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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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You're probably right. I figured princess Jessa would want the castle now Now NOW! But she might wait for one of the lesser Duggars to clean it out and move -- they're probably working 24/7 to get Josh's house done before baby comes.

Agreed. I'm sure that's top priority right now. The rest can wait for the time being. That said, we know that JD and Joe no longer go on these missions. I wonder how many of the other boys they'll hold back this year to get Josh's place done (and possibly pack up non-essentials at Benessa's, if that's the route they're going)?

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I kinda wonder if that recent post wasn't a not-so-subtle reference to all the posts about her looking a little frumpy in the LAST pics? I myself posted that she looked like a blob - like I did with my first. Maybe it was time to "show" us the bump is actually in front where it belongs and that she was just having an off day in the last pics? It's probably just me, but I often think they post things that are a response to negative comments.

I don't feel like turning on my phone to search for it, but Jessa posted a picture of her burnt fish and sweet potato dinner last night, also pimping Trim Healthy Mama (check them out...scary stuff). If anyone wants to post, feel free, but let's just suffice it to say, it was a sad, pathetic little meal. Girlfriend needs to branch out beyond Trim Healthy Mama (she's only there because Jesus) and find some REAL cooking sites that tell one how long to grill fish or microwave your sweet potatoes! LOL

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The thing I find worrisome is that Jessa is pregnant...why is she on a diet that helps one lose weight? That pathetic fish/sw potato and salad meal isn't what she should be eating,,.if that's ALL she is eating for dinner. That girl has somewhat of an eating disorder and Ben is an idiot if he thinks that's healthy and ENOUGH for his wife at this tine. I'm all for not ballooning when expecting on junk food, but I think this is ridiculous. Jessa will have a baby half the size of Jill's. Hope all is well with babyseewald in all ways...with these two for parents, many prayers are needed for this kid so far as I see it.

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I don't feel like turning on my phone to search for it, but Jessa posted a picture of her burnt fish and sweet potato dinner last night, also pimping Trim Healthy Mama (check them out...scary stuff). If anyone wants to post, feel free, but let's just suffice it to say, it was a sad, pathetic little meal. Girlfriend needs to branch out beyond Trim Healthy Mama (she's only there because Jesus) and find some REAL cooking sites that tell one how long to grill fish or microwave your sweet potatoes! LOL

I guess the gift cards ran out.
  • Love 4

It's a reasonable meal for any of us who aren't pregnant. But realistically, that's only about 400 calories, tops. She needs more, perhaps another side. 


Most people eat other meals throughout the day, as well as snacks here and there.  This is a reasonable lunch time meal, no matter if someone is pregnant or not.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm assuming this pregnant person is eating more than just a single meal a day.  *shrug* I mean, I'm sure everyone gets that this post wasn't about declaring how many calories she consumes in any given day but to shill for a company that has obviously given some sort of kickback, even if it's only a free book.  

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On the plus side, it's heartening that Jessa and Ben have exhibited some concern over their own health and, more importantly, the health of their child.  I find the Duggar food habits really terrible and disgusting and I feel horrible for the kids when the family can clearly afford to do better.  I think people should make food choices a priority and pick the best options they can possibly afford.  Hopefully positive food choices continues to remain a priority.  

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On the plus side, it's heartening that Jessa and Ben have exhibited some concern over their own health and, more importantly, the health of their child. I find the Duggar food habits really terrible and disgusting and I feel horrible for the kids when the family can clearly afford to do better. I think people should make food choices a priority and pick the best options they can possibly afford. Hopefully positive food choices continues to remain a priority.

It's almost a relief to know that Ben considers having big muscles a personal priority. It's sort of shallow and vain of him, but I'm glad he knows the effort it takes not to blob out.
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I think the meal is fine. When I was pregnant I'd eat 3 meals and maybe 3 snacks, my biggest meal was lunch time. I'd eat what she is eating for dinner as a lighter meal and bc your metabolism slows down at night so you gain more when you eat at night. I don't think she would do anything to harm the baby and I think this for dinner is normal to a lot of people pregnant or not

  • Love 3

I think the meal is fine. When I was pregnant I'd eat 3 meals and maybe 3 snacks, my biggest meal was lunch time. I'd eat what she is eating for dinner as a lighter meal and bc your metabolism slows down at night so you gain more when you eat at night. I don't think she would do anything to harm the baby and I think this for dinner is normal to a lot of people pregnant or not

I agree about this being how people eat normally. That's what 90% of my weekday dinners look like - a protein, a starch, and a veg. And I'm not on a diet nor am I particularly "trim."

I really don't get the hubbub. What she's eating is far better for her than endless rounds of fast food and chickenetti, after all.

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If I knew she was eating 5 small meals a day rather than 3 squares, I'd feel better. However, no one knows her eating habits.  I know the pendulum is swinging back to three square meals these days. I have no idea what THM advocates; it's been about a year since I checked them out and ran away figuratively screaming. 


Not sure if Jessa is getting kickbacks from THM for the shoutout. I *am* curious how she found the site/FB page. I found out about it from a fundie blogger who I follow for the crazy factor. I am always curious about the resources fundies have, especially if Jessa limits her internet usage to certain sites/pages. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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It's a reasonable meal for any of us who aren't pregnant. But realistically, that's only about 400 calories, tops. She needs more, perhaps another side. 

I've had a few days during my pregnancy where I probably only got that many calories total between the appetite loss and the vomiting.

My OB told me the baby is going to take what it needs.  And if you are "eating for 2" the baby only needs 200 calories.


Besides, we have no idea what else Jessa has eaten that day.  When you are pregnant it can be really hard to eat big meals. There is just no room for the food.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Um, it's not as though Jessa hasn't been photographed with plenty of fast food this pregnancy. And she clearly isn't going hungry. It appears she was pushing a website, not serious about what she ate that night for dinner.

I agree with this and was just about to post myself that she is likely supplementing healthy lite meals to balance out her penchant for fast food and deep fried fare that she's consuming earlier in the day or week.

Eating disorder? Pish-posh. No one here can say that. That's pure speculation.

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The quote function isn't work


I've had a few days during my pregnancy where I probably only got that many calories total between the appetite loss and the vomiting.

My OB told me the baby is going to take what it needs.  And if you are "eating for 2" the baby only needs 200 calories.


Besides, we have no idea what else Jessa has eaten that day.  When you are pregnant it can be really hard to eat big meals. There is just no room for the food.

I brought up the food portions in a later post. Congratulations on the pregnancy, and  see you at FSU! :)


eta: Jessa HAS been pictured with fast food during the pregnancy a few times (baby cravings :D ). I remember the one from In and Out only because one just opened near me, and I have yet to eat there. *sniff*

Edited by Sew Sumi

I don't follow them either, I usually see what they're posting due to this forum unless I see it in the media.

I assume they keep up with social media to keep their fans interested in the hopes that their show gets renewed, they get a spin-off, to generate financial support for missions, sell books, and attend their speaking engagements. In other words, it's all about $$$.


(Wry tone) I don't follow the Duggars on media unless someone posts something here (obviously I read the police report, for instance) but does Jessa post photos that do NOT have a product placement of some type?

I just read that only an hour ago (20 hours after Jessa's post), the THM ladies posted Jessa's IG as a "celebrity endorsement." So, I don't think there was a deal beforehand for her to make the post with her dinner to promote them, or they would have posted last night. Looks like Jessa did that on her own. Now, JILL, OTOH, tagged just about EVERYTHING leading up to her wedding. I remember the @Jamberry party two days prior because it was my birthday. We talked at the time whether Jill was getting freebies, but never came to a conclusion about that.

Edited by Sew Sumi

Jessa looks fine. Her pose is no different from the thousands of moms to be on Pinterest.


I'm curious. When did it become the fashion to take many many solo pregnancy pictures -- in profile, always stick your bump out as far as possible and aim for the pouty and seductive look in all the preggers pics? I assume it's a tradition born of social media and it's sprung up in the last decade, but is it actually universal? It just seems so odd to me.

  • Love 9

Endorsements can be all sorts.  The most basic sort is X sends their product to figure A with a note saying they hope A likes X product and if she does, can A please mention it on her blog or social media accounts.   There wouldn't be any reason for this basic endorsement to require both parties shill at the same time.  I have a friend who is a blogger, pretty small time hobby sort of thing.  She gets tons of free stuff, some not even related to her blog topic.  Promoting the stuff she likes ends up getting her more free stuff, and sometimes even extra kickbacks from the companies in which she gives positive reviews.  So she reviews a particular item she received for free, promotes it and sometimes that is that, other times she'll receive a coupon for more free stuff from X company, or gift cards to Amazon.  And this is just a very small time blogger writing about a topic that is very saturated in the blogosphere.  


A person like Jessa with a television, magazine, and social media presence is going to get lots of stuff and even without working the system to her advantage, she'll get kickbacks.  At the very least, she received the diet book for free.  When she promoted it and when the diet book women were able to promote her promotion is really not all that important except to tell us that it was not a coordinated effort (and seeing as this book appears to be written by busy moms who aren't active on social media and it's a holiday week, I don't expect there would be much coordination).  The book and a thank you may be all that she gets from this, or the increase in sales that THM receives might warrant something like a gift card or something.


Jessa (and the other Duggars, btw) would be pretty much the only people in the world with this much public followings to not receive tons of free stuff.  It's a very inexpensive way for companies to get their products out there.  And just scrolling through Jessa's instagram thingy, it's pretty clear that everything she posts on her account is very deliberate and intentional.  

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I'm curious. When did it become the fashion to take many many solo pregnancy pictures -- in profile, always stick your bump out as far as possible and aim for the pouty and seductive look in all the preggers pics? I assume it's a tradition born of social media and it's sprung up in the last decade, but is it actually universal? It just seems so odd to me.


I think it is a tradition born of social media, but also due to the transitory nature of young people.  Most people I know share their pregnancies this way because people from various stages of life (family, high school or college friends, etc) may not live nearby and might never get to see them pregnant.  I know I love seeing bump photos of my friends.


I'm only 10 weeks pregnant though, so except for a "before" at 5 weeks, so I haven't started the weekly photos yet. Except some bloat, there is nothing to see!  I might go for monthly, but I think my MIL has requested more frequent than that.  There will be no chalkboard.


I've never seen anyone do the pouty face though- but my friends don't duck face for selfies even when drunk... we are too old for that.  A few people go for the super raised eyebrows...I think maybe it makes parts of your face look thinner, but I think it just highlights wrinkles.

Edited by Skittl1321
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If Jessa did get a book and a giftcard for her trouble, I would then have to assume that THM approached her rather than the other way around. I was curious as to how fundies find stuff once they're allowed free access to the interwebz, but companies contacting her, as they obviously did with Jill in the lead-up to the first Duggar Daughter wedding, makes more sense. 


I wonder what Jessa's next move will be! I guess we'll have to wait until there's another Duggar rumor to find out! LOL

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Congratulations on the pregnancy, and  see you at FSU! :)


I was super excited because I gained half a pound between yesterday and today. So now I'm only down 11 pounds!

I honestly don't understand Instagram at all. It's a censored Twitter that requires people to sign up to even just see most of its content. Can the Vaseline lens filters really be that appealing?

It got popular before Twitter allowed photos though.  Possibly before facebook did- I don't remember; but I do remember when facebook was JUST status updates.

  • Love 3

I think it is a tradition born of social media, but also due to the transitory nature of young people.  Most people I know share their pregnancies this way because people from various stages of life (family, high school or college friends, etc) may not live nearby and might never get to see them pregnant.  I know I love seeing bump photos of my friends.


I'm only 10 weeks pregnant though, so except for a "before" at 5 weeks, so I haven't started the weekly photos yet. Except some bloat, there is nothing to see!  I might go for monthly, but I think my MIL has requested more frequent than that.  There will be no chalkboard.


I've never seen anyone do the pouty face though- but my friends don't duck face for selfies even when drunk... we are too old for that.  A few people go for the super raised eyebrows...I think maybe it makes parts of your face look thinner, but I think it just highlights wrinkles.


Thanks. And congrats on your new family member!

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 And just scrolling through Jessa's instagram thingy, it's pretty clear that everything she posts on her account is very deliberate and intentional.  

I completely agree with this. Jessa strikes me as the type of person who spends all her free time thinking about what new selfie or obnoxious bible quote to post next. She reminds me a lot of Michelle in that both seem very conscious and controlling of their public image. IMO it's no coincidence that those two also spend the most time monitoring their social media accounts. I don't think they hire anyone to do that for them. We don't ever hear any stories about Jill blocking people or deleting comments for instance. While I'm sure Jill likes the media attention, I don't get the sense that she's as internet savvy as her sister. "Ignorance is bliss" is the phrase that comes to mind for her, lol. 


Speaking of Jessa and social media, here's her latest IG video. I have to say, I'm really enjoying how Ben has looked more and more visibly annoyed every time Jessa drags her husband into yet another photo/video opportunity. This time, he didn't even try to hide the exasperation in his voice while Jessa was too busy cheesin' for the camera.

Edited by Mariva
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Ben looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there, and he's Blessa's biggest sycophant. Then there's Poor Jana keeping sweet, as always. I wish she would/could just say no to these stupid outings.

Dare I say Ben even looked a little pissed off/bothered to state where he was for the video...
  • Love 5

I'm curious. When did it become the fashion to take many many solo pregnancy pictures -- in profile, always stick your bump out as far as possible and aim for the pouty and seductive look in all the preggers pics? I assume it's a tradition born of social media and it's sprung up in the last decade, but is it actually universal? It just seems so odd to me.

I would have thought it went back to Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair.

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Speaking of Jessa and social media, here's her latest IG video. I have to say, I'm really enjoying how Ben has looked more and more visibly annoyed every time Jessa drags her husband into yet another photo/video opportunity. This time, he didn't even try to hide the exasperation in his voice while Jessa was too busy cheesin' for the camera.


Jana'll have to give him keep-sweet lessons.

The weekly thing goes back to when websites set up pregnancy charts that talked about "Your baby this week" and encouraged you to take a photo and store it on the site. You could then send your "diary" around by email to friends and family.

(Your learn how much things change when you have children spaced far apart!)

  • Love 3

I'm curious. When did it become the fashion to take many many solo pregnancy pictures -- in profile, always stick your bump out as far as possible and aim for the pouty and seductive look in all the preggers pics? I assume it's a tradition born of social media and it's sprung up in the last decade, but is it actually universal? It just seems so odd to me.

I see bump pics on FB all the time, but not seductive ones, and not daily. I'm due any day now with my third, and I have a collection of bump pics from each pregnancy, but maybe 2% made it to social media. Mostly they're for the kids' baby books.

I will say that I showed super early with all my kids -- people were asking me at 10 weeks even with my first -- so I do feel for the Duggars in the sense that people are claiming they were exaggerating their bumps or lying about their due dates. Some of us just carry like that... but I certainly never felt the need to document it with sexy come-hither photos!

Congrats to you, Skittl1321! Hope you're feeling good!

Edited by Pixie Chicken
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I think Jessa is just a product of a generation that shares EVER-Y-THING. I have Millenial cousins, nieces and nephews. My Facebook feed is filled with pictures of food, new shoes, recent manicures, cracks on the sidewalk, memes, makeup hauls, kissy faces and mirror poses. Jessa just happens to be pregnant and have nothing else going on in her life, so she floods her social media with updates.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 10

I can see how he might be cranky. The mythology of their community is that the man has headship, makes a home for his wife and brings the bacon home to it while she worries about the home and the kids and putting out on demand.


He's spent what, two months at this point in the heathen national news being arm candy while his wife hangs out with her rich parents (who own his home, who he works for, and whose authority supersedes his) and scrambles to keep her full time job, which she needs because (everyone keeps saying) he's not capable of supporting his wife and the child who hasn't come yet. He doesn't even get to beat up reporters (not that I imagine he could, but I'm pretty sure he wants to).


The kid's what, nineteen?, was raised with a profoundly unrealistic view of life and his place in it, believes he's qualified to harshly school the grownups of the world, and married a narcissistic mean girl who's helped raise boy children older than he is. I'd be amazed if he isn't very cranky indeed.

  • Love 19

I think Jessa is just a product of a generation that shares EVER-Y-THING. I have Millenial cousins, nieces and nephews. My Facebook feed is filled with pictures of food, new shoes, recent manicures, cracks on the sidewalk, memes, makeup hauls, kissy faces and mirror poses.

Very true. I'm too old to be a Millenial, but even among my peers, I've hidden people who clog up my feed with too many posts about nothing. When they have nothing to say, they "share" dozens of equally inane posts or memes. It's worse for the younger crowd, I think, and given that Jessa was never really allowed to develop genuine interests or hobbies, this is what she's got.

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I bet they both have fowl tempers,Ben is probably irritated that the probability of the tv show/spin off fame as a tv preacher is sinking further into the ocean


I know he must have realized that his toilet cleaning days are here for the foreseeable future.  Jim Bob is probably not a happy camper either, and we all know what it's like to work for a moody boss!

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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