Chief of Defense Intelligence


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1 hour ago, Danny Franks said:

Look at Donnie (and in particular, his hair and waistline). She ain't the only one who's been airbrushed.

And man, the look on that kid's face! Either he's a serial killer in the making or he wants to throw himself out of those floor to ceiling windows.

From everything I've read, that is a family photo to Trump. The trophy nearby, to be shown off, and the child out of the way, ignored until he can be useful.

Every time I see Barron, I'm reminded of that song by singer/songwriter, Andrew Gold, Lonely Boy.  Poor thing.  I can't imagine him interacting with his older siblings on any level. 

I agree that that is a family photo of Coral Caligula, his consort and their child.  Malignia knows exactly where her bread is buttered and knows her first job is to cater to her sponsor's every whim.  I have no doubt that she loves her son, but I would bet dollars to donuts that she's not a hands-on parent and that child is raised by nannies like his older siblings were--with the notable exception of Tiffany.  

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In the photo... can I say it? First that little child Barron I know he's rich and has it made - money-wise, but he looks so sad.... always.... 

Malignia is doing the Jolie Leg.

I'll see myself out.

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Sessions as AG, Bannon as closest advisor (i.e. shadow president), Benghazi tea party guy heading the C$IA,lunatic right-wing General Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor (because he has too many conflicts of interest to pass a senate confirmation process).   Do they really think we're going to expect Romney or Haley to join this bunch? It is complete smokescreen "Oh look! They're open to moderates!"  Nothing moderate about this bunch. (And they can stop saying Trump "has no ideology", too. These are not the appointments of a man with no ideology.

As a photo, I really love that picture. It is so creepy and interesting!  The bizarre tacky-yet-riust painful. seetting with a "power view" of the world, the evil-looking dominatrix with the weirdly flying cape, as if there's wind. While, across the room , the sad little boy who has probably NEVER sat on that lion in his life (and wearing a suit, while his three toy cars are artfully arranged below him)--and Donald, the only one smiling his "I'm a nice guy in spite of havng alli this!" fake smile.  Fascinating picture, if you think its something from a sad documentary of the life of the rich--or some kind of horror movie.

As a photo of the new first family.... it's bizarre and sad. and empty.  However, it reminds me how much this professional model and professional money-grubber are going to hate now having their photos taken FOR FREE all day long, by whomever they bring on as the new WH pohtogs.

 Trump needs to get to Washington. I'm sick of him hiding out in Trump Tower. costing us--and everyone else in that neighborhood--so much money when he has a nice taxpayer-funded place in Washington. Go to Washingtton! You're the freaking president elect!!!!  You can't expect to "sleep in my bed at Trump Tower every night"!  

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1 minute ago, ClareWalks said:

You guys.  Trump voters are going to Starbucks and ordering their drinks under the name "Trump"...TO PROTEST STARBUCKS. I can't. I can't even. They don't even realize that giving Starbucks money/business is counterproductive. I CANNOT WITH THIS.

This is the level of (no) intelligence we are dealing with.  That these clowns got Drumph into the WH is mind-boggling.  There is no debate with these idiots.  How can we even hope to win hearts & minds in the face of such stupidity?

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On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 1:09 PM, HumblePi said:

Fox Network is a vile insult to our intelligence and people watch that shit-show either for titillation, morbid curiosity or validation of their hate. The best way to eliminate such right wing so-called 'news' networks is simply to ignore it, stay off the network as a viewer. When viewer numbers diminish, they'll have a deep shake-up and chop off some heads.

Actually, it's the leftwing elite liberal media that is an affront to common sense.  While Wikileaks emails were leaking and showing that Hillary is the witch we always thought she was, they ignored the story.  Fox is the only one that reported it.  The LW was absorbed in the phony Trump women.

The LW elite media reported how Hillary would win in a landslide. 

They got that wrong and just about everything else, just like most liberals.

30 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

This is the level of (no) intelligence we are dealing with.  That these clowns got Drumph into the WH is mind-boggling.  There is no debate with these idiots.  How can we even hope to win hearts & minds in the face of such stupidity?

And the SB's are calling the cops.  So who are the clowns?

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I missed it why is anyone protesting Starbucks? Is it because of the video of the "I voted for Trump!" asshole (his words) being put on the internet? Or are they losing their shit over a paper cup or something? Whatever. I think they should write "Rump" on the cup, oopsie, misheard you, have a nice day.

According to local news (all the broadcast networks have the same info), the security being done seems minimal even if disruptive for some businesses in the area. 



And with the holiday season approaching fast, the city will be packed. But officials say only one block will be completely blocked to vehicular traffic — 56th Street between Fifth and Madison avenues, officials said. Pedestrians that want to enter the area will have to undergo bag checks.

The area from 53rd to 57th streets and Madison to Sixth avenues will have restricted traffic, including truck limitations and gates blocking off some lanes.

NYPD chief of department Carlos Gomez said that officials from the NYPD and Secret Service would patrol Trump Tower — located at Fifth Avenue and 56th Avenue — 24 hours a day. Heavily weaponed teams, counter terrorism agents and bomb-sniffing K9s would also be present in the area, Gomez said.


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I'm seriously cracking up over the Starbucks thing.  Who would protest a company by giving them more money? I hate Starbucks so let me give them my money just to hear people say "Trump".  Are they 5?  

Its the company their Trump wanted boycotted for not having snowflakes on their cups for the special snowflakes and its now getting more money because of their stupidity.  Its really kind of awesome.

Edited by windsprints
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25 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I missed it why is anyone protesting Starbucks? Is it because of the video of the "I voted for Trump!" asshole (his words) being put on the internet? Or are they losing their shit over a paper cup or something?

I *think* (don't quote me on this because I don't understand these people) they view Starbucks as a liberal ("lib-tards," might be their non-deplorable phrasing, *cough*) company with "crybaby" employees. As if they didn't spend the 8 years under Obama acting like spoiled toddlers the whole time.

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2 hours ago, partofme said:

Did you hear he settled his fraud lawsuit for $25 million?

Hmm...does he still have any of those "donations for veterans" left in the Trump Foundation coffers?  Or will Putin be extending his line of credit? 

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2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Hmm...does he still have any of those "donations for veterans" left in the Trump Foundation coffers?  Or will Putin be extending his line of credit? 

How I wish whoever got him to settle would gloat: "I was the only one, it's true, no one else, bigly I got him to settle, bigly. Listen, he said he wouldn't settle, OK? I  alone got him to do it."

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Starbucks, Gap, Nike and others demand Trump stand by climate deal


In an open letter on Wednesday, Starbucks, Gap, Nike, L'Oreal, and hundreds of other American businesses joined together to tell Trump that they are committed to fighting global warming. And they implored the future president — who has called climate change a hoax —to keep the current low-carbon policies championed by President Obama.

More than 300 companies signed.  So great Starbucks is getting the extra support for its position on Trump's platforms.

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This comes from the comments section on a letter Charlie Daniels wrote. The original comment asked when Republicans stopped hating communists:


They don't hate communists. After all, their party presidential candidate, now the president elect's third wife comes from a communist country! Then take a good look at him. He is actually quickly merging his private business into his governmental position of president of the US. This man is an arrogant individual who is going to do anything and everything against laws and regulations, just as he's skirted the law for years. Yet, fools bought his lie that tax returns would only show how much he paid in taxes, which of course everyone knows is ZERO for years. Those same fools have not used their brains or they would have questioned just how an individual who mocked disabled, spoke crudely of women and has so many lawsuits against him for not paying contractors for work received, could possibly care about the rest of the working class of people. Those same fools would have realized that every politician tells some lies, and while they screamed about lies from his opponent, said nothing about how he reversed what he himself had said only hours or days before. The fools are getting exactly what they deserve. My only sadness is for those who used their brains and did NOT vote for him, because everyone except his most elite group will suffer. You cannot receive less tax revenue and spend more without destroying the nation.

Trump's looting of America will make the Marcoses of the Philippines and the Duvaliers of Haiti seem like petty thieves.



[Papa Doc Duvalier] was elected president in 1957 on a populist and black nationalist platform and ... a cult of personality.


  • Populist platform? Check.
  • [White] nationalist? Perhaps not overtly, but with white supremacist support.
  • Cult of personality? Check.
Edited by SmithW6079
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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

My husband was watching Tweety and before changing the channel, they were talking about this.  One guest me a friend who is a Trump supporter posted this story on Facebook and praised his fuehrer for keeping his promise.

This is the level of stupidity we're dealing with.

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The tangerine crook  just settled $25 million on Trump University lawsuits, wow, not even serving as President and already had to admit he ripped off students, because according the IQ rationale of Deplorables, settling a lawsuit means you are guilty. 

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11 minutes ago, caracas1914 said:

The tangerine crook  just settled $25 million on Trump University lawsuits, wow, not even serving as President and already had to admit he ripped off students, because according the IQ rationale of Deplorables, settling a lawsuit means you are guilty. 

Not in this case.  Hand to God, they think he did this because he's willing to sacrifice that settlement to put the country first.  He's a great patriot or some such shit.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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2 hours ago, windsprints said:

I'm seriously cracking up over the Starbucks thing.  Who would protest a company by giving them more money? I hate Starbucks so let me give them my money just to hear people say "Trump".  Are they 5?  

Its the company their Trump wanted boycotted for not having snowflakes on their cups for the special snowflakes and its now getting more money because of their stupidity.  Its really kind of awesome.

Yeah, apparently Trumpsters don't even know how to boycott properly. We all know that, generally, when you boycott a company, you do not continue to patronize it and give them your money, particularly as you don't want them to use your money to support whatever it is you are against them doing. This tiny detail seems to have escaped these people. I just can't believe how the stupidity level just keeps increasing here and that they are having such a difficult time seeing, or comprehending, what is right in front of them.

Edited by Rapunzel
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1 hour ago, Rapunzel said:

There is just no way he is going to keep his promise to bring all of these jobs back to the US. As others have mentioned, even if certain manufacturing jobs did come back, training would likely be required. Who is going to help pay for that in addition to all the other costs associated with moving a manufacturing site?

You're taking him too literally. The idea is that if you can have a booming economy and the right tax/regulatory/etc environment, the best place to open the necessary new plants can be in the U.S., which in politispeak is to bring those jobs back, because that is how workers see it.

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17 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Yeah, apparently Trumpsters don't even know how to boycott properly. We all know that, generally, when you boycott a company, you do not continue to patronize it and give them your money, particularly as you don't want them to use your money to support whatever it is you are against them doing. This tiny detail seems to have escaped these people. I just can't believe how the stupidity level just keeps increasing here and that they are having such a difficult time seeing, or comprehending, what is right in front of them.

 I agree that boycotting a company by giving them your business seems counterproductive.  But think of this.  Maybe the desired end result is to upset and enrage.  It's to confront and poke a stick.  It's to be in your face and hope, no pray, that you'll break and lose it.  Then they have satisfaction of having stirred up shit and if they get film all the better.  Nothing like sharing your best stories of the day with your circle of friends, eh?

Remember that guy that was filmed the other day that lost it at Starbucks and called that poor barista trash.  Ranting and raving and shouting "Trump".  I think that's what they want more of.  They're an angry and unhinged lot and they, like their fearless leader, want revenge against those that they perceive have wronged them.

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4 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Much has been said about Donald Trump's lack of focus, no attention span, limited reading capability. I would like to be a fly on the wall and as President, he receives his daily briefs.

There's no way he'll read through a thick stack of detailed briefs every night. No way in hell. He gets his facts from random tweets or Facebook. He probably can't read an entire newspaper without being bored or distracted. I bet he'll delegate someone to read the briefs and relay the highlights, which is so wrong on so many levels.

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1 hour ago, numbnut said:

There's no way he'll read through a thick stack of detailed briefs every night. No way in hell. He gets his facts from random tweets or Facebook. He probably can't read an entire newspaper without being bored or distracted. I bet he'll delegate someone to read the briefs and relay the highlights, which is so wrong on so many levels.

Unfortunately he can't get those type of briefs from Twitter or even the National Enquirer. These are all top secret briefs from the heads of national and foreign security that are given to the President every single morning.. He's not going to be able to do it and he knows that, that's why he wants his son in law, Jared Kusher there to read them for him and condense it and give him a synopsis. Donald Trump is hiring the staff that will do his job because he's incapable of doing it.

Edited by HumblePi
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23 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

You're taking him too literally. The idea is that if you can have a booming economy and the right tax/regulatory/etc environment, the best place to open the necessary new plants can be in the U.S., which in politispeak is to bring those jobs back, because that is how workers see it.

But the economic plans he has laid out are very similar to what Brownback has done in Kansas.  That?  Has not brought jobs back in any manner of speaking.  Kansas has tanked in virtually every single economic indicator, including, at last check, being the worst state for unemployment in the nation.  Regardless of whether we take Trump literally or give him the benefit of the interpretation of his words, the end result is the same - he's selling something that is complete bullshit, and the people who can least afford for him to be wrong are the ones that bought it without hesitation.  

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Just returned from dinner at my favorite local dive bar. Nice mix of bikers, yuppies, artists, everybody under the sun. I hadn't been back there since the election. One of the patrons, three down from me at the bar, was espousing his belief that it was the Jews and the Muslims who were trampling all over the Constitution and, had they read it as closely as he did, would know there's no place for them in America. Also: everything is Israel's fault and we need to get out of their business and let them fight their own wars and yadda yadda yadda ... TRUMP. The couple with whom he was yakking either seemed enraptured by his seeming "knowledge" or felt hostage to his crazy talk. I'm hoping it was the latter but these days, I don't seem to know much anymore. 

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Seriously, the appointments for his cabinet that Donald Trump is making is actually making my knees buckle, my palms sweat and my heart race with fear.

Jeff Sessions at Attorney General, Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor, Stephen Bannon as Chief Strategist. And it's still a pretty sure thing that Rudy Giuliani will be given a cabinet post as Chief of Foreign Affairs. God helps us all. This administration is turning out to be as scary, bigoted and abnormal as most people feared. And allowing Ivanka siting in with his first meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister? I mean, what the hell?

Edited by HumblePi
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4 hours ago, Jordan27 said:

While Wikileaks emails were leaking and showing that Hillary is the witch we always thought she was, they ignored the story.  Fox is the only one that reported it. 

And what did the emails show?

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For those of you that watched "Brain Dead," the TV Show, I'm almost wishing aliants would come and invade the brains of those who Trump is selecting for these critical positions (assuming the aliants would be against the agenda that Trump's minions are wanting to move ahead with). I also wish they would invade the Trumpster and his spawn as well. If Trump or any of his minions suddenly start sounding more intelligent, then there may be hope that the aliants have invaded.

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3 minutes ago, slf said:

And what did the emails show?

Answering that requires that someone has read the actual emails.  Orange's supporters only know how to repeat his applause lines or spout headlines from Facebook stories written by Macedonian teenagers.

Edited by Duke Silver
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Just now, Duke Silver said:

Answering that requires that someone has read the actual emails.  Orange's supporters only know how to repeat his applause lines or spout headlines form Facebook stories written by Macedonian teenagers.

Remember when that guy "tried to assassinate" Trump recently? The Republican who was simply holding a sign and Trump pointed him out and had his supporters attack the guy; Secret Service cleared him? Well it turned out his name was in Wikileaks and they were all "HE'S IN WIKILEAKS THIS IS A PLOT" and they all just kept repeating it. Thousands and thousands of Trump supporters claiming HRC paid a guy associated with her in publicly available emails to go to a Trump rally and attempt to kill Trump. Deadass. When a bunch of them came at me on Twitter I guess they thought that I wouldn't even take two seconds to google the guy and the Wikileaks page he appears on but I did: he bought a book. And when I pointed that out they just completely deflated. They had no idea. Not one of them had bothered to even check to see why the guy was listed there (he was a disillusioned registered Republican who'd begun canvassing and such for HRC so that's why he was included). And it was just for having bought a book.

So I absolutely believe most Trump supporters haven't read the emails at all.

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4 hours ago, windsprints said:

I'm seriously cracking up over the Starbucks thing.  Who would protest a company by giving them more money? I hate Starbucks so let me give them my money just to hear people say "Trump".  Are they 5? 

It's like when fans of an athlete in a way to stick it to him for leaving the team, burn his jersey.  As Straight Outta Compton said, they already bought the stuff.

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Remember that guy that was filmed the other day that lost it at Starbucks and called that poor barista trash.  Ranting and raving and shouting "Trump".  I think that's what they want more of.  They're an angry and unhinged lot and they, like their fearless leader, want revenge against those that they perceive have wronged them.

According the brief article I saw on CNN making baristas say "Trump" is their form of revenge for the video of the "I VOTED FOR TRUMP" guy losing his shit being put online. I'm sorry but I find this so childlike, like something a 12 year old would contemplate doing. Starbucks nor baristas in general have nothing to do with it.  If I went to CVS and felt a cashier was rude to me (they never are, always so nice!) I wouldn't ask my friends to all run into CVS stores and scream at some random cashier and run out.  I also find the graffiti that is popping up to be juvenile and cowardly. Its all like someone pissed off an 8th grade football team.  I posted an article in media the other day that somewhat explain why these people have so much anger even after Trump won but I have to say I'm still having problems comprehending it. There's just so much venom coming from them. Had Hillary won I would have been so happy. If anyone said crap like "lock her up!", "email!" I honestly think I'd just shrug it off because she won.


So I absolutely believe most Trump supporters haven't read the emails at all. I think there are many that have no idea why the emails were even being talked about.

I don't think they cared what the issues were. They found Trump "real", "un-Washington" and then just repeated the slogans. I am basing this opinion off of watching several interviews after Trump rallies over the past week. I watched a bunch trying to gain some understanding. Unfortunately, I found none. In fact it probably made my division with them wider.


It's like when fans of an athlete in a way to stick it to him for leaving the team, burn his jersey.  As Straight Outta Comptonsaid, they already bought the stuff.


I think that's dumb too! LOL why was the guy even in Starbucks when they all said they were boycotting forever after the snowflake wasn't on the cup.

Edited by windsprints
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CNN actually did a piece about this, about how social media has replaced legitimate journalism. Stories and articles can appear online and claim whatever they want and people believe it, take it as true investigative reporting. People that want to believe the story just accept it as truth while those that doubt the story will do the homework and fact-check it or check the source of the article. It's dangerous and people can accuse, blame and lie about anything online, people believe it because they want to. I always check the source of an article, it's important because it's easy to be deceived. Essentially Donald Trump won this election with Twitter and putting out claims and accusations that were totally false, but his followers believed that since 'he' said it, then it's 100% true.

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3 minutes ago, windsprints said:


I posted an article in media the other day that somewhat explain why these people have so much anger even after Trump won but I have to say I'm still having problems comprehending it. There's just so much venom coming from them. Had Hillary won I would have been so happy. If anyone said crap like "lock her up!", "email!" I honestly think I'd just shrug it off because she won.


You hit on something here...  Trump supporters I encounter, online & IRL are so damn defensive from the outset, like a child who knows they got caught doing something wrong.  It's striking to me how pretty much all Trump supporters/surrogates I've ever seen on various network shows are angry, belligerent fucks who sneer at everything.

Even now, after victory...they follow the leader (see: the news that Trump is planning a "victory tour" of the states he won).  It's reality tv....or maybe more apropos: like an athlete dancing in front of a vanquished opponent.  It's bizarre, and I think says something about the psychology of these people.  I'm not a pysch expert by a longshot, so what it says, I'm not sure of the clinical way to describe it.

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29 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

You hit on something here...  Trump supporters I encounter, online & IRL are so damn defensive from the outset, like a child who knows they got caught doing something wrong.  It's striking to me how pretty much all Trump supporters/surrogates I've ever seen on various network shows are angry, belligerent fucks who sneer at everything.

Even now, after victory...they follow the leader (see: the news that Trump is planning a "victory tour" of the states he won).  It's reality tv....or maybe more apropos: like an athlete dancing in front of a vanquished opponent.  It's bizarre, and I think says something about the psychology of these people.  I'm not a pysch expert by a longshot, so what it says, I'm not sure of the clinical way to describe it.

I'd really be interested to know how many of his supporters are watching how he's choosing his cabinet and are starting to question their choice of president?  I wonder if any will have 'Brexit remorse'?  In the UK, there's 3 million signatures on a petition to have a referendum to reverse Brexit and change their vote from leave to stay. As things take shape in the Trump presidency how many that voted for him will begin to have buyer's remorse?

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