ThreaLevelMidnight October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 Wow to all the DCCs who posted such snide remarks about us on Ashley's instagram. Internet trolls? Ben & Jerry's? Really? Dear DCC... you do realize that we are literally the only reason your TV show is still on. Good luck selling your show to the rest of your "fans"... slash the drunk guys who catcall you at the games or the guys who post "y'all are hot in y'all's shorts and y'all's tops" on your instagram photos. Seriously, good luck with that! I'm sure it will be REALLY successful. And by the way, we all make more money than you. 2 Link to comment
ThreaLevelMidnight October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 I don't blame Morgan, Ashley, Jasmine, etc for saying what they say. I do. 1 Link to comment
SHF October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 I had no problem with Ashley but Jasmine sounded like a petulant beyotch. I guess my comment is that they should be glad people take an interest or else they would all be at home dancing in front of their mirrors. 5 Link to comment
Emilyhitch October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 I think the main point is that everyone is all going to have their opinions. If you're in the spotlight, people are either going to love or hate you. We obviously watch the show, so we love DCC. Our opinions aren't meant to offend anyone, but just help better the team. We never said anything hurtful about Ashley to the point where she would get butthurt enough to have to "clear the air" on instagram. Someone mentioned a bruise, and someone mentioned how she couldn't get down in her splits. I think she's just super sensitive. K&J and most DCC's lurk his forum because clearly our criticism is important to them. Otherwise, they wouldn't care. Most of us say or point things out so that should be fixed. (i.e. Breelan's dancing, Ashley's splits, people's soft tummies, inappropriate pics that could be detrimental to the squad and Cowboys organization as a whole) DCC is supposed to be elite, how can they be if a vet can't do their signature jumpsplit or another vet is out drinking with a Cowboys player? As for Morgan and the Ben and Jerry's comment, I see how she would be butthurt with all the comments on here about her horrible memory and manly face. (But Morgan, you got cut from the squad for a reason girlfriend) 2 Link to comment
pink317 October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 My initial response, which hasn't changed, was 'wow, Ashley Marie is really sensitive, I feel badly that she was so hurt she needed to defend herself.' Comments, not criticism, about your leg having tape on it doesn't warrant a response, it just seems so petty. (I brought up "Katy's" "bruise" because frankly it looked painful!) I see moutains being made out of molehills. The girls represent the organization as a whole. How do they (DCC as a whole) look good in that exchange?! Hint: They don't. These girls aren't allowed to wear casual clothes to the airport, how is generalizing and fan bashing okay? Just reazlied I'm pretty much repeating what Emilyhitch said. Ha 1 Link to comment
Elizabeth9 October 7, 2014 Share October 7, 2014 I don't agree that people should bash them. I would never post anything on here that would hurt a girl's feelings, should she see it. But not everyone is like that! The organization wants girls to do their research before they join. Anyone on their FB page can clearly see that a lot of people out there post some really mean things about the cheerleaders. They do have to expect it. 1 Link to comment
EricaShadows October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 People say and do mean things all the time (and sometimes without thinking first). I see it (and experience it) almost every day at my job because people get highly emotional at times due to things beyond their control. I've learned to develop a thick skin (for the most part) about what I see. However, I think it's more personal for these girls because what is said "out there" can (and often is, to a degree) be construed as a personal attack on their looks/dance/etc. A lot of the rookies are still young and most have not faced anything worse then the "mean girls" at whatever school/studio they studied at so to face the "mean girls" in the real world is a shock. To the girls who are hurt/upset/insulted, feel it/own it/shrug it off. Some of the meanest compliments I've received have led me to either look at myself and say "Yep, I DO need to change that" or "They don't know what they're talking about!" As for Jasmine and the photo, girl, you would have likely been found out anyways so hiding the photo/taking it down isn't going to help matters anyways. You ought to know by now that the public aren't the only ones looking you up on social media. Too many other girls on the squad have gone down for more minor things that being seen socially with one of the players. Besides, aren't the cheerleaders prohibited from any socializing with the players except under strictly monitored situations? If she broke that rule and got found out, it's not the audience's fault she got caught out. Her comment made it sound like someone saw it all and ran straight to Judy and Kelly with the news. I suspect they found out about it long before the picture went up, much less before it came down. 2 Link to comment
caligirl50 October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 (edited) You guys are the sensitive ones! I honestly don't believe that Ashley was referencing this board when she posted. Morgan has not been beloved on this board and until recently, Jasmine was always referred to a cutie-pie (which I think she still is). Lots of other places people can post about this team. Edited October 8, 2014 by caligirl50 6 Link to comment
Oranaiche October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 You guys are the sensitive ones! I honestly don't believe that Ashley was referencing this board when she posted. Morgan has not been beloved on this board and until recently, Jasmine was always referred to a cutie-pie (which I think she still is). Lots of other places people can post about this team. Agree that Ashley wasn't necessarily referencing this forum -- I said the same thing in an earlier post. My feelings aren't hurt at all. I just kind of see Morgan's and Jasmine's comments as immature and somewhat biting the hand that feeds them (Jasmine anyway). But it is what it is. Ultimately none of this matters. 2 Link to comment
caligirl50 October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 Ha! Link to comment
Dopeydwarf October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 The only other place that has current DCC posts is Facebook, and i follow those. I remember the photo of the bruise being posted over there, but don't recall any negativity on it. the IMDB board is dated, and posts are few. I would love to read more forum posts on the cheerleaders. I don't have a problem with what Ashley wrote. Its the blanket statements from the others. It's fine if it doesn't bother you what was written. It's also fine if it bothers me. 1 Link to comment
h2ogirl October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 Thanks for posting the halftime clips! I sure miss the days when the DCC would post performance videos on their website. 3 Link to comment
ByTor October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 morganwjordan "Haha let them hide behind their computers while immersing themselves in their tub of Ben & Jerry's! You, my sister, are out their living AND achieving your dream! Highly doubt they can say the same! All of the people supporting you outnumber all the haters. Never even noticed a change, love you!" Not to be contrary, but I kind of feel like I have to defend Morgan here. I don't think she was implying that all people who post about the DCC "immerse themselves in Ben & Jerry's" I think she meant it more like the ones who post the meanest criticisms have no room to be mean, as they are not perfect themselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm defending what I think her intention was, I'm definitely not defending what she said. It was a classless (IMO) comeback...responding to rudeness/catiness WITH rudeness/cattiness serves no purpose. Link to comment
Kaedee October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014;topic=13255.0;attach=641048;image here is the new pink outfits for BCA performance i kinda like the other one better , what do you guys think ? Gotta be in the minority when I say I think the new pink outfit is adorable! it's a 20's via the 60's flash back outfit, and it's totally cute! The girls aren't going to be wearing it year round. It's a fun, playful outfit for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 1 Link to comment
mmm October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 (edited) I didn't like the outfit at first but it grew on me Edited October 9, 2014 by mmm 1 Link to comment
pink317 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 PINK halftime performance (will also post in the media thread) Thank you, Kelli! Yes, we know you read this! :) 1 Link to comment
Bailey3606 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 PINK halftime performance (will also post in the media thread) Thank you, Kelli! Yes, we know you read this! :) Was perfect until the very end... Who was that 1 Link to comment
caligirl50 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 That looked hard! Lots of moving parts! 1 Link to comment
bigskygirl October 9, 2014 Author Share October 9, 2014 I might be in the minority on here, but I was not impressed with the routine. The girls doing the shunts looked good, but the rest of it was not all that great imo. Link to comment
KellyAnn3 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 The flyers appeared to be Jenna, Angela, Sydney, Breelan, Jinelle, Melissa, Paige, Courtney and Ashley P. The one who fell (I think) was Paige. I liked the routine because it's something different and cute. I also liked that Holly, Jacie, and Emma all got to be at the point of the triangle at some point. Link to comment
mmm October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 (edited) I really liked it totally enjoyable really up beat and fun choreographer , thank you for posting it ! Edited October 9, 2014 by mmm Link to comment
starfire October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 Good grief....if anyone did post comments about Ashley gaining weight or not being able to do the jump splits, who cares? It's nothing that Judy and Kelli wouldn't say in any given show. They talk about weight, not using injuries as excuses, yada yada, all the damn time! 1 Link to comment
mmm October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 I watched the video again Jenna was the one who fell , in per-season i was wishing that Holly was the point but actually after watching this where Emma was the point in a couple of parts i think they missed on Emma being the point i think she's has more charisma and confident as the point , i love holly and i think she's an amazing dancer but i think a gr8 point like Nicole Hamilton or Whitney is that they keep the attention on them and nobody else and i think Emma is more of that and she's super sexy! Link to comment
Preity October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 for me it’s the other way round, I was wishing Emma to be point girl, but after that routine I prefer Holly, funny how peoples choices vary I like the routine, it was super cute and fun to watch, I also liked how Jacie, Holly and Emma all got to be in the front I thought it was Angela who fell, Jenna was standing behind her when got got up there, Paige is more to the right Link to comment
iloveit October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 So, so happy they changed up from Candyman! The Shake It Off performance was cute and fun. I do think they could use the help of a couple of new moves mixed into the choreography. Still not a fan of the color of the costumes (and not a fan of the whole pink thing in general but I understand why they did it...) but the fringe worked for that dance. I did not like the second and third song choices...they seemed pretty lame to me, especially the 2nd one, some thing about Ladies Choice - so bad! I missed anyone falling. Thought Holly was great at the point and Jacie or Emma could carry that job next year easily. More performance videos please!!!! Who was the point girl last year? I forget! Link to comment
Bailey3606 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 Mia was point! Link to comment
pasdetrois October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 I can understand the DCCs' reaction to this forum. Often there is a lot of heavy scrutiny and discussion about minute aspects of their physical appearance, such as who's pretty, who's gained weight, and so on. That has nothing to do with helping them improve their dance performance. Link to comment
bigskygirl October 9, 2014 Author Share October 9, 2014 Yes, things have been said about the girls and how they look, dancing, etc. etc., but I think it is a little hypocritical to blame it on the fans and the viewers. Miss Kitty, Kelli, Judy, and the judges can be a little mean when it comes to the girls. I also do not believe for a second the girls get along 24/7. There were rumors flying around that some of the favorites on the team told on Amy R. partying during the calendar shoot while some of them were partying themselves. Meagan F. was called out by some of the girls during a pool party for not wanting to join in the fun. Melissa R. wrote in her book about the mean girls giving her crap about quitting and coming back. Judy and Kelli are a little mean when they cut certain girls, and the scenes are heavily edited to make the girls look bad. Amy in season 7 is a perfect example of this. Poor Nicole was ambushed at her apartment about her alleged weight gain and not eating right. Cassie, Judy's daughter, and Ally called out Taylor in season 7 over a rumor, but Judy went on the defense when rumors were floating around Cassie being the team and the certain perks she was receiving. I did love it when family members called Kelli and Judy out for the way their were treating certain girls. All I can say is the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to calling out the fans and the viewers in the blame game when certain people are guilty of the same thing. Link to comment
pink317 October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 (edited) Emma was the point in a couple of parts i think they missed on Emma being the point i think she's has more charisma and confident as the point , i love holly and i think she's an amazing dancer but i think a gr8 point like Nicole Hamilton or Whitney is that they keep the attention on them and nobody else and i think Emma is more of that and she's super sexy! I agree! I think the top of the triangle is very strong in general but Emma and her side (Emma, Jenn K, Jenna) steal the show for me every time. I find myself drawn to them. My favorite point was Crystal - she had the right mix of sassy and happy smiling faces (which is my personal preference) and I think Emma does too. She sealed it for me after the Belk opening ( ). Edited October 9, 2014 by pink317 Link to comment
Preity October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 They definitively have a lot of options for point girl this season and a lot of girls who could be it in future years I was wondering and maybe someone here with dance experience can help me.... If a girl makes lots of mistakes in the choreography she has to take it home and work on it. How does she do it? I would think if you make a lot of mistakes, practicing by yourself won’t really help since you’ll still be making the same mistakes if no one tells you they’re mistakes. I know you can get someone to practice with you, but if you really have to do it by yourself, how do you improve? I don’t think they tape all the choreographys so you can watch them at home.. 1 Link to comment
mmm October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 So, so happy they changed up from Candyman! The Shake It Off performance was cute and fun. I do think they could use the help of a couple of new moves mixed into the choreography. Still not a fan of the color of the costumes (and not a fan of the whole pink thing in general but I understand why they did it...) but the fringe worked for that dance. I did not like the second and third song choices...they seemed pretty lame to me, especially the 2nd one, some thing about Ladies Choice - so bad! I missed anyone falling. Thought Holly was great at the point and Jacie or Emma could carry that job next year easily. More performance videos please!!!! Who was the point girl last year? I forget! Mia 2012 , whitney 2012,2011, Crystal 2010 , nicole 2009 , 2008 , and megan before that but i know before that ! Link to comment
Dopeydwarf October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 They definitively have a lot of options for point girl this season and a lot of girls who could be it in future years I was wondering and maybe someone here with dance experience can help me.... If a girl makes lots of mistakes in the choreography she has to take it home and work on it. How does she do it? I would think if you make a lot of mistakes, practicing by yourself won’t really help since you’ll still be making the same mistakes if no one tells you they’re mistakes. I know you can get someone to practice with you, but if you really have to do it by yourself, how do you improve? I don’t think they tape all the choreographys so you can watch them at home.. Yes!! i wondered the same thing, and I'd be taping it in class if i could get away with it. Link to comment
bk10 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 The uniform looks nice with the performance, but terrible otherwise. I think Samantha is so cute when she's performing 1 Link to comment
mmm October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Here is video from a new show group performance from the friends and family show Link to comment
M1977G October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I agree with others that Ashley likely wasn't responding to posts on this site, and that people really do write cruel things about the DCC elsewhere--not that everything here is nice, or intended as constructive critique. But the general considerate conduct and content of discussion on this site is what I like so much about it! People who really want to talk trash go elsewhere. I've read some of the DCC FB posts, and they can be horridly mean, especially about the swimsuit photos. I don't read much about the DCC elsewhere, but obviously there were a number of brutal comments or she wouldn't have made the Instagram post. I also agree that Morgan and Jasmine were a bit immature and aggressive in their efforts to commiserate with Ashley, but whatevs. Morgan isn't a DCC anymore, and Jasmine is probably on thin ice with the powers that be. This post probably doesn't help. But both ladies are right that haters gonna hate. Ashley has a right to speak out if she really feels that rumors are flying about her. Just because they're not flying here doesn't mean they don't exist. As for the Pink halftime performance, I thought it was pretty good! Those things must be a nightmare to produce, but while it had some old elements to it, it was refreshed nicely with some new music and choreography. I think the costumes dance great, and probably look great on the field, but agree with others that the high waist is not the most flattering. But far better than the Minnie Mouse polka dot pink! And better higher waists than itty bitty minis with butt cheeks or pelvic bones hanging out, to my mind. I was happy to see Samantha, Melissa, Lacey, and Erica so centrally placed in the triangle, and I agree that Emma, Jenna, and the Jennifers looked great. I think next year will be a serious struggle to decide on point girl. Holly may return, but I think Jacie and Emma would be even more competition after a season as the front triangle anchors, and I think Samantha might become a strong contender by next year, too. Crystal was point girl as a third year vet, so it's not all about seniority. Honestly, I don't know how I'd decide among those four, and I bet Kelli & Judy would also consider both Jennifers. That's a strong team when you have so many potential point girls. I like all of them a lot and enjoy watching each of them dance. Thanks for posting all the videos and pics, folks! 1 Link to comment
pink317 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I don't think they would replace the point of the triangle while the current one is still on the squad. That would be super awkward. I think Holly is probably it until she retires. 1 Link to comment
M1977G October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I hope so, pink317! I agree about the level of awkward. Link to comment
MrsEVH October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 What's with the Dunkin' Donuts appearances? Ironic that cheerleaders that have to be stick thin are making an appearance there. Link to comment
RazzleberryPie October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I don't think they would replace the point of the triangle while the current one is still on the squad. That would be super awkward. I think Holly is probably it until she retires. Not sure if in previous years they had different point girls for different routines, but I'm pretty sure Crystal Trevino was still on the team for a year when Whitney took over as point girl. Link to comment
Oranaiche October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) Not sure if in previous years they had different point girls for different routines, but I'm pretty sure Crystal Trevino was still on the team for a year when Whitney took over as point girl. I'm pretty sure Crystal was point girl her third year and she only did three years with the squad. She was point during the 2010-2011 and then she retired. Whitney was the point during the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 seasons. Edited October 11, 2014 by Oranaiche 2 Link to comment
lk2short October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 What's up with Brittney Schram and Chandler Parsons (of the Dallas Mavs)? I saw a comment on Twitter Ashley P. made to Chandler that made it look like maybe Brittney thinks he's cute (understandable) or has a crush on him, but since then I've noticed Brittney started following several of his friends on Instagram as well. So it looks like there is maybe something going on, or Brittney has become a "Chandler Groupie", haha. Additionally, it seems like they (and other DCC's too) have been at the same places at the same times (like the Sam Smith concert. I don't know if Brittney was there, but several other DCC's were - ones who have also been going to the games with her - as well as several of Chandler's friends and supposedly him.). She also seems to suddenly be a huge Mavs fan now (maybe she was before and never expressed it as much or I just didn't notice). Like today she tweeted that she went to two Mavs games in one week and that she was a "lucky girl :)". I could be reading too much into it, but thought the "lucky girl" with the smiley face was referring to something other than basketball games. I also think Chandler is hot, but going by his Instagram pics it looks like his big contract has gone to his head and he's being a little douche-y. There was a pic posted of him in front of the DCC locker room with his arms spread out and the caption with it was "the new king of Dallas". Granted a friend posted it and not him, but if it's a friend he seems to hang out with a lot it kinda makes me wonder. I also thought he was dating Christina Perri? He's a young guy who's famous (and his star is rising), rich, seemingly goes out a lot and likes to have a good time, and gets attention from girls everywhere he goes. Plus just a couple months ago some "model" outed him on Twitter and posted a DM he sent her with his number; it was pretty clear what he was interested in. Maybe they're all just friends and are hanging out (putting being genuine friends to the side, it would look "appealing" and be exciting for either side: the cheerleaders who get to hang out with the new bigshot NBA star in town or the new NBA star in town who gets to hang out with a group of beautiful women and the world's most popular cheerleaders), but I just hope Brittney isn't setting herself up to potentially get hurt. I feel silly saying that considering I don't even know her, but since she comes across as so personable and likeable I guess that's where it comes from. I hope she wouldn't get played by some guy. She just seems like such a catch. 2 Link to comment
Bailey3606 October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 Hmm I think you might be looking too much into it. I'm sure she might be interested in him but I think she's too old for him. She's pushing 30 and last time I checked, he's dating the young Kendall Jenner Link to comment
Bailey3606 October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 After further research he is indeed dating Christina Perri! Whoops! Link to comment
ByTor October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 It looks like he & the DCC have one big thing in common...apparently he's gotten some grief over being too heavy! Maybe Brittney is teaching him all about My Fit Foods :) 1 Link to comment
pink317 October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 It's game day! I think Game Day Girl will be Emma. They seem to have group leader theme going. Link to comment
bigskygirl October 12, 2014 Author Share October 12, 2014 The team is playing in Seattle, but the girls do not travel or perform at out of town games. Link to comment
lk2short October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 (edited) I don't know..... Brittney started following another one of Chandler's friends on Instagram, and he also started following her. The guy was with Chandler this weekend in Dallas, too (he posted a pic of the two of them and said it was a great weekend in the big D). It looks like something is up. I'd say it's safe to assume they've met, but I'd even say they hang out; or at least have before. I wouldn't think Brittney would go start following multiple friends of a guy she just thinks is hot. That would be a bit much. She would have to know he was friends with them. Plus, they also follow her. One of his seems-to-be closest friends also follows Jasmine and Ashley P., Brittney's roommates. I swear I did not search this stuff out looking for it, haha! One day I just noticed the coincidences, but now that I have I pick up on more! Edited October 12, 2014 by lk2short Link to comment
lk2short October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 (edited) Oh, annnnnnd who is seemingly the most recent person Brittney's sisters started following on Instagram? Chandler Parsons!! Lol Edited October 12, 2014 by lk2short 1 Link to comment
pink317 October 12, 2014 Share October 12, 2014 My bad! I misread Sydney's tweet about three home games in a row. She was saying after Seattle. Apologies. Link to comment
KellyAnn3 October 13, 2014 Share October 13, 2014 Brittney dating an athlete on a Dallas team that isn't the Cowboys isn't scandalous at all. Actually it's cute and there's no rule about it. Contrast that with the alleged situation with Jasmine, and it makes Brittney look more 'well behaved' in Cowboys land. Actually, isn't it...not unusual for the DCC date and marry professional athletes? Link to comment
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