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S23.E05: Week 3: The Results

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7 hours ago, spanana said:

In my head I like to think that Cheryl took one look at Mandy's horrid "choreography" for that girls number and just said no, thank you and left.   I'll take that rainbow number from last week any day over another bump and grind female number.  I actually find it fairly demeaning to the female pros that when the male dancers are taken out of the equation, that is all Mandy Moore (and sometimes themselves depending on who is choreographing) think they are good for on the dance floor.  I have no problem with females expressing their sexuality, but I'm not even sure that qualified as dancing.

There is a fine line between a woman owning and expressing her sexuality and being exploited. Constant sex-pot routines show women as one dimensional. It also adds to the societal pressure that, hey women, your purpose is to be something pretty/sexy to look at! If that's all they ever do, it's crossing the line into exploitation. I'm with everyone else who's ready for something different.

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My limit with Mandy and this nonsense came during last season's finale, when she had the women in their little aprons that of course was torn off to reveal the half-naked costume and commence the exact same bump, grind and booty popping they did last night. So last night's dance didn't even have new steps. It was the same damn thing. But the finale really bugged me with the stupid aprons because the whole thing was, "oh watch us be docile little ladies and now watch us slut it up". The whole thing is just so lazy and unoriginal. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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My guess is that we reliably have one slutty dance per week to keep husband's eyes watching the show.  The hardest demo to reach are older males.  This, in large part, is why the NFL and other sports get premium ad dollars:  They reach males of all ages like nothing else.

So, the wife wants to watch DWTS and DWTS wants to give their husbands an unspoken reason to go along with that and share in the viewing.  Obviously, they get a certain amount of single males by doing this, as well.

Let's not fail to mention how we have more male shirtless wonders per capita than any other show this side of Survivor, as well.  

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4 hours ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

Cheryl was great with Ozzy Osbourne's son who has MS.

Wow...I actually forgot about Jack.  I really liked them too.  In Cheryl's later seasons I feel like she lucked into a few good partnerships with people that people/the show probably didn't expect to do well.  Jack.  Rob K.

The other reason Mandy's one dimensional routines bug me is that that style of choreography is rubbing off on her proteges.  I've seen several of our female pros take turns at choreographing variations of that same number for themselves. Sharna is guilty of it, not that I consider her a Mandy protege.  Jenna has choreographed similar routines while in troupe, but that isn't surprising since she basically assists Mandy (hence why I think she was front and center O face girl).  I think even Lindsay, who I adore, is guilty of it.

Cheryl is probably the only female pro that has enough clout to straight up refuse to do routines if she doesn't want to do them.  I think the show will pretty much keep her around as long as she wants to be there.  Many of the others need to keep sucking up so as to keep their jobs season to season.

Edited by spanana
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I could swear that Rick Perry, when suggesting that everyone support veterans' groups, clearly mentioned a specific name, but none of the entertainment news outlets that I can see have reported which group it was, so that kinda tells you how much they support veterans.  Or I'm crazy and hearing things.

"Perry told the American-Statesman last month that he plans to use a portion of the show’s minimum participant payout of $125,000 to pay for the wedding."


I think they were trying to be cute and it got dirty and awkward really quick.

I don't think there was any cuteness intended. I think they most definitely wanted the dirty innuendo.

Count me in with the people that hate Mandy Moore's bump and grind MO. Once in awhile I get it, but the walking, posing, and thrusting she has the audacity to call dancing is appalling and frustrating. 



Let's not fail to mention how we have more male shirtless wonders per capita than any other show this side of Survivor, as well.  

I think the difference is, in general, shirtlessness (or open shirts) is more in lines with ballroom costuming. The men have been wearing open shirts or without shirts in latin numbers (rumbas, cha chas, salsas, pasos etc.) since the beginning of the show, but they still do proper ballroom dances. Likewise, I don't take issue with the female costuming in the appropriate latin dances. Showing skin is fine. 

It's that the female pros are so much better than being walking and posing strippers, so why not give them proper content? They can still sexy without the club grinding and the booty popping. I'd be willing to overlook one dance a season (because I'll admit to enjoying the male Pony-esque dances for the eyecandy), but it's every damn dance Mandy Moore choreographs and now it's just annoying.

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7 hours ago, boyznkatz said:

The only thing I've heard is that he "dedicated" his appearance to veterans, whatever that means. I would be extremely surprised if he donated anything.


8 hours ago, mimirose41209 said:

The celebrities participating in the show receive a base salary per week. As they advance and make it to certain 'milestone' weeks their pay increases. (someone more familiar with the actual numbers could explain it better or look up Shawn Johnson's contract on line. I know it's public record because she was on the show as a minor). 


Rick is donating any money earned on the show to a veterans group tho I'm not sure which one. 


7 hours ago, Padma said:

Are you sure? Because I thought so until I heard him say, "I'm dancing for America's veterans" which sounded more like audience manipulation than a real commitment. Seems if you mention it, though, you should be donating your salary. But also seems it would be good to mention a specific group since others might contribute, too, after a celeb does.  Do we know for certain Perry was actually giving his earnings away?

I wrote what I could find on his "dancing for veterans here:


3rd up from the bottom.   The website Rick mentioned in his elimination looks to me to be a donation site for conservative issues.  I also included the link to his official statement on facebook.

6 hours ago, cali1981 said:

It's so good to see Cheryl back.  Along with Derek, Tony, Karina and a few others,  she was one of the mainstays of this show.  She's still a fabulous dancer.  I've noticed that she is using much less of the heavy makeup than she used to.  She is sporting a much more natural look and still is very easy on the eyes.

Not to mention, Cheryl has kept off that bit of excess weight she was sporting for several years. Now, in long shots of the group numbers, you can not pick out Cheryl because of her plumper figure. Cheryl blends right in with the other female pros. She is looking awesome!


 heard this morning that the Vice Presidential Debate is set for next Tuesday. So it looks like next week our prayers will be answered for one week and we'll get a one hour results show!

I thought they were doing the results on Monday shows!

I think they only had a Tue results this week was because Monday's show was only an hour. Haven't the Tues results show been  a thing of the past?

6 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

Duck walking might be congenital (who knows why people do it), but it can easily be trained out of someone who isn't a professional dancer.   He is.  All he has to do is point his toes forward -- it's not a disability.

Celeb men are often times critiqued on their feet (Ryan Lochte/Jacoby Jones come to mind). They were told to "fix" their feet and turn them out. So it certainly seems like something that can be corrected. 

Overall when I see Keo and other male pros dancing...he stands out to me because of his feet. 

On 9/27/2016 at 9:13 PM, bantering said:

If dances are going to be replayed, I just realized how stupid it is of me to watch on a Monday night.

I was on vacation this week and figured I'd only have time to watch the results show when I got back, so that's all I DVRed. How "amazing" and "lucky" that every dance and rehearsal was shown in its entirety!  A couple of times!!!

On 9/28/2016 at 1:23 PM, iMonrey said:

Not that I'm sorry to see him leave, but they had two entire hours of nothing but filler, filler, and more filler - and still the contestant that's eliminated gets the bum's rush because they've run out of time! For Pete's sake, they had nothing but time - couldn't they have

They do the same thing on The Voice finales, filler filler filler for 1 hour 59 minutes, then the winner is announced.  So irritating.

Not sure if this is the thread where someone commented about Derek being upset with Marilu. He posted a blog yesterday where he says he wasn't upset with Marilu....but then goes on to say that he was upset that the dance wasn't as good as rehearsal? I like Derek, but I didn't really follow the logic. Curious to know what others thought. 


37 minutes ago, cc818 said:

Not sure if this is the thread where someone commented about Derek being upset with Marilu. He posted a blog yesterday where he says he wasn't upset with Marilu....but then goes on to say that he was upset that the dance wasn't as good as rehearsal? I like Derek, but I didn't really follow the logic. Curious to know what others thought. 


Yeah, I also had a problem with the fact that he just walked off after he said that to her.  That's bad form, Derek, and it's also extremely rude.  You NEVER just walk away and leave your partner standing there, and I would expect someone with your experience to know better!

Edited by legaleagle53
On 10/2/2016 at 4:32 PM, cc818 said:

Not sure if this is the thread where someone commented about Derek being upset with Marilu. He posted a blog yesterday where he says he wasn't upset with Marilu....but then goes on to say that he was upset that the dance wasn't as good as rehearsal? I like Derek, but I didn't really follow the logic. Curious to know what others thought. 


For me...he seemed upset/bummed out that the dance didn't go as it did in dress rehearsal.  Probably not upset with Marilu directly but when he seemed to walk away after the dance I can see how/why she thought he was either upset with her...or just the way things went.  Then again that could have just been editing.  In this interview after the dance...he seemed upset/bummed out. Kind of distracted.  Derek usually tries really hard to seem happy so the low energy was noticeable to me.  In any case, not a big deal...it's actually refreshing to me to see some emotion from Derek.


On 10/2/2016 at 4:32 PM, cc818 said:

Not sure if this is the thread where someone commented about Derek being upset with Marilu. He posted a blog yesterday where he says he wasn't upset with Marilu....but then goes on to say that he was upset that the dance wasn't as good as rehearsal? I like Derek, but I didn't really follow the logic. Curious to know what others thought. 


It's the logic of a passive aggressive person. The impression I've gotten of Derek over the years is that he's not an overly aggressive person, not someone to really yell or make a scene and get really mad in that way. Also, I think he really does try to live by this whole "light and universe and positive energy and embrace the earth"....all that positive thinking stuff. Mark I think even mentioned it once in response to one of his dramas with Len - that he's the fiery, get angry type, while Derek is the more mellow one.

So I think because of all that he tends to bottle up and seem almost cold when bothered by something because he'll not just come out and be mad or say how really disappointed he is. And the reality is that that type of response can be even more hurtful to someone because again, it can come across as so cold to them. I understand all of this because while I'm not so much a passive aggressive person, I don't like confrontations. So I tend to just shut down and walk away rather than just be mad or disappointed and let it go. 

I think tonight pretty much answered what's going on with Marilu and it's really not that surprising in my opinion - she's too in her head. Her genius that some were positive would be one more thing to add to her ringerness, is actually working against her. Funny enough, I think someone did predict that might happen. She's overthinking everything and the more her scores suffer, the more she'll overthink and the more tense she'll be and she'll keep not delivering the way she can. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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