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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Thanks. I know--it was crazy! Plus, I was young enough that I still thought my dad was like a superhero: afraid of nothing and able to handle everything. I recall it being jarring to find out that he was not only basically physically harmed but subsequently fearful of something--especially police, the exact thing I was being taught in school at the time to always have 100% trust in. So weird. 

I remember the story was covered briefly on some generic true-crime show (I tend to leave Discovery ID on as a default, even if I'm not paying attention). I was cleaning or something and my ears just barely picked up on "New Jersey mall" or "local cheerleader" or something, and I dropped what I was doing. Unfortunately, it was one of those (too many) not-very-good ID shows that sensationalize everything grossly while simultaneously not offering much technical info. 


Also, oh my goodness, I'm sorry--my math was WAY off; I was closer to 10 or 11 when all this happened. 


Back to commercials; Panera! The "Clean Pairings" menu. First, what a stupid name that says absolutely nothing. And if a place has to literally remind me that its food is clean, it's almost doing kind of the exact opposite. Further, the stupid little soft, spoken-word style "Soup. And sandwich...blah-blah-blah. And sandwich. And soup" monologue that is trying to apply far more gravitas to those things than is necessary. So pretentious.


Edited by TattleTeeny
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Back to commercials; Panera! The "Clean Pairings" menu. First, what a stupid name that says absolutely nothing. And if a place has to literally remind me that its food is clean, it's almost doing kind of the exact opposite. Further, the stupid little soft, spoken-word style "Soup. And sandwich...blah-blah-blah. And sandwich. And soup" monologue that is trying to apply far more gravitas to those things than is necessary. So pretentious.

Whoa, no kidding. Soup and sandwich is like the most basic boring pairing ever.

Edited by Jamoche
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Back to commercials; Panera! The "Clean Pairings" menu. First, what a stupid name that says absolutely nothing. And if a place has to literally remind me that its food is clean, it's almost doing kind of the exact opposite. Further, the stupid little soft, spoken-word style "Soup. And sandwich...blah-blah-blah. And sandwich. And soup" monologue that is trying to apply far more gravitas to those things than is necessary. So pretentious.

At first I thought they were saying "Clean Parents Menu", and in the one I've seen lately, all of these hipsters are in the restaurant and all of them are holding their bowls (some right under their chins). Who does that? I only hold my bowl if I'm chowing down on the couch, not when I'm eating in a restaurant.

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Whoa, no kidding. Soup and sandwich is like the most basic boring pairing ever.


The only quibble I have with this is:  Tomato soup and a crusty, gooey grilled cheese sandwich is a little slice of heaven for me!

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The only quibble I have with this is:  Tomato soup and a crusty, gooey grilled cheese sandwich is a little slice of heaven for me!

And boy howdy, Panera's are good. I eat at Panera at least once a week.

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The only quibble I have with this is:  Tomato soup and a crusty, gooey grilled cheese sandwich is a little slice of heaven for me!

YES! My problem is not with the comfy old S&S combo (especially the one you mention), but the super-hipstery way of talking about it. UGH!

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At first I thought they were saying "Clean Parents Menu", and in the one I've seen lately, all of these hipsters are in the restaurant and all of them are holding their bowls (some right under their chins). Who does that? I only hold my bowl if I'm chowing down on the couch, not when I'm eating in a restaurant.

I can't say for sure that I would do that, but it's totally something I can see myself doing, since I always want to tip the bowl, and I think I'd pick it up without thinking about it.  I rarely eat soup, though, so I can't remember the last time I had soup at a restaurant. (Actually, I can, but it was miso and I didn't have a spoon.  I can't remember the last time I ate soup with a spoon in a restaurant.) 

Edited by janie jones
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I can't say for sure that I would do that, but it's totally something I can see myself doing, since I always want to tip the bowl, and I think I'd pick it up without thinking about it.  I rarely eat soup, though, so I can't remember the last time I had soup at a restaurant. (Actually, I can, but it was miso and I didn't have a spoon.  I can't remember the last time I ate soup with a spoon in a restaurant.) 

They always give me a spoon when I get Miso soup in a restaurant.  Its like they know I'm not cool enough to drink it down....and I never disappoint their low expectations as I always use the spoon.  They also like to give me "beginner chopsticks" for my sushi.....which I refuse to use, badass rebel that I am.

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YES! My problem is not with the comfy old S&S combo (especially the one you mention), but the super-hipstery way of talking about it. UGH!

Oh, I love me some soup and sandwich (or soup and salad), but the pretentious way that Panera advertises the "clean pairings" make me want to throat punch somebody. And let's be honest, any food commercial that makes me want to resort to physical violence is just not worth it. I can get soup and a sandwich at my deli with much less angst.

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Yeah, we ate soup and sandwich (...and soup. And sandwich...) before it got so mainstream, haha!

So those Panera hipsters are soo behind the curve. And I bet you and I manage to eat our salads without shoveling the food into our mouths like savages.

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So those Panera hipsters are soo behind the curve. And I bet you and I manage to eat our salads without shoveling the food into our mouths like savages.

I just wanted to say Panera showing women shoving or shoveling food into their mouths. Is just not as unattractive or unsexy as you think. In fact a woman eating likes she means it in front of a guy, especially if he prepared it, is damn sexy. 

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I just wanted to say Panera showing women shoving or shoveling food into their mouths. Is just not as unattractive or unsexy as you think. In fact a woman eating likes she means it in front of a guy, especially if he prepared it, is damn sexy. 

prepared for what?  her appetite, or her shoveling down food in front of him?

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And if a place has to literally remind me that its food is clean, it's almost doing kind of the exact opposite. Further, the stupid little soft, spoken-word style "Soup. And sandwich...blah-blah-blah. And sandwich. And soup" monologue that is trying to apply far more gravitas to those things than is necessary. So pretentious.


so so true! WTH is "clean" food? 


And authentic...and friends...and clean...and study group...and clean...and food...and awesomeness...and family...and clean


Can I has copeeriter job now plz?

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I just wanted to say Panera showing women shoving or shoveling food into their mouths. Is just not as unattractive or unsexy as you think. In fact a woman eating likes she means it in front of a guy, especially if he prepared it, is damn sexy. 

TO YOU. Regardless of gender, it is exactly as unappealing as I think--"I" being the operative part of it. This whole sentiment is a complete sexist generalization. Also, I just had no option but to shove a huge chunk of pineapple into my mouth. While no one saw me and it kept me from making a mess of my keyboard, I seriously doubt it was sexy or attractive (at least not to anyone I'd find to be either of those things, haha!).


Can I has copeeriter job now plz?


Ha! I do have that job and, more often you'd think, that kind of shit is exactly what clients want. I think it comes from the "English is my native language, therefore I am qualified to write and copy edit" mentality.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Random gripes:


Could Nasonex please give their spokeswoman a new dress to wear, instead of that tired asymmetrical number?  M & M's shouldn't be allowed to twerk.   There should be a moratorium on "boy bands" (real or fake) being used in commercials...sorry, Joey Fatone.  I hate the Chevy truck commercial, "Everybody say truck yeah!," with a passion.

Edited by pandora spocks
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Random gripes:


Could Nasonex please give their spokeswoman a new dress to wear, instead of that tired asymmetrical number?  M & M's shouldn't be allowed to twerk.   There should be a moratorium on "boy bands" (real or fake) being used in commercials...sorry, Joey Fatone.  I hate the Chevy truck commercial, "Everybody say truck yeah!," with a passion.

Here's to the "Whoop there it is!" Gain commercial, not offending.

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I just wanted to say Panera showing women shoving or shoveling food into their mouths. Is just not as unattractive or unsexy as you think. In fact a woman eating likes she means it in front of a guy, especially if he prepared it, is damn sexy. 


As Scarlett O'Hara pointed out:  "Fiddle-dee-dee. Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite."  

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The bride in this commercial is so fucking stupid she deserves to get electrocuted from kissing her TV:



Sheesh. And I actually liked Bai drinks. Past tense, since now I'll never be able to have one again without thinking of some idiot dry-humping her plasma TV.

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"What gentlemen says and what they thinks is two different things!"



Plus, one can have a healthy appetite and clean their plate, but that doesn't mean they have to shovel the food down their gullet like it might be the last meal.  Those folks in the Panera commercials are just so annoying with their fake adoration of the "clean" food.   The next commercial I expect them to say the food is "precious."


I like Panera, I really do, but enough with the commercials. 

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Yeah, I am a pretty enthusiastic eater in the fact that I like my food, and a lot of it. But I don't make a gross mess or cram it in there like I'm feral (other than the big piece of pineapple I mentioned earlier in a post that seems to have disappeared).

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That University of Phoenix commercial was on again tonight but it seemed different. It was like they slowed it down to make it even more annoying. It also could have been me imaging that they did that too.

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Sheesh. And I actually liked Bai drinks. Past tense, since now I'll never be able to have one again without thinking of some idiot dry-humping her plasma TV.

I can safely say that I've dry humped worse in my 20's.  Too much information?

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New to the forums but i've been a long time lurker...finally found a couple of commercials I cannot stand.


First off, there's one for Toyota where there's a father and daughter looking for a safe car and Toyota Jan tells them about a car with a backup camera. Now, I love Toyota Jan but I cannot stand this commercial...because then it cuts to the dad in the car and he honks the horn because the daughter's getting a little too close to her date (dad can see this is in his backup camera). And the daughter yells "DAAAAD!" I feel like I only see this commercial in the morning when i'm trying to wake up. Like super early in the morning. Who needs all that noise?


Secondly, there's been some ads for Century Link with Paul Giamatti. The one in particular I can't stand is where he says "it's amazing" and the husband asks the wife if Paul's delivery was "amazing." She replies "Uhhm, Paul..." but she whispers the word "Paul." Why is that necessary? Just the way she does that drives me crazy...every time I see that commercial start I have to mute it or change the channel, seriously.

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Plus, one can have a healthy appetite and clean their plate, but that doesn't mean they have to shovel the food down their gullet like it might be the last meal.  Those folks in the Panera commercials are just so annoying with their fake adoration of the "clean" food.   The next commercial I expect them to say the food is "precious."


Here's the thing- I like food, like, a lot. No one is going to look at me and assume that I'm depriving myself of food. I don't enjoy food if I'm shoving it into my mouth like I'm fearful that the plate is about to be taken away. Eating that fast defeats the purpose of having flavorful, fresh, delicious food. The people on the commercial are mainlining their food, not eating. It's like how you shoot the nasty glucose drink when you are tested for diabetes- you are trying to bypass your taste buds. (And by "you," I totally mean "me." That glucose tolerance test was one of the worst parts of pregnancy.)

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The girl shoveling the salad into her mouth and then mumbles: What? It's good!" when her companion gives her the raised eyebrow...How the fuck do you know? You're not eating it, you're not even chewing it, you're just filling your mouth with it. And you're talking with your mouth full. And don't "what" like you don't know you're behaving like asshole.

Edited by ABay
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Why does Samsung think I'd want one of their new phones because some moronic, unintelligible thug has one? And then this same asshole goes to the store, buys one beer and pours it all over his phone.

And speaking of Samsung, if I see that "Chardonnay and gravy" couple one more time, I'm putting a bullet through my TV.

Too bad for Samsung. They have great phones and appliances but I've come to hate them.

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Why does Samsung think I'd want one of their new phones because some moronic, unintelligible thug has one? And then this same asshole goes to the store, buys one beer and pours it all over his phone.

I think you're talking about the Lil' Wayne one?  I think it's champagne.  I get that they're trying to say that the phone is waterproof, but that commercial makes absolutely no sense.

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I mean, it makes sense if you're an obnoxious rich guy who finds it amusing to spill theoretically expensive beverages on devices simply to amuse oneself at their being waterproof. I totally buy that as a ridiculous thing someone with cash to burn would do. It ignores the reality that waterproof does not mean sticky-proof and he's making a mess of his table/floor, but it does seem a thing he would do given the steoreotypes the ad is playing to (rapper=champagne everywhere at all times).

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I have no idea what a "Lil' Wayne" is. I assume by the stupid name he must be some kind of rapper. In any event, he looks like a street thug and he can barely speak English. Cretins must be the demographic they're going for with those ads.

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^^maybe its because I actually like Lil' Wayne's music, but I find this commercial funny because its just so over the top in terms of the stereotypical rapper.  Everything from putting the phone in a fishtank to just having an extra phone to basically having enough expensive champagne to engage in phone experiments.  Its like that stereotype of the rich white young wall street guy using 100 dollar bills to snort cocaine even when a dollar bill would work just fine (I've never had cocaine, but I've seen a lot of 80's movies where its been done).  Yes, its not realistic in that it doesn't address the phone stickiness issue, or the question of exactly why anyone would want to test the waterproofing of a phone, but I think its funny and gets the point across.  In fact, I'll have to suggest it to my sister who has thus far ruined a phone by accidentally dropping it in a toilet and another by accidentally putting it in the washing machine (my sister has a lot of responsibilities in life which sometimes makes her absent minded)


**although I'm going to call shenanigans on this ad, because water resistant is not the same as water proof

Edited by RCharter
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You might be a thug if you have an arrest record like this:




Today, Lil Wayne was released from Rikers Island, having completed an eight-month sentence for weapons charges stemming from his arrest in July 2007.

The sentence — a year, with time reduced for good behavior — was relatively severe, due to New York's tough gun laws. But it did give him some time to recharge: The MC said he's been writing lots of lyrics in jail and plans to hit the studio as soon as possible after he's released.

Wayne had been beset by legal problems even before his prison term began — including drug-possession charges in Atlanta and Arizona, and a related arrest in Idaho. With that in mind, here's a look back at Weezy's meandering trip through the criminal justice system.

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I know the message I am supposed to get from Burger King's new ads featuring the hot dog vendor and the competitive eater is that they now sell hot dogs.


The message I actually get is that there are some really creepy people that hang out there.

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The snooty model Carrie Dee or however you spell it can prance her way off my TV any time now. And take her Stelara with her. She walks like she's got a stick up her ass and leads with her boobs everywhere. Not cute at all IMO.

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Well, still, none of that is in evidence in the commercial.  I don't see how he's a thug just for dousing his phone with champagne.  An idiot, maybe, but not a thug.

I would only further lightly point out that the arrest was nearly 10 years ago at this point.  And it appears to stem for drugs (marijuana, it seems) which a lot of artists who are not considered thugs do, and a weapons charge (and a lot of people who aren't thugs have guns -- look at the NRA membership roster).  He didn't use the gun(s) in question and there was no altercation involving the guns (that I know of).  I don't think its anyone's intention, but I'm always slightly sensitive about judging someone as a thug for how they look or who they hang out with when they end up making decisions that so many other non-thugs make.   If Taylor Swift was arrested for having marijuana and guns in her tour bus would we be calling her a thug?  Maybe, but I'm not so sure.

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If Taylor Swift was arrested for having marijuana and guns in her tour bus would we be calling her a thug?  Maybe, but I'm not so sure.


FWIW, Taylor Swift's got plenty of haters in some quarters, lack of an arrest record notwithstanding. "Thug" doesn't seem to have as much bite to it as "slut-shaming Mean Girl." YMMV.

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