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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, Trampolina said:

I thought that little cat talent girl was adorable but that giant blonde haired child sitting next to cat girl's mom in the audience scared the hell out of me.

The mother that got in the fight with Jayliana's mom looked rode hard and put away wet.  Damn!

Wasn't that Kailia's Mom though. I don't remember her looking like that in the old episodes, I'm not sure what she looks like now.

Maybe it is just me, but Jailynn's hair post makeover looked just as stiff and artificial as the rest. I didn't understand the problem. I have biracial kids. (I'm African American and my husband is from India) depending on genetics you can get variations in texture. You do need someone that knows how to work with that type of hair if you go to a salon, but in this world of falls and extensions, I didn't see the difference. All those kids hair looks like they're trying out for the character of Tracy Turnblad in the mini production of "Hairspray.

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I haven't been on here much, but back in the TWoP days I posted a classic, which never gets old. If you're relatively new to the T&T "I can't believe this is a real thing" watching community, you may not know that there used to be a segment called "Proam"  in beauty pageants. It was this dance modeling segment that has no equal. Sadly it's gone now, but through the magic of you tube (and a classic HBO Documentary called "Living Dolls"  must see btw)  ) We can return to the good old days. Enjoy! and if you don't have time fast forward to 1:37 where legendary coach Shane King does the demo. 

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Anyone else laugh whenever the woman who put on the pageant said that the big winner would win the "covenant" Supreme Me robe?  Which ended up being Landree, whose mother clearly coveted that win more than her child did.  

I bet Mykel (sp?) Voka's career as a kiddie pageant makeup artist took a big hit after last week's debacle, and being a total no-show at the recent one.  Maybe he was sick of all the drama and found himself a new gig. 

Anyone besides me catch glimpses of Cadence and that Janes Bond routine girl in the episode?

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Other than Landree I believe all of the other top Supreme titles were won by Cambrie's girls. I'm pretty sure that I recognized all of the parents on the stage as her team. I agree that anyone who coaches with Top Model is stupid. It's quite clear that no other child there gets the amount of attention that Landree does. They had other girls there (I thought in the last episode they said 13?) but you never saw them commenting or paying attention to any other girl. They only gave Addison attention because it was scripted by the show. You can totally tell that their focus is on Landree and her winning. How stupid was Addison's mom to sit there with a smile when the blonde coach said "If you're not first then you're a loser". Umm hey stupid, she's talking about your kid! 

Cambrie doesn't always manage to rein her parents in but at least she tries. She also is really good about trying to remove the kids from the drama, which none of the others seem to care a fig about. Blonde chick and Red-head chick are just too much for me. Blondie was trying entirely too hard and Reddie was just silly rolling around crying on the stage. According to her, that child wins all of the time. So why the theatrics? 

At the end of the episode was a preview for a new show, Little Miss Atlanta. I can't wait to watch and see what this one is all about. 

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I noticed that Landree made a comment that was something like, "I wanted to do well for Miss Nisa because this was her first time with me. "  It was in her talking head after she got upset about messing up her routine. The comment could mean several things, but I think Miss Nisa was added to the Top Model team for the show. 

On 9/29/2016 at 0:31 PM, gotta watch said:

The blonde coach in the sunglasses totally looks like Amy Poehler in an SNL skit.

This is so true!

Edited by EVS
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15 hours ago, Venee said:

I haven't been on here much, but back in the TWoP days I posted a classic, which never gets old. If you're relatively new to the T&T "I can't believe this is a real thing" watching community, you may not know that there used to be a segment called "Proam"  in beauty pageants. It was this dance modeling segment that has no equal. Sadly it's gone now, but through the magic of you tube (and a classic HBO Documentary called "Living Dolls"  must see btw)  ) We can return to the good old days. Enjoy! and if you don't have time fast forward to 1:37 where legendary coach Shane King does the demo. 

What the hell did she say? I wore him like wet underwear? Seriously, did I hear that right?

I really hate it when parents brag that their child is the boss or runs the house. It's one thing to talk with your friends about your little girl thinking she's the boss. It's a whole other thing to say that in front of your daughter and allow her hobbies to include, "running the house." It is not cool to have bratty, entitled children but I hear these statements more and more these days. I've heard little girls on this show time and again saying that if they ask daddy, he won't say no, and then the mother confirming in front of the little girl, "If she wants it, her dad will buy it no matter what it is. He can't say no to her" or something to that effect. I don't know. Just one of those things that irritates me so much I had to say something.


Ok, I straight up HATE the blonde bitch in sunglasses. I absolutely agree that she is trying to get her own show and she thinks she's the shit. She is trying so hard to look cool and be funny, witty, sarcastic and anything else that would make her interesting but it comes across as very fake and I want to punch her stupid face in.

I still like Cambrie. She may be playing a little to the cameras, but as someone mentioned before, there's only so far you can go with that if it's not already in you. She actually loves the girls and that doesn't seem fake to me. I just keep thinking of the little girl whose mom said she messed up even though nobody noticed, remember? The poor little thing wanted to go hug her mom after beauty and the mother legit ran from her and acted like a bitch instead of telling her she did good. Cambrie pretty much had to do the mother's job and praise the little girl for doing well. She even came up with excuses for the mother's behavior so that the little girl didn't know her mother was being a raging emotionally abusive bitch. So even if she is acting better than normal for the cameras, at least she is aware of what is appropriate behavior which is more than I can say for the rest of the ignorant assholes on this show.

Cambrie also compliments the kids on the other teams while the other adults talk shit about the other children. How can you think bad about a kid who's doing the best she can? It's not the child's fault her parent is an idiot. No need to be an ass about a child just cause you hate the mother or you're in competition with another "team".


Also I really don't like that a child is allowed to insult an adult and call her a loser. It's terrible what these parents let their little brats say and do. It's despicable. No child should talk about an adult like that. If there is a real reason to make a statement about somebody then they should share that with their parent, not the world. There's no reason to say somebody is a loser just to be mean. They are raising bullies who have no respect for their elders. These kids will never make it in the real world because the mother's and fathers are failures as parents. That's what a loser is in my book.

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 8

Cambrie's winning me over, too. The fake boobs are less important than the trust she develops with the kids. Also, I find her makeup style absurd and exaggerated, but she executes it damn well. Her lashes are perfectly fanned and symmetrical in every single shot. Not like that mom who had white clown makeup all over her eye sockets in a failed attempt at highlighting. 

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That blonde sunglasses coach w/ the frozen face certianly is a character - I wouldn't say I like her, but I do find her entertaining.   She perpetually looks as though she's up way too early after a night of hard drinking and partying and is on pain meds or something to kill the headache from the world's worst hangover ;). Her comments about how riding a hoverboard isn't a talent were funny (and actually true).

The other one that is hilarious is that Jaylianas mom - we were laughing about how she was freaking out above wanting to fight that other mom over the chicken pox slander - she was saying all kinds of bleeped out expletives and her kid is standing right there and isn't even phased by it - like she is totally immune and used to her mom acting like that!   That kid is just like "oh well - my mom is crazy, so what, where's my toys, I don't really care if I win or not".  Also, remember, they were the ones where the mom fought w/ Cambree about the cheerleading bow - mom was being all confrontational and foul mouthed and the kid didn't really care or get upset then ether - lol!!!    The mom's statements about landrees mom falling and then the TH where she was convulsing were hilarious.

Was soooo happy they showed us the results at the end of the episode - I was so worried the whole time we would have to wait another week.

Landree's talent costume was absolutely adorable!

Edited by MyFavShows
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I got a huge kick out of the kids talking about politics. This is what I need more of! Not bickering coaches! Other thoughts, I rolled my eyes when Cambrie said that she didnt even have all her stuff with her. There is one thing you can be sure of, that woman does NOT travel light. I liked Unique's purple hair, didn't like her kid so much. Did anyone else notice Amanda seems to be losing her hair? Must be from all the crowns...

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Who were the older woman and the smug asshole with Landri?  They were talking like they were the ones in the pageant. 

With all of the money that stupid parents pump into these pageants, why the hell can't they get smaller crowns to fit these girls heads?   This one didn't seem too bad but in most of them somebody has to hold the crowns in their heads. 

I have to say, I kind of don't hate the name Landry.  I can't say anything about the weird spellings because my name is spelled with an i where it's typically spelled with a y but I do kind of like the name. 

Was it wrong of me to laugh uproariously when "Donald Trump"  - and "nini" and "coco" - ended up with a low award? Several bugged the heck out of me this time around, but that trio sent me over the edge. Well, mostly the two adult nitwits. I spent most of the episode wanting to slap them.

That said, I thought there was a slightly better balance of kids and their delusional families this time. Still too much "team" silliness, but better.

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I was watching the repeat episodes yesterday.  There was an episode where a mom named Tristan got kicked out of the pageant with her baby, Kelsey. Cambrie was also featured, coaching a girl named Bailey.  One of the other girls was coached by Jamie from Sassy Supremes. They didn't show her until the competition. Jamie said Bailey was her girl's main competition. I like watching the repeats and noticing things like that.  

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I don't care much for children talking  about politics because they're just repeating what they've heard their parents say. There's no reason for children to hate on each other because one thinks she's a democrat and one thinks she's a republican. Children are neither. They don't know enough about politics to choose a side so I strongly disagree with parents who allow their children to speak against other ideologies.

"Simone is African American BUT she's beautiful." Wow. I hated that thirsty blond bitch with her resting duck face more this week than last, and I didn't think that was possible. Tell me why she is always wearing scarf, sunglasses, and fedora in every TH? 

  • Love 6

I am in the middle of watching the latest episode and just finished the part where Landri was lamenting the fact that the male judges did not visibly react to her flirtations. Her comment was "they're probably just old", and everyone laughed like this was the cutest thing ever.

WTH are they teaching this girl? I would have wanted to take a baseball bat to anyone that DID react to the flirtations of a child!

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That Landree does that weird smile/wink/giggle thing- which if you can conquer it, you will always win the haiiiyest tahtle. 

They smile and kind of wink and then giggle- like are you in on this secret? The secret silliness of it all with me? I can't explain it but when I see it I know what I mean. Do any of you know what I mean? It's so phony baloney "I am having such a good time up here, aren't we all?" kind of "wink wink" to the audience. Once you get that ype of smiling down you are a shoe in. Ive tried in the mirror and I can't do it.. Alaska used to do it.  

I thought the quality of performances at this pageant were much better than what we see in Texas and the South. I mean they seemed pretty good. But if my kid was that pretzel acrobatic girl I would NOT be wasting my time doing pageants with that skill. Ballet, gymnastics, cirque du soleil- but some rinky dink pageant? GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

"Simone is African American BUT she's beautiful." Wow. I hated that thirsty blond bitch with her resting duck face more this week than last, and I didn't think that was possible. Tell me why she is always wearing scarf, sunglasses, and fedora in every TH? 

Wow - I missed the episode. Did someone really say that??? What a horrific thing to say.

Those kids talking politics were hilarious.

I found almost all of the new adults and kids featured pretty likable this week.   Seemed like some really good competition at the pageant too - like even the non-featured girls in the extra shots looked like top notch kids who could have won it all at the previous pageants.

Both Saymone and Landri were really good and I'm surprised one of them didn't take the top title over that other girl cause I thought her dress fit kind of awkward.

The name Landree/i/y makes me think of the old Dallas Cowboys coach, so I guess I don't find it  very feminine of a name and am this not a fan.   That moms purple hair actually looked pretty cool.

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Saymone's hair is baffling me. Pre-pageant, she had a massive heap 'o braids. At the pageant, she had the mandatory giant pageant hair, with fake fall attached. Did they unbraid all of those tiny braids, straighten everything and attach the fake hair? Or, were the braids fake? I'm  honestly confused - LOL!

I thought Landri with and "i" looked exactly like Anna Nicole Smith

  • Love 1

Those braids that she had were crochet braids. All you have to do is unloop them from her hair and they'll come right out. 

This week Top Models were even more obnoxious. They had absolutely nothing nice to say about any of the girls other than their own. I just don't like it when the other adults speak so badly about the competition. One thing that Cambrie ALWAYS does is find something nice to say about the other kid. I also think it's ridiculous for them to say that Cambrie can't take credit for the winning of girls that came from Top Models. That doesn't even make sense. If the girls left Top Models because they weren't winning (we've heard this said on another episode) to come to Cambrie, where they start winning; something must be different. I think that at Top Model Amanda only gives the other girls any good tips when her own kid is not competing. You can bet your ass if Landree had been competing this week they sure wouldn't have been focusing on Saymone. I just do not like those two at ALL. 

Next week is a return of at least one Tiara Twin. I'm curious as to which team they are going to be on, I didn't see anything that gave an indication. 

I was so intrigued by all the talk on the episodes of online bashing that I googled child pageant message boards - sweet Jesus! These moms are crazy. Amanda and her Top Models are very controversial. Lots of discussion about her cheating, her husband is a drug addict, everyone hates her, etc. Cambrie fares pretty well on the boards and no one seems to know who Jaimie is! They do talk about many of the girls that compete on the episodes. I admit to wasting at least an hour on one board it was fascinating! 

Who knew so many children were named Landree/Landrie? 

Edited by jenifaohjenny
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4 hours ago, jenifaohjenny said:

I was so intrigued by all the talk on the episodes of online bashing that I googled child pageant message boards - sweet Jesus! These moms are crazy. Amanda and her Top Models are very controversial. Lots of discussion about her cheating, her husband is a drug addict, everyone hates her, etc. Cambrie fares pretty well on the boards and no one seems to know who Jaimie is! They do talk about many of the girls that compete on the episodes. I admit to wasting at least an hour on one board it was fascinating! 

Who knew so many children were named Landree/Landrie? 

Any links to these boards?  Sounds like an entertaining read ;).

  • Love 4
On 10/10/2016 at 0:46 PM, jenifaohjenny said:

Aren't voy forums lovely?  I scanned this and one takeaway was that many girls in Cambrie's Court are only pretending to be part of her team because she didn't have enough top competitors for the TLC show.   This doesn't seem to be disputed.  

I had to look up contortionist training and as I suspected it's recommended that children wait until age 13 to begin, or damage to the spine can occur.  What is that mom with the crazy eyes thinking?  She reminds me of someone and I can't remember who, but the name Marci is popping into my head.  Weird. 

ETA: Wait, The mom's name isn't Marci is it?  I think I need some sleep.  Lol

Edited by Drogo
EDITED BY MOD: Quote formatting.
  • Love 2

This show sucks now. The Landrii /Saymone show was so boring compared to the old format. We only saw the top 3 girls, who are very good, do fine at their routines, while the moms and coaches act like idiots.  Dull as shit!

Old show they would take 3 or 4 various levels of girls- some very good, some newbies, some terrible - like Honey boo boo for example- the moms would praise the kids to the heavens, the kids would throw tantrums and fuck up on stage! It was so much fun. Why do we  want to watch the top 2 girls only do perfect routines? The joy of this show was watching the moms brag and the kids having meltdowns during their routines.  We saw 3 & 4 year olds who were oblivious and the moms thought they were the next Hollywood star. I mean I dont care about 7 and 8 year olds who are really good!

I'd like to point out that I am still crying over the fact that 2 of the most beautiful Italian girls names on the planet, Giovanna and Alessandra. were butchered in spelling by this redneck jackass.


They really need to go back to just finding 3 random contestants and following their stories. This is so so so boring. I am not enjoying at all and it was my favorite show ever. Because of what would unfold! Nothing is unfolding. They are behaving okay for bratty 7 year olds, do their routine and one wins. 


And I wish they would have replayed Giavanna (WTF) the last time they were at the Pet Pageant and she was bawling her eyes out about be forced to take Tom the Turkey on stage while her sister who was favored got to take the cute baby lame..she was all waaah waaah I don't want to take Tom...one of my favorite moments I wish they showed it. 

Edited by operalover
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10 hours ago, Honey said:

Sorry, I don't know where that quote box is coming from.

I had to look up contortionist training and as I suspected it's recommended that children wait until age 13 to begin, or damage to the spine can occur.  What is that mom with the crazy eyes thinking?  She reminds me of someone and I can't remember who, but the name Marci is popping into my head.  Weird. 

ETA: Wait, The mom's name isn't Marci is it?  I think I need some sleep.  Lol

could it be Marci from Married with Children you're thinking of? She had some crazy eyes lol.

1 hour ago, bethster said:

The truth is, I like Cambrie more and more with each episode.  She really does seem to care about each girl, and it was a fun treat that she rented out the water park for the afternoon so the kids could kick back and have some fun.

And a fun treat for us (or, well, maybe just me) that it provided an excuse to get Cambrie in a bikini.  

I do think, kidding aside, that Cambrie is probably actually somewhat a decent person.  The rest of this crew, Moms, "coaches", Contest Coordinators, are just varying degrees of awful.

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