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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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On 11/27/2016 at 2:18 PM, backformore said:

Kelly Anne Conway is praising how "gracious"  trump is being for not prosecuting Hillary Clinton.   HUH?   Does anyone on his team understand the branches of government and how our country works?  

I doubt it.

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58 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

I wouldn't. Given his extremist views on LGBTQ people, Jewish people, and others. But to be honest, both him and Trump are bad.

It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place (or was it Lindsey Graham who once said it was like being asked if you'd rather be poisoned or shot?).


1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

I don't think I agree with the theory that he's tweeting insane conspiracy theories to distract from all the corruption. Distraction is the end result, but I don't give him credit for that level of deliberate strategy.

I read an article a while back by someone who said the same thing.  He's not smart enough to think that strategically. 

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I just saw that Roger Stone said that Trump would re-examine prosecuting Hillary if she goes along with the recount.  Nice that they don't feel any pressure to even pretend this isn't going to be a dictatorship.  

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51 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place (or was it Lindsey Graham who once said it was like being asked if you'd rather be poisoned or shot?).


I read an article a while back by someone who said the same thing.  He's not smart enough to think that strategically. 

Yep, only that was in regards of them choosing between him and Ted Cruz. It still could apply to the situation as of now though.

And he did get Drumpf right:


The South Carolina Republican said earlier this week that Trump is "all-over-the-board" crazy and added Thursday that Cruz is "ideological to a fault" and couldn't help grow the party, particularly with Hispanic voters.


A bit more on that:



"I think Donald Trump is all-over-the-board crazy," he told Fox News's "Fox and Friends." "I think you're crazy if you think you're going to deport American born citizen children of illegal immigrants. I think that's just demagoguery." 


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6 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

The problem with that is that we'd be stuck with Pence.

You're right. Certainly, Pence isn't better, BUT he will never own the bully pulpit like tRump does. If tRump isn't the rallying point, their megaphone mouthpiece vanishes and the people that voted for their sleazebag savior are left with the the people they've left in the dust before but with the same policies that we're all about to be butt-raped with that tRump and the rethugs will be cramming down, on, in around for the rest of eternity anyway. How popular will that be? How popular will this bankrupt, corrupt so-called party and their agenda be when their Social Security payments and Medicare coverage ends? Without their mini Hitler-wannabe, they got nothin' but butt fucks for all. How long will that stay popular and trending with a hashtag?

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1 minute ago, Toomuchsoap said:

You're right. Certainly, Pence isn't better, BUT he will never own the bully pulpit like tRump does. If tRump isn't the rallying point, their megaphone mouthpiece vanishes and the people that voted for their sleazebag savior are left with the the people they've left in the dust before but with the same policies that we're all about to be butt-raped with that tRump and the rethugs will be cramming down, on, in around for the rest of eternity anyway. How popular will that be? How popular will this bankrupt, corrupt so-called party and their agenda be when their Social Security payments and Medicare coverage ends? Without their mini Hitler-wannabe, they got nothin' but butt fucks for all. How long will that stay popular and trending with a hashtag?

Yea. He's basically their puppet/dis-tractor. He'll continue to do what he does in regards to spinning and lying to try to distract the public to any real threats. Very good point. Betting they won't be so thrilled of him then.

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You guys, he's retweeting a 16 year old twitter troll about voter fraud.

He. Is. Insane. He's insane.

How can our government let this happen? This man is mentally unstable and unfit for office. I don't see how this is allowed to go on.

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Christ on a cracker, the hell?   This can't go on.  

I need to figure out how to sell Canada on retroactively adopting me.   I think I might need a freaking xanax.  Clearly, I'm not alone in that, Trump. 

Edited by stillshimpy
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I can't wait until he has to start meeting world leaders like Angela Merkel who are so far out of his intelligence class that it's not even funny, and then Melanoma gets to hang out with Angela's husband the quantum chemist. I don't even know what they would talk about.


ETA, it pleases me immensely that one of my favorite actors, Chris Evans, is so very outspoken against anything Orangina on Twitter that it makes me love him even more. Captain America doesn't want anything to do with you, you orange turd.

Edited by galaxygirl76
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2 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Best we can do is to ignore it. He's trying to distract people.

I am trying to imagine what horrific thing he could be trying to distract us from if this dire predicament is the fucking distractionary technique.   Luckily, I'm so panicked that my mind is drawing an utter blank. 

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51 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Yea. He's basically their puppet/dis-tractor. He'll continue to do what he does in regards to spinning and lying to try to distract the public to any real threats. Very good point. Betting they won't be so thrilled of him then.

It finally came to me tonight: tRump is the rethug's Trojan horse.With the announcement of Price from Georgia being nominated for H&HS - a guy who is totally onboard with voucherizing Medicare, just like Paulie-boy Ryan,  this amounts to nothing more than a classic bait and switch. These stupid, stupid fucks. The rust belt just elected the guy who is going to pull the last plug on their black lung, asbestos-mesothelioma-ridden last gasp. Well, FUCK YOU!,  you too stupid to live idiots! Die sooner. 

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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I know I post a lot of tweets & articles, but I don't always agree with the content.  I just think it's important to get eyeballs on a lot of that stuff.  With that said, I agree w/ The National article I posted earlier that Trump's campaign rhetoric about rigged elections + his crazed tweet storms this week are a prelude to voter suppression that the GOP controlled...well, everything (sigh)...will push through various means.

I know the consensus here is that he's just too stupid to have a plan, but I think it's dangerous to not see the pattern:  HE ALWAYS TELLS US WHAT HE'S GONNA DO.  He's been underestimated for 18 months.  I think it's time to stop & start taking what he says seriously.

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Given that trump is scrambling to fill 4000 positions that he didn't even know he had to fill until a couple weeks ago, you'd think he'd be too busy to Twitter. By nightfall, shouldn't he be spending 'quality time' with his 5 kids and 8 grandkids?    What is the point of these tirades...and how soon will he commit a serious foreign policy faux pas on Twitter? 

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Again, if the distractionary technique is "Look!! An unhinged lunatic with the impulse control of a toddler in a sugar crash will soon have power over your personal safety and well-being!"  

I mean, voter suppression is of great concern but that man is deranged and that's also an imminent problem. 

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58 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

I am trying to imagine what horrific thing he could be trying to distract us from if this dire predicament is the fucking distractionary technique.   Luckily, I'm so panicked that my mind is drawing an utter blank. 

I'm watching Rachel Maddow, and they mentioned about trying to privatize the VA. So I'm betting that's one thing he's trying to distract people from.


50 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

Again, if the distractionary technique is "Look!! An unhinged lunatic with the impulse control of a toddler in a sugar crash will soon have power over your personal safety and well-being!"  

I mean, voter suppression is of great concern but that man is deranged and that's also an imminent problem. 

Yea it is. And one big thing that should be kept an eye on. Keep them held accountable for their actions.


54 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

I know I post a lot of tweets & articles, but I don't always agree with the content.  I just think it's important to get eyeballs on a lot of that stuff.  With that said, I agree w/ The National article I posted earlier that Trump's campaign rhetoric about rigged elections + his crazed tweet storms this week are a prelude to voter suppression that the GOP controlled...well, everything (sigh)...will push through various means.

I know the consensus here is that he's just too stupid to have a plan, but I think it's dangerous to not see the pattern:  HE ALWAYS TELLS US WHAT HE'S GONNA DO.  He's been underestimated for 18 months.  I think it's time to stop & start taking what he says seriously.

Good point. And that's a very scary prospect. 

I agree on that. Keep eyes on anything that hints at that, but for anything really off the wall... pay attention to any news stories that he's trying to distract others from.

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9 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Best we can do is to ignore it. He's trying to distract people.


29 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Someone is having a meltdown. 


Thank you so much for this! I laughed till I cried. Our incoming president is a certifiable nutcase!!!!  He's even speaking of himself in third person, lol.

But I disagree about not being distracted by it. Unlike Tubby, WE can multi-task! I think it's very important to remember that he's shown himself a pathological liar on the campaign, is already proving corrupt in mixing business with power-politics , is choosing the least experienced Cabinet ever, is refusing daily presidential intelligence briefings while quoting InfoWars and defending Putin...

...(deep breath)... and STILL is acting like a loon over the election which he (technically) won, but is now calling fraudulent (only in states where Hillary won) while having a BIG tantrum over Jill Stein requesting a recount of the votes in states which were an expected Democratic lock!

Oh, and bashing CNN where his buddy Jeff Zucker has tried to destroy news by putting Tubby's sycophants on throughout the day to rebut any actual journalism that might be happening there!!!

We can remember all this and still watch twitter where our chubby little-fingered president is having a paranoid breakdown!!!!  He is not normal!!! We must pay attention and remember this! None of what Trump is doing or saying on Twitter is normal!!!! He's a nutcase!!!!

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11 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Best we can do is to ignore it. He's trying to distract people.

For real. Insane he may be (and is, Christ, he is) but he's not stupid. He is a master manipulator of possibly sociopathic proportions. He knows just what to say and do to get the media riled up and focused on anything else but whatever it is he doesn't want them to actually focus on. He is playing them like a fiddle just as he has throughout this entire election and they keep fucking falling for it. I want someone, anyone, on any of these cable news shows to haul off and scream directly into the camera that Lump is trolling everyone with these nonsensical tweet bombs, tossing out red herrings to steer the conversation away from what's really going on so he can carry on with whatever subterfuge he's up to with as little scrutiny as possible. Please, somebody do this.

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44 minutes ago, Padma said:


Thank you so much for this! I laughed till I cried. Our incoming president is a certifiable nutcase!!!!  He's even speaking of himself in third person, lol.

But I disagree about not being distracted by it. Unlike Tubby, WE can multi-task! I think it's very important to remember that he's shown himself a pathological liar on the campaign, is already proving corrupt in mixing business with power-politics , is choosing the least experienced Cabinet ever, is refusing daily presidential intelligence briefings while quoting InfoWars and defending Putin...

...(deep breath)... and STILL is acting like a loon over the election which he (technically) won, but is now calling fraudulent (only in states where Hillary won) while having a BIG tantrum over Jill Stein requesting a recount of the votes in states which were an expected Democratic lock!

Oh, and bashing CNN where his buddy Jeff Zucker has tried to destroy news by putting Tubby's sycophants on throughout the day to rebut any actual journalism that might be happening there!!!

We can remember all this and still watch twitter where our chubby little-fingered president is having a paranoid breakdown!!!!  He is not normal!!! We must pay attention and remember this! None of what Trump is doing or saying on Twitter is normal!!!! He's a nutcase!!!!

Fair point. Maybe in terms of the really out there tweets. We just have to make sure to keep one eye open for anything that he's trying to distract us from. 


43 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

For real. Insane he may be (and is, Christ, he is) but he's not stupid. He is a master manipulator of possibly sociopathic proportions. He knows just what to say and do to get the media riled up and focused on anything else but whatever it is he doesn't want them to actually focus on. He is playing them like a fiddle just as he has throughout this entire election and they keep fucking falling for it. I want someone, anyone, on any of these cable news shows to haul off and scream directly into the camera that Lump is trolling everyone with these nonsensical tweet bombs, tossing out red herrings to steer the conversation away from what's really going on so he can carry on with whatever subterfuge he's up to with as little scrutiny as possible. Please, somebody do this.

Word. Best anyone can do along with that is to not reply to it. Don't feed the troll. Like the recent article about it said to do. 

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50 minutes ago, stillshimpy said:

Christ on a cracker, the hell?   This can't go on.  

I need to figure out how to sell Canada on retroactively adopting me.   I think I might need a freaking xanax.  Clearly, I'm not alone in that, Trump. 


You'll note that Trudeau is now in several crosshairs.  If I wore tinfoil hats I would say that if there is some kind of cabal that was behind Comey or made sure to officiate the marriage made in ironic hell that is between Putin and Assange, Trudeau and Merkel would have huge targets on their backs.  I have greater faith in the people of Canada but Trudeau is not a friend of Putin's Scrotum Carrier in Chief and  I suspect that everything Trudeau does in the future is going to be subjected to similar shit that Putin's Scrotum Carrier in Chief tried with President Obama and of course Hillary Clinton.  This shit has proven to work.  


28 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

I know I post a lot of tweets & articles, but I don't always agree with the content.  I just think it's important to get eyeballs on a lot of that stuff.  With that said, I agree w/ The National article I posted earlier that Trump's campaign rhetoric about rigged elections + his crazed tweet storms this week are a prelude to voter suppression that the GOP controlled...well, everything (sigh)...will push through various means.

I know the consensus here is that he's just too stupid to have a plan, but I think it's dangerous to not see the pattern:  HE ALWAYS TELLS US WHAT HE'S GONNA DO.  He's been underestimated for 18 months.  I think it's time to stop & start taking what he says seriously.


I don't see anything that proves his intelligence.  And the one thing a lack of intelligence does not preclude is the uncanny ability of an egoist to be self-serving and downright cunning when it comes to being walked all the way to third and managing to steal home.  I think plenty of horrible and unintelligent people are cunning and self-serving as hell.  And that is what this Thing is.  He has shown to me that he knows damn well that his ridiculous behavior drowns out the rest of his actions.  I don't think it is some kind of Machiavellian strategy to know that he can be absurd and that is what the press goes with.  I think it is a huge mistake to think that his "policies" and his movements towards establishing his power and authority in any way he can get away with are all happenstance or come from someone else entirely.  Putin's Scrotum Carrier in Chief has proven he recognizes that enough people are distracted and easily blinded to the facts if he is always bringing the circus to town.  He doesn't have to have strategies built within machinations wrapped around intrigues.  He doesn't have to be brilliant.  All he does is have to realize that if he waves one little tiny hand in one direction, he can take the other equally tiny hand and grab whatever he wants by the pussy.

Edited by tenativelyyours
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You know, whether or not there is any strategy involved in the Tweets, I honestly believe this is genuinely what he’s interested in. It’s always been his focus: winning. I’ve never seen any evidence that he really cares whether or not Medicare or Social Security goes down—remember this is a guy who railed against Obamacare without seeming to understand what it was. I could believe that this is actually what he’d rather be doing, and that all this other stuff that’s so awful is just the distraction for him.

Like he’s hiring terrible people, but not because he really wants to gut public schools or whatever. It’s just this person is nice to him and gave money to the campaign. And he knows she has something to do with schools. It’s not completely random since all of these people have a pattern, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the people around him who are really directing this stuff while he’s far more interested in what he’s always been interested in: his personal triumph and gain. So it really does bother him that people say he lost. He really does want to pretend he, personally, kept plants that were never leaving the country in the country, or that he’s trying to get another one to stay here just by calling people on the phone. I think all his other decisions are based on a) what he's convinced will make him impressive to the people right in front of him at that moment and b) what will make him money.

He’s a master at manipulation, but it’s always been in the service of himself. The way he, for instance, acts reasonable when he’s in a room full of NYT reporters and strikes a thoughtful, open-mind pose that gives them room to project their own way of thinking onto him...only to actually hire people who say, for instance, that climate change denial is central to his campaign.

Even the stuff about his many conflicts of interests are things I can absolutely believe he doesn’t see as a problem so why distract from it? He’s said outright that he thinks he should be able to both focus on make money for himself and be president. He’s had his daughter and son-in-law in on meetings. He’s met with business partners. He’s talked business with foreign leaders. He’s been as open about that as he is about his Twitter rants. To me it seems like it’s not so much letting him distract us from the things he doesn’t want us to see so much as us seeing things the way he does, where voter fraud really is the biggest outrage (even if that’s due to his lies about it) and conflicts of interests are somehow just expected.

Also, the stuff he rants about on Twitter is simple. The votes against him are fake. The Hamilton cast was rude. A famous person met with him. They're all about him. As the writer of the Art of the Deal said, I believe, that's literally the only thing he can really focus on. If it's not about him in that moment he doesn't care.

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Keith Olbermann is convinced that Donald Trump is insane, not just in that "Crazy Eddie, his prices are IN-SA-A-A-A-A-ANE!" kind of way, but actual mental imbalance and a danger to the United States and the world. Is he fearmongering?

The link is to Olbermann's Twitter & "Resistance" video series on GQ. 

The part of tonight's insane @realDonaldTrump tweetstorm that the media will not address: HE IS IN FACT INSANE

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39 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

I'm watching Rachel Maddow, and they mentioned about trying to privatize the VA. So I'm betting that's one thing he's trying to distract people from.

Right! How the hell will rump and his thugs spin selling out the very people who fight for our country, and will that finally wake up his legion on lemmings?

Rachel also mentioned how rumpy's campaign received big money from the CEO of the Dakota pipeline project, his stock holdings in the pipeline co, and his Phillips 66 investments. And the mainline repubs aren't saying a word.

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1 minute ago, bittersweet4149 said:

Right! How the hell will rump and his thugs spin selling out the very people who fight for our country, and will that finally wake up his legion on lemmings?

Rachel also mentioned how rumpy's campaign received big money from the CEO of the Dakota pipeline project, his stock holdings in the pipeline co, and his Phillips 66 investments. And the mainline repubs aren't saying a word.

Exactly. Will they just continue to be sheeple or will they wake up?

Yep. I'm betting that'll be one of the first things he'll try to push through. And the Republicans aren't even willing to say a thing.

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On 11/25/2016 at 7:33 PM, windsprints said:

He will likely never address the fact that he is not the people's choice but the gap keeps widening:



He ran on the Electoral college, not the popular vote.  If he had, you don't know that he wouldn't have won the popular vote.

In other news, Hillary hasn't addressed losing the most states and the most counties.


On 11/25/2016 at 8:07 PM, ruby24 said:

God, those numbers. This seems so, so wrong every time I look at it. What kind of democracy are we if the person who gets 2 million LESS votes gets handed the presidency anyway?

I wish there was SOME sort of contingency plan in the Constitution for a situation like this, where the gap was this dramatic. Something that said, in the case of a million more votes given to the candidate who lost the EC then...I don't know, some sort of run-off must take place.

For the millionth time, if they had run on the popular vote, they would have run a different campaign.

You don't have rules and then when you lose, decide you don't like those rules.

In the 1960 World Series the Yankees outscored the Pirates by double, but lost 4 games to 3. 

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13 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Keith Olbermann is convinced that Donald Trump is insane, not just in that "Crazy Eddie, his prices are IN-SA-A-A-A-A-ANE!" kind of way, but actual mental imbalance and a danger to the United States and the world. Is he fearmongering?

The link is to Olbermann's Twitter & "Resistance" video series on GQ. 

The part of tonight's insane @realDonaldTrump tweetstorm that the media will not address: HE IS IN FACT INSANE

I'm afraid Keith Olbermann is going to stroke out! Is his series getting wide views? We  cannot allow Trump to continue on like this!

A groan worthy dose of humor: What do you get when  you cross a lemming and a parrot? A Trump supporter.

Edited by theredhead77
Holy tablet posting, Batman! Corrected words and sentences.
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I don't think he's fearmongering. See, when people get to this level they're basically saying, oh he's not THAT bad. But he is!

And yes, this man is mentally unstable, has no control over himself and that is exactly WHY he's unfit for the office! Even pushing aside what a scumbag he is, the racism, the misogyny, the fact that he's a fraud and con man- we've had awful men in that seat before, and I understand that.

But this? A dangerous demagogue with zero qualifications to do a job of any kind (he wouldn't get hired at a 7-11), zero grasp of reality, a sociopath with a personality disorder, an inability to read or accept basic facts? That is why this man is unfit to govern, unfit to do ANYTHING. So yeah, let's just hand him control of the most powerful military in the world. Are WE insane? This is madness.

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5 hours ago, debbie311 said:

I cried bitter tears for days after this election.  Now, I really WANT to be able to respect Trump, but I can't!  I don't like feeling this way about the President.  There have been Presidents I didn't care for, but this guy is off the charts. He continues to make an ass out of himself.  He is not going to change.  He has no class and no impulse control.  He's an idiot

Yes, that's exactly how I feel.  There have been presidents I haven't agreed with, and haven't respected,  but I was able to respect that they held the office and were doing what they thought was best for the country.   They might have flaws, but they were driven to serve the country.

Wit Trump, I can't say that.  He is completely , 100% driven by his ego.   People around him kiss up to him, and they are then in positions of influence.  He doesn't see through bullshit and ass-kissing,  because his need for ass-kissing is so great. 

Also - I consider myself to be pretty intelligent.  I want a president to be smarter than me.  I know I couldn't do the job, so when I see someone like Trump - I know he's going to be terrible at it.  He doesn't have the basic intelligence, the ability to look at the big picture, to control his impulsivity.  He lacks the ability to put ideas into coherent sentences.  When shit happens, I need to have trust that the president is smart enough that he/she can handle whatever crisis occurs. 

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I do know that watching this bloated cretinous piece of bile shit all over himself as he essentially shows how much a popular vote win meant and how he thought he could pull it out and how much he fears a recount and what it might show.  I mean there is the hilarious meme that he ran to win on the Electoral college even though he claimed that was part of the fix just weeks ago prior to the election and now he is screaming like his little dick is caught in a fold of his double layered Spanx over fraud for the popular vote.

I mean c'mon.  Insane.  Intelligent,  Cunning.  All of the above?  Whatever the case, watching him essentially shit all over himself on social media, for free, is a joy to behold.  I say let the Bulls of Man Baby Drumpflona Run in the Streets for all to see.  I'm actually thinking in his efforts to ruin whatever he can't hae, all he will do is ruin his own.  And the best part is he is doing it in his typical two conflicting opinions from the same person in the same moment.  He is his own worst enemy.  I'm surprised he doesn't get stuck in a loop when he gazes at himself in the mirror every time he comes back from having his hair stitched back to the edges of his scalp.  Standing there staring at himself and saying over and over again "Wrong!". 

There is something also so satisfying to see him craft such a heinous and laughable legacy for those leeches he spawned and the son-in-law that married into the swarm.   Let's face it.  Lard Fried Cheeto might last another decade, decade and half.   Those insipid mediocre grifters trying to cash in are seeing the vile teat they suckle from essentially shit on their chances of a truly influential future.  Unless that dimbulb Jared and the two halfwit brothers-in-law of his plan on moving to Russia in the next four to eight years. 

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Trump doesn't appear to be curious, isn't knowledgeable, and isn't even hard-working. (His strong suit--"manipulative"--really isn't a great recommendation for a president with no principles and no interest in helping people.)

I resent it that he spent so much time today tweeting his nonsense and outright lies, but turned down the PDB that intelligence officers work hard to prepare so that our Commander-in-Chief is able to understand what is happening in the world--including the dangers.

How does he have no interest in this? Aleppo is in crisis. North Korea is close to arming a nuclear warhead with a delivery system that could reach the U.S.  Iran and the Soviets are helping Assad--doesn't he care about his buddy and his, supposed, #1 enemy working together? What is happening on the "most dangerous border in the world"--India and Pakistan?  We're still fighting in Afghanistan. How is that going? What is happening with the Iraqis effort--helped by the U.S.--in Mosul?  And in Europe... trends, the leaders--who, what, their issues.

It's impossible to understand why Donald Trump, president-elect, doesn't care about any of this but is glad to spend lots of hours watching television and tweeting his criticisms of CNN.

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11 hours ago, galaxygirl76 said:

ETA, it pleases me immensely that one of my favorite actors, Chris Evans, is so very outspoken against anything Orangina on Twitter that it makes me love him even more. Captain America doesn't want anything to do with you, you orange turd.

Yeah,  I have found a bunch of celebs to be very smart and outspoken on Twitter.  Debra Messing has earned my respect.   And a favorite author,  Joyce Carol Oates is brilliant on twitter.  

(Joyce Carol Oates once re-tweeted me!  I was in fangirl heaven!) 

Trevor Noah did an excellent piece on Trump's conflict of interest tonight. 

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19 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

I do know that watching this bloated cretinous piece of bile shit all over himself as he essentially shows how much a popular vote win meant and how he thought he could pull it out and how much he fears a recount and what it might show.  I mean there is the hilarious meme that he ran to win on the Electoral college even though he claimed that was part of the fix just weeks ago prior to the election and now he is screaming like his little dick is caught in a fold of his double layered Spanx over fraud for the popular vote. 

Yes, it would be funny if it weren't real. All the way up to the election, Trump couldn't stop griping about the "rigged system" that was going to rob him of his rightful win. (If he didn't win, the "only explanation is cheating"). Clearly he was talking about the Electoral College which was clearly locked up for Clinton with very little pathway for Trump, since he would have to win nearly every battleground state--and even his own polls showed that wasn't happening.

Then... surprise! The "rigged" part showed he won and the "votes cast" part--the part he assumed he would win--showed that he LOST. 

All of a sudden, he's saying "I was just campaigning to win the (rigged) Electoral College! Never thought about getting the most votes! Who knew? If I'd only tried for that surely Clinton  (who was also only in battleground states) wouldn't have had a chance!"

Memo to Tubby: If you'd spent more time in California, even more people would have turned out to vote for Hillary.  We're a blue state--the only one with a supermajority in both houses of our state government. Your ugly, hate-filled campaign and lies about Clinton (and so much more) would NOT have won Hillary's millions of votes and turned them for you. More likely, seeing you and the danger you represent would have boosted Democrats to turnout even more.

P.S. I just heard that you lost to Jill Stein in Oakland, CA. Just sayin'.

Edited by Padma
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Huff Post on the conflict of Interest issue:

Democrats Ask Oversight Committee To Investigate Trump’s Potential Conflicts Of Interest


Democrats on the House Oversight Committee on Monday asked the committee’s chairman, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), to look into President-elect Donald Trump’s financial entanglements and make sure he’s not breaking the law.

“The scope of Mr. Trump’s conflicts of interest around the world is unprecedented,” the 17 Democrats on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee wrote. “Over the past two weeks, new revelations have raised serious concerns about the intermingling of Mr. Trump’s businesses and his responsibilities as president.”


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48 minutes ago, backformore said:


Also - I consider myself to be pretty intelligent.  I want a president to be smarter than me.  I know I couldn't do the job, so when I see someone like Trump - I know he's going to be terrible at it.  He doesn't have the basic intelligence, the ability to look at the big picture, to control his impulsivity.  He lacks the ability to put ideas into coherent sentences.  When shit happens, I need to have trust that the president is smart enough that he/she can handle whatever crisis occurs. 

I feel like this too. I know for a fact that I am smarter than this man. I know how the government works and what the three branches actually do. I've actually read the Constitution, because as a poli-sci major in college, I had to. And I know that he has not. That he couldn't name any of the amendments, the departments, or what anyone actually does.

The fact that I genuinely believe that I could do better job as president than the guy that got elected...HORRIFIES me. It makes me feel totally unsafe. And the people around him are no better! So we're even worse off. This is awful.

Edited by ruby24
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Looks who is at it already today. He's moved on from "the failing NY Times" to CNN. I really want CNN and other media outlets to hammer the point that he hasn't yet done a press conference. Let's get him up there alone in front of the press with questions being thrown at him instead of him sitting with his phone tweeting his nonsense.



Edited by windsprints
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I think trump skips the daily briefings because the two he had scared the $&@) out of him and he's buried his head in the sand.


also. The next 4 years are going to be a constant stream of explaining to him what freedom of speech and expression means. As low class as burning the flag is, it's legal to do so and a symbol that we DO have freedom of expression. 

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Seriously, I really fucking hate him. And his entire disgusting family. And the fuckwads he's choosing to populate his cabinet and advisory team. Every time I think I'm starting to be functional again, I see his face on the TV or online and I want to puke. He is the fucking Antichrist. And all those idiot "Christians" proclaiming their Orange Savior make me really glad I converted to judaism. Because if this is what it means to call yourself christian these days…no, thank you.

Every day, another stupid tweet, another appalling choice for important positions, another indignity. More reports of entitled white assholes spouting off about how they're being mistreated by the "libtards" and how they're taking America back. I love how Tang the Conqueror blathered on about how America was a cesspool when he was running, but now things are great because he won. And the Democrats were talking about how great this country is - guess we were wrong too.

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I really don't know what he is trying to accomplish with his insane tweets. I've heard the whole "he's trying to distract you" theory, but I'm not sure I buy it. It's like a little kid who sets the kitchen on fire and doesn't want his parents to find out (even though they WILL EVENTUALLY), so to "distract them" from that, he sets their BEDROOM on fire and screams "look at me! I did it! I set the bedroom on fire! BEHOLD!!!" It's not as if these tweets don't make him look even worse. I just don't get it.

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9 hours ago, backformore said:

Oh, these lovable simpleton Polyannas, these Democrats! Chaffetz only 'investigates' Hillary. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, guys. 

You guys need to start figuring out what to tell your constituents back home when they start receiving letters from Humana, Blue Cross, etc., on January 21st telling them they've been dropped from their health insurance plans ... for reasons. They need to start figuring out how to tell their young adult kids and their friends, that the burden of future eldercare for dear old Mom and Dad- all of it now, from drugs, to housing, to bedpans and feeding, is going to be their leisure time responsibility now, like it was in those glorious "good old golden days" when things were whiter and everything was just fine for all. Everyone who is not now on Social Security and Medicare better start planning very, very judiciously, meticulously, about how they plan to "save" every penny they ever earn, assuming they actually earn anything above what is needed immediately for their day-to-day expenses, so that they'll have a little something stashed away for that cold, rainy day when they're old, hungry, almost destitute, sick and can't afford health care or medicine and there's nobody there to help them. Bye, bye independence, Grampa and Granny! You're going to be living with Jr. now, with Jr's wifey-poo taking care of you, that is if they have an abode that will accommodate you. You old white men and your fat old white wives better start 'splainin to the young'uns  that takin' care of the old folks all of 'em is now in their hands, just like it used to be in the good old days of the Dust Bowls and Hoovervilles. Ah! Good times! Just like the good old days!

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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