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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Speaking of sex with Josh, did those prostitutes ever reveal how much Josh paid them? I hate to admit that I'm curious about that...

I think it was $1500 or $2000. He didn't pay her all the money the first time, I think. God knows how much went to alcohol, strip clubs, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if Josh spent most of his fortune on side pussy.

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Isn't this a civil lawsuit?


"'Anything that he says in a deposition for the civil case has the potential to be used against him and police could open a criminal investigation,' Philadelphia criminal defense attorney Lloyd Long III, who doesn’t represent Josh or married mother-of-two Danica (whose real name is Ashley Stamm-Northup), tells the mag.

The most likely crimes Josh could be charged with range from misdemeanor simple assault, which carries a maximum sentence of one to two years, or felony aggravated assault, which carries a 10-year to 20-year maximum sentence."


Source:  http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/duggar-family-civil-lawsuit-prison-josh-85510


If you look at the Cosby prosecution, a lot of it is being based on the 2005 civil suit disposition he gave.  There are some interesting political aspects to that case as well that simply aren't present in the Duggar case though, as in the DA did not run on the promise to prosecute Josh Duggar.

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Reminder: This is the Josh and Anna thread. Leave the Josh and Bill Cosby discussion at the door or take it somewhere else. The Cosby situation is not related to what is going on with Josh. Posts will be hidden or deleted in the future if the discussion continues. Thank you.

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So I guess if your problem was booze you could go to a bar then.  Drugs, a pill factory.  Cisco, a buffet.


I can't even picture sex with Smugger, not that I try very hard.

Even thinking about thinking about sex with Smuggar brought back the thought of horrors I have seen in my life.  The term horrors reminded me of one of my favorite sections of dialog from Addams Family Values:


[at the police station after asking to arrest Debbie]

Gomez: [shouting] Has the planet gone mad? My brother, passion's hostage. I seek justice - denied! I shall not submit! I shall conquer! I shall rise! My name is Gomez Addams, and I have seen evil!

[Grandma waves Pubert in the air]

Gomez: I have seen horror!

[Lurch waves]

Gomez: I have seen the unholy maggots which feast in the dark recesses of the human soul!

Morticia: They're at camp.

Gomez: I have seen all this, officer. But until today, I had never seen... *you*!

Desk sergeant: Hook him, book him, cook him. *Now*!



Because yes, I have seen evil, I have seen horror, I have seen the unholy maggots which feast in the dark recesses of the human soul and yet collectively they are less horrifying than the thought of sex with Smuggar.  JT may have brought sexy back.  Smuggar made it run far, far away, never to show itself again.  

Edited by Muffyn
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Well, Cisco presumably is still allowed to eat regular meals. You can't actually give up food altogether. It might be the same with marital sex. In their view, it's probably not sex that's the problem; it's extra-marital sex, and pornography. So I'm thinking conjugal visits: A-okay!

Aaand now I want to know if Anna is stupid enough to want to get pregnant right now.


Good question. I do think Boob and Me-chelle have made themselves more than clear on what THEY think should happen. But I'm guessing there's probably a voice on each of Anna's shoulders right now and she's hearing everything from "Don't let's this fat pasty load anywhere near you, Anna..." to "A baby is just what's needed now to heal our marriage and take the pain away..." from the both of them, at intervals.

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I don't think either Ms Dillon or Mr Smuggar will admit to selling or buying sex, I think it's unlawful for either to sell or buy it.

It is a crime, (except in Nevada, I think), yet it is rarely prosecuted. Even if Josh admits it in the civil suit and then criminal charges do happen, it's unlikely he would serve any jail time even if found guilty.

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It is a crime, (except in Nevada, I think), yet it is rarely prosecuted. Even if Josh admits it in the civil suit and then criminal charges do happen, it's unlikely he would serve any jail time even if found guilty.

What is the punishment for buying/selling sex in the US? I'm assuming jail time is out of the question but what would it be if Josh was prosecuted and found guilty? A fine? Community service?

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What is the punishment for buying/selling sex in the US? I'm assuming jail time is out of the question but what would it be if Josh was prosecuted and found guilty? A fine? Community service?

According to this site: http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/state-crime/pandering-laws-pennsylvania.htm


In Pennsylvania it is:

Prostitution and patronizing are punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. Subsequent offenses are punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000.

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In Pennsylvania it is:

Prostitution and patronizing are punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. Subsequent offenses are punishable by up to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000.

Wow. I didn't realise prostitution was a crime worthy of actual imprisonment. And up to five years? Weird. However much of a creep I think Josh is I don't think he deserves jail time for buying sexual services. The molestations on the other hand...

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I posted the latest legal wrangling in the Media thread as well as information regarding Smuggle's lawyer. I can't find anything that labels him a fundie, which is odd for them. 

C'mon, God's God, but there's a half mil on the line. Jim Bob would fellate the devil to make all of this go away.

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 Next TLC special:  Jim Bob fellating the devil then explaining why it was a godly act while Michelle beams at him and wipes devil spunk off his face.


As always, I'll let myself out. 

Edited by Muffyn
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Wow. I didn't realise prostitution was a crime worthy of actual imprisonment. And up to five years? Weird. However much of a creep I think Josh is I don't think he deserves jail time for buying sexual services. The molestations on the other hand...


Despite that kind of law being on the books, it works out okay for the men. In America we like to fulminate about how horrible sex as a commodity is. But we hardly ever punish the men who buy it. .... The women who sell it are a bit of a different story, though.


We're scared to death of sex without a godly context, we're hypocritical as hell, and we also think that women are lesser beings who are likely the cause of all our troubles. You'd almost think JIm Bob Duggar founded this country.

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 Next TLC special:  Jim Bib fellating the devil then explaining why it was a godly act while Michelle beams at him and wies devil spunk off his face.


As always, I'll let myself out. 

Good God, girl.

I'm dyyyyying here.

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Next TLC special:  Jim Bob fellating the devil then explaining why it was a godly act while Michelle beams at him and wipes devil spunk off his face.


As always, I'll let myself out.

Jayzus have mercy! I'm glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I read that...it would have come up thru my nose! Muffyn....YOU ROCK!!! I'm sure any time you felt you needed for your pennance in the Prayer Closet for that post was well worth it...

Just one question...will this be in the new revision of the Wisdom Booklets?

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Wow. I didn't realise prostitution was a crime worthy of actual imprisonment. And up to five years? Weird. However much of a creep I think Josh is I don't think he deserves jail time for buying sexual services. The molestations on the other hand...

PA is an odd state. They are definitely trying the "she asked for it!!!!!111" defense. Not sure how that will fly in what appears to be suburban Philly; I think that's a pretty purple area politically. Not sure that Smuggar's team would ever want to go to trial there; too many working women who value THEIR rights, like the defense lawyer touts for his own clients. 


This posturing will probably get Danica to lower her price, but let's see if she cowers and ends up settling. I guess that depends on whether Team Duggar offers her $1 or some amount a bit more substantive that she could live with. We all know that you always ask for an amount you know you can never get and negotiate down from there. 

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Most places choose not to prosecute Johns as they aren't paying for the sex act, they are paying for the time spent with the escort.  The sex is a supposedly consensual, non-paid act between two adults.  You have to be caught offering money in exchange for a sex act to be prosecuted.  If that evidence is not obtainable, the crime is largely unprosecutable.  


Moving on to the latest motion, y'all missed the best part of the whole thing:


"Under Pennsylvania law, liability for intentional infliction of emotional distress has only been found in cases where the conduct has been so outrageous in character, so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."


Two things come to mind, are we talking Josh's character?  TV Josh's character?  Or the general societal standard?  Also, does the fact that most of civilized society finds Josh Duggar's existence utterly intolerable play into this?

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Ok wait a minute here.


He told Anna the encounter never happened, and that Danica Dillon is lying and "people are making things up about me" because of christian persecution bullcrap.


Now, the reason for dismissing the lawsuit does not say that at all. It says that she was not injured by the contact, and that she consented to it.


OK, so which is true, Josh? How can she have consented to something she's making up? How can she be "not injured by" contact that didn't happen? It either happened or it didn't, Josh.


You didn't deny that it happened in the documentation submitted by your lawyers. You just lie to your wife, yet again. You shitbag.

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He told Anna the encounter never happened, and that Danica Dillon is lying and "people are making things up about me" because of christian persecution bullcrap.

I thought he told Anna that he slept wit Danica, but it wasn't rough?

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Ok wait a minute here.

He told Anna the encounter never happened, and that Danica Dillon is lying and "people are making things up about me" because of christian persecution bullcrap.

Now, the reason for dismissing the lawsuit does not say that at all. It says that she was not injured by the contact, and that she consented to it.

OK, so which is true, Josh? How can she have consented to something she's making up? How can she be "not injured by" contact that didn't happen? It either happened or it didn't, Josh.

You didn't deny that it happened in the documentation submitted by your lawyers. You just lie to your wife, yet again. You shitbag.

I think Josh's lawyer is technically saying that Ms Dillon's allegation of battery doesnt reconcile with Ms Dillon's version of events.

This is the picture for Josh's lawyer's "about page" on his firms website.


Edited by Kokapetl
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I think Josh's lawyer is technically saying that Ms Dillon's allegation of battery doesnt reconcile with Ms Dillon's version of events.

This is the picture for Josh's lawyer's "about page" on his firms website.


You know you've secured solid legal counsel when the guy you've hired has a vanity plate proclaiming that he is, in fact, a "LAWYR."


I hope his hourly rate is low, otherwise Boob will be calling him non-stop to badger him about his fees. "Now what's this? You had a phone call with Smuggar and he said his Ashley Madison login name was SuckItJimBob?"

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Josh and Anna will be writing a book soon.

This little "situation" will turn into a book tour, speaking tour and all that Duggar jazz.

I read that last line as Duggar jizz and nearly made myself puke..

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I think Josh's lawyer is technically saying that Ms Dillon's allegation of battery doesnt reconcile with Ms Dillon's version of events.

This is the picture for Josh's lawyer's "about page" on his firms website.


Oh I'd hire him. Not for lawyering..but. .um...something...something.
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You know you've secured solid legal counsel when the guy you've hired has a vanity plate proclaiming that he is, in fact, a "LAWYR."


I hope his hourly rate is low, otherwise Boob will be calling him non-stop to badger him about his fees. "Now what's this? You had a phone call with Smuggar and he said his Ashley Madison login name was SuckItJimBob?"

I'm a lawyer, and I hate it when lawyers have photos like this on their website.  Our professional already has an image problem and photos of you looking "bad ass" and "cool" on your homepage is unprofessional and cheapens the whole profession.   


A truly great lawyer's work speaks for itself and he doesn't need photos like this to attract potential clients.  Josh is screwed.  

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Oh I'd hire him. Not for lawyering..but. .um...something...something.




Check out his picture in a suit and sans 'do rag.  




I swear I almost this douche into a human grease stain on I-76 the last time I went out to Gettysburg ...


That said, I can't help but wonder what his retainer is or if he volunteered his services.  He's been involved in some interesting cases, including defending a puppy mill owner (big deal in PA, if you're familiar with their new-ish dog laws), and prosecuting Amish drug dealers while calling out A&E on their fictions on Amish Mafia.   

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I think Josh's lawyer is technically saying that Ms Dillon's allegation of battery doesnt reconcile with Ms Dillon's version of events.

This is the picture for Josh's lawyer's "about page" on his firms website.


What a cool, worldly LAWYR!  His impeccably starched and pressed do rag reminds me of when Famy and DUI Dillon dressed up like "motorcyclers" too.

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Check out his picture in a suit and sans 'do rag.  




I swear I almost this douche into a human grease stain on I-76 the last time I went out to Gettysburg ...


That said, I can't help but wonder what his retainer is or if he volunteered his services.  He's been involved in some interesting cases, including defending a puppy mill owner (big deal in PA, if you're familiar with their new-ish dog laws), and prosecuting Amish drug dealers while calling out A&E on their fictions on Amish Mafia.

Looks like you have to have a goatee to work at this firm.

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Looks like you have to have a goatee to work at this firm.


If you scroll down the law firm's web site, you'll see that one of the Associates was "formerly a certified professional midwife ". I wonder if the Duggars are thinking of asking if they can bundle legal and birthing services.

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If you scroll down the law firm's web site, you'll see that one of the Associates was "formerly a certified professional midwife ". I wonder if the Duggars are thinking of asking if they can bundle legal and birthing services.

Her law degree is from Georgetown, that's almost as good as GEML's husband. I wonder what CPM Esquire's deal is.
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 Next TLC special:  Jim Bob fellating the devil then explaining why it was a godly act while Michelle beams at him and wipes devil spunk off his face.


As always, I'll let myself out. 

Please let the guys who write South Park see this. Let's face it, Saddam Hussein and Satan still makes me laugh.


And Jim Boob would not be performing the favor. We all know he'd subcontract that little job.

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Oh I'd hire him. Not for lawyering..but. .um...something...something.

He does seem to be feeling his little self. I have to side eye a guy who thinks its cool to be standing in a parking lot with his cool purple ride AND using that cool pix on his corporate site. Not so cool. But it is smart of JB to not have a fundy lawyer. I can't imagine a judge or jury relating or being sympathetic to fundy speak for the kinds of things Smuggar has allegedly done.
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I think we know that Josh comes from a long tradition of saying whatever is convenient to say at the time. We weren't victims, but we're being revictimized! We remember exactly what happened! Except we never woke up and don't know anything except what our parents told us! Etc etc etc. No surprise that there are three or four stories being simultaneously told about these events, too.

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Did you notice that the woman was "formerly a certified midwife"

Does that strike anyone as odd considering all the flakey midwives that the Duggars hang with? Maybe she specializes in defending midwife homebirths gone bad? Or just bad homebirths?

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I'm a lawyer, and I hate it when lawyers have photos like this on their website. Our professional already has an image problem and photos of you looking "bad ass" and "cool" on your homepage is unprofessional and cheapens the whole profession.

A truly great lawyer's work speaks for itself and he doesn't need photos like this to attract potential clients. Josh is screwed.

Last sentence....snicker. And you guys are welcome for the biker pic. I love that he defends biker's rights (seriously). It's so anti-Duggar. Bikers, that is.

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Ah, but would he be willing to spend a lifetime with a smart, assertive wife? THAT would probably be Jizz Bob's 5th Ring of Hell.

I think he already does but its not hell. I've always maintained that Michelle has worked out everything to please herself with JB's blessing. She gets attention and accolades from her family and community and also a platform to expound her beliefs just by being pregnant and continually producing quivers AKA jslaves. She does all this by balancing a Starbucks coffee cup in one hand and a team of jslaves and volunteer groupies on the other.

Now, as to what is hell to JB that is his first born disappointment and probably Josiah, through no fault of his own and for some reason we don't know. That poor kid gets the treatment only Smugs deserves.

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