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S01.E18: Timing

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Season Finale:

Dr. Rhodes tends to the care of Dr. Downey while Goodwin is forced to deal with personal issues. April bears the brunt of a punch while attending to a disorderly patient, but the incident could actually prove to be a blessing in disguise. Dr. Halstead discovers Goodwin has a trick up her sleeve, and Dr. Manning finds her past catching up with her. Sarah's graduation day finally arrives, but she remains conflicted about mapping out her career plans for the future. Meanwhile, at the urging of Dr. Charles, Dr. Choi turns to an unlikely source for help.

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6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Could we have a series about Choi and his parrot! ;-)

I would watch that! 

Ugg, now we get Halstead walk around being all jealous of the other Jeff, give me a break!

I am not familiar with tuberculosis, it is treatable right? Just wondering by the look on April's face she looked like she had been given a death sentence.

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I got the biggest, goofiest grin when Reese confessed to Charles about her decision to withdraw from the Pathology residency, followed by his telling her he'd known she'd do the right thing in the end.  I'm curious to see what they'll do to keep her around.  But I'm excited to see where it goes.  I did have feels when she opened the box and put on her grown-up doctoring coat.

I'm not very familiar with the rest of the Chicago Public Servants universe, so was Natalie's friend an established character from one of the other shows?  Good lookin' fellow.  And speaking as another non-traditional student, represent.  Although I am the third oldest in my class, and no one has ever called me Pops, at least to my face.

I know I was supposed to be moved by Rhodes mercy-killing Dr. Bahama, but I wasn't.  I don't know, they made Downey into such a character with a capital "C," it was really hard to root for him, green bandages or no.

6 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I am not familiar with tuberculosis, it is treatable right? Just wondering by the look on April's face she looked like she had been given a death sentence.

TB is treatable, but it's not particularly curable.  There's a lot of drug resistance, which is why the treatment protocol is so intense, and even then there's only a 50/50 cure rate.  Primary TB isn't that bad (relatively), but if it gets loose and goes somewhere else in the body, it's devastating.  

I don't know why this was just being caught now.  Healthcare workers are generally tested for TB annually.  And I always get a little nervous about it myself.  When you deal with a potential TB patient, there are special facemasks you have to wear, and I have this voice in back of my mind...

I'm not sure if I'm glad they decided to leave things with April's awful brother up in the air or not.  I mean, he should have been graduating with Reese, which hopefully means he'll go far, far away, but the fact that we got nothing definitive means there's always the chance of a return.

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I guess I missed something. How did Dr. Rhodes "kill" Dr. Downey?  He gave him the lei, they had a good bye conversation and then he was dying. I never saw any drugs being administered.  

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I'm pretty certain Rhodes said something about hurrying the process.  It seemed like he'd slipped him too much morphine, but I freely admit that I may have misunderstood.  It was also because of Downey coding as soon as Rhodes left his room.

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12 hours ago, Court said:

Dr. Choi and the parrot are the best.

When the damn bird talked I was thrilled, but when he actually flew, OMG, I was grinning like a moron. Count me in for the Choi Bird show.

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5 hours ago, starri said:

I'm not very familiar with the rest of the Chicago Public Servants universe, so was Natalie's friend an established character from one of the other shows?  Good lookin' fellow.  And speaking as another non-traditional student, represent.  Although I am the third oldest in my class, and no one has ever called me Pops, at least to my face.


Yes, Jeff was a main character in season 2 of Chicago Fire. He was a firefighter that worked with the other characters, but one day, I think his character just disappeared. I don't know if they ever gave a reason for him leaving, but it's been a while. I liked the character a lot on Fire, and although it seems unrealistic for Jeff to be a med student this quickly, I'm ok with it. Maybe he took classes while being a firefighter. 

I felt bad for Rhodes when he had to let Downey go. He really ended up being an excellent mentor to him, and I liked Downey a lot. At first, I didn't but he grew on me.

Poor Goodwin; I was wondering if we'd ever meet her husband, and I guess there's less of a chance now.

So, April has TB? Ok? Not really sure what they're going to do with that, but at least it's not cliche like cancer (I just find cancer as the easiest go-to sickness on TV).

Choi and the parrot! They are awesome. I grew to love Choi and he's easily one of my favourites now.

I wonder how Reese is going to stick around. Is she going to become a med student again? I'm not even sure how this would all work.

I...damnit, I kind of like Halstead now. But next season, I'll be they will make me dislike him again.

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9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

.I...damnit, I kind of like Halstead now. But next season, I'll be they will make me dislike him again.

I have always really liked Dr. Halstead. I understand he's got an attitude and has done some questionable things but I don't understand all the hate for his character.  For me, it just makes him more interesting.  Plus, it doesn't hurt that, at least IMHO, he is a beautiful man.  

I like all of the characters on this show though. It really grew on me over the season.  

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Speaking of beautiful men, I love Dr Rhodes gorgeous eyes. They're so blue, they almost look black. 

It was kind of ambiguous if Dr Rhodes helped Dr Downey die but it was a very heart warming goodbye. It was beautiful how Connor honored his final wishes by spreading his ashes.  I grew to really like Dr Downey and the actor was great.

Does Dr Halstead's  offer mean he is now Dr Rhodes, Choi and Mannig's boss?

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38 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I wonder how Reese is going to stick around. Is she going to become a med student again? I'm not even sure how this would all work.

They'll contrive some reason for her to stick around.  But no, she's a full doctor now, she just can't practice on her own without finishing her residency.  They borrowed the "Didn't go to her graduation ceremony because she was so into watching over a patient" thing from ER too.  

6 minutes ago, gaby4ever25 said:

Does Dr Halstead's  offer mean he is now Dr Rhodes, Choi and Mannig's boss?

Choi and Manning yes.  Rhodes, as a surgeon, no.

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I've really grown to like this show.

i thought maybe there was something in the lei that was put around downey's neck ( I read way too many mysteries).  It was very ambiguous.  I did get all teary eyed.

can April work as a nurse with TB?

so if Reese had taken the pathology position, how long would she have had to stay until trying to go into another field?

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New Jeff is probably not as old as Show is making him look. He was much cuter when he was on Fire. I like him. But seriously, the same name as Old (dead) Jeff? Why.

Obvi Goodwin's marriage was in big trouble already if they hadn't discussed retirement. Obvi she was indirectly choosing Med over him. 

I like Dr Charles but he needs his own patients and honestly, sometimes he looks like he really needs a bath too. 

Choi, I love you so much. Splendorkable could not be cuter. I'm happy to watch the actress playing Reece develop--she is the best on the show imho so I'll go with the lame rethiniking her specialty storyline.

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TB means a year of semi-aggressive treatment and at least a few months of not being in close proximity to children. In the light of marriage proposal from a single father, April has all right to feel hopeless.

(Speaking from experience - TB is no fun, although it's 100% curable if the medical regime is applied correctly. It's also almost impossible to deduct where the infection came from. You may have an infected person spit blood on you, and you'll not going to be infected. It all depends on your own personal immunity. TB survivor here. I still don't know how I contracted my illness. I know that I never went to the stage in which I was infecting others, we caught the bugger at the right time. Anyhow, TB means no work, hospital or home confinement for at least 9 months and a lot of pills.)

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Thanks, Ariah, for that explanation! I really wish the show had been clear about the 'no close proximity to kids' thing; that would have given the diagnosis even more impact. I'm sorry you had to go through all that; glad you're better now.

Hopping aboard the Choi/Charles/Parrot love train. Maybe they could do a spin-off: "Chicago Bird Whisperers."

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Of course Reese will be back, is there any doubt?  They need her to fill the young Noah Wyle med student role on ER.  There will magically be an opening in the Chicago Med ER program next year, and they'll offer it to her.  

Halstead unsurprisingly got the attending job, I don't think anybody is surprised by that either otherwise how would he stick around to be jealous of Natalie's old friend?  I wish there was more explanation about how he got it.  Goodwin overruled the other attending surgeon that hated him?

Love that Maggie is in Halstead's corner when it comes to him potentially getting together with Natalie.

As a nurse, April should know that she shouldn't be hanging around other people if she does indeed have TB.  I wonder if they're going to fast forward the season next year, otherwise how will they deal with her still being contagious and treating patients?

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I think the show might have been deliberately ambiguous about Rhodes' possible assistance to Dr. Bahama. It sounded to me like the prognosis he got from Sam the Sad Neurologist indicated a long, rather drawn-out process of suffering; and although Rhodes initially refused, it did look like he was mulling over that decision. And the dialogue definitely underlined that (a) there would be no autopsy, since Downey chose cremation; and (b) there was no family to raise any questions after the fact. Was Rhodes' emotional response heightened because he knew that their conversation was not one of the last they would have, but the very last? In other words, did he know the crash was coming? I can't say for certain, but I think it's a credible reading of those scenes. Colin Donnell and Gregg Henry played the hell out of that last bedside conversation.

9 hours ago, oucellogal said:

Hopping aboard the Choi/Charles/Parrot love train. Maybe they could do a spin-off: "Chicago Bird Whisperers."

Which I would watch. Seriously, I got a little verklempt when the parrot flew onto Choi's shoulder.

I don't have any knowledge of the Jeff character from Fire, so all I could think when he turned up in the cluster of med students was "Really? There's a NotDead Jeff? Really, show? Ucch."

Edited by Sandman
Verbs are important.
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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

I don't have any knowledge of the Jeff character from Fire, so all I could think when he turned up in the cluster of med students was "Really? There's a NotDead Jeff? Really, show? Ucch."

No joke. There are zillions of other names out there. Given that he's also a Jeff, I see them going the route of "she can't be with DeadJeff, so she's with NotDead Jeff because he's the Next Best Thing" rebound. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I don't want to see her with Halstead, particularly, but I also don't want to see her with a douchebag or with an awesome character who gets wasted on a fling. (Plus Natalie doesn't seem the 'fling' type.)

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7 hours ago, greyhorse said:

As a nurse, April should know that she shouldn't be hanging around other people if she does indeed have TB.  I wonder if they're going to fast forward the season next year, otherwise how will they deal with her still being contagious and treating patients?

Once she starts taking meds, she won't be contagious (if they won't find mycobacterium in her spit, that is. It still needs to be checked). Still, she legaly shouldn't be working if she's ill. TB can be really streanous on your body and some people have bad reaction to the meds - which, I believe, still didn't change much from the beginning of 20th century.

So, probably, the Chicago Med will introduce a new, experimental drug treatment for April, because the regular TB treatment is kind of... boring? You just take a handful of pills each day, every day. Oh, and your urine turns orange :)

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10 hours ago, oucellogal said:

No joke. There are zillions of other names out there. Given that he's also a Jeff, I see them going the route of "she can't be with DeadJeff, so she's with NotDead Jeff because he's the Next Best Thing" rebound. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I don't want to see her with Halstead, particularly, but I also don't want to see her with a douchebag or with an awesome character who gets wasted on a fling. (Plus Natalie doesn't seem the 'fling' type.)

I assume when they wrote her husband they had no idea that they would be bringing 'Jeff Clarke' back....Not much they could do about it now.

Edited by Guildford
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4 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Ah, good point, Guilford--so Dead Jeff technically is New Jeff. Who we never met anyway. And Old Jeff really is Old Jeff, who the kids call Pops. 

Ha....clear as mud now...glad we cleared that up.

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On May 19, 2016 at 8:51 AM, MakeMeLaugh said:

I like Dr Charles but he needs his own patients and honestly, sometimes he looks like he really needs a bath too.

And a new lab coat, or he could wash the one he's wearing.  No idea why his is that dingy gray rather then white, but I find it so distracting. 

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Aw, I was sad that Dr. Bahama died.  I had really grown to like him and appreciated his love for the tropics and leis.

Natalie and her love life don't interest me.  Seems like a single mom doctor would be a little too busy to think about dating, much less actually dating.  But no one dates like real people on tv, so I guess next season will be some sort of dumb triangle with Pops and Halstead.  I've never warmed to the actress or the character, so maybe that's why I just don't care about anything going on with her.

So happy for Choi and his parrot!

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I finally got around to watching this episode. Was never a fan of Dr. Downey, but the bedside scene at the end with Dr. Rhodes was done very well by both actors. Luckily for Downey, Halstead was not around when he died since Halstead doesn't know what a DNR means.

I'm not really into the TB storyline or the Goodwin's husband leaving or anything involving Dr. Halstead or Dr. Manning. 

Choi is great as is Dr. Charles. Glad Clark (Pops) is back on my screen; however, I wish he would have gone back to the firehouse. I wonder if he's going back to Code Black next season.

Edited by juliet73
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As an aside regarding Jeff Clarke, when Dr. Manning asked him how his wife Lisa was doing, he answered that they were divorced.  As someone who watched Chicago Fire, what Jeff should have actually said was, "We're divorced and she's in jail for murdering her loan shark boyfriend.  I thought about killing him myself and was actually arrested for his murder. I spent 30 days in jail and tried to take the fall for her until Dr. Halstead's brother helped convince me that was probably a mistake".    I guess just going with "we're divorced" was easier in the circumstances, what with it being his first day and all.  

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On May 30, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Tartlet said:

As an aside regarding Jeff Clarke, when Dr. Manning asked him how his wife Lisa was doing, he answered that they were divorced.  As someone who watched Chicago Fire, what Jeff should have actually said was, "We're divorced and she's in jail for murdering her loan shark boyfriend.  I thought about killing him myself and was actually arrested for his murder. I spent 30 days in jail and tried to take the fall for her until Dr. Halstead's brother helped convince me that was probably a mistake".    I guess just going with "we're divorced" was easier in the circumstances, what with it being his first day and all.  

Thank you so much for writing all this down, because between the summer hiatus and my general lack of caring and paying attention, I couldn't remember what New Old Jeff's story was, and it was driving me nuts! I was hoping someone had mentioned it in his season one ep threads, and here you go... I still have only a vague memory, but at least it's there. ?

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On 5/30/2016 at 9:28 PM, Tartlet said:

I guess just going with "we're divorced" was easier in the circumstances, what with it being his first day and all.  

OMG Maggie watching Halstead's reaction to Jeff commenting he's divorced was great. She was like 'Ready to battle for her heart? Yeah, you ready.'

Rhodes telling Dr. Bahama good-bye was heartbreaking. CD did amazing work. Should not have watched this while on break at work.

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On 5/21/2016 at 8:10 PM, wonderwoman said:

And a new lab coat, or he could wash the one he's wearing.  No idea why his is that dingy gray rather then white, but I find it so distracting. 

I’ve noticed several of the doctors’ lab coats are dingy gray rather than white. Not a good color choice, show!

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