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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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   Guess I must have misunderstood the Conkle case.  

   The guy sold the car for $2500-$3000, right?  And he was paid all but $600. So, he owed 1/4 or 1/5 of the purchase price. Judy's attitude was that he paid back all but a few dollars.  

   And, the guy never put it in his name so the seller was legally responsible for any tickets/accidents. Why was she not yelling at the defendant for leaving his friend liable for whatever happened while he had the car?  In other cases, she'd be all over the person for leaving his friend vulnerable.

   I don't think the plaintiff should have gotten thousands back for the damage, but I think the defendant was acting irresponsibly and should have been told that.

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but I think the defendant was acting irresponsibly and should have been told that.


He was grilled on why he didn't register the car in his name but since his answer was along the lines of "Duh...I just didn't", there wasn't any point in going further. Really, why would he be in a hurry to put the car in his name when he knows he can't drive without getting tickets? The seller was the person at serious risk and who had real motivation but did nothing at all to get the car ouf of his name. They're both slackjaws.

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   Oh, well I had assumed that it was up to the new owner to get it in his name and the seller couldn't do anything to get it done except hound him.  Or could he have called the police to help get it done or would he have had to go to court to force him to do it?


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The award for the "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" category goes to Sabrina. With that face and her status as a single mother of four, it's really quite admirable that she really thinks she's so "all that" that men would want to shower gifts of  money on her and get nothing in return.


Brian, you need to find new friends another way.

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I watched an episode today with an ex-couple who had signed a 1 year lease but broke up & moved out after 7 months or so. The woman supposedly paid the landlord $2500 towards the balance of the lease & wanted her ex-boyfriend to reimburse her half of that amount. JJ agreed with her, but only issued a conditional judgment. The woman's problem was that she paid with money orders & the receipts just say the amount, not the payee, so JJ couldn't verify where the money went. JJ even called the former landlord.

The second case was an alleged college student who struggled to say "yes" instead of "yup." At one point she said "yup" again, JJ glared at her & she quickly added "ssssss." I thought she was petulant & seemed a lot younger than her years. JJ gave her $100 bucks for her share of a Lenovo computer. The halterview revealed that she broke up with her boyfriend via text message.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Seriously. I am at DEFCON1 with the rerun situation. Not only have there been three full weeks of reruns, but today, the rerun of the case of the late limo driver who drove off early RERAN AGAIN on the NEXT half-hour block on the station where I watch JJ.


Does JJ need another $65 million to start taping new shows? Because, honestly, I'm ready to start a Kickstarter to make this happen.

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Seriously. I am at DEFCON1 with the rerun situation. Not only have there been three full weeks of reruns, but today, the rerun of the case of the late limo driver who drove off early RERAN AGAIN on the NEXT half-hour block on the station where I watch JJ.

Does JJ need another $65 million to start taping new shows? Because, honestly, I'm ready to start a Kickstarter to make this happen.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Weird. The Fox station had 3 different episodes, but the smaller tv channel had a duplication. (Yes, I watched 3 hours of JJ repeats today. Please don't judge me.)

The repeats (& re-repeats) are frustrating. But, as feisty & sharp-witted & fit as JJ appears---the woman is elderly....maybe she just needs some time off?

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Scumbag guy who took money from his son to pay HIS drunk driving fines and child support: Maybe he doesn't drink so much anymore but I could swear he was having an attack of the DTs right in front of our eyes.

See kids, this is what happens when you're an alcoholic and you fuck up your life (and everyone else's lives) and you can't have that drink in the morning because you have to go on Judge Judy instead.


JJ said she didn't want him fainting in her courtroom.  Byrd, get the flask.


Definitely the DTs.

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I wanted JJ to do two things in today's cat-sitter/trashed house case:

1. Tell the partially-shaved hairdo girl that "this isn't an audition, so stop acting."

2. Ask the cat-sitter, "What is wrong with you?! Are you on medication?" (even though I think the meds question should remain an "in-your-head" question, and I think it's inappropriate when she asks, it was REALLY obvious that the cat-sitter was completely stoned).


I did love when Byrd's annoyance level spiked to 10 when the shaved hairdo girl tried to approach the bench.  Everything about him said, "Calm the F down."


I'm still grossed out by that country-came-to-town case in episode two. Proof that this case was a real hillbilly picnic:

- Caretaker (but not really a caretaker)-best friend witness RaeRene Colliflower proudly introduced herself. You know you're witnessing a Country Bear Jamboree when someone's name is RaeRene Colliflower.

- The bearded guy carries a purse (excuse me, document bag) with all of his belongings in it and rides a mini motor scooter. He's huge and claims to have paralysis on his left side and in his neck. No matter; I guess his butt somehow doesn't swallow the tiny seat, he hangs on with one hand, and never looks both ways. Ride on!

- All the neighbors described the defendant as the guy who drinks too much and breaks things. He readily admitted that his right fist has been totally destroyed over the years.


That case has an annoying redhead and a lady in a flowered shirt in the gallery - they must be in the same clan as Googly Eyes because they were craning their necks like crazy to get on camera.  Flowered shirt looked like she was just about ready to tip the chair over sideways in her attempts to mug for the control room.


The sense of entitlement from the squatters was really something. My neighborhood is made up of townhomes, villas, regular-sized single homes, and McMansions. I've heard a few stories about squatters in some of the McMansions. I can never wrap my head around the whole thing...how are these people not swooped up by the police and charged with something right away?  Some of my neighbors surmise that, in some cases, the homeowners stop paying their mortgage, house goes into foreclosure, but they collect rent from the squatters.  I don't know if that's true, but I still can't comprehend how all of this happens so easily and for months and years at a time.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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Ask the cat-sitter, "What is wrong with you?! Are you on medication?"


In the hall she says, like, basically, you know, "You hire a 17 year old and give her your house keys?" Even she was dazzled at how anyone could be stupid enough to trust her. Giggling, silly plaintiff was actually even more irritating.



Proof that this case was a real hillbilly picnic:


Three guys, way old enough to know better, swigging from a bottle of booze and then defendant thinks he's Muhammad Ali, well, except for the fact that no one hits him back.  Hated him.



The bearded guy carries a purse


Hated him too. Maybe he wouldn't be so disabled - but not too disabled to ride around on a scooted and get pissed - if he dropped a couple hundred pounds.



I've heard a few stories about squatters in some of the McMansions. I can never wrap my head around the whole thing


I don't get it either. Apparently even when the legal owners want to move into their own property it's nearly impossibe to get the squatters out. WTF? These particular squatters were kind of awesome, besides the fact that they had the balls to sue. They live in one room of someone else's house, don't or can't pay rent and think it's the perfect time to squirt out a baby. Mazel tov!

Edited by AngelaHunter
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The squatters bothered me so much!  They had such a sense of indignant entitlement!  You don't own the house, you don't pay a mortgage or rent to anyone for almost a year?  You know they weren't just using ONE room in that house all that time.  And to have the balls to SUE over a pet YOU left behind for weeks (according to your own testimony) is in the words of JJ "Outrageous!" They say they moved out in July and returned in August to find all their crap (and dog) gone.  Well, genius, you just said you "moved out".  That implies you vacated the premises with whatever you felt you wanted to take with you.  You never made arrangements to say to new owner, OK we'll leave but can we come back for our stuff in a week or two?  No, you just split.  Who did you think was caring for your beloved dog while you were out casing neighborhoods for another place to live rent free? The woman really pissed me off with her claim that new owner never gave her a rental agreement.  FU!  It's his goddamn house! 


It's crazy how the laws protect squatters in some states. I know of a case where the owners of a house had to fight the courts for over 2 years b/c a family moved into their unoccupied winter home.  They made sure the water (and other services) are shut off while they are not there.  They were alerted to the fact something weird was happening when they were getting water, electric and landscaping bills delivered to their summer address.  The squatters had called the city, pretended they were the owners and got all utilities turned on and even had the lawn guys showing up! The squatters' lawyer tried to argue these losers had "rights" because they had established residency.  When they finally evicted those a-holes, the house was a disaster.  The squatters destroyed walls, appliances, etc.

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RE; the squatters.... Did they have utilities at their squat? Whenever I've moved from one place to another, the utilities were always turned off. Likewise, I cannot imagine any homeowner who keeps the utilities after they've signed the sale papers on the home.

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It's crazy how the laws protect squatters in some states.

NOTHING boils my blood more than reading a squatter story in the news!  The common denominator is the sense of entitlement is always just like the litigants. "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine". Under that theory, once I park my truck at night anyone can take it because I wasn't presently using it.


 Don't get me started on the foreclosures and abandoned animals or I will have that stroke.


I know of a case where the owners of a house had to fight the courts for over 2 years b/c a family moved into their unoccupied winter home.

If I am going to spend lawyer money getting a squatter out of MY house, then it would be more satisfying just to just pay for my defense of exercising the "Castle Doctrine" and proving it was a good shoot.

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RE; the squatters.... Did they have utilities at their squat? Whenever I've moved from one place to another, the utilities were always turned off. Likewise, I cannot imagine any homeowner who keeps the utilities after they've signed the sale papers on the home.


I just bet that these days a homeowner who turned off water, etc to try and flush the vermin out would find himself being sued.


This happened to a family near me. They had to go live for a year in another part of the country for work and rented out their home. The tenants never paid any rent and nearly bankrupted the owners who had a mortgage. It took about seven months to finally get them out.


Boggles the mind.

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Yesterday was a case with a piglet breeder. I'm not sure why the breeder thought that she had a case ?

She might possibly have a case against the girl she originally sold the piggy to, but certainly not against the new owner.  She was BEYOND stupid in not being able to grasp that.  The most telling part was JJ asking if she would pay $1000.00 to get the pig back- the breeder started stammering- while the new owner practically shouted they weren't interested in selling!


Not sure about purchases, but I have signed several contracts with the Greyhound adoption group that forbid me from transferring the dogs to anyone except the group, ever.  Now, that may be more enforceable in a rescue situation as the intent is to try to prevent the animals from being sent to labs or other bad situations.   

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Ugh, that uppity bitch who sued Mr. Roquemore again?!  I hated that woman and her 'tude the first time that case aired. Aw man, Mr. Roquemore - I know you and your wife are probably overwhelmed with the four adopted children -- but you've either got to straighten up the house and find the paperwork, or start keeping important paperwork in a secret hiding spot.


I just can't handle today's reruns.  The first case, with the unemployed/housecleaner who claimed to be a former math teacher for four hours per day, made my blood boil. Sometimes, the term "teacher" is thrown around too easily (similar to "nurse" on these court shows). More like "I helped my little kid with homework."


The two episodes from earlier today annoyed the hell out of me, too.  One case featured Mrs. McCarthy, the Bronx's most aggressive, abrasive insurance agent and her furry-eyebrowed client whose cash payments were stolen by a young office worker. Another case had a keyed car and morons (two with rainbow sherbet-style eyeshadow) who refused to use the possessive form of any word. ("We went to the mall in my sister car." "We left the mall cuz she had to change the baby diaper.")


Oh good Lord, it's herky-jerky drunken Susan Freas again, her creepy, silent witnesses, and the car she ripped off of her super-calm former boyfriend. I still love that the defendant said he has no interest in romance, and he doesn't even listen to love songs. That guy has the right idea.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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I know you and your wife are probably overwhelmed with the four adopted children -- but you've either got to straighten up the house and find the paperwork, or start keeping important paperwork in a secret hiding spot.


Overwhelmed, maybe, but he and his wife make their living on the backs of those kids so I don't feel terribly sorry for him. His Gollum act didn't impress me either.


("We went to the mall in my sister car."


Ha. I've always wondered what a "sister car" or a "cousin car" is, exactly. One can't be related to an inanimate object, can one?


it's herky-jerky drunken Susan Freas again


"She's on speed."


As for Ms. Piggy from the other day: I have a hard time imagining any rescues that would be willing to work with her in any  way. Our main object was always to find homes for animals already here, and not a single rescue person I know would dream of breeding and peddling more animals that will need homes. GOOD homes, not some anonymous person online who cannot pay her rent but wants an exotic pet that she'll dump a month later. I'm glad that at least the little piglet in this case seems to have a good home.

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RE; the squatters.... Did they have utilities at their squat? Whenever I've moved from one place to another, the utilities were always turned off. Likewise, I cannot imagine any homeowner who keeps the utilities after they've signed the sale papers on the home.


The weirdest thing about that case was they said there were other people living there too (and the homeowner was sleeping with one of them).

She might possibly have a case against the girl she originally sold the piggy to, but certainly not against the new owner.  She was BEYOND stupid in not being able to grasp that.  The most telling part was JJ asking if she would pay $1000.00 to get the pig back- the breeder started stammering- while the new owner practically shouted they weren't interested in selling!




And the woman said, "I'm not going to pay for my own pig."  No, it wasn't your pig!

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Today: Susan who was suing Richard who loaned her $2,000 so that she could buy "the car of her dreams" (Mercedes) for the return of the car that she said he took, some reason didn't understand that the $2,000 was given to her to buy the car because she didn't have the money on her at the time and the guy that was selling the car wanted the money right then.


She said "I didn't have the money on me at the time so he paid for the car for me.  I don't understand why she thinks that she doesn't owe him the $2,000 ?


I go for long periods not watching this show because i get to emotionally involved. lol

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Not sure about purchases, but I have signed several contracts with the Greyhound adoption group that forbid me from transferring the dogs to anyone except the group, ever.  Now, that may be more enforceable in a rescue situation as the intent is to try to prevent the animals from being sent to labs or other bad situations.


See, I have to say, I'm always put off by rescue groups who get all territorial like that. I mean, if you don't want me to go to a pet store and buy a puppy, then understand that if I take a rescue dog into my home, I'm not *fostering* it and its my dog. I mean, I do get the paranoia (I understand the bad situations) but really, if I take the dog from a rescue and have it for five years and something happens, I'm not a piece of utter scum for finding my dog another home without first getting the rescue group to ok it. Rescue groups also have started social media shaming people for taking rescue dogs and returning them when the situation doesn't work out. If, god forbid, I had to take a rescue dog back to the shelter because it was incompatible, I'd be pissed to see the public shaming commentary on the rescue's website of "This little fellow was given back to us after just two days because the owner couldn't handle x,y, and z! Won't someone with a *real* heart take him?"

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In the case today (woman on speed and the 2000$ car) was Googly eyes sitting behind the defendant?


Yes.  She was also on Hot Bench with a better hairstyle and she was staring and smiling at the camera nonstop.

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Wanna see an entitled squatter who will make your blood boil?  I wish the homeowner would've taken this case to Judge Judy, it has all the classic JJ elements: squatter is collecting SS disability but won't reveal the nature of his/her disability; she admits on-camera that she's stealing electricity from a neighbor's house, and she's on probation. Yet she insists that it's now her house, 'cause, well, a lot of people on the block are squatters and they support her!

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Yet she insists that it's now her house, 'cause, well, a lot of people on the block are squatters and they support her!


I saw that case of Lynne/Arthur before and it will never stop boggling my mind. Yeah, it would be heaven to see him/her on JJ.


Not sure about purchases, but I have signed several contracts with the Greyhound adoption group that forbid me from transferring the dogs to anyone except the group, ever.  Now, that may be more enforceable in a rescue situation as the intent is to try to prevent the animals from being sent to labs or other bad situations.


That's right. I've signed contracts and I've had others sign them. The animals we adopted out already have lived through all kinds of hell and we do everything we can to make sure they're never abandoned or abused again and that includes forbidding anyone to dispose of them however they like. The little piglet is just lucky she ended up in the home she did. If I were the plaintiff I would have thrilled and not harrassing those people for money.

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I checked judgejudy.com and I think next week's cases are all repeats again.

And this makes me wanna give her a hard side eye the next time she yells at someone to "get a JOB!" Not that JJ is lazy, but for $65 mil, she could at least show up from time to time. If someone doesn't have the desire to show up and work for that kind of money, what desire would they have to show up for minimum wage?!

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The animals we adopted out already have lived through all kinds of hell and we do everything we can to make sure they're never abandoned or abused again and that includes forbidding anyone to dispose of them however they like.

AngelaHunter- this has been true for many years, and it doesn't bother me one bit.  Retired Racing Greyhounds are especially attractive to different labs because they have a super fast metabolism that shows drug interactions very quickly.  They have also been raised in crates for 22 hours a day and don't raise hell when confined.


That being said, ZoloftBob is correct that there are now many animal hoarders on power trips calling themselves "rescue" that I don't completely believe their intentions to be the best.

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there are now many animal hoarders on power trips calling themselves "rescue" that I don't completely believe their intentions to be the best.


Don't I know it. When I was doing rescue I was shocked at the doings of some people involved, a couple of whom I truly thought had quite serious mental problems and/or personal agendas that had nothing to do with animal welfare.

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I've always wondered what a "sister car" is


Actually the term has meaning in the industry...(going slightly OT here) but really not what our grammar-challenged JJ cast had in mind!


A sister car is one that is substantially like another model except for badging, for example a Chevy Silverado and a GMC SIerra pickup truck, or a Chrysler Town and Country and a Dodge Grand Caravan


Now you can be happy you have learned a semi-useful factoid and your day surfing Previously.tv has not been all recreational ;)

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I always save a few weekend JJ episodes on my DVR fo viewing on those days when no station in my area airs an episode. Last night I watched one that had recorded about three weeks ago; it was a rerun from 2009 that I had never seen before. The plaintiff was one Miss Susan Ericsson who, for some reason, had taken 17-yera-old Sierra Fickbohm under her wing. Sierra's mom kicked her out or couldn't support her or some such, and Susan not only let her live with her, she also bought her a used car and paid $950 for her senior pictures. Sierra had the usual defense - "She didn't ask me to pay her back!" She never asked for rent!" but also insisted that she cleaned Susan's house for her, which was payment enough, because Susan paid her regular cleaning lady "$100 an hour."


Anyone remember this case? It left me wondering why the heck the plaintiff took in Sierra in the first place and paid for all that stuff. Goodness of her heart? Getting something in return? Any guesses?

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I watched that case this weekend, too, Ouisch. My best guess is that Mother of Sierra had some "issues." Meth, maybe? Who knows. And guess what JJ? Those senior pictures are EXPENSIVE. Now, granted I haven't been a senior in high school in quite sometime, but even back then when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, I'm pretty sure those things were in the hundreds of dollars. It's outrageous that the mother didn't even offer to pay a PENNY.

The WORST part of that case? The nasty piece Sierra in her hallterview, "We have no comment. No comment. Yeah, no comment." Great. Another grifter for the pile.

I was more amused by crazy Victoria Davenport's rerun. Loon calls the police 11 times to report her ex "yelled" at her then sues HIM when he files a report for her putting her hands on him. I felt so bad for that ex-boyfriend but regardless, men...wear condoms, PLEASE!

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I watched that case this weekend, too, Ouisch. My best guess is that Mother of Sierra had some "issues." Meth, maybe? Who knows.

I think the girl's mother had some issues, but I also think the plantiff expected a windfall. There was a brief commentary about how the girl lived on a Reservation and there were funds available for her support. Either the money didn't come through or the girl decided not to share with the plantiff.

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Long time lurker making my first post!  I just cannot contain myself any longer.  :-)


I watched one yesterday that I had not seen before.  Airline pilot is being sued by an ex for $5k that she gave him as he came back from a consulting job in Africa where he didn't get paid.  Anyhow, he subsequently got another job for his firm and never paid her back.  JJ kept asking him 'if some BUM didn't pay your daughter back, how would you  react?'  She stressed BUM everytime, and every time I giggled.


The one from a few weeks back where the parties only had to pay $55/ month to keep a horse made me really wonder where the hell that stable was at, as $55 a month doesn't even get me all the food my horse needs.

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Long time lurker making my first post!  I just cannot contain myself any longer.  :-)


I watched one yesterday that I had not seen before.  Airline pilot is being sued by an ex for $5k that she gave him as he came back from a consulting job in Africa where he didn't get paid.  Anyhow, he subsequently got another job for his firm and never paid her back.  JJ kept asking him 'if some BUM didn't pay your daughter back, how would you  react?'  She stressed BUM everytime, and every time I giggled.

Welcome, AlleC17!  :) 


In addition to calling him a BUM, she also called him "Heather's Father."  (I think the daughter's name was Heather - I might be wrong.) At one point, JJ said, "Oh be quiet, Heather's Father." 


Today's first episode of cases (reruns, of course)....

The plaintiff in the first case about a dirty rental (I think she may have sublet the apartment, but I was only half-listening) was such a smartmouth, I was surprised she got so much leeway from JJ. Even Judge Greg Mathis would have thrown her ass out for contempt.


The second case about the old Impala, it bugged me that the plaintiff always had her head tipped back (I know this is a stupid complaint on my part...but it was so strange and got on my nerves).  I mean, was she trying to see the ceiling and JJ at the same time; was she about to let out a howl??  Weird.


[The teaser for tomorrow's 4 pm episode looks good -- a guy with methface is being sued for a loan he got for dental work. JJ says to him, through the ASL interpreter, "Looks like you've lost a lot of teeth." {JJ raises her eyebrows.}  Probably a rerun, but I've never seen it.]


2nd episode...

I would love to see a secret camera replay of the "uncomfortable" scene between Ms. Billotti and the younger guy who declined the apartment. That guy was either overreacting or he had a legit reason to have the creeps. Ms. B claims that she hugs and kisses everybody because she's "Jewish and from New York."  huh? 

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The second case about the old Impala, it bugged me that the plaintiff always had her head tipped back (I know this is a stupid complaint on my part...but it was so strange and got on my nerves).  I mean, was she trying to see the ceiling and JJ at the same time; was she about to let out a howl??  Weird.





I think she was trying to hide her double chin by stretching her neck.

Edited by Brattinella
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The one from a few weeks back where the parties only had to pay $55/ month to keep a horse made me really wonder where the hell that stable was at, as $55 a month doesn't even get me all the food my horse needs.

Hi AlleC17! I thought the same thing! It was a co-op, so that should reduce costs, but still... I didn't catch where it was either.

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The gavels are being polished in anticipation of new episodes... I hope next week!

Toaster's back. Yay!!!

Now if we could just get some new episodes, I'll be thrilled. All of my court shows are in reruns. I'm having major withdrawal. Where else can I practice the art of schadenfreude?

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Today's first episode of cases (reruns, of course)....

The plaintiff in the first case about a dirty rental (I think she may have sublet the apartment, but I was only half-listening) was such a smartmouth, I was surprised she got so much leeway from JJ. Even Judge Greg Mathis would have thrown her ass out for contempt.

Worse than that - she just let the "pig and a cat" (and that's the only way JJ ever described that person - I do wish we could've seen the photos) stay in the place while she was out of town without telling the landlord because there was a clause about being able to have friends over. But the kicker was that the landlord was trying to sell the place so she really wanted it kept clean, and, y'know, common sense would say that someone trying to sell a place ought to be told about any guests. Especially a pig with a cat.


Also as someone who's only 2 years older than that 67 Impala - that is not a 60 year old car!

Edited by Jamoche
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