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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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I have the feed which is just showing Natalie. I don't really care about anyone else. I'm relying on you to tell me if anyone else wins. But watching her? She's definitely still trying. That ramp is bullshit.

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I must admit I am enjoying the fact that multiple of Corey's eggs go right up to the first H...and do nothing. Hahaha!

James is so useless. Does he really think he's safe this week or is he just that bad?

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FINALLY. James got the O knocked down.

Victor could take this for the speed he's getting, which allows him to get twice the chances than the others.

Natalie's slowed down so Victor's passed her. I just need Natalie to go a bit faster here. She was doing so well before with getting the eggs to the ramp.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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And there you have it. Natalie is screwed. But she actually deserves to be for making the horrible mistake (along with Michelle) of putting Victor and Paul up on the block in the first place. She absolutely bet on the wrong team. That was a fatal mistake. Paul and Victor could have carried her to F3. She simply was never a good enough player to get there on her own. Paulie certainly won't be starved of female company come next Friday.

Edited by TimWil
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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Nicole and Corey are voting. They're definitely sending Nat out ahead of James, unfortunately. 

At this point, Vic and Paul might see her as the bigger threat, too. What's James going to do? Use a foodstuff inappropriately? Nat could conceivably win a comp.

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Victor and Paul are going to be insufferable this week, with a side of Corey/Nicole gloating. No thanks, football is back on. I'm really bitter this year, y'all, and I don't know why. I think that Paulie eviction week went to my head, with a side of Natalie/Michelle's HOH being completely negated.  The disappointment over the aftermath from that is just depressing. Oh well, I have the Houston vs. Oklahoma game to look forward to. Screw these asshats.

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Victor and Paul are going to be insufferable this week, with a side of Corey/Nicole gloating. No thanks, football is back on. I'm really bitter this year, y'all, and I don't know why. I think that Paulie eviction week went to my head, with a side of Natalie/Michelle's HOH being completely negated.  The disappointment over the aftermath from that is just depressing. Oh well, I have the Houston vs. Oklahoma game to look forward to. Screw these asshats.

Yeah, I guess I'm out for the week again. I got through one week without any feeds whatsoever. Another week shouldn't be hard! 

Once Natalie goes, I can at least tune out until the finale. 

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Just now, simplyme said:

At this point, Vic and Paul might see her as the bigger threat, too. What's James going to do? Use a foodstuff inappropriately? Nat could conceivably win a comp.

Vic and Paul definitely want James gone.

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2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Victor and Paul are going to be insufferable this week, with a side of Corey/Nicole gloating. No thanks, football is back on. I'm really bitter this year, y'all, and I don't know why. I think that Paulie eviction week went to my head, with a side of Natalie/Michelle's HOH being completely negated.  The disappointment over the aftermath from that is just depressing. Oh well, I have the Houston vs. Oklahoma game to look forward to. Screw these asshats.

I agree. Maybe I'll watch next year. Although I did skip last season, so who knows.

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I said it earlier. It's most likely Paul & Victor in the Final 3 but who is the 3rd person? Would the guys drag Nicole with them or bro-down and take Corey? I think Natalie and James are screwed. Of course, there is POV but with comp beast Victor and his boys Paul & Corey the odds aren't in favor for Natalie & James. James sucks but I would mind Natalie making it to the end. 

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The best option is to take Nat out over James. The jurors hate James, he sucks at comps. He is the perfect f2 bait. Natalie is the better competitor and she can realistically rally votes from the women.

James fucked his game up when he blindsided Paulie/Corey and voted out Z and got Day out.

edit: James is the target. They believe Nat will crumble once James leaves.

Edited by CheetaraThunder
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1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Vic and Paul definitely want James gone.

I suppose Vic could put up James and Corey/Nicole. That makes Paul the swing vote. The only issue would be if Nat won veto.

Or they could simply bro down with Corey and try to talk him into James if they put up James and Nat. Corey's a beta male who follows the alpha male. There's a decent chance he'd do it.

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There is a double edge sword to Victor winning HOH this week.  Unless Paul wins HOH next week, there is a HIGH likelihood that both of them will be put on the block next week with one packing.

I guess on the flip side, who ever of James/Natalie stays in the house will probably cruise into F4.

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Keeping Natalie is good for Paul/Vic while keeping James is good for Nicole/Corey. Ultimately, I want James to go, but I have a feeling that Natalie will go.

Well, Paulie's probably going to self-evict from jury if that happens. All females and no males in jury, and then they'd be sequestered by the time a male does come to jury? Hilarious.

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23 minutes ago, TimWil said:

And there you have it. Natalie is screwed. But she actually deserves to be for making the horrible mistake (along with Michelle) of putting Victor and Paul up on the block in the first place. She absolutely bet on the wrong team. BIG mistake. Paul and Victor could have carried her to F3.


Hey now, she can't beat them at F2. 

Never mind she has to get there. It was Finale what, 7?

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I think Paulie is fine with Day/Z/Bridge in jury. That seem like they were all fine during Buyback...but it's the combo of Meech/Nat that would suck for him.

Honestly, Vic won a huge HOH: he basically debilitated the other side and barring Jatalie winning every comp, they are done.

Now we get to see Natalie's true side. Will she completely throw James to the wolves or bow out? James basically saying he will save Nat with the veto if he wins and is on the block together.

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

There is a double edge sword to Victor winning HOH this week.  Unless Paul wins HOH next week, there is a HIGH likelihood that both of them will be put on the block next week with one packing.

I guess on the flip side, who ever of James/Natalie stays in the house will probably cruise into F4.

How probable is it that Paul threw this, hoping Vic or Corey would win and do his dirty work for him but leaving him eligible for HoH next week?

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Nicole confirming that Michelle said that "Nicole fuc**d her way to the end" while leaving the house

Meech truly gave zero fucks lol. I hope she's on the feeds chat when the season is over. I feel like she would definitely spill some tea, but I assume that they sign some sort of confidentiality agreement about what they can say. For a few months at least?

Edited by Marie80
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James is the target right now. He is going out just like last season: he fell in love with a girl that only sees him as a friend and has betrayed all the people loyal to him. Good god, Day/Z are going to fucking roast his ass if he gets evicted, and I can't wait.

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10 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:


Hey now, she can't beat them at F2. 

Never mind she has to get there. It was Finale what, 7?

Sorry, she was never going to win against these HGs. She's a nice young lady but a poor player. She would have been lucky to make F3.

Edited by TimWil
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3 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Sorry, she was never going to win against these HGs. She's a nice young lady but a poor player. She would have been lucky to make F3.

I don't know about calling her a poor player. She made some crucial mistakes, yes. But I think they all made mistakes that could have been crucial. Timing is important. I certainly think she was a better player than at least half the house. (Speaking of crucial mistakes, usually getting evicted counts as one.)

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Nicole wants the other "girl" gone so she has her dream of last woman standing.

She and Corey are the votes that count.  Nat will go unless she wins VETO, OR Vic and Paul realize they are putting themselves in a bind next week.

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1 minute ago, PaperTree said:

Once James or Nat is gone, the HOH winning pair can use the survivor to break up the other pair, if they choose.

If J/N somehow then wins HOH; anything could happen.  It will be tedious until then.....

I'm positive that once James or Natalie win, at least Paul/Vic will use the remaining one to get out the other side. They'll want the numbers on their side. So if James leaves, Vic/Paul will most likely scoop up Natalie and use her. I'm not sure about Nicole/Corey, but they'd put up Victor/Natalie in that case and part of me hopes if that happens, Paul will win and pull Victor off, leaving Nicole or Corey to go up...and then Paul/Vic evict that person. 

But that's a dream for next week.

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7 minutes ago, simplyme said:

I don't know about calling her a poor player. She made some crucial mistakes, yes. But I think they all made mistakes that could have been crucial. Timing is important. I certainly think she was a better player than at least half the house. (Speaking of crucial mistakes, usually getting evicted counts as one.)

I think she's a poor player in that she's made crucial mistakes. Targeting Victor and Paul was the biggie, simple as that.

Edited by TimWil
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2 hours ago, TimWil said:

I think she's a poor player in that she makes crucial mistakes. Targeting Victor and Paul was the biggie.

I don't think that was a mistake at all. It would've been perfect for her if not for the rewind because there's no way any of them would beat Paul at the end (unfortunately).

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1 minute ago, CheetaraThunder said:

Why is Nicole always so intimidated by women? BB16, it was Brittany/Maber/Christine, and now this season it's Day/Z/Bridge/Michelle.

Because they see through her bullshit.

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