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7 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Brandi is 45 and Callum is 10 years younger.  And yep, he's definitely got an abuser vibe with a lot of anger issues and an obvious hair-trigger temper.  But Brandi is looking at this as a dating show, not a show to teach them who and how to date.  I think she just decided it was a sexual hookup and not a time & place to learn anything.  She wants him, so she should have him.  

Now I'm feeling sorry for her, because I think she actually has a low IQ.  

Yeah, for sure Brandi admittedly wants nothing but a hookup. And then Aubrey acts like Calum owes Brandi something and shouldn't go on a date. It struck me that he turned down a date because he doesn't want to participate either. It wasn't for any loyalty to Brandi. He just didn't like the looks of the girl he picked. Josh chose her too, didn't like her looks, and got to choose his second in line. I didn't think he of all people should have been allowed to do that. 

 All of them have low IQ's. 

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It seems clear that Brandi is one beaten-down woman.  She scrapes those molecules of self-esteem together now and then to rally and throw some shade, but basically I just think she's sad and broken.

I think she came on this show and then glommed onto Calum because it was easier to go with the guy who was handy and tossed her some positive attention--even if he's a mean bastard when he drinks, which is every day--than it would be to submit herself to all the judging inherent in these dating challenges.  I mean, one random bozo spouting off that she's a stereotype dumb blonde, no brains and all tits, would stick with her and hurt forever.


I have a real soft spot for Brandi because, back in Episode One, she was the only person horrified at Pauly and ___________ tearing that total stranger apart, screeching about his shoes, telling him to just get the fuck away from their table.   That's what I'm referring to when I say she has some kindness left inside that the others do not.

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Mr. Guilfoyle pointed out that Brandi keeps referring to "cute boys."  She is my age. I got over the "cute boys" thing about 10 years ago. She has sons who are the age of the guys she's interested in.

You could go all analyst and say she chooses boys and abusers because she doesn't really think she deserves stability. It's sad. I feel bad for her because she does seem like she has some sweetness in her. Callum's drunk behavior is all triggery for me as well. He is exactly the kind of guy I would be afraid of in a club. I would probably make my friends leave if I saw someone acting like him there.

Aubrey needs to find some dignity. I don't particularly care for her, but she reminds me of those friends I had in my 20s who were so desperate for a boyfriend they'd visit guys at their work once they got the slightest bit of attention from them. 

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Wow I was so disappointed in Pauly for refusing to get Aubrey´s name tattooed on him, I mean what´s wrong with him? And he´s not even planning their wedding yet... Kidding, Aubrey´s a lunatic.

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On July 21, 2016 at 7:11 PM, Nowhere said:

Agreed. Brandi can't stand Josh because she can't have him. If Josh wanted her, he could have her. Guaranteed.

I see Brandi as somebody who can be easily abused and taken advantage of, so I feel sorry for her. When Calum starts getting loud she cowers and then makes excuses for him. She even said she understands him or they understand each other. It is very clear that he is an abuser and he wants her because she's the only one who will let him do it. As someone who's been with a man like him, he actually makes me very uneasy and he is very familiar to me. It just makes me so sick to see her submit to him, look down and whisper her responses like she's a helpless victim. Makes me think, damn that's what I looked like. It makes me so sick. 

What's the age difference between those two anyway? He looks much younger than her. 

I agree with all of this. Brandi is just coming across very desperate and it's not a good look. I think Josh pisses off the other castmates because he's unwilling to make himself stupid, pathetic, or desperate for the sake of "good" television. While I can imagine his fixation on appearances might be irritating, Josh is a fairly good-looking, athletic dude -- so I don't think he's punching above his weight or being unreasonable with his expectations, because he likely doesn't have much trouble finding beautiful women to date in real life.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
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On July 24, 2016 at 4:18 AM, halkatla said:

Wow I was so disappointed in Pauly for refusing to get Aubrey´s name tattooed on him, I mean what´s wrong with him? And he´s not even planning their wedding yet... Kidding, Aubrey´s a lunatic.

Pathetic desperation personified. Obviously believes she is even more desirable than she may have been for a fleeting moment at 17 while being pursued by some hormone engorged teen boy  - recreating that is her life's work 

Edited by Dahlia
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And more of Aubrey's constant and unrelenting neediness.  I was glad Dr. Darcey called her out on listening to Pauly about slowing down.  Communication is so important to Aubrey but only if it's going HER way.   And WTF is that "Queen" business?  Is that her slang for "Constantly kiss my ass & do what I want?"

After this show, Brandi and Callum will never, ever, ever be actual friends, no matter what crap-babble they were spewing at their picnic.  Not.Gonna.Happen. 

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I would LIKE to have left the last episode admiring Aubrey's braiding skills.  I'm afraid I had the uncharitable thought:  Someone stuck it out with Aubrey for three whole years?  Was it one of those guys based at the South Pole?


Maybe it's just show-talk, but Brandi's really on the right track that she and Calum are both too messed up to be each other's stability.


That Jess person is some piece of work.  Who stands around the kitchen at breakfast and casually announces "I masturbated last night while I was thinking of you" even if there HASN'T just been a sexual encounter with someone else, who's in the next room?  I don't think "trying not to hurt his feelings" covers her game, whatever that is.

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Aubrey wants to be treated like a queen. Aubrey wants to be rescued.

The only guy who is going to agree to rescue you in the first two weeks is the player dude who is trying to get in your pants. How is she 30+ and doesn't realize this yet?

Of course, my cousin is 46 and also hasn't gotten the message that the uber charming guys she falls for are always going to disappoint her in some other way - like being uber charming to other women also.

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On July 29, 2016 at 10:43 AM, candall said:

I would LIKE to have left the last episode admiring Aubrey's braiding skills.  I'm afraid I had the uncharitable thought:  Someone stuck it out with Aubrey for three whole years?  Was it one of those guys based at the South Pole?


Maybe it's just show-talk, but Brandi's really on the right track that she and Calum are both too messed up to be each other's stability.


That Jess person is some piece of work.  Who stands around the kitchen at breakfast and casually announces "I masturbated last night while I was thinking of you" even if there HASN'T just been a sexual encounter with someone else, who's in the next room?  I don't think "trying not to hurt his feelings" covers her game, whatever that is.

Then she wonders why he thinks she likes him, rolls her eyes, complains about him wanting to take her on a date. Who the hell does she think she is?? And I'm sick of hearing her shuffle those damn cards. 

I guess Josh isn't interesting enough to be in the show anymore. Not enough of an attention whore, I presume.

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I found Jess to be very seductive with her out of the blue and inappropriate announcement, I hope the therapist calls her on it. She isn't interested in what's his name with 8 kids, but she wants to keep him on the hook. 

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1 hour ago, Cosmic Muffin said:

I found Jess to be very seductive with her out of the blue and inappropriate announcement, I hope the therapist calls her on it. She isn't interested in what's his name with 8 kids, but she wants to keep him on the hook. 

Well, YEAH!  I was surprised the guy didn't faint when she purred that out, from all the blood rushing out of his head all at once.

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18 hours ago, leighdear said:

^^^ I've seen that around the Net, so it's no surprise at all.  I never thought there was actually anything there, that everything on the show was just for the show. 

Probably so, but weren't 


they supposedly together for a year?  Or was that just rumor?

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They made remarks in the finale that the whole deal was about two weeks long and they left the house the day before Thanksgiving.  (Because Brandi "didn't want Calum to spend the holiday alone."  GAAAAH, slapping myself on the forehead--since I can't reach hers.)


From the wrap up, maybe Somaya and Josh were actually getting a bit of therapy with some personalized dating tips, but they just didn't have the carwreck rubbernecking factor of Aubrey/Pauley and Brandi/Calum.


There's a debate right now, on another board, about whether alcohol makes you act like a different person or only lowers your inhibitions enough to act like your real self.  Either way, Calum seems to have some serious rage issues layered on top of a basic asshole personality--both of which he pretty much covers up when he's sober--but then he really enjoys getting drunk so he can drop the effort and just let all that stuff come out.  Look at how he's already snarling at Brandi and being abusive/confrontational, even when he's just in the process of ordering his cocktail.  (Which, "five shots"???)

I think that guy's scary and needs to back way up and start the counseling process several steps before "dating problems."


I have more to say, but I'll stop writing this manuscript now and just congratulate Willis on being around four women for an extended period of time and not knocking anyone up.


(P.S. When I googled to get Somaya's name right, I saw the Aubrey & Pauley on again/off again news, plus her reveal that he has a penis piercing.  LOL--who's surprised by that?)

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Thanks for the time correction, Candall!  I thought filming ended in January, just going off the media reports I saw.  At least I wasn't too far off the mark!  

I'm wondering if the ratings were good enough for E! to have ordered another season of the show, with a new crew.   I found some of it legit informative, and just entertaining enough to watch again.  Ok, mostly to snark on the "pretty" people.  ;-)

And for anybody not watching "Bachelor in Paradise 3" that started last night, you can tune in to get another opportunity to see Josh Murray in dating form.  He arrives in the episode airing next Monday.  

Edited by leighdear
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22 minutes ago, leighdear said:

I found some of it legit informative, and just entertaining enough to watch again.

Pseudo-celebrity reality shows usually aren't my bag, but I was glued to this thing like those people were imported exotic animals I'd never heard of before.

The four who coupled up didn't do themselves any great service since their advice dwindled down to dealing with specific person x instead of dating tips that might have been generally helpful.

But then two of the singlettes sounded like they'd gleaned a sliver of insight and two of them were hilariously off-track.  I doubt if Willis' baseline issue is an inability to "say no."  Is he a helpless pawn, beset by wily women who refuse to have protected sex, hoping for the honor of Baby Nine?  Maybe six weeks of pre-sex dating would be a better system than scoping out the nearest bathroom for a quickie.  Oh, wait. . . was he talking about saying no to himself?  Well, then that would make sense.


Jessica sees herself as someone who needs to come out of her shell more.  Yikes.  She already seems like a combination of Cleopatra and the viper who bit her. 

Unless that's a 'shell' of supermodels and pseudo-celebs.  It would be really good for Jess to spend some time around regular humans.  Have a conversation instead of oblige a conversation.


Bleh, now *I* sound mean and judgmental, too.  But they know they invite people to judge, when they agree to this stuff, right?  Or do they think the majority reaction will be envy?

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I really liked the first half of the show. I found the exercises interesting and Dr. Darcy's advice pretty actionable. Then it got completely sidetracked by the Brandi/Callum and Paulie D/Aubrey "relationships."

Did Somaya and Josh even have a session with Dr. Darcy?

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I think they all got several sessions, but their screen time just got psych-jacked by the neediest needers that ever needed, Brandi & Aubrey.   Those 2 should be in a relationship, as they seemed very co-dependent & kept telling each other what they wanted to hear.  

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When Aubrey said "we're going to talk about Pauly, because that's what Girls Night is" or something along those lines, I said to Mr. G "yes, Girls Night is usually when the most insecure girl talks incessantly about her newest love interest and everyone else suffers through it."

And then she doesn't get invited next time.

And of course she got mad when her attention was transferred to a girl who doesn't advertise it every time she hooks up with someone.

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I find Culam (sp?) to be wildly attractive.    I thought so last season as well.  As for the other guys, I got nothing.  I am sure out of the women, Mz New York will play her part to hog as much camera time as possible.  I don't know, might be a fun season, then again, maybe not.  Please watch with me because what makes all shows fun is the snark that the members here put out there.  Without you guys, tv watching would not be half the fun!

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3 hours ago, lasandi said:

I find Culam (sp?) to be wildly attractive.    I thought so last season as well.  As for the other guys, I got nothing.  I am sure out of the women, Mz New York will play her part to hog as much camera time as possible.  I don't know, might be a fun season, then again, maybe not.  Please watch with me because what makes all shows fun is the snark that the members here put out there.  Without you guys, tv watching would not be half the fun!

I will watch with you. So far this show doesn't have Brandi, but Tiffany is going to take that spot. Seems like everyone already have paired up---that didn't happen until much later last season. They are a wickedly attractive bunch of people.

I first thought Karina was Veronica from the Challenge. I actually think this show is beneath Karina's level of celebrity. I guess since Max is happily married with the kid, she's the one that couldn't make it work with him. Maybe she is trying to rebrand herself. 

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This is driving me crazy.  Does anyone know if Ms New York was on a show called Family Therapy (or something like that) with Ms Jenn as the counselor.  If so, is Ms NY the one with the crazy scary mom?



I actually think this show is beneath Karina's level of celebrity. I guess since Max is happily married with the kid, she's the one that couldn't make it work with him. Maybe she is trying to rebrand herself. 

I'm surprised too.  It seems like she has been off and on DWTS and also had partners where she left early the last few seasons.  Maybe this is also for a paycheck besides getting "advice". 

Being paired up this soon probably goes against any advice/therapy they will be getting.  Probably repeating bad habits.

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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

This is driving me crazy.  Does anyone know if Ms New York was on a show called Family Therapy (or something like that) with Ms Jenn as the counselor.  If so, is Ms NY the one with the crazy scary mom?

Yes and yes.  To further the  question...I had missed it from mid season to the end, right before she was about to announce whether she was pregnant or not..She didnt say anything in this ep that she had a tator tot, so I dont know if she ever was or wasnt.  Thats question one.  Question two is, Crazy Mama kept saying if NY was pregnant that baby was hers.  What did she mean by that? She kept saying it over and over.

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She did announce that she was pregnant, but allegedly lost the baby sometime afterward. I say "allegedly" because I don't believe a thing that comes out of that woman's mouth. As for her crazy mom, nothing she said made sense, either. I think it was just a way of controlling Tiffany and making her feel overly dependent on her mom.

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14 hours ago, jumper sage said:


Anyone else watching?  I couldn't look away.  What the hell is Dorothy from Rich Kids of Beverly Hills doing on this show.  I think her first instinct was to run.  She should have.


I stumbled on this last night. i remember watching a few eps last season with "Brandi and Aubrey. I couldn't take it!

Anyway, Dorothy is not kidding when she said she's a Billionairess.  Her daddy has so much money, she never has to work a day in her life. Maybe that's her problem, not enough to keep herself busy.  She is miles above these losers. Not just because of her money, mostly because she probably has never met people like this in her entire life!  I know on the Rich Kids show there was screaming, fighting and back stabbing, but it was very rich kids screaming fighting and back stabbing! 

Karina is looking rough. Really, really rough. I didn't even recognize her at first. The one with Ronnie- her claim to fame is that she's Khloe Kardashian's assistant. Tiffany is just disgusting.  And speaking of Ronnie, Ugggh! Go back to the Jersey Shore where everybody knows your name. 

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Thanks Tammee and Catgyrl for the updates.  I do remember that she did say she pregnant and her mom saying it was hers.  Very scary stuff, especially like as was said, you just couldn't know if she was really pregnant or just wanted the drama. 

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5 hours ago, Palomar said:

This is driving me crazy.  Does anyone know if Ms New York was on a show called Family Therapy (or something like that) with Ms Jenn as the counselor.  If so, is Ms NY the one with the crazy scary mom?


I'm surprised too.  It seems like she has been off and on DWTS and also had partners where she left early the last few seasons.  Maybe this is also for a paycheck besides getting "advice". 

Being paired up this soon probably goes against any advice/therapy they will be getting.  Probably repeating bad habits.

Karina has been engaged at least two other times post Maks and also appeared on an episode of Say Yes To the Dress where she purchased a gown for one of her upcoming weddings (which never happened due to broken engagement.)

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10 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Anyway, Dorothy is not kidding when she said she's a Billionairess.  Her daddy has so much money, she never has to work a day in her life. Maybe that's her problem, not enough to keep herself busy.  She is miles above these losers. Not just because of her money, mostly because she probably has never met people like this in her entire life!  I know on the Rich Kids show there was screaming, fighting and back stabbing, but it was very rich kids screaming fighting and back stabbing! 

Exactly!  Does this mean Dorothy is persona non grata on the other show?

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13 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Exactly!  Does this mean Dorothy is persona non grata on the other show?

Nope!  Rich Kids is over, it lasted four seasons and ended with her best friend's wedding.  AFAIK, they are all still friends and wouldn't care about Dorothy doing this show.  Hell, EJ (Magic Johnson's son) had his own six episode spin-off in NYC.

Dorothy was my favorite on that show so I ain't mad she showed up here!  And I'm kinda hoping they find an excuse to show her Birkin collection.

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Anyone watch the 7/2 episode?  It seems like this episode was the start of Chad redemption.  It always did seem like he was playing a role so who knows. New York is definitely not ready to find a partner....she needs to work on herself first.  Definitely lots of egos in the house.

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1 hour ago, Palomar said:

Anyone watch the 7/2 episode?  It seems like this episode was the start of Chad redemption.  It always did seem like he was playing a role so who knows. New York is definitely not ready to find a partner....she needs to work on herself first.  Definitely lots of egos in the house.

I hope it's redemption for him.  After hearing his story about his mom and how it's only been a year since she passed, and that he went on The Bachelorette only 6 months after her passing... that really struck me.  It seems really irresponsible that ABC even went through with bringing him on the show.  He had no time to create a new normal for himself without his mother in his life.  The death of his mother paired with him being put on the show, and having the villain persona played up for the audience and the viewing numbers, is just a recipe for him getting caught up on the reality hamster wheel and getting his world twisted.  Every once in a while he had this expression on his face that I swear looked the way my kids look when they feel lost.  It's a little sad.

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On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 0:12 PM, zoltana said:

Every once in a while he had this expression on his face that I swear looked the way my kids look when they feel lost.  It's a little sad.

I stumbled onto the first two hours last night and caught up.  I don't know any of them, except Calum from last season. 

Chad's story--about missing his imprint period for normal relationships because of attending his mother--was the only thing that sounded like it belonged in a world I might recognize.  It was sad.

Another sad part was Tiffany's first impulse that the way to introduce herself to a stranger was to shimmy her boobs at him.

And this "billionairess" Dorothy?  Um, that's a lot of plastic surgery for a 20-something.  Cheek implant reduction, stat.

WAY too much pairing off and hooking up, right off the bat!  Idiots.

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Wow, Katrina really has a temper when things aren't going her way.  I, too, thought she was more of a celebrity than many of the others on this show, but maybe her days on Dancing with the Stars are coming to an end and she can't resist the limelight.  

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I really like the basic premise of this show:  how can famous people overcome the problem of meeting someone when the whole dating pool already has preconceived impressions?  With a dating coach and a therapist/counselor and a support group of others who have the same problem, seems like these people could actually benefit, if they wanted to, and it would be interesting to watch.  (Do they want to?  Or is that question stupid and it's just another reality show paycheck and "brand" opportunity?)

Anyway, the blindfolded speed dating was perfect.  They couldn't measure by looks and they couldn't be flattered by compliments about their own looks.  Gee, a chance to interact with someone based on something besides looks and celebrity reputation.  They even found someone for Karina with some knowledge about her skillset--there's a good start.  But most of them just floundered around trying to measure degree of attractiveness.


Tiffany's so tragically insecure.  I wish she could let go of her "I'm fixated on big dicks" schtick.  If that's all she requires, that's all she's ever going to get.


P.S>all the vocal fry is killing me.

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"New York" has always been embarrassing, but after seeing the way her mom is on the Family therapy show, I´m feeling especially embarrassed for her. All that bravado and "hbic" is just sad. She seems to alternate between the prudish &, foul-mouth type her mother raised and this hyper-sexualized man-eater she´s portraying on this show. Her mom is so scary, and so possessed by the devil, that it´s not even funny. The only chance NY has is to severe all contact with that person, change her name, find a man who doesn´t expect much and turn into a nice quiet wife.

I love watching these kinds of shows with silly z-list celebs. These days they are so few and far between.

Edited by halkatla
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All that fuss Karina was making during her couples yoga date had me laughing.  She's been in more awkward positions with her dance partners so I don't know why she was having a problem with Chad's crotch in her face.

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Karina is whinier than I thought she'd be…but I can say that about a lot of the "celebrities" doing these reality shows.

Dorothy & David had me rolling during their "date".  As did Karina's pre-DD-date, "So you're saying there's a chance…"  *dead*

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Wow, so the Jersey Shore guy was showing the most sense of anyone on this show.  "Uh, maybe we should do the exercises and they could actually teach us something about dating?"  Oh, whew, but then it was only a lapse of momentary sanity.

Edited by candall
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I've never gotten this show - it's always clear to me why they have so much "trouble" with relationships-- they think that even though they are barely celebrities (z list at best) they should be dating other z listers.  The women think they are so much above  any regular people and are very obvious about it.

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I don't think anyone is watching this season at all but I have to say, I think Dorothy should never have been cast. She actually feels superior to the cast and ever one they suggest for dating. I believe she is asexual and is only interested in a partner as someone to show off to others.

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14 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I don't think anyone is watching this season at all but I have to say, I think Dorothy should never have been cast. She actually feels superior to the cast and ever one they suggest for dating. I believe she is asexual and is only interested in a partner as someone to show off to others.

In the first episode when she met New York, you could just tell that Dorothy was immediately regretting signing on for this show. She definately thinks she is above the rest of the cast and the show in general. No idea what motivated her to do this show, she certainly doesn't need the money...

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I agree, Dorothy def. came off that way in the first episode. But now, she seems to have settled in and gets along with everyone.


The cast member that I find mot offensive is Callum. He's mean, he's drunk, and he's racist.

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