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"The View": Week of 09/05/2016


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Joy WAS rude to Gary. Whether you like Gary or not he is a nice, honest and good hearted man unlike two other people running. Quit with the fucking spoiler stuff Joy, no candidate deserves anyones vote they have to earn it not be contantly pressured into it by tv personalities. and BTW gary takes equally from trump and clinton. and to the spoiler thing I have to agree with Raven, the third party uprising has to start sooner or later so why not now? I know many of you like Hillary but majority of America do not like either so please excuse them while some of them support someone they actually like. and no that was not a disqualifying statement. Did we forget Trump had no idea Russia annexed Crimea and that Hillary didn't know C stood for classified. Yet they are both still running? Ugh that just made me so heated. and Raven and Jedediah were right about the younger generation being intelligent, well informed and worried about economy, environment etc. They arent idiots. While Candace shouldnt have been booed she was obviously just emotional today idk or maybe she just really wanted to leave but wow. Crazy episode.

Edited by Bmarsh
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2 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

Like Joy I think that Gary Johnson not knowing what Aleppo is is disqualifying and thank goodness she had the balls to confront him about that to his face, rude or not. 

Phew, thanks.  When I was reading above (because I'm not watching) I was curious if Joy gave Johnson shit about his baffling answer to Mike Barnicle who rather casually (no real pressure) asked it on Morning Joe, if you missed it, you really must watch the clips of the incident and the aftermath.  Joy is a Morning Joe watcher and a while ago was often a guest.

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2 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

 Whether you like Gary or not he is a nice, honest and good hearted man unlike two other people running.

I don't agree with that statement at all, or the other about him taking equally from the two main candidates. Anyone from the right side of the aisle who would vote for Johnson already jumped ship from Trump back in January. But of course Jedi would come out and wave the flag for him because what she really wants is for dumbasses like Raven to vote for Gary Johnson and get Trump in the White House. Her Libertarian BS is just that.

And I don't think there's anything wrong with Candace being booed. If the audience doesn't like what she has to say, that's their prerogative.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 18

Just reading about a Joy and Raven I felt I knew the reason Joy was loosing it in anger. I'm just a few years younger than she is and have very young grandchildren so I'm scared shitless about what the country will be for them.  Thanks Fisher  King  for posting the video.   Joy did come unglued and didn't fully get what Raven was trying to say.  Mainly because she hardly ever makes sense . (Ex there are plenty of things to talk about besides politics and religion like how she smells and two other moronic things that have left me).  Oh and you don't have to work hard to be successful just do something crazy and social media will give you tons of attention.  WTF  ??  That's success?  What would her momma say about respecting your elders? ( Joy) 

Once it was clear and Joy explained why she went /goes  off the rails, Raven sat there like a boxer in the corner of the ring.  I think it was rude of Cameron to ask about Johnson's Christianity and that is what she was doing. How someone walks with God, spare me.  How does Trump walk other than with his knuckles dragging on he ground.  Does  he walk the path of her religion?  Like Joy, I'm pissed just go back to the shallow end of the pool with your skating dress and stay there.  I am scratching my head over the hiring of these last co hosts.  What could they be thinking?   

Someone earlier posted about the  quality of the show with  the original panel and  it sure has not evolved in the right direction.   Whoever is at the helm is following in Geddie's  footsteps.  Maybe it's 4 am fact checker intern from those Hasselbeck days. 

You all thinking same thing as I'm slowly typing 

Edited by athousandclowns
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I get what Candace was trying to say--faith is important to her so if it's not important to a candidate she won't waste her time on them.

Same with the Russia/Putiin convo. She has family in Russia who feel protected. Therefore he is good at protecting people. Very black and white way of thinking that is pretty self involved. I still don't think she has a mean bone in her body.

Also I like Jedi, sorry. She actually brings a different voice to the show. For example, She was the one to bring up good counter arguments to the Trump/Putin jerk fest.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

 Anyone from the right side of the aisle who would vote for Johnson already jumped ship from Trump back in January. But of course Jedi would come out and wave the flag for him because what she really wants is for dumbasses like Raven to vote for Gary Johnson and get Trump in the White House. Her Libertarian BS is just that.

I thought the same thing listening to her!  And it's not the first time I sensed this same manipulation on her part.  But she went too far today.  Paula, scoot over in the coffin and make room for Jed because she is *DEAD* to me now, too.

And about Cameron claiming she isn't judging anyone ... she just wants to know "where they are in their walk with god."  Oh please. You are so "judging" people and what's more, you are using a completely stupid criteria to do so.  And I don't think it ends with people running for the White House, either. I think you walk around judging everyone's godliness all damn day long.  But back to the issue at hand ....

Requiring the president to satisfy your requirement that s/he practice your Christian religion is no guarantee that person will possess the wisdom, courage, or strength the job requires.  Nor does it mean they will necessarily manifest all the Jesus-ey characteristics of compassion and universal love and ... whatever else Jesus represents to you. To be honest, I couldn't care less.  Because JESUS ISN'T ON THE TICKET! Frankly I'm not sure I'd vote for him if he was.   Because what I look for in a spiritual icon is not the same thing I look for in a president, largely because they won't have the same JOB. So, Cameron, I suggest you put more thought into who would be a good leader and stop worrying so much about whether their personal spiritual convictions are close enough to your own so that you won't feel threatened by their presidency. Learn to cope with people who aren't just like you. A good start would be not fleeing the stage because a couple of rude assholes booed you.  Would Jesus have run off the stage?  I don't think so! 

Hmmm, gee, maybe you are not far enough in your walk with the lord, Cameron.  Maybe I should mount a campaign to have you fired from the show because you are not up to my personal spiritual standards.  But I'm not judging you!  Heaven forbid, lol 

  • Love 19

I watched the After Show first, to see the heated "discussion."  And I'll be in my corner by myself, and say that I understood and agreed with what Joy was saying. As far as I can see, have seen, "today's" young generation have done squat when it comes to trying to force change/make change, etc. I don't think making threats via tweets is "doing something." Nor talking about it on social media. Now, I am, I guess, if one wants to use labels, Generation X. But. I saw CNN's The Sixties, The Seventies, and when I see how those eras' young generation forced and fought for change? In comparison, today's generation, or even in the last 2 decades, are apathetic. Not to veer too off-topic, but I haven't seen anything good or what Raven that moron was saying. And she, along with Jediblahblah, and even Joy were ignoring the Big GIANT Elephant in the room--that the change has to start from the local level, voting out the fat old white men/incumbents in Congress. Just voting for a third party candidate won't do shit, if the same assholes still remain in Congress. Yes, Bernie got things shaking, but once he lost the nomination, it went to hell in a hand basket; and even before, his supporters or a faction of people who said they were his supporters, were just as bad as those assholes who blindly follow Drumpf.

Then I watched the regular show. Now, it could be because I only got three hours of sleep, but I fell asleep after the show returned for Johnson's second segment. I'll have to rewatch it later. But I wanted to smack the smug off of Jediblahblah, because of the tongue bath she gave Johnson. Where are the tough questions? Or is that saved only for Hillary? And Johnson may not have held office in DC, but he ain't no fresh naive person with no political experience. He was a Governor. I forget which state. Both she and Raven acted like he was the savior that would save the country because he wasn't "establishment," which, yeah he kind of is.

And was Joy mean to him in the second segment, because I was expecting to see her getting in his face and yelling at him, based on what I'd read here, and that's not what I saw. I liked what she had to say.  And Raven? If Johnson needs people to "prep him" about what is going on in the world with respect to foreign policy, or even domestic, then he has no BUSINESS running for office. The rest of the world is just so in luuurve with that orange blowhard, because he has no business running for office, either, and what he said from the get go, should have disqualified him. He's a lying liar who lies and knows JACK SHIT about anything to be able to run for the highest office. It's not a reality show.

I wonder why no one mentioned that Whoopi was on Stephen Colbert last night, touting her marijuana product for women for their menstrual cramps. Again, she was so much more likeable. Why can't she be like that on this show?

If Candace can't handle the "angry" conversations that take place on this show, this isn't the place for her. She needs to go back to CaleeefornIA and just concentrate on her Hollywood career.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 22
5 hours ago, Haleth said:

I cannot see how Candace can on one hand say faith is an important factor in choosing a candidate and on the other that she supports Trump.  There is absolutely nothing, NOTHING to indicate Trump follows a Christian life. In fact he is the antithesis of a good Christian. 

It's all about abortion with the Religious Right. Somehow they can ignore that Trump doesn't know the Bible ("Two Corinthians," anyone?), has never prayed for forgiveness because he doesn't think he has anything to be forgiven for, has openly and gleefully bragged about committing adultery, and has a laundry list of people he has cheated. Oh, yeah, and the lies upon lies upon lies. Yet because they are nervous about a Democrat appointing liberal judges who might uphold a woman's right to have a medical procedure that has been the law of the land for 40 years, they convince themselves that Trump is a Christian and therefore worth voting for.

Let's face it, if Jesus came back as a politician -- a non-Christian, Middle Eastern dark-complected blue-collar pacifist who advocated selling one's wealth to provide for the poor, who hung out with the dregs of society, who never spoke out against homosexuality, but did speak out against people who publicly flaunt their religion -- Candace and Kirk and their Religious Right brethren would trip all over themselves to vote for his opponent.


Although I thought her comment that no 50 year old ever started a revolution was pretty stupid.

I'm sure Benjamin Franklin and half the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be curious to learn that.

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 23

I didn't see the show proper, but I also truly didn't understand what she was trying to say about a Christian asking a Christian about their faith so she could see how they "walk with God".  And then that Muslim would want to know the same thing about a Muslim candidate and a Jew the same about a Jewish candidate.  That does in fact sound very judgemental.  If you are orthodox and the candidate is not, does that change your view of them?  I think that is what she is saying.  If you are a born again Christian and the candidate is a convert to Islam, would that make the candidate more favourable to her?  The whole thing did not make sense.  

Yes, She said she wasn't "judging"  but if you're evaluating someone based on religion  as opposed to politics, then you certainly are judging their character based on their religion.  She was also saying that a candidate who wasn't Christian should be evaluated by others of the same faith, which contradicts that she doesn't vote based on religion, because she was implying she wouldn't even be interested in knowing about them.

The other piece, though, is that for a long time (as chicagoCita mentions above)  "Christian"  in politics was used to refer to a candidate who was against reproductive rights.  Priests and ministers would give sermons steering people away from voting for any politician who was pro-choice, because abortion (and, in some churches, ALL forms of birth control)  were sinful.  The conclusion was that anyone voting for a candidate who was pro-choice was committing a sin against god.    Similar arguments were made on issues like gay marriage, and, back in my day,  anything to do with equal rights for women. 

I don't know what Candace meant when she said she would want to know "where a person is in their walk with god", but it might very well be code for issues of gay rights, women's rights, and abortion.  I might have booed her too.

  • Love 19
12 hours ago, rags said:

Candace walked off the set during the after view discussion. Joy and Raven were having a heated argument. And poor Candace couldn't take the ugliness. She walked off and never came back. Keep on walking CCB. I bet she won't be scolded by anyone. 

Yet Jedi, Joy, and Raven stayed and moved on...LIKE PROFESSIONALS!

I wonder if Candace will have to apologize for walking off the set even if it was the After the View segment online. Joy and Whoopi walked off on Bill O'Reilly and you would have thought that they walked out on Gandhi or Christ with the backlash they got. They had to apologize.

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2 hours ago, maryis1 said:

I wonder if Candace will have to apologize for walking off the set even if it was the After the View segment online. Joy and Whoopi walked off on Bill O'Reilly and you would have thought that they walked out on Gandhi or Christ with the backlash they got. They had to apologize.

Of course not. If the story gets any traction in the press, it’ll be “Evil, liberal audience chases innocent, Christian victim off the stage on The View.” Complete with quotes from Candace about why people have to be so mean, how hard it is to be a Christian, and that people need to have tolerance for her (the intolerant).

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CCB walking off sue to booing...not a good model of someone thats truly confident in their faith.  I was raised in a christian home and resd stories in the bible about people who stood firm in their beliefs even when being mocked.  Strength of character..which she lacked pulling that unprofessional stunt.

Joy was unprofessional as well during the johnson segment.  Her body language and inability to remain professional reminded me of Bitsy.  

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I wonder if Candace will have to apologize for walking off the set even if it was the After the View segment online. Joy and Whoopi walked off on Bill O'Reilly and you would have thought that they walked out on Gandhi or Christ with the backlash they got. They had to apologize.

Joy and Whoopi walked off on live TV while an invited guest was on their show. That is very different than CCB walking off  on the "after show". 

She didn't like Joy and Raven throwing sand.  If someone hadn't posted about it on here most of us wouldn't have watched it.

But it was fun to see her storm off!!

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Gee, was Raven the only one who got the memo that this show promotes/tells the audience who to vote for? This had to be a first where a host TELLS the audience WHO TO VOTE FOR in the presidential election. I know most times, they say who they like, and who they're going to vote for (Joy, Candace), and who they won't (Jediblahblah), but I don't ever recall seeing any of them TELLING the audience WHO THEY SHOULD VOTE FOR. She continues to prove how intellectually STOOPID she is, but equating likes on Face Book as an indication of how people will vote, or how to get noticed. Not EVERYONE does.

Or did I miss that memo?

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1 hour ago, Vinyasa said:

No way this show is live today. Airhead Sara Haines had the same hair style on Tues, so I bet it was taped then.

Why was it announced "Chelsea Clinton is live"? So she was there live when it was taped?

Are we back to taped Fridays? UGH

The show was live today. They referenced the after show of yesterday regarding Mother Theresa, as well as the terrible job Matt Lauer did last night with Hillary and Drumpf.

I give Kudos to Chelsea for hugging the two women who have said that they think Hillary is a liar and untrustworthy.  And why did that chipmunk get to cut Chelsea off and say in such an insincere manner that she hoped Chelsea would come back. I could tell from the way she refused to look at Chelsea while the latter explained how the untrustworthy attack isn't anything new and how she's lived with it for years.

And Candace's comparison with baseball and football regarding the atheist minister made NO sense.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The show was live today. They referenced the after show of yesterday regarding Mother Theresa, as well as the terrible job Matt Lauer did last night with Hillary and Drumpf.

Wow, It was live? I'm going to watch it again because the Matt Lauer/Clinton/Trump was on Wed night, not last night.

 But they never been known for being the most up to date!

I got the impression it was taped after Thursday's show. Not many "hot topics" from Thursday's news, but they did reference Wednesday's news. And that would explain Whoopi's presence. My feeling is that they worked around Chelsea's schedule, and of course if it "made waves," Whoopi would want to be there to get some attention.

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maggiemae, if Candace is a true Trump supporter she believes all Catholics, Jews, Muslims & other minority groups are here "illegally," no matter how many generations they & their family members have lived, worked, owned businesses, served in the military, held elective office & paid taxes here in the good old "Christian USA" & according to the Word of Donald, those people don't deserve having the right to vote & will all be booted out of the country, once her wonderful candidate becomes president. 

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Gee, was Raven the only one who got the memo that this show promotes/tells the audience who to vote for? This had to be a first where a host TELLS the audience WHO TO VOTE FOR in the presidential election. I know most times, they say who they like, and who they're going to vote for (Joy, Candace), and who they won't (Jediblahblah), but I don't ever recall seeing any of them TELLING the audience WHO THEY SHOULD VOTE FOR. She continues to prove how intellectually STOOPID she is, but equating likes on Face Book as an indication of how people will vote, or how to get noticed. Not EVERYONE does.

Or did I miss that memo?

The likes on Facebook praise made me laugh. And then she said he had the Young Vote! Good luck with that, because if there's one thing we know it's that young people are generally an unreliable base. Besides, I'm sure there are many young voters like myself who will not be voting for him.

3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Usually there will be a ticker that says previously recorded, right?

I assumed it was all live. Since there was no show Monday, Her Presence probably deigned to record a fourth show on Friday.

That was a really lovely interview with Chelsea Clinton. She wasn’t as stiff as I remember her at the DNC and several other places. Nobody really got on my nerves today, but that might be because they only had one round of hot topics and the absence of Jed’s face/voice automatically relaxed me. I loved how Chelsea said she thought most of the untrustworthy business is about the fact that Hillary’s a woman, and I agree. If the economy didn’t force both parents to work these days, the stigma on working mothers would probably be as strong as it was 30-40 years ago. Even outside the working issue, a large number of people in this country do not like women who have any sense of ambition, in their career or otherwise.

I still prefer Paula to Jed (choose your poison), so I was glad she was there instead. Hopefully next year Jed’s numbers are even lower than Paula’s and Jed is fired/relegated to Friday’s. Or, rather, Monday’s, because I’d like Joy Friday’s to be free of her. Nah, let’s make it Tuesday’s, because Monday’s are enough of a bitch without having to watch one on TV.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 5

I got the impression it was taped after Thursday's show. Not many "hot topics" from Thursday's news, but they did reference Wednesday's news.

I still believe it was taped.

When they start with a topic that isn't in the news the day before or that morning, it is taped. I think they were pushing the "live" Chelsea interview and wouldn't have a "recorded' ticker because of that. 

Were there any live tweets? or it that only when Raven is there?

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As a parent of a son slightly younger than Raven, (but infinitely more intelligent), here's how I understand the younger generation's support of third party candidates:   The two-party system sucks, and needs to be re-worked.  there should be more than two options, and we shouldn't stick with  Rep/Dem system just because it's all we've had for a long time.   IF the current system results in Trump winning, and being a shitty president, then that would be the shot in the arm the country needs to wake the hell up and fix the system.  Basically, they know that voting for a third party candidate might cause Trump to win, and if that happens, they see it as being the demise of the Republican party.  They're looking at the long-term, not the next 4 years, but the next 4+ decades. 

Joy's point, which I agree with, is that the scenario presented by a trump win is too dangerous for the country, and we shouldn't risk it. 

  • Love 9

I don't know if it was taped or not, but I enjoyed the segment with Chelsea Clinton. I wish they would have spent another segment with her instead of the MJB or Gigi Hadid segments. She and Joy were cute. I just wished someone would have asked her if she had any interest in running for political office since both of her parents have been presidential candidates at some point of her life. 

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I apologize in advance for being off topic but thought this was interesting. I live in IN, which is about as red as red can be and of course our (cough) beloved (cough) gov is Trump's running mate.  A new poll here shows that in the last week BOTH Clinton AND Trump have seen a drop in their support.  So who benefits?  Gary Johnson.  Trump is still ahead but he's only at 43%. It seems that unhappy voters are looking for an alternative. 

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 3

My DVR glitched at the point where Chelsea was starting a story about a mom she met, who told her [crackle...stutter...frozen screen...??]. When the recording resumed, the hosts were silent for a moment with stunned looks on their faces.

What did the mother tell Chelsea?  I gathered it had something to do with kids watching the election.

9 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Nobody really got on my nerves today, but that might be because they only had one round of hot topics and the absence of Jed’s face/voice automatically relaxed me.

OMG, The Green Knight.  I recently emailed a friend who also watches "The View."  I explained that although I was glad when Elisabeth left and really glad when Sherri left, I continued to watch while they were on the show.   I cannot bear Jedediah and don't know if I can stick with the show.  I love your sentence quoted above(my bolding).  I'm just starting to read this week's postings from the bottom of Page 3 up to Page 1.  I may be forced to comment again.

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5 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

I believe the story was about a 10 year old student originally from Guatemala who was being taunted by students telling him to "go back to Mexico."

Yes, she was talking about how hate speech is being normalized because of Trump and how that filters down.

2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

OMG, The Green Knight.  I recently emailed a friend who also watches "The View."  I explained that although I was glad when Elisabeth left and really glad when Sherri left, I continued to watch while they were on the show.   I cannot bear Jedediah and don't know if I can stick with the show.  I love your sentence quoted above(my bolding).  I'm just starting to read this week's postings from the bottom of Page 3 up to Page 1.  I may be forced to comment again.

I know what you mean. I've said it before and I know many will not agree, but I really would in all seriousness take Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Jedidiah. I could roll my eyes at Elisabeth and laugh at her insincerity, her failed attempts to be likable, her fake friends and stories, and her psychotic meltdowns. The same with Raven and Candace; I hope they leave eventually, but they can barely even speak coherently which makes it easy to laugh at them. There's no way for me to deal with Jedi though. I just end up hoping one of the other co-hosts will lose all their inhibitions and curse her out live on TV. lol  I'm hoping eventually Sunny will be on almost daily. She and Joy are the only two who can counterbalance Jedi's screaming and mile-a-minute garbling. There are several co-hosts I thought would never be topped, but here we are again.

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On 9/8/2016 at 3:38 PM, ABitOFluff said:

She doesn't say anything, unless it's something she's interested in, and she does that little clappy thing. It's pretty immature, like she's going, "Oh yay! Something I like!"

Kind of like a lovable golden retriever.   I enjoy seeing her pretty happy face and kind demeanor...knowing that she says she is NOT easy to live with.

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On 9/8/2016 at 10:03 AM, pinkle6 said:

However, she should be reprimanded for walking off her job and not coming back. That's unprofessional, no matter how upset you are. If she like she said can't handle "angry conversation", then she needs to resign from The View.

How mean, Pinkle6, she probably had low blood sugar and tested positive for FluB.

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I wouldn’t put much stock in their official names. Jedidiah was already on the show this week as often as official co-hosts Paula, Sara, and Raven. Maybe her and Sunny will rotate weeks? Who knows.

I wonder if the reason they’re calling Jed and Sunny contributors is that they don’t think they will be good for the show once the election talk ends in November? I guess I can see that, because Sunny isn’t very likable or interesting when she’s giving her screwed up marriage advice or dictating what women should wear, clutching her pearls over sex and dating, and so on.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 1
22 hours ago, backformore said:

As a parent of a son slightly younger than Raven, (but infinitely more intelligent), here's how I understand the younger generation's support of third party candidates:   The two-party system sucks, and needs to be re-worked.  there should be more than two options, and we shouldn't stick with  Rep/Dem system just because it's all we've had for a long time.   IF the current system results in Trump winning, and being a shitty president, then that would be the shot in the arm the country needs to wake the hell up and fix the system.  Basically, they know that voting for a third party candidate might cause Trump to win, and if that happens, they see it as being the demise of the Republican party.  They're looking at the long-term, not the next 4 years, but the next 4+ decades. 

I'm Canadian so maybe I don't understand your system well enough but I thought Supreme Court judges had their jobs for life or for when they wanted to retire (barring impeachment).  IF Donald Trump get in and appoints someone with strong conservative leanings does that not impact the long term as well? 

One judge needs to be replaced now and there is a good possibility that more slots may need filling in the near future.  Donald has already said he would appoint judges that would not only move a Conservative agenda forward but would undo much of what is in place now.  Am I wrong in my thinking?   

Edited by onthebrink03
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I wouldn’t put much stock in their official names. Jedidiah was already on the show this week as often as official co-hosts Paula, Sara, and Raven. Maybe her and Sunny will rotate weeks? Who knows.

I wonder if the reason they’re calling Jed and Sunny contributors is that they don’t think they will be good for the show once the election talk ends in November? I guess I can see that, because Sunny isn’t very likable or interesting when she’s giving her screwed up marriage advice or dictating what women should wear, clutching her pearls over sex and dating, and so on.

But Sunny isn't a political pundit. She's the legal contributer for ABC and could still be made a co-host because the show could use her knowledge and expertise in that area-she would have corrected Joy on her blunder about that Stanford Rapist, for example. And of course to SHUT Jediblahblah down. 

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Hey, I thought Whoopi wasn't going to be on Fridays?   I finally tuned in yesterday and there she was so I immediately deleted it.  One week into the new season and I've watched the first 10 minutes of the first show and deleted it and the first two minutes of yesterday's show.  Not a good start to the season - although I don't mind the new opening and if they could figure out how to cut CCB out of it completely I would probably even like it. 

Oh well, I'm still enjoying the thread.  Thanks to everyone for reporting on the mess that is The Spew!

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I figured Whoopi was on because it was the first week and it's the 20th Anniversary, etc.

I really hope that starting next week, the "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" from everyone will stop. It smacks of... Desperation and the vibe that this is the FIRST and ONLY show to teach this milestone. Sorry, no. The View is not the first daytime show to do so.

I was frankly surprised at how...not full of herself Whoopi was this week.

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