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S05.E11: State Of The Art

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I think Sam's 'understanding' of his art piece was along these lines.  "oh, that's kind of a neat hologram/picture thing, but I'm going to ignore it completely and do a gay rainbow theme."


IIRC he uses blue a lot and, of course loves mesh and lace.  The hologram looked lacy with a lot of negative space and blue.  I thought here we go again.   HA!  When I walked back into the room (snack run), BAM there it was!  Hysterical.  I NEVER would have thought he would go there from a delicate little blue owl!   I suspect he had a gay pride, rainbow frock in mind and stretched to find an art piece that he could narrate to fit his idea.  And it was lame at that.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

It must be nice and cozy there in Sam World where you never have to pay the slightest attention to those pesky rules that only apply to people less cute than you.  In Sam World, challenges are for everyone else.  In Sam World, you do whatever you want and just insist it fits in with the challenge.  (Extreme eye roll)


I'm still irritated about Emily.  It's true that her dress wasn't avant garde whatsoever, but she paid such close attention to her art work and interpreted it in her dress with artistic honesty, did something with it that was outside of her own personal wheelhouse, and wound up with an outfit that I would wear in a New York minute.  I realize in the real world there is no prize for trying, and that now that we've reached the end of a middle-of-the-pack safe space, Emily, the permanent 'safe space' dweller was bound to go soon.  But it must really hurt to have done what was asked of you completely and be cast aside for someone who did, essentially, nothing.

  • Love 14

Sam completely ignored the parameters of the challenge again and still didn't go home.  His look had nothing to do with the art he selected as inspiration.  He put the minimum amount of effort in it; counting on his charm and storytelling to get a pass.  He consistently will ignore the challenge in favor of making what he feels is easiest for him and gets away with it.  I can understand Ken's frustration over Sam completely.

  • Love 8

What the heck was all that talk that Kinis models head shouldn't have been "lumpy"? HUH? Doesn't the fact that you have a nose and ears mean it will be lumpy? Or did they think Kini should have made a huge piece that went over her head but was filled with foam so it was smooth? Of course the model couldn't see or breath but hey, let the model suffocate for art right?

I noticed lumpiness across the top of the skull. I thought it was from a puckering seam or maybe from hair, both of which could have been dealt with.

Edited by Pallida
  • Love 2

It must be nice and cozy there in Sam World where you never have to pay the slightest attention to those pesky rules that only apply to people less cute than you.  In Sam World, challenges are for everyone else.  In Sam World, you do whatever you want and just insist it fits in with the challenge.  (Extreme eye roll)


I'm still irritated about Emily.  It's true that her dress wasn't avant garde whatsoever, but she paid such close attention to her art work and interpreted it in her dress with artistic honesty, did something with it that was outside of her own personal wheelhouse, and wound up with an outfit that I would wear in a New York minute.  I realize in the real world there is no prize for trying, and that now that we've reached the end of a middle-of-the-pack safe space, Emily, the permanent 'safe space' dweller was bound to go soon.  But it must really hurt to have done what was asked of you completely and be cast aside for someone who did, essentially, nothing.


What I don't get about this is why Sam is deemed so attractive in this regard.  I mean his flirting and simpering for the judges, not anyone here saying he is some glorious piece of work to drool over.  Mizrahi might be in women's fashion but he has to know what is out there in regards to what passes for attractive males.  I saw him once talking to River Vipieri and though I think River is The Gap cute as opposed to Armani hot, he makes Sam look like a ferret embarrassed by the piece of lettuce stuck in his teeth.  Sam is not good looking I guess is what I am saying and so I don't see why this seems, to me and others, why he is getting at least some of the passes he is in his work.  I mean the young tall man in the naturist challenge made Sam look like an extra on a Pro-active ad.  Okay to blot a zit on camera but hardly someone you would gush over and ignore the fact that a huge piece of shit is draped over his model.


I'll be honest, I never thought Emily deserved to be on a show of Project Runway All Stars (in terms of the concept as sold, not as casted this and previous seasons) and she never showed anything on the runway this season to make me change my mind.  But for her to go over Sam makes it clear just how much the show once again is invested in getting their winner to the end no matter what. 

  • Love 4


I'm sorry if it came off as body shaming -- I truly didn't mean it that way.  Because right now, I won't win in a side shot either.  I think of it more as knowing my weaknesses and my strengths.  And I think its important that she know hers too, if she is still losing the baby weight than Spanx really should be an option for her.  I don't think anyone wants to be on a show about fashion looking unfashionable.  But thats just me, I truly didn't mean to body shame a new mother, I just think she doesn't look good, and she could look better, and I feel like that is generally everyone's mission in life, whether you have recently given birth or not.

No problem..we all know how easy it is to have the internet not be the best conveyance for a thought or idea. It's easy to misinterprupt what was meant.

  • Love 1

If you're dying for a glimpse into Sam World, take a look at his twitter. I'd kind of like to see him locked in a room with that guy a few seasons back who really, really loved unicorns a LOT. Let's see who'd emerge as the cutest of them all?

OK, no fair. Unicorn guy was a serious artist whose work is based on hand-looming found objects (magnetic tapes from casettes, for instance) into textiles and was just the totally wrong fit for this show. The guy Sam should be locked in a room with is college graduate jellyfish kid who said he didn't know how to read an analog clock.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 12

Have to pipe up and say Tim Gunn cannot STAND Isaac Mizrahi. He says he is one of the rudest humans he has ever met


 Mondo cannot be objective where Sam is concerned, and even if he could, the whole thing smacks of favouritism and shouldn't be allowed.

Given some of what's happened with Tim in recent years, the fact that he doesn't like Issac is meaningless to me. I don't put any credibility in who Tim does or doesn't like anymore.. sad to say.


Unless there has been some press since UTG that I haven't heard, I doubt Mondo has given Sam a 2nd thought since the show. He pushed Sam because Sam was on his team. Once the show was over, I doubt he cared a whit about Sam. If he has any favoritism towards Sam now, it will only be to save his own face for having supported Sam then, not out of any affection for Sam. OF course, that IS a possibility.


Emily was classy from start to finish.  Yes, the woman with blue hair and a love of hot pink eye makeup was professional throughout.


Yes, for sure. Her eye shadow changed color a number of times during the show between scenes. The blue shadow that matched her hair looked pretty good. I don't get the pink/red thing.


I don't think it was fair to judge Kini's dress separate from the bodysuit--it was all part of "the look."  

I thought the juxtoposition of the gown and the black bodysuit was interesting. The gown was so tacky and the bodysuit made it so creepy. If he had sold it as a deliberate paradox, he might have been rated higher. But we all know he probably thought the gown was great.


Didn't someone else do a giant bow this season? Was that also Kini?

  • Love 1

What will it take to get rid of Isaac as a judge?! I used to just adore Isaac Mizrahi, even when I knew he was a prima donna and a bitch. I still love his "Fabulous" cologne, which is as close as I'd even WANT to get to any of his "designs" these days, but good Lord, does he judge with his genitals or what?!?? There is no way even Isaac-of-questionable-taste could have honestly thought Sam's (and I use this term loosely) "garment" was great! Bullshit. It wasn't beautifully constructed (I forget which judge said that), it wasn't remotely avant garde, it was ugly, and the rainbow flag was not only a cliché, it was pandering to Isaac and Boy George..."Vote for me! We are family!"

I don't care if Ken did hurt Sam's feelings. Sam's a nasty little shit and deserves every bit of it. And for the record, I never ever thought I could or would side with Ken on anything.

I'll watch next week to see my beloved Dmitri. I could eat him with a spoon, he's so delectable. But of course King Mondo will be back, too, to reunite with his darling Sam...maybe I'll just record it.

I feel like "Project Runway" (all versions) is my abusive ex. I keep thinking it's not going to be bad, look, there's a glimmer of hope, a flash of glory days...and then nope, it all goes to crap. But I keep staying, waiting for things to improve, because I can't forget how great it was when it was good...


You know, as happy as I, too will be to see Dmitri, I didn't think of Mondo's fawning over Sam.  I am expecting to be thoroughly nauseated.  And what's worse is the possibility that after a tearful mentoring session, Sam's redemption arc will begin.

  • Love 3

I wish at this stage, and considering they are all-stars, that Zara(?) wouldn't give them critiques.  Both last week with the seer-sucker jumpsuit and this with the rainbow dress, she saved Sam's butt.  He is supposed to be an all star designer, let his design stand.

I disagree. I preferred both of those looks before her critique, especially this week. The first version had a far more interesting shape and was joyous. The second version was sad and boring.

But I thought Kini's was terrible so I would have sent him home before Emily this week.

Ken is still an arrogant jerk, and both he and Kini are letting their jealousy of Sam turn them into bitter bitches. Ken has no right to call Sam a liar and a snake, and I thought Sam was surprisingly mature in his reaction. He simply stated that there was nothing he could say to change Ken's perception and ignored the rest. I also noticed that in his interviews, Sam tends to compliment elements of both Kini and Ken's design even if he doesn't like it overall, but I've yet to hear those two offer a single positive comment about Sam's design.

Sam may be flirting his way into Isaac's heart, but there are three other judges there every week, so maybe, just maybe, Sam has some talent..

  • Love 4

That has to be one of the most boring Twitter feeds I've ever seen.  It's all just "Sam we love you, haters gonna hate."  And Sam writing back "Thanks for the LOVE." 


What's the point!?  I don't understand a lot of what's on SM I guess.



It works like yelp.  On yelp you get people to write in and rave about your restaurant giving it 5 stars or create a bunch of separate accounts and do it yourself.   On Twitter you can solicit friends and family to tweet good things and you can set up different accounts, yourself.  

You know, as happy as I, too will be to see Dmitri, I didn't think of Mondo's fawning over Sam.  I am expecting to be thoroughly nauseated.  And what's worse is the possibility that after a tearful mentoring session, Sam's redemption arc will begin.



Stop that!  

  • Love 2

I disagree. I preferred both of those looks before her critique, especially this week. The first version had a far more interesting shape and was joyous. The second version was sad and boring.

But I thought Kini's was terrible so I would have sent him home before Emily this week.

Ken is still an arrogant jerk, and both he and Kini are letting their jealousy of Sam turn them into bitter bitches. Ken has no right to call Sam a liar and a snake, and I thought Sam was surprisingly mature in his reaction. He simply stated that there was nothing he could say to change Ken's perception and ignored the rest. I also noticed that in his interviews, Sam tends to compliment elements of both Kini and Ken's design even if he doesn't like it overall, but I've yet to hear those two offer a single positive comment about Sam's design.

Sam may be flirting his way into Isaac's heart, but there are three other judges there every week, so maybe, just maybe, Sam has some talent..

Alyssa said it was "very, very, very close" this week between Sam and Emily.......I wonder who the tie breaker was?  I wonder who sat around, bitching, moaning and whining to keep Sam and his kite in the competition.  To me, Sam's work speaks for itself.  What he put down the runway was hot garbage.  And I literally, literally could have done better.  If that is "all star" work, I might have a future in clothing design.


As for Ken, I disagree.  I don't think there was anything Sam could say, because its all true, and it was a message delivered to him in a calm and honest tone.  For him to try to deny that he is coasting on being cute would just be insulting to everyone's intelligence...including that of the viewer.  Sam is a liar (by omission, for not admitting that Kini sewed the look that the designers loved when they won), and he is a snake for the same reason.  And he is a snake for not even trying to produce something worthwhile and just using his looks.  This is supposed to be a design competition.....if you're okay with winning something you absolutely don't deserve because you don't have the talent than yeah, that's sort of low and is not very admirable.


Like I say, if just using your looks is your thing....I guess its your thing, but when people call you out for it, you can't sit around being hurt over it.  This is a competition, people came to compete based on their design work....that you didn't come to compete on the quality of your work, but on the cuteness of your "wave n' wink" than that doesn't make you a super awesome person.


And its not even the lack of effort, but you either need to bring effort, or you need to bring quality work to the table.  I liked Char, because even though she didn't have the same level of talent, she worked hard and really brought a lot of effort to her work.  I liked Swampnil and Kini....even though they may not put in as much effort, I felt like that work was almost always quality.  Sam doesn't have the talent, or the level of effort to be an "all-star."  I don't even think he would have qualified for a season of regular PR.

  • Love 9

This is my first and last time watching this show. What horrible judging! Isaac, just ask Sam out for a date and get it over with, quit giving him a pass week after week. Emily did not deserve to go home!

Everyone except Sam worked so hard on their designs and the judges nit picked at stupid little things, Sam drapes, pins and tacks his material and calls it a day and dumbass Isaac loved his dress. I understood Ken's frustration and don't blame him for saying what everyone else had been thinking. Sam was obviously hurt though, I didn't enjoy seeing that.

I'm no expert at AG but I thought Ken and Kini were very dramatic. I'm glad Ken won. I'm claustrophobic so it was hard for me looking at Kini's model, I was worried about how could she breathe?!

Sam's s simpering flirtations with some of the judges reminds me of a Law & Order episode in which a guy murdered his girlfriend and her entire family and got away with it because he flirted shamelessly with the lovesick jury foreman. 

  • Love 7

Sam's s simpering flirtations with some of the judges reminds me of a Law & Order episode in which a guy murdered his girlfriend and her entire family and got away with it because he flirted shamelessly with the lovesick jury foreman. 

I don't think I've seen that one!  Was this in the Orbach years?  I can't watch original recipe L&O without Briscoe!

  • Love 1

Congrats, Ken, but I thought you didn't want to be a bully. Guess he couldn't hold it in any longer. I hate feeling empathy for Sam but I don't like to see people gossiped about in earshot and ganged up on--it is bullying. It's not like Sam is instigating anything or is a piece of shit for a person. It's not his fault he's not as talented as them and favoured by the judges. Ken and Kini should direct their anger on the judges rather than humiliating and interrogating Sam for wanting to compete. It's not like he owes any of them anything. But they don't have the guts to confront the judges so they take it out on him, trying to break him so he quits or does so poorly they can't possibly justify keeping him. 


I thought Ken's behavior was uncalled for. He is frustrated that Sam is favored. If Sam changed absolutely nothing about his behavior or designs, but the judges slammed him for them and told him to step up his game, I don't think Ken would care all that much about Sam "slacking". His objection is that Sam isn't paying any price for his behavior. So he felt he needed to make Sam pay a price. But his real issue is with the judging (justifiably). He says he has a problem with how hard everyone is working while Sam just drapes, but if Sam wasn't rewarded for it, I doubt Ken would care about Sam's process. So I found his unprovoked attack on Sam in the green room to be wrong.


I also think we are getting some editing manipulation. Everyone cried foul when whasshisname got booted off a previous season for being a slacker, but Tim insisted that having someone phoning it in was demoralizing to other contestants. Now we have Sam as the slacker and everyone agrees that the other contestants are justified in feeling annoyed that he doesn't work harder. Viewers defended that other guy and thought his process should be irrelevant if he turns out great looks (I was one who didn't think his looks were all that great) and that other contestants shouldn't be affected by it. Now we all think it is fair that they are affected by it. 


In reality, the issue is the judges' response in both cases.


^^I don't fault Ken, because I think the reason Sam gets away with being the little shit that he is is because everyone else stays quiet.  Wasn't it Sam who made disparaging remarks about Mitchell and then told him to basically get over it and develop a thicker skin?  And Mitchell did nothing to Sam at all, but in Sam's book, he was just sharing his views and expressing his opinion.....so I guess he should be able to handle it as well.


Did Sam make disparaging remarks about Mitchell as a person, or just as a designer? Did he say things like "You're a liar and a snake"? I would have preferred to hear Ken be specific and say "You took credit for Kini's contribution to your outfit and never spoke up that you had help". Otherwise he's just stooping to Sam's level of throwing shade and being insulting. Ken doesn't think it's right that Sam just draped. Get over it. How Sam works isn't the issue. How he is scored is the issue.


I've never understood the common theme of outrage from contestants of "He or she doesn't deserve to be here" or "he or she is a talentless hack". They are taking it personally that someone whose designs they don't like is even a contestant. They get bent out of shape when the judges don't eliminate someone they don't respect. Grow up people. That's the way the adult working world is. And it's not like you are all cream of the crop top designers. You're beginners in your careers. Get over your damn selves!


When Sam was talking to the artist who made the owl and he said he was so inspired by it, I immediately wondered what kind of ridiculous story he would come up with to explain how the owl inspired him to make another jumpsuit. But then he started talking about gay marriage and making a rainbow dress and I wondered how in the hell he was going to connect that to the owl.



Sam:  OMG, this was horrible.  Had nothing to do with the holographic owl. The use of the rainbow flag with no actual association to the art he chose felt like he was using a sledge hammer to remind Issac and others who he is.   


I'm not defending Sam's craptastic dress, but as I remember it, the owl wasn't the inspiration. It was the frozen moment in time that Sam found fascinating. So his story about this moment in time for gay marriage makes some sense. I agree that it was pandering, but for those who think his design had nothing to do with owls, I think you missed the point. The owl was just what was frozen in time; it could have been anything; it didn't have to be an owl.

  • Love 9

Alyssa is a better judge of fashion than the so-called "iconic" designers - I'm looking at you Isaac. Good Lord, Man - pull yourself together! He verbally slobbered all over Sam's dress. Sam is kind of naïve, because he should be embarrassed by all the praise he receives from Isaac. A mature designer would have been, "Really? My dress is your favorite dress up here? Did you have your eyes closed when the other dresses walked by? Because mine is just some half-assed dyed fabric that I spent two hours sewing."

  • Love 3

Alyssa is a better judge of fashion than the so-called "iconic" designers - I'm looking at you Isaac. Good Lord, Man - pull yourself together! He verbally slobbered all over Sam's dress. Sam is kind of naïve, because he should be embarrassed by all the praise he receives from Isaac. A mature designer would have been, "Really? My dress is your favorite dress up here? Did you have your eyes closed when the other dresses walked by? Because mine is just some half-assed dyed fabric that I spent two hours sewing."


I will say this.  He did look awfully sheepish when he entered the green room as "safe."  Though that was probably not actual humility but more like apprehension.

  • Love 3

I thought the juxtoposition of the gown and the black bodysuit was interesting. The gown was so tacky and the bodysuit made it so creepy. If he had sold it as a deliberate paradox, he might have been rated higher. But we all know he probably thought the gown was great.

I agree and thought that was where he was going...but nope. He did think the gown was great. He totally could have sold it too especially when the judges were using the words "should make me feel uncomfortable" "not easy to look at" "wearable but you don't really want to wear it" (or something along those lines) to describe avant garde during the other critiques. His story could have been, "it is an exaggeration of the 80's evening gown - the design is over-the-top and the color is obnoxious. The wearer is protecting herself from its grotesqueness in the plain black body suit." blah...blah...blah...
  • Love 5

There were parts of Ken's speech to Sam that I thought went too far (such as calling him a liar and a snake) but I think his overall point was well made:  "We really want it, we're working our asses off and putting everything we have into each design because we want it that badly.  Every week a designer that really wants this goes home while you are coasting.  Step up, make an effort, challenge yourself and act like you want this, too.  If you don't want it enough to really work for it then what are you doing here?". 


Yes the world is full of mediocre people who just coast by on looks, charm or the protection/promotion of someone powerful and influential but that doesn't mean you have to accept it or that you can't challenge them to try for something better for themselves.  If we accept the premise that Sam actually has some talent (I'm not so sure, but I'll go with it) then clearly he needs someone to call him out for coasting and pandering to make him realize his full potential rather than just get by.


I don't think Isaac is doing Sam any favors by praising him to the sky for everything he sends down the runway.  The other judges are giving him negative critiques and putting him in the bottom.  Isaac is giving him very mixed signals, "no one here liked it and thought it was half-assed but I think it's the most brilliant thing ever created, I wouldn't change a thing".  What's a young designer supposed to takeaway from that in order to improve their work and advance in their career? 


And really, Isaac needs to put a sock in it.  His favorite thing?  It doesn't even say avant garde to me.  I think Dom's dress was dinged for being too pretty (not sure who said that) but then Isaac says what he loves about Sam's outfit is that it's soooo pretty.  I mean, what?

  • Love 8

I thought Ken's behavior was uncalled for. He is frustrated that Sam is favored. If Sam changed absolutely nothing about his behavior or designs, but the judges slammed him for them and told him to step up his game, I don't think Ken would care all that much about Sam "slacking". His objection is that Sam isn't paying any price for his behavior. So he felt he needed to make Sam pay a price. But his real issue is with the judging (justifiably). He says he has a problem with how hard everyone is working while Sam just drapes, but if Sam wasn't rewarded for it, I doubt Ken would care about Sam's process. So I found his unprovoked attack on Sam in the green room to be wrong.







Did Sam make disparaging remarks about Mitchell as a person, or just as a designer? Did he say things like "You're a liar and a snake"? I would have preferred to hear Ken be specific and say "You took credit for Kini's contribution to your outfit and never spoke up that you had help". Otherwise he's just stooping to Sam's level of throwing shade and being insulting. Ken doesn't think it's right that Sam just draped. Get over it. How Sam works isn't the issue. How he is scored is the issue.


I've never understood the common theme of outrage from contestants of "He or she doesn't deserve to be here" or "he or she is a talentless hack". They are taking it personally that someone whose designs they don't like is even a contestant. They get bent out of shape when the judges don't eliminate someone they don't respect. Grow up people. That's the way the adult working world is. And it's not like you are all cream of the crop top designers. You're beginners in your careers. Get over your damn selves!





I'm not defending Sam's craptastic dress, but as I remember it, the owl wasn't the inspiration. It was the frozen moment in time that Sam found fascinating. So his story about this moment in time for gay marriage makes some sense. I agree that it was pandering, but for those who think his design had nothing to do with owls, I think you missed the point. The owl was just what was frozen in time; it could have been anything; it didn't have to be an owl.



I agree with your last paragraph, I understood where he went with that.  


Sam was brutal to Mitchell, slamming his talent; he was mean.  He may have gone beyond that off camera and online too, I don't know.   But what I saw was enough for me.  It was not only his words but his condescending delivery.  He is a cocky young man. 


These are young people on a reality show with a substantial prize to be gained.  It isn't the real designer world.  You don't win by flirting in this cut throat industry.  They were all irritated with Sam; Ken said what they were all thinking.  He is the easier target; Issac is the real problem here.  


My son came in second in a state wide science fair.  The kid who came in first flirted, lied and courted the judges. He felt as Ken did but did not act out on it.  He was furious, frustrated and disappointed.  It is an organic reaction to the situation. 


I thought Ken did a reasonable job with an unrehearsed vent.  Sam took it well; I was impressed and sad for him, too.  He is just a kid.  If he is wise he can take some things that were said from that and figure out a better way to approach competition and conflict.   Being the target of something similar to what he dished to Mitchell had to register with him!!  


And by the way, you are all dead wrong on something.  Ken's word is flustrated.  LOL.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4


I wish at this stage, and considering they are all-stars, that Zara(?) wouldn't give them critiques.  Both last week with the seer-sucker jumpsuit and this with the rainbow dress, she saved Sam's butt.  He is supposed to be an all star designer, let his design stand.

I disagree. I preferred both of those looks before her critique, especially this week. The first version had a far more interesting shape and was joyous. The second version was sad and boring.

But no designer has an obligation to follow the suggestions of whomever the mentor is, be it TG or someone else. They're suggestions, not commands. Throughout the years there have been any number of designers who blew off comments and did their own thing. Sam changed his designs because--I suspect--he's a young and insecure designer who needs approval to have any confidence in his own work. He didn't get it so he switched gears from his NSG original ideas to poor second plan B's.

  • Love 4

The producers want to keep Sam, because they know that every week we will tune in to see if Sam (finally) gets eliminated. This is a reality show and they think we want to see conflict over good designs.

I cringed when Ken came back but so far he has been a pleasant surprise. I think even his designs are much better than on his PR season. No, he wasn't nice to Sam but Sam treats other people badly so he kind of deserved it.

Alyssa looks much better with only light eye make up. She is a naturally pretty woman and the heavy make up ages her and doesn't suit her.

  • Love 3

I hope Nina Garcia throws down next week. She might be the only one left who can preform the Sam-ectomy we all rightly deserve.

My fear is that the returning four designers will give Sam the technical help he needs to hang on.



You can count on that.   Each will get the help of one designer and that designer has a vested interest (reputation) to make their contestant shine.  Sam will turn out better work than he has thus far, certainly. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2


And by the way, you are all dead wrong on something.  Ken's word is flustrated.  LOL.  


Awww, I want to use that now!

I hope Nina Garcia throws down next week. She might be the only one left who can preform the Sam-ectomy we all rightly deserve.

My fear is that the returning four designers will give Sam the technical help he needs to hang on.

My feeling is that if the "judges just can't agree!" its going to be that Nina recognizes that three people have talent, and one doesn't.  And Issac throws a hissy fit, and Mondo backs him and Sam gets a place in the finale that he doesn't deserve.  Maybe its time to bring in Heidi and NPH again.

  • Love 11

I agree with your last paragraph, I understood where he went with that.  


Sam was brutal to Mitchell, slamming his talent; he was mean.  He may have gone beyond that off camera and online too, I don't know.   But what I saw was enough for me.  It was not only his words but his condescending delivery.  He is a cocky young man. 


These are young people on a reality show with a substantial prize to be gained.  It isn't the real designer world.  You don't win by flirting in this cut throat industry.  They were all irritated with Sam; Ken said what they were all thinking.  He is the easier target; Issac is the real problem here.  


My son came in second in a state wide science fair.  The kid who came in first flirted, lied and courted the judges. He felt as Ken did but did not act out on it.  He was furious, frustrated and disappointed.  It is an organic reaction to the situation. 


I thought Ken did a reasonable job with an unrehearsed vent.  Sam took it well; I was impressed and sad for him, too.  He is just a kid.  If he is wise he can take some things that were said from that and figure out a better way to approach competition and conflict.   Being the target of something similar to what he dished to Mitchell had to register with him!!  


And by the way, you are all dead wrong on something.  Ken's word is flustrated.  LOL.  


I like that - whether it was mispronounced accidentally or on purpose - it's like a blend of "flustered" and "frustrated" - makes perfect sense!!  

  • Love 2

It was the frozen moment in time that Sam found fascinating. So his story about this moment in time for gay marriage makes some sense. I agree that it was pandering, but for those who think his design had nothing to do with owls, I think you missed the point. The owl was just what was frozen in time; it could have been anything; it didn't have to be an owl.


But isn't most art basically the representation of a moment in time?  (The static pieces, at least--I think the point of performance art is extending the single moment.)  The images of the blue lipped woman and the metrocard creature were no less frozen in time than the owl, just different mediums.


I was enchanted with that ethereal little blue twinkly "digital taxidermy" owl under glass.  I can think of about four different ways to reference those elements in wearable textile, none of which involve gay pride.


But reading this thread, I've developed some sympathy for Sam.  It's really not his fault that his time on the show has been extended way past his skill level as a designer.  I thought it was interesting when the recapper noted that everyone else has turned on Sam but Isaac seems unable to control himself.

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The producers want to keep Sam, because they know that every week we will tune in to see if Sam (finally) gets eliminated. This is a reality show and they think we want to see conflict over good designs.

I cringed when Ken came back but so far he has been a pleasant surprise. I think even his designs are much better than on his PR season. No, he wasn't nice to Sam but Sam treats other people badly so he kind of deserved it.

Alyssa looks much better with only light eye make up. She is a naturally pretty woman and the heavy make up ages her and doesn't suit her.

I also hated it when Ken came back. I despised him before, but he's much more palatable this time. I wanted to hug him last night when he gave Sam a piece of his mind.
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Not that this show hasn't sunk pretty low, but should it make sure that it goes to the level of the weakest designer instead of asking everyone to stretch a little more? 


Well. . . NO!   Yeow, did I seem to be saying that?  I think the very least/bare minimum we can ask is that the judges perform their duties and eliminate the designer who has the poorest design each week. 


With Sam, they should have done that weeks ago and since they didn't, it grows more and more painfully obvious that he is less competent than the other designers.  Maybe it's the producers pushing the drama, the anticipation, the frustration or maybe it's Isaac bulldozing the other judges to indulge his crush object, but either way it's the last step in this steadily declining old war horse becoming a total shit show--a joke they should be embarrassed to call a "competition."


I'm only defending Sam to the extent that it's not incumbent on HIM to raise his hand and announce his talents were surpassed by competitors eliminated about ten episodes back.  Should he be less cocky and knock off the winky-waves?  Sure, but "be less annoying" is not his job either.


Just everybody do your damn job!

Edited by candall
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