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Can We Get Streaky? Future Seasons Wishlist


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Lois! She got a mention. She's a former co-worker of James'. She's got professional beef with Cat ( or vice versa.) She's practically Kara's family through Clark/Kal, so why not? Lois should be easier to "get" than The Big Blue Boy Scout.


The bottle city of Kandor could be neat in that having survivors of Krypton to talk to would have to be miles better than having to only chatting with an A.I. that hedges what it can share with you. Plus, Kara helping with introducing various Earth/U.S. customs, foods, and entertainment could be fun.


A return of Maxima! I liked the tease we got of her.


A girlfriend for Kara that isn't related to her or an ex of one of her friends.


Continued running gag of the Chocos !

Lois! She got a mention. She's a former co-worker of James'. She's got professional beef with Cat ( or vice versa.) She's practically Kara's family through Clark/Kal, so why not? Lois should be easier to "get" than The Big Blue Boy Scout.


She also has a little sister whom we've already met and who is sort an uneasy alliance partner of Kara's.  How soon we forget that Lucy ever existed!


And yes, definitely bring Barry back.  Either have him travel to Kara's world again, or send her to his.  And take Winn as well -- I got the feeling that if Barry had stuck around much longer, he and Winn would have had an epic bromance.


And lastly, how about having Kara meet up with the Legion of Super Heroes?  They will exist in her world's 30th century, as evidenced by Superman's Legionnaire flight ring that I recognized the first time she went to the Fortress of Solitude.  Since he was a member of the Legion at one time, she should be, too (and it actually is comic-book canon that they were both Legionnaires at about the same time, even though they came from different decades).

Edited by legaleagle53
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- Barry comes back, only this time he brings Cisco.


- Maxima's return, and they have her do the face turn, maybe bringing in her being an LGBT character from the comics.


- Winn working in the DEO, and remaining a friend to Kara while building gadgets that can help her, and the DEO.


- James getting a storyline that can get his character on track, they did an excellent job with Winn after revealing his dad was a villain.


- Actually getting to see Superman.

  • Love 1

I think the writers missed opportunity to make some much needed changes to the dynamic that I hope they change in season two.

- Jimmy needs to go. He doesn't work. I would like if he was killed only because it would allow Kara and Lucy to galvanize and also move on.  In addition, it could cut the tie with Superman even more.

- Supergirl / Kara has to get a bit more self assured.

- Cat should admit to someone else, preferably James right before he dies, that she knows Kara is Supergirl. That way the audience knows but Kara doesn't.

- Lord has to pick a side and a love interest. He is like the magical all purpose character.  I do not see him with Cat because they are both A personality type persons and would likely kill each other. I think he works best with Alex.

- Poor Win. If he is going to say around I would like him to Join the DEO and perhaps become involved with Lucy after James is killed.

- If Jeremiah doesn't come back into the picture, I think John Jones and Eliza might be a good match.

- Your going to have to cast Superman. Sorry. I vote for Brandon Routh.  Even if you just use him as a voice for a while.


And I am sorry, time to get some new writers.  Too often on superhero shows the writers revert to "camp" because they are lazy. That finale was a bunch of lazy writers reverting to "comic book" cliches.

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Make a decision with Superman. I know it's Kara's show and of course she is the focus, but since they insisted on Superman being a part of the show when he didn't really have to be they need to either go all in and cast him or take him out of the picture, perhaps by some long term off planet mission.


As much as I like the character and the actor, I think they might need a little LESS J'onn, not more. He's kind of a crutch, for both Kara and the writers. Since they can't or won't use Superman he is her constant backup, his telepathy potentially makes secret keeping a joke, and let's not forget even Superman described him as the most powerful being on Earth. Kara needs to be the hero of her own story.

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Bring Barry and Oliver Queen with him so he and Kara can both tell him "Stop being a damn downer all the time!"  Then go for donuts.


Jimmy Olsen is pretty to look at.  And...that's it.  Too much of a crutch of being Superman's BFF, mooning over Kara and badly typing while under mind control.  Winn improved once a story developed out of him with his dad.  They need to do the same for Jimmy or cut him out.


I hope next season Kara builds on self confidence.  And builds her own window. 


Finally, more SuperDad!  (I was hoping for a final Dean Cain moment last night.)

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Yeah, I really need fire the Wb to loosen the strings around Supes. Brandon is already on payroll, have him show up to have a lunch date with Kara. Even if you can't show him in the suit. But really. Show him in the suit.

For example, Clark comes to introduce Kara to his fiancé, the elder Lane sister and have something bad go down. Leaving Louis and James at a table while the supers go be super. Save the budget for it. Make it epic. The ratings would make it worthwhile.

They had to pull some strings to get Grant Gustin on to Supergirl. I'm not sure they can do it again for Routh. Besides, he's already the Atom, so I doubt DC or the CW would want to confuse the issue. If they're going to cast Superman, it should probably be someone brand new. If they absolutely must keep with the familiar face even if it's not Cavill, their best bet might be Welling, though I have my doubts he would do it.

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They need to acknowledge that Cat knows and has always known. Not knowing makes her seem stupid. Plus, Kara could use the cover of having the boss send her on assignments to explain her Supergirl activities. Superman/Clark is a tricky subject, because he can exist without a Supergirl, but she cannot exist without him. if Kal faces a threat that can destroy Earth, he can not involve her because she is his backup and his potential replacement. if SHE doesn't bring him in on a similar threat, she seems to be reckless and unwilling to play all possible cards at her disposal, not because he is male, but because he is more powerful and more experienced.

   I want to see Jerro the Merboy and/or Comet the Superhorse, just to see the series try and pull that off in primetime.

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The #1 priority for the show, assuming it gets a second season, is new writers. The potential for this show is certainly there, but the writing is terrible. New writers--or at least much-improved writing--is miles above everything else as the must-have.


The #2 priority is getting rid of James, Win, and Lucy. The characters just add nothing. Kara/Alex/J'onn/Cat is a solid core around which to build (and Max as a recurring gray hat). Scrap the rest and start over.

My season 2 wish list: 


1. Tone down the cheese just a little. I can deal with some cheesiness but sometimes this show just piles it on too high. The dialogue is cringeworthy. I liked the comment someone made about feeling like they are watching a Power Rangers episode when they watch this show. I get that it's a superhero show and reality needs to be suspended quite a bit, but isn't there a way to make it not so corny??! Compared to the CW shows (which can also be cheesy, I realize) , this one seems like an after school special. 


2. Better villains. The villains in season 1 were weak. The big bad, Non, just wasn't all that interesting. I'd like to see them do better at setting up a season long arc that culminates to an epic showdown, with real consequences at stake. The whole Myriad plot just kind of fizzled (and also wasn't even introduced to us until like half way through the season). And once they killed off Astra, the whole thing just became way less compelling. I also would like to see villains that can't be stopped just simply by hoping hard enough. Max has potential to be a sometimes-good-sometime-bad guy but Peter was cast in a new pilot for FOX. If that get's picked up, it's bye bye Max appearing next season. 


3. Bring back Barry and use him better this time. Not just as a guest star to come on and push for Kara and James to get together. I want to see more of Kara and Barry being adorable. And I want a REAL RACE!!! The chemistry with Grant and Melissa was through the roof and any chance that the producers have to get those two together on screen, I hope they take it! 


4. Add some more interesting characters or work on developing the weaker ones a bit more. James, Lucy, and Winn either need to go away or the show needs to figure out a way to utilize them better. They started to do better with Winn in the back half of the season but James and Lucy are duller than dull. I really wasn't feeling Lucy as head of the DEO but that's mostly because I find Jenna's acting to be pretty weak most of the time. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing this show add a little more youth to its cast. I'm not looking for "Supergirl: Beverly Hills 90210" or anything. But just add a younger sibling, or a quirky high school intern at Catco, or a fresh rookie agent at the DEO.


5. The romances on this show need some work. Right now, it feels like no romantic relationships have really taken off. I know some disagree but I do think Kara needs to have a love interest on this show. The big problem with that (and why I think James/Kara is not as well received)  is her relationships with Cat and with Alex are so damn strong, that any other relationship can't hold a candle. Maybe a romantic relationship could become just as interesting if it was with someone who also has super abilities. Someone Kara can relate to and really share her struggles with. I definitely don't think Barry/Kara would ever happen romantically but I would enjoy seeing a new love interest appear in season 2 that also has superpowers. I also don't think we've seen the last of Adam. That pairing still could potentially be very intriguing because Adam is so closely tied to Cat. And the Cat/Kara relationship imo is one of the most intriguing aspects of the show. I personally don't care for James and Kara because I feel like James acts way more mature (15 years older or so) than Kara. He is far more worldly-wise and so far hasn't shown near as colorful and bright a personality that Kara has. But I also don't think James is going anywhere. I hope they start using him for other purposes besides male love interest. 


6. Cat needs to at least let the audience discover that she knows Kara is Supergirl. I'm pretty convinced she does, but I hope it's confirmed early in season 2. Any other option just makes Cat seem like a complete idiot, and I know that is not the case. Cat is a very intelligent, sharp woman. There is NO WAY she doesn't believe that Kara is Supergirl. 

Edited by Kendra
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I don't disagree, but while they might get rid of Lucy and even Winn, I doubt James is going anywhere. 

I know, but a girl can dream.


I don't actually expect them to get rid of ANY of James/Winn/Lucy. It's just that this would be a much better show if they did. But since the writers are unlikely to get rid of any of Lucy/Winn/James, they need to figure out why those characters exist and/or give them a reason to exist, stat.


The big problem with that (and why I think James/Kara is not as well received)  is her relationships with Cat and with Alex are so damn strong, that any other relationship can't hold a candle.

Agreed. This is why Winn and Lucy, and to a lesser extent James, aren't needed or compelling--you can tell the show wasn't expecting the Kara/Alex and Kara/Cat relationships to take off the way they did, and while the show wisely leaned in to what was working, it left the Winn/Lucy/James trio expendable.


I don't mind Kara getting a love interest but the show needs to back off on pushing her and the love interest so.damn.hard. Kara and James actually did have some chemistry at the start, but the writing for them was so heavy-handed and sometimes forced that it snuffed the chemistry out.

Edited by stealinghome
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Probably an unpopular opinion but I want less of Cat Grant. Her primary character trait is that she treats everyone around her like crap and does everything she can to make them feel small, but in a few rare cases she deigns to treat a very select few like they're actual human beings for very short periods of time. The writing clearly wants us to view that as her being "fierce" and not, you know, a bullying asshole. Pass.

  • Love 1
Maybe a romantic relationship could become just as interesting if it was with someone who also has super abilities. Someone Kara can relate to and really share her struggles with. I definitely don't think Barry/Kara would ever happen romantically but I would enjoy seeing a new love interest appear in season 2 that also has superpowers. I also don't think we've seen the last of Adam. That pairing still could potentially be very intriguing because Adam is so closely tied to Cat.


Or they can make Adam into super-something, he's a blank slate at this point. Thus, we get a Kara LI angst AND Cat angst! Win-win! 


I don't really care about Adam that much, but at least he has chemistry with Kara. And is not James. 

Or they can make Adam into super-something, he's a blank slate at this point. Thus, we get a Kara LI angst AND Cat angst! Win-win!

I don't really care about Adam that much, but at least he has chemistry with Kara. And is not James.

I've always said I want him to pop up as a new agent at the DEO! Like you said, he's pretty much a blank slate at this point. That could be awkward for Kara to have to work for cat at Catco, but also with her son at the DEO as supergirl.

To see both of them try to play it off to cat that they don't know eachother too well and are only aquantances and keep it secret from her that they are both working from the DEO.

More world-building and character-building. We know a few "whats" about our heroes, but not a lot of "whys" or "hows." For example, we know that Kara apparently never dated all that much. But why is that? Obviously, she's very attractive, smart, etc...all sorts of good qualities. Was it by choice? Because she was too scared? We know that she's been at CatCo for roughly two years. And we nominally know that she admires Cat and wants to learn from her. But other than the lip service to it helps her feel normal, why? Along similar lines, I would like more details of what's going on at CatCo and the DEO. Not so many nameless background folks, and more people to make it feel like a real place and not just a couple sets.


Better villains. Not just in the power-level sense, but also in the motivations/intelligence/charisma sense. Of this season's villains, most of them were weak and forgettable. About the only ones that drew much interest from me are the White Martian, Bizarra and Astra.


In terms of plots, there are a few threads that are dangling that I could see them pick up:


1. White Martian Invasion. The White Martian captured claimed there were numerous others out there. Even if there are just a handful on Earth, I could see some sort of plot based around them. They could bite off the comics version or the Justice League cartoon version of the White Martian invasion pretty easily. 

2. Cadmus. Exploring Cadmus deeper could bring such things as Superboy, the Ultimen from the cartoons, Amanda Waller, etc. And I would imagine figuring out Daddy Danvers' fate would be interesting.

3. The remaining Fort Rozz escapees. I haven't seen the finale yet, but I would imagine that whatever happens, it doesn't resolve the notion that there are numerous former Kryptonian prisoners that are out there somewhere.

4. Max Lord. A few possibilities: he could try to use the Myriad technology to develop his own mind-control powers as in the comics. He could use Indigo or other technology to create a Brother Eye/Omac sort of thing. He could form Checkmate as sort of a counter-DEO. 

I want more Helen Slater and for Cat to find out about Kara/Supergirl.


Cat already knows--I think was never fooled even for a second--so to me what we'd need is a good "gotcha" moment where she calls out Kara on it. I suppose if Martian Manhunter operates more in the open next season, then eventually Cat would even connect the dots as to how she saw Kara next to Supergirl... although my fan-wank on why it would never have fooled her in the first place is that I bet Superman has used tricks like that before (with Superman robots) and the people at the Daily Planet, Cat's former place of employment, were always suspicious.



Also, an LGBT character that is pivotal to the story.

If it can be done intelligently and isn't some kind of obvious insertion.  There's no major existing character in the Supergirl canon (or even in the Superman one) that I'm aware of that's an easy fit, so they'd have to be creative.  I suppose Cat's new assistant could be it, although I suspect that character will be a background character we're only vaguely made aware of.


As for other new characters overall?


One new character I've been speculating they could do would be a new Superboy. For those not aware, there have been two versions of Superboy in DC comics. The first was the Silver Age of Comics version who was Kal-El himself at a younger age. Who in various versions was either already using a Super-suit, or got the idea from his own later history, as conveyed to him by the Legion of Super-Heroes from the future. In both of those variations, it's a difficult and somewhat stupid thing to try and implement on this show, although the explanation could work given that we already have Time Travel in the Flarrowverse--so you could have some weird plot where young Clark is brought from a quarter century earlier to 2016/17 via his involvement with the Legion of Super-Heroes.  The only real rationale for such silliness would be because of all the fan begging to see Clark and Kara interact, and it would be a way to cheat and do so without Superman being there (Superboy being a hair different). 


The other version of Superboy is far more logical.  I think the chance of seeing him is near certainty actually if you consider the pieces we've given. The Danvers involvement and PROJECT CADMUS being name checked already on the show. Why is Cadmus important?  Because it's the birthplace of the OTHER Superboy. That Superboy was a clone of Superman. Actually to be accurate he's a HALF clone of Superman, but it's hard to say if they'll feel the need to repeat that part again (or if Lex Luthor would really need to be the other DNA "parent" as he was in DC comics). Anyway, the logical thread here is to have Superboy discovered when they track down Cadmus. Who can be used as an antagonist at first, but later after being rescued and 'deprogrammed' a bit, as a new cast member. 


EDIT - Ah. Chicago Redshirt covered a lot of this. And I hadn't fully thought out Max and Lane being the core of some kind of new Checkmate. Or rather I HAD thought of it... last fall. I'd forgotten about it, but when the character was first introduced wondered how long it would be until Checkmate appeared.  The lack of Waller needs some fudging though (and Waller is firmly committed to the Synderverse, unfortunately). 


Actually the more I think on it, the more sure I am that this Cadmus hint they dropped 100% leads to the modern clone Superboy. Aside from the reasons I've already given (that he'd make both a good initial antagonist, but later a cast member--and also satisfy the need to give Kara "family" to distract viewers from Superman/Clark never being around), there's also the fact that a lot of people actually know this Superboy from the Young Justice cartoon. At least enough people that they'd form a core group that would go out on the Internet and gush about such a character introduction.

Edited by Kromm
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Oh, I'm calling a few other things now, at this early date. Not only Cadmus leading to Superboy, but Jeremiah Danvers specifically being there to have helped create him. And rather than Lex Luthor's DNA being his human half... Jeremiah's OWN DNA being that part. Storywise thing about this a bit. It sets up perfectly a long-term resolution where after he's rescued, he technically becomes a kind of sibling to Kara (and an actual one to Alex), thus adding another character to the show's core. Who I bet winds up living in National City. I'd bet with Alex actually, to create more storylines for her. In the comics, he's "Connor Kent", but in this case I think they'd have him be "Connor Danvers" instead, to disconnect him from Superman a bit more since the Danvers family is not traceably related to the Kent family (and he'd have just as much Danvers DNA as Clark's anyway). 

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2. Cadmus. Exploring Cadmus deeper could bring such things as Superboy, the Ultimen from the cartoons, Amanda Waller, etc. And I would imagine figuring out Daddy Danvers' fate would be interesting.



Ooh... Viola Davis guest stars as Amanda Waller. There, TV and movie universes connected. For those who want it. For those who don't, she isn't the same version as in Suicide Squad.

Ooh... Viola Davis guest stars as Amanda Waller. There, TV and movie universes connected. For those who want it. For those who don't, she isn't the same version as in Suicide Squad.

I honestly think there's zero chance. I think basically if a character has already been claimed by the "Snyderverse", then the Flarrowverse (and even more in particular the Supergirl sub-portion of it in her own alt-Earth) probably doesn't get to use it. While the multiverse thing can and is used to explain duplications (including we already know, another Flash Snyder tossed his weight around to get to use), I think in terms of "branding", they want to try and maintain as few duplicates as possible.  Oh, we know there's another Superman... but we can't see him. We infer there's another Lex Luthor (because at a minimum Lexcorp has been mentioned I think), but can't see him. We know there's another Lois Lane. We suspect the Synderverse had it's own Jimmy Olsen, but he was quickly killed and tossed out of the story like garbage. And Waller is a key to the entire Suicide Squad movie--a movie that Warners is hoping will be received well enough to overcome a lot of the bad press over Batman v. Superman. So I'd say they're likely to want to "protect" the branding on Waller. Even if she has appeared in pretty much every other DC project in movies and TV in some form over the past 20 years.

I will say that a Cadmus storyline hardly requires Waller.

Or perhaps she could be namechecked but not present. That seems to be something they do a lot of on this show, right?

It's a wish list Kromm! [winky-face emoji]


And because it can't be said enough, musical crossover!

Perhaps the main barrier to that is being too closely linked to Glee!  (which stopped being "cool" about 5 minutes after it went of the air)


But as you say, it's a wish list.


As I recall from that one Ally McBeal episode where she sang... poor Callista isn't very good, so they'd have to work around her. 

Probably an unpopular opinion but I want less of Cat Grant. Her primary character trait is that she treats everyone around her like crap and does everything she can to make them feel small, but in a few rare cases she deigns to treat a very select few like they're actual human beings for very short periods of time. The writing clearly wants us to view that as her being "fierce" and not, you know, a bullying asshole. Pass.

I wondered if that was going to happen because Kara won't be her assistant anymore. Actually prior to now I think it was very hard for cat to let Kara know she knew she was Supergirl because she can't order Supergirl around.  But now that she moved her out and gave her a position where she isn't ordering her about like a slave she could reveal she knows more easily.  Agreed Cat is a Bully and I hate the way Kara makes excuses for her. If Kara didn't have super speed she would have been a stressed out mess.  I also find it hard to believe that Cat is a media magnate as I never actually see her doing anything that would convince me of that.  But I do enjoy that she serves the mentor and snark role in the story and she does it enough for me to vote to keep her on the island.

On the basis of pure wish, I want an episode dedicated to Team Supergirl confronting Hollywood director Jack Ryder, to try to prevent him from releasing an awful, inaccurate movie about her.

Oh man. I'd love to see The Creeper even more than the Jack Ryder part of that.  Traditionally isn't he a newscaster though?  Even a changeup to moviemaking ought to still have him as an actor. So I'd have another person as the Director, in a film STARRING Jack Ryder.

Oh double down and have Ryder be either Kara or Alex's favorite movie star.  Then they discover in person he's a jerk.


Hmm. What's getting me here is what female character from the extended DCU could be adapted to be the leading lady in such a fictional Supergirl in-universe movie. If this was Batman I'd say Vicki Vale could be transmogrified into an actress (she was a reporter then later a TV host). But Vicki may be on the theoretical "reserve for the Synderverse" list.

Edited by Kromm

Oh man. I'd love to see The Creeper even more than the Jack Ryder part of that.  Traditionally isn't he a newscaster though?


He's usually some sort of controversial talk show host or the like. In all honesty my thought process for him being a director didn't go much further than Jack Ryder happening to sound quite a bit like Zack Snyder and it being a convenient way to build an episode around taking a swipe at the Snyderverse grimdark.

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So what's the drop-dead on a renewal?  And if they cut the budget next season is the show viable?


The show is in the odd position that I think it's maintained some amount of press/nets-buzz, but the ratings aren't showing it. They're not dismal out of proportion with the REST of CBS' diving ratings, but they're just too low for the kind of money being spent, arguably.


To put things in perspective, The Voice and Dancing With the Stars may be to blame. Moving the show to another night next season might be a good idea. The show is basically tying with Gotham in the prime 18-49 demo (but beating it in total viewers)... so make of that what you will.  It's lead-out, the super-shitty (but likely far cheaper to produce) Scorpion is about 0.3 better in the 18-49 demo.  It's right on the cusp where CBS shows with slightly WORSE ratings have already been either canceled and renewed (different shows I mean), but most of those have been comedies. Supergirl and Limitless seem to be the two hold outs at CBS there's no word on.

So anyway... What do I want to see (or NOT see) in Season 2?


I want to see it back!  At all I mean. And not with a lower budget.

EDIT - Ah.. I just noticed Hawaii Five-O got renewed.... and it's ratings IN THE 18-49 DEMO have been worse than Supergirl (or even Limitless) this season (although it's total viewer numbers, which supposedly nobody cares about anymore, have been much better). And Elementary has been renewed too--and it's 18-49 demo scores are even MORE dismal (if the 18-49 figures mean anything, it means only teens, children and really old farts are watching Elementary--so maybe the measuring stick is broken). Five-O is definitely a cheaper show than Supergirl, but probably more expensive than most other CBS shows. Elementary is probably dirt cheap to make. So it's all going to come down to a cost/benefit analysis I suppose (thus my fears they may try and turn around and make the show on a budget now). 

Edited by Kromm

This show is an almost certain renewal ratings wise as (according to people who track such  things) it's at the network average in the demo and shows at or above the average are almost never in danger. That said, H50 and Elementary are on a different playing field at this point, they both have lucrative syndication deals in place and are both produced by CBS

Edited by Perfect Xero

I think that's the new normal.  Networks are sticking far often with their own in-house productions to justify smaller ratings... because smaller ratings have became inevitable. So you have to have a hit to keep your non-network-produced show on a network.


Supergirl's main appeal at this point is decent critical reaction and press (not overwhelming). I'd hate to be the Network Suit who canceled the biggest ode to Girl Power on network TV since Buffy The Vampire Slayer... so... that could help keep it on. I do see the "almost certain" predictions though, and yet it's shocking there's still no word. Late April isn't just late... it's almost TOO late. So you have to speculate that the show producers must have been told even if the public hasn't been. I mean the Network Upfront presentations are in like 2 weeks.

It's got to be even worse for the folks at Limitless (although again, in private perhaps they've already been told). Limitless is more of a sleeper show and there won't be some of the same reasons to keep it as Supergirl.

I honestly think there's zero chance. I think basically if a character has already been claimed by the "Snyderverse", then the Flarrowverse (and even more in particular the Supergirl sub-portion of it in her own alt-Earth) probably doesn't get to use it. While the multiverse thing can and is used to explain duplications (including we already know, another Flash Snyder tossed his weight around to get to use), I think in terms of "branding", they want to try and maintain as few duplicates as possible.  Oh, we know there's another Superman... but we can't see him. We infer there's another Lex Luthor (because at a minimum Lexcorp has been mentioned I think), but can't see him. We know there's another Lois Lane. We suspect the Synderverse had it's own Jimmy Olsen, but he was quickly killed and tossed out of the story like garbage. And Waller is a key to the entire Suicide Squad movie--a movie that Warners is hoping will be received well enough to overcome a lot of the bad press over Batman v. Superman. So I'd say they're likely to want to "protect" the branding on Waller. Even if she has appeared in pretty much every other DC project in movies and TV in some form over the past 20 years.

I dunno, in the case of Arrow they had already created their own versions of Waller, Deadshot, etc whom were played by different actors and had already established back stories/personalities/MOs and thus did not fall in line with the planned movie versions.  I think this might be a different scenario.  If you got the actual movie actress and did not do anything to contradict the movies version of the character then I suspect the Warner suits would be all for it.  Because then you are just essentially promoting their movie by potentially interesting more people into seeing it by interesting people in the character  (of course a new movie trailer or special sneak peak scene could also be used to further push the branding during the episode.)     For the same reason I actually suspect that the show may have even been allowed to have Cavill appear if they wanted to...you know if not for a pesky thing called a budget, and the fact that the show runners have stated they don't like characterization of his Superman in the movies and that he does not fit in with their vision of their world.


I wondered if that was going to happen because Kara won't be her assistant anymore. Actually prior to now I think it was very hard for cat to let Kara know she knew she was Supergirl because she can't order Supergirl around.  But now that she moved her out and gave her a position where she isn't ordering her about like a slave she could reveal she knows more easily.
Taking this to the Cat Grant thread. Edited by Xenith22

The #1 priority for the show, assuming it gets a second season, is new writers. The potential for this show is certainly there, but the writing is terrible. New writers--or at least much-improved writing--is miles above everything else as the must-have.


The #2 priority is getting rid of James, Win, and Lucy. The characters just add nothing. Kara/Alex/J'onn/Cat is a solid core around which to build (and Max as a recurring gray hat). Scrap the rest and start over.


No they fixed Winn - they can keep him. He works incredibly well in the best friend role once they "cleared the air" about him liking her and her not returning the feelings. I loved Kara and Winn geeking out over Barry.


I don't know if they have fixed Lucy yet, but I wouldn't mind her hanging out at the DEO with MM and Alex (who are essential - this show CANNOT lose them).  In fact, whoever had the idea to kill off James and let Lucy and Kara bond over that - yes! that right there would work! While I don't need Lucy on the show, she doesn't bother me.  It's James that's my weak link.

Cat already knows--I think was never fooled even for a second--so to me what we'd need is a good "gotcha" moment where she calls out Kara on it. I suppose if Martian Manhunter operates more in the open next season, then eventually Cat would even connect the dots as to how she saw Kara next to Supergirl... although my fan-wank on why it would never have fooled her in the first place is that I bet Superman has used tricks like that before (with Superman robots) and the people at the Daily Planet, Cat's former place of employment, were always suspicious.


If it can be done intelligently and isn't some kind of obvious insertion.  There's no major existing character in the Supergirl canon (or even in the Superman one) that I'm aware of that's an easy fit, so they'd have to be creative.  I suppose Cat's new assistant could be it, although I suspect that character will be a background character we're only vaguely made aware of.


As for other new characters overall?


One new character I've been speculating they could do would be a new Superboy. For those not aware, there have been two versions of Superboy in DC comics. The first was the Silver Age of Comics version who was Kal-El himself at a younger age. Who in various versions was either already using a Super-suit, or got the idea from his own later history, as conveyed to him by the Legion of Super-Heroes from the future. In both of those variations, it's a difficult and somewhat stupid thing to try and implement on this show, although the explanation could work given that we already have Time Travel in the Flarrowverse--so you could have some weird plot where young Clark is brought from a quarter century earlier to 2016/17 via his involvement with the Legion of Super-Heroes.  The only real rationale for such silliness would be because of all the fan begging to see Clark and Kara interact, and it would be a way to cheat and do so without Superman being there (Superboy being a hair different). 


The other version of Superboy is far more logical.  I think the chance of seeing him is near certainty actually if you consider the pieces we've given. The Danvers involvement and PROJECT CADMUS being name checked already on the show. Why is Cadmus important?  Because it's the birthplace of the OTHER Superboy. That Superboy was a clone of Superman. Actually to be accurate he's a HALF clone of Superman, but it's hard to say if they'll feel the need to repeat that part again (or if Lex Luthor would really need to be the other DNA "parent" as he was in DC comics). Anyway, the logical thread here is to have Superboy discovered when they track down Cadmus. Who can be used as an antagonist at first, but later after being rescued and 'deprogrammed' a bit, as a new cast member. 


EDIT - Ah. Chicago Redshirt covered a lot of this. And I hadn't fully thought out Max and Lane being the core of some kind of new Checkmate. Or rather I HAD thought of it... last fall. I'd forgotten about it, but when the character was first introduced wondered how long it would be until Checkmate appeared.  The lack of Waller needs some fudging though (and Waller is firmly committed to the Synderverse, unfortunately). 


Actually the more I think on it, the more sure I am that this Cadmus hint they dropped 100% leads to the modern clone Superboy. Aside from the reasons I've already given (that he'd make both a good initial antagonist, but later a cast member--and also satisfy the need to give Kara "family" to distract viewers from Superman/Clark never being around), there's also the fact that a lot of people actually know this Superboy from the Young Justice cartoon. At least enough people that they'd form a core group that would go out on the Internet and gush about such a character introduction.


From what little I know of Superboy - ie Young Justice cartoon with my kids - bringing him in would also be a great reason to have Clark NOT show up.  They made it clear that Superman was VERY uncomfortable around his younger clone. And he wouldn't distract too much from Kara because Superboy was weaker than Superman (didn't get all his powers in the cloning). So yea, I wouldn't mind this story but I'm not sure they want to go there since this is Supergirl's show and they are already leveraging MM as a pretty powerful "side kick."  And I don't want to lose Hank/MM - I am very much in love with his character and his relationship with Alex.

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Honestly, I doubt they'll change the writing very much; I think they're hitting the spot they're aiming for, which is, for lack of a better word, juvenile (and I don't mean that as a pejorative).  They're concentrating on making a show that parents can watch with their tween/middle school daughters and sons, and if it doesn't work for some folks not in that bracket, who might be looking for more serious drama or darker or heavier fare, I don't think they care


So far as next season goes, I'd love to see Streaky, but as a normal cat, not from that pod.  (She wasn't Kryptonian in the comics anyway; she was a normal cat who was affected by a variant form of Kryptonite Kara invented while trying to find a cure for the effects of Green K.)

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Even though he's traditionally Superman's (or in more cases Superboy's) pet, I'd expect Krypto as soon or sooner than Streaky. If we're talking about a Superpowered animal I mean, vs. just a normal pet with a name fans are familiar with. If it's the later, then Streaky would be more likely, I'd agree. I mean unless the animal is totally digitally done, a dog can be trained easier than a cat, so that's my logic on that. 


Not that Krypto should really be from Krypton either. As silly as it is that Krptonians look just like humans, it was always a degree even sillier than Dogs existed there. Which is why, I believe, later versions of Krypto also retconned him as an Earth animal--either with no powers or powers via some Sciencey explanation. Although, heck, I think there may have even been one explanation in the middle where Krypto had shape-changing abilities and made himself LOOK like an Earth dog.


My suspicion is that Krypto, Streaky, or even Comet The Horse, may simply appear as a lab animal in either CADMUS or Max's labs, where someone is experimenting on them with Kryptonian DNA. Which if done wrong may lead to some really grody, icky scenes. I suppose the less egregious version might be animal being rescued at the same time as Connor.

If a a place like Cadmus exists and they have access to alien DNA they absolutely would be experimenting on animals to determine the usefulness of DNA splicing and genetic manipulation and the like, so Krypto or Streaky being built there makes perfect sense. Kara would probably punch her way through a few walls to get Jeremiah out, and inadvertently releases Connor and the animals as well.

Edited by KirkB

I had been refusing to entertain any sort of wish list concerning season 2 without an actual season 2 confirmation. But, now that there's gonna be a season 2, I want to play along. I have but 3 items on my wish list (for now).

1. Better writing. I know it's been said, but I think the show has so many good things going for it and it can only be all the better if it tightened up the writing. It has a cast that can carry a smart, mature, superhero show with lots of heart, but the writing let's them down too often. That needs to be fixed.

2. I'd like to see some version of H'El from Supergirl (The New 52) comics or a storyline of that nature. Heck, TBH, I want H'El to be who's in the pod that was seen at the end of the season 1 finale. H'El was powerful, totally crazy pants, and he managed to really screw with Kara's mind on so many levels. I think Melissa could do wonders with material like that considering how well she did with "Falling" and (IMO) there's a lot of rich material that Chyler and Harewood could play with in the context of that story too. I want this storyline. I want it so bad.

3. Can we not with Kara and James? Do. Not. Want. Please stop trying to make that happen, writers. Please. Just no. NO. It's just not working (IMO). For me, the idea of Kara and James was DOA because IMO their personalities just don't mesh, and what makes it worse is that (IMO) I've seen Melissa have way, way, waaaaay better chemistry with other guys, notably Adam (okay, yes, Blake Jenner is Melissa's RL husband, so them working well on screen isn't unexpected, but still) and with Barry/Grant Gustin. So, please. I'm begging you, writers. Stop trying to make Kara and James a thing. Get those great casting directors that found you Melissa, Chyler, and David on the phone, and tell them to find Kara a love interest that, at minimum, has the same level of on-screen chemistry with Benoist as Grant Gustin or Blake Jenner did. Please? Pretty please?

34 minutes ago, regularlyleaded said:


3. Can we not with Kara and James? Do. Not. Want. Please stop trying to make that happen, writers. Please. Just no. NO. It's just not working (IMO). For me, the idea of Kara and James was DOA because IMO their personalities just don't mesh, and what makes it worse is that (IMO) I've seen Melissa have way, way, waaaaay better chemistry with other guys, notably Adam (okay, yes, Blake Jenner is Melissa's RL husband, so them working well on screen isn't unexpected, but still) and with Barry/Grant Gustin. So, please. I'm begging you, writers. Stop trying to make Kara and James a thing. Get those great casting directors that found you Melissa, Chyler, and David on the phone, and tell them to find Kara a love interest that, at minimum, has the same level of on-screen chemistry with Benoist as Grant Gustin or Blake Jenner did. Please? Pretty please?

Honestly, now that that show has moved to the CW (a network that fan panders to shippers and its shows are so romantically driven) this is maybe my biggest wish for season 2. The chemistry with Melissa and Mehcad imo just isn't there. And it looks worse, since they had Grant and Blake on the show---two guys who she actually has tons of chemistry with. 

I would love to see them cast a young rookie agent at the DEO. 

guess we'll see what shake-ups will take place. But if I had my way, the guys on this show would be the first to go. Both are the weakest of the main cast for me. 

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