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Jenny McCarthy: She Doesn't Want Kids to Get Vaccinated

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Jeez, Jenny, way to hijack the show with your surprise engagement announcement to Donnie Wahlberg. Actually no...thank you for breaking the monotony of Not Hot Topics.

Nice ring. Congrats.

I hope Donnie doesn't expect any kids they have to get vaccinated (although at age 41, Jenny might be past any future kids anyway).

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The Daily Show did a hilarious interview with an ignorant, anti-vaccinator parent, and showed Jenny--as the "expert" influencer of these folks. Lots of derision at the possibility of children /adults dying from catching a disease from the non-vaccinated.  Jenny said that she believes that vaccinations "triggered" her son's autism. Commentator also mentioned third-world countries and their lack of vaccines along with high rates of death. 

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Jenny, like many parents of a child with special needs, was looking for answers, even a cure if you will. I can't fault her for that. There were "experts" making the claims. She didn't make it up and MAKE people do anything, imo.

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Jenny, like many parents of a child with special needs, was looking for answers, even a cure if you will. I can't fault her for that. There were "experts" making the claims. She didn't make it up and MAKE people do anything, imo.

There are so-called experts making EVERY kind of claim.


While I don't think being famous automatically gives you responsibility to be a role model, in this case we have someone who used her celebrity to evangelize something (heavily too--she literally wrote a book about it). That puts the burden squarely on her.

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Also, there was ONE study of 35(33?) kids.

The study was the first of it's type and was NOT ABLE TO BE REPLICATED! This is the foundation of the scientific method: Develop a hypothesis, perform a study to prove/disprove the hypothesis, publish said study. Then other scientists must replicate the results

of the original study to CONFIRM the hypothesis.

The study has been completely debunked and discredited.

Much damage has been done to science through ignorance of the scientific method. In this case, much damage is being done to individuls.

We should be smarter than this - along with safe water and antiobiotics, vaccines are hugely responsible for our basically safe life here. Her ignorant crusade will cause death, and in the case of unvaccinated adults, potential sterility should they catch measles as adults.

Sorry for the yelling - I am so passionate over the anti science zealots and the credulous uneducated goofs (no matter how rich you are)

who hop on board.

And of course, she is trying to duck responsibility with that ridiculous column in the Chicago Tribune recently claiming she is not again vaccines and never was.

Edited by kaygeeret
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IMO it's an individual's job to research any claims made by celebrities or anyone else. As a previous poster said, you'll find opinions and books of all kinds out there. I don't believe anything I'm told without doing lots of my own research.

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IMO it's an individual's job to research any claims made by celebrities or anyone else. As a previous poster said, you'll find opinions and books of all kinds out there. I don't believe anything I'm told without doing lots of my own research.

That doesn't mean to me we can't disdain the celeb for putting shit like that out there.  To me it just means you can't sue them.

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I never had any overwhelming desire for motherhood so I took my birth control pills religiously.  If I had babies, I would have questions about all the added vaccinations, maybe even home school if necessary.  BUT, I would have no problem giving all the old standard ones.


One thing I wouldn't do is put any stock in anything some minor celebrity says.  It's just her opinion - or was her opinion.  Whatever.  I can understand why a mother would be looking for answers though.


Personally, and this is only kinda joking, I blame everything on aspartame - adults and kids. 

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The anti-vaccine crowd really pisses me off because, even for those who are vaccinated or have had the viruses, the effectiveness may expire and/or your body won't produce sufficient antibodies after vaccination/infection. The MMR vaccine is important not only for you but also for those around you. Rubella increases the rate of miscarriage in the first trimester; if the the baby survives, being born with congenital rubella syndrome is a huge risk (infants with cataracts - brain/liver/lung damage -  microencephaly - deafness - abnormal heart). You're contagious before the usual viral symptoms appear (runny nose, sore eyes) and IIRC after they disappear, and some people don't have symptoms at all, not even the rash. Mumps in the first trimester increases the rate of miscarriage; congenital mumps causes respiratory distress in newborns. Chicken pox is highly contagious (90% if you're not immune) and during pregnancy is equally dangerous: neurological problems (mental retardation) - microencephaly - vision defects.  I think the anti-vaccine trend is soooo selfish and self-centered. STFU, Jenny.

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Jenny, like many parents of a child with special needs, was looking for answers, even a cure if you will. I can't fault her for that. There were "experts" making the claims. She didn't make it up and MAKE people do anything, imo.


She has spearheaded the charge against vaccines, has special schools, toys, dvds... and on and on that she profits from.  She also fully supports sites like Generation Rescue and Age of Autism, all based on junk/debunked "science".  It's DANGEROUS for her to have such a prominent spot on national television.


Children are once again dying from HiB, measles and whooping cough outbreaks because of her stupidity and "voice".

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I enjoy Jenny McCarthy and thinks she's a bright lady.   Just as I knew characters on soap operas weren't real people (and I didn't name my children after any of them), I also don't take advice (medical, personal, health, etc.) from celebrities.  I'm never disappointed--often "entertained" but never disappointed.  I hope Jenny can create a nice niche for herself.  Tom Cruise seems to have had decades of wacky ideas and his career is "cruising" along just fine.

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I noticed after Miranda Lambert sang & everyone gathered around her, one of the band members caught Jenny's attention & pointed to another band member who Jenny seemed to know.  She promptly threw her arms out & gave him a big hug.


Personally, I think some people go through phases when they are adamant about this or that, but they "get over it".  e.g. Jessica Alba (who I really like) sells pure baby & household products, but smokes.  That seems hypocritical to me, but ....

Jenny, like many parents of a child with special needs, was looking for answers, even a cure if you will. I can't fault her for that. There were "experts" making the claims. She didn't make it up and MAKE people do anything, imo.

I agree ginger90 & must say if I was the mother of a child with any kind of problem, I'd "move Heaven & earth" to find a cure to help my child.

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When my son was vaccinated (25 years ago), I knew about the claims of autism, but weighed the options of deadly diseases v. autism. I prayed then. He does not have autism.  Since then, I have become a special ed teacher and find the children/adults on the autism spectrum sooooooo widely varied with abilities.  I would now pray that I could handle anything that happened to him--and do more research.


What bothers me about Jenny's claim is that she seems to be looking for someone/something to blame, and took a route that has been disproved, with overwhelming evidence/research/studies.


However, I did read her book about her son when he was little, before she came out against vaccines, and was very impressed with her dedication as well as the patience in dealing with his extreme symptoms/behavior  because of the unknown causes --like gut bacteria affecting some kids on the spectrum, a less than supportive ex-husband, and trying to find help for Evan while working at the same time to pay for his services.


She paid her dues, just not in the research area before speaking out. I hope she has since learned to accept that sometimes there are no answers, and that it's no one's "fault".  It is what it is. We continue to learn and help the kids/all.  



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She paid her dues, just not in the research area before speaking out. I hope she has since learned to accept that sometimes there are no answers, and that it's no one's "fault".  It is what it is. We continue to learn and help the kids/all.

Exactly Tosia!!!  If everything I said & did under stress was stuffed down my throat (& everyone else's), I'm not sure how I would handle it.  I think Jenny, basically, is a sweet woman who has done what she needed to do to progress in her life & address Evan's problems.  More power to her & I don't begrudge her anything.

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She has spearheaded the charge against vaccines, has special schools, toys, dvds... and on and on that she profits from.  She also fully supports sites like Generation Rescue and Age of Autism, all based on junk/debunked "science".  It's DANGEROUS for her to have such a prominent spot on national television.


Children are once again dying from HiB, measles and whooping cough outbreaks because of her stupidity and "voice".

Yeah, while I respect the opinion that people are responsible for themselves, when you have a zealot like McCarthy is on this issue, there's a lot more to counter than just choosing to personally accept or ignore her advice.  That's what I was trying to say. Money talks, and she has it and uses it to advance this dangerous cause, and even if YOU don't believe her advice, some neighbor or cousin of yours might, and it's the kids who pay the price, not the stupid adult.

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Sadly, due to herd immunity, both kids and vulnerable adults pay the price. I have worked in Public Health and this issue bothers me. I rather public institutions and officials not spend their resources on a decades proven strategy to fight off zealots like McCarthy. It affects the overall population health and there are many other health issues that should get the focus.

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Exactly Tosia!!!  If everything I said & did under stress was stuffed down my throat (& everyone else's), I'm not sure how I would handle it.  I think Jenny, basically, is a sweet woman who has done what she needed to do to progress in her life & address Evan's problems.  More power to her & I don't begrudge her anything.


The problem with this train of thought, is that she's under some stress, STILL.  She is not, she is a very wealthy woman that can in fact afford to take care of a special needs child.  Do not get me wrong, I'm happy for Evan that he is doing better - but she PROFITS from all this, with her private schools, toys, dvds and things she sells to people who may not be able to afford them as a substitution for real therapy.


She still equivocates about vaccines publicly while she has an army on the internet spreading lies about them.


I still believe that it is literally DANGEROUS to public health that BW gave her this national platform from which to spew her bullshit.

Edited by NextIteration
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It's true that Jenni caused (and is causing) a lot of damage with her blame on vaccinations for causing autism, and she also is profiting from it. Somehow, this ignorance was taken hold by other ill-informed people, and spread throughout the U.S.    Is Jenni backtracking now on her claims due to possibilities of an epidemic of debilitating diseases and deaths, and resulting lawsuits and public humiliation? Would she even care?

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I still believe that it is literally DANGEROUS to public health that BW gave her this national platform from which to spew her bullshit.

I watch everyday and have not heard her talk about her position on vaccines.  I think BW and BG told her to dial it back for the show. 

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I've been watching most days and I have never heard Jenny say anything pro or con about vaccines. I get the feeling she may still have that opinion that she always had BUT she is smart enough to keep those opinions to herself. Her son relies on her a great deal and I don't think she wants to jeopardize her new and consistent income.

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I believe she has been told not to mention vaccines, but, having her on the show gives her exposure and people will be curious and look her up to find out about her.


This brings the whole vaccine mess alive again.  Plus with the rise in the very diseases vaccines prevent, she is mentioned in articles - even serious articles - regarding the whole "vaccine denier" cabal.


I they were harming only themselves (and the adults have most likely been vaccinated) or their children, then I would say let the fools be.  But they potentially impact everyone.  THey are not very different from climate change deniers who also are going to be responsible for potential harm to our future generations.  We certainly could and should have been making substantive changes years ago and the window is closing for all of us.  Germany has made some great progress, even shutting down their last coal fired plant.  Instead we have been hamstrung by the denier cabal.


Sorry for the digression

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I do think she changed her stance to a degree once she started dating Donnie: a lot of NKOTB fans are mothers, some with autistic kids.  


Like I wrote about her in another thread: I'm not a fan of hers at all.  But I'm not going to pretend that Donnie (who I do know well enough) isn't happy either.  He's definitely in a better place since meeting her.  So his sake, I'm trying my best to be happy for him.  But she's not making it easy. 

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I just read that California has designated the whooping cough outbreak as an epidemic. In the past two weeks, 800 cases were reported. Such a damn shame that so many people bought into the pseudo-scientific claims that vaccines caused autism. Jenny's son will not get any of those childhood diseases because he was vaccinated as we know so well. It just kills me that 800 cases in California alone of a disease that was just about wiped out in the US. I wonder if when she reads this news if she will ever speak out on the show about it. Add to that her claims that she 'cured' her son... wouldn't that imply that he never had it in the first place and it throws her whole theory off?

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800 cases? Yikes. I wonder what the stats were like before JM began her crusade. I've followed the vaccine subject on various boards for years and it seems to me the anti-vaccine crowd has shifted their focus a bit from autism to Alzheimer's, as well as from autism to "I decide what I put into my child's body, not the government." Herd immunity be damned, I guess.

If TPTB have indeed barred Jenny from discussing the subject or even just politely asked her not to go there, good (although in a more perfect world it should be a major topic for any panel geared towards women). But it saddens me that Oprah, the media and publishers ever gave her a platform in the first place.

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800 cases? Yikes. I wonder what the stats were like before JM began her crusade. I've followed the vaccine subject on various boards for years and it seems to me the anti-vaccine crowd has shifted their focus a bit from autism to Alzheimer's, as well as from autism to "I decide what I put into my child's body, not the government." Herd immunity be damned, I guess.

If TPTB have indeed barred Jenny from discussing the subject or even just politely asked her not to go there, good (although in a more perfect world it should be a major topic for any panel geared towards women). But it saddens me that Oprah, the media and publishers ever gave her a platform in the first place.

Some of the unvaccinated in California are immigrants from other countries, many of whom can't get and/or afford medical care here. And so they and their kids may get whooping cough (or other diseases). I am in my 40'S and live in Ohio, and my doctor just gave me the shot as well as she said many elderly around here are coming down with it. I'm not sure what's going on.

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Some of the unvaccinated in California are immigrants from other countries, many of whom can't get and/or afford medical care here. And so they and their kids may get whooping cough (or other diseases). I am in my 40'S and live in Ohio, and my doctor just gave me the shot as well as she said many elderly around here are coming down with it. I'm not sure what's going on.

Fair enough. I suppose there's no hard data as to who is coming down with whooping cough as a result of her anti-vax platform v other reasons such as immigration or the vaccine itself not conferring life-long immunity after all. Either way, perhaps the spike in cases will have the positive effect of encouraging her true believers to rethink their stance. Doubtful, though, as they seem to prefer anecdotal horror stories to hard science, as is their right.

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Jenny is not responsible for the segment of the population that shrieks, "The gummint ain't gonna tell me how to raise muh kids!" and won't vaccinate because of that.

Edited by Lava VaVoom
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While I agree they have the right to think science is a lie, they do not have a right to put others in danger, and that is what they are doing.


I live in Wisconsin and we are still offering free childhood vaccinations to everyone regardless of ability to pay.  I know plenty of people who got their kids vaccinated for free.


Adults who are getting boosters, etc. do have to pay.

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Jenny is not responsible for the segment of the population that shrieks, "The gummint ain't gonna tell me how to raise muh kids!" and won't vaccinate because of that.

Not responsible ultimately, no, but that's not the same thing as saying she doesn't have A responsibility to not funnel money and support to organizations that support that point of view.  Who spread disinformation--and it's the availability of wrong information that's dangerous.  


It's the same argument as funneling money to terrorist organizations, albeit in a more limited form.  Except in this case substitute "threat of blowing stuff up" with "help them spread false information that can help people make bad decisions".  You aren't literally getting in people's heads and taking their will away, but it's wrong to swear off ANY kind of responsibility simply because people that stubborn exist anyway, and you didn't create them.  There's another group who aren't those folks who can be swayed into actions they only half want to do anyway when they see information that supports their existing prejudices, etc.

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I think a simple "I have had views but I urge you to speak with your doctor before formulating an opinion" would have been a good move on Jenny's part. Just don't completely ignore it, ffs. As usual, it's The View leaving people in the dark about what needs to be discussed.

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Today on CNN they were discussing a woman that held joint custody with her husband in Fl.....she took the child and is on the run - now wanted for kidnapping. All because he was going to get the 2 year old vaccinated. I believe in this case it is the gov can't tell me how to raise my child argument. Nonetheless one of the guests on the panel referred to "Jenny McCarthy."


She really needs to discuss this subject honestly and where she stands now and why - being the scientist she is. Sigh

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Whoopi reminds us that OJ Simpson's "Bronco chase" was 20 years ago.  Jenny adds, "And now Court TV is a very popular station."  Oops!  Was that Jenny's research or the 4am guy's?  Court TV went away six years ago!   It became TruTV (did we even see live court cases?)...and eventually HLN.

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These celebrity "writers" have ghost writers who actually write these books. I don't think Jenny has enough brain power to write a whole book.

We're having cases of whooping cough here in Western Pa along with quite a few cases of measles. Sorry to say, but there's a certain percentage of the population who listen to whatever any celebrity says and sees those words as 100% truth. Face it, we have a lot of gullible people in this country who look at people like Jenny McCarthy and Susan Sommers and see them as arbiters of the truth and nothing but the truth. That's why people like McCarthy are inherently dangerous.

I'm a polio survivor and I would hate it if some celebrity nut went around and said that the polio vaccine was dangerous. I know how I've suffered since age 2 with that disease and it's aftereffects, and I wouldn't curse my worst enemy with it. But, because of people like McCarthy, I'm afraid that we will see a huge upswing in MMD diseases and we may even see kids dying. I wonder how she feels knowing that, if she even cares.

What I see in McCarthy is a woman who might refuse to see that maybe her own life behaviors, or the behaviors of the boy's father was the cause of her son's autism.

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What I see in McCarthy is a woman who might refuse to see that maybe her own life behaviors, or the behaviors of the boy's father was the cause of her son's autism.

Or that it just could be fate/random chance, or genetic predisposition.  

Edited by Kromm
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What I see in McCarthy is a woman who might refuse to see that maybe her own life behaviors, or the behaviors of the boy's father was the cause of her son's autism.


What do you mean? Like they did drugs or something?

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The problem I see as relates to vaccines is that the lack of vaccinations endangers other children. We are all safer because of the vaccinations of others. If it were a different sort of problem she caused, I would feel everyone is responsible for self, but immunity is different. She did a good deal of harm. Doing harm is never good. I believe she was sincere. I just think she was dangerously wrong. 

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I mostly agree with you, Kromm, on random chance of autism.  I guess Jenny needs to delve deeper in the new research and come out with a intelligent statement......wait, this is Jenny on the Spew......Nevermind.


However, there is research noting that genetics regarding certain abilities of parents and grandparents may play a part.  Still new info and not 100% for every case, of course.  People are too complex for recipes for autism and singular causes. The "spectrum" of autism is so widely spread out that every case is unique with different outcomes, with some similar markers--like organizing toys.  Social ability, language, intelligence varies.




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I mostly agree with you, Kromm, on random chance of autism.  I guess Jenny needs to delve deeper in the new research and come out with a intelligent statement......wait, this is Jenny on the Spew......Nevermind.


However, there is research noting that genetics regarding certain abilities of parents and grandparents may play a part.  Still new info and not 100% for every case, of course.  People are too complex for recipes for autism and singular causes. The "spectrum" of autism is so widely spread out that every case is unique with different outcomes, with some similar markers--like organizing toys.  Social ability, language, intelligence varies.

I believe I covered that with the "genetic predisposition" part of my statement.  Either way, BOTH random chance and genetic predisposition fly in the face of what Jenny THINKS/INSISTS happened (that it was preventable, if only the world wasn't so damn stuck on immunizations). Basically it's her, and people like her, imposing their rage at their inability to protect their children from every possible harm on the rest of the world.

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My brother is a father of a son with autism and his biggest problem with Jenny was her claim that she "healed" her son from autism.


I have no problem for a celebrity (or anyone for that matter) to say what they believe about a particular issue or situation.  But when someone who is NOT an expert on the issue or situation writes books and gives speeches about the issue or situation then that is a whole other ball of wax.  Yes people are incredibly stupid for listening to Jenny McCarthy for advice on something as serious as vaccines but she should have always made it clear that her opinion was just that her opinion.

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Jenny McCarthy now claims that she was a NERD in high school?  Somehow I can't believe it.  Photos of her show that she was extremely cute; her stories tell about getting in trouble all the time.  I'd bet she was more of a wild child and (perhaps) one of the Mean Girls.   It's so funny (tm Sherri) that now that nerds seem socially acceptable--and sometimes preferable, various celebrities claim to have been nerds.  I don't buy it.  I went to a small high school in the late 50's...and the people I would describe as nerdy then are still fairly nerdy (just better-dressed and coifed).

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