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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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My first reaction was irritation with wifey acting like it would be the most horrible thing ever if he was masturbating. It's his body, lady, and it's not like there are only so many erections in his life and they all belong to you now. My second was the story of someone who got ringworm (actually a fungus) from a patient, treated it and then reinfected themselves because they'd scratched it with a wooden backscratcher, which can apparently harbor the fungus even if you think you've cleaned it.


Edited by riley702
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My first reaction was irritation with wifey acting like it would be the most horrible thing ever if he was masturbating. It's his body, lady, and it's not like there are only so many erections in his life and they all belong to you now. My second was the story of someone who got ringworm (actually a fungus) from a patient, treated it and then reinfected themselves because they'd scratched it with a wooden backscratcher, which can apparently harbor the fungus even if you think you've cleaned it.



Someone at that ad agency has seen American Beauty.

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I find this kind of advertising to be rather patronizing. You DON'T go around telling people what they should or shouldn't do with their bodies. It's none of their business -_-.
Well yeah, but by that reasoning half of all commercials wouldn't exist.


Because pubic hair in the back of your throat is nasty?
I knew this guy once who was one day saying how he "shave balls" because he doesn't want to floss his teeth with pubes, so he's going to extend the same courtesy to his partner.  But this dude had hair coming out the top of his collar.  To this day I don't understand:  Is he this hairy beast except around his junk?  Is that attractive to people?  In my opinion, one shouldn't have less hair on one's junk than what is emerging from one's shirt.
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My first reaction was irritation with wifey acting like it would be the most horrible thing ever if he was masturbating. It's his body, lady, and it's not like there are only so many erections in his life and they all belong to you now. My second was the story of someone who got ringworm (actually a fungus) from a patient, treated it and then reinfected themselves because they'd scratched it with a wooden backscratcher, which can apparently harbor the fungus even if you think you've cleaned it.


Meh, as a very light sleeper who takes forever to fall asleep, I would be annoyed. It is just as rude as turning on the tv or talking on the phone when someone is sleeping in the same room. Take it somewhere else.

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That is a crime, to both his chest and the bathroom. Leave it alone, fellahs! It's okay to be a furry man!

This is where I mention that when I was a kid, I half thought that if you used that Scrubbing Bubbles stuff, ACTUAL CLEANING BUBBLES not unlike the ones in the commercial would come out of the can and clean your bathroom. I'm terribly sad that at some point, reality slapped me hard on the face and there are no actual "scrubbing bubbles".

As a man who is proudly hairy, I agree. Likewise with the scrubbing bubbles. 


I had an actual nightmare about the "scrubbing bubbles" and I have no idea why. They were out to get me for real.

I hear they moonlight as "clean-up" men, if you catch my meaning. :-)

Just some ads that set my teeth on edge:

Love doesn't make a Suburu a Suburu. It takes a plant, materials, and a workforce knowledgeable in making the product. Love does make an eternal topic for songs, however.

The young woman with the vocal fry who proclaims that WiFi in a car is the dream should go away ASAP. This only makes her dream one of spoiled self-entitlement.

All Taco Bell breakfast ads piss me off, especially the couple from Nashville. No, you don't represent the South because neither of you have a southern accent! The ads are just douchey on so many levels.

  • Love 6

The young woman with the vocal fry who proclaims that WiFi in a car is the dream should go away ASAP.

Thank you, Pandora Spocks!  Every time I hear her stupid voice, "That's the dream, WiFi in the carrrrr . . . ." I scream, "WHY?!  So you can check Facebook while you're driving?!  Why do you need WiFi in the CAR?!"  Sheesh.  My dream is a car that starts every time I turn on the ignition.

  • Love 10

I beg to differ.  Frozen custard is not ice cream, and neither is gelato.  Bleccch.

Excuse me? Did you just 'blecccch' gelato? Clearly you've never had the right gelato. There's a place near me, called Humani-T Cafe, that makes and sells their own gelato (and vegan gelato, and sorbetto - somewhere between 'dairy-free gelato' and 'sorbet/sherbet', sherbet in the North American meaning rather than the powdery confection that is British sherbet), and it is better than ice cream by a factor of at least 5.

  • Love 3

Excuse me? Did you just 'blecccch' gelato? Clearly you've never had the right gelato.

There's a huge disparity in gelato which makes me feel like I am playing (and paying to do it) Russian Roulette.  I tend to avoid it for that reason.


Culver's sells frozen custard here and their staff gets all pissy if you call it ice cream. They also get pissy if you ask for small instead of short.

I love Culver's frozen custard, but haven't noticed them getting pissy about how you refer to it or their sizing.


Really don't like the new Subaru commercial where the kids are talking about the Mitchmobile.  I strongly prefer the dog ones.

I believe (but can't find the source again so I may be wrong) that what we call "frozen custard" in the US is what the rest of the world calls "ice cream". 

I'd never heard anything called "frozen custard" before that ad started. Wikipedia says the distinction is eggs; well, I've made a lot of recipes labelled "ice cream" and nearly all of them have eggs.

  • Love 1

Thank you, Pandora Spocks!  Every time I hear her stupid voice, "That's the dream, WiFi in the carrrrr . . . ." I scream, "WHY?!  So you can check Facebook while you're driving?!  Why do you need WiFi in the CAR?!"  Sheesh.  My dream is a car that starts every time I turn on the ignition.

So is mine.  Well, that and one which doesn't have a  non-functioning headlight/turn signal and a ginormous dented fender from my encounter with a idiot in a parking lot.


But wifi in the car?  No way would I want that.

  • Love 6

So is mine.  Well, that and one which doesn't have a  non-functioning headlight/turn signal and a ginormous dented fender from my encounter with a idiot in a parking lot.


But wifi in the car?  No way would I want that.


My car is old and still has a radio cassette player but would WiFi make it easier for people with Satellite radio?  I use a cassette adapter to play tunes from my Ipod but I could stream music/podcasts from a WiFi enabled car.  That would be my biggest use of that.

Edited by funkopop
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For passengers on road trips, yeah WiFi would be nice to have.

Depends on the passengers and what they're doing with it. There used to be a car ad that bragged about the built-in dvd player for passengers in the back seat. It showed a couple of kiddies letting out a screech (at what they were watching) that could have been very distracting to a driver IRL.

  • Love 4

I thought new cars *came* with Sirius or XM or whatever the hell it is.  Mine's 8 years old & has a port to plug in the iPod to play through the sound system.

They do.  Or at least some do.  And then they come with a month of free satellite radio to try to entice you to pay for the subscription.  I bet they do the same thing with the wi-fi.

Edited by janie jones
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Really don't like the new Subaru commercial where the kids are talking about the Mitchmobile.  I strongly prefer the dog ones.


Oh, but I can't help but crack up when the kid says, "Does your dad know about my hamster having babies in the back seat?" and little Mitch says, "That's just normal wear-and-tear, dude."  Something about the way he says it just makes me laugh.

Edited by TeapotDiva
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I was at a red light behind an SUV with one of those back-seat DVD players.  There weren't kids in the back seat.  Full grown adults, riding through town, watching porn (clearly visible through the rear window and my windshield).


I live in NC, in a fair-sized city, and we've got people who don't "just" drive SUVs, they've got Hummers, as if we're living in the damn outback or something. No one needs that much vehicle if you live in the city. Any city.

  • Love 9

I live in NC, in a fair-sized city, and we've got people who don't "just" drive SUVs, they've got Hummers, as if we're living in the damn outback or something. No one needs that much vehicle if you live in the city. Any city.

YES, and this is how I feel about foglights. This is Charlotte, FFS, not the West Virginia Appalachians. I can't see with your lights in my eyes!!
  • Love 2

That "trimming the bush" ad was... eww.



Well, then, bunky...you'll appreciate this. I was looking at Toyota inventory online (for work, I actually kind of loathe Toyotas) and lo and behold, the banner at the top of the page has a picture of Jan and the message "All Toyota vehicles are Jan tested and Jan approved"


Because, you know, she's like Consumer Reports and NHTSA all rolled into one!

Does she perform the crash testing as well?

  • Love 4

I was going to rant about the pretentious ads for Jay Z's music service Tidal, but found that New York Magazine did it better than I could.


The pitch for Tidal ended up sounding like nothing more than the world's worst charity appeal: "Your $20 a month could help a megastar like Madonna renovate the kitchen in her fifth home. It could help send a global phenomenon like Beyoncé to the Riviera for the summer. Won't you give now?" The music-consuming public, understandably, has answered "no."


  • Love 10

I was going to rant about the pretentious ads for Jay Z's music service Tidal, but found that New York Magazine did it better than I could.

I loathe those commercials. The one where Madonna is just yapping on about something makes me dislike her even more than I already did, which is a pretty impressive feat. The other one w/her air-kissing whoever and the guy from Daft Punk(?) sitting there with a fucking helmet on make me incredibly ragey. I'm such a cranky old lady.

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