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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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I hope people realize that this is NOTHING like marriage therapy. 

What bugs me -  the show invited Nikko on, in order to create drama.  NOT to solve anything, just to stir things up.  Also - if this "boot camp"  actually gave a shit about these couples, there would not be a fully stocked bar, and then cameras to watch what happens when people drink.   A glass of wine at the end of the day?  perhaps.  But if it were any kind of therapeutic retreat to help people improve relationships,  there would be no booze.

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I was laughing so hard at the DRAMATIC music at Jim and Amber's "ring ceremony".  and did the lady "doctor/counselor/coach" say that was "the most disingenuous display of bullshit I've ever seen?"  because part of it was bleeped. At least they depicted those two as the famewhores they are.

Tanner was hedging his bets, with the ring in his pocket.  just in case Jade didn't have his ring to give him, he had the empty box to say "fine, I don't want you either" so he wouldn't be humiliated.   the ring in his pocket meant he was prepared for either scenario.  He seems like an immature jerk.

Wow. Another group of Z-listers I barely know. So far, I can't say I like anybody. The Duggar ("I'm the 'rebel' Duggar.") and her husband are hiding something. They're going to implode under the pressure. The Bad Girl and her baby's father (Victor?) are already exploding. This season's ex-Bachelorette and her trophy are another fake pair. She's a grinner and he's a nit-picker (that's a ripoff of a joke I'm probably the only one here old enough to remember from "Hee-Haw.") I don't have much of a feel for the others yet. I do think Renee had good instincts when she separated Bad Girl (Gabi?) and her guy ("You take him for a walk.") before the argument escalated any further.

It's going to be an interesting season.

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So for each couple, one plays dead - with horror makeup and everything, and the counselors, in solemn voices proclaim "there's been an accident."  The partner is supposed to fake grief, break down, cry?   And then when a couple gets out of character and starts laughing (I would do the same)  it's "Do you think this is a joke?"   Good Lord!  Dr. V seems so condescending, like she's the vice principal talking to junior high kids.  

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Wow no comments yet three days after airing?  Tells you how unpopular this show is.  Why am I the only idiot watching it? :)

I just had to comment that I am ticked off that no one calls these people when they are emotionally abusive, or disrespectful.  Then again, that would be most of what's aired on the show.  What particularly angers me is the way that skinny loser dude (sorry, don't know names of these jackasses yet) talked to his girlfriend, the twin.  Maybe her twin is rude, but I think she has a point, this guy is disrespectful and needs to grow up.  He called his girlfriend's twin a "ho" several times and no one told him that was wrong.  These "doctors" are full of beans.

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Hmmm I think I watched 2 of these tonight in my usual spotty way.  I was thinking that hour was really long, and I think it was 2 episodes.  What I recall is the kids telling a little of the story of each of the participants.  Good move.  Hadn't seen that technique before.  Amy had a rough time as a child emotionally. She really seems an immature adult, but it's her personality I guess.  Many reasons for it.  Of all things, a visit with Uncle Jim Bob could have been a stable influence in her life.  How about that!  At least that family had married parents who wanted their kids..  Seems she was told she wasn't wanted.  Then the dancing, Dillon seemed to do well with his partner and the exercise.  Amy can't seem to bring herself to be serious or even just have fun without flintiness. Dillion looks like he's not half bad.

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Dr v' s outfit, the maroon high waist  polyester bell bottom pants, with the ruffle blouse tucked in, is a lot like something I wore in the 70's.   Except I didn't have that weird scarf hanging down the back.

The rest of the episode was just weirdly uncomfortable.   The sex puppet exercise is not at all helpful, it is only for the benefit of  the cameras,  humiliating people for entertainment purposes.

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The puppet exercise was horribly cringey, clearly a cheap gimmick for the cameras.  I understood how talking about sex was important though. JP and Ashley annoy me.  This is what you signed up for. This is how you got together. Get over it and stop acting holier than thou about it. I can see why the other couples are frustrated by them. Of course, I would not be comfortable either talking about my sex life on television and with other couples, but come on.

Having said that, they're by far the sanest couple on the show. I despise everything the Duggars stand for, and I found Amy annoying on 19 Kids, but she's pretty likeable here.  Well, in comparison to some of the other couples, at least.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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I watch this show and find it fascinating. I keep forgetting there's a forum for it, though. To reply to your comment, if Dillon weren't such a condescending jerk, everyone wouldn't have noticed it and commented on it. I've met a lot of men like that in my past, but then I'm older than all these couples. I'd never have dated one, much less married one.

So Renee kicked the boyfriend to the curb.  She needed to send his ass packing. Gabby & Baby Daddy also went their separate ways. Good.  Then, they showed a snippet of what's next. Family Bootcamp. Guess who's on with her mom..... Yep, Kendra Basket. Can this girl not get another job besides being on reality teevee? Man, she is thirsty.

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I watched this season, but I think I have to be done.  If a marriage is in trouble, a "boot camp"  might be a good idea, if it were run by people who know what they're doing, and CARE about helping couples improve their relationships. 

Here's what you DON'T do if you want to help couples :

  • Provide a bar stocked with all kinds of alcohol.
  • declare a "hall pass" where they give up wedding rings, go to a dance club, are encourage to act single (do they arrange for others to hit on the contestants?)
  • shame those who may have "crossed a line"  in a club after you encourage them to do so by talking about a "hall pass"
  • Have hidden recording devices to capture all interactions
  • encourage couples to discuss their sexual practices (and act them out with puppets)  in a public forum
  • Make people take lie detector tests and ask them about their THOUGHTS and behavior.  Especially thoughts.  it's OK to have private thoughts.
  • set up scenes where one person is dead and the other has to respond to their death, criticize them if they don't take it seriously.
  • condescendingly use shame and guilt to manipulate  people.

this show has nothing to do with helping people, and everything to do with putting a reality show on TV to embarrass and humiliate them. 

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