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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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I agree with Caligirl in that this forum has seemed to have spun out of control.  I don't remember previously such back and forth fighting over topics and the number of times the moderators have had to do something, ban people, make repeated notices about forum rules.  It is sad about how the forum has changed and not for the better.

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I understand what you are saying to a certain extent, but let's be honest.  We are not sitting in a restaurant, tearing down the looks of strangers seated around us.  We are on a forum about a TV show.  These ladies willingly put themselves on TV.  They post videos of themselves dancing and performing and tag them with #DCC in the hopes of getting followers.  They create blogs with their favorite stores and makeup and whatever else they can think of in the hopes of getting hits. They are making themselves public personas and discussion about their looks, wardrobe, talent, make up application and anything else comes with that territory, especially when that is what they are basing all of those items on.

Edited by ChlcGirl
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The way I look at it, being on this forum is almost like getting together with a group of friends and partaking in some fun gossip, including critiques, about people wee see on tv/in social media.  I can only speak for myself, but sometimes I have to remind myself that this forum is social media that anyone can read, including those we are critiquing (Schmathryn), which of course can be hurtful.

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Every time I see one of these dramatic "screw you guys, I'm going home" posts in a community, where someone effectively "breaks up" with the boards, I just shrug. This is how the internet works. If you like the forum, and want to participate, you do. If you don't, you don't. Making a dramatic exit may make get attention and make her feel better, but everyone who is left just moves on. The posts and attitudes on boards like these ebb and flow. Things are a bit different this year, because there's so little new information coming in. There's nothing to do but rehash and rehash, and dice every bit of info into itty bitty pieces, and debate whether the little info that does come in is true or not.  I expect the content and overall tone here will change once cuts become obvious and/or the show starts. Then we'll actually have some content to discuss.

Edited by sleepyjean
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I appreciate the fatigue and frustration when we veered off course, but with all due respect, I don't think we spun anywhere or that the forum has changed into something so rotten. With so little news, speculations and observations went where they did, and we're directed back to recall that we're here to enjoy the DCC, the MTT, and the celebrity of all of it. Warts and all.

The system worked, the fellowship is still here, the most knowlegeable posters have had little to share lately, but that will ebb and flow back too. You've been very kind and helpful with forum newbies and foot-in-mouth errors and generally very encouraging and welcoming here.

 IMO, y'all Rock!

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1 minute ago, sleepyjean said:

Well, in Biblical times, children were referred to the "fruit" of a woman's womb, LOL. I didn't find that phrase offensive, just bizarre.


1 minute ago, sleepyjean said:

Well, in Biblical times, children were referred to the "fruit" of a woman's womb, LOL. I didn't find that phrase offensive, just bizarre.

True. It was just worded vulgarly, and blown way out of proportion. 

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My boyfriend always says "moist crusty crevice" to me to wind me up.. I literally gag every time what an awful bunch of words!!!

I also HATE the word 'suds'. As in soap suds. Don't ask me why. I'm cringing even typing it 

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3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Only really disgustingly offensive thing I've seen is the whole 'crotch fruit' comment, but other than that, eh. Maybe I'm just desensitized from being a former dancer. Appearance comments are par for the course.

Yeah, that's truly the only thing I've ever read on these boards that's actually offended me. I don't offend easily, and actually think most people get offended way too easily. But that was just disgustingly offensive.

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4 minutes ago, ChlcGirl said:

I'm tellin' ya!  It's the word "crotch" - such an unsavory word! ?

I hear loin and think "mmmmmmm pork loin!!!"   So NOT unsavory!

haha yeah loin fruit is better than crotch fruit if we're going to call someone that. Funny story, my friend saw a menu that had pork loin on it and goes to me, "Heather, what's pork lion?" I cracked up, I was like it's LOIN not lion.

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I mean for me it was the combination of the term "crotch fruit" and the rest of the post with it that bothered me. And I'm with you PrincessLeia. I don't really offend easily, but that did rub me the wrong way.

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I guess I felt we never had the moderators on her so many times, doing the speech about ignoring people, warning about banning people.  It is so much different than before.  As for words, as a nurse and college professor, I have heard it all so nothing shocks me from strange objects found in strange orifices to slang words such as lady parts, cash and prizes, vajaja etc.

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Which thread are we on?  Small talk?  Ok cool!

Speaking of, I once went to an exhibit at the Mutter Museum that had a bunch of old library cases with drawers.  And in every drawer was an item that had been pulled out of a person in a hospital.

Folks are strange. ?

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My last post on it and then I'll drop it - crotch fruit is vulgar, but the whole attack on how these women were unintelligent golddigger a who were only DCC to marry up and then do nothing, and how they were somehow berating other women, all while not ever having real jobs, was just way out yonder for me.

all I saw were for women who snapped a pic with their babies. 

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6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

My last post on it and then I'll drop it - crotch fruit is vulgar, but the whole attack on how these women were unintelligent golddigger a who were only DCC to marry up and then do nothing, and how they were somehow berating other women, all while not ever having real jobs, was just way out yonder for me.

all I saw were for women who snapped a pic with their babies. 

Yep. Exactly. It was all bad. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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I've never used the ignore feature on this board but that day I made an exception. I was so put off by that. Not only the term but whole post as RazzleberryPie mentioned. I won't presume to tell people what to post but I'll make darn sure I don't have to read it. LOL

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On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 10:08 AM, sleepyjean said:

Every time I see one of these dramatic "screw you guys, I'm going home" posts in a community, where someone effectively "breaks up" with the boards, I just shrug. This is how the internet works. If you like the forum, and want to participate, you do. If you don't, you don't. Making a dramatic exit may make get attention and make her feel better, but everyone who is left just moves on. The posts and attitudes on boards like these ebb and flow. Things are a bit different this year, because there's so little new information coming in. There's nothing to do but rehash and rehash, and dice every bit of info into itty bitty pieces, and debate whether the little info that does come in is true or not.  I expect the content and overall tone here will change once cuts become obvious and/or the show starts. Then we'll actually have some content to discuss.

totally agree ... curious if those who "break up" with the board eventually comes back and posts, especially once the show starts. Fact is we are talking about a bunch of women / grown-ups that put themselves out there on TV and on social media.  If you want the fame and the branding, then you gotta take the tough part which is the criticism and public opinions.  And to be honest, I don't think we say anything at all that is worst or harsher than what K+J have said.

I think that dramatic good bye was a bit much and rude in itself but c'est la vie.  I don't think we have anything to be ashamed about.

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This is random, but I don't think anyone in my life really knows how obsessed I am with the DCC. I'm getting married this week and my bridal shower happened on Saturday. My best friend made a quiz for the attendees to fill out to see who knows me best, and no one guessed my favorite TV show correctly. I asked my best friend after how did she get it wrong because I always talk about the team and this forum. She said that she thought I was just a crazy stalker who stalked the team online and didn't think there was an actual show. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be on my honeymoon next week, reading this forum on my down time and talking my husband's ears off about who may be getting cut and whatever else is going on. 

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28 minutes ago, bk10 said:

This is random, but I don't think anyone in my life really knows how obsessed I am with the DCC. I'm getting married this week and my bridal shower happened on Saturday. My best friend made a quiz for the attendees to fill out to see who knows me best, and no one guessed my favorite TV show correctly. I asked my best friend after how did she get it wrong because I always talk about the team and this forum. She said that she thought I was just a crazy stalker who stalked the team online and didn't think there was an actual show. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be on my honeymoon next week, reading this forum on my down time and talking my husband's ears off about who may be getting cut and whatever else is going on. 

oh yeah, totally people don't know I'm obsessed with the show and with the whole concept of DCC ... they would think I was nuts!  They definitely have a perception of who I am in real life and that doesn't jive with the type of person who they think would be obsessed with DCC and pro cheerleading/dancing!

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I don't think most of my friends even know the DCC exist LOL  In western PA we are big into football (go Steelers!!) but they don't have cheerleaders so it's kind of...not a big deal at all. My husband does think it's hilarious that I'm so into it.  We were traveling the day of final auditions and I had to keep checking this site on my phone for updates...he was like, what is going on? And I said DCC finals today! And he goes, "I'm so embarrassed that I know what you mean by 'dcc finals'"  LOL 

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4 minutes ago, Elizabeth9 said:

I'm in southwestern PA too!  Everyone thinks cheerleaders are unnecessary because the Steelers have never had them.  Everyone also loves to hate the Cowboys in general.

How come the Steelers don't have cheerleaders?

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Just now, tobeyoungagain said:

How come the Steelers don't have cheerleaders?

I think I read somewhere that the Steelers fans in general never wanted them and the culture of Pittsburgh was always very working class and pragmatic and so having shiny girls on the sidelines was seen as frivolous.

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4 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

How come the Steelers don't have cheerleaders?

I'm not really sure...lol  I don't know if there is any particular reason but it's just not a big deal.  I think our NHL team (Stanley Cup Champs!!!!!) added cheerleaders of sorts a few years ago but not positive about that. We don't even have an NBA team so no cheerleaders there either lol  

ETA: we have something called Pittsburgh Power that in like, what do they call it..arena football? I think they have dancers or something haha

Edited by LaurenBrook
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Nobody knows how obsessed I am either. I've been in Portugal for a week and been checking every day! My fiancé and I are travelling to Texas next year for a wedding.. Little does he know we WILL be doing a tour of the stadium hahaha 

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All of my friends know of my obsession and just put up with my nonsense.  Ditto my husband, even when I make him watch the old seasons with me.  Luckily I have two old friends who also watch the show and we discuss it on FB.

In fact, the summer we turned 40, the girls came to Harrisburg, PA and we went and saw them together. Even got our pictures taken with McKenzie and Kinzie!!!!

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My first post. A confession of sorts. I'm obsessed with the show. Didn't know this forum existed until about two months ago. I'm so grateful that there are others of have an inexplicable obsession with the women/show, I just can't tell you.  My husband knows because I've DVR'd the entire series.  While we were on vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming two weeks ago I never stopped checking the forum. I don't know any of you but I feel like I found my 'tribe'. ?

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My husband refers to it as "that dumb cheerleader show." He's a die hard Cowboys fan, so I'm surprised I don't get more support! He'll catch a few minutes here and there as I watch. He couldn't believe they thought Grace Sells was fat. ????

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7 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

I'm not really sure...lol  I don't know if there is any particular reason but it's just not a big deal.  I think our NHL team (Stanley Cup Champs!!!!!) added cheerleaders of sorts a few years ago but not positive about that. We don't even have an NBA team so no cheerleaders there either lol  

ETA: we have something called Pittsburgh Power that in like, what do they call it..arena football? I think they have dancers or something haha

Former finalist Shannon Marie was a Pittsburgh Power dancer. 

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My husband totally makes fun of me for watching this show too, but sometimes he breaks down and watches it with me. We've also gotten into the habit of saying "F*** you Finglass," to each other whenever we're pretend arguing about something, lol. I don't really remember how that started, but we've been saying it for years.

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My hubs pretends he isn't paying attention, but then will murmur an occasional "her kicks are low, she's hot, not a chance, I'm scared of kitty, send that one to the Bengals, there's your point girl, can you still do that, etc."

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So the company that makes DCC practicewear is also making practicewear for the other Cowboys dance team. Kind of makes the DCC stuff (which always seemed like a little much to me) seem quite understated.

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29 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

So the company that makes DCC practicewear is also making practicewear for the other Cowboys dance team. Kind of makes the DCC stuff (which always seemed like a little much to me) seem quite understated.


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Okay may I begin by, I love the R&B dancers. They oppose DCC so well and give something different. But i seriously HATE that font. It looks like graffiti/ugly tattoo font (nothing against tattoos either) 


they could have made it more varsity looking? Does that make sense?

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12 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

My hubs pretends he isn't paying attention, but then will murmur an occasional "her kicks are low, she's hot, not a chance, I'm scared of kitty, send that one to the Bengals, there's your point girl, can you still do that, etc."

lol ... omg that's hilarious

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On June 24, 2016 at 4:29 PM, ChlcGirl said:

Which thread are we on?  Small talk?  Ok cool!

Speaking of, I once went to an exhibit at the Mutter Museum that had a bunch of old library cases with drawers.  And in every drawer was an item that had been pulled out of a person in a hospital.

Folks are strange. ?

That's awwwwwwesome. Then again, my favorite Instagram account is Dr. Pimple Popper so my threshold for gross and weird is pretty damn high. 

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