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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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I am /in, we need to find a bar that will let us play DVDs of JJ on the 12' giant screens... I am sure they won't mind, they're not busy in the afternoons!

And I sure don't mind drinking in the afternoon!

Because of my surgery (I'm fine!), it still hurts to laugh and goddammit, AngelaHunter, I was not expecting that pic of Kevin Keirstead, "Super Bowl Partygoer" to appear on this thread while scrolling. I think I'm gonna have to sue you for pain and suffering. He and Matthew Neck-Bracey should start a band.

Anyone else get the Walmart Nickel-Digger rerun case today? 52-year old "disabled" pervster sues 26-year old "bartender" for the cash-for-blowjob loans he gave her and brings along another 20-year old "friend" who takes money from him (but presumably doesn't give him blow job repayments) as a "character witness." Coming on the heels of this week's new nickel-digger case, I feel like as if it were intentional.

I'm glad my computer doesn't charge for the use of ironic quoting. I'd be broke.

I was clearing out the backlog today and lost count of the May-December nickel-digger (ha!) cases and they all ran together. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. But I did recall that the 52/26/20 case (boy, that looks odd) was pretty funny.  20-year old worked in a bar " a couple of years ago."  And wasn't the 26-year old the one with kids who quit her job to be a "kept woman" by this guy? For whom they were only holding hands? Forever?  I cracked up at the voice recording that confessed the "loan/gift" was for drug trouble.  Hope CPS was a-listenin' to that one.


Of course, it's possible I have the cases mixed up. Like I said, there was a pretty long list of those today. Viva la quotation marks! (and elipses...)



Kevin Keirstead, "Super Bowl Partygoer" to appear on this thread while scrolling. I think I'm gonna have to sue you for pain and suffering. He and Matthew Neck-Bracey should start a band.


Ha!!! Most excellent, GM! Lord knows we've seen enough DJs on this show that could fer shur set up some gigs!

Edited by SandyToes
  • Love 2

I just remembered tha tthe chick from the other day with the ponytail that was :37 minutes after the hour added a new word to our lexicon: "control-ive". She said he was "control-ive", y'all. Because that's a word. And shit.


Kevin Keirstead...goddamn. He's like a walking hotspot. I wouldn't even have to use my data to check my e-mail on my phone. I could just stand next to his ass.


Matthew Neck-Bracey (funny as hell) was kinda sad, and JJ could've been a little more...sensitive. She said his parents didn't want him...after his girlfriend's mom said he had nowhere to go. If his dad is using his son to score pot, that shows he's an ain't-shit father, and his mom probably has a hard time raising a son on her own.[


27Bored, I thought of you today while I was in Big Lots when I came across some half size containers of Pringles, but they had the honey dijon sauce attached to the top as a dip. I wondered if you would like them that way since that is your standard payment. This thread invades my life...


Aww, I appreciate that. I think about you Freaks, Geeks, and Strange Girls all the time, too.

Edited by 27bored
  • Love 3

We have to incorporate a "showcase" portion of the get-together, complete with special guests.  I'm envisioning an emcee on the mic and a special guest roster that includes Patricia Bean, Baby Boy and his dad, Googly Eyes and Orangina from the gallery, the girl who dressed like Queen Esther at Purim...I know there are loads more, but those are off the top of my head. 

And, we need the off leash dog walking, red headed Leon-something (can't remember her crazy name). She accused a father and son of beating her with a ball throwing toy. Super controlling granny that buys her grandson's clothes and presses them before school needs to be there, too. Patricia Bean can call them sluts.

  • Love 3

I think Mr Bracey's story was partially true. I believe his girlfriend's mom regularly let them drink at her house and probably let him drive her car on the regular. I'm not sure if he took her car without permission or not the night he wrecked it and agreed with JJ that neither of them deserved any money. You let your 20 year old daughter move her boyfriend into the house, let them play beer/liquor pong in your house, hide in your room while it's going on, shit's going to happen. I bet he'd still be living there if he hadn't crashed her car.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 8

Eurydice and her Rat Coat of Many Colours, all the Dirty Old Men, especially !JACK!, Sisters of the Inherited Guns, the Road Kill Rigor Mortis Stew Chefs, Ryan Baker, a.k.a The Dumbest Man in America, and this guy, whose halo bought him not one iota of sympathy.



Oh, AngelaHunter, we mustn't forget Poleface Joe! Maybe we could leave Tupperware Lady and Egan Spangler off the guest list, though. No bar would have enough tequila to dull the pain!

  • Love 2

The first case bored me, and I didn't pay attention.


The second case -- Plaintiff Mr. Moreno, with his Lego Man hair, steely eyes, and a mouth that hardly moves, broke the creepy-meter with his interactions with the defendant.  In Lifetime Movie-style, he posted pictures of her all over his house, showed up at her workplace frequently, and called her employer's corporate HQ to complain about her when things didn't go his way. But wait --- we find out that the defendant admits to dating him, letting him pay her bills....and she was having him babysit her kids. The defendant picked the wrong dude to play the "pay my bills game" with.

This was one of the rare cases where I believed just about everything* both litigants said and agreed with JJ's ruling. I believe the plaintiff when he said the defendant let him babysit her kids (with his kids there, so more like a playdate?) and went to pool parties at his house, etc. (And he probably did pay some of her bills. She didn't deny that, right?) And I absolutely believe the defendant when she said he got creeptastic to the point where he was being a pain in the ass at her job. I think she managed to slip in that corporate told her she had to do something about him before JJ could holler THAT'S HEARSAY! at her. Anyway, I think she said that they only dated from May to July, so that seemed like a reasonable time frame to give it a shot and then decide it wasn't going to be a long-term relationship. And hey! Bonus points awarded for not having another kid together.


*The only thing I didn't buy was when the plaintiff said he called corporate and they told him that he could absolutely keep going to the bar and he was such a great customer and they loved him. Yeeeeeeeah, probably not.

  • Love 4


Oh, AngelaHunter, we mustn't forget Poleface Joe! Maybe we could leave Tupperware Lady and Egan Spangler off the guest list, though. No bar would have enough tequila to dull the pain!

Oh c'mon, y'all. How about the paramedic wanna be that doesn't eat goose? 


I was out visiting my grandbaby this afternoon so I have two cases waiting for me on the DVR. I can't even start the DVR after seeing Mr. Bracey on my feed tonight. . . some cases are just meant to savor. . . 

  • Love 2

We have to incorporate a "showcase" portion of the get-together, complete with special guests.  I'm envisioning an emcee on the mic and a special guest roster that includes Patricia Bean, Baby Boy and his dad, Googly Eyes and Orangina from the gallery, the girl who dressed like Queen Esther at Purim...I know there are loads more, but those are off the top of my head. 

If Kelly Filkins (Ebay of Pigs) isn't there, it'd be criminal (much like her.) 

  • Love 8



    Judge Judy recited some old song lyrics that related to their story, but I don't know why JJ thought these Special Eds would have understood her. They all got  "uhZero," as JJ likes to say.

LOL - For your listening pleasure:



and the original version:



A newer cover by She & Him (Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward) that I love.  This is the version I thought of but knew it wasn't the JJ version.  Pretty sure Byrd wont know this one either.


Edited by Bazinga
  • Love 2

Egan Spangler


I haven't watched today's eps, but I just want to say THANK YOU. I've been trying all day to think of the name "Egan Spangler", who wasn't feeling very well that day.


Matthew Neck-Bracey (funny as hell) was kinda sad, and JJ could've been a little more...sensitive. She said his parents didn't want him


Well, shit. After reading that I'm going to have to stay up half the night now and catch up.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 1

Absolutely. I believe we once planned out an entire weekend somewhere, right down to who would bring the cheeseballs, the Marbo'reds and who would borrow me the money to get there. We would watch JJ, get drunk and in the event of an altercation resulting in property damage I'd put it on my credit card and you all can pay me back when you get your tax returns. All good, clean fun as long as you leave your baseball bats at home.

I'm on disability, use medical marijuana and have been living with a man, unmarried for almost 27 years. Can I come?

I'm JJ's favorite kind of person.

I'll borrow you some money and buy you a cell phone if I can come.

Just so you don't think I'm a bum, I worked hard for 30 years and I'm on disability for a good reason, and not a day goes by that I don't wish I could go back to work.

But I still want to come. We can conversate and everything.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 8

Oooooo, a party! Well, I will hire someone to make me a dress exactly like this: x1994-princess-diana-400_0.jpg,qitok=uT4

But my limit is $159.45. And I don't want it black but some tacky purple and gold stripped crap. And I want the skirt to go exactly 1.57 inches below my knees. And I want the skirt to be more full and poofy. And I want some lace ribbons hanging from the ends of the sleeves, so they can flutter gracefully as I walk about the party. And I want Dollar Store stuffed tiger to wear around my shoulders (it will complement the paper gold crown I'll be wearing).  And if that dress doesn't look exactly like the one Princess Di is wearing, I swear I'll sue, sue, sue!

Edited by Milz
  • Love 12
We were joking about that, but if anyone did want to do a meetup for this group, I'd totally be there. It'd be great to meet you guys in person for a drink or 20.


As stated upthread, GiantMisfit and I did just that about 8 years ago when we were members of the JJ thread on The Former Site That Shall Not Be Named. We are both from Philly area  and met at a Starbucks halfway. To honor the solemnity of the occasion, I brought my life-sized cardboard Judge Judy cutout that I pawned off of Barnes and Nobles when she had a book release..  After much laughter and case disection, GiantMisfit left without paying for my scone and latte. (gaily waves at GiantMisfit)

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 3

I've never seen the Egan Spangler case.


Describing Egan Spangler is futile. She must be seen and heard to get the full experience. I may have it somewhere in my video stash. Actually I hope I do, since I'd love to watch again.


QuoteWell, I will hire someone to make me a dress exactly like this



I'm pretty sure I know where you can get a second-hand, strapless, gold lamé high-school prom dress. It won't be spendy since its owner - a 22-year old - had 4 kids and a baby daddy who doesn't work when last we laid eyes on her. She has no time for such fripperies.



cardboard Judge Judy cutout that I pawned


WhineandCheez! If we're going to have a JJ weekend, get it right. It's "Pawn-ded".



I'll borrow you some money and buy you a cell phone if I can come.


Yes, but will you put my cell phone on your plan? My credit is not so good, but I promise I'll pay the bill every month.



Here's Egan. This might give you an idea:


Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 5
JJ could've been a little more...sensitive. She said his parents didn't want him...after his girlfriend's mom said he had nowhere to go. If his dad is using his son to score pot, that shows he's an ain't-shit father, and his mom probably has a hard time raising a son on her own.

I agree with this. This was a good opportunity for her to show some compassion for circumstances outside Neck-Bracey's control. But no...she had to go all, "I raised five children and they never...!"on him. I'm sure they didn't. Those kids were raised by normal, college-educated parents with no predisposition towards abuse or addiction. Matthew is a kid on the margins -- and will grow up to be an adult on the margins because no one intervened to help set things right. Because, too, also:


I think Mr Bracey's story was partially true. I believe his girlfriend's mom regularly let them drink at her house and probably let him drive her car on the regular. I'm not sure if he took her car without permission or not the night he wrecked it and agreed with JJ that neither of them deserved any money. You let your 20 year old daughter move her boyfriend into the house, let them play beer/liquor pong in your house, hide in your room while it's going on, shit's going to happen. I bet he'd still be living there if he hadn't crashed her car.

I believe this as well. Beer Pong Mom knew damn well what was going on in that house (how does anyone conceal a beer pong table?) and not only chose to look the other way but probably condoned it as well. I really felt sorry for him when he said he was stuck in a ditch for 12 hours and they never even bothered to look for him or care to ask how he was afterwards. That shit's just cold.


Totally not justifying his drinking and driving but don't necessarily think he's evil kid.


Just so you don't think I'm a bum, I worked hard for 30 years and I'm on disability for a good reason, and not a day goes by that I don't wish I could go back to work.

And this is the reason I will always advocate for the safety net that disability provides. The people I see on JJ are the exceptions, not the rule. 


Many years ago, on the Board That Shall Not Be Named, I tried organizing a trip out to LA to go see a taping of JJ. I contacted a producer through JJ's site and she wrote back that she would accommodate the group. For whatever reason, it never materialized, but if anyone is interested in trying that again, I'd be up for it!

But my limit is $159.45. And I don't want it black but some tacky purple and gold stripped crap. And I want the skirt to go exactly 1.57 inches below my knees. And I want the skirt to be more full and poofy. And I want some lace ribbons hanging from the ends of the sleeves, so they can flutter gracefully as I walk about the party. And I want Dollar Store stuffed tiger to wear around my shoulders (it will complement the paper gold crown I'll be wearing). And if that dress doesn't look exactly like the one Princess Di is wearing, I swear I'll sue, sue, sue!

If you can come by, like, maybe Tuesday and bring me the fabric and $150, and I can have it ready by next Friday. Oh, you'll probably need a final fitting, like maybe, Thursday. But, basically, like I can go on the Internet and learn to sew and like basically, if I you send me the material right away - and of course the money - I'll get it done Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 4

Oh, well, if you're going to hire a competent seamstress, you are clearly too hoighty-toity for this crowd.  Next thing you know, you'll be asking for references before hiring contractors and doing credit checks on potential tenants.  


References? Credit checks? I'm so fabulous, I don't get anything in writing and toss receipts in the trash as soon as I can.


I tend not to believe parents who say "I didn't know the 14 teens who hang out at my house every weekend are drinking, Judge." We had a recent local case were a parent allowed underage drinking at his home. 3 of the drunk kids drove afterwards and wrapped their car around a tree. 2 of them died. The parent only got fined for contributing to the deliquency of minors. AND the parents are sponsoring a trip to Mexico for spring break this year and are having the parents of the other teens sign a release from liability waiver because it's for 18 year old to drink in Mexico. So, unless these parents are drunk/high themselves, they know that their children and their friends use their home for alcohol, drugs, strippers, etc.

  • Love 2

I felt very sorry for the woman yesterday; I thought maybe the problem was tiny eyeballs? I have never seen anything like that before, quite disturbing. The redhead today (with matching eyebrows!) had that off-kilter eye location. Maybe she was injured as a child.

My first reaction was that she was blind, since many sight-impaired people have sunk-in eye sockets. Very surprised that she was not blind.

The redhead without furniture, a job, an apartment, and now no live-lover as a Picasso model? Bwahahaha.

Edited by Tosia
  • Love 1

Or, as they say sometimes: "Yeah, we been talking".

Or, "We been conversating some". Our daughter and son in law both know about my JJ addiction and have learned some of the lingo from me. Daughter came in the other night and said "let's conversate about cleaning out the greenhouse and fixing it's leaky roof this weekend" - haha! I told her if she'd borrow me some money, I could hire an unlicensed handyman with a beater veHICKle and no tools to do it for cash since he surely doesn't have a bank account. Of course, the handyman will need some of the money upfront for supplies and I won't bother to ask for receipts.

  • Love 3

the handyman will need some of the money upfront for supplies and I won't bother to ask for receipts.


Why would you? I'm sure you'll trust him a lot. Don't forget to complain about the fact that's he unlicensed only after he rips you off. Bring papers to JJ to prove such and wave them around constantly.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 2

Or, as they say sometimes: "Yeah, we been talking".


Or, as we learned last week, 'Yeah, we been bathing."


Y'all are in fine form, today!  Did anyone catch the early episode with the fake/sick waaaaay over made-up gal with the IV?  I caught the last 30 seconds ("There is something wrong with you!") and would love to know what the case was. Judy seemed disappointed she could ONLY award $5000. Thanks!

Edited by SandyToes
  • Love 2

First case-- Rocky Fernandez was suing his ex-gf Ms. Gangloff for an unpaid loan that was over $6,000. Judge Judy spent a lot of time trying to figure out if Ms. Gangloff was scamming the government. Overall, this was a pretty boring case.  Even the parts that were supposed to be scandalous weren't that exciting.


Second case -- A mother, Dana Weaver, was suing her daughter, Shartrice Ricketts, for the cost of a rental car that was not returned. Dana footed the bill for a rental so Shartrice, who had horrible posture, could drive her kids down to SC to spend summer with Grandma Dana. Well, Shartrice and her man decided to keep the car and live out of it when they got back to CT. Shartrice gave zero shits.


Second episode, first case -- A plaintiff hired and paid over $400 for a photographer.  There was no contract between them, but maybe there was a 'no refund policy'? The photographer canceled her 2 or 3 appointments and was wishy-washy about making an appointment. The photographer claimed the plaintiff was the one canceling. The plaintiff made a dramatic statement in the hallterview that made it sound like she was cheated out of her baby's infancy stage.


Joyce Bullock (Daddy's Girl, according to her arm tat) said that she always picked up the plaintiff's kids from school. Then, Joyce got into a car accident and couldn't get the kids or get to her "home healthcare" jobs. Plaintiff Shalia, Joyce's sister-in-law, said that Joyce never picked her kids up, but Shalia did help Joyce with the cost of a rental car. JJ ordered Joyce to repay Shalia.  I think Joyce was trying to be sexy-looking during the case, which was disturbing.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
  • Love 3

First case-- Rocky Fernandez was suing his ex-gf Ms. Gangloff for an unpaid loan that was over $6,000.

Yawn you're right boring

Second case -- A mother, Dana Weaver, was suing her daughter, Shartrice Ricketts, for the cost of a rental car that was not returned. Dana footed the bill for a rental so Shartrice, who had horrible posture, could drive her kids down to SC to spend summer with Grandma Dana. Well, Shartrice and her man decided to keep the car and live out of it when they got back to CT. Shartrice gave zero shits.

Daughter tried to say she was entitled since mom never did anything for her, while at the same time saying mom agreed to take kids because she, the daughter, was having tough time. Really, daughter had no case - or any common sense. JJ pointed out she could have turned in the car and used the money to rent an apartment.

Besides, if she had left one of MY CATS behind, I'd be suing for punitive damages send pain and suffering

Edited by SRTouch
  • Love 4

Ah, Shartrice, Shartrice. You should keep your mouth shut! Loved how JJ ferreted out that yea, verily, there was a MAN she was a'runnin' home to. And in the cutaway to the commercial, she mumbled she had to return to SC because she didn't get no "assistance" anywhere else. Must be one hellluva baby daddy (or just talkin' and bathin' friend) to want to live out of a car instead of bunking in with mama and her own children.  Guess it could have been one helluva rental car. Hmmm...


Hell's bells. You need a license to catch a fish here. I'm not sure Shartrice would qualify for one of those. Hope her kids got at least a little proper parenting while they were with Grandma. Me thinks Shartrice isn't so much of a mommy-type.


Joyce the home health worker (blech, ick, belch) got on every one of my nerves. Can you imagine a court reporter trying to transcribe that mess? Pick a story that at least makes SOME sense. Needs a rental car so kids can have a play date. Never mind the frickety frack job! On second thought, maybe a good thing she couldn't  work...

  • Love 3

GUYS--AM I the ONY OLNE who caught this????? 


In the middle of hearing about baby mamas/daddies I heard JJ say ""This isn't America anymore" and shake her head.  I was so surprised I played it again and turned on CC and yep, it was clear.  She also added something under her breath that CC didn't pick up. Unfortunately due to vicodin I deleted the episode w/o writing date/epi down for your viewing pleasure.


eta: Welcome Maharincess--I have enjoyed your posts on other shows!  This is the best place to hang--the snark is superb and the posters are GREAT, and when the chips are down, they are always there for ya.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 6

I think Joyce was trying to be sexy-looking during the case, which was disturbing.


Maybe the giant eyelashes, troweled-on blue eyeshadow, the long, ratty wig or the huge, tatted arms she displayed made her feel all hot 'n sexy? Or maybe being a deadbeat, lying scammer does that. The record for the caliber of home health care workers on this show remains unbroken. Truly frightening. The difference between her demeanour and that of  the plaintiff (who was polite, well-spoken, appropriately dressed and had all her evidence) spoke volumes. Joyce's sage advice in the hall? "Get better insurance." Oh, yeah, as if SHE had any insurance at all.



The plaintiff made a dramatic statement in the hallterview that made it sound like she was cheated out of her baby's infancy stage.


Yes, that was a bit much. While I'm glad she got her money back from the skeevy defendant andf her seemingly mute, man-bunned little consort, you would think she'd just be happy she had her baby and got refunded. It's not the end of the world that she has no pictures of her big belly.



I caught the last 30 seconds ("There is something wrong with you!") and would love to know what the case was. Judy seemed disappointed she could ONLY award $5000. Thanks!


Oh, you never this, with one of the most despicable litigants ever? Plaintiff was friends with defendant for I think 20 years. Def comes to her, tells her she has breast cancer and needs money for treatment, starting with $500. Defendant even put a fake IV on her arm. Plaintiff ended up giving her 8,000$.


Turns out defendant probably had a cyst or something, and knew that from the get-go. Her husband dumped her (gee, I wonder why) and she refused to pay her friend back. Thus, JJ told her there's something wrong with her and hoped that one of her appointments was with a psychiatrist. I've been devastated by this illness, as I'm sure many others here have, and listening to this I couldn't help but think I hope it really does happen to her. What she did is beyond disgusting.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 7

Maybe the giant eyelashes, troweled-on blue eyeshadow, the long, ratty wig or the huge, tatted arms she displayed made her feel all hot 'n sexy? Or maybe being a deadbeat, lying scammer does that. The record for the caliber of home health care workers on this show remains unbroken. Truly frightening. The difference between her demeanour and that of  the plaintiff (who was polite, well-spoken, appropriately dressed and had all her evidence) spoke volumes. Joyce's sage advice in the hall? "Get better insurance." Oh, yeah, as if SHE had any insurance at all.


Yeah, she has had no insurance EVER.



 one of the most despicable litigants ever? Plaintiff was friends with defendant for I think 20 years. Def comes to her, tells her she has breast cancer and needs money for treatment, starting with $500. Defendant even put a fake IV on her arm. Plaintiff ended up giving her 8,000$.


Turns out defendant probably had a cyst or something, and knew that from the get-go. Her husband dumped her (gee, I wonder why) and she refused to pay her friend back. Thus, JJ told her there's something wrong with her and hoped that one of her appointments was with a psychiatrist. I've been devastated by this illness, as I'm sure many others here have, and listening to this I couldn't help but think I hope it really does happen to her. What she did is beyond disgusting.


WOW!  I didn't have the pleasure of seeing this POS.  I can't even fathom that kind of betrayal.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the update, Angela!  Despicable, indeed. Just wow. There are stories like this in the news all the time. I just can't imagine saying that just to collect cash. But then again, like so many of the folks we see on just this show, people do an awful lot of things I can't imagine.



Joyce's sage advice in the hall? "Get better insurance." Oh, yeah, as if SHE had any insurance at all.


Yeah, she has had no insurance EVER.



I thought the exact same thing. Waiting on the insurance.  Uh huh. They tend to be pretty slow to pay when you DON'T PAY ANY PREMIUMS!


P.S. I hope you are doing well.  I'm four years clear myself, and was really, really lucky. Big hugs to you! 

Edited by SandyToes
  • Love 4

Or, "We been conversating some". Our daughter and son in law both know about my JJ addiction and have learned some of the lingo from me. Daughter came in the other night and said "let's conversate about cleaning out the greenhouse and fixing it's leaky roof this weekend" - haha! I told her if she'd borrow me some money, I could hire an unlicensed handyman with a beater veHICKle and no tools to do it for cash since he surely doesn't have a bank account. Of course, the handyman will need some of the money upfront for supplies and I won't bother to ask for receipts.

Or just give him your credit card cuz you got his name off of Craig's List, so, he's, you know, reliable.

  • Love 6

That photographer really had the smirk down pat, didn't she? The only time she wasn't smirking was when she was talking. And, then I was totally mesmerized by her chin. I wonder if Jay Leno is a cousin?


Angela Hunter, your description of the bad wigged car rental scammer is perfect! I actually yelled "What insurance, bitch?" when she gave her hallterview. I'll eat some glass if that scamming liar had insurance on the car she totaled.

  • Love 5

If you ask your landlord to go with you, you don't have to pay rent anymore! Because if they go on a trip with you, they are your friend, and you don't have to pay rent to friends because friends code.  I will make any of you a notarized explanation so you can show it to JJ because not all landlords believe this is true and you might find yourself evicted. Don't worry, when JJ says I don't read letters, just start blurting it out and she will understand that while I did not have a dentist father to send me to 17 years of graduate school, I do read John Grisham books and so that makes me apprenticized by proxy.


StewedSquash, I know I was posting drunk the other night. Perhaps tonight is your turn? Not that there is a damned thing wrong with that! In fact maybe we should all take turns imbibing and then hitting the keyboard? Well, those of us who can do so without grabbing a brick and hurling it through someone's windshield or whacking someone upside the head with a stick of firewood.


Marharincess and Sandy Toes, thank you, but I have not personally been afflicted with that disease (knocks on wood). But I have lost some of those most dear to me to it and seeing someone fake it to scam money makes me furious. I just hope that karma thing is for real and that it bites her fat ass very soon.


Sandy Toes - four years! That's simply wonderful to hear!:)

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