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S04.E01: Matchmaking Special / Wedding Preparations

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Dr. Pepper says Lillian is warm and 'NOT THAT MATERIALISTIC" ha ha ha ha ..first of all I never met a Real Estate Agent who wasn't materialistic. Girlfriend sees properties all day long, some good some bad - usually they hope to be a success to buy themselves something nice. It's only natural to want a nice house when all you do is look at houses. This one is doomed.

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A Miami real estate agent who is not materialistic and would be cool living in a bus-The botox was injected too deep and has leaked into Dr. Pepper's brain.

Tom/Lillian will get "their place" but Tom will have to do his religion/surfing daily so he will pulling a Sean disappearing act and living out in the bus while Lillian fumes in the marriage domicile.

Anybody else thinking  "35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living in a van down by the river!"?

The pristine covers on the bus tires cracks me up and I don't know why.

Pity the camera crew that has to be crammed into the bus in the humid Miami weather.

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I get Tom with surfing.  For me swimming is everything and if I could do it every day for about two hours, I'd do it.  To live near the beach would be a dream for me, not in a bus, but a small house would be awesome.  However, I wonder if Tom really is ready for marriage. 

Edited by Neurochick
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Tom says he is ready for marriage, blah, blah, blah.

Suspect this is a way to drum up biz for his yacht interior contracting company and the M@FS season gets "drama."

33 thousand applicants and the last standing are these 6.

Quality over quantity.

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Who was the one who was freaking out about the pearls?  No honey, in your mother's country, Nicaragua, pearls are bad luck; she should have politely told her mother.  "Mom, we're in America, pearls aren't bad luck here."  

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Previously, the four experts from "Married at First Sight" were

psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona, sociologist Dr. Pepper Schwartz

spiritualist Greg Epstein,sexologist Dr. Logan Levkoff

So there is no psychologist this season??? 

Yeah, I have no idea how they picked these 6 out of 33,000 either. None of them seem very interesting! Don't make me miss Sean and Davina this season.  Are we in for another Ashley and David? UGH

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wll yeah I watched the beginning but Im not going to sit thru the whole thing pre-wedding where every other sentence by someone is "theyre getting married, to total stangers" I just cant! Ill watch the actual weddings though! I love that..of course they will drag the pre-ceremony out and bring in the jesters to say "this is a legal and binding wedding..to a stranger!!" 45 times. I HATE the way they edit this show, the worst on TV

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44 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I get Tom with surfing.  For me swimming is everything and if I could do it every day for about two hours, I'd do it.  To live near the beach would be a dream for me, not in a bus, but a small house would be awesome.  However, I wonder if Tom really is ready for marriage. 

I live in a big time surfing city. So you see guys like him all the time on my coast. As long as they aren't effecting my living here and hurting others I could care less if its what they do all day long. We all probably have something that if we could do it more we would. I do think living in a big house would be a nightmare. When you live by the beach you have no a/c in most places so we depend on the breeze and open everything up to let it flow through. Which in turn dust collects like no other. So yes why live in a bigger place that 1. you have to try to keep cool with "nature's a/c" and 2. would be tons more cleaning with just dust alone. LOL 

Side note, if one wanted to live near the beach and didn't have a ton of money for those small and big homes that are millions, try a mobile home. The ones out here are actually really nice and there is one park of them that has some with 2 stories and others with a patio of sorts on the roof so you can enjoy the view of the ocean. 

Going to watch the show now since I have to dvr it. LOL

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First, the so called experts. Just hearing them talk the stupid script spiel was hard enough but Rachel is coming off annoying. Something is already rubbing me the wrong way on her aside from her stupid life coach BS. And the Pastor...UGH sorry but what if they aren't religious? What if they are Jewish and rather have a Rabbi? I just don't think have a so called spiritual adviser is the best thing. If they want that then why not point them to a church for one. Considering this guy has done some other show all I see his him hoping for more tv time and nothing genuine about him. Being someone that isn't religious, I sure wouldn't want to deal with this guy. Do we need to really have all this stuff about sex before hand? Its overkill and why do you need to know so much on that topic with them? Let those couples figure that crap out. UGH Just don't pick cold fishes. LOL Rachel saying she wanted them to find love...don't lie lady. We aren't stupid..you want to find the ones to give us the most drama. I just realized that Rachel is giving me Logan vibes. She is to many mannerisms in how she is talking and moving that remind me of her. UGH 

Watching the matchmaking episode you can see these ones that are trying to push they are doing their own business. Sorry but after this last Arranged I am so over seeing that in a show. I feel like Pepper going through these people's homes is just her being nosy more than anything else and always has been. It just has always bugged me. I could see her opening every cabinet and drawer and looking through their underwear even with how she is. LOL 

Lillian is annoying me. She is coming off whiny a little. She couldn't say the word affection in English? There is some questions I have with this one and another one. 

Really Tom that is a "luxury bus"? I'd run from that too. I don't even see it looking luxury like once he was done working on it. Did he say he was working on it for 2 yrs? 2 yrs and THAT IS IT!?

Sonia, really Pepper? Her shoes looking 50 shades? WTF??? First they did not and second wtf does that need to be said for no matter what? 

Heather, ugh she looks a little blank and sounded kind of space cadety. LOL So they pair her with Derek because they could "bond" on his Navy travels and her flight attendant job? *slapshead*

Matching Tom and Lillian over business...omg...then the one saying because of the sex. UGH

I see disaster just from this matchmaking episode and what they say. Pepper and her we have seen love happen. From 2 couples in the first season and 1 couple is full of a fame whore. Yeah that is something to be proud of...NOT! I can't even take more of this at this point. I will have to come back and watch the episode later. LOL 

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I was pleasantly surprised at how much they got done in that one episode.  They are already about to say "I Do".  It took like 3 shows last season before they got to the altar.  As for the matches, the only red flag at this time that I see is Tom and Lillian.  I agree with another poster that at age 24, she is too young to give up on alternate avenues to find love.  This is for people older who have been around the dating scene for a long time and haven't found "the one".  I believe Vanessa from last year, who married Tre...she was around the same age, and I questioned it then, too.  Got the same vibe others did about Tom.  He seems inflexible about his living arrangements.  I don't see him giving up living in his bus by the ocean.  There are a LOT of women who would absolutely love that lifestyle, but I don't think Sonia will.  Although Tom is the youngest guy, he looks and acts (at this point) like much older than everyone else.  Sonia reminds me a little of Jessica in Season 2, but maybe it's just their physical appearances. 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the other two couples.  Feel the best about the social worker & Nick, though I was very surprised how she transformed herself for the wedding, with so much makeup and the red hair dye.  Her natural brown hair was very becoming, and made her look much younger, IMO.  Just got a good vibe with these two.  Think their quiet personalities will be compatible.

Not sure if people were thinking 30,000 showed up in MIAMI for the show, but I believe they said 30,000 have applied for the show since Season 1.

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

The "expert" missing this season is candle stick maker.

Ha! Too true.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I just wish they'd change the theme song.  I can't stand it and it gets stuck in my head:  "It's all or nothing!"  Ugh.

The first few times I heard it I thought it was "It's all a good thing!" and I was like...uh, no, it's not.

3 hours ago, cardigirl said:

Nick's mom is already a problem for me.  I'm sure it's producer-driven to have her be so outspoken, but I dislike her.  Immensely.  Suddenly, I'm beginning to understand why Nick maybe has issues finding someone to marry.  Ugh.

Is she the one that made a comment about the gift and someone else had to tell her to stop criticizing already? She proudly (and loudly) proclaimed she was going to be a great mother-in-law. I feel like if you have to say it...it ain't true lady.

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Who was the one who was freaking out about the pearls?  No honey, in your mother's country, Nicaragua, pearls are bad luck; she should have politely told her mother.  "Mom, we're in America, pearls aren't bad luck here."  

This. And the whimpering about "bad omens"! Its 2016! Sure, we all have our quirks (I pick up pennies on the sidewalk, for good luck, even though I know it makes me look at best, um, "quirky"), but seriously? Bad omens? You're already sending your new husband a terrible message before even meeting him--"my mother's superstition is more important to me than making a great first impression on you, the man I am electing to marry, by proudly wearing the gift you have chosen for me, with care and thoughtfulness". Take a seat, Lilian. You are already over.

1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

I think jesters should be used instead of experts.

HAHAHAHA--I emitted a small scream when I read this. The mental picture! Imagine our newlyweds having a fight, saying that they're going to "call the experts" for advice, and a couple of guys in motley show up, juggling and tumbling and making stupid jokes! Better than the actual experts, for sure.


To me Derek looks a bit like Robert Downey Jr., which would be ok with me if I was getting married.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

This. And the whimpering about "bad omens"! Its 2016! Sure, we all have our quirks (I pick up pennies on the sidewalk, for good luck, even though I know it makes me look at best, um, "quirky"), but seriously? Bad omens? You're already sending your new husband a terrible message before even meeting him--"my mother's superstition is more important to me than making a great first impression on you, the man I am electing to marry, by proudly wearing the gift you have chosen for me, with care and thoughtfulness". Take a seat, Lilian. You are already over.

I know, Lillian can take several seats.  The thing that pissed me off was she didn't even know the superstition until her mother told her.  That's when she should have informed her mother where they were and what she was about to do.  I think she was the one who said when she left home, her dad moved out and she hasn't seen him since his last birthday.

Something about Lillian screams "high maintenance!"

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8 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I know, Lillian can take several seats.  The thing that pissed me off was she didn't even know the superstition until her mother told her.  That's when she should have informed her mother where they were and what she was about to do.  I think she was the one who said when she left home, her dad moved out and she hasn't seen him since his last birthday.

Something about Lillian screams "high maintenance!"

Yup. I have a feeling she's going to be the one to be hated this season. Just put the damn pearl necklace on, bitch! 

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Nick's mom is already a problem for me.  I'm sure it's producer-driven to have her be so outspoken, but I dislike her.  Immensely.  Suddenly, I'm beginning to understand why Nick maybe has issues finding someone to marry.  Ugh.

The only promising sign I could see was that Nick looked totally disinterested, kind of a "whatever" attitude to his mother's comments.  Hopefully he'll have his wife's back, but who knows?

Lillian.  Oh my.  Yes, I definitely see her being the stand out (not in a good way) this season.  

I'm a little shocked this show lured me back in.  After last season's trainwreck I said no more...but I just can't look away.

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You know I was one of the first ones to make fun of the bus, but does anyone think he bus might be a step up from Ryan Basement.  I guess at least the guy has his own place?  I think Doug was also living with his parents on the first season, because he lost his house to foreclosure (not sure about this).

However that bus looked very claustrophobic and not very comfy.

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I know the brides get the hair/makeup for the weddings, but seriously these three looked  like completely different people.

I understand everyone looks better with hair and  makeup done, but the hair and makeup people went extreme this season. 

As much as I love to hate Davina, she didn't look overdone for the wedding and looked like the same person through the show.

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Yes, Davina is one of those people who know what works for them (though I guess this might be debatable) and uses that same hairstyle for all occasions (sort of like, Kate Middleton).

I wonder if they are trying to fake us out by readily admitting the Facebook scouting?  We are expecting another season of failure, only to be stunned when one or two of the couples actually work out? 

Yeah...I know I am talking nonsense.

4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I just wish they'd change the theme song.  I can't stand it and it gets stuck in my head:  "It's all or nothing!"  Ugh.

It really is one of the most bizarre intros.  Both the bride and groom cartoons are dropped off with claw like machine, as if they just came out of a factory for little wedding people.  Then the groom figure does this loooong awkward walk towards the bride.

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1 hour ago, Maggio5 said:

I don't mean to be picky about the episode recap, but they actually have a 10% success rate...not .1%...

LOL, and for the record I belatedly figured this out myself and JUST fixed it. My excuses are (a) it was so early when I wrote that and (b) I am stupid.

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Yes, Davina is one of those people who know what works for them (though I guess this might be debatable) and uses that same hairstyle for all occasions

Holy Cow, she got married.

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13 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:

LOL, and for the record I belatedly figured this out myself and JUST fixed it. My excuses are (a) it was so early when I wrote that and (b) I am stupid.

While we are talking about it there have been 9 couples not 18 so the success rate just doubled. Sorry Tara we knew what you meant, whatever the percentage it is still a train wreck.


I have not seen the matchmaking episode as it is locked online, having watched the wedding preps I think this will be another season that I will be watching from behind my fingers waiting for the crash. I tried watching Unfiltered and got through Jamie saying I am Jamie Otis with her fake smile and wanted to punch her so I stopped.


Looking on the official Facebook page, Nick is all over it and is a bigger fame whore than Jamie was so I am side eyeing him already.

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I'm going to piss off all the bus dwellers out there, but a guy being fine with living on a bus and thinking there's a woman out there who should love it as much as he does is not marriage material.  Shame on those damn experts.  Lillian is going to be pissed when she see's that clunker.

And I agree with all those who posted that Lillian should have put the damn pearls on.  It was a thoughtful and beautiful gift.  What was he supposed to do?- research every country's superstitions about wedding days?  Some say pearls on a wedding day are good luck, as they represent future tears a bride won't cry because her marriage will be such a happy one.  Take that, mamacita.

These two are too wrapped up in their own perceptions.  They are DOOMED.

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From weddingbee.com

Pearls, however, should never be used in an engagement or wedding ring, or indeed given as a gift to anyone, because they symbolize tears and are believed to bring sadness. Brides are particularly cautioned against wearing pearls on their wedding day lest they bring tears to the marriage.

Pearl vodoo not necessary when Lillian sees the bus.

A bit of her soul will die when she gets the bus tour/tour of the bus.

Yay for Davina, I gave her shit for marrying Sean so I applaud her for finding her own husband.

Boot Jamie and make Davina the host of the M@FS behind the scene shows.

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I don't think Tom (?) will find Lilian that attractive. I have doubts for Sonia and Nick too. 

And I don't understand why Lilian was chosen? She's fucking 24. Way too young to be married let alone get married at first sight. 

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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

This. And the whimpering about "bad omens"! Its 2016! Sure, we all have our quirks (I pick up pennies on the sidewalk, for good luck, even though I know it makes me look at best, um, "quirky"), but seriously? Bad omens? You're already sending your new husband a terrible message before even meeting him--"my mother's superstition is more important to me than making a great first impression on you, the man I am electing to marry, by proudly wearing the gift you have chosen for me, with care and thoughtfulness". Take a seat, Lilian. You are already over.


I haven't watched this one yet. Just the matchmaking one but read the comments on this. I agree we all have are quirks/superstitions. Yet I would have worn something given to me as a gift without a second thought. It should have been looked upon as a sweet gesture. Yet the mother of the bride ruins it. As if a guy (even though it was probably producer driven) would have known anything about this stuff. Hell I am someone that is not ok with odd numbers. Which is what the size of my family is too. LOL It comes from my Polish side I think and realize now why my Grandma probably never sat with us when she would have a meal for us. It would have been an odd number at the table and its considered a bad thing so the woman that cooked would not sit to eat until that it was ok. While for my husband and his Norwegian side a number like 13 is lucky. LOL 


47 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


Boot Jamie and make Davina the host of the M@FS behind the scene shows.

UGH  I can't stand Davina just as much as I can't stand Jamie. IMO the way she spoke and moved at times was very robotic. I couldn't stand Sean as much as her either but I felt they were both horrible people and selfish pieces of crap. I will be skipping over the stuff with Jamie no matter what. Couldn't watch when they started it up last season and not going to start now. 

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2 hours ago, crazychicken said:

While we are talking about it there have been 9 couples not 18 so the success rate just doubled. Sorry Tara we knew what you meant, whatever the percentage it is still a train wreck.


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It looked to me like the bus was parked in his yard, so I was going under the assumption that it's just out there for him to work on right now.  He did say his dream was to fix it all up in order to travel in.  That being said, he does seem a bit "Peter Pan" and to believe that "compromise" means "getting my own way", so what could go wrong in matching him with a 24 year old with Daddy issues?

Of the current experts, I like the pastor the best.  At this point he doesn't seem like a complete idiot, and he seems to be wearing his "marriage counselor" hat vs. the "pastor" one, so I don't see why any of them should be uncomfortable asking for his advice, at least initially.  I am not Jewish but would take good advice from a Rabbi if he were an "expert" :)  I agree that the blonde gives off Logan Levkoff vibes, and Pepper is kind of a ditz, although she does seem to like and root for the contestants.

At this point in the show I always find myself liking the contestants and wishing them well - so I'm heading off to the spoiler thread to find out why I am wrong!  :)

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9 minutes ago, princelina said:

... and Pepper is kind of a ditz, although she does seem to like and root for the contestants.

Looks as if she obtained Cilona's abandoned makeup

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And I don't understand why Lilian was chosen? She's fucking 24. Way too young to be married let alone get married at first sight. 

Wow, they should have had her on "Teenage Newlyweds".

How old is Tom? Is he the one with the yacht decorating business or something like that?

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2 hours ago, moonxyz said:

I don't think Tom (?) will find Lilian that attractive. I have doubts for Sonia and Nick too. 

And I don't understand why Lilian was chosen? She's fucking 24. Way too young to be married let alone get married at first sight. 

It's all about who you know and who you blow. They probably don't cast anybody without some sort of connection or resume. On any reality show.

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21 minutes ago, Vinyasa said:

Wow, they should have had her on "Teenage Newlyweds".

How old is Tom? Is he the one with the yacht decorating business or something like that?

Tom is 28.  I actually like Lillian the best so far.   She has a broad education and I like her personality.  She actually does seem the most mature of them all to me.  I didn't catch any crazy vibe from her.  Him?  He already indicated that he doesn't want 'the white picket fence"  which generally means committment--marriage, kids etc.  And I would expect someone who says he wants to do interior yacht construction not to done his from the reduced pile at Home Depot.  What a mess. I think his business idea is an excuse for putzing around on the bus for 2 years.  I believe they will both be shocked that they were matched. I hope they sit down and talk about what they said they wanted in a match and how they both got screwed instead of 'trusting the experts' and being pissed at each other.

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