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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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There was a case on 48 Hours recently about that kind of DNA database being used to help try and solve a crime to look for familial DNA. I guess things weren't private at that time. I think it was Ancestry.com. They had acquired another smaller database. Ancestry claims they've made things private now and will only release info if they are court ordered to. 


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On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 7:10 PM, spaceytraci1208 said:

I'm super annoyed by the commercial for  Dixie Paper Plates where a piece of lasagna is dropped out of thin air and smashes through the "subpar" plate but is caught by the far stronger Dixie plate. Who the hell is serving lasagna this way, that this commercial makes any sense? 

LOL Prisons maybe?

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OMG! The guy who has a dog he call his "son". I have bad news for him, his "son" is going to die in his teens. Who sets themselves up for that kind of heartbreak? I mean the "pet parents" thing is bad enough but this guy takes it to a whole 'nother level. I know many people refer to their pets as "fur babies", but I would never call my cat my "daughter".

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I've seen a commercial repeatedly on Hulu lately for some lunch meat.  I can't remember which one, but this woman brings out sandwiches to the porch, and offers one to her neighbor, who takes it, crams the whole thing in her mouth like an animal, then howls. Seriously? Seeing someone cram food in their mouth doesn't make me want to buy their products.  

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those JG Wentworth scam artists must be making money hand over fists because their ads run constantly. I had no clue that there were that many structured settlements that they could scam poor and desperate people out of.

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I hate the commercial where Steph Curry and Serena Williams are playing ping pong and keep breaking stuff.  So rather than apologizing, they just send money without (apparently) explaining what for.  It's good that they're willing to pay, but apologizing is an important component to the restitution, otherwise you just come off like an entitled rich person who throws money at problems.

Additionally, why are they sending money to the guy who showed them to the dressing room?  They're just creating a hassle for him, because the cost of decor doesn't come out of his personal bank account and now he has to get it straight with whatever department does pay for that stuff.

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4 minutes ago, janie jones said:

I hate the commercial where Steph Curry and Serena Williams are playing ping pong and keep breaking stuff.

Thanks, I had no idea who they were.  I mean, I've certainly heard of both of them, but clearly I wouldn't be able to pick either out of a police lineup.

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On 5/12/2017 at 7:03 PM, peacheslatour said:

I know I'm probably being paranoid, but I don't want my DNA in any database.

Aside from the very real privacy concerns about that service, another element of the commercials bugs me: the spokesperson's apparent compulsion to dress up like a native of whatever land they're supposedly from (or surround themselves with artifacts), i.e., the idiot in lederhosen and a kilt, the woman posing with the southwestern pottery, and most recently, the black woman holding an African hat and describing how she cried when she put it on. 

Nearly 100% of my ancestors came from Ireland, but I'll be damned if I ever felt compelled to get myself a shillelagh or spontaneously perform numbers from Riverdance.    I don't even wear green on St. Patrick's Day.  

It's like Ancestry is trying to sell the message that being an American is a pretty empty existence and you're not fulfilled until you can claim kinship with some country you've probably never set foot in.

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Nearly 100% of my ancestors came from Ireland, but I'll be damned if I ever felt compelled to get myself a shillelagh or spontaneously perform numbers from Riverdance.    I don't even wear green on St. Patrick's Day.

Lol. I'm French on my father's side and Irish on my mother's side. I was not allowed to wear green on St. Pat's day (I wanted to because at school if you weren't wearing green you got pinched) because as my mother would always say: "We're not THAT kind of Irish".

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27 minutes ago, millennium said:

It's like Ancestry is trying to sell the message that being an American is a pretty empty existence and you're not fulfilled until you can claim kinship with some country you've probably never set foot in.

Exactly.  You've hit on what annoys me so much about those ads.

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The little bladder is back, dragging away an actress who was hired to play a "band conductor" but has no clue how to do it.

She's beating time. That's all. That's not conducting. She's even doing the exact same time-beats with both hands.

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14 hours ago, millennium said:

Nearly 100% of my ancestors came from Ireland, but I'll be damned if I ever felt compelled to get myself a shillelagh or spontaneously perform numbers from Riverdance.

Ok, that made me laugh.  The woman who confuses ethnicity with nationality really bugs me, as does the guy who didn't know about his long lost Eastern European relative in the 50yo photo, but the lady who puts on the hat looks so joyful I can't help but be happy for her.

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On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 0:30 PM, peacheslatour said:

OMG! The guy who has a dog he call his "son". I have bad news for him, his "son" is going to die in his teens. Who sets themselves up for that kind of heartbreak? I mean the "pet parents" thing is bad enough but this guy takes it to a whole 'nother level. I know many people refer to their pets as "fur babies", but I would never call my cat my "daughter".

That's a celebrity whose name I do not recall wearing a disguise, right?

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The ExxonMobil commercial that plays during every break on CNN, with the steel guitar rendition of "The Farmer in the Dell."   Making the most annoying ditty ever conceived by humans "edgier" does nothing to make it less annoying.

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That damn herpes like Phoenix Online "Brain" commercial aired on Bravo tonight during Watch What Happens Live. Looks like it's spreading again. ?

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15 hours ago, Haleth said:

Ok, that made me laugh.  The woman who confuses ethnicity with nationality really bugs me, as does the guy who didn't know about his long lost Eastern European relative in the 50yo photo, but the lady who puts on the hat looks so joyful I can't help but be happy for her.

The black lady with the hat? Yeah, if they could stick to people who have no family stories at all, instead of idiots who have no idea how much people moved around in Europe or that yes there are a lot of Native American great-grandmothers because exogamy, it would reduce a lot of hate.

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On 5/14/2017 at 0:22 PM, OSM Mom said:

I've seen a commercial repeatedly on Hulu lately for some lunch meat.  I can't remember which one, but this woman brings out sandwiches to the porch, and offers one to her neighbor, who takes it, crams the whole thing in her mouth like an animal, then howls. Seriously? Seeing someone cram food in their mouth doesn't make me want to buy their products.  

It's for Hormel. The premise is that the neighbor was raised by wolves. I agree about her cramming the food into her mouth, though. I sure even wolves stop to chew their food.

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The new iPhone commercial with people going into the barber shop and getting weird haircuts - WTF? Some (just a few) get normal haircuts but some get really weird, asymmetrical Lego-shapes on their heads or extreme Mohawks and you can't tell whether or not they're happy or sad or surprised about that. I don't get it. What does this have to do with phones?

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The new iPhone commercial with people going into the barber shop and getting weird haircuts - WTF? Some (just a few) get normal haircuts but some get really weird, asymmetrical Lego-shapes on their heads or extreme Mohawks and you can't tell whether or not they're happy or sad or surprised about that. I don't get it. What does this have to do with phones?

It's advertising the camera, although since I can't even think of a smartphone without one, I don't know why all the phone ads bother. "Yes, we too have the same feature as everyone else!"

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OK . . . it's advertising the camera but I still don't get why the weird haircuts or what that has to do with the camera. "We came into this barber shop to get our hair cut weird and get our picture taken?"

Edited by iMonrey
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

OK . . . it's advertising the camera but I still don't get why the weird haircuts or what that has to do with the camera. "We came into this barber shop to get our hair cut weird and get our picture taken?"

Because to advertise a camera you have to show pictures of something interesting, even if 99% of the people using it will be taking pictures about as interesting as previous generation's blurry holiday Polaroids.

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12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The new iPhone commercial with people going into the barber shop and getting weird haircuts - WTF? Some (just a few) get normal haircuts but some get really weird, asymmetrical Lego-shapes on their heads or extreme Mohawks and you can't tell whether or not they're happy or sad or surprised about that. I don't get it. What does this have to do with phones?

More to do with the Beatles, I think.   Using the portrait mode on his iPhone, the barber takes portraits of the haircuts he has done, a la:


[In] Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
Of every head he's had the pleasure to know.

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On 5/17/2017 at 11:27 AM, Jamoche said:

It's advertising the camera, although since I can't even think of a smartphone without one, I don't know why all the phone ads bother. "Yes, we too have the same feature as everyone else!"

I was watching the news this a.m. about the tragedy in Times Square, and the man they interviewed said "and we took pictures, just like everyone else." I'm not sure what you do with those photos, but they have them. I can't imagine being a victim, and all you see is a circle of people, phones out, taking pictures.

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My apologies if this has already been posted....JG Wentworth finally took off their obnoxious commercial with regular people singing opera. Now it's worse. It's 3 young (very young) males all dressed in white pretending to be a boy band. I have very special dislike for the little twerp in the white sun visor hat wearing it UPSIDE DOWN. 

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My apologies if this has already been posted....JG Wentworth finally took off their obnoxious commercial with regular people singing opera. Now it's worse. It's 3 young (very young) males all dressed in white pretending to be a boy band. I have very special dislike for the little twerp in the white sun visor hat wearing it UPSIDE DOWN. 

Actually the opera one is still around. But I hate the boy band one even though they are so very earnest. And so serious to be accepted as real musicians. But now I notice that there's a cap on how much of an advance someone can get, on $5,000 of their structured settlement or annuity. I hope that there's been a crackdown. I hate that they take advantage of unsophisticated people who need that structured settlement. 

Sometime ago, someone above said they didn't know what a structured settlement was. I'm not an expert, I have a basic understanding. This was how I explained it to a couple of young teenagers. I'm going to go very simple and round numbers, I don't know the exact details. Pretend you won $100 million in the lottery. You can take a lesser amount in a lump sum payment, about 60% before taxes, so that would be $60 million, then you could invest it, spend it, throw it away, whatever. Or, you can take it in payments over a long period of time, 20 or 30 years, I really don't know, it depends on which lottery and which state you live in. But for simplicity, we'll say 10 years, so every year you would get a payment of $10 million before taxes for 10 years. That's it in a nutshell. Other things that you can get structured settlements on are insurance settlements, you won $100,000 in a lawsuit, but they spread the payments out for 10 year years, in today's terms that's not a lot of money and you need a new car, but you've spent this year's allotment, so you call JG Wentworth and they give you an advance payment, and then they take the next yearly payment. You are going to pay dearly for that advance, I don't know the terms but I'll bet 50%. That's why I hate those ads and this kind of lender, the people who get a large settlement are going to be the losers, they probably need that money because they've been in some terrible accident, have little other income and it took years to get the settlement.

Now for a couple of new hates, Dr. Ho has a back belt, it's a belt not a brace, and he's not going to charge you $1,000 or even $500! I only heard this one once late last night, I think it was under $200! And there's a testimonial guy saying that he thinks every patient needs to have a Dr. Ho back belt. Saw it a second time.

And the death insurance for old people! I'm their target audience and I hate those ads! One says, with most insurance policies, you won't see a penny of money until you die...except, you aren't going to see a penny, you'll be dead, your beneficiary will get the money. This one is for term insurance, where you pay in so much and you get it back at the end of their term. They never state interest terms, so I don't know, you might do better to open a passport savings account at your local bank at 2% interest. 

But lately, my biggest beef with death insurance for old people is the Sarah Jessica Parker look alike. I was going to pay attention as to which company, but I always just get irritated with her and forget to notice.

Then there's the ads that promote bad grammar: "me and my single girls..." and several others that I can't remember right this minute. I'm going to have to write it down, because poor memory because I'm old, you know.

Edited by friendperidot
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1 hour ago, friendperidot said:

death insurance

I get a kick out of the older couple who say their children are grown and they no longer needed a life insurance policy, so they sold it. I picture their disappointed children. 

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5 hours ago, ennui said:

I was watching the news this a.m. about the tragedy in Times Square, and the man they interviewed said "and we took pictures, just like everyone else." I'm not sure what you do with those photos, but they have them. I can't imagine being a victim, and all you see is a circle of people, phones out, taking pictures.

I often think that about the footage that comes out later, whether the person is a victim or a crime, attack, or police brutality.  Whatever.  There were people standing around with their smartphones facing forward who just . . . filmed.  It's so inhuman.

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8 hours ago, Aquarius said:

I often think that about the footage that comes out later, whether the person is a victim or a crime, attack, or police brutality.  Whatever.  There were people standing around with their smartphones facing forward who just . . . filmed.  It's so inhuman.

I see that on FB a lot - people struggling to rescue a stuck animal and some doofus just standing there, filming it. Put the damn camera/phone down and GO HELP.

But just imagine if we had had these devices in November, 1963. We wouldn't have *just* the Zapruder film to figure out the grassy knoll/second shooter puzzle.

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12 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I see that on FB a lot - people struggling to rescue a stuck animal and some doofus just standing there, filming it. Put the damn camera/phone down and GO HELP.

But just imagine if we had had these devices in November, 1963. We wouldn't have *just* the Zapruder film to figure out the grassy knoll/second shooter puzzle.

There was a CSI case set at a high school graduation party where so many of the kids had their phones out that they could make a near 3D recreation of the scene.

Seemed legit.

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I hate the "America's best first job" McDonald's commercial where the kid comes in with his unopened college acceptance letter and the douchebag manager snatches it out of his hand, rips it open, and reads it out loud to the entire crew.

What if it had been a rejection letter? He would have just humiliated that poor kid in front of all of his co-workers!


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17 minutes ago, janie jones said:

I always thought the kid had already opened it and knew it was an acceptance letter, and he was there to share the good news.


Oh, okay you're right - the letter is opened. BUT...the manager doesn't know what it says and he can't tell from the kid's face whether it was good news or bad news and just starts reading it anyway.

Edited by Eliot
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1 hour ago, spaceytraci1208 said:

The McDonald's commercials for their new fancy sandwiches are trying way too hard. The sandwich options come in chicken or "seared beef"...you mean a BURGER?!? Y'all ain't fooling  anybody ?

McDonald's has new fancy sandwiches? Or is this the same "build your own burger" product that came out 2 years ago? I tried the build your own burger....I kept it very basic and it cost almost $7.00. Their prices are big and their sandwiches are little. 

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There's a Buick ad where all the people are like "Yay Buick!" and a girl is walking down the driveway and says "Sweet Buick" and just no.

It's a black crossover.  It looks like every other crossover from every other car company that is currently on the road.  There is nothing special or unique about that Buick.

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Is Tori Spelling the new "Madam Cleo"? Why would someone with her wealth be the spokesperson for California Psychics Hotline?

Hey Tori, I've got a prediction about your future: you're a millionaire..life is going to be just fine for you. 

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Is Tori Spelling the new "Madam Cleo"? Why would someone with her wealth be the spokesperson for California Psychics Hotline?

Hey Tori, I've got a prediction about your future: you're a millionaire..life is going to be just fine for you. 

Sometimes there's just not enough plastic surgery in the world.

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New e-harmony ad getting heavy play during the nostalgia channel's Mission:Impossible marathon - she trusts e-harmony "because they make people pay." OK, yes, people tend to take things more seriously if they pay than when it's free, but there's just something about her that says Yogurt Bitch to me. Maybe it's the way her partner doesn't get a word in.

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7 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Is Tori Spelling the new "Madam Cleo"? Why would someone with her wealth be the spokesperson for California Psychics Hotline?

Hey Tori, I've got a prediction about your future: you're a millionaire..life is going to be just fine for you. 

She has a lot of kids to support.

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