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S03.E14: Reunion Part 2

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12 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Since Craig is never going to be a lawyer, maybe he can be a reality show spokesman since he keeps jumping into the conversation to clarify what everyone else is saying.

I was just coming to say, he may not want to be a lawyer, but the boy has wonderful arbitration skills.  I really mean that. I was impressed with him and I usually find him to be a bit of a gorp.

  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

Kathryn is nuttier than a jar of peanut butter but something about Landon just persistently bugs me. I was really annoyed that she and someone else (was it Craig?) tried to spin her saying that Kathryn was using the kids to manipulate Thomas into something else.  She didn't mean anything other than exactly that and the proof is in the fact that she won't apologize for it and still fully believes it. I also wanted to throw the remote at the TV when she was saying how she is "working her ass off."  Um, at what exactly? Her "lifestyle magazine?" I'm not sure she's in any position to complain about Kathryn getting money from Thomas considering i'm fairly certain she's still getting money from her ex. For me the core of Kathryn's issue with Landon is basically that Landon and Thomas are trying to make her look crazy (no need, we already know she is) with regard to her ranting about them sleeping together. I'd be pretty pissed too if someone was trying to make me look like a crazy person for believing something that is totally true. Let's face it, they did it. I'm fairly confident most will agree with that assertion. I think she just wanted it admitted so she could feel vindicated about the whole thing. So she could say "see, i'm not crazy" even though we all know she is...just not about that.  If that makes any sense. 

I see what you're saying.

 I don't really care if Thomas and Landon had sex.  If they both say no,  then I'll just go with that. They don't have to admit anything to anyone, even Kathryn. Kathryn is not his wife or even his girlfriend anymore. Like I said,  I can see your point in a normal circumstance. It's just Kathryn's  anger about something that is none of  her business that annoys me.  Landon and Kathryn were not friends.  Thomas and Kathryn were not together.  

So to me it's just once again Kathryn trying to make this about her,  when in reality it has nothing to do with her. 

  • Love 10

Last night did Thomas say he paid for the nanny and Katherine's rent?  I could not understand if he paid those expenses and $3,100.00 a month.  I would think she has pretty minimal expenses once the nanny and rent are paid.  It may be relevant that Katherine has a list of expenses but I question just how much is truly necessary and how much is fluff.  She had a line item for their education.  The kids are both under three.  She seems to lack the basic concept she is just as responsible as Thomas for the children's expenses.  I am guessing Thomas probably also pays the children's health insurance. 

The other moment lost is when she attacked the viewer for questioning why she lied at last year's Reunion about being pregnant.  I guess she was saying she was waiting for paternity results?   Would she not have had the baby if it were not Thomas'?   

Katherine wasted far too much energy on trying to force Landon to comport to her idea of who she is.  The two of them are very much the same-their careers are essentially reality TV stars.  The biggest difference being Landon only has to support herself where Katherine has to think of herself and two little ones.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Long Spot said:

I was just coming to say, he may not want to be a lawyer, but the boy has wonderful arbitration skills.  I really mean that. I was impressed with him and I usually find him to be a bit of a gorp.

If I remember correctly, last season when he went to visit his parents with Whitney and Shep, Craig mentioned that he wanted to be a lawyer actually in a courtroom because he'd won a couple of oral argument/debate competitions, so it makes sense to me that he's good at that kind of stuff.

Did I hear Kathryn at one point say "Irrelevance doesn't exist in my brain"?  That's what it sounded like to me, and I have been giggling about it ever since.

  • Love 6

Well, congrats Kathryn on getting a co-hosting gig with Andy for the reunion.  I know she must have been on something but could anyone shut her up?  It aggravates the crap out of me when someone (Kathryn) is telling others to shut it and let her talk and the question was directed at her and then someone (Kathryn) does the exact same thing to others that she's jumping on them for.  

Andy should have told them all to STFU, quit talking over each other and stay quiet unless they are addressed since they can't manage to do that.  Well, Shep and Whitney could.  But the others?  Jeebus.  

Kathryn is a fucking loon.  She's entertaining but she's a loon.  And she is clearly never going to forgive Landon or get over whatever happened or didn't happen.  She needs to be angry about something to do with Thomas so she can be angry at him but without being directly angry at him in case she wants to get back together with him.  Or spawn a third child.

Thomas utterly blew off that crazy dinner.  Okay, so he called each person and apologized (as he should) but exactly what was he ingesting or snorting up his nasal cavity before everyone arrived to set him off like that?   I'm still laughing over his "attack" of Shep and claiming that he (Thomas) is a self-made man while Shep gets a check from Mommy.  Yeah, self made of coke and white jeans maybe.  Thomas has what he has because of his family connections and name and existing wealth.  About as self-made as the Prince of Darkness.

Speaking of . . . finally it's been said that Whitney lives in L.A., not Charleston.  Those lofts were clearly for the show and he doesn't live in them.  And don't think I didn't see everyone's uncomfortable looks when Andy asked Whitney about Larissa and if she's moving in.  Ha.  That's pretty funny.  I don't think Larissa wants to live with Whitney and his Renob self any more than we do.

Why wasn't the Lady of Caftans on the reunion?  I am supremely disappointed.  I have no doubt she could have picked up the ball Andy dropped and rip Kathryn and Thomas new ones.  That would have been awesome.

Why bring Jennifer out and not Dani or Naomie?  Yeah, she had a run-in with Thomas but who didn't?  Why not dig up those chicks from Asheville and bring them in too? 

I did love that Kathryn was busted about being pregnant during the last reunion but still couldn't admit she fucking lied.  It's personal?  Bitch, you're on a reality show and had no problems broadcasting both pregnancies and complications from the second for said reality show. You also had no problems posting a picture of your EPT stick on Instagram so clearly it's not that personal. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, izabella said:

She didn't become more sympathetic to me during this reunion.  Her behavior solidified my belief that the courts got it right when they required her to have adult supervision when she has the children.  All those faces she was making and the flailing arms and hand gestures made her seem like she was channeling Endora of Bewitched and trying to cast spells with her hands, and it made me want to send her to her room without supper.

I really, really hoped that it was possible for Kathryn to show some level of maturity or self-control after a couple of seasons - I was clearly dreaming.  I just can't believe that Bravo banks on viewers being entertained by a "woman" who acts like she's in junior high.   Watching a bunch of people trying to reason with an entitled, petulant child is irritating, annoying and frustrating.  

Sorry, kid, that whole victim act doesn't work with me - you are a victim of your own stupidity, and instead of blaming everything that happens to you on everyone else, maybe it's time to take a look at the common denominator and see what YOU might want to do differently.   The only innocent victims here are your children.   

I can't help but wonder what her family thinks of her behavior.  I doubt they're surprised, but I assume they're embarassed.   I could be wrong, though - they were so quick to accept Thomas (with his awful reputation and criminal history), I questioned their judgment from the get-go. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

Kathryn is nuttier than a jar of peanut butter but something about Landon just persistently bugs me. I was really annoyed that she and someone else (was it Craig?) tried to spin her saying that Kathryn was using the kids to manipulate Thomas into something else.  She didn't mean anything other than exactly that and the proof is in the fact that she won't apologize for it and still fully believes it.  

I know it was rude for Landon to say it and rude for her to stand by it, but who exactly doesn't think that Kathryn uses the kids to manipulate Thomas? He doesn't pay her enough money or attention, she withholds visitation. And I know this is along the same line, but I loved the outrage when people accused Kathryn of faking/over-exaggerating anything about her pregnancy. We only had Kathryn's word for anything related to the pregnancy, and she's certainly going to tell you the part that makes her look sympathetic. People couldn't seem to understand that it wasn't a given that the due date actually changed or that Kathryn needed to be in the hospital overnight. If a pregnant woman with no symptoms showed up at the ER at midnight and said she was scared because something didn't feel right, I think they would certainly keep her overnight for tests.  

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, Sonoma said:

Nothing Cameran did on The Real World (and her very brief Challenge appearance) in her twenties compares to Kathryn's certifiable behavior. I actually thought it was a pretty stupid question to pose considering Cameran was one of the least offensive cast members of that franchise even at her most annoying and her worst action was that Girls Gone Wild mishap.

True.  I don't give Kathryn a pass for being young, or getting pregnant.  Plenty of women survive their twenties without doing stupid shit, or getting pregnant by old alcoholics.  I don't like Landon, but I don't get the canonization of Kathryn, just because the woman gave birth twice.  

I don't get why Shep and Craig want to defend Kathryn, do they want to fuck her or something?   BTW, Landon's face looks nasty on HD.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 16

I don't blame Cameron for not wanting to film with Katherine, either.  When K did her dramatic walk off the stage after she brought up Thomas' drinking and she was reminded that she was the one who failed the drug test, they all had to sit there waiting for her to come back.  I heard someone say she does that all the time while shooting, so I can't blame any of them for not wanting to sit around all the time when she disrupts shooting until she can get her shit together enough (or take another opiate) to get back to the scene. 

  • Love 12

The $3100 that Thomas gives Kat is the $3100 for the lease on the house she is living in with the two kids.  He cosigned the lease and I have no doubt that he was paying that solely because he signed the lease.  Thomas has not made any statements that I know of that he is paying for nannies at Kat's.  Keep in mind that we saw nannies during filming.  We don't know what Kat's situation with nannies after filming stopped.  Also, from what Kat has said, that lease does not include utilities, etc.  Just sayin.

  • Love 4

Thomas was paying child support before Kathryn moved into the rental home. He pays the nannies, as he wants to be sure someone is caring for his children. It was Kathryn's responsibility to pay the utilities and buy food, supplies for the children (with Thomas' money, and her salary from Bravo) and she couldn't even do that right. Had the electricity cut off due to non-payment. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, P-Dot said:

I know it was rude for Landon to say it and rude for her to stand by it, but who exactly doesn't think that Kathryn uses the kids to manipulate Thomas? He doesn't pay her enough money or attention, she withholds visitation. And I know this is along the same line, but I loved the outrage when people accused Kathryn of faking/over-exaggerating anything about her pregnancy. We only had Kathryn's word for anything related to the pregnancy, and she's certainly going to tell you the part that makes her look sympathetic. People couldn't seem to understand that it wasn't a given that the due date actually changed or that Kathryn needed to be in the hospital overnight. If a pregnant woman with no symptoms showed up at the ER at midnight and said she was scared because something didn't feel right, I think they would certainly keep her overnight for tests.  

I think that we all think Kathryn uses the kids to manipulate Thomas. However, the specific situation where Kathryn was admitted to the hospital was for an actual medical reason. It's just so unlikely that Kathryn was able to manipulate her way into getting admitted. Additionally, Landon ignorantly said pregnancy isn't a big deal when it's still one of the top ten causes of death for women in the United States. Landon could have been diplomatic and said that now that she knows the details, she apologizes about what she said. Then Landon could have talked about how Kathryn and Thomas' relationship is so unhealthy that she hopes that they work it out for the kids. That hints at the idea that Kathryn is manipulative without being a dumb rotty cow.

Even if a pregnant woman came in saying something didn't feel right with no specific symptoms, she might not get admitted. None of her tests or her stay would get authorized by her insurance company without symptoms. The hospital runs the risk of later being penalized by CMS for admitting a person who doesn't meet medical necessity. Hospitals try their damnedest to at least have some symptom associated with every admission because there are real financial implications if they don't.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Then Landon could have talked about how Kathryn and Thomas' relationship is so unhealthy that she hopes that they work it out for the kids. That hints at the idea that Kathryn is manipulative without being a dumb rotty cow.

Well said! I think Landon is blinded by hatred at this point and, while I don't actually blame her for that, it isn't a good look. 

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think that we all think Kathryn uses the kids to manipulate Thomas. However, the specific situation where Kathryn was admitted to the hospital was for an actual medical reason. It's just so unlikely that Kathryn was able to manipulate her way into getting admitted. Additionally, Landon ignorantly said pregnancy isn't a big deal when it's still one of the top ten causes of death for women in the United States. Landon could have been diplomatic and said that now that she knows the details, she apologizes about what she said. Then Landon could have talked about how Kathryn and Thomas' relationship is so unhealthy that she hopes that they work it out for the kids. That hints at the idea that Kathryn is manipulative without being a dumb rotty cow.


So just because a woman can breed, we have to treat her like a saint?  Yeah, right, I guess she's Saint Kathryn now.

I think heart disease is the number one cause of death for women in the US.

So what if Landon slept with Thomas?  Kathryn's not Thomas' wife.  She's a baby mama, that's what she is.  It's like the women on "Love and Hip Hop."  So many of them keep having babies with these rappers who will NEVER marry them.  Instead of getting on the clue bus, they keep getting pregnant, hoping that maybe he'll "put a ring on it."  Just because the folks on SC are white and seemingly better educated, doesn't mean their behavior is any less deplorable.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 12
5 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

If Landon ever gets pregnant, I expect her to be the whiniest, I need everything done for me woman ever to grace the planet.  I would so like for then for someone to replay her "women have babies every day" comment on loop for her. 

Cannot stand that dolphin voiced vile do nothing paper website creator.

Amazing that she snickered at Kathryn's new jewelry thing after all her half-assed projects!

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Kathryn was correct to say that Thomas manipulates women - he gets away with it but he's a real scumbag who used Kathryn to have children.

This is truly a case where nobody gets the moral high ground, except maybe Cameron. Kathryn is crazy AND Thomas is a manipulative idiot. Landon's many career flops don't make that necklace any less sad-ass and snicker worthy. 

  • Love 9
On July 6, 2016 at 1:07 PM, P-Dot said:

This is truly a case where nobody gets the moral high ground, except maybe Cameron. Kathryn is crazy AND Thomas is a manipulative idiot. Landon's many career flops don't make that necklace any less sad-ass and snicker worthy. 

Thomas is old enough to be Kathryn's father - he had to see she was emotionally unstable and should have moved along rather than take advantage. 

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4

Of all people I thought Whitney showed a little vulnerability last night.  He had to admit to being a hopeful romantic and the prospect of realizing life with Larissa seemed slimmed.  As a producer and someone who has actually said that Katherine does the heavy lifting for the show, he was gracious and went over and hugged her when she had continually alienated the others.  I also felt like his education and life experience showed in the final toast.  He was able to incorporate the most urgent and important message of the two small children and put the show in perspective.  Whitney was rough on Katherine in the beginning but she does need to be reminded of reality versus her reality.

Whitney also seemed to have picked up on the fact he needs to be in contact with these folks when there is no filming for his on air role to be relevant.  He has a hit show and any bad choices in casting reflect directly on him.  it was a good season for him and next year will have some challenges now that the court is monitoring the two primaries behavior.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Thomas is old enough time be Kathryn's father - he had to see she was emotionally unstable and should have moved along rather than take advantage. 

In age/years only. Thomas is as immature as Kathryn in a lot of ways. He just sees women as a hot piece of ass, nothing more. He wouldn't be able to know crazy if it hit him in the face.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Thomas is old enough time be Kathryn's father - he had to see she was emotionally unstable and should have moved along rather than take advantage. 

Katherine was in her twenties and had plenty of dating experience when they met.  I think their problem is they got pregnant too soon to see if there was a chance of making the relationship work.  I don't see either of them as being taken advantaged of-just two people not using birth control.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

So just because a woman can breed, we have to treat her like a saint?  Yeah, right, I guess she's Saint Kathryn now.

I think heart disease is the number one cause of death for women in the US.

So what if Landon slept with Thomas?  Kathryn's not Thomas' wife.  She's a baby mama, that's what she is.  It's like the women on "Love and Hip Hop."  So many of them keep having babies with these rappers who will NEVER marry them.  Instead of getting on the clue bus, they keep getting pregnant, hoping that maybe he'll "put a ring on it."  Just because the folks on SC are white and seemingly better educated, doesn't mean their behavior is any less deplorable.  

I never said we or even the cast should treat Kathryn like she's a saint. I just said that in this instance, it's unlikely that Kathryn was manipulating her hospital admission. To act like Kathryn's hospitalization is equivalent to the time when she stormed away from the polo match is a dumb move of Landon's part. Or even when Kathryn had to convince Thomas to not go on the trip to LA. Kathryn had a high risk pregnancy. That's not Kathryn saying that. It's medical professionals. Medical professionals admitted her to the hospital. Going away a week before her inducement for a high risk pregnancy wasn't being manipulative it was being prudent. I think Thomas thought it was Kathryn bullshit until the nanny reminded him that if he was in LA and something went wrong he wouldn't be able to get back in a timely fashion. Something bad could have happened to the baby or Kathryn and he'd be 3000 miles away. 

When Kathryn stormed out of the polo match, that was Kathryn being a manipulative brat. She could have pulled Thomas aside and said we're going to hang out somewhere else because I don't want your sketchy porn friend around our kid. When you're done with that, we'll meet up with you. Or any of her feud and ultimatums with and about Landon, that was her being manipulative.

I didn't say that maternal death was the top cause of death. I said it was one of the top ten in the US and it is for women of child bearing age. It's also only getting worse in the US. The rate of maternal deaths has been on the rise for last 30 years. We have some of the worst statistics for developed countries. Stroke being one of common causes for maternal death and Kathryn had dangerously high blood pressure for this pregnancy.

  • Love 13
41 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Kathryn was correct to say that Thomas manipulates women - he gets away with it but he's a real scumbag who used Kathryn to have children.

Sure, Thomas manipulates women (I think Thomas attempts to manipulate whoever he can for his benefit.)  But this is not news.  

Kathryn should have known this before ever taking up with him in the first place.  It's not like his reputation wasn't well known all over Charleston.  But she still chose to get involved with him and have his baby.  And even after his alleged screwing around while she was pregnant and their relationship being as stable as the Titanic an hour after hitting the iceberg, she got pregnant again.  Granted, she didn't get pregnant by herself but Thomas isn't alone on Scumbag Avenue in my opinion.  Kathryn was a willing partner and I think she manipulates by using the children to try and get what she wants.    

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Katherine was in her twenties and had plenty of dating experience when they met.  I think their problem is they got pregnant too soon to see if there was a chance of making the relationship work.  I don't see either of them as being taken advantaged of-just two people not using birth control.

Why didn't Thomas insist on birth control - he said in an interview that he was always careful when he was young. imo it looks like he took advantage of her naivety and rocky mental health in order to have kids. 

  • Love 6

I call BS on Kathryn leaving the polo match because of Josh.  Josh did a porn movie ten years ago and regrets it.  How can she expect people to move past her past if she is being so judgmental?  http://www.fitsnews.com/2016/04/29/thomas-ravenels-new-buddy-is-a-porn-star/  She could have easily stayed with Elizabeth and sat through the match.  She cannot expect to walk into crowd situations and start excluding people.  As a group they need to hold her accountable for her behavior.

  • Love 12

What a dumb reunion.

Kathryn ran the entire thing. Why didn't Andy ever moderate her?  She was allowed to chime in on every question, it was ridiculous.  She was obviously on some kind of medication and if she was worried about her custody battle and watching her words, clearly she didn't see that it would already be affected.

I thought it was interesting that Andy asked the others where they thought they'd be in a year...will the show not be coming back.

It seemed silly to have Jennifer back and not JD or Dani.  I wondered if they were trying to throw some Bravo money at her since she's carrying a tough pregnancy?

It was funny to see Shep and Craig scoot further away from Kathryn as the time wore on.

I hope the show comes back but without the Kathryn drama because there are kids involved and its not doing anyone any favors.

  • Love 2

I'm not a fan of Landon usually, but my favorite moment of last night's reunion was Kathryn boasting about her jewelry line, and saying that the hideous choker she was wearing was one of her creations, then the cut to Landon and Cameran quietly snicker.

I don't care what else anyone thinks about Kathryn, but can't we come together on the fact that her necklace was godawful?

  • Love 15

After watching the second part of the reunion, I feel like Thomas is the problem. What is even worse is that everyone sees it but continues to laugh and feed his ego. Thomas can say hurtful things all day long and he will be forgiven every single time because of who he is. Thomas knew no one would bat an eye if he hung out with Landon or even had sex with her.  Thomas opens up and flat out says that Landon posted those pictures of the two of them on purpose to get under Kathryn's skin. She did it on purpose. Yet, she just laughs it off and still insists that he is an gentleman even after he made some petty comments that alluded that they had sex. 

Landon might be as crazy as Kathryn. I don't know if she is acting this way or doing all of this for the show, but she has to be the dumbest person I have ever heard. She just doesn't know when to stop and everything she said on the reunion was for a purpose. That purpose was to set off Kathryn! She knew exactly what she was doing and it was absolutely disgusting.

Kathryn needs help. It has been discussed on her Twitter and among others that she does indeed suffer from being Bi-Polar. She is on the brink of a mental breakdown and Landon was just feeding it. She needs some help fast. Her reactions on the reunion were from someone who was just done. She is totally checked out. 

I did see where she posted a picture of herself in LA this past weekend. Any chances she has checked into a rehab there? She has not posted any pictures with the kids since Thomas got 50/50 and it appears that he has had them consistently since then. 

  • Love 7

Regardless of whether Katherine's hospital visit was legit, we absolutely did see her manipulating Thomas with it to get him to co-sign on her lease agreement, and we saw her proclaim smugly a few times at the reunion that Thomas is paying her rent, which means she stopped paying it, if she ever paid any of it.

Regardless of whether she was mad at seeing the guy who once did porn 10 years ago at the polo match, we saw on camera that she was really pissed about JD and Elizabeth being there, and she vaguely avoided answering Andy's direct question about why she was so pissed about seeing Elizabeth and JD there.

Regardless of how many times she tried to repeat that she doesn't care about Landon, isn't jealous of Landon, we see quite clearly that she is jealous and she is livid about it.

Regardless of how she had the first baby, we see that she chose to have another baby with Thomas even after she saw that he had no intention of putting a ring on it after Kenzie.

She is her own worst enemy, and seems not to have a clue that people can see through her shenanigans and don't respect her, like her, or want to film with her.

1 hour ago, nexxie said:

Why didn't Thomas insist on birth control - he said in an interview that he was always careful when he was young. imo it looks like he took advantage of her naivety and rocky mental health in order to have kids. 

Because, to quote Patricia, they are both MORONS.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 21
2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Thomas was paying child support before Kathryn moved into the rental home. He pays the nannies, as he wants to be sure someone is caring for his children. It was Kathryn's responsibility to pay the utilities and buy food, supplies for the children (with Thomas' money, and her salary from Bravo) and she couldn't even do that right. Had the electricity cut off due to non-payment. 

Does Thomas pay for the nannies at Kat's now that filming is over?  Does Kat have nannies right now?  Yeah, he pays for the nannies at his house but I've never heard Thomas saying anything about paying nannies now or for months.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  He has said numerous times that he pays Kat $3100 a month through the rental and he pays for the kids' medical.  No mention of nannies and I would think he would have mentioned that when defending himself.

No mention of nannies in this, from February, and other interviews Thomas has given:


Before debating if a situation is fair, it's important to have all the facts and that's what my prior post was about.  That's why I stated 'just sayin' at the end of my post.  I'm also not sayin if either Thomas or Kathryn are totally right.  I have a feeling a lot of BS is coming out of both their mouths.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I didn't say that maternal death was the top cause of death. I said it was one of the top ten in the US and it is for women of child bearing age. It's also only getting worse in the US. The rate of maternal deaths has been on the rise for last 30 years. We have some of the worst statistics for developed countries. Stroke being one of common causes for maternal death and Kathryn had dangerously high blood pressure for this pregnancy.

The issue is we are talking about Kathryn, who has been manipulative, so why should Landon or anybody else believe what she says?  Kathryn's like the boy who cried wolf; you don't know when to believe her.

  • Love 5

I didn't really believe that Kensie's conception was anything other than manipulation or some kind of deal she made with Thomas.  Accidents happen and all that but sex wasn't anything new to Kathryn.  The conception of St. Julien?  More manipulation.  No sympathy for Kathryn at all.  Her scheme didn't work the first time, I have no idea why she'd think the birth of another baby would tie Thomas down.  To him she'll never be more than his babies mama.

  • Love 6

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