Baltimore Betty July 1, 2016 Share July 1, 2016 Kathryn is very immature and that may be due to her drug use, it is believed that the age of the person at which he or she becomes a heavy drug user has stunted brain growth so they are sort of stalled at that mental age. Something tells me that Kathryn has been casually using drugs for a while so I would not hold my breath waiting for some sort of epiphany about how she handles herself in life. Part of me wants to see another season of this train wreck just to see what happens and part of me wants to see some of these folks get off TV and fix themselves. 3 Link to comment
RedHawk July 1, 2016 Share July 1, 2016 I think T-Rav is a big ole playboy and goes after any woman he even slightly fancies. Witness his behavior in Asheville, both on the streets and in the bars. I feel sure one reason he never stayed married (he was married once for a short time) is that he can't keep it in his pants. 10 Link to comment
Summerday July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 Kathryn definitely seemed high and Thomas looked sad, almost kind of heart broken whenever she spoke. I wonder if he feels guilty. My opinion is that he lies constantly to Kathryn and she continues to fall for his bull for whatever reason. I wonder if Thomas is the one who got her started on hard drugs...we'll never know, but it'seems possible. 5 Link to comment
nexxie July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 On June 27, 2016 at 11:23 PM, breezy424 said: What's the difference between Kathryn hooking up with some of the male members of the cast and some of the male members hooking up with her? They 'knowingly' hooked up with her. That was their 'intention'. Why is what they did any different? I think Kathryn is angry because TRav led her on. We've seen it. He just says things without realizing that what he says has an effect on the person who he is saying it to. He's the one who is at fault here. Don't give the excuse that you're caught up in the moment. The moment counts. TRav did lead her on and couldn't care less AND she led Whitney on and couldn't care less. Kathryn and TRav deserve each other but their sweet children deserve a whole lot better! 3 Link to comment
HunterHunted July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 On another note, what do Whitney and Landon do? Thomas has his real estate development business. Shep has his trust fund that he seems to manage quite well, his two bars, and the club and bar appearances with Craig. Craig has his farting around not writing his final paper, not studying for the bar, and club and bar appearances with Shep. Cameran is a realtor. JD has Gentry businesses. Up until recently, Kathryn had the kids full time. So what the fuq are Whitney and Landon doing with their time? Whitney has his restaurant that never opened. He says he's a filmmaker, but he doesn't have a single credit that is more recent than 2010, excluding this show of which he isn't an active producer and has no authority. I find it especially perplexing because he seems to have worked as a script writer for some time. He knows how to direct. You would think that he'd at least put together a web series or something, especially since web series like The Guild, Video Game Highschool, The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, Fred Figglehorn, Burning Love, and Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl got their creators development deals. In a strange way, he might actually be lazier than Craig because he has money and connections and does nothing with it. Meanwhile Whitney's fake girlfriend does have credits from 2014 and 2015. So she's working. Ugh Landon. She's had a year to work on her website and it has no content and used to have typos on it until someone on this board told her about the typos. There probably weren't more than 30 words on her dumb website and she still had typos. I find the two of them to be so tiresome. 8 Link to comment
imjagain July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, Summerday said: Kathryn definitely seemed high and Thomas looked sad, almost kind of heart broken whenever she spoke. I wonder if he feels guilty. My opinion is that he lies constantly to Kathryn and she continues to fall for his bull for whatever reason. I wonder if Thomas is the one who got her started on hard drugs...we'll never know, but it'seems possible. Do I think Thomas lies, absolutely! Do I think Kathryn is some big eyed country girl that doesn't know when some asshole is feeding her a line of bullshit. No, I don't buy that. I get that people want to side with the young Kathryn, because TRav is gross! I just don't see them as some how fooling each other. They both wanted something from each other, and as unappealing as the K&T alliance is, it really was an alliance at one point. Kathryn's mistake was that she thought she could withhold the children. It doesn't really work that way. Especially if the father wants to see them. I get it, it's easy to blame Thomas for alot of stuff. The fact is Kathryn made a huge mistake trying to use the children. Thomas was paying child support and her rent, and still he had no access to his children. That's messed up. As far as Thomas leading Kathryn down the drug paths.... I don't buy it. Can we really say that. Kathryn by everyone's account was on a mission to be on this show. I don't buy it at all, that it took Thomas to introduce her to drugs. Imo that's a reach. Edited July 2, 2016 by imjagain 9 Link to comment
Summerday July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 2 hours ago, imjagain said: Do I think Thomas lies, absolutely! Do I think Kathryn is some big eyed country girl that doesn't know when some asshole is feeding her a line of bullshit. No, I don't buy that. I get that people want to side with the young Kathryn, because TRav is gross! I just don't see them as some how fooling each other. They both wanted something from each other, and as unappealing as the K&T alliance is, it really was an alliance at one point. Kathryn's mistake was that she thought she could withhold the children. It doesn't really work that way. Especially if the father wants to see them. I get it, it's easy to blame Thomas for alot of stuff. The fact is Kathryn made a huge mistake trying to use the children. Thomas was paying child support and her rent, and still he had no access to his children. That's messed up. As far as Thomas leading Kathryn down the drug paths.... I don't buy it. Can we really say that. Kathryn by everyone's account was on a mission to be on this show. I don't buy it at all, that it took Thomas to introduce her to drugs. Imo that's a reach. Thomas is/was a hard core drug user. That's a fact. Whether or not Thomas introduced Kathryn to it, who knows, but it isn't impossible. Thomas served time for a drug related offense, people who are in that lifestyle and getting arrested for drugs aren't really known for having high moral standards. If he was doing it and he was "dating" Kathryn at the time, it isn't that far fetched that he introduced her to it. 5 Link to comment
politichick July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 16 hours ago, Summerday said: Thomas is/was a hard core drug user. That's a fact. Whether or not Thomas introduced Kathryn to it, who knows, but it isn't impossible. Thomas served time for a drug related offense, people who are in that lifestyle and getting arrested for drugs aren't really known for having high moral standards. If he was doing it and he was "dating" Kathryn at the time, it isn't that far fetched that he introduced her to it. I could be wrong, but I believe Thomas had done his time long before this show started and he met Kathryn. I doubt he was even any kind of big time drug dealer, just a user who had access and extended it to friends. It's not like he needed the money or anything. Recreational drug use isn't always easy to do if you are pretty much a respectable person of a certain age with limited access to sellers. Especially people Thomas's age. Kathryn probably has easier access but the goods may not be as good. I wonder if Naomi or her parents know what a faker old Craig is and that he never intends to work a real job. Landon did seem to squeak less, but she's still annoying as fuck. 5 Link to comment
HunterHunted July 2, 2016 Share July 2, 2016 1 hour ago, politichick said: I could be wrong, but I believe Thomas had done his time long before this show started and he met Kathryn. I doubt he was even any kind of big time drug dealer, just a user who had access and extended it to friends. It's not like he needed the money or anything. Recreational drug use isn't always easy to do if you are pretty much a respectable person of a certain age with limited access to sellers. Especially people Thomas's age. Kathryn probably has easier access but the goods may not be as good. Thomas went to prison in 2008. He had a 10 month sentence. He got out in 2009. It does seem that he was routinely getting cocaine for himself and friends. He said in his sentencing that he'd been using since he was 18. The FBI had been investigating him for 2 years prior to his arrest. His dealer was a DJ. If you are a mid 40s rising political figure with a successful real estate development business, it seems unlikely that you would be in the position to meet sketchy DJs who can get you cocaine. A DJ like that shouldn't be running in the same circles as Thomas, which indicates to me that Thomas was still partying hard. He also got a DUI in the Hamptons in 2013. 4 Link to comment
breezy424 July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 On 7/1/2016 at 2:20 PM, Major Bigtime said: You hit every nail on the head, and then some. Kathryn is getting the worse reviews due to the fact she dropped out of college, is a known drug-user while she was pregnant and using around her kids, went after not one, not two, but three rich men to see who'd have her. I've known people like Thomas and Kathryn my entire life, Thomas has had his problems but he knows when to shut up and be an adult. Plenty of people have dropped out of college. Hey, Craig didn't graduate from law school. Kathryn is a known drug user while she was pregnant? According to who? Anonymous sources? Kathryn went after three rich men? Where are the facts to back that up? Who ever said Kathryn went after Whit? Not Whit. Who ever said Kathryn went after Shep? Not Shep. So there's Thomas. Thomas willingly impregnated Kathryn twice. Does Thomas know when to shut up? Really? He admits he's said things 'in the moment' instead of owning what he says. The 'moment' counts. He knows when to be an adult? Not really. He spent ten months in prison for cocaine. He's given interviews about his situation with Kathryn declaring that he gave her $3100. a month in child support by paying the rent on her house. Um. Me thinks he paid that money mostly because he signed a lease rather than anything else. Talk about giving yourself a pat on the back. And despite how Thomas is playing it by saying he doesn't have to pay child support, one call by Kathryn to the court would make it otherwise. He is the children's biological father and under SC he is required to pay child support. Oh, and yes, Thomas was very adult at his dinner party. And there's his falling drunk into the pool with his daughter? Or how bout his political campaign last season? Thomas is far from being a mature middle aged man. He's proven that over and over again in his life as well as his relationship with Kathryn and their children. 12 Link to comment
Major Bigtime July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 Whitney admitted on camera to having sex with Kathryn. Several times. Shep admitted on camera to having sex with Kathryn, and said he used a condom. Thomas asked him, when he woke him up. All during Season 1. During 2 weeks of filming. She wanted a place on the show. She got it. 4 Link to comment
breezy424 July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 13 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said: Whitney admitted on camera to having sex with Kathryn. Several times. Shep admitted on camera to having sex with Kathryn, and said he used a condom. Thomas asked him, when he woke him up. All during Season 1. During 2 weeks of filming. She wanted a place on the show. She got it. But....neither one of them has stated that it was because Kathryn went after them. They're just as responsible as Kathryn is. No one forced 'them'. Neither one of them have ever stated that Kathryn went 'after them'. It was consensual. Double standard loud and clear. As for Kathryn's place on the show. Well. again double standard. Why is it ok for Whit or Shep or even Thomas to hook up with Kathryn but yet because Kathryn made the choice as a single woman, she's deemed to have ulterior motives? Would the same be said of Whit, Shep or Thomas? I don't think so because they're 'guys'. It would be considered high fives. Sad but true. We've seen it in the reunion regarding Shep and the so called humor of rating women.. Double standard. 10 Link to comment
Major Bigtime July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 Yes, but which is worse? Guys admitting to having sex with Kathryn, or her using drugs while she's pregnant and in the prescence of her children? Kathryn and her drug dealer talking about hooking up so she can pay him by spreading her legs for the drugs she needs? She hooked up with guys for either money or drugs. Period. 4 Link to comment
Midnight Cheese July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 On 7/1/2016 at 0:53 PM, Silo said: Slow your roll. I didn't say EVERYONE in the South is a Redneck. I just said Kathyrn is. And she is. I wonder if she had been able to maintain some level of decorum, do you all think Thomas wouldn't have stepped out? Or do you all think she could have been perfect and he would have stepped out anyway? Thomas was coked-up, red-faced drunk slurring at undergrads in the first episode. He was on the outs with a very pregnant Kathryn, but he's never faced consequences ever for his actions. He lost 1 election and spent a small fraction of time in the least harsh form of incarceration in this country. He's a spoiled sack of shit who will be humiliating himself in front of Lilly Pulitzer obsessed 20 year olds until a heart attack takes him out. Landon is a reprehensible person, I have no doubt she slept with Thomas, and I can't even begin to understand how she's 'better' than Kathryn. Kathryn is significantly younger, may have an active mental illness, and has been dead-fucking-on about Landon from jump. Landon's only job has been the one she was fired from in getting divorced. Her life plan involves snagging a rich dick, no more, no less. Squinty dolphin 'artiste' needs to shaddup and siddown forever, particularly because she's an envious shit-brained misogynist. UGH. 9 Link to comment
Midnight Cheese July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said: Yes, but which is worse? Guys admitting to having sex with Kathryn, or her using drugs while she's pregnant and in the prescence of her children? Kathryn and her drug dealer talking about hooking up so she can pay him by spreading her legs for the drugs she needs? She hooked up with guys for either money or drugs. Period. Kind of unfortunate that women generally have to 'spread their legs' to have sex. That obviously becomes both the phrase that pays and a way to get one's Bethenny Frankel on and shriek 'whore!' while trying to stake out some plausible deniability for having done so. If only we could all get ours by crating some kind of erogenous zone with our left elbow and right heel! 2 Link to comment
HunterHunted July 3, 2016 Share July 3, 2016 7 hours ago, Major Bigtime said: Yes, but which is worse? Guys admitting to having sex with Kathryn, or her using drugs while she's pregnant and in the prescence of her children? Kathryn and her drug dealer talking about hooking up so she can pay him by spreading her legs for the drugs she needs? She hooked up with guys for either money or drugs. Period. Do we have ANY actual evidence that Kathryn was using during pregnancy? St. Julien didn't test positive for any drugs at birth. Many states as a matter of course test all newborns. Positive results are reported to social services or child protective services. South Carolina is a state where a positive drug test for a woman is pregnant or has recently given birth can result in criminal charges. Considering that St. Julien isn't in foster care and Kathryn isn't in jail or on bail, I'm going to say that speculation that Kathryn used during her pregnancy is just that -- speculation and gossip. People keep saying that Kathryn used drugs during her pregnancy, but the fact that up until recently she had primary custody is evidence that she probably wasn't using or if she did it was very limited. There is no state child social services agency that would have allowed Kathryn to have primary custody of the baby if either she or the baby tested positive at birth. Her positive results now are being handled appropriately by family court. Custody has been altered. Kathryn's custody is supervised. 8 Link to comment
biakbiak July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 South Carolina doesn't require testing of newborns even if drug use is suspected. 1 Link to comment
cafe au lait July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 (edited) On 7/1/2016 at 2:20 PM, Major Bigtime said: You hit every nail on the head, and then some. Kathryn is getting the worse reviews due to the fact she dropped out of college, is a known drug-user while she was pregnant and using around her kids, went after not one, not two, but three rich men to see who'd have her. I've known people like Thomas and Kathryn my entire life, Thomas has had his problems but he knows when to shut up and be an adult. I don't know that I believe that Kathryn's behavior is the result of mental illness. She may suffer from depression. However, I believe that her behavior is more the result of her immaturity, her insecure mean girl personality and her drug use, rather than a mental illness. Not that she is the only immature cast member. Her's is a 19 year old MTV Real World kind of crazy immaturity. Which stands out even among the other ridiculously immature cast members. I don't really feel sorry for her, but I don't necessarily see her as a villain. Although, she is by no means likable, but none of the cast members are. They are all extremely unlikable. Edited July 4, 2016 by cafe au lait 3 Link to comment
breezy424 July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 (edited) 9 hours ago, Major Bigtime said: Yes, but which is worse? Guys admitting to having sex with Kathryn, or her using drugs while she's pregnant and in the prescence of her children? Kathryn and her drug dealer talking about hooking up so she can pay him by spreading her legs for the drugs she needs? She hooked up with guys for either money or drugs. Period. And on what basis are you making this declaration? I don't know if Kathryn used drugs during her pregnancy. And I certainly don't know if she did use drugs, she did it in front of her children (Oh wait. She's only been pregnant twice so she couldn't do drugs in the presence of her 'children' while pregnant because that would be impossible). As far as her hooking up to pay for drugs, there was nothing in the texts from that one article that explicitly stated there was an exchange of sex for drugs. They were meeting at a motel but that doesn't equate sex for drugs. Speaking of which, how did someone, aka an anonymous source, come by texts from Ian and Kathryn's phones? I also found it odd that the dates on the texts didn't include the year. Mine does. No 'period' for me. That's a very serious accusation. And IMO, not proof that she hooked up with guys for money or drugs. Just a source who won't even say who they are. Anonymous sources are a dime a dozen. Been down this road with a friend who was in the news that had sources making statements that were unequivocally untrue. I call them cowards because they won't put a name to their claims. Again, I don't know what Kathryn did or did not do. But I'm not going believe things based on what was presented. Period. Kathryn and Thomas are both screwed up people. Equally. Well, IMO, Thomas more so because of his age. He's thirty years older than she is but really no more mature. And the double standard regarding their actions is even more disturbing. Edited July 4, 2016 by breezy424 11 Link to comment
swankie July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 I think Kathryn is absolutely despicable! She's just about the nastiest piece of work I've seen on one of these shows in a long time. Her face looks evil and her demeanor is that of a shrew about to strike and bite the head off of every single person sitting at that reunion. And just because someone mentions that you have kids does not mean they are saying anything bad about your kids so stfu. The fact that she thinks she needs nannies when she doesn't even work makes me hate her even more. And by the way, I can't stand Thomas either. He seems like a real prick. The fact that she procreated with him makes her the biggest damned fool around. So you saw how he treated you like shit after the first baby, so you decide to have another one? What a dope! smdh 3 Link to comment
HunterHunted July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 I'm not going to begrudge anyone who feels like they need a nanny and has the ability to pay for one. If that person feels overwhelmed and isn't sure that they can take care of their child(ren) , then please have someone else care for your children. Kathryn is young, has poor impulse control and can get overwhelmed easily. I don't think she'd physically hurt her children, but I can definitely see her bitching loudly about Thomas in front of the kids. It's better to have the nanny around to tell Kathryn to step outside, smoke a cigarette, and come back in when she's calm. And Thomas has no interest in the everyday part of parenting. He just wants to play and do the fun stuff. Of course he needs the nanny around. 10 Link to comment
Major Bigtime July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 Kathryn smoked pot while pregnant. Both times. 1 Link to comment
What In The July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 As bad as it might sound, I do think Kathryn is capable and would hurt any human that walks on this earth if she felt like it. Including the kids. 2 Link to comment
bichonblitz July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 Why are people bringing up mental illness in regards to Kathryn? Isn't it possible that she's just a spoiled bitch that likes to use drugs and is used to getting what she wants, and when she doesn't she flies in to crazy rages like a 10 yr old? 10 Link to comment
izabella July 4, 2016 Share July 4, 2016 If she tested positive for pot, coke, and opiates, plus her drinking, it sounds like enough of a cocktail to make her seem mentally ill. Sometimes she's high on coke, and sometimes she down on something else. Always unpleasant, though. 2 Link to comment
HunterHunted July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 5 hours ago, bichonblitz said: Why are people bringing up mental illness in regards to Kathryn? Isn't it possible that she's just a spoiled bitch that likes to use drugs and is used to getting what she wants, and when she doesn't she flies in to crazy rages like a 10 yr old? I know why I brought it up. It's because Kathryn mentioned being on antidepressants during the reunion. Additionally, many posters have speculated that she was on drugs during the reunion. Some speculating that she was on stimulants because of how agitated and excitable she was. Others speculating that she was on opiates because there periods during the reunion where she seems zoned out. Unless she's was constantly doing speedballs during the reunion, her very labile moods suggest that she might be bipolar and that she might be cycling rapidly. Prior to the antidepressants reveal, I would have said that the reason behind her ridiculous behavior is because she's an immature entitled asshole. And she may be all of those things and be mentally ill too. 4 Link to comment
breezy424 July 5, 2016 Share July 5, 2016 Antidepressants by themselves can have a very wide range of side effects and Kathryn did not say how long she was on them nor did she say what antidepressant she was taking. Antidepressants are widely prescribed but they can have very serious side effects for the person taking them...including zoning out sleepiness to high anxiety. I took one for a short time a long time ago and I was all over the place emotionally. And then there was getting off them. Brain zap hell. Don't get me wrong, they 'can' be very beneficial but they can also very harmful even leading people to commit suicide. It's a significant medication. As for the drug test. Just have to say again, the drug test does not measure how long or how much of a certain drug a person has taken. It just indicates that the person has taken this drug during a period of time. They could have taken the drug once or taken it a hundred times. The test is not able to conclude that the person was taking a cocktail of anything. Kathryn could be a full fledged addict but the drug test does not 'prove' that at all. Her behavior doesn't prove it either. We can speculate to a certain degree on that behavior but there's a whole lot of factors going on and we don't know all of them. We have a snippet. I just hope that those two little children get a fair shake and a loving normal environment. That's what is most important. 7 Link to comment
Jextella July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 On 6/29/2016 at 11:47 PM, Jextella said: This group went from charming to ugly real quick. The thing about these shows is that the cast has to be likeable to the viewers. Not all will like all, but we have to like them to care for them, and we have to care for them to root for them. Otherwise, all that's left is disinterest. Honestly, even the most likeable of the bunch (for my tastes) were Shep and Craig. Don't get me wrong....I'm down for a good time on mushrooms but not driving. And, I'm ok with having career confusion and anxiety but not misleading all of American and his friends in an attempt to save face. Come on, dudes. Not cool. Whitney's treatment of Kathryn is horrible and his talk about an event being beneath him shows a level of arrogance and cruelty that I can't stomach. Landon is lost and desperate and I do believe Kathryn that she tried to hook up with Thomas. I think she's just as much of a hot-mess-express as Kathryn and Thomas. Kathryn and Thomas doing drugs was the biggest tipping point. It's sad that a young person like Kathryn has succumbed to them. And it sounds like TRav may have a problem as well. Cameron is the most normal and has been the most boring as a result but after the first reunion, she was a breath of fresh air for me. She's the only one remaining who I actually like and root for at this point. Whew! Everyone came off better in part 2 of the reunion. And I totally get where Kathryn is coming from after watching it. Over the top sensitive? Without a doubt. But, I get where she's coming from and why. I think Craig has moved back into the likable camp. I also feel Whitney redeemed himself quite a bit and is finally starting to understand a bit more about where Kathryn is coming from. I hope anyway. Whitney is one of my favorites. I think he wants to settle down really badly. I also think he struggles to find purpose....kind of a rich-kid syndrome. He may have wealth but he doesn't appear to have much direction and I know how hard that is. I think the only ones I'm not terribly sympathetic with at this point are Thomas and Landon. Link to comment
ShadowGlow July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 I thought Andy had the floor, so then why did Kathryn get to talk so much? She practically ran the show herself!!! She is rude, crude & needs to stop acting like a 13-yr old with all that eye rolling that she does. She needs to lay off Landon. The reunion shows are supposed to talk about issues or things that each cast member goes through during that season, but instead Andy let it turn into a run away train only letting Kathryn ridicule Landon every 3 seconds. Shame on you Andy, you need to muzzle Kathryn ???????????? 6 Link to comment
beesknees July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 On 7/3/2016 at 11:11 AM, Major Bigtime said: Yes, but which is worse? Guys admitting to having sex with Kathryn, or her using drugs while she's pregnant and in the prescence of her children? Kathryn and her drug dealer talking about hooking up so she can pay him by spreading her legs for the drugs she needs? She hooked up with guys for either money or drugs. Period. I am thinking that you may be a Charleston local and may know Kathryn personally or be "in the know"? Do tell because you seem to know some inside facts the rest of us don't. Not trying to be snarky or anything but you are throwing a lot of information out there. I didn't hear anything about her exchanging sex or drugs with a dealer in a motel. Can you fill us in please? On 7/4/2016 at 2:06 PM, Major Bigtime said: Kathryn smoked pot while pregnant. Both times. I didn't hear about this either. Inquiring minds want to know. 2 Link to comment
Major Bigtime July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 13 hours ago, beesknees said: I am thinking that you may be a Charleston local and may know Kathryn personally or be "in the know"? Do tell because you seem to know some inside facts the rest of us don't. Not trying to be snarky or anything but you are throwing a lot of information out there. I didn't hear anything about her exchanging sex or drugs with a dealer in a motel. Can you fill us in please? I didn't hear about this either. Inquiring minds want to know. There are links somewhere showing the text messages the drug dealer and Kathryn exchanged. She was jonesing for her fix. Thomas is friends with a friend of mine so I know the pot smoking is true. 2 Link to comment
bichonblitz July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 15 hours ago, ShadowGlow said: I thought Andy had the floor, so then why did Kathryn get to talk so much? She practically ran the show herself!!! She is rude, crude & needs to stop acting like a 13-yr old with all that eye rolling that she does. She needs to lay off Landon. The reunion shows are supposed to talk about issues or things that each cast member goes through during that season, but instead Andy let it turn into a run away train only letting Kathryn ridicule Landon every 3 seconds. Shame on you Andy, you need to muzzle Kathryn ???????????? If you have seen Andy do his other Housewives reunions, this always happens. He loses control all the time. Especially when the fighting escalates. He is the worst host ever. 5 Link to comment
izabella July 7, 2016 Share July 7, 2016 53 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: If you have seen Andy do his other Housewives reunions, this always happens. He loses control all the time. Especially when the fighting escalates. He is the worst host ever. He's terrible at hosting. Whichever Housewife (or Charmer) is the biggest, loudest, overtalkiest asshole at the reunion is the one who ends up running it because he exerts zero control. 4 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty July 8, 2016 Share July 8, 2016 I realized that JD was never on the couch, it would have been interesting to hear what he had to say about Craig and his work ethic and law school efforts...otherwise Craig was useless and almost forgot he was there. It would have been hysterical to have Kathryn's nanny on the couch too! Can you imagine what she would have to say being a witness to all that goes down. 1 Link to comment
halkatla July 9, 2016 Share July 9, 2016 I tried to watch this recently, after I had already read through 1-2 pages in this thread. I admit that I hate Landon and kind of like Kathryn, but I can see that Kathryn has flaws and understandably is not very much liked by all people. I was expecting to see her looking drugged and Landon looking amazing, but what I saw was the opposite. I saw nothing wrong with Kathryn, she clearly wasn´t on drugs and she didn´t seem that way either, and Landon looked so ugly that I had to stop watching half way through it because the camera always panned to her wrinkled old face. Just wanted to put this out there since I find it very interesting how differently people can see this stuff. I really think Kathryn should stop trying to hang out with all these much older and sadder people (not counting Cameran who is not sad), and get some nice friends and try to work on toning down the crazy. I really have hope for her, no matter how people try to put her down, she is young enough to have plenty of time to grow out of it. 3 Link to comment
Chalby October 26, 2016 Share October 26, 2016 (edited) On July 1, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Baltimore Betty said: Kathryn is very immature and that may be due to her drug use, it is believed that the age of the person at which he or she becomes a heavy drug user has stunted brain growth so they are sort of stalled at that mental age. Something tells me that Kathryn has been casually using drugs for a while so I would not hold my breath waiting for some sort of epiphany about how she handles herself in life. I gather you do not use or condone drugs, and I applaud you. Otherwise, the statement you made, makes not a lot of sense. One does not become immature due to drug use. It does not stall or stunt one at a specific age, either. Let's just comment on the behaviours we see, but without the allusions or assumption that drugs contribute to behaviours. Edited October 26, 2016 by Chalby 1 Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes October 26, 2016 Share October 26, 2016 Addiction to mind-altering substances has been proven beyond all doubt to stunt emotional aging - the maturing process. A simple Google search of "addicts and emotional aging" produces a ton of hits to this effect. In the recovery community, you will hear near-universal tales from recovering folks who will tell you how they used to "not think" and how they've developed better maturity once they stopped using. I am not speaking simply out of some "book" knowledge. While I have been fortunate to not be an addict myself, I've known many of them and was quite active in the recovery community. I make no specific finding in regards to Kathryn, other than the odds are pretty great that she fits this all-too tragic profile. She may be a fortunate exception. However, her mercurial and petulant personality are likely a clue. 6 Link to comment
Major Bigtime July 14, 2017 Share July 14, 2017 On 10/26/2016 at 7:45 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said: I make no specific finding in regards to Kathryn, other than the odds are pretty great that she fits this all-too tragic profile. She may be a fortunate exception. However, her mercurial and petulant personality are likely a clue. Yes, which I've been saying before, she is likely to hit a huge wall and crash before it's all over. I hope she survives. Link to comment
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