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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Hee!!  i thought this was a great case!  Can't wait for the conclusion! Nice to see two presentable, well-dressed, articulate litigants!  Agree she may be a nuts, but it was fun to watch!  I thought she looked a little sick when Judy packed up to go make The Call. But that could be the editors messing with us...  I also hope Mamma gets to speak. She was looking awfully antsy over there!

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Hee!!  i thought this was a great case!  Can't wait for the conclusion! Nice to see two presentable, well-dressed, articulate litigants!  Agree she may be a nuts, but it was fun to watch!  I thought she looked a little sick when Judy packed up to go make The Call. But that could be the editors messing with us...  I also hope Mamma gets to speak. She was looking awfully antsy over there!


Momma looked like she was about to chew her tongue off!

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Just finished today's reruns

I think this is a new episode, too. Could it be that we're going to start having two new ones a day for awhile?

starting with an older lady walking her dog on a leash on the public sidewalk who was attacked (her and her dog) by a pit bull that came out of a yard by pushing out the bottom of the fence. The good part was after JJ found for the plaintiff and was getting up to leave, JJ saw the pit bull owner laughing it up at the verdict. JJ came back to chew her butt, telling her twice that there was something wrong with her mentally. Haven't seen JJ that angry for a long time.

I swear I heard a snicker as they left after being chewed out by JJ. Another episode where losing litigant couldn't care less since no money is coming out of their pockets.

Second case of the hammer wielding rat-killing squatters, not too interesting but I noticed the female defendant violating one of my rules for success, your eye makeup should not weigh more than your eyes.

Defendant looked like she was wearing a mask.

Hee!! i thought this was a great case! Can't wait for the conclusion! Nice to see two presentable, well-dressed, articulate litigants! Agree she may be a nuts, but it was fun to watch! I thought she looked a little sick when Judy packed up to go make The Call. But that could be the editors messing with us... I also hope Mamma gets to speak. She was looking awfully antsy over there!

Also looking foward to hearing defendant's story about throwing the rock. In the preview sounded like he was saying she gunned engine and came towards him - but pictures seemed to show damage to rear of car. Edited by SRTouch
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Flummoxed. I was flummoxed at the "To be continued... " I thought my PVR had messed up. How much better was this than the usual clothes-bleaching, car-scratching, dumbbitch bankrolling loser boyfriend cases?


Well, I have no sympathy for Ms Shepard.  She tried SO many times to double-talk the judge,


I could be proven wrong, but I have a feeling that when she's not acting prim and proper in her chic little suit and the purple scrubbie neatly pinned on her head, she may be a holy terror, despite her insistance that she's telling the "troof."  The preview showed Mr. White describing some rock-throwing as well, so maybe he IS belligerent and aggressive. I've always said that JJ is so much better when dealing with more serious cases than stupid, "My roommate ate 12$ worth of my food and owes me for a towel he/she stole" nonsense.


Awaiting tomorrow on pins and needles.


In the meantime, we had one pretty good repeat. Jenny Lee, stupid cow who keeps finding out she's pregnant (and doesn't seem to know how the hell that happens) and now lives with one of her baby daddies and his wife. Bizarre, but with all her worries it's nice that she took the time to go to the dollar store and get a nice new fake flower to stick in her hair for her Big Moment on TV.


The other rerun, featuring those nutty misfits whose road to true online love didn't work out so great - I simply couldn't take them again.

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I too was flummoxed when the show stopped before the conclusion! I even reversed to see if i missed it!!

I hope the lying liar plaintiff gets nothing. I dont care much abt the defendant either. But I want those hallway comments!

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Jenny Lee, stupid slutty cow who keeps finding out she's pregnant (and doesn't seem to know how the hell that happens) and now lives with one of her baby daddies and his wife.


Seriously?? My, that's very generous of wifey.   blech



Second case of the hammer wielding rat-killing squatters, not too interesting but I noticed the female defendant violating one of my rules for success, your eye makeup should not weigh more than your eyes.


Ha!  Cracks me up. Another thing we've learned here!   Off to scrub my face....


Oh, and they were like the purple-headed gal yesterday - having run this same scam multiple times. I'm glad JJ called them on it. Figured Plaintiff sued for rent separately due to the $5000 limit.

Edited by SandyToes
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I can't remember any previous " to be continued in another episode" cases.


I was amazed at two or three sentences of language so foul or suggestive of something foul that the beeps were uninterrupted. It's usually "He looked at the garage door and said "Oh BEEP, kids, let's get the BEEP outta here!'" or "He called me a BEEPing  BEEP" 

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Giant Misfit, I am anxiously waiting for part 2. Partly to see how it comes out (so far the plaintiff strikes me as pretty cray-cray but they may pull off a reverse play on us), also to see more of the hairdo, which looks almost exactly like the copper scrubbing pad I have next to my kitchen sink.


(edited to add:0

Just finished today's reruns, starting with an older lady walking her dog on a leash on the public sidewalk who was attacked (her and her dog) by a pit bull that came out of a yard by pushing out the bottom of the fence. The good part was after JJ found for the plaintiff and was getting up to leave, JJ saw the pit bull owner laughing it up at the verdict. JJ came back to chew her butt, telling her twice that there was something wrong with her mentally. Haven't seen JJ that angry for a long time. Second case of the hammer wielding rat-killing squatters, not too interesting but I noticed the female defendant violating one of my rules for success, your eye makeup should not weigh more than your eyes.

I am not a violent person, but the other day I wanted to smack the shit out of smirking Angel in the rerun of putting the password on auntie's laptop. But today's POS defendant in the pit bull case almost made my head explode. Not only is there something wrong with her laughing it up after her own daughter admitted she lied in the statement and after JJ chewed her ass out, but she has lived in her house for 30 years and doesn't have homeowners insurance!! I am immune to these idiots who don't have car insurance--don't understand it, but I am used to that. But no homeowners? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. What in the hell do you think happens if your house catches fire, you dumb shit? Do you expect Byrd to rebuild it?

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she has lived in her house for 30 years and doesn't have homeowners insurance!! I am immune to these idiots who don't have car insurance--don't understand it, but I am used to that. But no homeowners? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. What in the hell do you think happens if your house catches fire, you dumb shit? Do you expect Byrd to rebuild it?

Yeah, Byrd is too busy, what with his JJ gig and going to school to learn how to kill that couple's rats

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I agree that the plaintiff with the reddish growth on her head looked unhappy when JJ called for a phone.  This should be good.  And I thought the defendant said that the plaintiff was driving in reverse when she gunned her engine and headed for him . . . which would explain the rock being thrown at the back of the car.

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I agree that the plaintiff with the reddish growth on her head looked unhappy when JJ called for a phone.  This should be good.  And I thought the defendant said that the plaintiff was driving in reverse when she gunned her engine and headed for him . . . which would explain the rock being thrown at the back of the car.

You're right, if she was in reverse that would answer my question.
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What in the hell do you think happens if your house catches fire, you dumb shit? Do you expect Byrd to rebuild it?


Well, duh.


Are you new here??  : )



I cannot quit laughing!!  Primarily because both of those sound EXACTLY like me.


Byrd's rat-killin' schoolin'.  (Complete with rat! Neato!)


Dang, y'all!

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I learned that there are people who are addicted to having sex with cars


Several years ago, there was an episode of Taboo about this. It featured a guy who lived in the PNW and had a Herbie-painted Beetle he named Vanilla (the guy also violated the camera crew's SUV, so I guess Vanilla didn't require monogamy). One day I was driving to work on Hwy 520 in WA, and I see a Herbie-painted Beetle in my side mirror about to overtake me. Oh, no, it couldn't be THAT beetle, could it? When it passed, I could see that the WA license plate was "VANILLA." At the time, I had been parking above ground on the top floor of our building parking garage (most of it was underground) closest to the highway (i.e., you could see my car from the 520) and farthest from the building because my car was new, and I didn't want it dinged. Sometimes my husband would pick me up from work, and my car would stay at the office for a night or even all weekend. She was an adorable bright yellow little thing, After seeing Vanilla Guy, I never left my car parked there again (kept it close to the building and under a light) because I was afraid she might get raped since a known car sex offender clearly lived in the area. I saw him two or three more times before I switched office locations.


Edited by oakLeaf
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I remember one other episode a couple of years ago that ran over two days. in ended in s dismissal, I think....so, completely pointless.

I actually have a low tolerance for episodes with only one case, so a two episode case is torture.

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JJ saw the pit bull owner laughing it up at the verdict. JJ came back to chew her butt, telling her twice that there was something wrong with her mentally.

I wish JJ would stop using mental illness in lieu of calling out what these people generally are: assholes. Because the Pacheco twins (were they mother/daughter or sister/sister -- meh, whatever, who cares) were simply assholes. I loved that she claimed she was an hour away from her house at the time of the attack. An hour away -- shopping at the dollar store? Oh, hell naw, you nasty crotch.




I swear I heard a snicker as they left after being chewed out by JJ. Another episode where losing litigant couldn't care less since no money is coming out of their pockets.

Oh, it wasn't a snicker you heard - it was another outright laugh.


Also wanted to mention she named the dog, "Capone." Again, it's not the breed -- it's the idiots who own them and train them to be vicious. I did, however, loved that Plaintiff not only because she was so into re-enacting the whole mess, but mostly because she wasn't having any of the Pacheco's bullshit.


As for the Rat-Killing, Rent-Skirting Plaintiff in the other case -- all I could think of was a one-dimensional, three-dimensional person. Like, her whole face seemed flattened or something. Bizarre.


As for the "To be continued..." case, that Plaintiff is nuts. I can't wait for the Phone Call of Doom.

Edited by Guest
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After seeing Vanilla Guy, I never left my car parked there again (kept it close to the building and under a light) because I was afraid she might get raped since a known car sex offender clearly lived in the area


Oh fine. Not only are horses being Cosby-ed, now cars are too.

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Just caught that one this morning #lovemydvr and that woman was a piece of work.  Seriously reminded me of the crazy neighbor lady I had as a kid that I posted about earlier.  Same demeanor and haircut! 


I need some wine now.......

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Several years ago, there was an episode of Taboo about this. It featured a guy who lived in the PNW and had a Herbie-painted Beetle he named Vanilla (the guy also violated the camera crew's SUV, so I guess Vanilla didn't require monogamy). One day I was driving to work on Hwy 520 in WA, and I see a Herbie-painted Beetle in my side mirror about to overtake me. Oh, no, it couldn't be THAT beetle, could it? When it passed, I could see that the WA license plate was "VANILLA." At the time, I had been parking above ground on the top floor of our building parking garage (most of it was underground) closest to the highway (i.e., you could see my car from the 520) and farthest from the building because my car was new, and I didn't want it dinged. Sometimes my husband would pick me up from work, and my car would stay at the office for a night or even all weekend. She was an adorable bright yellow little thing, After seeing Vanilla Guy, I never left my car parked there again (kept it close to the building and under a light) because I was afraid she might get raped since a known car sex offender clearly lived in the area. I saw him two or three more times before I switched office locations.

This wasn't even a JJ case, but I bet Toaster would still give it three gavels!

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The Wisconsin Parking Lot Beatdown Girls case was 1-and-a-half episodes.


I guess it would seem kind of tacky to give brutal and premeditated assaults the same fifteen (or four) minutes given to "He busted my cell phone" or "I bought a 20 year old car and something went wrong with it so I wan't my money back"  cases.

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The BeatDown girls was 1.5 episodes? I forgot about that.


Oh great, not only do I have to worry about my pets and livestock (if I had livestock) being raped, now I have to worry about my car being raped too---in parking lots and, perhaps, even in my own drive way.

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The Wisconsin Parking Lot Beatdown Girls case was 1-and-a-half episodes


Oh my, that was a great one. Thug behavior + ABOOTs = WIN


Hey what is this old case, Patricia Bean or the like(?) that everyone keeps talking about?


GiantMisfit, are you the former  MajorMisfit from Philly?

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Is this a first for JJ? I don't ever seem to remember a "To Be Continued" case in the past.


The new episode hasn't aired yet here -- but is it something that is worth continuing or are they just dragging out another dull 20th Anniversary case?

I remember one other TBC case.  I think it was the woman who was riding a Jet Ski at a party and claimed the man she rode it with was using his hands for inappropriate things.  She claimed she had bruises and bleeding from him messing with her.  In the end, it seemed the woman was mentally unstable, and there was nothing to substantiate what happened to her.  I remember my husband and I feeling really badly for her because she firmly believed this happened, but I am not confident it did.  And believe me, I am absolutely behind taking every allegation of assault as real.  It was just a strange case.

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Found it.  Not sure if the episode could be found online or not.  This is what I was able to locate:

Andee claimed that her husband's friend, S. Lyle, stuck his fingers into her private area while they were riding a jet ski.  The defendant's friend, Harold, showed JJ a tape of Andee acting happy at a party after the alleged incident took place, but Andee said the footage was before the alleged assault.  JJ asked Andee if she was taking any medicine before the incident and she said she was taking it because of what happened.  JJ dismissed the case because Andee did not go to the doctor right away and since the police department decided not to prosecute S. Lyle.  Andee cried after the verdict and hugged her husband.



That would have aired on our anniversary, and I'm sure we watched it.  Like I said, it was a strange case.  As the above notes, there was all kinds of video of the woman at the party at various times having a ball, which completely contradicted her testimony.

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GiantMisfit, are you the former  MajorMisfit from Philly?

Yes! I have photographic evidence of our outing to Starbucks -- where I gave you a cell phone and and the proceeds of my tax refund to pay for your bail.


And dang...I have ZERO memory of that two-part jet ski case. Considering it was way back from 2001, looks like we'll never see that as a rerun though.

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Found it.  Not sure if the episode could be found online or not.  This is what I was able to locate:


Andee claimed that her husband's friend, S. Lyle, stuck his fingers into her private area while they were riding a jet ski.  The defendant's friend, Harold, showed JJ a tape of Andee acting happy at a party after the alleged incident took place, but Andee said the footage was before the alleged assault.  JJ asked Andee if she was taking any medicine before the incident and she said she was taking it because of what happened.  JJ dismissed the case because Andee did not go to the doctor right away and since the police department decided not to prosecute S. Lyle.  Andee cried after the verdict and hugged her husband.



That would have aired on our anniversary, and I'm sure we watched it.  Like I said, it was a strange case.  As the above notes, there was all kinds of video of the woman at the party at various times having a ball, which completely contradicted her testimony.


Ick. I guess I should be happy it wasn't the sexual assault OF a jet ski.

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Yeah, I WISH Judge Judy would call someone an asshole who really deserves it, like that laughing bitch with the pit bull named Cap

People like that take no accountability but I bet if something happened to her house she would be running to every social agency in town and begging her neighbors for help. Bitch!

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I had to give my son ear drops last night and he wanted to listen to the tv (he had to face away from the tv because of the ear that needed drops). I played the second episode with the rat squatters. My son asked me to describe the people, after I finished my description of the female defendant he started squirming and saying "let me up, I gotta see this."

I don't remember the 2001 two-parter either. I would love for there to be another hour block of really old JJ cases. I've already expressed my desire for a JJ channel, but apparent the universe has turned me down, so my request is getting re-sized.

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I had to give my son ear drops last night and he wanted to listen to the tv (he had to face away from the tv because of the ear that needed drops). I played the second episode with the rat squatters. My son asked me to describe the people, after I finished my description of the female defendant he started squirming and saying "let me up, I gotta see this."

I don't remember the 2001 two-parter either. I would love for there to be another hour block of really old JJ cases. I've already expressed my desire for a JJ channel, but apparent the universe has turned me down, so my request is getting re-sized.

She had kind of a ratlike/ferret face and that stupid piercing in the gully between her top lip and nostrils was gross. 

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As for the Rat-Killing, Rent-Skirting Plaintiff in the other case -- all I could think of was a one-dimensional, three-dimensional person. Like, her whole face seemed flattened or something. Bizarre.

I thought, "Don't let Picasso be your makeup artist," so yeah, there was some serious dimensional oddness going on!

Meanwhile, Angela, I am STILL laughing at "I'll split ya doon the middle!" I grew up with my Norwegian grammy who was much the same; she once smacked a neighbor child with a broom when he deliberately rode his bike across the front lawn to taunt her. She also chased the local bully down the block in her stocking feet when he threw a rock at me; ruined her nylons, but she followed him to his front door and gave him and his mother both what for. Best of all, Grammy was a ringer for JJ, god bless her. Tiny and furious; if only she'd had the resources to go to college and law school...oh, what might have been!


oakLeaf...did you work for a gigantic, world-dominating software company just off of 520? Because I used to see a Herbie Beetle there, too...but I hadn't seen Taboo and so had no idea of the potential for Car Rape. O.O

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Wow, quite a lot of drama in one case in this morning's reruns.  Ex-boyfriend is suing ex-boyfriend, and there was another guy who was also suing the defendant, I didn't really understand why.  The defendant's mother said one thing from her seat and JJ kicked her out.  Then the plaintiff who was not the ex said something when JJ wasn't talking to him, and she kicked him out.  The defendant called JJ "Judy" twice, and the second time, Byrd walked up to him and said, "Is she your friend?"  And when he said no, Byrd said, "She's the judge, quit calling her Judy."  And then the two exes started crosstalking and JJ dismissed both cases and told them if they wanted to talk to each other take it outside.

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Anyone else have the exact same two episodes as yesterday for today? That's happened to me before with The People's Court but never JJ.

Edited by rcc
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Anyone else have the exact same two episodes as yesterday for today? That's happened to me before with The People's Court but never JJ.


Today we got the second part of the harassment/threats/pepper spray/rock thrown at car case.  Those two people have sure wasted a lot of court time -- three actual court cases and 2 days of Judge Judy!  I won't spoil the verdict in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.  My husband was listening from another room and he cracked up.


The other show a plaintiff who rear-ended someone but claimed that the other driver stopped in the street and backed into her, and a loan between sisters.  I liked how the sisters did their scarves.  Plaintiff's scarf looked like an anaconda.  Defendant's scarf was less deadly looking.


I rolled my eyes at the sister (age 23?) who had four kids.  Then remembered that I had four kids in six years, starting at age 19.  Smacks self upside the head, 50 years later. 

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So, yesterday ended with phoning a friend and a pepper-spray story. The friend was "MOST helpful," as JJ always says. Not sure why; I don't think she got much information out of her. Back to the pepper-spraying -- After the pepper-spraying, cops were called but did jack shit (presumably because Sheriff's Office employee Mr. Shepard was there). Ms. Shepard, obviously racking up paperwork for a court case, wasted medical professionals' time by going to the hospital for a phony wrist pain. "They prescribed ibuprofen." Girl, please.  That's like prescribing a Jolly Rancher. JJ told her to stop playing stupid, and she announced that she is "very intelligent."


Yes! I love when creative pronunciations are featured! Mr. White said Ms. Shepard was yelling ex-PLEE-tives at him from her car. He thought she was going to run him over! He threw a rock at her car. Ms. Shepard flashed bitchface while Mr. White told the story, but JJ didn't chastise her for it. I wish she did, because it was excessive.


As the case concluded, JJ told them both that they act inappropriately. She said that Mr. White did throw a rock at the car, so damages would be awarded. Then, JJ quickly announced, "Ten dollars," banged the gavel, and disappeared in a flash. Ms. Shepard's bitchface went on overdrive, and it looked like she was trying to get Byrd to intervene. In the hallterview, she complained about Mr. White antagonizing her and her twin brothers, and Mr. White said he just wants the co-op to be a success. 

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I have an irrational hatred for Ms Shepard.  I wanted to bash her upside the head.  The defendant didn't take pictures of the tail-light, etc, BECAUSE he didn't know where to photograph it, as there was NO DAMAGE when he took the pics.  Of COURSE he didn't take pictures of pretend damage!  And the protective order is for BOTH Of them, and she HANGS OUT ON HIS PORCH!  But you are right, the KimKardashian bitchface she had blossoming at the end was perfect!



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