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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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19 minutes ago, Edith said:

So if Luka from WOTW is right, we should understand, after next episode, that Sansa played  Littlefinger, right? That she put 2+2 together and realize that he was the one who gave that letter to Arya and this is why she sends Brienne away and why she would look for Bran? 

I get the impression that that's something that happens next episode, not as of this point.

Though on that subject, if we get any sort of explanation for Sansa's thought process in how she figured this out, I'm expecting Brienne's comment about Littlefinger turning all the Winterfell guards against Sansa to identified as some sort of gradual "eureka!" moment (even if it's not quite the same as what happened with the Goldcloaks).

Edited by SeanC
15 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I get the impression that that's something that happens next episode, not as of this point.

Though on that subject, if we get any sort of explanation for Sansa's thought process in how she figured this out, I'm expecting Brienne's comment about Littlefinger turning all the Winterfell guards against Sansa to identified as some sort of gradual "eureka!" moment (even if it's not quite the same as what happened with the Goldcloaks).

Yeah that's why I said after next episode. 

Perhaps or maybe in her conversation with Arya? Lads2 said that we would see Sansa on her way to talk to Bran and Friki mention that Bran would be sitting next to Sansa next episode.

20 minutes ago, anamika said:

Why would she send Brienne away to play with LF? Why not just bring Brienne and Arya into the plan and let them know what's happening.

Ask D&D that. They are the one who thought sending Gendry back to eastwatch, send a raven back to Dragonstone, have Dany change her clothes and then arriving in the past of what? Two days? Just in time to save Jon was a great idea. 

3 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

This just occurred to me.  We have seen almost every scene from the season 7 preview (May/June) on screen EXCEPT for dragons roasting a fleet of Greyjoys' ships.  Most likely Cersei vs Dany powow next week will not end well resulting in destruction of Cersei's navy 

I would hope that Daenerys destroys Euron's fleet at minimum next week, but given the lengths to which D&D are going to keep Cersei in the game, I expect absolutely nothing will happen to damage her militarily. 

6 hours ago, SeanC said:

I get the impression that that's something that happens next episode, not as of this point.

Though on that subject, if we get any sort of explanation for Sansa's thought process in how she figured this out, I'm expecting Brienne's comment about Littlefinger turning all the Winterfell guards against Sansa to identified as some sort of gradual "eureka!" moment (even if it's not quite the same as what happened with the Goldcloaks).

I believe it'll be more along the case that Littlefinger pushes too hard for her to punish Arya and that winds up biting him in the ass once she has time to step back and think about it.

So the spoilers make is seem that we get more of a reunion between tyrion and Pod then we did tryion and jamie or tyrion and bronn which is really weird.

59 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

So the spoilers make is seem that we get more of a reunion between tyrion and Pod then we did tryion and jamie or tyrion and bronn which is really weird.

That isn't strange, in my opinion. Jaime has decidedly mixed feelings towards Tyrion at the moment, and Bronn was only ever a friend-for-hire who now happens to be working for the other side. Pod's devotion to Tyrion on the other hand is genuine, deep and unconditional.

I'm not fussed that the Tyrion/Bronn reunion was cut. I can even imagine how it would go: sassy comment, sassy response, barbed allusions to Jaime's anger at Tyrion killing Tywin, crude sexual innuendo about Dany, insult about Cersei, sassy comment, sassy response, and scene. A little Bronn goes a long way.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, bubble sparkly said:

So with boatsex now on the horizon I can't help wondering about Dany and Jon's hair situation.  All season Jon has been rocking the half up / half down man bun, and Dany a series of complicated braided arrangements.  Will their locks finally flow free when engaging in passionate boatsex lol?

OMG.  I was thinking the same thing, at least about Jon.  I know it's silly but I need to see the curls again.  Boatsex seems the mostly time.

Edited by Kanner
3 hours ago, SeanC said:

Why would that lead to her suddenly wondering about Littlefinger's dealings with Ned?

Because, writers.

They're going to go for the big "Student Defeats Sensei" moment.  LF will overplay his cards, and Sansa will sandbag him.  We'll get all of the whys and wherefores in a neat little five minute exposition by Sansa....perhaps publicly in front of the Lords, and it will be off to the gallows with Littlefinger.  Sansa has been saying for episodes now that she "knows what LF is up to".  But the writers still have her acting stupidly concerning LF (I am NOT a Sansa fan, remember), so although Sansa says she knows, she continues to act as if she hasn't a clue about LF's true intentions.  

So D&D will have set this up to make it appear to come out of left field.  But I'm betting Arya's going to be in on it before Sansa goes public and Little Finger gets killed.  Massive head fake by the writers.

3 hours ago, doram said:

I need Dany to wear her hair loose. It feels like it's been years since we've seen her out of braids. I think there was a bed scene with Daario (pillow talk about the ethics and morality of killing people, romantic stuff that) but it's so vague (and had so much Daario) that I barely remember how she looked in it. 

Things I've learned with a recent rewatch of S1: The Dothraki (women?) wear their hair in braids. Dany started to wear her hair in braids once she took on the costuming of the Dothraki. I think it was Jorah who commented about it to Viserys.  Jorah suggests that the braids were her embracing of the Dothraki way of life to make herself appear to fit in more fully.  The hair loose, the way that she had her hair styled before she was married to Drogo was supposedly the style of the Westerosi. It's possible that the style was pre-Robert's rebellion but that was why she wore it long and free.  I think she continues to wear it in braids to show her continued allegiance/devotion to the Dothraki. Or you know, the directors were sick of her hair flying all over the place and getting in her face, so tight braids keeps her wig in line. 

Edited by Keener
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I think what turns Jaime is that Cersei has no interest in protecting their unborn child since she might be planning to double-cross Jon and Dany with her plans of not helping in the war to come. Jaime needs to run as fast and as far away as he can from that monster he loves. If he doesn't, then there's no hope for him and he should die. 

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I think, thanks to the scenes of the dragons reacting to them, that "the dragon must have 3 heads" refers to Dany, Jon and Tyrion being the 3 heads.  We know that Dany and Jon are both Targaryons.  Anyone want to take bets that Tyrion is also part Targaryon?  Maybe that's why Tywain hated him so much - he knew he wasn't really a Lannister, but couldn't make it public that his wife had cheated on him, so he was stuck with the story that Tyrion was his true born son.  So it will take the power of all 3 Targaryons to defeat the threat from the North.

  • Love 1

I have been perusing the leaks for the finale again. Really, it seems pretty uneventful except for Jon and Daenerys having sex and Littlefinger finally getting what he deserves. However, since I have been waiting for these two events to occur since season 1, I know that I will be thrilled.

The other thing, I am already annoyed that Dany isn't going to kill Cersei and destroy Euron's fleet while she has the chance. Think about how many lives she would save in the long run, but D&D has to keep Lena Headey employed to the very end.

Edited by SimoneS
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57 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I have been perusing the leaks for the finale again. Really, it seems pretty uneventful except for Jon and Daenerys having sex and Littlefinger finally getting what he deserves. However, since I have been waiting for these two events to occur since season 1, I know that I will be thrilled.

LF has been so useless and marginalized this season that his death will be a mercy killing, frankly. I'm happy to see him go--it's something I've wanted to see for several seasons as well--but it feels almost anticlimactic at this point.



The other thing, I am already annoyed that Dany isn't going to kill Cersei and destroy Euron's fleet while she has the chance. Think about how many lives she would save in the long run, but D&D has to keep Lena Headey employed to the very end.

The writers have made it clear that Dany needs to buy into Tyrion's pacifist hand-holding claptrap or else she'll be Just As Bad as all the other tyrants, which is a silly false dichotomy to me but whatever.

One thing I am curious about is that Dany has a few times this season accused Tyrion of giving her bad advice because he's harbouring secret sympathies towards his family members. In the script page for 7x10 with a snippet of Tyrion and Cersei's dragonpit conversation, Tyrion when defending himself against Cersei's accusation that he has always wanted House Lannister to be destroyed explicitly tells Cersei that the only reason she's still alive is that he talked Dany out of killing her. So...Dany was right?

Edited by Eyes High
  • Love 8
11 hours ago, bubble sparkly said:

So with boatsex now on the horizon I can't help wondering about Dany and Jon's hair situation.  All season Jon has been rocking the half up / half down man bun, and Dany a series of complicated braided arrangements.  Will their locks finally flow free when engaging in passionate boatsex lol?

This made me laugh and also realize that I'm also looking forward to this scene and have somewhat high expectations for it. This show is so starved for romance; I'm really ready for them to give it a try.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

I have been perusing the leaks for the finale again. Really, it seems pretty uneventful except for Jon and Daenerys having sex and Littlefinger finally getting what he deserves.

I was thinking the same thing.  For a super-sized episode, I'm actually not sure how all that space gets filled.  We know of basically four scenes in Winterfell, the Dragonpit (which I imagine will be a big chunk of space), there's a bit with Theon, and boatsex.

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2 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

I think, thanks to the scenes of the dragons reacting to them, that "the dragon must have 3 heads" refers to Dany, Jon and Tyrion being the 3 heads.  We know that Dany and Jon are both Targaryons.  Anyone want to take bets that Tyrion is also part Targaryon?  Maybe that's why Tywain hated him so much - he knew he wasn't really a Lannister, but couldn't make it public that his wife had cheated on him, so he was stuck with the story that Tyrion was his true born son.  So it will take the power of all 3 Targaryons to defeat the threat from the North.

I would love if Tyrion was Targaryon.  I certainly hope that he is the 3rd rider as well.

13 hours ago, funkopop said:

I wonder if Cersei kills Brienne and that makes Jamie turn against her.

I would hate to see Brienne die, but I was Jamie to kill Cersei even more so....  Personally, I like Jamie. He seemed like a complete douchebag that was completely controlled by his sister and his father.  I think he grew as a person, and started to see his family a bit more clearly after he spent so long away from them.  I also think that Brienne is one of the few people he truly cares about, maybe even loves. So Cersei killing Brienne, if she suspecting that Jamie's loyalties were wavering, might just be the deal breaker for him.  That or she is faking her pregger status, and he finds out.  I also kind of think that after he spent some time out of Cersei's control, he was even a bit disgusted by their relationship.  He really had no desire to sleep with her that last time.

19 hours ago, SeanC said:

I get the impression that that's something that happens next episode, not as of this point.

Though on that subject, if we get any sort of explanation for Sansa's thought process in how she figured this out, I'm expecting Brienne's comment about Littlefinger turning all the Winterfell guards against Sansa to identified as some sort of gradual "eureka!" moment (even if it's not quite the same as what happened with the Goldcloaks).

Personally, I'm hoping that she put on one of Arya's faces and gets within ear shot of Littlefinger, and hears him talking smack.  If Sansa kills LF instead of Arya's I think she finally might win some points in my eyes.

13 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

So how long did the suicide squad wait for Dany and kids to arrive? Jon needs someone to warm up his cold body that's why we have boatsex lol.

For some reason, people on other forums are adamant it was around four days, but I don't think so. They would've froze to death before then. I think it was maybe a day and a half, give or take.

2 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

I think, thanks to the scenes of the dragons reacting to them, that "the dragon must have 3 heads" refers to Dany, Jon and Tyrion being the 3 heads.  We know that Dany and Jon are both Targaryons.  Anyone want to take bets that Tyrion is also part Targaryon?  Maybe that's why Tywain hated him so much - he knew he wasn't really a Lannister, but couldn't make it public that his wife had cheated on him, so he was stuck with the story that Tyrion was his true born son.  So it will take the power of all 3 Targaryons to defeat the threat from the North.

I'm thinking Dany loses one of the dragons before she ever makes it to the Wall. Whatever is set to go down with (f)Aegon and this whole Dance 2.0, I doubt she comes out with all three. I personally don't really buy into the whole Tyrion is a secret Targaryen. 

Honestly though, watching that shot of the army of the dead, and the dragons burning them, all I could think of was how three dragons didn't even seem to be enough at all. Like yeah, they're doing damage, but the NK was immune to the dragon fire. He walked through it like no biggie. Plus he seemed to be waiting for Dany to show up, like he knew she was going to be there. And is he and his WW communicating telepathically, because that WW just handed him the ice spear like he knew exactly what he was going to do with it. So that's a pretty big problem.

I always thought we were looking at a hive mind type of situation, especially when we think of the old gods and the connections made through the weirwood, but the Others having access to that is a pretty frightening notion. So I sort of wonder if the dragon must have three heads isn't also a hive mind type of situation as too, where there's a very specific connection that exists between these three people that goes beyond the blood they share.

16 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

I guess they used Beric's flaming sword to warm up lol.

Or Thoros's body...

Edited by YaddaYadda
9 minutes ago, GraceK said:

The way it's looking and this is pure speculation, but I think the NK is the third dragon head mentioned. Since he now has control of Viserion it makes sense to me. Jon and Dany are the other 2 in my opinion. I honestly never thought Tyrion was a targAreyen...that big reveal was meant for Jon. 

I have heard a rumor that there will be a 4th dragon though ................althought as far as I know it is just a rumor, or maybe fan theory..... its hard to keep it all strait..... but I heard that there maybe a 4th dragon buried in the wall, and something happens that will end up reviving it......

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

I was thinking the same thing.  For a super-sized episode, I'm actually not sure how all that space gets filled.  We know of basically four scenes in Winterfell, the Dragonpit (which I imagine will be a big chunk of space), there's a bit with Theon, and boatsex.

Dragonpit, Dragonstone, Winterfell, Theon, Boatsex/Winterfell, The wall

First, a Confession: I am a Theon apologist.

Second,  mild Speculation: I think he will kill himself off-screen.

His passing will be similar to Shakespearean character's who die off-stage: like King Lear's fool.  

I simply can't see a full redemption arc for him.  Every time he seems to come close, something or someone pulls him back into darkness and despair.  I don't know what a happy ending would look like for him.  Where does he belong?  He has no home.  Maybe with Hot Pie?  But he can't cook.  Essos?  the Unsullied?  I see him dying off-screen because that would fit in with some of the nihilistic tendencies of the series.

Did anyone else think the Zombies were hilarious? Seriously, they captured one and it was a spitten' and a frettin' and a snarlin' on the rock island.

i had on the CC and it kept saying Snarling I laughed but I don't think that was suppose to be funny.

also, how many dumb zombies just kept walking right into the water before they stopped? They are so stupid. Also when they are running some of them run all zombiel-like which is also funnier than it is scary.

The Hound knocking that ones jaw off was suppose to be funny and he called them "dumb c**** which they are apparently.

confused why a man can't outsmart these Dumb you know what's.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Stephanie1216 said:


The Hound knocking that ones jaw off was suppose to be funny and he called them "dumb c**** which they are apparently.

confused why a man can't outsmart these Dumb you know what's.

Lol, right? The AOTD obviously ain't that dumb if they managed to kill a dragon and would've killed Jon and Co. if Dany hadn't swooped in to save them at the last minute.

9 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

And a little bit of Melissandre in Volantis and Maesters in Citadel. 

I sincerely HOPE we get no more Sam, Gilly, & Baby Sam on a boat, w/Sam puking his guts out.  I've seen enough of Sam & icky stuff to last a lifetime.

Let's hope one of the Winterfell scenes will be Sam & Gilly heading in.  I wonder what Sam will make of Arya?  Because for sure Jon told him all about his favorite sister at the Wall.  Sam knew all about Bran the moment he saw him.  I bet Arya will take a liking to Sam immediately.  There is no guile in the man.

2 hours ago, LadyChaos said:

I have heard a rumor that there will be a 4th dragon though ................althought as far as I know it is just a rumor, or maybe fan theory..... its hard to keep it all strait..... but I heard that there maybe a 4th dragon buried in the wall, and something happens that will end up reviving it......

Good chance there is but since faegon has been cut they just gave the WW Visersion instead of one being in the wall, under Winterfell, Sheepstealer or whatever Martin has planned. It was always going to be Dany/Drogon and Jon/Rhaegal.

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, Stephanie1216 said:

Did anyone else think the Zombies were hilarious? Seriously, they captured one and it was a spitten' and a frettin' and a snarlin' on the rock island.

i had on the CC and it kept saying Snarling I laughed but I don't think that was suppose to be funny.

also, how many dumb zombies just kept walking right into the water before they stopped? They are so stupid. Also when they are running some of them run all zombiel-like which is also funnier than it is scary.

The Hound knocking that ones jaw off was suppose to be funny and he called them "dumb c**** which they are apparently.

confused why a man can't outsmart these Dumb you know what's.

I was just watching the tied up zombie thinking 'How much fun it must of  been to be that extra being told his ques were just to lie there growling and twitching' 

Edited by LadyChaos
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20 hours ago, SeanC said:

Why would that lead to her suddenly wondering about Littlefinger's dealings with Ned?

Littlefinger's constant attempts to turn her against her sister changes Littlefinger's status. He goes from  benign lecher to A legit threat who has to be dealt with.  Since she knows he has skeletons in her closet, she uses Bran to find out what they are.

20 hours ago, Eyes High said:

That isn't strange, in my opinion. Jaime has decidedly mixed feelings towards Tyrion at the moment, and Bronn was only ever a friend-for-hire who now happens to be working for the other side. Pod's devotion to Tyrion on the other hand is genuine, deep and unconditional.

Admittedly,  story-line wise, it makes sense that this reunion is highlighted since it shows that the dwarf who spent this whole show, hell, his whole life looking for love and acceptance, finally gets it in an unexpected place. However, that's not how these writers tend to roll. They tend to go towards fanservicey things ( Bron-Tyrion) or things with more emotional heft (Tyrion-Jaime).

9 hours ago, Eyes High said:

The writers have made it clear that Dany needs to buy into Tyrion's pacifist hand-holding claptrap or else she'll be Just As Bad as all the other tyrants, which is a silly false dichotomy to me but whatever.

One thing I am curious about is that Dany has a few times this season accused Tyrion of giving her bad advice because he's harbouring secret sympathies towards his family members. In the script page for 7x10 with a snippet of Tyrion and Cersei's dragonpit conversation, Tyrion when defending himself against Cersei's accusation that he has always wanted House Lannister to be destroyed explicitly tells Cersei that the only reason she's still alive is that he talked Dany out of killing her. So...Dany was right?

Tyrion's not really the pacifist, Varys is.  Tyrion's more a long term guy. He's more worried about keeping her alive and making sure the public opinion of her is positive than he is about her use of dragons.

Could be, could also be that he's trying to convince her to send her soldiers up north.

11 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

I think, thanks to the scenes of the dragons reacting to them, that "the dragon must have 3 heads" refers to Dany, Jon and Tyrion being the 3 heads. 

It's still possible to get the three dragon riders. Maybe Bran harnesses the power of the NK and wargs wight Viserion! I have seen this theory being floated around so thought I will just throw that in.  Bran is the character most connected to the WW story in the books and I hope they have something in store for him next season.

The three heads of the dragon could metaphorically refer to Jon, Dany and their kid. I don't think Tyrion is going to be a secret Targ. We are beyond that now and I don't think it serves the story in any way.

Edited by anamika
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10 hours ago, Ocean Chick said:

I think, thanks to the scenes of the dragons reacting to them, that "the dragon must have 3 heads" refers to Dany, Jon and Tyrion being the 3 heads.  We know that Dany and Jon are both Targaryons.  Anyone want to take bets that Tyrion is also part Targaryon?  Maybe that's why Tywain hated him so much - he knew he wasn't really a Lannister, but couldn't make it public that his wife had cheated on him, so he was stuck with the story that Tyrion was his true born son.  So it will take the power of all 3 Targaryons to defeat the threat from the North.

He isn't. To me, the Tyrion Targaryen theory is the symbol of the book fandom's worst tendencies: flat-out denying logical answers we are given because of a random line somewhere, building crackpot theories out of those random lines even when there exists no mystery or uncertainty that would require an elaborate theory to explain it, refusing to believe that narrative buildup is required for a major plot or character development because GRRM is supposedly a trope-breaker, and arguing that the buildup that does exist is effectively meaningless as an indicator of the truth because GRRM really intends to repeat the same beat in another character's story without doing the buildup so that Jon=Targ and Tyrion=Targ can be treated as equally viable theories. The books already have #1 Dany, the genuine Targaryen heir who knows her parentage (and people even have wild theories that her internal crisis will be discovering that she's not the daughter of Aerys but Rhaegar or whoever because her childhood memories are suspicious!), #2 Jon, the Targaryen heir who is going to discover that his parents are not who he thought they were, and #3 Aegon, the fake Targaryen heir who believes he knows his parentage but may or may not discover that he's actually a pretender. And people want GRRM to throw in Tyrion as #4, repeating Jon's plot as the Targaryen heir who is going to discover that his parents are not who he thought they were, only without the buildup and the mystery since not a single damn thing in the story is left unexplained by Tyrion's parents being Tywin and Joanna! That would be a total mess that would top all the teleporting, fanservice and deus ex machina complaints that season 7 has gotten.

The Stark girls mention Ned. The Lannister twins mention Tywin. Tyrion and Cersei are going to talk about their house in 7x07. Dany's story this season has been majorly influenced by the legacy of Aerys. Jon is getting hammered with anvils about how he doesn't look like his daddy, and while his parentage is going to be clarified for the viewers in 7x07 he won't find out until season 8. But there doesn't exist a single show connection between Tyrion and Aerys and the third dragon he's supposed to ride just got wighted by the NK (bonus: the 7x05 outline mentions Gendry being a potential Baratheon heir but nothing in any outline makes similar hints about Tyrion having a tie to the Targaryens despite all the time he spends worrying about Dany needing to avoid acting like Aerys). Despite the season 7 accusations, neither the show nor the books does deus ex machina on the kind of huge scale A+J=T would require: Tyrion is not going to be revealed as a Targaryen out of nowhere, at the same time as Jon finds out about R+L=J, when Jon's story shows what a buildup to a Targaryen reveal actually looks like. Some plot developments make more sense than others, but none are as ridiculous as Tyrion Targaryen would be when the show has ignored each and every opportunity to imply that there would be any mystery to his parentage. The 7x07 hint that he might be in love with Dany is yet another nail in the coffin: Tyrion and Jon are not going to be given the exact same story of falling for Dany and then discovering they're a Targ and riding a dragon. GRRM killed the mentor dad in the first book, but he doesn't do random twists just for the sheer hate of tropes (aka narrative devices that have been around for millennia because they're actually quite good for telling stories that engage the audience's interest): that's why the major characters will have plot armor in the books too until they reach the point in the endgame at which it becomes logical for their lives to be in real danger. Jon isn't dead-dead, Dany isn't dying in Essos without ever sailing to Westeros, Tyrion isn't a Targaryen.

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Alan Taylor's reasoning of the nonsensical timeline last episode:


“It’s cool that the show is so important to so many people that it’s being scrutinized so thoroughly,” he continued. “If the show was struggling, I’d be worried about those concerns, but the show seems to be doing pretty well so it’s OK to have people with those concerns.”


Basically, we don't care about the shit writing anymore because the ratings continue to be awesome. 

I hope they step back, slow down and put a little bit more thought into the logistics and plot next season since most characters will be up North except for Cersei and Euron.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Eyes High said:

One thing I am curious about is that Dany has a few times this season accused Tyrion of giving her bad advice because he's harbouring secret sympathies towards his family members. In the script page for 7x10 with a snippet of Tyrion and Cersei's dragonpit conversation, Tyrion when defending himself against Cersei's accusation that he has always wanted House Lannister to be destroyed explicitly tells Cersei that the only reason she's still alive is that he talked Dany out of killing her. So...Dany was right?

How this season is playing out, I think that Daenerys is right about Tyrion, but that it is subconscious. He wants her to win, but he also wants to save Jaime and Cersei's lives and minimize their losses. Cersei hates Tyrion, he does not hate her so it is understandable. However, I suspect that this is not what D&D is trying to convey with Tyrion. Rather they probably have some fake moral reason for Tyrion's sudden stupidity. Ultimately, they are just trying to have Cersei survive as the antagonist this season and the next. For example, the Lannisters cannot have many soldiers remaining for Cersei to send up north so why risk everyone's lives and lose a dragon over this negotiation with her? She is also the most immoral and untrustworthy person remaining in the game so why risk her figuring out that Dany has lost a dragon? A clever Tyrion would know this. Varys too. Jorah who is devoted to Daenerys would never go along with these plans that put her life needlessly in jeopardy. Everyone has become a fool to make this plot direction work.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

 Everyone has become a fool to make this plot direction work.

Still better than the terrible, terrible plot going on in Winterfell.   Sansa does in episode 7 what she could have done in episode 1 - call LF before her, read out his crimes and have him executed.  Bran can call both girls to him anytime and give them the deets about LF.  Arya getting the letter should have immediately pointed Sansa towards LF because he's the ONLY other person who knows about it. Sansa can bring both Brienne and Arya into her confidence anytime and let them know about her mastermind plot against LF.

Instead we have to sit through idiot LF, dumb psycho Arya - all the FM training over two seasons was an utter waste  - and Sansa once again not telling her siblings anything because she has to get her 'Look at me being awesome' moment on the show.

We can at least explain away Tyrion's idiocy as him wanting to not harm his family or him not being a good battle strategist and planner, but look at what the show has done to poor LF.  He's dumber than show!Jon at this point and that's saying something.

As for Cersei, as per their discussion last episode, I don't think that Tyrion and co. expect her to send men North to help. It's more they want her to not attack while Dany is helping the North - that was Dany's reason for not helping - namely that if she goes North then Cersei will use the opportunity to retake parts of the south. So they want a stalemate.

It remains to be seen if Jon and Co. actually ask for her men or just request her to not fight.

Edited by anamika
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9 hours ago, Blonde Gator said:

Let's hope one of the Winterfell scenes will be Sam & Gilly heading in. 

Naww.  Sam revoked his right to the magic transporter so it will take him until next year to show up again.

On 8/21/2017 at 6:08 AM, SimoneS said:

I would hope that Daenerys destroys Euron's fleet at minimum next week, but given the lengths to which D&D are going to keep Cersei in the game, I expect absolutely nothing will happen to damage her militarily. 

Eh, he'll just whip up another fleet out of nowhere, as he did the last time (when Yara stole his ships).

20 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's funny because I hate Jon's poodle curls. I like him much better with the slicked back half-updo. As for Dany, she must have a great secret recipe for hair gel, because I don't know how she managed to fly 500 miles last night and arrive with her braids perfectly intact. 

I know!  It never moves when she's flying.  It bugs me that her hair and clothes should be whipping around her.

I really hope we get the payoff of LF getting his comeuppance in the season finale.  I think we are all over this mustache twirling and with only 6 episodes next year it will be better to end his storyline now rather than waste the time in season 8.

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