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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm finding a but if hypocrisy here... When the duggars all follow the modesty rule we day they need to break away, live a little, etc... but when one starts to start from the duggar values weather it be clothing or whatever we then talk about how they aren't following the duggar cult rules. I'm personally happy as hell that jessa is straying from the modesty rule a bit. Small steps but good job girl

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Oh, i dont care what she wears. None of us do. 


I just find it funny that after the NIKE crap we have heard them talk about, now Jessa is in some sort of PANTS!  

Nike, nike, nike, nike. 


But that gets ignored by the Duggars.


You're not supposed to stir up unrighteous desires so posting sexy kissing pictures is OK? 


I think we are just goofing on the Duggars and their rules that change to suit them. I'm happy if Jessa wears what makes her happy. 

  • Love 16

Personally, I would love to see any of the Duggar girls let go of their ridiculous modesty standards (that have nothing to do with modesty and everything to do with psychotic levels of hate and shame toward the female body that, if I remember correctly, God created.) Crowing about modesty and wholesomeness and godliness and defrauding and NIKE and righteous fulfillment and side hugs and hand sex whilst simultaneously posting selfies in which you pose like a Playboy bunny and demand everyone look closely at your body is just par for the Duggar hypocrisy course. It's infuriating and disturbing if you think too much about Jessa's mental state. There is a reason Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I think a large part of the reason it is such a huge concept in Christianity (at least according to the Bible) is because, in addition to reinforcing the notion that only God can judge, it's just a dickish way to be. When you literally build your livelihood off of your self-perceived superiority, you open yourself up to a world of criticism because, Christian or not, nobody likes a dick.

Edited by Aja
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I'm finding a but if hypocrisy here... When the duggars all follow the modesty rule we day they need to break away, live a little, etc... but when one starts to start from the duggar values weather it be clothing or whatever we then talk about how they aren't following the duggar cult rules. I'm personally happy as hell that jessa is straying from the modesty rule a bit. Small steps but good job girl

I think it is just snarkism at its finest.  I think all of us wish Ben would take off his shirt and Jessa would come to the pool in a bikini.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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I think it is just snarkism at its finest.  I think all of us wish Ben would take off his shirt and Jessa would come to the pool in a bikini.  

ETA:  I personally hope that after TLC cancels them, a few of the Duggar girls will turn to Hef for a center page spread.  Lots of cash and all those followers would be the first ones to go out and buy a copy.  (In dark sunglasses and a baseball cap of course.)

  • Love 2

ETA: I personally hope that after TLC cancels them, a few of the Duggar girls will turn to Hef for a center page spread. Lots of cash and all those followers would be the first ones to go out and buy a copy. (In dark sunglasses and a baseball cap of course.)

Just my opinion, but I think further sexual exploitation of abuse victims to be highly distasteful. I know you're joking, but that's the last thing any of these girls need.

  • Love 3

Just my opinion, but I think further sexual exploitation of abuse victims to be highly distasteful. I know you're joking, but that's the last thing any of these girls need.

I was joking about the girls ever doing Playboy.  They won't.  But if they did, it would probably sell more than the Jimmy Swaggart hustler version - not sure if that is even the right magazine.  I just remember one in the late 80's. 


But, I'm of the opinion that women that pose for Playboy are not victims.  They love it- hope for it and go after it with a passion.  I also don't consider the female body to be a bad thing -even when nude.  I know the Duggars would strongly disagree.  Just my humble opinion.


I do consider anyone that has been a victim of molestation - just that- a victim.  Holly, Kendra, Bridget and the other playmates next door are having fun and doing what they choose to do- unlike the Duggar girls. 

  • Love 5

I was joking about the girls ever doing Playboy. They won't. But if they did, it would probably sell more than the Jimmy Swaggart hustler version - not sure if that is even the right magazine. I just remember one in the late 80's.

But, I'm of the opinion that women that pose for Playboy are not victims. They love it- hope for it and go after it with a passion. I also don't consider the female body to be a bad thing -even when nude. I know the Duggars would strongly disagree. Just my humble opinion.

I do consider anyone that has been a victim of molestation - just that- a victim. Holly, Kendra, Bridget and the other playmates next door are having fun and doing what they choose to do- unlike the Duggar girls.

That tire photo was Playboy for the Duggars.
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If an alien from another planet was assigned the task of coming to Earth and endeavoring to understand Gothardism, it would be a completely impossible task. There is zero consistency to anything. "We believe that God created everything and everything God creates is special except for boobs, which are Satanic. Sex is worst thing to ever happen to humanity except we do it constantly because it's the only way to make eleventy million babies. Everyone else on Earth is slutty and gross and don't seek to purpose a heart full of Christ like we do. For example gay adults have consensual sex with each other, which is so gross and perverted that it should be outlawed. Excuse me for a second while I go on national TV to try to convince the nation that my son molesting my daughters is no big whoop." 

  • Love 21

I also think all of the Duggars are plenty modest in every conceivable sense.

*shrug* I imagine this applies to most everyone who posts here. But we'd still be looked down upon by Jessa because we don't adhere to HER form of "modesty" standards or her religion. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 8

I would love to see someone post that on her IG photos, because it's very accurate. Of course it would get deleted and they'd be blocked, but people would still have seen it.

I did leave a short comment to that effect recently. Never checked back, but was likely deleted.

I'm finding a but if hypocrisy here... When the duggars all follow the modesty rule we day they need to break away, live a little, etc... but when one starts to start from the duggar values weather it be clothing or whatever we then talk about how they aren't following the duggar cult rules. I'm personally happy as hell that jessa is straying from the modesty rule a bit. Small steps but good job girl

It's the hypocrisy that I object to.

  • Love 2

My personal default definition of modesty involves not being self promoting or attention seeking. I don't really think they've mastered that. And it's a little harder to take since they've congratulated themselves all this time for being far more morally upright than they turned out to be.

Edited by Julia
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I think how Jessa and the rest of the girls dress typical for the average 20 something year old. However they are loosening their standards and never address it. Should shoulders & knees be shown, or not? And I don't understand how they think 2 shirts are more modest than one, the same curves show with 2 form fitting shirts that would show with one. And the tight fitting maxi skirts? I wouldn't call those modest at all.


Personally I think the way they dress is fine.  I just wonder who they are comparing themselves to when they call themselves modest.

  • Love 7

My personal default definition of modesty involves not being self promoting or attention seeking. I don't really think they've mastered that.

Yes, they fail to understand that modesty is not all about how one dresses.

I also think all of the Duggars are plenty modest in every conceivable sense.

Since "defrauding" is such a no-no to them, don't you think that many of the recent Jessa/Bin photos have stirred up "desires that can't be righteously fulfilled" in quite a few people out there?

  • Love 2

My personal default definition of modesty involves not being self promoting or attention seeking. I don't really think they've mastered that. And it's a little harder to take since they've congratulated themselves all this time for being far more morally upright than they turned out to be.

Problem is, the Duggars operate with a different definition of words. When they say defraud, they mean entice or allure. Who knows what they mean by modest or immodest. Or purposing to not defraud.
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Having been pretty well schooled in this, I imagine some of us would pass the test and some would not. It's a very specific standard that means very specific things within a certain subculture. Yes, it's kind of silly that feet aren't given a sexual value when it's pretty clear that plenty of people within society have a foot fetish (perhaps even Gothard himself.) But it's about showing certain parts of the body a certain way. And they don't do that, never have, and almost certainly won't anytime soon.

The Duggars should practice modesty by not appearing on television or social media. Refraining from dry humping your wife at a golf course (on national t.v.!!) is a good start. Bragging about having a servant's heart while not doing a damned thing to help others is extremely immodest. They are complete hypocrites to the nth degree. Modesty is more than what you wear. It's an attitude and lifestyle.

  • Love 20

It's not just the Duggars.  Ridiculous as it may be, there's a whole subset of Christianity that adheres to "modesty" rules that are foreign to most everyone else.  The few I know in real life won't cut their hair or wear pants, but will wear tighter tops than I ever would and openly discuss their sex lives with their husbands, or brag on FB about whatever.  It's usually phrased as a humble brag that supposedly gives credit to God: "My kitchen remodel/new car/husband's latest raise is just so awesome!  My kids are the smartest and most athletic offspring ever! Here's a dozen photos as proof, but I can't take credit, because I'm just blessed by God!"


As a Christian myself, it rubs me the wrong way.  I don't know that those with lots of material possessions are more "blessed" than others, and I think it simplifies our relationship with God, but I don't find Jessa all that unique in this regard.  She's a product not just of her culture but of the Millenial generation.

  • Love 13

 I don't find Jessa all that unique in this regard.  She's a product not just of her culture but of the Millenial generation.


No question that the visible oldest young Duggars represent a perfect storm of bad influences. Gothard, Jim Bob and Michelle, the perpetual selfie generation -- and, the icing on the cake, they're "reality tv stars," which would be a completely warping experience even without all the rest of it.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Sorry is this has been discussed already but does anyone know if the Duggar Compound rules state that a woman can't dye her hair because in that Jessa pregs pic in the closet it looks like she went blonde since the wedding.  Maybe Ben prefers blondes or maybe Jessa always wanted to be a blonde and her new headship doesn't mind.  Maybe Ben will loosen up on lots of Compound rules of the past and that'll probably really get on JB's and Mechelles nerves.  After the dry humping golf course day I wouldn't be surprised if Ben is so sick of JB and Mechelle he'll break every rule he can think of.


Defrauder, the Duggar girls have all been coloring their hair for a while. If you look at their younger pics, they all had mousy light auburn/brownish hair. Erin, Alyssa and Whitney Bates also have highlights so I don't think it's a big deal in their religion.

Edited by BitterApple

It's not just the Duggars.  Ridiculous as it may be, there's a whole subset of Christianity that adheres to "modesty" rules that are foreign to most everyone else.  The few I know in real life won't cut their hair or wear pants, but will wear tighter tops than I ever would and openly discuss their sex lives with their husbands, or brag on FB about whatever.  It's usually phrased as a humble brag that supposedly gives credit to God: "My kitchen remodel/new car/husband's latest raise is just so awesome!  My kids are the smartest and most athletic offspring ever! Here's a dozen photos as proof, but I can't take credit, because I'm just blessed by God!"


As a Christian myself, it rubs me the wrong way.  I don't know that those with lots of material possessions are more "blessed" than others, and I think it simplifies our relationship with God, but I don't find Jessa all that unique in this regard.  She's a product not just of her culture but of the Millenial generation.

The only Scripture I find -- outside of the Apocrypha -- that has the word "modesty" is this:

 1 Timothy 2:9 

also that the women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes,

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 3

The only Scripture I find -- outside of the Apocrypha -- that has the word "modesty" is this:

 1 Timothy 2:9 

also that the women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes,

Well, there you go. Floor-length skirts and flip flops are not "suitable" for construction work. Wrong again, Duggars!

  • Love 1

Defrauder, the Duggar girls have all been coloring their hair for a while. If you look at their younger pics, they all had mousy light auburn/brownish hair. Erin, Alyssa and Whitney Bates also have highlights so I don't think it's a big deal in their religion.

Thanks for the info.  I didn't know pimp daddy allowed it.  I suppose only if he likes it. 

  • Love 2

The only Scripture I find -- outside of the Apocrypha -- that has the word "modesty" is this:

 1 Timothy 2:9 

also that the women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes,

Well I guess Jilly Muffin is not following scripture.  She had a side braid in the goodbye video.  I'm feeling majorly defrauded.


Expensive clothes- oh yea, they find those Ugg boots at Goodwill.  

  • Love 4

Again, incredible lack of understanding about human sexuality from them. Plenty of men (and women) at attracted to a person's long, beautiful hair, their eyes, their lips, and of course their feet! Right now the older girls at wearing fairly tight clothes, outlining their bodies nicely. That's more than enough to cause someone to lust after them. Or, as they say, defraud someone.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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