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S06.E02: Home

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6 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

NOOOOOOOO!  JUST NOOOOO!   Damn that red witch!.  I did not want to see Jon Snow alive again, but I KNEW they'd do it for his fans.  Such a disappointment, but how marvelous that a woman could bring back a man from the dead when he's been dead for a long time.  And all this time I was singing the song from the Wizard of Oz; "He's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead". 


I don't think they did it because of his fans.  If you read the books, there's plenty of clues as to why Jon would be resurrected

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I loved how Edd had Thorne, Ollie and the other band of merry betrayers put into cells rather than to death. 

Ollie and his Unending Belligerence will no doubt be coming back at us again, so that we can all hate him anew.  

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To be fair, while it really doesn't seem like Roose should have fell prey to Ramsay given the former has about 50 IQ points on the latter, it MAY be that Ramsay murdering Roose is set to happen in the books as well. 

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9 minutes ago, bmoore4026 said:

Oh, and another thing: Whose bright idea was it to build a rope bridge between two cliff castles in an area prone to bad rainstorms?  Yes, rope would have lasted longer than wood, but that wouldn't make it safer, would it?

Iron Born were never all that bright.

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Rest in the seven hells, Roose.  You were an evil, terrible bastard but you were one silky voiced bastard.  Your terrible evil cartoon bastard son is not a suitable replacement.  The moment also loses something of its power because we never saw fit to mention this is not Ramsay's first rodeo killing trueborn siblings.  And now a word from our sponsor about terrible awful things done to innocent children on this show ...

I had half a moment of hoping they were going to go all Quentyn Martell on Tyrion when he was having his big How to Train Your Dragons moment, but of course I knew they'd never really go there.  Making lack of dick jokes to two eunuchs.  How clever.

Please show, get Jaime out of Kings Landing sooner than later.  However much I love the book character, I cannot take another episode of him telling us how noble Cersei is to endure so much for her children.

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26 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I don't really think this really major character beat with Davos lands all that well.  Why is he so fixated on Jon?  He's had like two scenes with him; I'm sure he likes him, but I haven't seen anything to justify why he's asking for Mel to try to bring him back from the dead.  They really should have had Davos go to Hardhome with Jon if this was the direction they were going to go.

JMO, I think Davos knows the real business will be at the wall, and that Jon was/is the best hope for defending the north against the coming zombie apocalypse.

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Karstark must certainly be rethinking his personal bargains too.  At least, one would hope.  "Fuck that Robb Stark for cutting off my father's head! Not an ounce of loy...say, wasn't the guy you just kebab'd your dad?  And what happened to your little bro....you know?  Never you mind that.  I had it in mind to lead a ranging party.  Seek out our enemies.  Stop them in their tracks.  Get the fuck out of here while I'm at it, before you can turn me and mine into unwilling kibble...." 

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I forgot to mention that Tommen's turn to the darkside should be interesting. The lannisters should be thanking their lucky stars that most of their enemies are otherwise occupied. I don't think they realize how weak their hold on the iron throne is.

It's believable that Roose wouldn't expect Ramsey to be so brazen as to kill him out in the open.  Hell, I don't even think Ramsey was planning on killing him until he heard about the birth of the baby.

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What's the point of 'atoning' (according to the High Sparrow) and doing a walk for sins if you can't even be permitted to attend the funeral of your daughter afterward? I'm seriously supposed to be on the side of the HS over this? 

I can't wait for this guy to be dealt with. He even admits that he isn't without sin yet this guy doesn't have to pay for anything that he's done nor does he have to answer to anyone. He actually tells Jaime that he deserves death and then the sparrows come out to defend him. He's easily the most dangerous person in King's Landing and Margaery and Loras are his favorite victims at present. 

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The lannisters should be thanking their lucky stars that most of their enemies are otherwise occupied. I don't think they realize how weak their hold on the iron throne is.

I'm guessing they're gonna be disabused of any illusions on that score sooner rather than later.

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I also briefly thought Tyrion would go the way of Quentyn.

I like that we got the story about how one of Tyrion's uncles asked him what he wanted but was annoyed when Tyrion said everyone laughed at him.  His uncle was trying to be nice to him!

I didn't care for Tyrion's continued jokes at Vary's expense although his "but you thought them" line to him made me laugh.

I thought that woman in the Stark flashback was Lady Stark, Ned's mom.  I smiled when I realized it was Not So Old Nan.

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I'm already finding this season conflicting. On the one hand, it's great to see the story really starting to progress forward towards an end game after it was stagnating for so long in book purgatory, and I really like some of the new developments. On the other, the corners they're cutting to get it done are frustrating. The characterizations and plot machinations are getting so sloppy that I'm constantly pulled out of the moment because things straight up don't make sense. And as others have noted, the attempt to modernize the dialogue is just strange and distracting.

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I'm not bothered by Davos wanting Mel to finally use her magic to resurrect Jon.  Even though Davos wasn't at Hardhome, we know he's no dummy.  On some level he must realize now that all the stuff with Stannis was a red herring but the magic was real. He unlike Thorne also understands something very bad is coming and that they're going to need someone who can unite them all if they have any hope of surviving it.  Besides, what else is he going to do?  Head south by himself with a bag of mutton?

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Tommen taking part in the grand tradition of chatting over corpses of close relatives.  

I keep waiting for someone to tell Jaime about Cersei and Lancel.  

This was the first time I liked Big Bird/The High Sparrow.  If nothing else he seems entirely sincere.  

Best dark comedy of the episode was the look of "Oh shiiiiiiiiit" on the faces of the entire guard regarding Robert Strong as they convey the King's will to Cersei.  A lot of people soiling their armor in that moment.  Always sucks to face enemies you're fairly certain can't be killed because of their oneness with the already deadness.  

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When Tyrion unchained the dragons, did they just slink back into their dungeon?  Didn't he just give a speech about how they need to range over hundreds of miles?  I guess they have a back door out of there or something?


Damn the High Sparrow for making me side with Cercei.  I really don't want Tommen to become her padawan learner, though I wouldn't mind seeing him send a few squadrons of well armed knights and foot soldiers to deal with the sparrows.  

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Oh, and another thing: Whose bright idea was it to build a rope bridge between two cliff castles in an area prone to bad rainstorms?  Yes, rope would have lasted longer than wood, but that wouldn't make it safer, would it?

I kind of like how it was like ship rigging in a storm.

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I'm already finding this season conflicting. On the one hand, it's great to see the story really starting to progress forward towards an end game after it was stagnating for so long in book purgatory, and I really like some of the new developments. On the other, the corners they're cutting to get it done are frustrating. The characterizations and plot machinations are getting so sloppy that I'm constantly pulled out of the moment because things straight up don't make sense. And as others have noted, the attempt to modernize the dialogue is just strange and distracting.

It's definitely choppy sometimes, but at this point, I have to stick it out to the end just for closure.  Besides which you can still find nuggets of gold along the way and hopefully maybe some other moments of sheer transcendence like Tyrion and Jorah through Old Valryia or Hard Home or what have you. 

And really I'm so excited for the fallout of Jon's resurrection let alone the Big Reveal that's coming. 

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Liked the scene between Theon and Sansa.  It was more or less fluff IMO but that's ok on occasion.

I think I love the actor who plays Ramsay, I think he is really good at what he does.   And I like that they let him remain a monster through and through.   I'm never moved by Cersei's "Pity me please" Soliloquies, about her love for her children or unhappy marriage.  Ramsay is refreshing in that sense.  I could literally recoil from him when he's on screen.   I like that in a villain.

Bran and Arya still bore me.

Very interesting that The Dragons seem to respond well to Tyrion.  I've never really bought into "THOSE" theories about Tyrion but I admit those scenes in tonights episode made me wonder.  

Jaimie and Tommen, outraged about the way Cersei's has been treated, though they think she's the one that had Trystane murdered.   Even if some members of House Lannister aren't as bad as the rest, their inaction does kind of give tacit approval.   It's scenes like that,  that help me understand why characters like the Sand Snakes feel that anyone with the name Lannister is fair game.  It's one horror that Cersei is innocent of but they think she did it and still just shrug.   And Tommen want's Cersei to help him be *strong*?????  Where is Olenna with her penchant for poison.

Need more of the Iron Islands to decide how I feel about it.

Not a bad episode.

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So Ghost is totally going to eat Ramsay at some point, right?  One would think that his appalling pet practices would spell eventual disaster for him at the jaws of something dog-like.  

Theon's going back to Winterfell, isn't he? 

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The only part of this episode that bored me was Arya. Yay, we see her getting smacked around again as she tries to claim that she's 'no one'. When can we move on?

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My guess is Theon's going back to the Iron Islands-no doubt to take advantage of the Kingsmoot latecomer loophole.

I would LOVE to see Ghost eat Ramsay, but I'd settle for other hideous fates as well.  But I really believe this is his last season and good riddance.

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Up until the final moment I was like "C'mon.....c'mon, get up Jon!"

Roose had that coming but Walda and the baby, RIP.

Hodor's name is Willis?

I suddenly became 100 percent more interested in Bran's scenes now.

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Two things that stood out to me - Brienne very deliberately NOT telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound. Brienne knows that Sansa knows who the Hound is. And I doubt she'd just forgotten his name.  I did like the way she said that the man wasn't going to leave Arya and Arya wasn't going to leave the man, implying that whoever it was had some degree of Arya's trust. I wonder why she didn't just come out and tell Sansa that she'd killed the Hound.

The second was the scene with the Karstark - who also confirmed that the Umbers and Manderlys are behind the Boltons. Which implies to me that those three houses knew how Sansa was being treated by the Boltons and not one stepped forward. Karstark showed no surprise at all when Ramsay killed Roose, either. Is House Mormont THAT powerful that they can bully the other Northern Houses into switching sides? I am pretty sure that is the only other remaining major House in the North, yes?

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I just realized this episode almost managed to interest me about what happens in the Iron Islands.  So kudos for something the books never really managed.

I attribute that to Alfie Allen and Patrick Malahide's spectacular performances AND to the fact that we actually get Yara/Asha acknowledging that the Northern Invasion was stupid.

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It's kind of amusing that Theon is totally right that Jon wouldn't let him live at Castle Black, especially since Jon told Olly to get bent when he complained about the Wildlings murdering his entire family. How on earth did the writers manage to make a poor orphan so unsympathetic? 

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From a book reader's perspective, in addition to the Jon Snow resurrection (which is huge, admittedly), we also found out that Bran's not going to be in the cave forever. A lot of book readers took it as virtually confirmed that Bran would never leave the cave, so if he does in the show, it's a big deal. Leaf also seemed to be implying that Meera would survive for some time, as Leaf told her she needed to be around to help Bran.

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14 minutes ago, mac123x said:

When Tyrion unchained the dragons, did they just slink back into their dungeon?  Didn't he just give a speech about how they need to range over hundreds of miles?  I guess they have a back door out of there or something?


Damn the High Sparrow for making me side with Cercei.  I really don't want Tommen to become her padawan learner, though I wouldn't mind seeing him send a few squadrons of well armed knights and foot soldiers to deal with the sparrows.  

I can't remember for sure but I think the dragons came in a separate entrance. I don't remember them navigating stairs when they were first locked up. 

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21 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

I forgot to mention that Tommen's turn to the darkside should be interesting. The lannisters should be thanking their lucky stars that most of their enemies are otherwise occupied. I don't think they realize how weak their hold on the iron throne is.

It's believable that Roose wouldn't expect Ramsey to be so brazen as to kill him out in the open.  Hell, I don't even think Ramsey was planning on killing him until he heard about the birth of the baby.

I'd have loved a scenario where Roose and Ramsey tried to kill each other at the same time, only Ramsey was successful.

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Now that was an episode that kept me glued tot he couch..except for Ramsay unleashing the hounds on Walda and child...I had to turn off the sound and look away. Yes, I am weak like that.

 Tormund and Wun Wun to the rescue...and the NW collapsed so quickly...with Edd leading the charge. Was at first disappointed that they were left alive and taken to the ice cells...but what fun when they see Jon alive. That should scare the crap out of them. 

As I loathe religious fanatics, especially a hypocrite who would criticize Jaime for bringing a sword to the sept, while his sparrows are waiting, armed with crossbows, I want HS very dead, but not before he too has been exposed and humiliated. 

I knew Roose has misjudged Ramsay last week, with his remark that the new baby would displace him. I will miss that sexy voice, but Roose had betrayal and a knife to the heart coming. Karmic payback. So the show has the Manderleys and the Karstarks with the Boltons? Really, and for how long?

Sansa and Theon's scenes are wonderful, as is Brienne. And Lyanna. And Hodor speaks. Can't wait for next week.

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From a book reader's perspective, in addition to the Jon Snow resurrection (which is huge, admittedly), we also found out that Bran's not going to be in the cave forever. A lot of book readers took it as virtually confirmed that Bran would never leave the cave, so if he does in the show, it's a big deal. Leaf also seemed to be implying that Meera would survive for some time, as Leaf told her she needed to be around to help Bran.

Good points both.

Heck Meera could be Bran's future wife and Lady of Winterfell.  In any event it's not hard to see why in the war against the White Walkers a greenseer might be needed. 

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A lot of book readers took it as virtually confirmed that Bran would never leave the cave,

That made me happy because I've always hated the spec that Brain would be a tree.  I want to Bran to survive at home in Winterfell where he belongs.  I think of the end of Book 2 and Bran thinking that Winterfell was not dead and neither was he.  

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1 minute ago, Knuckles said:

Now that was an episode that kept me glued tot he couch..except for Ramsay unleashing the hounds on Walda and child...I had to turn off the sound and look away. Yes, I am weak like that.

I basically just looked to the side and reminded myself that this shit isn't real. Gah, I *hate* Ramsay. HATE.

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9 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

Two things that stood out to me - Brienne very deliberately NOT telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound. Brienne knows that Sansa knows who the Hound is. And I doubt she'd just forgotten his name.  I did like the way she said that the man wasn't going to leave Arya and Arya wasn't going to leave the man, implying that whoever it was had some degree of Arya's trust. I wonder why she didn't just come out and tell Sansa that she'd killed the Hound.

The second was the scene with the Karstark - who also confirmed that the Umbers and Manderlys are behind the Boltons. Which implies to me that those three houses knew how Sansa was being treated by the Boltons and not one stepped forward. Karstark showed no surprise at all when Ramsay killed Roose, either. Is House Mormont THAT powerful that they can bully the other Northern Houses into switching sides? I am pretty sure that is the only other remaining major House in the North, yes?

It was mentioned the Glovers had managed to retake Deepwood Motte.  So they are still around as a major House in the North.

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My guess is Theon's going back to the Iron Islands-no doubt to take advantage of the Kingsmoot latecomer loophole.


The editing certainly led us to believe that, didn't it?  Theon says "Home" and the next scene is in the Iron Islands for the first time in years.   I suppose it's possible that Theon could return there and help Yara/Asha in the Kingsmoot.  It's just Theon was on about his betrayal of Robb and essentially all the things he'd done wrong and how he could never atone for that and it occurred to me, Winterfell is actually Theon's home and the only thing he could do to atone is to kill Ramsay for all he did.  

Of course, it's not that sort of story, but it's not like he can ride a horse to the Iron Islands either. 

Edited by stillshimpy
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Of course even if Bran does leave the cave, he might go back later.

But yeah, I'm now thinking for the next Battle of the Dawn we might NEED all the surviving Starks at Winterfell...

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14 minutes ago, lmsweb said:

Two things that stood out to me - Brienne very deliberately NOT telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound. Brienne knows that Sansa knows who the Hound is. And I doubt she'd just forgotten his name.  I did like the way she said that the man wasn't going to leave Arya and Arya wasn't going to leave the man, implying that whoever it was had some degree of Arya's trust. I wonder why she didn't just come out and tell Sansa that she'd killed the Hound.

The second was the scene with the Karstark - who also confirmed that the Umbers and Manderlys are behind the Boltons. Which implies to me that those three houses knew how Sansa was being treated by the Boltons and not one stepped forward. Karstark showed no surprise at all when Ramsay killed Roose, either. Is House Mormont THAT powerful that they can bully the other Northern Houses into switching sides? I am pretty sure that is the only other remaining major House in the North, yes?

There are also the Glovers, the Cassells, the Dustins, the Ryswells, the Cerwyns, and of course House Forrester (just kidding).  Then there's the baddest House of all.....

.... House Reed!

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1 hour ago, lmsweb said:

When they kept panning to Ghost I was terrified they were going to kill off my pretend furbaby (the whole "death pays for life" thing)

I wasn't worried about soundly-sleeping Ghost. My theory last week was (maybe still is) that Shireen's death paid for Jon's life. I guess we'll see.

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Also just because Ramsay thinks he has the support of Houses Umber and Manderley doesn't mean he does.  They might be playing nice for now but planning a blade to the ribs later.  At least that's what I hope.

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I wonder if the reaction to Jon's resurrection won't be entirely positive amongst those that we'd hope it would be.  They are fighting an undead army.  Jon being a little less ice zombie compared to the enemy might not be that reassuring.

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1 minute ago, MarySNJ said:

I wasn't worried about soundly-sleeping Ghost. My theory last week was (maybe still is) that Shireen's death paid for Jon's life. I guess we'll see.

That is absolutely what I believe happened. 

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Didn't Karstark say that the Umbers and the Manderlys had the most men in the north?  The Manderley mention gladdened my little "kill those rat bastards, would you please?"  heart.  Although, in the show Bran and Osha went off to the Umbers. 

The second was the scene with the Karstark - who also confirmed that the Umbers and Manderlys are behind the Boltons. Which implies to me that those three houses knew how Sansa was being treated by the Boltons and not one stepped forward. Karstark showed no surprise at all when Ramsay killed Roose, either.

The show tends not to be particularly careful with that sort of thing, but Karstark failing to react entirely could mean something or nothing at all.  As much as Roose sucked, he was Karstark's liege lord, at least in theory.  Either wisdom prevailed or he really is just that much of a weasel.  I'm betting the poor Maester was trying to tie himself to a damned Raven to get the fuck out, while the getting was ....if not good....at least still married to his skin. 

Again, the show doesn't really play by the rules of "what would make even a whit of sense"  when it comes to what would constitute loyalty in the North but someone like Ramsay couldn't maintain power for that long.  The cruelest rulers were always those betrayed or killed by their own men.  Ramsay's been busily proving he doesn't possess an ounce of loyalty to anyone.  Ever.  

Even his "feed her to the dogs" about Myranda might be spelling out his doom.  I hope.  It's just defies logic that anyone that barbaric and savage would have anyone following him for any length of time. 

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I wonder if the reaction to Jon's resurrection won't be entirely positive amongst those that we'd hope it would be.  They are fighting an undead army.  Jon being a little less ice zombie compared to the enemy might not be that reassuring.

Good point.  Even if they didn't consider Jon a zombie, it might well scare people.  But it would certainly be a selling point for those who believed in the Lord of Light. 

And yeah, frankly it defies reason that Ramsay didn't "fall down the stairs" YEARS ago.

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Tyrion did the bravest thing anyone has ever done on this show.  Of course he had to be drunk to do it. Varys did the smartest thing- staying the hell out of the way.

I can deal with the Iron Islands due to Yara/Asha being there, Theon going there and not having to deal with his father, and the story-line being truncated.  No matter what it - it won't be as bad as dealing with Ramsay Bolton. 

Now that Roose is gone, and Ramsay wants to attack Castle Black - hopefully Wun Wun will be hurling him to his death very soon.

Edited by Macbeth
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Thanks for all the clarifications on the Northern Houses. I'll admit it, I mostly just want to see the 10 year old girl Lyanna Mormont march into Winterfell with Sansa with a ginormous Northern army at her back.

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Some things I'm unclear of. 

Brienne not telling Sansa that Arya was with the Hound.  Brienne didn't know the Hound prior to their battle, right?  But Pod knew him.  This means that Brienne and Pod would have both agreed to keep this news from Sansa.  Unless they're withholding it temporarily.

Someone upthread stated Jon knew Rickon and Bran were alive.  Is this true?  When did he find out?

Was Ned Stark the only honorable man in the North?  What is with these Northerners, and why are they tying themselves to the Boltons?  What about all The North Remembers BS?

It's odd how folks just show up and stay as long as they wish at the wall.  Melisandre has huge chambers, and seems to come and go at will.  It's like a cold B&B.  Who mans the lobby and checks the guests in?

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So, resurrection involves bathing and a haircut. Hope this gives Mel her faith back.  But I still want her to suffer for burning sweet Shireen. 

Was worried Ghost would die, but once he perked up after the room cleared, I knew Jon was coming back. Now, will he stay as Lord Commander? Death ends a watch, so he's technically free? 

Dragons! Once they're free will they reunite with Drogon and go save mom from the Khalessi Retirement Home?

A fan is happy that a girl is done begging. And a fan had a tear when Sansa had news of her sister. 

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