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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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He did do some work, although I doubt it was as much as he implied he'd done by bringing that big folder.


Why would he exert himself, when he knows he gets to keep ALL the money, no matter how much or how little he does? I would never sign a contract where the other person has no motivation to get the job done, but the plaintiffs were fine with it so too bad, so sad for them.


Isn't a contract a two-way agreement?



As long as it's legal a contract can be anything as long as both parties agree to it, which they did. Yeah, def. seems like quite a hustler and is misleading but I don't think he did anything actually illegal which is why JJ didn't rip him a new one, IMO.

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They sounded like they were from Louisiana, and I think I've said it before but I have an irrational hatred of the Louisiana Southern accent.


Just chiming in to say that they were NOT from California, as suggested by their story. Not native Californians, anyway.


Sorry and thank you,


- The State of California

Edited by Jade Foxx
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I suspect he was like Kramer was with his briefcase on that Seinfeld episode, and that the folder might have been filled with crackers.

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! Seriously his folder must have been filled with crackers. And his pockets. And his brain. 


I got the feeling the plaintiffs were fronting for somebody else. They were the two stooges that some "investors" have paid to live in a warehouse and try to get a liquor license. Perhaps some kind of organized hillbilly criminal ring or some dudes that want to open their own strip club in Pahrump (in the boonies on the way to Vegas). 


And in the "When I'm watching JJ I sometimes wonder WHO DOES THAT??!?!" universe we had a customer in today complaining that he bought insurance the day after his accident and he's ranting why it doesn't cover the accident. Had to threaten to call the cops after he wouldn't leave. Happy Hump Day y'all. 

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But he was a hustlah. 


JJ just ignored his dressing like a judge, his misleading business card.  She didn't even ask the plaintiffs to explain what he said.  He, at minimum, deserved a reaming as pretending to be a lawyer or judge is an actual crime.  I think the plaintiffs were trying to say that when they kept saying he lied.  JJ acted like it didn't matter and was mere puffery.  But it goes beyond that.  He wasn't just saying how great he was, he was claiming credentials he did not possess.  Also, what about fraud in the inducement?  That is the use of deceit or trick to cause someone to act to his disadvantage, such as signing an agreement.  Isn't that exactly what happened here?  Don't get why JJ just blew off his behavior and bound them to the contract, as it seemed there was fraud in getting them to sign the contract (that they didn't seem to actually understand). 


As she usually finds ways around the law when it inconviences her sense of justice, she could have done something to help the dopey plaintiffs, like say there was fraud in getting them to sign the contract.  And if there was a pattern, looking at the ripoff report is evidence of a pattern of behavior and should have been at least looked at.  They certainly thought they were hiring a lawyer and he seems to have contributed to that misunderstanding.   Though getting the license doesn't require a lawyer, lawyers can charge more.


He can't lead people to believe he is a judge and/or lawyer and take advantage of people and have the justice system, in the form of JJ, support that.   It was obvious he took advantage of rubes and then blamed them for whatever failure that occurred.  JJ didn't even care what he actually did just that he had a big binder and must have done something, so he gets paid.  Seems patently unfair to me.

Edited by Bazinga
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I don't even go on a first date without Googling the other woman, and I'd expect her to do the same. If you can't pass my Google test, you don't even get McDonalds out of me, much less five grand!


You, my friend, will never end up on JJ! 

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I got the feeling the plaintiffs were fronting for somebody else. They were the two stooges that some "investors" have paid to live in a warehouse and try to get a liquor license. Perhaps some kind of organized hillbilly criminal ring or some dudes that want to open their own strip club in Pahrump (in the boonies on the way to Vegas).

They were clearly up to something shady. That's why I didn't have too much sympathy for them. Listening to the younger plantiff attempt to answer a simple question: "What do you do for a living?" was p a i n f u l.

Happy birthday, Judge Judy!!!! 73 & fabulous!

Edited by NowVoyager
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He can't lead people to believe he is a judge and/or lawyer


Is it a crime to promote oneself as a lawyer? (Like impersonating an officer?) Judy kept asking the plaintiffs if they had anything showing he promoted himself as a lawyer - I think she was trying to find a way to nail the defendant.  But a photo of someone in a judge's robe isn't a crime ("Puffery!!") and they seemed to only have found that after the fact. I got the impression that if there had been something that said "I am an attorney" then she would have lowered the boom on him, and the plaintiffs may have prevailed.

Edited by SandyToes
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He can't lead people to believe he is a judge and/or lawyer and take advantage of people and have the justice system, in the form of JJ, support that.


But he never said he was a judge or a lawyer. We've seen defendants who called them themselves lawyers and contracted to do things only lawyers can and actually aren't and they did get their heads handed to them.


If you put a goofy pic of yourself online dressed as a judge or as the Queen, that's misleading, but misleading people who don't do their homework is not a crime. It wouldn't have taken much checking to find out he's not a lawyer or a judge, but the plaintiffs - two mature human beings -  chose to assume he was. Plus, in the contract, it states that if a lawyer is needed to complete the proceedings, the plaintiffs are responsible for the fees. Clearly that means he is NOT an attorney.

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Is it a crime to promote oneself as a lawyer?

Yes, it is illegal to practice law without a license and it is illegal to hold oneself out to be a lawyer when one is not a lawyer.


The defendant sure did that or came close to doing that and actively wanted the plaintiffs and apparently others to think he was a lawyer and/or a judge.  Judge Judy acted like he was doing nothing and it was the plaintiff's mistake.  They were mumbling that he lied.  She should have followed up on that.  What he actually said goes beyond the contract and might have been holding oneself out as a lawyer.  JJ assumed this didn't happen because the contract talked about in the event that need to hire a lawyer which would obviously preclude his being a lawyer.  That the plaintiffs didn't get that was obvious, and what he said, the picture, his card, other people's experiences, all matter.  She just brushed it off.  She never asked about any of that.  Usually she gets the background here she just relied on the contract and in this case, the contract might have been based on fraud.


You know he wants clients to think he was an attorney and I think the DA should be contacted.  He really can't do what he is doing and it can't be chalked up to plaintiffs need to do due diligence.  If he led them to believe he was an attorney, it is on him, not them.  JJ wouldn't even listen and that is where I have a problem (as always) with her actions.  


Again, he was a hustlah and deserved her scorn and justice would have called for her siding with the plaintiffs, not waiving a one-sided contract at them when there was most likely fraud involved in the procurement of said agreement.  She acted like he was purely innocent and you know that wasn't the case.



But he never said he was a judge or a lawyer.

He most likely was smart enough not to directly say that but she should have cared about the totality of the circumstances to find out what he did do.  He most likely skated around the issue but she should have cared about ripoff report to see what he is up to with others.  Was he saying he was an attorney?  What was the point of the misleading business card?  He was trying to fool them and it should have mattered.  Maybe not in a win for the plaintiffs but in a "you are a hustlah" but that didn't even happen.  More was happening here and JJ let him get away with it and he designed his operation to get away with seeming like an attorney/judge.  What was the purpose other then to fool people?


In addition, the plaintiffs kept saying he lied.  What was the lie?  Saying he was an attorney?  If he directly said it that contravenes the contract as that is fraud.  JJ never asked what they were trying to say and their incoherent presentation did them no favors.  But she is the one that should pull the truth out of the plaintiffs and the defendant.  Not let the defendant pretend to be something he is not to add to his credentials to get people to hire him and probably pay him more than if he told them he was not an attorney.


Just felt like she already decided she wasn't going to care about any of it or even ask much about it, and was going to bind the plaintiffs to the contract.  Seemed unfair in this case to me at least.  JJ was willingly turning a blind eye to some shenanigans here, IMO.

Edited by Bazinga
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The Greene brothers were some of the most respectfully dressed people we've had on the show in a long time. I surmised the minute they disclosed the mother's total life insurance of about $20K that the so-called missing money was spent on funeral/burial. And the plaintiff/brothers had the defendant/brother Baker Acted at their mother's wake for questionable reasons!!  That's stone cold. If you keep your eyes on the screen after the ruling, you can see the defendant pop his lapels in a jive turkey-type celebration, and Byrd tells him to cool his jets.

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If you keep your eyes on the screen after the ruling, you can see the defendant pop his lapels in a jive turkey-type celebration, and Byrd tells him to cool his jets.


I noticed that.  Last person I saw do that was John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. 


Did JJ rule correctly, do you think?  The brothers' gravelly voices were hard to listen to, so I fast-forwarded most of it. 


Who was the beneficiary on the life insurance policies? 

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I believe she ruled correctly. The brothers/plaintiffs seemed to be suing under the assumption that their mother left all of her money and did not require that any money needed to be spent during her last months of life. She seemed to have $30000 or so in assets (with 20,000 of it as life insurance) when the brother/defendant took over as guardian and she received a small pension and social security each month.


The mother had Alzheimer's and was in a facility which was not free -- typically cost thousands each month. So that had to be paid each month along with her other bills. There was probably nothing left in her savings/checking accounts (if not a negative balance) and then they had to use the life insurance to pay for her funeral. The plaintiffs said they got some money around $1000 each but they were each suing for another $5000 each.  Ridiculous! There was not that much money available. The defendant seemed to have all of the paperwork and I would not be surprised if some of the life insurance had to pay a few last bills.


Plus, the entire "You are on drugs" filing once the life insurance came into play was suspicious. He wasn't too "drugged" up to have to manage their mother's affairs and take care of her at the end. It seemed like both sides were throwing around threats and insults. So having him committed seemed a bit extreme in my opinion -- at least let him finish the wake...


It's unfortunate that they could not get themselves together for the funeral. I am sure their mother appreciated how that went down on both sides. /sarcasm

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I agree with a lot of that, 27bored. But I think the two key points were that the plaintiffs had all the "evidence" of the def's fakery AFTER the fact, and that they had a signed contract. The plaintiffs could have dug all that evidence up before they signed the contract. It's about doing due diligence before you hire someone. And then once the contact is signed, they are bound by that document. JJ even said if there had been clauses about dates or deadlines, then they'd have something.  But if they got snookered by a scam artist, that sort of falls into the "buyer beware" category.


Yeah, ultimately they were done in by that bogus contract. I was wondering why JJ didn't make a bigger deal about the fact that the contract didn't actually obligate him to come through on the license. Because even though she said it was just puffery that he had assured them he could get the license, that's an agreement in and of itself. Because if not, why are they paying him?


It's one thing for a lawyer to tell his client he'll win a case for them. Obviously he can't predict that because it would be up to the judge or jury to rule in their favor. But something like procuring a license is different. There may be elements of that process that are out of his control, which he should not be held liable, but I would think he should have to prove that before being awarded the rest of his fee. If a contract doesn't obligate both parties to come through on the agreement, or it doesn't specify a time frame, it would seem like many judges would have wiggle room. Maybe not to totally disregard it, but if he's complaining about not being paid for a service, he should've had to prove that it was the plaintiffs' fault and not him just bullshitting since he already had their money.


If the dude is on ripoffreport.com, she had a photo of him where he has "Joseph Miller II JUDGE" next to it promoting his services, and a weird business card that says "General Counsel", it would seem obvious he's a pretend lawyer. I've seen JJ rule how she wants to plenty of times, so for her to shrug in the face of an obvious HUSTLA! is weak sauce. I was skeptical of the plaintiffs too, but the Defendant seems like a true hustler.


But: I've noticed JJ doesn't fuck with lawyers too much. Like, I remember a case where a lawyer was suing a guy who didn't pay him his fee, and the guy's answer was alleging a lot of things about the lawyer, and she said she didn't want to read it because it might damage his reputation. I think she knows who to play with.


Who was the beneficiary on the life insurance policies?


I couldn't tell. I thought the brother on the far end, who did the least amount of talking, seemed like the most levelheaded one. The other two just seemed like hotheads and probably both are difficult to deal with. I think there was some hanky-panky going on with the woman's assets, because I don't think they would've sued him if he was being totally above-board. And as an adult, one thing that bugs the fucking fuck out of me is when adults tell stories like this:


"I walked into the room and he just told me to fuck off!"

"So...he just told you to fuck off? That's all he said?"

"Yeah! All I did was walk into the room and he told me to fuck off!"


Like, they will insist and swear that they're giving you the whole story. It's like, maybe that's how it felt, but don't misrepresent the story for no reason. So the plaintiff brother who did most of the talking was like, "he sent me a text message saying he was gonna get a machete and come kill both of us!" and JJ was like, "what lead to that?" and he goes, "I don't know he was just making threats!" Like, dude. You're trying to make the point that your brother smokes pot to make this sound like some manic outburst, but you know there was more to it than that.


Also, I still say the lady who sued the produce chick looks just like Caitlyn Jenner.

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Today's rerun of Ms. Sneed, who truly did find the darkest color of hair dye that exists, sued her former DIL for balance due on a jalopy. I roared when Judy asked the DIL defendant how many children she had. Shit, Judy, their names are tattooed across her chest: Lillian, Laci and Lucille!

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Did JJ rule correctly, do you think?  The brothers' gravelly voices were hard to listen to, so I fast-forwarded most of it. 


Who was the beneficiary on the life insurance policies? 

I think it made sense to not give the plaintiff brothers any more money after they admitted to getting $1800 each and they didn't have to pay out-of-pocket for the funeral. To me, it made sense that the bank funds and life insurance money went toward funeral/burial and probably reconciling the costs at the care facility. 


On one life insurance policy, all three brothers were listed. So, that was split three ways immediately. Another policy had the defendant brother listed as the sole beneficiary. He got that money, paid the mother's expenses (he showed the paperwork), and then split the remainder among the brothers.

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Can anyone figure out why David McNeilly - dumbo-eared, pin-headed, repulsive, dumb loser - is arrogant? I don't mind a little arrogance when someone has the goods to back it up, but David, really?


The car-keying, hair-pulling cousin battle was so freaking sordid it made me queasy. That disgusting heffalump dragging her kids all over town so she can get drunk with her boyfriend again makes me think that mandatory sterilization wouldn't be a bad thing.


Must go watch gravelly-voiced cousins now, if I can take any more.

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Re: Fakey McFakerson, NotQuiteEsq. - contract aside (and yes, it was on the plaintiffs to know what they were signing), I think that maybe one of the reasons that JJ seemed to go easy on him was that what the plaintiffs wanted him to do didn't require him to actually be an attorney. The impression I got, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, was that they could have done all the work to get the liquor license themselves, but they had hired him to facilitate the process. Had it been something like they paid him to represent them in court and he wasn't qualified to do so, I'm sure JJ would have raked him over the coals. If he let them to believe he had more credentials than he has in order to win their trust, then yeah, that's super shady, but I'm not sure it's actionable, you know? And the plaintiffs still should have done their research beforehand. The best comparison I can think of is how if I wanted to, I could file my taxes myself because the government allows it, but I have an accountant do it for me. If it turns out the person I hire isn't actually an accountant and botches my taxes, it's not illegal, but the IRS isn't going to care what I thought at the time. It's still on me to look into who I'm dealing with before I hand over any money or trust them with something important.


Onto today's case with the three brothers - I kept zoning out because all I could think of was how much I HATE estate cases at work and how they are my least favorite kind of job. Just like these guys, in the cases I've worked, the people are never squabbling over millions. It's all about who they claim Grandpa promised his watch to (the one he kept in a coffee can his whole life), and how their sister screwed the rest of the family over by selling Mom's shitshack for only $150K* when a realtor said it was worth twice that three years ago (before snow caused the roof to cave in and rodents took over, but that doesn't change the value, right?). One of my bosses said they might as well be throwing their money into a blender, because once it's all settled, the lawyers' fees will consume all their winnings anyway. Anyway, as soon as the plaintiffs said they'd contributed nothing to the funeral expenses, I knew they were screwed. Good for the defendant brother for keeping all his documentation. And though, like I said, my attention was in and out, from what I remember, I don't have a problem with the defendant winning on the counterclaim. You can't have it both ways - either your brother is competent enough to handle Mom's affairs, or he's a total fuckup who shouldn't be allowed near his family. I'm glad JJ thought the timing of their accusations against him was a little fishy.


(*I'm in the 'burbs of NYC. Even our shitshacks are really expensive.)

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And really, folks, please have a Will and medical and financial POAs executed. I don't care if you have 100 kids or no kids, if you have three baby daddies or are a good-looking spinster like me, or if you have JJ's mansion or a shitshack in the burbs of NY, it isn't that expensive or difficult to get the proper documents prepared. And I just don't understand why people, especially people who have kids, don't have plans and wishes in place. I hate to break it to you, but ....come closer so you'll hear me...we are all going to die!!!

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Just like these guys, in the cases I've worked, the people are never squabbling over millions.


It's the prince-a-pull, which didn't seem to matter much to plaintiffs when they wanted their drug-addicted, irrational brother to care for their helpless, sick mom, but when it comes to $1500- $1800, moral outrage and principals (not greediness!) arise to the point of summoning the police. They had to view their mother's remains in a closet!


I'm trying to picture my brother and me fighting like hungry hyenas over my mother's meager assets when she passed, but I can't draw that image in my mind.

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The gravelly-voiced brothers need to be ashamed of themselves. They were dressed so beautifully, yet acted so ugly.

Today is my Dad's birthday, although we lost him a few years ago. Similar situation, very small "estate"---just enough to cover a nice home-going celebration, a few bills & a family trip to the beach & if there was anything left WHO CARES?!? Thankfully, as a family, we were too busy crying (over his loss) & laughing (over his silly old jokes) to get caught up in something so petty. A coupla dollars you could spend in a weekend & 6 months later forget where it went?!? Let it go, people. Have some class.

I certainly didn't know these men's Mother, but I KNOW she wouldn't want them squabbling like this! I thought JJ did well to cut through all the emotions & just address the facts. I pictured them fighting the same way as children....sadly, they never grew out of it.

Edited by NowVoyager
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And really, folks, please have a Will and medical and financial POAs executed. I don't care if you have 100 kids or no kids, if you have three baby daddies or are a good-looking spinster like me, or if you have JJ's mansion or a shitshack in the burbs of NY, it isn't that expensive or difficult to get the proper documents prepared. And I just don't understand why people, especially people who have kids, don't have plans and wishes in place. I hate to break it to you, but ....come closer so you'll hear me...we are all going to die!!!

I wish I could like this a million times. I don't understand why people don't have a will. Like you said, it's no surprise we are going to die. Why not prepare instead of leaving your heirs to fight over your estate, regardless of its size?

I have a sibling who I know is going to be a problem when my parents pass away. I know because he's a conniving liar who is always telling pie in the sky stories about his next big get rich quick scheme. I've spent years listening to him brag about how much he is going to have someday.

Like many men on JJ, everything he has comes from dating women who have money. Once he runs through their money, and you'd be surprised how willingly these attractive, intelligent women will fork over their money and credit to a decent-looking dude, he's on to the next one. He's had women buy him cars, a home, a bar, clothing, jewelry, and two businesses over the years. The women always end up broke and filing for bankruptcy. When their money is gone, so is he. It's at a point where I even warn them about his history! Do they listen to me? Nope. He knows I'm warning them and doesn't care because they're still going to give him whatever he wants. He's now run two businesses into the ground, and the current sucker is looking for another one to buy for him. He's a first class hustla, baby.

Lest you think I envy him, I do not. I date women also, and am surprised at the things they'll offer to keep me in their lives. Honestly, we women need can do a lot better. You can't buy anyone's love. The difference between me and my brother is I'd never take anything from anyone. There's pride in having worked hard, putting myself through college, and earning everything I have. I like having good credit, disposable income, a nice home, and a nice car. And nobody gave me shit, so it's all mine. When I'm dating a woman, I only care that she can support herself and can pay her own way.

Where was I? Oh, so I know this brother will be picking over my parents' bones when they die. After my dad's last stroke, I finally out my foot down. My parents don't have much and live off of Social Security. I help with their rent so that they have a little extra money to do things they enjoy in their twilight years. I'd been trying to get them to make wills and do their medical powers of attorney. When my dad got really sick, I told them I would no longer assist them financially unless they got their affairs in order. I wanted POAs; I wanted living wills; and I wanted wills for when they die. And I finally got them to comply. I also took care of mine, wanting to ensure my brother doesn't get any of my estate should something happen to me. I thought about leaving everything to my dog but decided, instead, to leave my estate to my nieces and nephews. That could change, if any of them grow up to be typical litigants, but for now I feel comfort in knowing my wishes will be honored.

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Teebax, congrats on getting your and your parents' documents executed! You are a great daughter and I am sure they appreciate and love you. And like you, I have never taken money from whoever I was dating and would certainly never loan money to them! If you can't take care of yourself, hit the road, Jack. I worked like a dog and put up with tons of workplace shit to have the lifestyle I currently enjoy. No one is taking that from me. Regarding getting documents done, I think a lot of folks either (a) don't want to think about dying or (b) think they have plenty of time to do the docs because, hey, we're not going to die until we're in our 80s, right? I don't have kids but think that a great baby gift for new parents would be an hour consultation with an attorney to get the docs in place. Who is going to raise your minor kids if something happens to one or both of you? There are attorneys who can whip out the necessary docs in no time and really don't charge much. I think I paid around $150 for a will, POAs, and medical directive. And this was not a fakey mcfakerson attorney!!

Edited to add: Heck, I even have plans in place for who is willing to take my dog if something happens to me. Happily, I have 3 friends who love her and are willing to welcome her into their homes.

Edited by Spunkygal
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I'll admit that despite my father's prodding, my husband and I went for a while without wills (and other similar paperwork). We figured if he dies, I get everything, and vice versa; if something like a plane crash took both of us out, the assumption (I know, I know) was that our parents wouldn't fight everything going to his brother, as I don't have any siblings and my parents have way more money and assets than we do anyway.


But as soon as the kids came along? We were in the lawyer's office the very next month getting that taken care of. (And yes, a real attorney!)

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We figured if he dies, I get everything, and vice versa;


Probably, but without a will, there's a long and stressful process to go through, something no one who is grieving a profound loss wants to do. I never had a will either, until my husband forced me to get one. Now I realize it does matter what happens after I die, since I don't want to leave a big mess for family to have to clean up.


Like many men on JJ, everything he has comes from dating women who have money.


Sorry to hear you have this in your family, teebax. So, would you say you understand these women? Maybe you can help us "get it", because I don't. Not a single friend of mine has ever given money to a man, nor have any asked for it. Do you think this is a relatively new development?  Why do so many women have zero self-esteem? Why are they so desperate?


Of course I know about criminal con artists who set up women and take everything they have, but these are very elaborate, planned setups, not some loser saying, "Hey babe, I want a motorcycle/5k/ for you to pay my child support/bail/tickets."

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My husband is a Marine so having a will isn't optional and it's been updated before each of the six deployments.

I've got a sister I'm sure will want my moms non exsistent money when she's gone,

My Dad had 11 kids and I was impressed we all acted like adults when he died.

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The money grubbing brothers made me sick. I bet neither one of them made time to go see their mom during the last months of her life. When my dad died, one of the grandkids (my niece) that had been MIA for over 10 years (and couldn't be bothered to show up at his memorial) contacted me and wailed and blubbered like a professional mourner. When I cut her off and asked her what she wanted and where the hell had she been for the last 10+ years, the fake crying stopped immediately and she launched into her 'I know he left a sizable estate and he wanted me to have something' spiel. It warmed my cold, cold heart to tell her that he left everything to me and with the exception of a few sentimental items, left it up to me to decide if and when anyone would get anything money wise.  I gave her the name and number of my attorney and told her to give him a call if she had any more questions. That was 6 years ago and I haven't heard from her since. A week after my mom died in 1997, my dad asked me to meet him at the bank. He made me joint owner of all of his accounts, property and assets. When he died, I didn't inherit anything as I already owned it. He was a smart cookie :)

Edited by lovesnark
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Ugh, I hate it when people use their relatives like that, probably because I'm related to some world class users myself.  My cousins think nothing of asking my grandmother for a new car, bail or lawyer's fees, rent money, babysitting services, etc.  One of them even had the gall to ask her to give him her house!  Another branch of the family has completely fragmented due to an intense, decade-long fight over an estate.  It's like the second coming of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce.  So yeah - get your affairs in order, people!

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Probably, but without a will, there's a long and stressful process to go through, something no one who is grieving a profound loss wants to do. I never had a will either, until my husband forced me to get one. Now I realize it does matter what happens after I die, since I don't want to leave a big mess for family to have to clean up.


Sorry to hear you have this in your family, teebax. So, would you say you understand these women? Maybe you can help us "get it", because I don't. Not a single friend of mine has ever given money to a man, nor have any asked for it. Do you think this is a relatively new development?  Why do so many women have zero self-esteem? Why are they so desperate?


Of course I know about criminal con artists who set up women and take everything they have, but these are very elaborate, planned setups, not some loser saying, "Hey babe, I want a motorcycle/5k/ for you to pay my child support/bail/tickets."

I have no clue what motivates them, although I suspect it's insecurity and a fear of being alone. I definitely think women are more like this than men, although there are certainly men who do the same thing. I'm one of those rare birds who enjoys being alone. So if you are coming into my life, you need to keep my happiness at the same level or improve it. Anyone who decreases my happiness has to hit the road. But I think some women couldn't even fathom sleeping alone, much less living alone. So they end up on court TV shows!

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Nothing like fighting over an estate to bring out the worst in some people. When my mother-in-law dies I can easily see the one brother who did jack sh*t for the parents standing at the grave asking for his share. He'll get 1/3 but he won't wait patiently for it. I am trustee for a family member and I know when he dies that at least one of the kids if not two of them will be phoning me within hours, not days of death, but hours asking for money. I'm glad the defendant brother had his evidence and won his part of the case.

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I'm one of those rare birds who enjoys being alone.


Me too. I've never thought that any man is better than none and never understood people who cannot be alone for one minute.


To quote JJ:

"If I was on that show Survivor and (insert the name of any fugly, stupid, parasitic JJ loser) was the last person on the island, I'd join a nunnery."

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It was obvious he took advantage of rubes and then blamed them for whatever failure that occurred.  JJ didn't even care what he actually did just that he had a big binder and must have done something, so he gets paid.  Seems patently unfair to me.

As I used to tell my kids constantly when they were younger: "You can't protect people from their own stupidity". It pretty much is the JJ mantra. Buy a 25 year old car and it blows up as you drive away? Give money to a man you met online who doesn't pay his child support? Rely on somebody's handshake or "good word" ("I trusted him/her!!!!")? It's all covered by the Protection Against Stupidity statement (and lest you think I'm being snarky, I have learned this the hard way several times over the years and been the recipient of my own advice by myself )

Been through the sordid estate stuff myself. One brother was written out of the will "for obvious reasons" (as my mother said) which included a long history of criminal behavior and drug abuse as well as other lovely issues. Luckily the other brother was an accountant but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. 


I didn't like the two brothers passing the care of their mom to Brother #3 and then picking him apart afterwards when they got to the funeral home (BTW I don't know if it's national, but a Baker Act in Florida is an involuntary commitment for psychiatric evaluation due to danger to oneself or others, up to 72 hours). And care for Alzheimer's patients (did they call it Old Timer's disease, did I hear something like that?) is very expensive. Many of the patients wander and get away from the caregivers (lots of them ending up drowning in canals down here). Seems like they didn't have a problem with his supposed pot-smoking machete-wielding self until the moolah trail was drying up. 


And why do women give men money? Because women don't want to be alone. And they want to "fix" men or "save" them somehow (unfortunately been there done that also). I wish women would realize that being alone is a lot better than putting up with a losah hustlah cheatah that steals your self esteem along with your money. 

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: "You can't protect people from their own stupidity". It pretty much is the JJ mantra. Buy a 25 year old car and it blows up as you drive away? Give money to a man you met online who doesn't pay his child support? Rely on somebody's handshake or "good word" ("I trusted him/her!!!!")? It's all covered by the Protection Against Stupidity statement


This X 100.

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So in addition to "conversate" we can now add "condomindium" to the lexicon.  And is "disrespected" really a word now?  Old ep, no idea when, since the description is still all kerfuffled up.


As usual, I am blown away by the number of youngsters (21-ish) suing each other. And how often it is just because someone thinks they deserve something.

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Why are they so desperate?


Channeling Sophia Petriillo, picture this, Ann Arbor MI 1987, a group of friends stage an intervention for a woman who is supporting an unemployed, unmotivated, lazy, bum. Her friend tell her she's smart, has a good job, is good looking, why does she put up with this loser. Her response, "It's worth it just to have his head next to hers on the pillow".  Intervention over.

Edited by momtoall
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Today's first case involved a slob couple being sued for breaking windows and doors and leaving trash heaps behind in a rental they were kicked out of. Hearing JJ repeat herself about needing to see pictures got tiring. Sure, the older man should have snapped a few more pictures, but you can't tell me that couple didn't live like slobs.


Former roommates plaintiff Brittany and defendant Chancess...it all started with a laundry-related kerfuffle. Chancess had a dramatic cascade of hair and lifeless eyes. She moved out and didn't pay one month's rent ($525) and the late fees that incurred, and Brittany said she messed up the carpet. JJ shut her down about the late fee and the carpet. Chancess turned around and said that she had previously paid three months' of Brittany's and her own rent and bills because Brittany was broke sometimes, and she was still owed money for an expensive concert ticket, but her proof was weak. JJ ordered $525 to the plaintiff. 


Both cases were a little boring, but at least there were no animal issues in that episode.

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Channeling Sophia Petriillo,


OMG! I came here for that reason - "Picture it!" (Sicily, 1929) JJ has been reminding me more and more of Sophia. Her picture conversation with the landlord is just classic.


TWO TONS of garbage? Really? And the landlord never thought of taking a picture of this Mt. Everest of trash? Mainly I was on edge during this case because I really thought Mr. Couts might expire before our very eyes. The morbid obesity, the labored breathing - all very stressful.


Chancess had a dramatic cascade of hair and lifeless eyes.


GMTA. I was quite impressed with the incredibly luxuriant, flowing wig Chancess was sporting, but yeah, her eyes looked like those of a drug addict just coming off a binge (or whatever a period of heavy ingesting of drugs is called.) Otherwise, just another dreary, childish and stupid roommate kerfuffle.

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I think the Forum Word of the Day is "Kerfuffle."  Will it appear in EVERYONE's post?  We shall see.   Gotta do something to jazz things up in the wake of so-so cases.


Anyone have a date for the Patricia Bean kerfuffle? We are getting recent reruns down here, and the descriptions and dates actually match for those. Maybe I can catch it the second time around. Or have I already  missed it?

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Anyone have a date for the Patricia Bean kerfuffle?

The episode aired 9/8/15 and was titled, "Suicide Attempt Turned Neighborhood Feud!"

I guess they couldn't call it, "Patricia Bean is a Bitch."


Sure, the older man should have snapped a few more pictures, but you can't tell me that couple didn't live like slobs.

Yes! Yeah so he didn't take pictures, be he ALSO didn't put x-amount tons of crap in the front yard. That garbage was clearly the shit pile Raspy Santa accumulated there. (I watch Hoarders. I know about these things!) JJ was totally wrong harping about the non-existent pictures. Edited by Guest
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JJ was totally wrong harping about the non-existent pictures.


To me, the problem is that some litigants tend to exaggerate, just a wee bit. I'm sure the property was left a shambles, but TWO TONS of junk on the lawn? I"d need to see a picture of that too.


So who loved the raddled Nikki "Baby Jane" Gavin, who appeared to be either slightly oiled or on too many prescription meds? She lived with this abusive man, who was so very mean (and also showered her with gifs and supported her ass because she doesn't work) yet HE had to throw HER out. Hmm, guess he wasn't that cruel. Apparently she has now another man to have and hold and pay her bills. Her poor son looked as though he'd rather be somewhere else than listening to Mom make a giant fool of herself.


Shatoria, I hope you learned a lesson. Why, oh, why would a 21 year old student be so hard up that she'd give $800 to the shrimpy, slick Washington - 21 year old full time student and father of one - who is not merely "ordinary" but a thief and con artist too.

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The episode aired 9/8/15 and was titled, "Suicide Attempt Turned Neighborhood Feud!"

I guess they couldn't call it, "Patricia Bean is a Bitch."


Yes! Yeah so he didn't take pictures, be he ALSO didn't put x-amount tons of crap in the front yard. That garbage was clearly the shit pile Raspy Santa accumulated there. (I watch Hoarders. I know about these things!) JJ was totally wrong harping about the non-existent pictures.

I couldn't agree more. Once again, JJ shows rampant inconsistency. We have seen her accept proof of repair work done, and proof of a trash removal service too. I'm really tiring of her completely-over-it attitude. Whichever way the wind blows, Judge Judy.

I caught a rerun, although I'm not sure when it aired. She dismissed a large portion of a claim because she didn't care about it. Wtf is that? You get paid a shit ton of money to care about it. I remain baffled as to why anyone would go on her show to resolve a real issue. I wouldn't want justice I needed in the hands of someone so unpredictable.

If I said it once, I've said it a million times. JJ should make a donation to this board, because if it weren't for you file folks, I'd be taking a major break from her show. I love the snark and camaraderie here too much to stop watching, but she pisses me off more often than not these days.

I can't imagine Marilyn Milian being too over it to fairly litigate a case. Hell, she recently had a case about a shopping cart. Hand to God, someone sued over a shopping cart. I could barely listen to it at home, but MM had the patience of a saint. Even the three yahoos on Hot Bench at least listen to all the parts of a case before rendering a verdict.

Sorry for the rant; I spent my evening at an HOA board meeting and, unlike JJ, I don't get paid to listen to all the whining and complaining I sat through tonight. I wish I could scream at some of the homeowners how much I don't care about their trifling complaints and dismiss them. Maybe what I feel toward JJ isn't anger but jealousy!

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To me, the problem is that some litigants tend to exaggerate, just a wee bit. I'm sure the property was left a shambles, but TWO TONS of junk on the lawn? I"d need to see a picture of that too.

Oh I totally don't disagree about the possibility of exaggeration in this case. But, that being said, she couldn't weigh the amount of junk based on pictures, either. I don't think she would know one ton from two tons based on a photo. The guy even brought a witness she had no interest in hearing.

Maybe her sugar was low the day she heard this case.

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Yeah, I get miffed when she shouts "I don't care!" Or automatically excludes late fees or overdraft fees when awarding judgment in someone's favor. $20 here and there certainly means squat to her but it is a lot for us regular folks and adds up quickly. Her inconsistency in looking at invoices like yesterday's removal of the Mt McKinley of trash would so piss me off if I were the Plaintiff. I am surprised he didn't have more pics of inside and outside but he did pay for trash removal service which should have been considered. Watching this show has killed any tiny, minute thought of having a rental property.

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To be fair, the landlord had neither pictures nor invoices of Two Ton's Garbage.  Exaggerating the mess did not endear him to JJ, and the pix he did have were of miniscule destruction, especially compared to TWO! TONS! OF! GARBAGE!  If you're going to be a landlord, you have to protect yourself with pix and documentation.

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IIRC, the landlord said that Santa had lawn ornaments or yard art, or some shit like that. I'm thinking that the 2 tons of garbage were some kind of concrete ornaments in the yard. Explains why he didn't take pics of the "trash". 

Anybody else notice the pseudo-intellectual porn star behind the plaintiff this week? I can't remember which day, but it was the brunette with glasses and I couldn't quit looking. Somebody else HAD to see her.

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Exaggerating the mess did not endear him to JJ, and the pix he did have were of miniscule destruction, especially compared to TWO! TONS! OF! GARBAGE!  If you're going to be a landlord, you have to protect yourself with pix and documentation.

My totally WAG (as in wild a$$ guess) is that the landlord had to rent a TWO TON dumpster to remove the junk left behind - but he could have been renovating the house at the same time and filling it with kitchen cabinets, bathtubs, siding, etc, PLUS Raspy Santa's eccentric birdbath collection and old tires along. 


In a flash of random excellent judgement I managed to save the Patricia Bean's Kerfuffle on my DVR (nearly all the cases I delete because basically I can't even listen to these people anymore). I'm saving it for a Kerfuffle-paloosa for when I'm having a really bad day and need a little Ms. Bean to cheer me up. 

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