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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

Wow, that's perfect!  Now fess up. Are you a trump speech writer?

Hey, them's fighting words!

If I were a Trump speech writer, I would write "The media is so bias.  So unfair. They act like they don't know I am the most corrupt, more than anyone, and a rapist, a raper of children, really, and that everyone should vote for Hillary." and put it on the teleprompter and, if he managed to pay attention long enough, I am pretty sure he would say it without thinking because he does so little thinking when he speaks.

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Love that! 

Serious note, re: Comey. I read his letter to staff. Now that we know he defied the AG and senior officials to do this, reading the letter where he says, it's not only that he feels obligated to notify Congress, but also "that the American people need to know" says it all about his intentions being purely political.

Know what? He hadn't even seen them to know if they were even relevant. But his letter to the public didn't say that at all. If anything, it appears intentionally vague, that he is actually TRYING to make the situation appear bad for Hillary, certainly making it worse than anything he has knowledge of.

I'm avoiding the news now (except print) but hope the criticisms will build and build. The more I learn about what he did, the more dishonest and politically motivated it seems. 

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a story about Trump and a charity event:

trump boasts about his philanthropy, but his giving falls short


In the fall of 1996, a charity called the Association to Benefit Children held a ribbon-cutting in Manhattan for a new nursery school serving children with AIDS. The bold-faced names took seats up front.

There was then-Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani (R) and former mayor David Dinkins (D). TV stars Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford, who were major donors. And there was a seat saved for Steven Fisher, a developer who had given generously to build the nursery.

Then, all of a sudden, there was Donald Trump.

“Nobody knew he was coming,” said Abigail Disney, another donor sitting on the dais. “There’s this kind of ruckus at the door, and I don’t know what was going on, and in comes Donald Trump. [He] just gets up on the podium and sits down.”

Trump was not a major donor. He was not a donor, period. He’d never given a dollar to the nursery or the Association to Benefit Children, according to Gretchen Buchenholz, the charity’s executive director then and now.

But now he was sitting in Fisher’s seat, next to Giuliani.

“Frank Gifford turned to me and said, ‘Why is he here?’ ” Buchenholz recalled recently. By then, the ceremony had begun. There was nothing to do.

“Just sing past it,” she recalled Gifford telling her.

So they warbled into the first song on the program, “This Little Light of Mine,” alongside Trump and a chorus of children — with a photographer snapping photos, and Trump looking for all the world like an honored donor to the cause.

Afterward, Disney and Buchenholz recalled, Trump left without offering an explanation. Or a donation.



and there's a lot more in the article.  the guy is scum. 



In 1997, for instance, he was “principal for a day” at a public school in an impoverished area of the Bronx. The chess team was holding a bake sale, Hot & Crusty danishes and croissants. They were $5,000 short of what they needed to travel to a tournament.

Trump had brought something to wow them.

“He handed them a fake million-dollar bill,” said David MacEnulty, a teacher and the chess team’s coach.

The team’s parent volunteers were thrilled.

Then disappointment.

Trump then gave them $200 in real money and drove away in a limousine.


Edited by backformore
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52 minutes ago, Kromm said:

It's a bit more complicated IMO. The surrogates? No shame, and consequently no forgiveness there. 

The apologists? And by that I'm more talking about the rank and file supporters? I DO think there are people who honestly blind themselves so much they literally believe that doing the Bible-sanctioned thing makes them good people and everything else is some kind of obstacle, a test, they have to overcome. This doesn't magically make it okay--I'm just saying many of them THINK they are on the right side of things and willingly blind themselves to what a piece of garbage Trump is (and they argue, and sometimes actually believe, that the other side is blinding themselves to what a horrible person Clinton is).

The fact that Trump's tresspasses are more overt simply makes people insist Hillary is hiding more. To a degree that's even true. Most civilized people hide their uglier thoughts behind manners and Trump doesn't. And Trump lies overtly while when Hillary Clinton lies (of course she does, on occasion) it's not overt.

Not that I blame you for pessimism where his supporters are concerned. That same religious fervor which insists that the Supreme Court has to be "won" and lots of progress reversed is a fervor that quite literally is going to label you as some kind of abomination. I don't blame you even a hair for wishing them all to hell--I'm 95% of there with you myself, but have seen up close some acquaintances who process things through their minds like they think if they're "saving people's souls" and who have some kind of consciousness break/inability to understand that causing people suffering in life to "save their soul" still makes them the bad guy. I kind of feel both sorry and yet ALSO angry at those people at the same time.

There's also denial of a different kind. The people who somehow justify the worst things Trump could do as "unlikely" (the logic goes "it would never get that far"/"nobody would let him") and for some reason believe that he'd bring some huge mythical economic boom before he'd start tossing people in secret gulags, get into pissing matches with China using nukes, or send troops into Mexico to "make them pay for their wall". Is that kind of self-delusion a side effect of selfishness? Maybe. 

As I recall, Christ condemned people like the Bible-folk you describe.   People whose strict observance of traditional and written law blinded them to all other possibilities and engendered among them pretensions of superior piety.   They were called Pharisees.  

I have no use for people like that, and no pity.   People like that are the ones who stood by as witches burned, who turned deaf ears to the Inquisition's torture chambers, who believed the Bible gave them the right to slaughter the godless Indians, enslave other races ... all the high points of human history, they were there, nodding righteously.

I can't excuse it as that's how they were raised or they don't know any better.   At certain points in our lives we are all confronted with conflicts between that which we were taught and that which we know in our hearts to be unjust, and too many people use the former as an excuse to sanction the latter.   That to me seems like a personal choice.  These people who cheer for Trump ... they saw him ridicule the handicapped man ... they heard him brag about sexual assault ... They willfully overlook these things and rationalize it with sanctimony.  Or delusions of jobs.  Nationalism.   Whatever.   But at some point they made a decision not to listen to their "better angels." 

Hopefully there will be a reckoning for these individuals.   Preferably in the next world, because if the day comes when they realize "I have made a terrible mistake," chances are we'll all be fucked.

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4 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I never used to be a Hillary fan, but I am now.  The way she came out and told them to release the "new" emails was golden.  I couldn't help but think about how Trump would have handled the situation -

"The emails are phoney, I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house, there was no laptop. This shows the election is rigged.  And the media. All rigged. After the election, I'm gonna sue the FBI and Congress and NBC and the Children's Television Network and Hube Abadabi - sounds like a Muslim name doesn't it, am I right? She is probably a muslim. This terrorist puts fake emails on her laptop so the FBI can use them against me.  That is why we need to  have extremely ultra extreme vetting of people from those terrorist ghetto countries.  Why doesn't the FBI talk about all the many, many, bad, bad crimes they are investigating Hillary for - and investigating Bill for, I think even Chelsea has been corrupt.  The FBI is looking into all the corruption in the Clinton Foundation - Hillary should have put an end to Bill's corruption - she has been in charge of congress for 47 years, but she hasn't done anything except murder soldiers and rip babies from wombs.  And she supported the Iraq war - if I had been in charge, the Middle East would be full of beautiful, I mean really gorgeous, best you have ever seen, hotels, like my new Trump property in Washington DC, did you see that on the news, did you see the ribbon cutting ceremony? Isn't that a beautiful hotel?  And weren't Melania and Ivanka beautiful too? Not like that Humpty Abidinni - she is only a five, I wouldn't give her a second look, not my type.  No wonder her husband, Anthony Weiner - no, really, that is his name - Weeeeenerrrr, I bet he has a little one too - no surprise he is cheating on her, have you seen her face, not my type. I would cheat too if I were married to Humma Abadaro - I think that is a Mexican name, she is probably here illegally, her father is probably a murderer, many, so many, of them are.  That is why I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Look at the beautify little black girl over there, she's beautiful, so beautiful I just want to kiss her, some up on stage honey, you are beautiful, come on up..."

LOL, this is golden, thanks for the laugh.

"I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house..."

LMAO, cause you just know he'll fuck up her name and contradict/lie in the same sentence. You got him down, impressive.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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2 hours ago, random chance said:

That is the big question for me too. He insults someone for weeks with all kinds of slimy insinuations and terrible names and then all of a sudden they're supporting him. He's accused of several things no Christian should want to be associated with and suddenly some Christian bigwig is defending him - and with a defense that for some reason is never pulled out for gays or other "sinners," such as "judge not" and "let he who throws the first stone" and "he repented so it's cool." What is his hold on people? It can't be that they admire his ethics and he has no charm or wit, and his only accomplishments seem to be getting other people to give him money and then not paying taxes on it. Does he blackmail them? Are they afraid of him because they heard some story of what he did to someone who crossed him? Is it hypnosis? Drugs in their water? It's the biggest mystery of this godawful endless torture of an election year, for me. Why is anyone on earth taking him even remotely seriously, let alone defending him and propping him up?

I know, right?  And, for anyone taking him seriously enough to expect that he keeps his word, this USA Today article clearly dispels folks of that notion.  The people who said he stiffed them are a lot of the "little people"--the people who can least afford to be fucked over financially.  Yet, Drumpf's rallies are filled with working class people who believe he will bring their jobs back, etc.  Just think of it:  3,500 lawsuits in 30 years, and a lot of those lawsuits involve ordinary people who did the jobs they were contracted and hired to do only to get shafted by a billionaire.  These people are painters, wait staff, plumbers, carpenters, bartenders, dishwashers, etc.  Not to mention the small business owners for whom non-payment is devastating and impacts their ability to pay their own bills and employees.

Yet, this sociopath has gotten away with painting himself as the champion of the common man.   I really despair about the lack of critical thinking skills being exhibited in this election.

Drumpf - King of the Deadbeat Billionaires

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Tweets by Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, just one month apart.

On Sept. 30, Kellyanne Conway tweeted this;



then yesterday, this tweet from Kellyanne



Edited by HumblePi
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17 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

 3,500 lawsuits in 30 years, and a lot of those lawsuits involve ordinary people who did the jobs they were contracted and hired to do only to get shafted by a billionaire.

And he lost almost all the lawsuits.  He must pay the lawyers, or keep a whole law firm on retainer, the way he sues people.   Maybe we should look into his lawyers.

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27 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Tweets by Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager, just one month apart.

On Sept. 30, Kellyanne Conway tweeted this;



then yesterday, this tweet from Kellyanne



She's an annoying tw*t! Such a mercenary. 

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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I just watched the last part of a speech Hillary gave in Daytona Beach. She did a pretty good job and the crowd actually looked to be a pretty decent size and they seemed enthusiastic - unlike the handful of people at the Trump events that I've seen.

At the end of the speech, the MSNBC commentators revisited the opening, and she started out by discussing Comey. She handled it pretty well, she’s trying to make it clear she’s not hiding anything, and basically said he needed to release everything and that he shouldn't have released any notice without knowing what those e-mails actually contained, if they were duplicates to ones already released, etc.

I know that the DNC is coming down hard on Comey, however the Attorney General, who he works for, needs to step up and do something here. What he did is, at the very least, election tampering, and possibly even fraud. The man cannot be in a position of power if he is going to abuse it in such a way, especially by defying not just his boss, but also possibly the regulations and laws we have in this country. He should be forced to resign immediately and then they should have a team assigned and those e-mails gone through in the next 48 hours or less, no longer. Comey has stated there is “no guarantee” he will have the review completed before the election, which, again, just causes more obstacles and more interference with a Presidential Election. This cannot be allowed.

Some commentators are saying he had to say something now because, if he waited until after the election and she won, it would make Trump’s claims of “rigging” more valid. That’s just bullshit. The investigation was closed by him, there is no certainty that he will find anything new that is damming in this set of e-mails, especially as most aren’t hers, many of the e-mails they found before were largely between her various aids talking about appearances and message, etc. - nothing at all nefarious. The biggest issue was around the confidentiality concerns, but again, the overall content of the majority of those e-mails was pretty benign, which is why she was never charged and the investigation was closed. Is she perfect? No, who is? Has she made mistakes? Yes, who hasn't? Are they the type of mistakes that are going to turn this country into a laughing stock, possibly start a nuclear war, destroy our diplomatic relations, tear apart our economy, ruin our education system, etc? No - that would be that orange piece of shit.  Is she a Puffy Cheeto who is a sexual predator? Certainly not. Is she light years better than Trump and overall a far better human being? Most definitely. Is she the most qualified of the two to run this country for at least 4 years? Without a doubt. What more does anyone need to know at this point?

Edited by Rapunzel
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It sounds to me like there was some kink in the wikileaks connection, or they weren't getting enough useful material from it, so Comey was alerted to step in and create this "incident'.  Someone needs to look into the communications between Comey, the GOP accusers, and any third parties. 

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Could anyone tell me why a man who...
....is completely inexperienced in government and has never done anything for anyone but himself;
....is so ignorant on policy that even many Rep experts are organized against him,
....is so failed as a businessman than he lost nearly a billion dollars in one year--and has six bankruptcies where he stiffed numerous "average Americans";
....is a well-documented habitual liar;
....has insulted over 274 people and media on Twitter just in the months of his campaign;
....lied about a Miss Universe in revenge tweets and insulted a Gold Star family who criticized him;
....repeatedly tried to evict the "little people" who stood in his way (inc. an elderly widow) and has been sued twice by the government for housing discrimination;
....lies about donating to charity--including the veterans--when in reality he gives ZERO;
(come to think of it, what happened to the Foundation scandal?)
...lies repeatedly and effortlessly in every speech with no consideration of its harmful public impact;
....is so lacking in transparency that he won't even release ONE tax return from ANY year, 
....is so obviously a mouthpiece for Putin in exchange for Russian intelligence trying to throw the election for him,
....is so disgusting in harassing and assaulting women (and -bragging- about it, as he does about everything), and
....is so completely lacking in basic morality and character that even his co-author calls him a "sociopath:"...

...and that doesn't even get into his horrible policies and lies about the wall, Muslims "celebrating", so many lies about Hillary, Cruz, and other opponents, his woeful ignorance of the Constitution and threats to lock up his opponent when he wins...and on and on and on....

....HOW a man like this 10 days away from possibly being our next president?  I can't even say he bought the election because, in addition to everything else, he's a big cheapskate and is going to come out ahead financially, win or lose.

Edited by Padma
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7 minutes ago, Padma said:

....HOW a man like this 10 days away from possibly being our next president? 

He's running against a smart, confident, accomplished woman?

My Republican friend who is voting for, and supporting, Hillary told me today that she knows two people, in a professional capacity, who are voting for Trump and wanted to talk about it.  So she let them.  These are big donors to a nonprofit, so not the stereotypical ignorant rednecks.  One of them said he hopes Trump gets elected and then assassinated.

Kind of makes me think targeted voter suppression might not be such a bad idea after all.

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The FBI director, James Comey went against the recommendation of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. She and others had a rather heated discussion about releasing this and she strongly made an argument as to why James Comey shouldn't open that door. But Comey ultimately believed he needed to act to correct his previous testimony. James Comey overstepped his bounds. The FBI Director has one job, to investigate and find if there is evidence of a crime, and if there is any evidence of a crime, they are supposed to bring a case in court in which case the defendant will have the opportunity to respond. If they find no evidence of a crime, they're not supposed to pass their own personal judgements as to what is careless and what isn't. There are other authorities that have the responsibility to do that, in this case the Inspector General of the State Department. What James Comey did was to give his personal opinion only served to fuel the Republicans who wanted to politicize the outcome of the investigation. He should have closed the case, say he reviewed it carefully and that there was no reason to bring charges.

I think that after the initial shock and repercussions from yesterdays announcement from the FBI director that people that are smart will be able to figure out that this is the 'October surprise' that Julian Assange warned about weeks ago. It's not the first 'October surprise' to happen in an election. There have been many of them over the past decades. Each was intended to sabotage the candidate that was leading in the polls, clearly to cast aspersion and doubt on that candidate and give the opponent the edge right before the election. I strongly believe that Hillary Clinton will easily survive this and the Trump campaign may even suffer more for it than they planned on because it is glaringly clear that this is an eleventh hour attempt at pushing undecided voters into casting their ballot for Trump.

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After Hillary's Daytona Beach Speech was over and MSNBC brought out the requisite Dem and Rep surrogates to give their feedback, the Rep (can’t remember his name because I just didn’t care) stated that Hillary’s biggest problem is that no one trusts her and that’s why no one will vote for her. Trump tells it like it is. Really? Where are his tax returns? Why does he have so many active lawsuits? Why does he flat out lie about things that were caught on tape and/or on camera?

It was a really short segment, but I wish the woman representing the Dem side had come back and mentioned that no one can trust Trump and then just start rattling off his millions of outright lies and contradictions.

Also, I wish people would constantly point out Trump’s temperament and how he behaves worse than most toddlers I know. He is horrible under pressure; we’ve seen it in every debate, we’ve seen him walk out of interviews when questioned on racism and sexism, we’ve seen him throw Twitter tantrums in the middle of the night, etc. He immediately goes on the attack and stutters and stammers because he can’t handle any pressure or anything not going his way. When your best rebuttal to something in a debate is “Wrong” or “No I didn’t” or “She’s such a nasty woman,” clearly you have issues (by the way, I love Bill Maher’s idea that twice during a debate each candidate should get the chance to dispute something the other is saying by actually showing the video clip of them contradicting themselves – I would love to see the look on Trump’s face). If he wants to be President, being asked questions like this and being put under pressure is going to happen to him on a daily basis. You have to know how to maintain your composure and how to thrive, not just survive, in the pressure cooker type of environment you will be in.

Hillary has shown over the last few decades that she can deal with pressure. She handles it in her personal life (which really isn’t personal, as she is a public figure) and she handles it in her professional life. The latest issue with Comey hasn’t appeared to rattle her at all. She is being very calm and rationale about how she is managing it.

Trump, as we saw when Comey dropped the investigation initially, reacted by calling her names, claiming the election was rigged, etc. Now he’s doing his little happy dance because he thinks he’s won something here. However, I think Comey is going to come out of this looking like an ass and be jobless, hopefully sooner rather than later, especially as his boss and others have already stated that what he did was wrong. Trump is too stupid to realize that this is already starting to swing the other way and that, honestly, people are tired of hearing about this e-mail bullshit. If this is all they can find on Hillary, so what? Trump is a sexual predator, has several thousands of active lawsuits against him, steals from his own “charity,” is a cheapskate, is raising Hitler Jr. and Saddam Jr., has no respect for women, for minorities, for immigrants, for the LGBT community, for anyone who actually works for a living, etc. All they keep bringing up about Hillary are these damned e-mails that most people are past caring about at this point.

Get over it Trump -  you big, whiny, lying, deplorable, Puffy Cheeto. You are likely going to lose – to a WOMAN! Go far, far, far away and throw your cocaine fueled temper tantrum from one of your nauseatingly gauche Trump properties with your buddy Putin and quit trying to make America horrible.

Edited by Rapunzel
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3 hours ago, Padma said:

I'm avoiding the news now (except print) but hope the criticisms will build and build. The more I learn about what he did, the more dishonest and politically motivated it seems. 

I'm even avoiding print at this point, but I do come here in case there's anything breaking. I was using Mute for awhile but I could still see Trump smirk and do his finger-circle-point thing and I just can't take it anymore.

I think it might have been a mistake to "go high," maybe they should have gotten into the gutter with Trump.

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Maybe it's time to appoint a different director of the FBI? Maybe somebody who actually does their job without using their job to advance their political agenda?

You know, I never even knew the name of the FBI director before all of this. I'll certainly remember it now.

I worked the entire day with a bunch of Trump supporters who told me what a wonderful man "so misunderstood" and "populist" he is. Gag. I lost a lot of respect for some people in my life over the last year.

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I'm not the sort of person who cries "sexism" at every opportunity, but I cannot think of a single other reason why it's okay for Donald to lie his ass off nonstop but it's not okay for Hillary to do it (not saying she does, but IF she lied as much as the Trumpsters claim she does, she still would be more honest than him).

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4 hours ago, Kromm said:

It doesn't matter if he knows the Bible. 

It doesn't matter if he lies about knowing the Bible.

It doesn't matter if every fiber of his being contradicts the values of the Bible.

All that matters is that people in that corner know that the next President will appoint the next few Supreme Court judges, and the Supreme Court judges will "be able to save the unborn babies" and "be able to undo that horrible gay marriage" and "be able to do more to protect our guns!" and "be able to get prayer in our schools, where it belongs!" and other similar "things" they believe will tip the balance between them going to heaven when the Rapture occurs and burning here along with the rest of us sinners.

It's doublethink of the highest order. 

We've seen some prominent religious people come out against him, it's true. Some people do mean what they say and try to follow the Bible in a more organic way which fits in with the world we live in. But the core who aren't budging from Trump? See themselves as in the midst of a Holy War. And as history teaches us, Holy Wars excuse almost any excess (rapes, murders, torture, invasions, historically, but the modern version is more directly about ignoring hypocrisy). 

What slays me about these people is the same issue I had when Senator McCain stupidly chose Governor Half-Wit as his VP to garner the evangelical vote.

First of all, not all evangelicals are White right wing conservatives.  Just as they were praying for a McCain/Palin win in 2008, some evangelicals were praying for a different result just as they are this year.  I hate it that the media places all Christians in the same basket.  That's why I appreciate people such as VP Biden and Tim Caine.  Both men are practicing Catholics but don't believe their religious beliefs should be codified into law.  I once read that John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi were denounced as bad Catholics who should avoid presenting themselves for Communion by Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was alleged to have been demoted by Pope Francis.  When the media talks about evangelicals, they very seldom consider church people of other races or denominations  who may be more liberal in their thinking.  One such person is William Barber, the preacher behind the Moral Mondays in North Carolina.  He also set the Democratic convention on fire with his brilliant oratory.  It's been wonderful seeing Jerry Falwell, Jr. being taken to task by Liberty University students for his unwavering support of Drumpf even after the true extent of his (Drumpf) vileness was exposed.  Even The Christian Post felt compelled to speak up about how Drumpf does not embody Christian values and took certain Christian leaders to task for supporting him.

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Granted, Trump is mentally challenged so its easier for him to go low and stay low, but I HAVE to give him credit for one thing. He has been RELENTLESS in branding Hillary as "crooked" and "a liar" and made this email thing into a crime that she's already been found guilty of -- and belongs in PRISON for!!!! I mean...he's totally succeeded in that!  Even her diehard supporters know about "Crooked Hillary" that she has "trust issues" and that the deplorables (including Christie and Giuliani) think she belongs "locked up".

Trump's messaging in that sense is impressive and I'm so envious!  The Democrats have NO ONE who has used the TREMENDOUS amount of dirt and scandal and disgusting-ness associated with Donald Trump and relentlessly stayed ON MESSAGE about it!  (Sorry to shout, but it's maddening! And, no, senator Warren. I love you, but "nasty women and their nasty march to the poll was a misstep, not an effort to attack his greatest weaknesses--which are MANY!!!!)

Tim Kaine seems like a very nice man. But in the traditional role of VP as attack dog--he's a total failure!  Even the President has blown it because like all the other Dems, he doesn't keep with ONE, central image of Trump (he's TRULY a crook -- and immoral -- that should count for something!)  Why , why why don't they use it?

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36 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Did she say it with a straight face?  Did you offer to sell her the Brooklyn Bridge?

It was online.  It was just such a bizarre conversation.  I countered with the fact that the man proudly says he does not go to Confession and ask Christ's forgiveness for his sins because he "doesn't do anything wrong."  She said that, unless I've personally spoken to him about it, I can't possibly know his relationship with Jesus.  Then, she proceeded to tear down Hillary claiming that, unlike Trump, Hillary has no relationship with Jesus.  And the worst part is, I really and truly don't think that she even got that she was contradicting herself there.  It was perfectly reasonable for her to say I needed to personally witness Trump's relationship with Jesus to speak about it while also weighing in on Hillary's relationship with Jesus without having personally witnessed it for herself.   It reminded me of a Trump supporter being interviewed outside one of his rallies on The Daily Show.  She said that the only way we could really confirm that President Obama was born in the US was if there was someone there who witnessed it and remembers.  When the response was "well, his mother was there," the supporter said "no, she isn't unbiased."  So he turned it around on her and said "how do we know Trump was born in the US?"  And when it got to the point of "well who witnessed it?" and he said "but we can't trust his mother to be an unbiased witness, right?" she seemed genuinely confused as to why he would say that.  It's a bizarre thing to witness.  

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4 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Shared by my Army veteran daughter:

Wow. I love this. Is it already airing on TV in some places? I haven't seen it here in Southern CA, but given the large military presence here, it would be a good place, though I think Hillary has CA locked up pretty well anyway.

This needs to get out there - it sends a very powerful message and should be shown across the Country.

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A few people have commented that they've stayed off Twitter or Facebook recently because it's just too difficult reading these pro-Trumpers talk about how wonderful he is and how horrible Hillary is. I've done the opposite and have been more involved in both Twitter and Facebook than I have ever been. I don't even share my Facebook account with relatives, it's totally private. But this election has awakened the beast in me and I'm there, fiercely supporting the only person capable of being the President.

I'd encourage anyone with a Twitter account to be visible and verbal and for those without one, set one up. The opposition is always very expressive and visible and we're running out of time to encourage, support and defend our candidate, no matter which one it is.

Edited by HumblePi
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6 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Wow. I love this. Is it already airing on TV in some places? I haven't seen it here in Southern CA, but given the large military presence here, it would be a good place, though I think Hillary has CA locked up pretty well anyway.

This needs to get out there - it sends a very powerful message and should be shown across the Country.

I just asked my daughter and she said she just saw it posted on another soldier friend's Facebook page. They SHOULD air it though.

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Has anyone sent it to Hillary's campaign people or the DNC? Maybe they can help get it out there. At a minimum, it should be on YouTube, but I would hope for a wider audience.

The only semi worrisome part is that Puffy Cheeto may take being called a "Falcon" of any kind as a compliment - just like he took the fact that Michael Moore's film had his name in the title as a good thing. He's such a self-centered, egotistical moron.

Edited by Rapunzel
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10 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

Has anyone sent it to Hillary's campaign people or the DNC? Maybe they can help get it out there. At a minimum, it should be on YouTube, but I would hope for a wider audience.

The only semi worrisome part is that Puffy Cheeto may take being called a "Falcon" of any kind a compliment - just like he took the fact that Michael Moore's film had his name in the title as a good thing. He's such a self-centered, egotistical moron.

I posted it on his Twitter page

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33 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

Shared by my Army veteran daughter:

We all know that Trump and his like minded pals are going to have a few choice words for the people in this. One of those words is going to start with "L" (or maybe "F") and is going to be a presumptive phrase used to describe the sexuality of every woman in this (whether it's accurate or not), another is going to be used to describe one of the ladies we meet part way through who appears to be Latina (Wendy), and is probably going to rhyme with "Hexigan" (even if she's actually some other nationality), and then when he gets to Crystal... the word he and pals are likely to use I don't even want to rhyme with (hint: it's not "the blacks"). 

Edited by Kromm
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From the Business Insider, more reinforcement as to what Comey did with the e-mails is wrong:


The FBI still has not obtained a search warrant to review the new emails related to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server, Yahoo News reported Saturday, citing three government officials who were briefed on the investigation.

According to one of the officials, FBI Director James Comey "had no idea what was in the content of the emails" when he wrote his letter to Congress Friday announcing the existence of new emails that appeared to be "pertinent" to the completed investigation into Clinton's private email server.

Just one more reason this whole thing appears to be orchestrated by Trump. Let's just go ahead and continue to make this situation even worse and more blatantly against Hillary by violating our own basic rules and principles of justice and the law. Puffy Cheeto's own Daughter-in-Law even mentioned that finding these "new" e-mails was due to Trump putting pressure on the FBI so that's why they re-opened the case to begin with and that Hillary would be harmed as a result, basically getting what she deserves. This from a woman who married into that wretched family. Hope her pre-nup is iron clad and she can't get a cent if she leaves her husband - that's all she deserves for marrying the son of a sociopath (who is a sociopath himself) for what are likely her own selfish reasons.

How can they not investigate Trump and Comey for crimes related to this election? Clearly they are trying to rig it, with additional help from Russia and, before Assange lost his internet or whatever, his help as well. Keep on telling us how this election is rigged again, you Orange Douchebag.

Edited by Rapunzel
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On 10/20/2016 at 0:22 PM, Kromm said:

I don't like sticking up for a Trump.... ANY Trump in any way... but I don't think it's all that fair to attack her on her English. 

Some people just don't excel at stuff like that, and it's no real sign of their actual intelligence or work ethic. And native English speakers are routinely mocked for our bad accents when we try to speak other languages, so we're open to the same criticisms. 

I do have empathy for how difficult it can be to learn another language. I am married to a Brazilian. He learned English amazingly easily. My Portuguese is not nearly as good as I wish it was. I'm only in Brazil a few weeks at a time, every few years, though. If I lived there for 20 years, you bet I would be fluent. It's also not like Melania is living in an area where a lot of people are speaking her native tongue. She is surrounded by people speaking English, tv programs in English, and newspapers & magazines in English. She also has the money to hire the best tutors, if she was so inclined. 

7 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I know, right?  And, for anyone taking him seriously enough to expect that he keeps his word, this USA Today article clearly dispels folks of that notion.  The people who said he stiffed them are a lot of the "little people"--the people who can least afford to be fucked over financially.  Yet, Drumpf's rallies are filled with working class people who believe he will bring their jobs back, etc.  Just think of it:  3,500 lawsuits in 30 years, and a lot of those lawsuits involve ordinary people who did the jobs they were contracted and hired to do only to get shafted by a billionaire.  These people are painters, wait staff, plumbers, carpenters, bartenders, dishwashers, etc.  Not to mention the small business owners for whom non-payment is devastating and impacts their ability to pay their own bills and employees.

Yet, this sociopath has gotten away with painting himself as the champion of the common man.   I really despair about the lack of critical thinking skills being exhibited in this election.

Drumpf - King of the Deadbeat Billionaires

My friend's father was a contractor here in NY, until just a few years ago when he retired. He was approached to do work for Drumpf in the 80s. He turned it down, because Drumpf already had a reputation for not paying his bills.

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Y'all be sure to watch that hard-hitting puff piece on Trump, Melania and their whole beautiful family on Good Morning America, Monday.   Great timing.  And just what America needs to wash away the bad taste of those crooked Clintons.

(sarcasm, if you can't tell)

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53 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

My friend's father was a contractor here in NY, until just a few years ago when he retired. He was approached to do work for Drumpf in the 80s. He turned it down, because Drumpf already had a reputation for not paying his bills.

That is the one thing that blows me away about Trump supporters.  They see Trump as a successful businessman.  But the way he has run his businesses has been this -  he hires or contracts with people, promising them a certain amount of money.  Then he doesn't follow through on his end, makes a profit, screws them out of their money, and he walks away.  His "success"  in business is based on a pattern of not keeping promises.  So why would anyone put him in charge of an entire country, and trust what he says he's going to do?

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3 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

My friend's father was a contractor here in NY, until just a few years ago when he retired. He was approached to do work for Drumpf in the 80s. He turned it down, because Drumpf already had a reputation for not paying his bills.


2 hours ago, backformore said:

That is the one thing that blows me away about Trump supporters.  They see Trump as a successful businessman.  But the way he has run his businesses has been this -  he hires or contracts with people, promising them a certain amount of money.  Then he doesn't follow through on his end, makes a profit, screws them out of their money, and he walks away.  His "success"  in business is based on a pattern of not keeping promises.  So why would anyone put him in charge of an entire country, and trust what he says he's going to do?

Why hasn't the media made an issue of this?  He's supposed to be such a great businessman but not one person from the business world has come forward to endorse him, or said "I've worked with him many times over the years and would happily work with him again because he's an honest, trustworthy man."  Meanwhile, plenty of people have stepped forward to talk about his cheating and conniving ways.  

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4 hours ago, clb1016 said:


Why hasn't the media made an issue of this?  He's supposed to be such a great businessman but not one person from the business world has come forward to endorse him, or said "I've worked with him many times over the years and would happily work with him again because he's an honest, trustworthy man."  Meanwhile, plenty of people have stepped forward to talk about his cheating and conniving ways.  

Define "the media" and "a big deal".

I've seen plenty of stories on it. The reason it's not having more of an impact is that the Trumpettes dismiss it roundly as "left wing media bias" and ignore it.

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14 minutes ago, Kromm said:

The reason it's not having more of an impact is that the Trumpettes dismiss it roundly as "left wing media bias" and ignore it.

Haven't you heard?  donald did have it all handed down to him like Hillary did with her parents.  alt/right must be from alt/universe.

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11 hours ago, gatopretoNYC said:

She also has the money to hire the best tutors, if she was so inclined. 

True and I was thinking along those same lines.  Then it occurred to me that probably Chester  Cheato prefers she retain a thicker accent because of reasons I prefer not to think about.  As for grammar, she's got the best tutor possible in him - he knows all the best words!

Edited by DeLurker
Because the adjective orange isn't necessary to describe a Cheeto.
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