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On 4/18/2017 at 7:43 AM, izabella said:

Putting his hand on his heart is no big deal in general, and certainly the least of this administration's problems.  However, it's one in a long, long list of signs that Trump is losing his marbles and forgetting things...

While I got a kick out of seeing Melania nudge him, I don't know that it's required to put your hand on your heart (or where it's supposed to be) when the National Anthem plays. Am I wrong? We put our hands over our hearts during the pledge of allegiance. Is the National Anthem thing just one of the "I AM A PATRIOT!" signals?


.... focusing on the deliciousness of the chocolate cake he was eating....

Any opportunity to promote his brand.

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30 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

While I got a kick out of seeing Melania nudge him, I don't know that it's required to put your hand on your heart (or where it's supposed to be) when the National Anthem plays. Am I wrong? We put our hands over our hearts during the pledge of allegiance. Is the National Anthem thing just one of the "I AM A PATRIOT!" signals?

I've never seen putting your hand on your heart during the anthem until it was brought up on the show. No one has ever told me to do it. Taking off your hat is a thing. Whenever I've been somewhere, it's "please rise and take off your hat for the national anthem." Which is fine, regardless of the fact that playing the anthem everywhere for everything is problematic imo. We don't need to 'honor the troops' in game #57 of the NBA season or 132 for baseball. 

Everyone does do it for the pledge, but I don't even say it so whatever. 

  • Love 1

I didn't know anything about the water problem in Walker. It was a good show to stick with the common theme of water quality. I was thinking we really should have some government agency or something that would monitor and enforce some kind of regulations so people have clean water. 

It's amazing how someone so filled with hate and fear like BOR is actually still alive and hasn't had a stroke. There's plenty of these people who have made careers on trolling like Coulter and Baby Coulter who I don't think for a second believe the garbage they spew. BOR seems to really buy into his own delusions though. Or he's the bet actor in the world.

The thing is, there's really no reason to celebrate. He'll put out the inevitable book about the War on the Old Straight White Dudes, and then, by the end of summer he'll be replacing Sean Spicer as press secretary. Unless he flips out being called a secretary. 

  • Love 5
On 4/19/2017 at 8:57 AM, peeayebee said:

While I got a kick out of seeing Melania nudge him, I don't know that it's required to put your hand on your heart (or where it's supposed to be) when the National Anthem plays.

Only if you're black.  Just ask Gabby Douglas.

I loved Trevor playing Bill O'Reilly off.  My favorite part was his take on O'Reilly's infamous remarks about eating at Sylvia’s: "This is so racist, I can’t even be mad about it. Because you realize, in Bill O’Reilly’s mind, going to a black restaurant was basically going to be like walking into the middle of the Rodney King riots. Like, he thought people wouldn’t be ordering food, they would just loot the kitchen and run out with their order."

  • Love 9

I'm still playing catchup, so haven't seen last night's show, but did want to mention Monday's show-how those white hoods worn at Mass was a religious thing that the KKK stole, but that the former didn't get rid of. It reminded me of how Hitler STOLE the Swastika symbol, a highly religious and holy symbol, from Hindus, and BASTARDIZED IT for his own use. There are two key differences-Ours (Yes, I am of Indian descent (first Generation American /Hindu) is not tilted and has four dots within the "open" squares, while that monster tilted the symbol at an angle. I was forever accused of being a Nazi as a child because people just saw the main symbol and not the differences.  Point being-we didn't stop using it. So I don't know if those in Spain refused for the same reason or if Trevor made it up. It wasn't clear to me.  Sorry for the rant. But I did enjoy shows from Monday and Tuesday.

I especially loved Monday's guest mocking ? ?'s not even having any platform or policy in place. It was all in his tone!?

  • Love 6

Trevor really did capture the pure essence that is Bill O'Reilly, with all the hate, anger, and ignorance on full display. The thing to keep in mind though is that this changes nothing overall. People think you're cutting off a wart when all you're doing is removing a malignant tumor that's just going to continue to grow. In O'Reilly's place, Tucker "Dick" Carlson will move up an hour, while ball of saturated slime Eric Bolling will take over Carlson's time slot. And Sean Hannity remains in place being Sean Hannity; the worst excuse of humanity known to life. The cancer will keep on spreading.

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm still playing catchup, so haven't seen last night's show, but did want to mention Monday's show-how those white hoods worn at Mass was a religious thing that the KKK stole, but that the former didn't get rid of. It reminded me of how Hitler STOLE the Swastika symbol, a highly religious and holy symbol, from Hindus, and BASTARDIZED IT for his own use. There are two key differences-Ours (Yes, I am of Indian descent (first Generation American /Hindu) is not tilted and has four dots within the "open" squares, while that monster tilted the symbol at an angle. I was forever accused of being a Nazi as a child because people just saw the main symbol and not the differences.  Point being-we didn't stop using it. So I don't know if those in Spain refused for the same reason or if Trevor made it up. It wasn't clear to me.  Sorry for the rant. But I did enjoy shows from Monday and Tuesday.

There's a small Canadian mining town in Northern Ontario that, in 1908, decided to name itself Swastika, after the Sanskrit symbol of good luck used centuries before that. As World War II loomed, there was considerable pressure from across the province to have the name changed to something more patriotic, the way the city of Berlin, Ontario was changed to Kitchener after famed British field marshal Herbert Kitchener in the middle of World War I. The town was to be renamed Winston after British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. But the townsfolk rose up and told the province to take their request and stick it where the sun doesn't shine, famously declaring: "TO HELL WITH HITLER, WE HAD THE NAME FIRST!!!"

It's a shame the Nazis and the KKK don't get sued to the hilt for copyright violations.

  • Love 8

I really object to this false equivalency of everyone being in a silo, as Kasich was pushing. It's just not true and I feel it's a way to normalize a large segment of the population that prides ignorance and denies basic science. PBS (I think) had a survey a while ago that showed the distribution of news sources consumed versus political leanings. People center and left had way way more variety. Last week they said that 40% of Trump voters only watched Fox News. His argument is just not true. I know he's not talking just about science, but who are the people bringing their guns to a pizza place? He's presenting a way oversimplified canard. 

Unfriending someone on Facebook isn't an argument either. 

  • Love 8

I can't take anything Kasich says about women's rights seriously because this is the guy that defunded Planned Parenthood in his state. And now he's coming off as being for all rights for everyone? And that all this activism is good? And why Trevor didn't pin him on his defunding of Planned Parenthood.

He may come off as more sane, but some of his stances are just as anti-civil rights, human/female rights. And sorry, but his assumptions about what Liberals watch and read and what Conservatives watch and read are just that: Assumptions.

  • Love 10

The problem is I keep hearing this narrative and people are going to start thinking it's true. I'm under no obligation to respect your pov if you're telling me climate change isn't real. I have no problem listening to you if you're proposing that investment in the private sector to solve climate change is a viable solution. I don't fully agree but you can still discuss it. Kasich is acting like no one wants have a nuanced discussion of policymaking. You have a large segment that is just denying basic facts. You can't work with those people.  

This whole "if one side works with the other it's considered a failure" or whatever. I seem to recall the Democrat House leadership asking for gop input on the ACA and they refused to help. So there's one instance. After one of the mass shootings, there was a bi-partisan sponsored bill in the senate about background checks. It didn't have a lot of teeth, but still. 

Trevor's recent interviews have been good. This was tepid at best. I know he's not going to come out and hit someone like Kasich hard, but if you're not going to push a little, then don't bother. Even if Trevor didn't want to get into policy, just talking about polarization is a good interview. 

  • Love 7

The guy who did Trump on Larry Wilmore's show was probably the best. 

Doing a "fine" impression is ok for a 3 minute bit, but I'm having a hard time seeing that sustaining 20+ minutes of a sitcom. 

The counterpoint was a good gag though. 

3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I was okay with the guy when he "guested" on @Midnight.

Case in point: guesting was ok, but the "debate" episode was awful. 

  • Love 3

I agree that the 45 impersonator on the Nightly Show was far better than the guy who is getting the post-Daily Show time slot, and like Larry Wilmore, was vastly underrated. 

And really, never mind a gif of Trevor's face after the Obama clip. I want a screen shot of that as my wall paper.  Not the wall paper for my phone or my lap top.  My actual wall paper.

Edited by Hooper
  • Love 7

I am with Trevor on this one.  If someone offers me $400K to speak somewhere, I am taking the money and running full speed towards it.   Though it boggles my small mind why Wall Street folks would give that much money to a Kenyan born commie, pinko, secret Muslim-type person.  ;)

And while some may not think it's a good look, I don't have a problem with it.  President Obama isn't, well, president any longer.  Nor is he lobbying for Wall Street trying to convince a Republican administration and Republican congress to loosen up financial regulations.  At least I am pretty sure he isn't.  :)   So I don't have any problem with him or anyone else getting money and not using his position to buy or lobby influence anywhere.

  • Love 11

I'm glad Trevor got to the point of this whole Berkeley to-do. Coulter had no intention of coming there to speak and is just playing everyone. Because that's her whole deal. I mean, give me a break. I'm so sick of hearing the screeching of free speech from everyone. There's plenty of places she can come to campus and speak all she wants. She could have skyped her speaking engagement. I'm not seeing any other universities stepping up in the name of free speech to host Coulter either. 

4 hours ago, brgjoe said:

I am with Trevor on this one.  If someone offers me $400K to speak somewhere, I am taking the money and running full speed towards it.   Though it boggles my small mind why Wall Street folks would give that much money to a Kenyan born commie, pinko, secret Muslim-type person.  ;)

And while some may not think it's a good look, I don't have a problem with it.  President Obama isn't, well, president any longer.

A former president who is a private citizen taking an insane amount of money for a speaking engagement is totally wrong and awful, but the sitting president trying to eliminate the alternative tax that would have saved him 31 million is nbd. Sure. 

  • Love 12

If you trust Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Flag_Code#Pledge_of_Allegiance_and_National_Anthem), AnaRow is right.  Those were the rules I learned growing up, but since people were disagreeing, I was willing to believe that maybe I was taught wrongly or that things had changed.  Apparently not.

This was what I looked up: http://www.military.com/flag-day/us-flag-code.html when I copied and pasted "US flag code".

Honestly, I've never seen people do it at like sporting events and related, and no one's ever told me "hey, you're supposed to put your hand on your heart." Take off your hat, yes, and the announcer always says so when everyone is standing up for the anthem. And standing for it too, obviously. 

I fundamentally disagree with requirements for civilians. I don't even say the pledge. 

Does anyone really know what Obama said in his speech to Wall Street that has everyone's undies in a bunch? This is the same attitude that dogged Hillary Clinton during her campaign run. Do far left liberals think the two of them tell their audience "We fooled the people good into thinking we're on their side, BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!!!"

It's obvious Ann Coulter saw what happened to that Milo douche at Berkeley early this year and declared "I gots to have me some of that martyrdom". Thus, mission accomplished! It's good that someone like Trevor saw through the real reason for Coulter's attempted speaking gig at Berkeley, unlike some so-called satirists - I'M LOOKING AT YOU BILL MAHER, YOU BUTTERFACED ASSWIPE!

  • Love 5

I liked the interview. The argument about knowing the consequences of what you say says really good point that no one brought up in the whole Berkeley affair. I'm off the mind that neither Milo or Coulter ever intended to come and speak in the first place and just used the Berkeley "brand". I don't have a problem with any University saying that you're responsible for your own security. I don't think the University is obligated to give a platform. Yeah, you can come and talk about whatever you want, but you're responsible. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 4

I applaud Trevor for having Pope and Bloomberg on to talk climate change and I totally agree with their pov. However, as much as I want to get rid of coal plants too, you can't be serious about the whole effort without including nuclear *with* wind and solar. I don't think it's incumbent on Trevor to bring that up, and it may very well be in the book, but I was disappointed they didn't at least mention that at the local level, people can work to prevent premature shutdown of the existing reactors at the least. Which has actually happened. 


I've always liked Wanda Sykes. Her words (joke): she always says her wife is French so she doesn't have to say she married a white lady. The whole joke about making the kids go outside all the time was hilarious. 

The King Arthur movie looks cool, and I like when the legend is told closer to the original welsh material than the romances, but retelling the story in a more modern context in that it can apply to different societies and issues than just dark age England isn't that huge of a stretch. They were going on like it was this unbelievably brilliant insight. The whole point of the legend is it's malleability in that it can be continually retold over the ages. Which is essentially what Richie did with Sherlock Holmes. I'm glad they moved on rather quickly to talk about much more interesting things. It turned out to be a really insightful interview. 

I take Hasan's point about the media coming off smug, but I don't think he paints an accurate picture. The clips shown on the show were more 'opinion and entertainment shows about the news' featuring pundits. It's their job to do that. You don't see that on Washington Week, PBS News, or even the journalist panels on the Sunday shows. That's all news based news. CNN, ABC CBS, etc., all have news shows. I think the more salient point is that the opinion shows are becoming so pervasive that they're kind of screwing it up for the real news. I think he was correct at the end that if a guy like Tapper is trying to be a real news guy and pressing Conway on her chicanery, then he shouldn't be snarky on his other programs. But for someone like Maddow, I don't think that necessarily applies. 

Edited by ganesh
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