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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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For what it's worth, Anna is not the first woman to think that if she keeps having baby after baby, her husband will finally love her... if you read Genesis, poor Leah said, with each new baby she had, surely now my husband (Jacob) will love me!   He never did.  Just like Josh and Anna's marriage, it was an ARRANGED marriage.  Here Joshie, since you can't lay off the porn, let's get you a wife to have your needs righteously fulfilled and make lots of grandchildren... aw shit.

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JB will have Josh and Anna continue to live in the main house, like they were right before he was sent to Jesus Jail. Josh and Anna sleep in the guest room and the kids will sleep wherever.  Every free moment of Josh's post-RU day will be scheduled by his father and enforced by his brothers.  They are going to sweat the sin right out of him.  I doubt he'll even be able to use a restroom alone.

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Regarding where JoshUa (love it) & Anna will live - wasn't the McMansion sold or rented? Is there another "guest room" besides Ben's old digs, where the Smuggars stayed when they were visiting from DC? Think it's still in the warehouse but furnished better & was used for the TH'S. Where Bin & Jessa were counseled by the Reverend Schott (? Spelling) before they got married?

How will Boob monitor JoshUa's internet use? Will Joshley be demoted to an old flip phone? Will there be parental locks on his computer usage? That's so funny, thinking a married guy with 4 kids in his late twenties being under that much control of his father. I know their reasons but just thinking how high & mighty JoshUa thought he was in DC & now this.

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Regarding where JoshUa (love it) & Anna will live - wasn't the McMansion sold or rented? Is there another "guest room" besides Ben's old digs, where the Smuggars stayed when they were visiting from DC? Think it's still in the warehouse but furnished better & was used for the TH'S. Where Bin & Jessa were counseled by the Reverend Schott (? Spelling) before they got married?

How will Boob monitor JoshUa's internet use? Will Joshley be demoted to an old flip phone? Will there be parental locks on his computer usage? That's so funny, thinking a married guy with 4 kids in his late twenties being under that much control of his father. I know their reasons but just thinking how high & mighty JoshUa thought he was in DC & now this.

I believe the McMansion just changed hands. If member correctly it's part on an LLC that JB has ties to. They will probably go back to a flip phone for Josh, no wi-fi nor computers in the home. 

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Jill's McMansion was sold, and it's being offered for lease as office space, which sounds like some sort of strategy to minimize tax liabilities.

Office space....would that count as leasing space for some sort of non profit - missioncations, whatever Bin calls himself, some new Lobbying group for Josh? If JimBob could even donate use and write it off on taxes, how convenient.
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I don't think Jim Bob will have Josh in the house.

Too risky with his public image. The Duggars are shunning Josh and that's the way they want to be perceived so that way the TLC show can continue filming. $$$$

Josh and Anna will be provided a place to stay...somewhere that Jim Bob can bang on the door any time and check Josh is zipped up.

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I don't think Jim Bob will have Josh in the house.

Too risky with his public image. The Duggars are shunning Josh and that's the way they want to be perceived so that way the TLC show can continue filming. $$$$

Josh and Anna will be provided a place to stay...somewhere that Jim Bob can bang on the door any time and check Josh is zipped up.

Are they still filming anything for TLC? I thought the 3 part series with Jill and Jessa was it. For the minute. No doubt they'll be back in some form, but are they filming right now?

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Are they still filming anything for TLC? I thought the 3 part series with Jill and Jessa was it. For the minute. No doubt they'll be back in some form, but are they filming right now?

Yes. That lumbar yard visit was just filmed.

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Are they still filming anything for TLC? I thought the 3 part series with Jill and Jessa was it. For the minute. No doubt they'll be back in some form, but are they filming right now?


If the various gossip reports are to be believed, supposedly they were filming earlier this month. They were spotted with TLC cameras at a lumber yard.  I also read something about them being spotted at the hospital where Josie was born.


ETA: JoanArc beat me to it.

Edited by NikSac
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I have read they are filming.

Josh will never be shown on the show.

Jim Bob needs to protect the $$$.

I think Anna and the kids will pop in and out but not Josh. He will be under lock and key. Jim Bob likes to pretend he is all loving and Christlike. In reality, he is shrewd and despises Josh. Josh is bad for the Duggar Brand. And quite honestly, I think his siblings hate him too.

Josh might turn up in a few years with a book but Jim Bob will never let a TLC camera near him.

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I have read they are filming.

Josh will never be shown on the show.

Jim Bob needs to protect the $$$.

I think Anna and the kids will pop in and out but not Josh. He will be under lock and key. Jim Bob likes to pretend he is all loving and Christlike. In reality, he is shrewd and despises Josh. Josh is bad for the Duggar Brand. And quite honestly, I think his siblings hate him too.

Josh might turn up in a few years with a book but Jim Bob will never let a TLC camera near him.

What makes you think JimBob despises josh? I don't doubt you, just wondering what JimBob has said to make you think that. I'd actually have slightly more respect for JimBob if he has said something about hating or shunning josh, instead of just fake concern with a big 'we'll pray about this mistake' attitude.
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Office space....would that count as leasing space for some sort of non profit - missioncations, whatever Bin calls himself, some new Lobbying group for Josh? If JimBob could even donate use and write it off on taxes, how convenient.

Well, at last count they were advertising it for lease at a pretty high price... Something like $5500 a month plus I forget what but something else, I think.... So I suppose if nobody bites -- which I suppose is pretty likely -- they could do this. But it did look as if they were trying to get bucks out of it, really. And it's awfully big for what it seems to me you'd need for a stateside missioncation headquarters.


And while I've thought that Josh could perhaps get a political job as a flunkie of some sort for a Duggar-loving group or pol, since he does have a tad of experience and connections to a particular brand of fundies, I really can't imagine what kind of political grlup he could actually be an integral and important part of. He doesn['t have the ability, and while people might be okay with having him behind the scenes somewhere, I have a hard time seeing how he could be put at or near the front of any kind of political  enterprise.


He's a child and an idiot. He coudlnt' actually accomplish anything and therefore would need a smart staff, who wouldn't be willing to work for him. Because they'd have other places they could work where the boss wasn't an arrogant total know-nothing who's lazy as a stone. And people either hate him or, among the fundies, may see him as redeemed but surely know that embracing him would call forth a barrage of accusations of massive hypocrisy, given what their policy agenda is.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I think Anna's statement is all about giving back to the leghumper, thank you for supporting us and keep supporting us through the trial which is going to be bad. It's a reminder to fans to hang in there. 

"I trust that God will continue to show His love and tenderness toward us and bring beauty from ashes—somehow—as only He can do."
I don't think she is pregnant. She may want an M5. If she was pregnant, I think the "somehow" would be left out. It sounds to me as if she's trying to convince herself that somehow this will all be worth it (and it probably won't be). 

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I think Anna's statement is true to her. Not a typical Duggar statement at all. She's been living through some crappy stuff and I think that is truly how she finds comfort.



ETA: Even non leghumpers have shown support to Anna, which probably has not gone unnoticed by her and her in-laws.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I think you're still reaching. She twitter stalked him to The Gold Club, and worked a shift there so they'd meet?

This part of her interview struck me as real:


I have no problem with Josh being exploited by a gold digging whore. It's so symmetrical.

Why Josh sound like Christian grey

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I just think Jim Bob hates Josh...how could he not? Josh has caused Jim Bob many problems over the years and it all exploded with this Danica Dillon mess, Ashley Madison, strippers, porn and who knows what other skeletons are jammed in Josh's closet waiting to come out.

Josh is shipped off and he is shunned. I was a fundamentalist and shunning is harsh. They say it's to separate themselves from the sinner and that they are praying the sinner will repent and return. I always saw it as a punishment that is done with glee!

The siblings don't like him. I think they actually hate him. Not that we are big fans of Derick and Ben, but those two guys probably hate Josh for what he did to their wives.

Previously, they have been so competitive. You never got that warm father-son feeling with Josh and Jim Bob. Jim Bob propped Josh up and now we know why. He knew he was a perv and was trying to control him and his vile behavior. (didn't work.) I always felt that there was some hard feelings there that you don't see with the other kids...almost like an undercurrent of anger.

There is no forgiveness for Josh taking down the Duggar Brand. He is humiliated and that's not sitting well. There is going to be hell to pay behind the scenes. Josh's life will be miserable, courtesy of Jim Bob. He holds all the money, the real estate, the Duggar brand and seems to be close to Anna and the kids. If I were Josh, I would be shitting my pants. The revenge will be dished out for years and years. Those fundamentalist men can be very cold, calculating and cruel. (Another reason I left them)

Edited by Marigold
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I do think JB hates Josh. While he and Michelle are weird and I don't feel that Michelle has an attachment to any kid (maybe a tiny bit to Josh), I can see JB having some attachment to the kids. He seems to be somewhat moved when his daughters get married; after whichever kid was stillborn, he was hugging the other kids and he got to Joseph and said - you're not too old - and hugged and kissed him like a father would.


With Josh, there was just coldness and competition. I mean can't really blame him -- he knows who is son is and who he has been since his teen years and is likely disgusted. I'm sure he's disgusted bc he's hurting the family brand which costs money for a family that makes its money thru TV and appearances AND makes it harder to find spouses for the other kids -- bc who in their right mind wants their son or daughter marrying into this family now as they wander what else is happening in that mansion. Not to mention he's just embarrassed in front of hundreds of fundie families nationally who all know the Duggars due to TV -- he knows his family is being talked about.


As for a job, no one Josh can get any kind of job in politics again, no matter how low level. Any politician looking to win anything is not going to be linked to a guy who molested his sisters, cheated on his wife, slept with prostitutes, and now is on trial for what sounds alarmingly close to rape (though isn't bc it's not a criminal trial). Doesn't matter how well know that guy is among fundies, his time with FRC etc. Frankly even the fundies have jumped off the Duggar bandwagon a bit -- while they may still love the rest of the kids -- I've seen criticism even from fundies saying JB and Michelle didn't need to continue having kids when they knew their son was molesting their daughters; rather they should have focused on getting real help for their son and protecting their existing kids instead of being in the bedroom making new blessings yearly.


If Josh is humiliated himself and wants to be away from his family and doesn't want to be controlled by daddy -- his only choice is to stay in Illinois or move to another state that isn't Arkansas and get himself a job selling cars or retail (or both) and make ends meet with that and support his wife and family and raise his kids however he can afford (assuming he and Anna will never split). Somehow I can't see him doing that, which means he comes back begging JB for money and JB will create something for him to do. This time I do NOT think JB hands him a car dealership. Rather I think he ends up in Ben's situation -- JB's errand boy who may be cleaning rental properties, running errands, assisting JD's towing business -- if JD will allow that -- and for that he'll be paid a paltry salary that's less than a living wage bc JB will provide him and his family housing and meals so theoretically they won't need much beyond just enough to buy their growing kids new clothes/shoes at the thrift store.

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I think JB loves all his kids to the degree he is capable. I do think he is pissed that Josh messed up their livelihood though.


I think Josh's political career is over for the time being. Not so much because of what he's done, but due to the hypocritical nature of it all, and because of his low level of involvement in politics. Many high level politicians have screwed up prior to, and during, their careers and kept their jobs. I think at least one was re-elected while serving a jail term. Wasn't Marion Berry accused of roughing up a prostitute while doing cocaine?


As of now Josh is toxic in his political world, and maybe a little toxic in their hometown, so I'm not sure selling cars will be successful either.

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I don't think Josh's career will ever recover. Neither the Duggars or the Smuggars were ever as in control of their livelihoods as they'd like us to believe. They were "discovered", TLC/FRCaction did the actual work and made the decisions, the Duggars just traded on their image. Child molesters are just too toxic to the general public for anyone in an actual position of power to attempt salvaging Josh's image. And he still wouldn't have any services or skills that's useful to anyone. Even to cynical soulless corporate types, it's uneconomical.

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I don't think Josh's career will ever recover. Neither the Duggars or the Smuggars were ever as in control of their livelihoods as they'd like us to believe. They were "discovered", TLC/FRCaction did the actual work and made the decisions, the Duggars just traded on their image. Child molesters are just too toxic to the general public for anyone in an actual position of power to attempt salvaging Josh's image. And he still wouldn't have any services or skills that's useful to anyone. Even to cynical soulless corporate types, it's uneconomical.

I agree that pedophiles are way to toxic, however I'm not sure all people identify Josh as a child molester with the global definition. And I agree the Duggars have lucked into all their successful endeavors and have even managed to mess those up, due to their lack of knowledge, drive and humility.

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I don't think Josh will ever recover.

True, there is a small group of dedicated fans but that's not the real world. In the real world, he is a perv. And Danica Dillon is gonna splash herself everywhere...she wants her 15 minutes of fame.

Jim Bob seems to love his kids, as best as he can. Josh? Always some kind of something going on there. Anger? Annoyance? Dislike? Lack of respect?

But yet Jim Bob seems to like Anna & the kids so it's not the "family"...it's Josh the Perv Jim Bob has issues with.

And now I'm sure it's turned into cold blooded hate. Those fundamentalist men don't like to be humiliated. (nor does anyone). Jim Bob smiles but he knows darn well that everyone is laughing and mocking him, even in his own group. I wonder if he is still a celebrity at Gothardville or he is not welcomed anymore? I'm betting he is pretty cut off with the Gothard group.

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Everyone's posts have been great. I wonder if Boob & MEchelle look back now wishing they would have done things differently with Joshley. Like getting him real professional help when the molestations started or not pushing him to find a wife ASAP. We don't know if it would have helped with his future "indiscretions" but I'm thinking it would have.

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I think Michelle and Jim Bob were STUNNED at how strongly people reacted to the molestation of the five girls.

They were very insulated at that time and followed whatever the cult said...which was to pray and do physical labor (???).

Although, they didn't do much better this time either. Josh got dumped into some Pray It Away Pretend Rehab.

And I'm a teeny tiny surprised that Josh didn't seek out better help for himself. He worked in DC and was exposed to a few more modern ideas (i.e. therapy). He clearly was on the internet. It always puzzled me that Josh didn't get some real therapy and rehab for himself. I think that says a lot right there about himself, his parents, Anna and how he thinks.

I guess the Duggar crew really thinks that Josh is having a spiritual issue while the rest of us realizes that he has a lot of emotional and psychiatric issues. Too bad Josh doesn't know that. I know he isn't a genius but I did think he was a bit smarter than this. However, Jim Bob is footing the bill for this mess so it probably doesn't matter what Josh thinks anyway.

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She's claiming her career as a sex worker is over because of the injuries Josh inflicted on her?? Oh, come on... She just did a fully nude spread (and I do mean spread) in Hustler!

Maybe Josh gave her an STD. That could be career ending for her. The porn industry is very strict about testing. 

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Ultimately, I think JimBob should foot the bill. The eldest kids are all varying degrees of fucked up and unable to cope with real life or admit or accept what they themselves really want, and that's due to Jimbob's super controlling parenting style. I don't know why Josh molested his sisters, but I suspect having an adolescent boy spend 24/7 living in an isolated, overcrowded pressure cooker with no school, no friends, no peers, no privacy, basically no outlets, was a very bad idea. I'm sure JimBob had good intentions, but it just went so wrong.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Ultimately, I think JimBob should foot the bill. The eldest kids are all varying degrees of fucked up and unable to cope with real life or admit or accept what they themselves really want. I don't know why Josh molested his sisters, but I suspect having an adolescent boy spend 24/7!living in an isolated, overcrowded pressure cooker with no school, no friends, no peers, no privacy, basically no outlets, was a very bad idea.

And don't forget the 24/7 hyper awareness of his parents' humping. Basically he was raised in a way that allowed him to think only of his mom as a sexual woman. That has got to twist some brain cells.

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I don't think Jim Bob has the slightest idea what love is. I think he's attached to his kids. I think he yearns to have them close, to have them be in synch with him, to confess themselves his entirely. I think he wants his kids and wants to be near his kids. So, yeah, warm, yearning feelings toward the kids.


But from what I've seen, I'd say it's likely that he is incapable of seeing and appreciating another person's individuality or feelings or of having an unselfish thought or impulse, let alone acting on one.


So does he love Josh? In my opinion, no. He loves no one.


I've spent my life listening to people paper over the reality of what goes on inside of people like Jim Bob by describing their feelings as "love" when they aren't love at all. All that papering over does is perpetuate a lie and prevent people from understanding what's really going on. I see no benefit in pretending that someone's greed to own others constitutes love of those people in any way. It's like saying that a slave owner was being kind to his slaves because he gave them enough food to stay alive. No. He was looking out for himself by ensuring that his workers could work. When your "love" is entirely a craving to have your own maw filled by other people, it ain't love at all and it's a disservice to everyone to call it so, as far as I'm concerned.


So when it comes to what he'll do now regarding Josh -- in my opinion it'll be whatever he judges to be in Jim Bob's best interests at the time. Although he won;'t know that's what he's doing.

Edited by Churchhoney
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And I'm a teeny tiny surprised that Josh didn't seek out better help for himself. He worked in DC and was exposed to a few more modern ideas (i.e. therapy). He clearly was on the internet. It always puzzled me that Josh didn't get some real therapy and rehab for himself. I think that says a lot right there about himself, his parents, Anna and how he thinks.

I guess the Duggar crew really thinks that Josh is having a spiritual issue while the rest of us realizes that he has a lot of emotional and psychiatric issues. Too bad Josh doesn't know that. I know he isn't a genius but I did think he was a bit smarter than this. However, Jim Bob is footing the bill for this mess so it probably doesn't matter what Josh thinks anyway.

Seeking therapy would require awareness on Josh's part. Does he recognize that he has a problem? Probably not. His upbringing and faith teach that women are chattel. It's okay to abuse property.
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But from what I've seen, I'd say it's likely that he is incapable of seeing and appreciating another person's individuality or feelings or of having an unselfish thought or impulse, let alone acting on one.

Great post! The same can be said of Josh and Michelle, too.

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I think Michelle and Jim Bob were STUNNED at how strongly people reacted to the molestation of the five girls.

And I'm a teeny tiny surprised that Josh didn't seek out better help for himself. He worked in DC and was exposed to a few more modern ideas (i.e. therapy). He clearly was on the internet. It always puzzled me that Josh didn't get some real therapy and rehab for himself. I think that says a lot right there about himself, his parents, Anna and how he thinks.



1.  Jim Bob sure looked stunned, didn't he?  I think that says a lot about him.  He obviously didn't think that molesting daughters was any big deal at all, why would everyone make such a fuss about it?  Oh, I know:  "christian persecution"


2.  Josh didn't seek out help for himself because he doesn't want help.  He's sorry he got caught, not sorry for anything he did.  He even said "I regret recent media reports about my long ago past"... never once said he was sorry he did it.

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Seeking therapy would require awareness on Josh's part. Does he recognize that he has a problem? Probably not. His upbringing and faith teach that women are chattel. It's okay to abuse property.

I do think Josh knows what he did was wrong.

Quote: Josh didn't seek out help for himself because he doesn't want help. He's sorry he got caught, not sorry for anything he did. He even said "I regret recent media reports about my long ago past"... never once said he was sorry he did it.

(I can't quote two people in one post)

You're probably both right. He knows what he did was somewhat wrong (wrong for his wife and kids but not wrong to beat Danica)and doesn't care. He isn't sorry. Only sorry he got caught. And he will do it again.

Edited by Marigold
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I don't think Jim Bob has the slightest idea what love is. I think he's attached to his kids. I think he yearns to have them close, to have them be in synch with him, to confess themselves his entirely. I think he wants his kids and wants to be near his kids. So, yeah, warm, yearning feelings toward the kids.


But from what I've seen, I'd say it's likely that he is incapable of seeing and appreciating another person's individuality or feelings or of having an unselfish thought or impulse, let alone acting on one.


So does he love Josh? In my opinion, no. He loves no one.


I've spent my life listening to people paper over the reality of what goes on inside of people like Jim Bob by describing their feelings as "love" when they aren't love at all. All that papering over does is perpetuate a lie and prevent people from understanding what's really going on. I see no benefit in pretending that someone's greed to own others constitutes love of those people in any way. It's like saying that a slave owner was being kind to his slaves because he gave them enough food to stay alive. No. He was looking out for himself by ensuring that his workers could work. When your "love" is entirely a craving to have your own maw filled by other people, it ain't love at all and it's a disservice to everyone to call it so, as far as I'm concerned.


So when it comes to what he'll do now regarding Josh -- in my opinion it'll be whatever he judges to be in Jim Bob's best interests at the time. Although he won;'t know that's what he's doing.


IMO, spot-on exactly right. When you love someone, you want what's best for that person, without any regard to what might be best for yourself. You're always thinking of the other person first and foremost. This is definitely NOT shown in any of Boob's behavior. Everything he does is handled so it's best for Boob. Everything.

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And don't forget the 24/7 hyper awareness of his parents' humping. Basically he was raised in a way that allowed him to think only of his mom as a sexual woman. That has got to twist some brain cells.

I don't think they spoke/inferred, hey hey hey'd about sex that much until around the time Josh started courting. I think he was raised to see his mother as a brood mare more than a sexual woman, but for thousands of years, women in many cultures were seen as caretakers and child bears, yet Josh's behavior is not normal. I don't want to make excuses for someone who was old enough to know what he was doing was wrong, but just didn't care, until he was caught.

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IMO, spot-on exactly right. When you love someone, you want what's best for that person, without any regard to what might be best for yourself. You're always thinking of the other person first and foremost. This is definitely NOT shown in any of Boob's behavior. Everything he does is handled so it's best for Boob. Everything.

You & Churchie are so right. Many of the folks I work with struggle so much, in part, because they have spent so much emotional energy caring for others that they forget to care for themselves. The Duggar parents put their needs first and foremost starting with JB, and then Michelle. Ass backwards.

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Ms Dillon tweets to @CatfishMTV.

"Miss Danica Dillon – ‏@danicadillon

@CatfishMTV Hey i have been trying to reach out to you guys. I have been being Catfished

11:44 AM - 25 Jan 2016"


OMG, that would just be the twist to beat the band!  Who knows though, it could be totally unrelated.  

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Looks like FJ took it down. That's probably for the best. I really had a hard time getting the thought of Smuggar getting a blow job out of my mind.

Thanks, I went over there because that's where it seemed you linked from and I couldn't find it or even conversation about it. I don't post there so don't have access to their super secret posting area so figured it might be there...

Anyway, were the pixs real? If so sly, swarmey Smuggar and his superior attitude is such a dumb ass.

eta: I hope she does get a reality show because I'm perverse that way.

Edited by Almost 3000
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It was a screen shot of part of the article (no pics). You can see the cover art; that's still there. Danica looks a lot like Anna's sister, Suze, but with a rack.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Looks like FJ took it down. That's probably for the best. I really had a hard time getting the thought of Smuggar getting a blow job out of my mind.

Aaaaand there goes my apetite! I'm sending you an invoice for brain bleach.

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