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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Maybe she is in Cirque or something similar or teaches acrobatics?

I'm friends with one of the coaches from Cirque that trains the acrobats in Europe (no, really) . Most of the training (at least the initial training) goes on in Canada for the U.S. shows. However my local swap meet has a "circus" show on the weekends with acrobats (no, really!!)  They practice on trampolines with nets in a neighborhood right off the Florida Turnpike. I've seen them flying around as I'm driving toward Miami, lol. 

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I'm just catching up on eps (again), and watched the father/son contractors case last night. I was surprised that JJ let dad get away with that one remark (although he wouldn't shut up so maybe she missed it) - at one point she asked something like "Am I crazy?" and he replied, "I dunno, maybe." Also it was obvious that Junior has inherited dad's temper - at one point while JJ was obviously leaning in the plaintiff's favor, Dutch Boy slammed his papers down and said to dad sotto voce "I've had enough, I'm gonna leave" and dad told him to stay put.

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I think JJ knew what they were saying and was enjoying it way too much to comment on it, because she knew she was going to rule against them.  She was just letting them hang themselves.  There go their lucrative careers as "contractors" Sonny could go back to posing for the picture on the "Dutch Boy Paint" cans.

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A great day in JJ land!   Two appearances (so far!) of the FlySwatter, and the return of Elizabeth Taylor's perfume commercials.  Happy dance!

A  month of something other than lawyer and speedy cash commercials! At least, fewer.

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If JJ can tell litigants to button up the shirt or cover the cleavage, why doesn't she tell them to comb their hair?  The marijuana farmer looked like he just came in out of the rain.  Dirty rain at that.

Blondie gets tribal payments?  Damn.  JJ gave her good advice about her living arrangements.

Loved the pink hair on the plaintiff in the bicycle case.  Also loved her wide-eyed expression:  "I'm on TV! Look mom!  It's me and Judge Judy!" She was just so freakin' happy to be there. 

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Another horse case. Not sure what plaintiff was trying to say in hallterview. Seems she was complaining that defendant was not treating the horse right, she was sorry for the horse being back with the defendant, yet she returned the horse to be mistreated.

What defendant's dad said rang true. I think defendant told plaintiff horse needed a farrier, plaintiff ignored that and went riding, and aggravated the preexisting problem the vet found when he/she checked the horse 3 weeks after plaintiff took possession. Sort of like in my younger days when I could run for miles in running shoes, but 2 miles in combat boots and I was hurting with shin splints. I imagine the horse might be a great trail horse when his feet are taken care of, but lame when neglected and ridden anyway.

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1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

The marijuana farmer looked like he just came in out of the rain.  Dirty rain at that.

JJ "Why did you grow marijuana?"

Defendant "I was tired a buying weed" ?

1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

Blondie gets tribal payments?  Damn.  JJ gave her good advice about her living arrangements.

Entirely possible. My paternal great grandpa married a full blooded Cherokee, then grandpa married a Choctaw. Grandpa, Dad, and I all are blond and blue eyed while my uncle's and a lot of my cousins look Choctaw. I may not look Choctaw, but actually have more Native American blood because I get some from my mother as well.

Her story about her tribe paying for school, her dropping out, then giving her a big check when she turned 18 and now all the money is gone... similar to many stories I've heard from my cousin who works for the Choctaw administration.

1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

Loved the pink hair on the plaintiff in the bicycle case.  Also loved her wide-eyed expression:  "I'm on TV! Look mom!  It's me and Judge Judy!" She was just so freakin' happy to be there. 

Not sure what the bike rider was talking about in the hallterview. He just admitted to drinking, riding his bike, and damaging plaintiff's car, yet he's talking about calling her bluff and trying to make her go through her insurance. 

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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:
2 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

The marijuana farmer looked like he just came in out of the rain.  Dirty rain at that.

JJ "Why did you grow marijuana?"

Defendant "I was tired a buying weed" ?

How perfect was that answer?! Loved it! I kinda liked that guy. He didn't seem like an overly awful human being. And I totally believed him when he said the dogs (that belonged to the Plaintiff) caused the damage to the bottom of the doors. Also? Those doors cost like $6 each. They are the cheapest of the cheap hollow doors. I'm glad JJ told the Plaintiff to buzz off with those claims but wished she had suggested a good conditioner for that lady's hair. Lord, woman! If it were blue, it'd have been a Brillo pad! 

7 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

Wish Lucille in the engagement ring case had sold the rings for a better wig.

OMG, yes! That was one ratty ass $3 wig. On the other hand, the Plaintiff's suit was wonderful! 

As for the horse case, I just felt really sorry for the horse that kept getting shuffled around. I hope at some point he can live with people who love him. :( 

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21 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

How perfect was that answer?! Loved it! I kinda liked that guy. He didn't seem like an overly awful human being. And I totally believed him when he said the dogs (that belonged to the Plaintiff) caused the damage to the bottom of the doors. Also? Those doors cost like $6 each. They are the cheapest of the cheap hollow doors. I'm glad JJ told the Plaintiff to buzz off with those claims but wished she had suggested a good conditioner for that lady's hair. Lord, woman! If it were blue, it'd have been a Brillo pad! 

I kind of liked him, too, and was sympathetic to him because (incoming Cool Story, Bro alert!), the first apartment Mr. Fourth and I rented together was the upper floor of a two-family house, and the house was for sale when we moved in. We were SUPPOSED to get 24 hours notice before the realtor showed up with people...haha, yeah, right. Also, if we weren't going to be around when they wanted to come by, we agreed that the realtor and potential buyers could come in as long as they closed and locked the doors (both inner door and door to the outside) when they left. After a couple times of us coming back to the doors unlocked or wiiiiiide open, we stopped being so agreeable. But we still paid our rent!


The house did eventually sell. Since we were excellent tenants, the first owner had us sign a new lease right before the closing to lock us in to our pretty reasonable rent for the next year. Then maybe about a year or so later, it turns out the house was involved in a money laundering and wage fraud scheme, which I learned about from our wedding photographer, who we didn't know, until that point, was also a county detective. But that story's not relevant to this one. ;)

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2 hours ago, Art Vandelay said:

That suit was like of Steve Harvey and Willy Wonka had a love child.


Pink haired car lady was freaking me out with her eyes darting around. if she had the chance to speak more I can guarantee she would have been kooky.

Today was just kind of a Technicolor day!   Steve Harvey and Willy Wonka.  Ha!

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5 hours ago, Brattinella said:


I just don't understand how JJ didn't believe the defendant!  She left her GROW LIGHTS??  He didn't just pull that out of his butt!  I believed him 100% on them smoking a doob while he was signing the lease.  She is SO bigoted.


AMEN! She really is. A great majority of my friends, who look as "normal" (and are as old) as the Plaintiff, smoke pot -- and I don't live in a state where it's legal either. The guy had a job at a five-star restaurant and works six days a week. It's not like he's traveling around scrounging meals off other "hippies" as he waits in vain for some psychedelic school bus to pull up to his curb to take him on a Grateful Dead summer tour. There are far more productive potheads around than there are drunks. 

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3 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I just don't understand how JJ didn't believe the defendant!  She left her GROW LIGHTS??  He didn't just pull that out of his butt!  I believed him 100% on them smoking a doob while he was signing the lease.  She is SO bigoted.

JJ gets on my last nerve sometime but I don't feel she blew this one.  She only gave the landlord the rent $600 rent money the defendant admitted he owed, not the ridiculous damages the plaintiff was asking for the doors and other silliness. 

I didn't understand why she wouldn't look at the vet statement the lame horse lady brought to court.  JJ usually ask do you have any evidence to support what you saying.  When the horse lady said "yes I have the vet statement, saying the horse was unfit for sale", Judge Judy said I don't want to see it.   I know she thought the plaintiff was a liar (probably was), but I found it odd that JJ wouldn't even look at whatever the evidence was suppose to be. 

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1 hour ago, momtoall said:

JJ gets on my last nerve sometime but I don't feel she blew this one.  She only gave the landlord the rent $600 rent money the defendant admitted he owed, not the ridiculous damages the plaintiff was asking for the doors and other silliness. 

I kind of agree. She was rude to the pothead but she didn't make him pay for it financially. I absolutely believe him that they shared a joint when they signed the lease. The guy acknowledged that he owed the rent; at one point he even said something about having put rent money into an escrow account until the lease violations were settled.

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10 hours ago, califred said:

i think I missed something why wasn't the cyclist paying w/o being taken to court?

I think he was hoping that if HE refused to pay, she'd just file against her own insurance to get her car repaired.  The cyclist wasn't smart enough to know that the insurance company would then come after him.

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4 hours ago, momtoall said:

JJ gets on my last nerve sometime but I don't feel she blew this one.  She only gave the landlord the rent $600 rent money the defendant admitted he owed, not the ridiculous damages the plaintiff was asking for the doors and other silliness. 

Oh, I don't think she was in the wrong to award the Plaintiff the rent money -- that was totally owed to her. I think she needs to get over the "you're a deadbeat loser" mindset if you smoke pot.  

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8 hours ago, momtoall said:


I didn't understand why she wouldn't look at the vet statement the lame horse lady brought to court.  JJ usually ask do you have any evidence to support what you saying.  When the horse lady said "yes I have the vet statement, saying the horse was unfit for sale", Judge Judy said I don't want to see it.   I know she thought the plaintiff was a liar (probably was), but I found it odd that JJ wouldn't even look at whatever the evidence was suppose to be. 

"I don't read statements!" 

Except when she does.

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36 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

"I don't read statements!" 

Except when she does.

Usually JJ's referring to witness statements.  I thought the vet report would be the same as a police report or a report from an ER visit.  We all know if you don't have a police report or a report from the ER on the date of the incident you must be a liar.

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Poor Jordan McDonald had a speech impediment that made her sound pretty stupid.  Oh, wait, she was pretty stupid.  I cringed when she said she worked in healthcare.   While she's only registering patients, and not caring for them, she can still make some significant errors that affect their care.

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2 minutes ago, Quof said:

Poor Jordan McDonald had a speech impediment that made her sound pretty stupid.  Oh, wait, she was pretty stupid.  I cringed when she said she worked in healthcare.   While she's only registering patients, and not caring for them, she can still make some significant errors that affect their care.

If that was MY sister, I would never speak to her again.

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29 minutes ago, momtoall said:

Usually JJ's referring to witness statements.  I thought the vet report would be the same as a police report or a report from an ER visit.  We all know if you don't have a police report or a report from the ER on the date of the incident you must be a liar.

Just guessing here, but could this be one of those times JJ saw evidence before coming out, made up her mind, then rules and we have no idea of why? In this case, I think a vet report made when the vet saw and treated the horse would be admissible as a work related document exempt from hearsay rules, but a statement written at some later date in support of the lawsuit would be hearsay, and not considered if the vet can't be questioned. We see police reports admitted into evidence all the time, but a statement or letter written at a later date by a cop who was on the scene gets thrown out as hearsay. Would have been nice if JJ had told us why she wouldn't accept the report... I'm just trying to make sense of it. Also, I think JJ questioned waiting three weeks between the time they took possession and the vet check, which only occurred after the horse came up lame. 

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Rerun - unpaid dance school bills. Otherwise boring open-and-shut case - defendant has no evidence of having paid, but her body language is that of a 6 year old who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar - all slumping, fidgeting, and cringing. She really could not be more obvious. Halterview is her best friend with bi-colored hair complaining that the kid didn't learn anything in 3 years of lessons; teacher points out that kids who skip lots of classes don't learn much. Grade-A parenting all around.

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My DVR cut off the end of both episodes today.  I assume the sister got her money back, but what happened with the car accident?  JJ was saying that it looked like the plaintiff was at fault -- defendant had changed lanes in an intersection and hit defendant's car.

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2 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

My DVR cut off the end of both episodes today.  I assume the sister got her money back, but what happened with the car accident?  JJ was saying that it looked like the plaintiff was at fault -- defendant had changed lanes in an intersection and hit defendant's car.

JJ went against character, when, instead of blaming the insurance-less defendant, she laid the blame squarely on the plaintiff.  Theory:  when you are entering a through-road from a stop sign, you don't assume which of the two lanes available that the other car will be in, and you WAIT until the road is clear to proceed.  This is exactly how I drive, defensively.  I assume the idiot in the other car will take BOTH lanes, and just wait for them to go by.

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10 hours ago, momtoall said:

I didn't understand why she wouldn't look at the vet statement the lame horse lady brought to court.  JJ usually ask do you have any evidence to support what you saying.  When the horse lady said "yes I have the vet statement, saying the horse was unfit for sale", Judge Judy said I don't want to see it.   I know she thought the plaintiff was a liar (probably was), but I found it odd that JJ wouldn't even look at whatever the evidence was suppose to be. 

If this is the horse case I'm thinking of, maybe because the vet's statement was from three weeks AFTER the sale? Just like buying a car - you have it checked out prior to purchase. I was with JJ on this one - who knows what that woman did to the horse during the time she had it. No way to know for sure.

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10 hours ago, momtoall said:

I didn't understand why she wouldn't look at the vet statement the lame horse lady brought to court.  JJ usually ask do you have any evidence to support what you saying.  When the horse lady said "yes I have the vet statement, saying the horse was unfit for sale", Judge Judy said I don't want to see it.   I know she thought the plaintiff was a liar (probably was), but I found it odd that JJ wouldn't even look at whatever the evidence was suppose to be. 

If this is the horse case I'm thinking of, maybe because the vet's statement was from three weeks AFTER the sale? Just like buying a car - you have it checked out prior to purchase. I was with JJ on this one - who knows what that woman did to the horse during the time she had it. No way to know for sure.

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This is exactly how I drive, defensively.  I assume the idiot in the other car will take BOTH lanes, and just wait for them to go by.

So do I (I think of it as paranoid driving but that is just me). However, I don't think this is the way rules of the road are written. If the plaintiff had completely entered the right lane before the defendant started to move into the right lane, I think she is at fault for merging when it wasn't clear. I also believe that changing lanes as you go through an intersection is reckless but may or may not be legal, depending on your jurisdiction. JJ did piss me off when she said the the diagram clearly showed that the plaintiff ran into the defendant; to me it clearly showed that the defendant moved into the plaintiff's lane without making sure she had enough space. Oh well, it's just a TV show.

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13 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

So do I (I think of it as paranoid driving but that is just me).

My paranoid driving was encouraged from years of riding motorcycles.

13 minutes ago, DoctorK said:

JJ did piss me off when she said the the diagram clearly showed that the plaintiff ran into the defendant; to me it clearly showed that the defendant moved into the plaintiff's lane without making sure she had enough space. Oh well, it's just a TV show.

Problem with those diagrams is that they don't show what happened, only what someone claims happened. 

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If the plaintiff had completely entered the right lane before the defendant started to move into the right lane, I think she is at fault for merging when it wasn't clear.

It's not just a matter of entering the lane completely.  You must have time to enter the lane, and get up to speed, so that a vehicle approaching from your rear, driving the speed limit, won't hit you.  

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But JJ didn't rule incorrectly in this case. The defendant was on the road.  Plaintiff entered the road from a full stop and didn't get up to speed before the defendant reached him.  It doesn't matter whether she changed lanes (and it wasn't established that she did), because plaintiff should have anticipated that she might. It also doesn't matter if she was speeding, because he should have perceived that and not entered the road. The fact is, she "owned" the road, and he entered in her path.  

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16 hours ago, Jamoche said:

The plaintiff who made the fake CPS report has got a stare that does not quit. I'm not sure he blinked once in all the times the camera was on him.

Yeah, scary stare. Another marijuana grower? What's up with that, perhaps changing laws making it legal in their jurisdiction? Even if growing is legal in their jurisdiction, I wouldn't rent someone property to set up a grow operation. To much chance of the grower failing to follow the regulations. I'd be afraid my property would be seized. In this case, who would consent to someone turning their camping trailer into a greenhouse? Scary thing is this dude said he's a parent - shudder - so this pot grower daddy lives in the house behind his dad. Something tells me the idea to call family services comes from his own past experiences.

Edited by SRTouch
Missing word
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Whoa, what kind of speed was that renter on that he couldn't stand still, even after being told by JJ. I notice JJ didn't make a big deal that he didn't stop either - probably afraid he freak out... And this guy works security? Maybe that's where he met his dealer. Another tenant who says the landlord destroyed their own property... yeah, right, forget renting to a new tenant, the owner is going to renovate the kitchen with the 5k she gets from JJ ($1200 of that in back rent). Oh, and he's another one who tries to forgive late and missing rent because landlord has let him slide in the past.

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Jordan had a face that was begging to be slapped. She should be the new poster child for JJ's "Beauty fades; dumb is forever" line. I'm glad her sister seems to have washed her hands of the whole mess. 


The plaintiff in the pot trailer/CPS case seemed like the type of guy where if he had the kind of job that would let him move out of his parents' backyard, he'd show up one day out of the blue and shoot the whole place up. He definitely gave off some scary vibes.

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28 minutes ago, augmentedfourth said:

The plaintiff in the pot trailer/CPS case seemed like the type of guy where if he had the kind of job that would let him move out of his parents' backyard, he'd show up one day out of the blue and shoot the whole place up. He definitely gave off some scary vibes.

I really got a tweaker vibe from him.

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11 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Yep.  The stare, and speaking so we didn't see his teeth, which I assume were pretty awful.

I forgot the clinched jaw look - made me think his jaw was wired shut at first.

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His name was, weirdly, Silkwood.  I was thinking the whole time that this guy was someone who actually deserved a Silkwood shower.

He absorbed nothing of what JJ said to him.  In the hallterview, his rationale was "They ripped me off."  (So I'll destroy them and their innocent kids.)  Full-on sociopath.  I'd consider moving.

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