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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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See, it's just my personal opinion, but I would never donate money to charity on behalf of any couple. This includes family members. To me, that's not what donating to charity is for, and that is my opinion only, but I say it to give an example that no matter what you do, the bride and groom are likely to be critized for it.

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See, it's just my personal opinion, but I would never donate money to charity on behalf of any couple. This includes family members. To me, that's not what donating to charity is for, and that is my opinion only, but I say it to give an example that no matter what you do, the bride and groom are likely to be critized for it.

Taking this to the Prayer Closet thread...

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Jessa and Ben are probably doing it all over that house. If Ben actually went to school and encouraged Jessa to get a job or go to school maybe the can save up for their own place

Have you seen pictures of Bin lately? He looks completely exhausted while Jessa looks fresh as a daisy. She escaped the horrors of working all day at the TTH and he has become her sex slave. 

Binessa were in the Hot Springs Christmas parade famewhoring of course. Pictures on the Pickles and Hairspray FB page. No wonder they couldn't go to the mission trip famewhoring by themselves building their "brand" trumped the missioncasion that the others went on.

Have you seen pictures of Bin lately? He looks completely exhausted while Jessa looks fresh as a daisy. She escaped the horrors of working all day at the TTH and he has become her sex slave. 

Binessa were in the Hot Springs Christmas parade famewhoring of course. Pictures on the Pickles and Hairspray FB page. No wonder they couldn't go to the mission trip famewhoring by themselves building their "brand" trumped the missioncasion that the others went on.


Well to be fair they may have skipped the mission trip to avoid Ma and Pa Duggar. They are probably enjoying a bit of freedom and want to avoid them as much as possible. 

  • Love 2

I agree. Just haven't seen these two..in the "kitchen" much. The other two yes. Not much is known about this couple.

I agree... I actually took the fact that they didn't go on the trip to be at least in part a sign they want to stay away from the fan whoring. If that was their goal, I think they would go on the trip. But since going meant dealing with Michelle/Jim Bob and Jill/baby Dilly plus they've been married less than two months, they probably said 'thanks but no thanks'. 

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I also don't think Jessa or Ben has ever talked about wanting to do international missions. They did the trip earlier this year and honestly, I don't think it went all that well. Without getting into the meta-discussion of whether Anericans should be doing foreign missions at all, some people have a real calling/gift for missions and some don't. If you don't have the calling/gift then by all means, please don't do it and serve in some other capacity.

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I hope we continue to not hear much about these two. I hope they can set up their own life with as few cameras and as little Chelle/JB intrusion as possible. Josh got away physically but is still a prime focus for the cameras and Jill wants the Duggar nightmare. Right now Jessa is the only one with a chance to pull away.

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We do not know what Jessa and Ben are or are not doing. For all we know they could be quite busy. Jessa strikes me as one of the more private Duggars, remember she and Ben had their first kiss privately and kept most of their honeymoon and post-honeymoon plans secret.

I would have done the same thing. Maybe she is tired of the limelight...but of course she is going to always love her family but she can control how much she shares now.

Doubt it it's all she has ever known. Binessa were in the Christmas parade in a convertible waving to people. She isn't afraid/tired to be out and about building her brand.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I also don't think Jessa or Ben has ever talked about wanting to do international missions. They did the trip earlier this year and honestly, I don't think it went all that well. Without getting into the meta-discussion of whether Anericans should be doing foreign missions at all, some people have a real calling/gift for missions and some don't. If you don't have the calling/gift then by all means, please don't do it and serve in some other capacity.

I think they just decided that they needed a break. Remember, the head of SOS Ministries, the group under whose umbrella the Duggars and Friends did their "mission" work, married Benessa. To me, this was clearly their choice to stay home, and to be honest, I can't blame them. They post enough preachy stuff on Instagram to keep the leghumpers happy. I haven't heard a word of criticism for them not going on the trip. 


Ben was also apparently spotted driving a Duggar Towing vehicle recently, so it's pretty clear what he's doing for money. I suppose that means JD has moved on to bigger projects for Boob and has left the towing business behind. 

I don't think it's a big deal Benessa staying home from the mission trip. Jill & Derick did the same thing for the summer mission trip.

I don't think it's a big deal either though in retrospect Jill was in the early stages of pregnancy at that point  -- may have been too queasy to travel. Hopefully Jessa and Ben are just staying home because they'd rather be in the Hot Springs parade to build their brand. Either way I think it's good for them to spend as much time as they can in Hot Springs. Not saying Gwen and MIke are the picture of normalcy as they certainly have views that are out there, but I also think they are more lenient with their kids and Ben and Jessa can just act normal there -- listen to secular music, go shopping with the family or help with Christmas traditions, or even ditch the family and go out on date nights, maybe even hang with Ben's friends and their girlfriends/wives. I am assuming that in the Duggar home, even though they're a married couple, it's still much more -- we are ALL going to go race soapbox cars, whether you're 3 or 30. While in the Seewald home, I feel like Mike and Gwen take more of the approach of -- they're a young couple, of course they want to hang out alone or with their friends, what's so shocking about that. For all their faults, I think Mike/Gwen have even said that each kid is an individual and one size doesn't fit all, esp for relationships.

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I don't think it's a big deal either though in retrospect Jill was in the early stages of pregnancy at that point -- may have been too queasy to travel. Hopefully Jessa and Ben are just staying home because they'd rather be in the Hot Springs parade to build their brand. Either way I think it's good for them to spend as much time as they can in Hot Springs. Not saying Gwen and MIke are the picture of normalcy as they certainly have views that are out there, but I also think they are more lenient with their kids and Ben and Jessa can just act normal there -- listen to secular music, go shopping with the family or help with Christmas traditions, or even ditch the family and go out on date nights, maybe even hang with Ben's friends and their girlfriends/wives. I am assuming that in the Duggar home, even though they're a married couple, it's still much more -- we are ALL going to go race soapbox cars, whether you're 3 or 30. While in the Seewald home, I feel like Mike and Gwen take more of the approach of -- they're a young couple, of course they want to hang out alone or with their friends, what's so shocking about that. For all their faults, I think Mike/Gwen have even said that each kid is an individual and one size doesn't fit all, esp for relationships.

Does Jessa invites her buddies over like Jill

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Hopefully Jessa & Ben have spent the pre-Christmas time with the Seewalds, forgoing the mission trip. That way she can learn their Christmas traditions & have some fun - shopping with his mom & sisters, baking, decorating etc.

Woman's work, lol.

Hey, Bin's mom still needs to teach him how to wrap presents.

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I like to think that Jessa's staying behind for the simple reason that she wanted to.  She always appeared to hate the mission trips - always with that stank face, glowering at everyone, cringing away from the children.  But she had to go along to protect the Duggar brand.  Now JimBob can't make her. 


Still can't stand her, but I like the idea that she's 100% over her idiot father and, unlike Jilly Muffin (and Josh until he moved, for that matter), no longer feels the need to be at his beck and call.

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I think Jessa and Ben may have been omitted from the "mission" trip as a conscience decision by TLC.


It might be financial -- either TLC doesn't want to pay multiple sibling/spouse pairs per episode, or JB doesn't want his cut reduced by whatever the kids are paid. They might also have taken a cue from Jill/Derick. There was a lot of good will toward them in the spring, and then there were so grossly over-exposed during the last season that no one really wants to see them anymore.


There will be a LOT of Benessa and the wedding next season, so it makes sense to have a little Derick/Jill on the mission, and maybe a few Josh/Anna DC scenes to balance things out.

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They just got married and tbh, I wouldn't want to be on a mission trip either if I were them at this point. There will be plenty of time for mission trips later. Anyway, I never got the impression that Jessa would go on the trips if it weren't for the show and and her family.

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It occurred to me -- and it may have been addressed already -- but isn't Jessa the home-schooling teacher? Perhaps all of this stuff about giving Ben a "job" and keeping them at the TTH has to do with keeping Jessa at her "job." 


J'chelle is certainly not interested in home-schooling her children, any more than she is interested in caring for them (that's Jana's job). If Jessa were to leave -- really leave -- they would have to find tutors (and pay them!), or send the kids to public school (yipes!), or pay to send them to a private Christian school (tuition!!). In that context, it makes perfect sense to marry Jessa off to someone with no job and no prospects, and keep Jessa down on the farm.

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They just got married and tbh, I wouldn't want to be on a mission trip either if I were them at this point. There will be plenty of time for mission trips later. Anyway, I never got the impression that Jessa would go on the trips if it weren't for the show and and her family.

I wouldn't either. Sleeping on a mattress with fifty other people in a big warehouse doesn't appeal to me. Just to tell me where to send my check and I'll call it a day. I agree that Jessa only goes on the trips because it's expected of her, not because she's really into that sort of thing.

Jessa seemed overly happy in the Christmas pictures at the TTH. Imagine being free of taking care of 100 kids, the house, homefoolingskooling and always being available for Boob's trips for famewhoredom. Now she doesn't have to do a darn thing, has only one kid to take care of and has a sex slave. What could be wrong with that in her mind.

Jessa seemed overly happy in the Christmas pictures at the TTH. Imagine being free of taking care of 100 kids, the house, homefoolingskooling and always being available for Boob's trips for famewhoredom. Now she doesn't have to do a darn thing, has only one kid to take care of and has a sex slave. What could be wrong with that in her mind.

Jessa looked fantastic in the Christmas pictures, like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It must be a relief for her to have some privacy and space of her own. It kind of reminded me of how Zach Bates looked ten years younger once he finally got laid.

Edited by BitterApple
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Jessa looked fantastic in the Christmas pictures, like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It must be a relief for her to have some privacy and space of her own. It kind of reminded me of how Zach Bates looked ten years younger once he finally got laid.

I thought the same thing. Her & Ben were sitting on the sofa taking it all in & realizing after dinner, they could leave the circus & head home.

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LOL That is what I imagine him to be. I can imagine in Jessa's new world she is the boss and she doesn't have to be the one that is always available to serve her man it's the other way around.

That's funny! I kinda see her as being more independent, and Ben "letting" her be that way. Anything has to be an improvement, getting away from both parents. I am hoping for no babies out of these two for a long while.

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Jessa and Benny Boy are still voluntarily spending plenty of time at the TTH. She shot a video this morning of them working out with Joy at Bin's old residence in the shed. Bin was in his shorts, indicating that he continues to use the Duggar compound as his personal gym as well. 


Neither Jill nor Jessa can seem to quit the family long enough to create any kind of life for themselves. This is what happens when you have no other real friends; they're so immersed in the family cult that there are really no other options for them, not to mention they almost seem afraid to be alone together for any length of time. That means they'd have to actually talk to each other one-on-one. Beyond biblical doctrine, I wonder how well these two really know one another, aside from the mutual lust factor?

  • Love 1

I thought the same thing. Her & Ben were sitting on the sofa taking it all in & realizing after dinner, they could leave the circus & head home.

Except for the fact that their "home" is fully subsidized by JB. IMO they won't be free until they support themselves without daddy's help.

I'm seriously surprised Jim Bob hasn't started the construction on 19 houses on their land. The Phelps family have a compound, although it's more like the Big Love family where they bought a bunch of houses all next to each other and opened the yards up. I can only imagine that's why they even have all that land. They sure aren't making use of it now.

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I saw the workout video and I must say, Joy really needs to put her hair up and ditch the skirt. Loose hair and loose material can easily get caught when you're trying to lift weights. I don't think God will mind.


On the flip side the Duggar kids could use some muscle tone, so maybe Bin will be a good influence in that area.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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