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6 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

Wow. I was surprised Candance said child and even more surprised Sheryl said it too. I said arm on the shark question. Why did David Alan Grier have horns for the Facebook question?

I believe David was thinking along the lines of Satan's horns. I said 'leg.'

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I thought "Soul Train" right off the top of my head but then I wondered if that show is even still around and how many people of a certain age would remember it.

That's exactly where I was at. Soul Train came to me immediately, then I thought the answer was too dated, but I didn't even try to think of another one.

3 hours ago, Phishbulb said:

Evidently no one on the panel has ever seen Dora the Explorer, because "backpack" was a pretty perfect answer for that question.

Backpack came to me right away, but like sugarbaker, I thought the answer should have something to do with her age. Glasses is what I went with. Maybe a too-clever answer would be 'Boots.'

I just adore Jack McBrayer, whom I keep wanting to call Kenneth. I love his sense of humor. The way he said, "My favorite part is the thinking!" cracked me up, also, "David, you're ruining the whole show." Every time he does a mock disgusted or disapproving face, I love him more.

I thought the Jack/Miss Chile question was leaning toward a food-related answer, i.e., confusing Chile with chili, the pepper. I couldn't think of anything else to say but "Eat." I'm not sure what kind of personality the show was implying Jack has. I mean, there's Dumb Dora, so you give an answer that goes how dumb she is. I see Jack's personality as naive or a Pollyanna or maybe just nice. Ohhhhh. Maybe the "definitive" answer was, He tried to put a blanket on Miss Chile, as in "she's chilly."

Edited by peeayebee
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5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I just adore Jack McBrayer, whom I keep wanting to call Kenneth. I love his sense of humor. The way he said, "My favorite part is the thinking!" cracked me up, also, "David, you're ruining the whole show." Every time he does a mock disgusted or disapproving face, I love him more.

I thought the Jack/Miss Chile question was leaning toward a food-related answer, i.e., confusing Chile with chili, the pepper. I couldn't think of anything else to say but "Eat." I'm not sure what kind of personality the show was implying Jack has. I mean, there's Dumb Dora, so you give an answer that goes how dumb she is. I see Jack's personality as naive or a Pollyanna or maybe just nice. Ohhhhh. Maybe the "definitive" answer was, He tried to put a blanket on Miss Chile, as in "she's chilly."

I damn near died laughing when Jack McBrayer turned to Ellie Kemper and said "Do you know where the equator is?", and when he tricked the contestant (albeit unintentionally, because I thought the joke was clear) into thinking he said "backpack" for the Sofia Vergara question. I also liked "I've never been more disappointed in a human being in my life.....myself"  He has a much snarkier/drier sense of humor that I would've thought previously, but I love it. I answered "kiss" for the Jack/Miss Chilli question. I thought they were going to play off his perceived niceness/naivety by having him do something more "chaste" than what a normal answer would be. 

Alec really is the perfect host for the show, and he's very quick on his feet. I had a giggle fit when he announced "We're playing Match Game. Not well, but we're playing it!"

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

That's exactly where I was at. Soul Train came to me immediately, then I thought the answer was too dated, but I didn't even try to think of another one.

I just adore Jack McBrayer, whom I keep wanting to call Kenneth. I love his sense of humor. The way he said, "My favorite part is the thinking!" cracked me up, also, "David, you're ruining the whole show." Every time he does a mock disgusted or disapproving face, I love him more.


I couldn't think of anything after rubber band. Jack needs to be a regular next season.

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I didn't like the peer pressure to pick David AG for the final match. I would want to pick a celebrity I matched a lot with so it would increase the chances we would match on the final when there's the most money at stake. Whether he did it on purpose to be goofy or not, he gave some pretty "out there" answers (I still don't get posting horns on FB). I was glad in this instance that they "cheated" and had other celebrities help him get the right answer for piano. 

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5 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Wasn't the question about hell and/or the devil? I think he was thinking of the devil's horns.

The question was about Satan having a new wing in hell reserved for the annoying people on Facebook who spend all day posting pictures of their blank. 

I don't think DAG listened to the question well. Alec repeated it twice. He should've asked Sherri or Sheryl if he didn't hear it a second time. 

I thought he meant "horn" as a euphemism for "dick", and the special place in hell was for people who post dick pics. So I thought his line of thinking was  "people who post dick pics > use something that makes sense for hell > answer 'horn' for dick". Now, most people don't post dick pics on Facebook, but I think that's where he was going with it.   


Evidently no one on the panel has ever seen Dora the Explorer, because "backpack" was a pretty perfect answer for that question.

I said the same!  I guess they never had kids that forced them to watch it. 



I just adore Jack McBrayer, whom I keep wanting to call Kenneth. I love his sense of humor. The way he said, "My favorite part is the thinking!" cracked me up, also, "David, you're ruining the whole show." Every time he does a mock disgusted or disapproving face, I love him more.


It doesn't help that Jack Donaghy is running things (again) and many 30 Rock alumni are either panelists or directing the show.  My mind grapes can't deal with it!


Some the questions/answers are a bit too lame but I did tell my sister watching this show is enough to motivate me to go see a taping next summer. 

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Evidently no one on the panel has ever seen Dora the Explorer, because "backpack" was a pretty perfect answer for that question

I've never seen the show but I've seen pictures of her and I know she always has a backpack, so when the contestant said that, I did think it was a good answer. My initial thought was dentures because it kinda-sorta sounds like adventures. 


I thought he meant "horn" as a euphemism for "dick", and the special place in hell was for people who post dick pics. So I thought his line of thinking was  "people who post dick pics > use something that makes sense for hell > answer 'horn' for dick". Now, most people don't post dick pics on Facebook, but I think that's where he was going with it.  

I wondered about that too but you can't post dick pics on Facebook so I think it's just more likely DAG was more interested in being funny/entertaining than making a correct match. Which is fine, once in awhile, during Round 1 - but not in Round 2 when the contestant is counting on your match to win. That's why I said I don't think DAG is a good fit for this show. He's trying too hard to be "on" like JB Smoove and doesn't care enough about the contestants. (In contrast, Leslie Jones was certainly "on" too but she at least was invested in matching the contestants.)

And I for one don't mind Sherri Shepard. I know she's kind of a dingbat and apparently she said some really stupid things when she was on The View, but she still cracks me up. She was a very good host on The Newlywed Game.

Edited by iMonrey
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I've figured out I can guess exactly what will happen with the panel as soon as Alec reads the question. I know when there will be a run of right answers and when there will be none, and in this ep I predicted that everyone would say "fart" except for one person who would say "burp,", losing it for the contestant, and SC did exactly that (without much attention, IMO). Not sure what the tells are, but my family now asks me to predict each round and I've been right each time. I usually guess based on:

1) whether the contestant seems like someone who will say naughty things,

2) the number of possible and equally weighted answers for the question (i.e., the shark question could have been arm(s) or leg(s), I did suggest "child" but figured it would be seen as too specific/dark); some questions there is clearly one answer, usually "ass,"

3) the cultural familiarity of possible answers ( saying "backpack" for the Dora question was actually brilliant if you watch the show, but most people don't). On that last one, "Soul Train" did surprise me, because that was an old show vs. common pop culture phrases like soul food and soul mate, and

4) the visible "characters" of the panel members, i.e. is anyone making a point of always saying nice answers instead of the obvious "ass," or is anyone overly proud of themselves for clever but unmatching answers (i.e. Ellie).

I did briefly wonder what would have happened if round 2 ended in a tie, which it should have except for SC's "burp."

Jack is probably my favorite panelist. And he's a good player too. They should pair him with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

It doesn't look like this show is on for the next two weeks. I wonder if this past episode is the last one for this run. If so, we'll never get to see fameball Sarah Palin, which I was prepared to hate-watch. (And if we never see it, I'm wondering why not.....)

As for Sherri - she did a $100,000 Pyramid episode this summer and was great (her contestant won $50k), so I think she could be quite good at this. I think she just tries so hard to play her hornbag shtick that it interferes with her playing (and, I don't find the shtick very original or funny.)

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And I for one don't mind Sherri Shepard. I know she's kind of a dingbat and apparently she said some really stupid things when she was on The View, but she still cracks me up. She was a very good host on The Newlywed Game.

I don't mind her either. I didn't see her on The View, except for maybe a clip here and there, but I thought she was fantastic on 30 Rock, and I think she's fine here too. I didn't know she hosted The Newlywed Game.

Instead of 'fart,' I said 'go to the bathroom.' I slapped my forehead when the contestant said fart. Of course!

1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I don't mind her either. I didn't see her on The View, except for maybe a clip here and there, but I thought she was fantastic on 30 Rock, and I think she's fine here too. I didn't know she hosted The Newlywed Game.

Instead of 'fart,' I said 'go to the bathroom.' I slapped my forehead when the contestant said fart. Of course!

GSN (Game Show Network) did a revival of Newlywed Game a few years back, which Sherri hosted (while she was also on The View). I don't think it lasted very long. GSN still runs it after midnight some nights.


GSN (Game Show Network) did a revival of Newlywed Game a few years back, which Sherri hosted (while she was also on The View). I don't think it lasted very long. GSN still runs it after midnight some nights.

The first GSN edition of Newlywed Game was hosted by Carnie Wilson, and she was awful. Sherri Shepard took over in 2010 and hosted three seasons stretched out over the next two years. She was a vast improvement. I'm not sure what Shepard is best "known" for but my impression is that a lot of the hate directed at her is from her short stint on The View. She became a punching bag in the media when she said she didn't know whether or not the earth was flat.

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For the swallowed remote, I was torn between "fart" and "scratch his balls." I would have gone with fart, since digestion doesn't reach all the way to the crotch. I would have gotten no matches for the Jaws question, though, because my first inclination was "boat" (with the line "we're gonna need a bigger boat" ringing in my head).

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On 8/30/2016 at 10:36 AM, iMonrey said:

I've never seen the show but I've seen pictures of her and I know she always has a backpack, so when the contestant said that, I did think it was a good answer. My initial thought was dentures because it kinda-sorta sounds like adventures. 

I definitely thought with the age in the clue they were going for the rhyme with "dentures". I was surprised more of the panel didn't go there. Backpack was definitely a better answer than what a lot of the panel said, but clearly they weren't familiar with the character. But with this type of clue you have a 50/50 shot whether they're going for rhyme/double-entendre/alliteration where the character/actor name dropped in the clue isn't particularly relevant vs going the route of something specific to the name-dropped. It makes it much more likely they'll split. It's the same complaint I've had all along about this version: when they write the name-drop clues the content of the clue isn't always leading directly to a character-specific answer. So they split. Or in this case tank completely.

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Not sure where to put this - it is not about Gene or the 1970's panelists ---

Buzzer is running a Match Game 73 mini-marathon right now.  I am not sure how early these episodes were in the first season, but I am thinking it was pretty early on.  The questions are very different - there is no set up, just a sentence with a blank in it.  For instance, one question was "Mary blanked her wedding dress"  - the contestant said "sold" to which Gene replied that it should end in "ed" and the celebrities said things like "burned" "wore" "bought" The show wasn't nearly as much fun.

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On 8/30/2016 at 6:22 PM, iMonrey said:

The show's off this weekend because of Labor Day (they almost never show new episodes of anything on Labor Day weekend); the last episode of the season airs 9/11.

It actually doesn't air until 9/19. The final episodes of Pyramid and Match Game are being run/burned off on subsequent Mondays, 9/12 for Pyramid, 9/19 for Match Game at 10/9 central. (Miss America is next Sunday; Emmys the Sunday after that.)


I am not sure how early these episodes were in the first season, but I am thinking it was pretty early on.  The questions are very different - there is no set up, just a sentence with a blank in it.

Were the episodes in black and white, or was it the usual set with six panelists? The show actually started out with a completely different format when it started in New York. It's when they moved to Los Angeles and re-launched it they revised the format to the one we're familiar with today.

So the UK version, which always used the name "Blankety Blank", is apparently back this year in a new version hosted by Little Britain's (and frequent Britain's Got Talent judge) David Walliams.  At the very least, for a Christmas special. 


Sounds like a one-off, but even in the UK it's always hard to tell ahead of time what might be picked up later as a regular series.

If there are fans of the UK or Aussie versions (also apparently called "Blankety Blank"), well... here's a place to post.  For me the videos I've seen (YouTube has tons of them) the UK version doesn't translate over well enough for my personal enjoyment (unlike some other game shows or panel shows, which often do). Or maybe it's just that nobody appeared to be drunk. Not even a little. I did like the mid-80s UK host (Les Dawson) far more than the late 70s-early 80s UK host (Terry Wogan). Although Dawson abandons the Skinny Mike (for just a lapel mike), while Wogan has one, so that's one point for Wogan.  There's a third version, late 90s, starring a drag queen host named Lily Savage (real name Paul O'Grady--who is also fairly famous in the UK outside of the drag persona), which I've also seen some videos of, and I think I like it best of the three, because Savage/O'Grady seems to do the "loosest" version. I saw a whole mess of outtakes of this version on YouTube though and the consensus in the comments seems to be that the outtakes are FAR funnier than what actually aired, because the Lily Savage character was very risque, and 75% of the funniest stuff got cut. 

The Aussie version, unlike the UK one, is actually a lot closer to the US. The name obviously is different, but the set and all of the conventions and design elements seem to be the same (a thick shorter mike, but still hand-held though). There's funky music that's SIMILAR to the US version in tone, but not the same tune.

On 9/6/2016 at 9:31 AM, iMonrey said:

Were the episodes in black and white, or was it the usual set with six panelists? The show actually started out with a completely different format when it started in New York. It's when they moved to Los Angeles and re-launched it they revised the format to the one we're familiar with today.

It was in color and the set-up looked the same - three on the top row, three on the bottom.  There were other things that made it look like an alternate reality Match Game - Brett was sitting in the bottom row (left corner), Gene didn't have his trademark long, thin mic (I remember watching the show as a kid and seeing the episode where Gene made a talked about his new long thin mic, so I am not really surprised that he didn't have it in the beginning, it just seemed odd to not see it)

Something I've always noticed on the 70s shows is just how bad of a speller Fannie Flagg is.  I remember at one point thinking it was odd that a writer would be such a poor speller--of course, I realize the two skill sets have nothing in common, and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of dyslexia involved, but I still cant help imagining her editors banging their collective heads against the wall trying to read one of her manuscripts.

I saw what I think may be the most egregious example this morning.  There was a question about a dog thinking it was a person, so it wanted its Gaines-burgers with BLANK.  (Do they even make those anymore?)  Fannie answered ketchup, but spelled it "kephush".  On top of that, the celeb before her had just misspelled worcestershire sauce, and had commented on it, so her misspelling was called out by Gene as well--he took her card back over to the center of the set and had the camera zoom in so people could see.  

Congratulations to Alec & his wife Hilaria. They welcomed their 3rd child (& 2nd son) together on Monday night in New York City. Alec also has a daughter from his previous marriage to Oscar-winner Kim Basinger.

The new baby's name is Leonardo Ángel Charles Baldwin. They seem to be calling him Leo, & since there's an accent mark over the A in Ángel his 1st middle name presumably uses the Latin/Hispanic pronunciation. He has 3 older siblings, half-sister Ireland (age 21), sister Carmen Gabriela (age 3), & brother Rafael Thomas (age 15 months).


Alec is so sarcastically mean to the contestants when they give dumb answer, I can't stop laughing.  

But when it's "USED CONDOMS!" said with such confidence, it's hilarious because it's accurate.  The hell?! I was hoping the audience would throw things just for that. 

Contestant David: "We'll have to send handwritten apology notes to everyone." And that was BEFORE he said "Asian people!" Poor Randall Park. That ain't right, indeed. 

I still hate Sarah Palin, but she did put some thought in most answers and her "Oh, Trump YOU!" did make me laugh.


So long they keep the contestants somewhat inept and Baldwin brings the snark, I need this show back asap.  

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For next season please get better contestants. For the Superman question I said, “Breasts.” I agree with Leah Remini, “Why would Superman want to look at Wonder Woman’s underwear?” What was JB thinking with “Stuff?” That’s too vague. The second question was a little harder but I thought “Personal foul.” I thought JB was teasing the contestant in the final match like other celebrities do but I thought he would say “Doghouse”. That’s the first thing I thought of.

For the Hillary question, I blanked on that one and thought “Money.” For the Dorothy question, I thought Cowardly Lion or Toto but never thought Used Condoms. WTH??? I like Jack’s response, “Mine’s not classier but it makes sense.” LOL! Everyone’s answer made more sense than the contestant. The Godzilla question I thought people but not Asian people. Poor Randall but Alec’s facial reaction had me lol. When the contestant said he wasn’t racist, I lost it laughing so hard. Sarah Palin said banana but I think she confused Godzilla with King Kong. I would’ve lost the final match. I thought 'Dancing with the Stars' and 'Wine Cellar'.

So glad this show will be back next year.

1 hour ago, Arcadiasw said:

 “Why would Superman want to look at Wonder Woman’s underwear?” What was JB thinking with “Stuff?” That’s too vague. The second question was a little harder but I thought “Personal foul.” I thought JB was teasing the contestant in the final match like other celebrities do but I thought he would say “Doghouse”. That’s the first thing I thought of.

I'm not saying it was a good answer, but I assume the impulse to say "underwear" was because "under" rhymes with Wonder". So at least it has some basis in the clue. I am SO ANNOYED at JB doing stupid vague could never match anyone answers like "stuff". He did it last time too. I get he was implying that was a euphemism, but dude, you have to actually pick one that's a euphemism. I think the contestant had a false sense that matching him was a good idea because he gave the match in the audience match, but his answers were crap the rest of the game so I had a feeling it'd be no win.

27 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

For the Hillary question I thought emails because there is so much email talk.  I thought it was obvious buy I guess Trump was the best answer.

I assume they were definitely going for emails when it was written but I think this was filmed in a bit of a lull over the email controversy so I'm not surprised there were a ton of different answers. Trump makes no sense as an answer because the clue wasn't "disappear BLANK" it was "disappear everyone's BLANK". So it has to be something everyone has. Everyone does not have a Trump. Everyone might want him to disappear but it doesn't even fit the clue. So even though it would've matched a few, I still think it's a terrible answer because it requires multiple people to equally mishear the clue.


I thought last night's were some of the hardest too, even in the money winning rounds. Each one I thought of at least three answers, and for the 1-3 had no idea which order they'd be, and for the final match would've had a hard time deciding. The writer's don't get it. 0-0 means the clues sucked. Yes the contestants sucked too, but even if they'd said the matchiest answer, would've been a low scoring game in both halves. I'd hoped they'd get more into the swing of it as the season went on. Here's hoping next year they've binge watched all of the 70s episodes and have a better handle on it.

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On one hand, Sarah Palin didn't embarass herself in any of her answers. On the other hand, how pathetic and thirsty is she that she would appear on this show (not dissing the show, but this woman was a candidate for vice president eight years ago)? 

"Used condoms" - wow, that takes the cake. The only explanation I can come up with is that the contestants may be prepped to be as outrageous and dirty as possible by the production staff and this guy took it a bit far.

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2 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I'm not saying it was a good answer, but I assume the impulse to say "underwear" was because "under" rhymes with Wonder". So at least it has some basis in the clue. I am SO ANNOYED at JB doing stupid vague could never match anyone answers like "stuff". He did it last time too. I get he was implying that was a euphemism, but dude, you have to actually pick one that's a euphemism. I think the contestant had a false sense that matching him was a good idea because he gave the match in the audience match, but his answers were crap the rest of the game so I had a feeling it'd be no win.

I assume they were definitely going for emails when it was written but I think this was filmed in a bit of a lull over the email controversy so I'm not surprised there were a ton of different answers. Trump makes no sense as an answer because the clue wasn't "disappear BLANK" it was "disappear everyone's BLANK". So it has to be something everyone has. Everyone does not have a Trump. Everyone might want him to disappear but it doesn't even fit the clue. So even though it would've matched a few, I still think it's a terrible answer because it requires multiple people to equally mishear the clue.

True but even my email answer lacks logic because why would she want everyone's emails to disappear?  And DT is one of our nominees for president so maybe in that sense he belongs to everyone.

I'm surprised no one said buffalo for the Alaska pet question....buff the Buffalo felt like it was meant to be easy even though my first thought was bison.

I patted myself on the back for coming up with what I thought was a clever answer for the Superman question...he used his X-ray vision to check out Wonder Woman's Wonderbra   :) Too clever, perhaps?

I also evidently have a dirty mind because "beaver" was the first thing I thought of for the Sarah Palin question, I don't know if there are actually beavers in Alaska but it was the funniest answer I could think of. 

AND I'm apparently a horrible person too because I said "Japanese people" for the Godzilla question. Haha, sorry, but that IS where those movies were made. I wasn't being racist, I was trying to be accurate :)

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

"Used condoms" - wow, that takes the cake. The only explanation I can come up with is that the contestants may be prepped to be as outrageous and dirty as possible by the production staff and this guy took it a bit far.

Hmm. I hadn't thought about that. I wonder if the contestants are told to try to be funny and risqué. Like you said, that seems like the most plausible explanation for used condoms.

1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'm shocked no one said beaver!

I didn't think of that, but I bet that's what the writers were hoping for. 

1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

However for Wonder Woman I said "test answers" because of the school part.


33 minutes ago, Phishbulb said:

I patted myself on the back for coming up with what I thought was a clever answer for the Superman question...he used his X-ray vision to check out Wonder Woman's Wonderbra   :) Too clever, perhaps?

I don't know, but I said WonderBra as well. I remember those old x-ray vision glasses ads in the back of magazines, and it seems like the little drawings had the guy wearing the glasses seeing the woman's underwear. 

Sarah Palin did pretty good with her answers, but there were many times she looked like she was putting on a fake smile. She needed to lighten up. However, I completely sympathize with her strained smiling face when things got too dirty. I liked a lot of funny things Randall said, but he apparently wrote some real dirty stuff on his cards. Same with Kristin IIRC. I don't mind them saying boobs, boobies, vagina, hoo-ha, or dickarooney, but some words should be off-limits.

I thought 'emails' was the obvious answer for the Hillary question, but maybe that story wasn't front and center at the time of taping. For the Godzilla question I said buildings because it seems that's what Godzillas are always eating in comic strip panels. I also said Dorothy woke up next to the Cowardly Lion, but I don't know if one character is more obvious than the other. Toto seems a strange choice.

I cracked up at Jack saying, as the monotonous time music was playing, "This song is going to haunt my dreams!"

Edited by peeayebee
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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I'm shocked no one said beaver!

I think it's what the writers were going for, but I think the issue may have been people thinking "but are they in Alaska"? I think Palin knew that was the expected answer though, because she said outloud "I'm not going for the obvious" or something to Alec, in a sort of huffy "I know they're going dirty, but I'm not going to" way. The answer she did give for that one...made no sense at all. I was surprised at how many went with "bear". Maybe because of the whole "grizzly" association with Palin? And since the clue begged for alliteration so bear instead of grizzly? I have no idea what the others were going for since some got stuck on the "b" and didn't factor in what might actually be in Alaska, so they don't have an excuse for not saying beaver. That clue was probably supposed to be the "easy" one and they all flubbed. Where's Leslie Jones when you need her to freak out at her fellow panelists "THEY NEED TO WIN THE MONEY". Stop some of these people writing obviously never-gonna-match answers.

2 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

True but even my email answer lacks logic because why would she want everyone's emails to disappear? 

I don't think the bit is dependent on her wanting to make everyone's emails disappears. The clue says she's now a magician and it's the finale of her act, so all that's implied for the joke to work is she has the skill to make emails disappear.

Edited by theatremouse
  • Love 2

 The writer's don't get it. 0-0 means the clues sucked. Yes the contestants sucked too, but even if they'd said the matchiest answer, would've been a low scoring game in both halves. 

Some of the questions seemed like no-brainers to me. I think it's more the contestants than the questions frankly.


I thought 'emails' was the obvious answer for the Hillary question, but maybe that story wasn't front and center at the time of taping.

When has that story not been front and center for the past four years? Honestly, they're still taking about her damn e-mails to this very day, I was stumped not one panelist said it.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Some of the questions seemed like no-brainers to me. I think it's more the contestants than the questions frankly.

When has that story not been front and center for the past four years? Honestly, they're still taking about her damn e-mails to this very day, I was stumped not one panelist said it.

Maybe they were over thinking it with the question being Hillary in a magic show?? I don't know but emails makes sense. Clearly a D'oh moment for the panel. 

Jack McBrayer was my MVP in the last episode; he was cracking me up. I died laughing at:

  • "I've used this answer so many times, I should put it on a plaque. I said boooobs."
  • "I thought to myself 'What would Alyssa say?', but I was waaaay off."
  • His "GET OUT" after the used condom answer, followed by "My answer isn't classier, but at least it makes sense."

I hope he's on a boatload of the episodes next season. 

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