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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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SS always seems to show up out of the blue; and try and contact new "friends" that she considers her new bff and ever. Hence SS showing up on WG's new show out of the blue to get and post a selfie. Or promote a movie she has a bit part in and try to make herself an important part of it. Or a bit part in a comedy tv show. Long ago. Who does that? JMO.

I  get the impression that Sherrie is a very sad and very lonely woman especially after her divorce from her her second husband..She also seemed very arrogant when she got married to her loser husband. She seems to think because she is a christian, she is entitled to the good things in life....Whoopie tried to mentor her when she was on the show and she did not want to listen to her...I think Whoopie gave up..Plus, Whoopie seemed to always hate the fact that Sherrie liked to play up stereotypes about  Black women..As a Black woman in Hollywood for so long, I can see why Whoopie had such disdain for her..lord knows I had alot of disdain for Sherrie looking at her over the years..I can only imagine how exhausting it is to be around a woman as simple-minded as Sherrie...I can't see Whoopie being friends with her off the show..They were work friends, nothing more and nothing less..I don't think Bitsy is friends with Sherrie either...I can see Whoopie and Joy being friends off the show because Joy knows not let Whoopie's ego get the best of her, something that Rosie could not do....

Edited by Apprentice79
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SS always seems to show up out of the blue; and try and contact new "friends" that she considers her new bff and ever. Hence SS showing up on WG's new show out of the blue to get and post a selfie. Or promote a movie she has a bit part in and try to make herself an important part of it. Or a bit part in a comedy tv show. Long ago. Who does that? JMO.

But she only connects with people who have a spotlight on them.   that's who does that -  the people who are seeking the attention and will go to great lengths to get into someone else's spotlight or in Sherri's case, anyone else's  as long as it's a spotlight.  


That's why she was still blathering on about The View  - she got a piece of that spotlight just by mentioning it.  Same thing with CHRIS ROCK'S movie.    Bits is on TV everyday so Sherri probably mentions her too.  Whoopi is was a big Movie Stah so of course it makes sense for Sherri to use any connection to get in the same shot.  

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She also seemed very arrogant when she got married to her loser husband.

This reminds me, didn't she have some restriction about inviting the partners of non-married people to her wedding? You could only have a date if it was your spouse? I'd love for one of her friends to impose that same restriction on her formerly smug ass and make her show up stag to a wedding, practically with a scarlet S for single emblazoned on her chest. Arrogant indeed -- the second she was in the huzzband club she erected a wall of exclusion between herself and the poor, pathetic unmarrieds in her life.

ETA: Aplogies, didn't realize this was the Whoopi topic.

Edited by canter
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This reminds me, didn't she have some restriction about inviting the partners of non-married people to her wedding? You could only have a date if it was your spouse? I'd love for one of her friends to impose that same restriction on her formerly smug ass and make her show up stag to a wedding, practically with a scarlet S for single emblazoned on her chest. Arrogant indeed -- the second she was in the huzzband club she erected a wall of exclusion between herself and the poor, pathetic unmarrieds in her life.

Exactly! I think it was telling that only Bitsy went to her wedding....Even then it seemed to be a gimmick to show us that they were actually friends off the show...

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This reminds me, didn't she have some restriction about inviting the partners of non-married people to her wedding? You could only have a date if it was your spouse? I'd love for one of her friends to impose that same restriction on her formerly smug ass and make her show up stag to a wedding, practically with a scarlet S for single emblazoned on her chest. Arrogant indeed -- the second she was in the huzzband club she erected a wall of exclusion between herself and the poor, pathetic unmarrieds in her life.

I think that was Star who had all the crazy restrictions on her wedding. No substitute guests, no switching assigned seats and no cameras. I remember Meredith wanted to bring one of her teenage kids instead of her husband and Star wouldn't let her because only her husband's name was on the invitation. Joy had to fly solo as well and she and Meredith switched seats so they could sit together and Star flipped out. Then Star caught Joy with a camera and tried to confiscate it. She was really pissed and they fought about it both at the wedding and later on air where Star was still bitching at them for breaking the "rules." Star really was a piece of work.

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I think that was Star who had all the crazy restrictions on her wedding. No substitute guests, no switching assigned seats and no cameras. I remember Meredith wanted to bring one of her teenage kids instead of her husband and Star wouldn't let her because only her husband's name was on the invitation. Joy had to fly solo as well and she and Meredith switched seats so they could sit together and Star flipped out. Then Star caught Joy with a camera and tried to confiscate it. She was really pissed and they fought about it both at the wedding and later on air where Star was still bitching at them for breaking the "rules." Star really was a piece of work.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

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I don't know about Star but SS definitely did not allow single people to be at the wedding. I distinctly remember Joy could not take Steve....BW was not married so didn't attend.....nor WG.

Let alone travel to Chicago to be there "alone."

Now that you mention it, I do recall something about that, but it wasn't that single people couldn't attend at all. Singles were invited but they couldn't bring dates. I seem to recall that she claimed it had something to do with keeping the wedding guest numbers down and preventing crashers and people they didn't know from attending.

I feel pretty confident that had little or nothing to do with why Joy, Whoopi and Babs didn't attend, although it might've given them an excuse (along with it being held in Chicago and being filmed by the Style Network for that tacky reality special) not to attend a wedding they didn't want to go to anyway. Joy and Steve got married themselves just a couple of days before so they were busy doing their own thing. I'm betting that Babs and Whoopi were just fine with letting Bitsy and Tim take one for the team.

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So. Whoopi says and is quoted for saying that the show She really loves Raven and Michelle and wants them to become permanent, and the "media" assumes this is a published report? I've read a couple of articles where they are stating as FACT that Raven Symone, at least, is joining the place at the table as a permanent co-host.


I sure as hell haven't seen anything by ABC confirming this. Just Whoopi's  wanting them to be permanent. Huh. Guess the ABC suits are redundant/not needed, since clearly, it's only WHOOPI'S wants that counts as a report.

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I believe that Whoopi's fandom is manufactured - either by her team or the show's producers. If you've watched her on the show you know that she really sucks at this job.  

Honestly she isnt much of an actress either...... she was in some very good shows..... but they were not very good because of her acting abilities.

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I don't find Whoopi the least bit fascinating.  As soon as someone starts talking about their bowl movements, bodily odours, disgusting state of their feet……I'm done.  And her intensity to preach that she is a sexual goddess and SHE makes the rules, SHE kicks them to curb when she's done, and that men fall out the trees to have sex with HER.   Doth protest too much.  Relax, Whoopi.

I believe that Whoopi's fandom is manufactured - either by her team or the show's producers. If you've watched her on the show you know that she really sucks at this job.  


Edited by MatchaLove
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I don't find Whoopi the least bit fascinating.  As soon as someone starts talking about their bowl movements, bodily odours, disgusting state of their feet……I'm done.  And her intensity to preach that she is a sexual goddess and SHE makes the rules, SHE kicks them to curb when she's done, and that men fall out the trees to have sex with HER.   Doth protest too much.  Relax, Whoopi.


But remember... Viagra ads offends her..... she is quite sensitive ya know  *sarcasm*

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Girl’s toys and the idea of calories being listed on her fastfood offends her. But a history of rape, abuse and pedophilia is perfectly fine! Everyday must be a struggle for her brain to make sense of the disconnect. Who am I kidding? Her brain is probably too busy chanting, “Whoopi! Whoopi! Whoopi!” to process anything.

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Whoopi's acting abilities are debatable  but whether you are a fan or not she hasn't been in anything of note for a looong time; lots of guest spots on TV shows, a TV movie or two and that's about it.  Now some of that could be her age - parts are few for even the really amazing actresses of her age but even taking that into account it seems to me she's spent the last 20 years riding the coattails of things she did the previous 15 years. 


This gig has given her huge exposure and the steady income to work on her own projects, plus commercials (remember she used to sell Poise pads and AT&T cell phones) children's books etc.  It's been lucrative and for those of us watching these past seven years - eye opening.  But it's been a long time since she was a "Movie Stah."   Today she is a sloppy, ill informed, opinionated daytime talk show host and not a very good one as far as I'm concerned.  

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Whoopi was on The Chew today promoting her socks (their audience did not get any).


Let's see - she doesn't like veggies or eggs - that was worthy of 2 "Don''t text me, I don't care"/s.


She would wear a bra and panties if they were made of prosciutto.


Surprised the Chew Crew was not aware when she passed gas on the other side of the wall dividing the sound stages they share.

Thanks for the recap!  That sounds just like the Whoopster I've come to know and loathe although I did not know she didn't wear panties and could have lived in that blissful ignorance.    What a charming guest.   Sorry I missed it. 

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Disney will resurrect "Sister Act" for the big screen


I wonder if this helped sweeten the deal to get Whoopi to sign on for another season of this show?   I still say they should just give her the show, rename it and let her actually work at doing a daytime talk show.  But put her name on it and stop pretending this View is anything but Whoopi's show.  

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Did anyone else see The Whoopster on Jimmy Fallon last night?    She was wearing lipstick, a giant oversized clean white bedsheetshirt over those zebra striped leggings and novelty shoes with at least five inch heels.  So much for that back problem.  



Anyway, Whoopi's entire appearance was a commercial (and her constant jokes about her boobs);  first  she pimped a cheesecake company (who I would bet anything she received compensation - it was just too blatant and went on too long) and then for her stupid (in my opinion) socks.   They did talk briefly about Raven being hired and Whoopi said, "I don't like anybody but I like her."   And that Raven, "Doesn't need to do this, she's doing it because she wants to."  LOL.  


 Oh, she did respond to Fallon's earlier promo for Friday's show when Lena Dunham is coming on to challenge Jimmy on his well done lip sync contests.  She asked him why Lena is doing that(wth?) and saying that she (Whoopi) wants to do it too!  So of course, gracious Jimmy said she could come on and do a lip sync contest sometime, lol.   I'm thinking Whoopi doesn't know this is a regular feature of The Tonight Show with actual entertainers, not hucksters. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I think I've mentioned that I met Whoopi once but it occurred to me that it was almost exactly 4 years ago today so I thought I'd share a little throwback post. She was yelling at audiences (and in this case a paying one) and bringing down the room even then. Needless to say my opinion of her has not improved with time. Just the opposite in fact.

June 20, 2011

I saw Whoopi and all I got was, well, not quite what I’d hoped.

Whoopi Goldberg was in town this weekend for a speaking engagement as part of a “unique lives” lecture series featuring famous women. Also, discreetly advertised and billed as a meet and greet photo op (but absolutely NO autographs please!) was a relatively intimate, but expensive, pre-show wine and hors d’oeuvre reception with Whoopi at a well known old restaurant downtown. Ordinarily I probably wouldn’t spring for the reception, but this was a Mother’s Day surprise for my mom who has been going through a rough time and is a fan of The View, so I went for it.

We arrived not really knowing what to expect. About 25-30 strangers sat around chatting, drinking wine and champagne, and noshing on a variety of tasty hors d’oeuvres. Finally, about 20 minutes late (and only about 80 minutes before showtime) Whoopi quietly appeared in the doorway dressed in jeans, tennies, a simple white button down, untucked shirt and black, man’s style blazer. We didn’t even realize she’d arrived at first. The room applauded and she just stood there meekly looking uncomfortable. The first thing that struck us was how petite she actually is in person. I’m here to tell you that the TV cameras and her wardrobe choices do her no favors. She’s only about 5’3” or 4” and while she’s no size 0 nymph, she looks great. Honestly, her stick figure co-host, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, must be damn near invisible in real life (until she opens her mouth of course). After her entrance, the whole experience got kind of weird. She never said a single word of hello or thank you for coming or anything at all to the room. They just planted her standing in a corner of the small space and everybody got in line to take a picture with her. I’m not sure if she is just really shy or if she just really detests this part of the job, or both, but taking a picture with a cardboard cut-out of her would have been about as engaging.

To be fair, it is a supremely bizarre way to make a living – standing there like a prop while 30 strangers, albeit very friendly ones, line up to invade your personal space and take a picture with you. And some folks really did invade her space, walking up and throwing their arms around her shoulders. I wasn’t close enough to really hear whether or not they were at least polite enough to ask for her permission first, but either way it cannot be a comfortable experience. Still, she barely spoke to anyone. When it was our turn, my mom and I were respectful and I offered my hand and introduced myself and my mom. Whoopi shook my hand but said nothing audible. I don’t care for myself, but I was really hoping that she’d be warm and friendly to my mom. Nothing. My mom tried to engage her a little by telling her that mom thought The View was much improved since Whoopi joined the cast (an opinion I don’t happen to particularly agree with, but c’est la vie). Whoopi may have mumbled a ‘thank you’ to mom that I didn’t hear, but that was it. The only thing she said to me as we posed for our pic was “You have to get closer hon,” or something like that. You know what? I didn’t really want to. Click. One bad picture with my own camera and that was it. The only softness I saw was when one otherwise perfectly sane looking woman was moved to quiet tears in her excitement to meet Whoopi. Whoopi took her aside for a moment and seemed to be kind to her. A few minutes later, again without a word to the room, Whoopi was gone. We all just sort of looked at each other and said, “Uh, well, ok, I guess we go to the show now.” I hate to be crass, but I dropped a good chunk of change hoping to give my mom a special celebrity experience. I was not impressed.

Off to the show. To be honest, it was very entertaining. On stage, Whoopi is clearly in her element and for over an hour she had the full or nearly full house roaring and applauding repeatedly as she commented on things like current scandals (Arnold, Anthony Weiner, etc.) and the effects of the aging process. In my opinion, as with Barbara Walters, daily live TV is not Whoopi’s friend. It was obvious that The View’s format and its teleprompter and the constant yammering in her earpiece really throws her. Relieved of all of those constraints, you get a glimpse of what made her so successful back in the day.

Now, the most interesting part of the evening for watchers of The View was a brief question and answer session at the end. Mostly it was as uninspired as you might imagine. She was asked about the origins of her name and she refused to answer. If memory serves, the answer has to do with her late mother and perhaps Whoopi just didn’t want to go there, but it seemed like an odd and unexpected reaction to that question and it threw the woman interviewing her a little. But then one audience-submitted question changed the entire atmosphere in the room.

The first thing Whoopi did when she started to speak was to warn those with delicate ears that she is well known for her admiration and frequent use of certain colorful words. So at the end someone in the audience asked, “Which is more difficult, getting through an entire live television show without swearing or sitting across from Elisabeth Hasselbeck?” It was so unexpected that the entire room burst out laughing and clapping, but Whoopi visibly bristled. It was clear she finds herself having to defend EH often and it pisses her off. She said EH is one of the nicest people she’s ever met and then proceeded to chastise the entire audience at some length for basically being a bunch of jerks, intolerant of someone with an opposing viewpoint. She insisted that EH listens and *hears* what others have to say (unless they’re being confrontational with her), that she has evolved greatly over time and that she should be applauded for having the courage to be the sole conservative voice on that show for all these years. I had an almost irresistible urge to jump up and tell her that, wow, she doesn’t get it at all; that EH’s conservative viewpoint is NOT the reason viewers dislike her so much. That while EH may well be the one of the nicest people Whoopi has ever met, that is most decidedly NOT how EH comes across on television. Plus, her voice makes dogs howl. But, I controlled myself. It was an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable moment and all of the “whoop!” sort of went out of the room. Then Whoopi caught sight of someone in the front apparently trying to surreptitiously video record all or part of the event which made her really grumpy (and to be fair with good reason – it was an uncool thing to do). Things wrapped up pretty quickly after that with Whoopi still clearly annoyed.

All in all I’d say it was an interesting and fun experience and a great girl’s night out with my mom, but with some awkward and disappointing moments. I shook the hand of an internationally famous Oscar, Tony, Grammy winning entertainer. That’s not an experience an average schmo like me gets to have every day. Would I pay to do it again with this particular person? Ummm . . . . nope.

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What was your mother's opinion of the entire experience??

About the same. We had a fun adventure but WG's behavior was a disappointment. That said, the whole thing had been a surprise for her so she had no preconceived hopes or expectations. It was all good just to be out of the house and distracted from life stuff. I on the other hand was more disappointed because I wanted it to be special and...well....better.

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I had no idea Whoopi had a home in the Bay Area. $1.3 is pretty much the average home price in this area. I'm surprised she didn't have a swankier / much more expensive home being the EGOT and all...


I think there were some reports about Whoopi being a strapped for cash before she started her run on The View. She supports most of her family financially, and before she came on the show, she hadn't been in any significant acting roles in awhile. The View has given her more exposure and advertising gigs again. I recently heard her as the voice of the New York tourism board commercials.

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I had no idea Whoopi had a home in the Bay Area. $1.3 is pretty much the average home price in this area. I'm surprised she didn't have a swankier / much more expensive home being the EGOT and all...



She's owed the house for quite a while. I wonder if her brother was living there? I like the yard.

If not her brother then her daughter or granddaughter or mother, etc.  Whoopi supports the whole gang. 

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I had no idea Whoopi had a home in the Bay Area. $1.3 is pretty much the average home price in this area. I'm surprised she didn't have a swankier / much more expensive home being the EGOT and all...

Yep, 1400 ft.², 1.5 bath for $1.3 million. Welcome to the bay area real estate market! (Actually, there's a second building on the property so the price isn't quite as outrageous as it initially sounds.) I knew that she'd lived here for a period of time long ago, but I wasn't aware she still owned property here 30+ years later. I don't recall hearing that her brother lived there, although I thought I remembered that he worked as her chauffeur in New York. Nobody seems to know for sure if she herself ever lived in the house since she purchased it after she moved back to New York (I think).

Edited by TribbleTrouble
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Here in Massachusetts- a commercial for visiting New York State features Whoopi. She shares history and sites to visit


Her voice triggers thoughts of her behavior to others on the show so I have no interest in listening to what she has to say!

Doesn't Whoopi live in Jersey, though? I suppose it doesn't really matter.

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We watch the Toronto edition of Breakfast Television every morning while getting ready for work.  That New York Tourism Board commercial featuring the voice of the wise, old Sage herself has been playing every damn morning during the show for the past few weeks now.  A nice added bonus to the fact that I just quit that shitty job is that I no longer have to hear Whoopi's voice at 6:15 every morning. 

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I saved the episode with William Hurt , and finally got around to watching.  He talks, while Whoopi says Right, right, right, right. it lasts 2 minutes.   

And she's wearing the world's largest white shirt.    Seriously, she says she ALWAYS wears a crisp white shirt.   How the hell does "crisp white shirt"  translate to a white gauze, wrinkled thing that would fit a giant?

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